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Last active May 12, 2020 18:58
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Roll20 Macros

Roll20 Macros

My personal favorite macros for playing D&D over Roll20.

Initiative Roll

Rolls initiative for the currently selected character, and adds it to the initiative tracker if available.


Players / GMs
@{selected|wtype}&{template:simple} {{rname=INITIATIVE ROLL}} {{mod=@{selected|initiative_bonus}}} {{r1=[[@{Selected|initiative_style}+@{Selected|initiative_bonus}@{Selected|pbd_safe}[INIT] &{tracker}]]}} {{normal=1}} @{Selected|charname_output}

Saves and Checks

Sends a whisper to the current token with the list of the selected character's Abilities, Saving Throws, Skills, and Tools. The player can then click on any of the individual features to roll ability checks or saving throws.


/w @{selected|character_name} &{template:atk} {{range=@{selected|character_name} }} {{desc=**Saving Throws**
[Strength](~Selected|strength_save) **|** [Dexterity](~Selected|dexterity_save) **|** [Constitution](~Selected|constitution_save)
[Intelligence](~Selected|intelligence_save) **|** [Wisdom](~Selected|wisdom_save) **|** [Charisma](~Selected|charisma_save)
[Death Save](~Selected|death_save)

**Ability Checks**
[Strength](~Selected|strength) **|** [Dexterity](~Selected|dexterity) **|** [Constitution](~Selected|constitution)
[Intelligence](~Selected|intelligence) **|** [Wisdom](~Selected|wisdom) **|** [Charisma](~Selected|charisma)

**Physical Skills**
[Acrobatics](~Selected|acrobatics) **|** [Athletics](~Selected|athletics) **|** [Steath](~Selected|stealth)
**Social Skills**
[Persuasion](~Selected|persuasion) **|** [Deception](~Selected|deception) **|** [Insight](~Selected|insight)
[Investigation](~Selected|investigation) **|** [Perception](~Selected|perception)
[Arcana](~Selected|arcana) **|** [History](~Selected|history) **|** [Medicine](~Selected|medicine)
[Nature](~Selected|nature) **|** [Religion](~Selected|religion)
[Survival](~Selected|survival) **|** [Animal Handling](~Selected|animal_handling)
[Performance](~Selected|performance) **|** [Sleight of Hand](~Selected|sleight_of_hand)

[@{Selected|repeating_tool_$0_toolname}](~Selected|repeating_tool_$0_tool) &{noerror}

As presented here, this macro should be used as a Token Action by players. The Tools block needs to be modified in case the character has multiple tools. For that, add the separator characters (**|**) after the existing tool macro, and then copy that block while increasing the tool number on the attribute. For example, if you have two tools you will modify the line:

[@{Selected|repeating_tool_$0_toolname}](~Selected|repeating_tool_$0_tool) &{noerror}

... so it looks like the following:

[@{Selected|repeating_tool_$0_toolname}](~Selected|repeating_tool_$0_tool) **|** [@{Selected|repeating_tool_$1_toolname}](~Selected|repeating_tool_$1_tool) &{noerror}

Add as many attributes to the list as necessary to represent all your available tools. However make sure not to have more attributes on this macro than tools on your character, as this will cause a button to be display with an error message.


As an alternative, GMs may alter this macro to always send a message to their own accounts instead of dynamically choosing the token's account, allowing them to use this macro with NPCs. On that case, it is also recommended to remove the Tools block entirely, as most NPCs will not have tools and this will cause errors to be displayed.

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