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202207041909 AppStorage extension for strongly typed keys

#appstorage #swiftui

The @AppStorage property wrapper for observable access to UserDefaults keys is stringified.

To get a strongly typed key access, I oriented myself on the @Environment(\.keyPath) wrapper and my experience with SwiftyUserDefaults and its subscript-based access.

// Use defaultValue from the key:
@AppStorage(\.showOnboarding) var showOnboarding

// Pass explicit wrappedValue to the initializer:
@AppStorage(\.showOnboarding) var showOnboarding: Bool = false

In the app using the code below, declare strong keys in an extension to get the key paths. (The empty struct initializer is a no-op.)

struct AppStorageKeys { init() { } }

extension AppStorageKeys {
    var showOnboarding: AppStorageKey<Bool> { .init("show_onboarding", defaultValue: true) }
    var enableSounds: AppStorageKey<Bool> { .init("enable_sounds", defaultValue: true) }


The basic type is AppStorageKey<V>. It matches AppStroage<V>, which has no protocol requirement on the value type, so it's pretty simple:

struct AppStorageKey<Value> {
    let name: String
    let defaultValue: Value

    init(_ name: String, defaultValue: Value) { = name
        self.defaultValue = defaultValue

AppStorage property wrapper extensions

The AppStorage property wrapper itself has individual initializers for all supported types, so we need to write extensions for all of them, too.

Here's one for Bool:

extension AppStorage where Value == Bool {
    init(wrappedValue: Bool, strongKey: AppStorageKey<Value>, store: UserDefaults? = nil) {
        self.init(wrappedValue: wrappedValue,, store: store)

    /// Testing seam.
    init(wrappedValue: Value,
         strongKeyPath: KeyPath<AppStorageKeys, AppStorageKey<Value>>,
         store: UserDefaults? = nil) {
        let strongKey = AppStorageKeys()[keyPath: strongKeyPath]
        self.init(wrappedValue: wrappedValue, strongKey: strongKey, store: store)

    init(wrappedValue: Value,
         _ strongKeyPath: KeyPath<AppStorageKeys, AppStorageKey<Value>>) {
        self.init(wrappedValue: wrappedValue, strongKeyPath: strongKeyPath, store: nil)

    /// Testing seam.
    init(_ strongKeyPath: KeyPath<AppStorageKeys, AppStorageKey<Value>>, store: UserDefaults? = nil) {
        let strongKey = AppStorageKeys()[keyPath: strongKeyPath]
        self.init(wrappedValue: strongKey.defaultValue, strongKey: strongKey, store: store)

    init(_ strongKeyPath: KeyPath<AppStorageKeys, AppStorageKey<Value>>) {
        self.init(strongKeyPath, store: nil)

Unit Tests

class AppStorageKeysTests: XCTestCase {
    var testDefaultsSuiteName: String { "" }
    var testDefaults: UserDefaults { .init(suiteName: testDefaultsSuiteName)! }

    private func clearTestDefaults() {
        let keys = testDefaults.dictionaryRepresentation().keys
        UserDefaults.standard.removeSuite(named: testDefaultsSuiteName)

    override func setUpWithError() throws { clearTestDefaults() }
    override func tearDownWithError() throws { clearTestDefaults() }

    func testBoolKey() throws {
        @AppStorage(wrappedValue: false, AppStorageKeys(), store: testDefaults)
        var regularStorage: Bool

        @AppStorage(wrappedValue: false, strongKey: AppStorageKeys().showOnboarding, store: testDefaults)
        var keyedStorage: Bool

        @AppStorage(wrappedValue: false, strongKeyPath: \.showOnboarding, store: testDefaults)
        var convenienceKeyPathStorage: Bool

        @AppStorage(\.showOnboarding, store: testDefaults)
        var defaultValueStorage: Bool

                      "Default value is not the same as we use as wrapped value for all other keys, so we actually note a difference")


        testDefaults.set(true, forKey: AppStorageKeys()


        testDefaults.set(false, forKey: AppStorageKeys()

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