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Last active July 5, 2021 10:22
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Extension to @IanKeen's Partial<T> for more sexy and very verbose validations
// - MARK: Example Code
/// A model
struct User {
let firstName: String
let lastName: String
let age: Int?
/// Initializer using a Partial<T> -- You could generate this with Sourcery
extension User: PartialInitializable {
init(from partial: Partial<User>) throws {
self.firstName = try partial.value(for: \.firstName)
self.lastName = try partial.value(for: \.lastName)
self.age = partial.value(for: \.age)
// MARK: Try to create an object from a Partial
var partial = Partial<User>()
partial.update(\.firstName, to: "foo")
let validation = Partial<User>.Validation(
.valueValidation(keyPath: \User.firstName, { $0.count > 5 }))
// Uncomment to make it pass:
// partial.update(\.lastName, to: "bar")
switch validation.validate(partial) {
case .valid(let user):
print("Is valid: \(user)")
case .invalid(let reasons):
for reason in reasons {
switch reason {
case .missing(let keyPath):
if keyPath == \User.firstName { print("Missing first name") }
if keyPath == \User.lastName { print("Missing last name") }
case .invalidValue(let keyPath):
if keyPath == \User.firstName { print("Invalid first name value") }
if keyPath == \User.lastName { print("Invalid last name value") }
// ⚠️ Won't work in a Playground
// - MARK: The Extension
extension Partial {
struct Validation {
enum Strategy {
case required(PartialKeyPath<T>)
case value(AnyValueValidation)
/// Because constructing AnyValueValidation with the generic ValueValidation<V> inside
/// will get on your nerves, this is a much quicker way to create the objects :)
static func valueValidation<V>(keyPath: KeyPath<T, V>, _ block: @escaping (V) -> Bool) -> Strategy {
let validation = ValueValidation(keyPath: keyPath, block)
return .value(AnyValueValidation(validation))
/// Type erasing box (is that the term?) so that the associated value of
/// Strategy.value is itself a simple, non-generic type.
struct AnyValueValidation {
let keyPath: PartialKeyPath<T>
private let _isValid: (Any) -> Bool
init<V>(_ base: ValueValidation<V>) {
keyPath = base.keyPath
_isValid = {
guard let value = $0 as? V else { return false }
return base.isValid(value)
func isValid(partial: Partial<T>) -> Bool {
guard let value =[keyPath] else { return false }
return _isValid(value)
struct ValueValidation<V> {
let keyPath: KeyPath<T, V>
let isValid: (V) -> Bool
init(keyPath: KeyPath<T, V>, _ isValid: @escaping (V) -> Bool) {
self.keyPath = keyPath
self.isValid = isValid
let validations: [Strategy]
init(_ first: Strategy, _ rest: Strategy...) {
var all = [first]
all.append(contentsOf: rest)
validations = all
func validate(_ partial: Partial<T>) -> Result {
var failureReasons: [Result.Reason] = []
for validation in validations {
switch validation {
case .required(let keyPath):
if ! {
case .value(let valueValidation):
if !valueValidation.isValid(partial: partial) {
guard failureReasons.isEmpty else { return .invalid(failureReasons) }
return .valid(try! T.init(from: partial))
enum Result {
case valid
case invalid([Reason])
enum Reason {
case missing(PartialKeyPath<T>)
case invalidValue(PartialKeyPath<T>)
// Original code from <>
protocol PartialInitializable {
init(from partial: Partial<Self>) throws
struct Partial<T> where T: PartialInitializable {
enum Error: Swift.Error {
case valueNotFound
private var data: [PartialKeyPath<T>: Any] = [:]
mutating func update<U>(_ keyPath: KeyPath<T, U>, to newValue: U?) {
data[keyPath] = newValue
func value<U>(for keyPath: KeyPath<T, U>) throws -> U {
guard let value = data[keyPath] as? U else { throw Error.valueNotFound }
return value
func value<U>(for keyPath: KeyPath<T, U?>) -> U? {
return data[keyPath] as? U
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niorko commented Jul 5, 2021

public struct Partial<T> where T: PartialInitializable {
    // MARK: - Errors
    public enum Error: Swift.Error {
        case valueNotFound(PartialKeyPath<T>)
    // MARK: - Private properties
    private var valueData: [PartialKeyPath<T>: Any] = [:]
    // MARK: - Init
    public init() { }
    // MARK: - Interface
    public mutating func update<U>(_ keyPath: KeyPath<T, U>, to newValue: U?) {
        valueData[keyPath] = newValue
    public func value<U>(for keyPath: KeyPath<T, U>) throws -> U {
        guard let value = valueData[keyPath] as? U else {
            throw Error.valueNotFound(keyPath)
        return value
    public func value<U>(for keyPath: KeyPath<T, U?>) -> U? {
        valueData[keyPath] as? U

// MARK: - Validation

extension Partial {
    public struct Validation {
        public enum Strategy {
            case required(PartialKeyPath<T>)
            case value(AnyValueValidation)

            /// Because constructing AnyValueValidation with the generic ValueValidation<V> inside
            /// will get on your nerves, this is a much quicker way to create the objects :)
            public static func valueValidation<V>(keyPath: KeyPath<T, V>, _ block: @escaping (V) -> Bool) -> Strategy {
                let validation = ValueValidation(keyPath: keyPath, block)
                return .value(AnyValueValidation(validation))

            /// Type erasing box (is that the term?) so that the associated value of
            /// Strategy.value is itself a simple, non-generic type.
            public struct AnyValueValidation {
                let keyPath: PartialKeyPath<T>
                private let _isValid: (Any) -> Bool

                init<V>(_ base: ValueValidation<V>) {
                    keyPath = base.keyPath
                    _isValid = {
                        guard let value = $0 as? V else {
                            return false
                        return base.isValid(value)

                func isValid(partial: Partial<T>) -> Bool {
                    guard let value = partial.valueData[keyPath] else {
                        return false
                    return _isValid(value)

            struct ValueValidation<V> {
                let keyPath: KeyPath<T, V>
                let isValid: (V) -> Bool

                init(keyPath: KeyPath<T, V>, _ isValid: @escaping (V) -> Bool) {
                    self.keyPath = keyPath
                    self.isValid = isValid


        let validations: [Strategy]

        // MARK: - Init Validation
        public init(_ first: Strategy, _ rest: Strategy...) {
            var all = [first]
            all.append(contentsOf: rest)
            validations = all

        // MARK: - Interface
        public func validate(_ partial: Partial<T>) -> Result {
            var failureReasons: [Result.Reason] = []
            for validation in validations {
                switch validation {
                case .required(let keyPath):
                    if !partial.valueData.keys.contains(keyPath) {

                case .value(let valueValidation):
                    if !valueValidation.isValid(partial: partial) {

            guard failureReasons.isEmpty else {
                return .invalid(failureReasons)

            do {
                let result = try T.init(from: partial)
                return .valid(result)
            } catch Partial.Error.valueNotFound(let keyPath) {
                return .invalid([.unableToInit(keyPath)])
            } catch {
                return .invalid([.unableToInit(nil)])

        // MARK: - Validation Result type
        public enum Result {
            case valid(T)
            case invalid([Reason])
            public enum Reason {
                case missing(PartialKeyPath<T>)
                case invalidValue(PartialKeyPath<T>)
                case unableToInit(PartialKeyPath<T>?)


I added a new Validation.Result case for invalid init, to get rid of return .valid(try! T.init(from: partial)).

Another idea that I am playing with is to remove .required strategy and deal with this requirement based on my unableToInit result case implementation. When valueNotFound is thrown with particular PartialKeyPath. 🤷‍♂️

Edit: I am thinking about removing PartialInitializable requirement from Partial. It might help but it's also a double edged sword and it adds additional complexity to the whole Validator and another case to handle.

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