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Created October 18, 2012 22:33
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# Ouroboros, the simple IRC bot! #
# #
# Author: Justin Eittreim #
# Contact: #
# Web: #
# #
# Python version: 3.2 (May work in lower versions.)#
### TODO: Handle other misc. packets, like NAMES.
from socket import socket, AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM
import sys
from time import sleep, time
from datetime import datetime
class Bot:
def run(self):
self.running = True
self.autojoined = False
self.authenticated = False
self.debug = False
self.pingSent = 0
self.started = time()
self.buffer = ''
self.serverAddress = ''
self.serverPort = 6667
self.config = {
'realname':'Ouroboros IRC Bot',
self.owner = {
self.trigger = '`'
self.autojoin = ['#Botdom', '#Bots']
self.autoReJoin = True
self.output('Firing up! Welcome to Ouroboros, mate!')
self.output('Let\'s go ahead and try to connect.')
self.output('We\'re trying to connect to {0}:{1}'.format(self.serverAddress, self.serverPort))
self.output('Using nickname: {0}'.format(self.config['nick']))
self.output('Our owner is {0}, apparently! And our trigger is: {1}'.format(self.owner['nick'], self.trigger))
self.socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
self.socket.connect((self.serverAddress, self.serverPort))
#wait for msgs
self.send('NICK {0}\n'.format(self.config['nick']))
self.send('USER {0} {0} {0} :{1}\n'.format(self.config['user'], self.config['realname']))
while self.running:
# Because splitting merged packets is a pain in the rear!
byte = self.socket.recv(1)
self.buffer = self.buffer + byte.decode('utf-8')
# Unless we've got a whole packet, keep going.
if byte != b'\n':
# Dafuq? We got disconnected!
if len(self.buffer) < 1:
self.output('Got disconnected!')
self.running = False
# Handle ping/pong
if self.buffer.startswith('PING'):
load = ''
if ' ' in self.buffer:
load = self.buffer[4:]
# Handle IRC errors
elif self.buffer.startswith('ERROR'):
error = self.buffer[7:]
self.output('IRC Error: {0}'.format(error))
# Autojoin, but only if we don't need to auth first.
elif 'Welcome' in self.buffer and not self.autojoined and self.config['pass'] == None:
self.autojoined = True
# Autojoin!
for chan in self.autojoin:
self.say(chan, 'Hi there!')
# Handle received protocols
elif len(self.buffer) > 0 and self.buffer[0] == ':' and ' ' in self.buffer:
bits = self.buffer.rstrip().split(' ')
# Response to our ping
if bits[1] == 'PONG' and self.pingSent > 0:
splitter = self.buffer[1:].find(':')
load = float(self.buffer[splitter + 2:].strip())
self.say(chan, 'Pong! Took {0} seconds.'.format(round(time() - self.pingSent, 3)))
self.pingSent = 0
# Someone joined a room
elif bits[1] == 'JOIN':
(nick, user, host) = self.userData(bits[0])
splitter = self.buffer[1:].find(':')
chan = self.buffer[splitter + 2:].strip()
if nick == self.config['nick']:
self.output('*** Joined {0}'.format(chan))
self.output('** {0} has joined {1}'.format(nick, chan))
# Someone left a room
elif bits[1] == 'PART':
(nick, user, host) = self.userData(bits[0])
splitter = self.buffer[1:].find(':')
chan = bits[2]
reason = '(No reason)'
if splitter != -1:
reason = self.buffer[splitter + 2:].strip()
if nick == self.config['nick']:
self.output('*** Left {0} ({1})'.format(chan, reason))
self.output('** {0} has left {1} ({2})'.format(nick, chan, reason))
# Someone quit
elif bits[1] == 'QUIT':
(nick, user, host) = self.userData(bits[0])
splitter = self.buffer[1:].find(':')
reason = self.buffer[splitter + 2:].strip()
self.output('** {0} has quit ({1})'.format(nick, reason))
# Mode was set
elif bits[1] == 'MODE':
# User modes
if '!' not in bits[0]:
nick = bits[0][1:]
target = bits[2]
modes = bits[3][1:]
self.output('** {0} sets modes {1} on {2}'.format(nick, modes, target))
# Channel modes
elif bits[2].startswith('#'):
(nick, user, host) = self.userData(bits[0])
chan = bits[2]
modes = bits[3]
target = bits[4]
self.output('[{3}] ** {0} sets modes {1} on {2}'.format(nick, modes, target, chan))
# Someone got kicked
elif bits[1] == 'KICK':
(nick, user, host) = self.userData(bits[0])
chan = bits[2]
target = bits[3]
reason = ' '.join(bits)
delimeter = reason[1:].find(':')
reason = reason[delimeter + 2:]
if reason == nick:
reason = '(No reason)'
if target == self.config['nick'] and self.autoReJoin:
self.output('*** Kicked from {1} by {2}: {3}'.format(target, chan, nick, reason))
self.output('*** {0} was kicked from {1} by {2}: {3}'.format(target, chan, nick, reason))
# Someone said something
elif bits[1] == 'PRIVMSG' or bits[1] == 'NOTICE':
(nick, user, host) = self.userData(bits[0])
splitter = self.buffer[1:].find(':')
chan = bits[2].strip()
msg = self.buffer[splitter + 2:].strip()
# Shorthand for later
isOwner = nick == self.owner['nick'] and host == self.owner['host']
# Output
# Ignore server messages
if not '.' in nick:
if msg.startswith(chr(1) + 'ACTION') and msg.endswith(chr(1)):
self.output('[{0}] * {1} {2}'.format(chan, nick, msg[8:-1]))
elif msg.startswith(chr(1)) and msg.endswith(chr(1)):
ctcp = msg[1:-1]
if ' ' in ctcp:
spacePosition = ctcp.find(' ')
ctcp = ctcp[:spacePosition]
self.output('*** CTCP {0} request from {1}'.format(ctcp, nick))
elif bits[1] == 'NOTICE':
self.output('[{0}] -{1}- {2}'.format(chan, nick, msg))
self.output('[{0}] <{1}> {2}'.format(chan, nick, msg))
# Authenticate.
if nick == 'NickServ' and self.config['pass'] != None and not self.authenticated:
self.authenticated = True
self.say('NickServ', 'IDENTIFY {0}'.format(self.config['pass']))
# Autojoin after auth.
elif nick == 'NickServ' and self.authenticated and not self.autojoined:
self.autojoined = True
for chan in self.autojoin:
self.say(chan, 'Hi there!')
if msg.startswith(chr(1)) and msg.endswith(chr(1)):
chunk = msg[1:-1]
# CTCP VERSION request
if chunk == 'VERSION':
self.notice(nick, '{0}VERSION Ouroboros IRC bot version 0.1{0}'.format(chr(1)))
# CTCP PING request
elif chunk.startswith('PING'):
pong = chunk[5:]
self.notice(nick, '{0}PING {1}{0}'.format(chr(1), pong))
# Someone's talking to the bot
elif msg.startswith('{0}: '.format(self.config['nick'])):
subMsg = msg[len(self.config['nick']) + 2:]
if subMsg == 'trigcheck':
self.say(chan, '{0}: {1}'.format(nick, self.trigger))
elif subMsg == 'stats':
self.say(chan, '')
# Commands
elif msg.startswith(self.trigger):
mBits = msg[len(self.trigger):].split(' ')
cmd = mBits[0]
if cmd == 'about':
self.say(chan, 'I\'m an Ouroboros IRC bot!')
elif cmd == 'ping':
self.pingSent = time()
self.say(chan, 'Pinging the server...')
self.send('PING :{0}'.format(self.pingSent))
elif cmd == 'quit':
if isOwner:
self.say(chan, 'Alrighty! Good bye!')
self.quit('Bye bye!')
self.denyAccess(chan, nick)
elif cmd == 'join' or cmd == 'part':
if isOwner:
if len(mBits) != 2:
self.say(chan, '{0}: usage: {1} #channel'.format(nick, cmd))
if cmd == 'join':
self.denyAccess(chan, nick)
# Are we in debug mode?
if self.debug:
# Print the raw IRC packet
# Clear the buffer for the next run.
self.buffer = ''
# Bot's done running!
# Send a packet to the server
def send(self, pkt):
self.socket.send(bytes(pkt + '\n', 'utf-8'))
self.output('Error while sending:', str(sys.exc_info()))
self.running = False
# Attempt to join a room
def join(self, chan):
self.send('JOIN {0}'.format(chan))
# Attempt to leave a room
def part(self, chan):
self.send('PART {0}'.format(chan))
# Attempt to say something to a room
def say(self, chan, msg):
self.send('PRIVMSG {0} :{1}'.format(chan, msg))
self.output('[{0}] <{1}> {2}'.format(chan, self.config['nick'], msg))
# Attempt to say something to a room (Notice)
def notice(self, chan, msg):
self.send('NOTICE {0} :{1}'.format(chan, msg))
self.output('[{0}] -{1}- {2}'.format(chan, self.config['nick'], msg))
# Attempt to say something to a room, in action format.
def me(self, chan, msg):
self.send('PRIVMSG {0} :{2}ACTION {1}{2}'.format(chan, msg, chr(1)))
self.output('[{0}] * {1} {2}'.format(chan, self.config['nick'], msg))
# Attempt to quit the server
def quit(self, msg):
# No reason? Default it
if len(msg) == 0:
msg = 'Closing bot.'
self.send('QUIT :{0}'.format(msg))
# Parse out nick/user/host from :nick!user@host format.
def userData(self, chunk):
userData = chunk[1:]
splitterA = userData.find('!')
splitterB = userData.find('@')
nick = userData[0:splitterA]
user = userData[splitterA + 1:splitterB]
host = userData[splitterB + 1:]
# Return a tuple
return (nick, user, host)
# User doesn't have access to that command.
def denyAccess(self, chan, nick):
self.say(chan, '{0}: You don\'t have access to that!'.format(nick))
# Output to console
def output(self, msg):
timestamp ='[%H:%M:%S]')
print('{0} | {1}'.format(timestamp, msg))
# Let's run the bot!
nub = Bot()
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