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Last active December 29, 2021 19:18
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Serverless Websocket Setup

Serverless Websocket Setup

Install Client

npm install wscat -g


wscat -c <websocket url>

Serverless YAML Lambda Handler

    handler: src/websocket/connect.handler
      - websocket:
          route: $connect

    handler: src/websocket/disconnect.handler
      - websocket:
          route: $disconnect

Node labmda handler for DynamoDB

Use APIGatewayProxyHandler (APIGatewayProxyEvent)

Add connection

connectionId = event.requestContext.connectionId
const timestamp = new Date().toISOString()

const item = {
  id: connectionId,

// Store in connection
await docClient.put({
  TableName: connectionsTable,
  Item: item

return {
  statusCode: 200,
  body: ''

Delete connection

connectionId = event.requestContext.connectionId
const key = {
  id: connectionId

// Store in connection
await docClient.delete({
  TableName: connectionsTable,
  Key: key

return {
  statusCode: 200,
  body: ''

Set ENV for Function Only

  STAGE: ${self:provider.stage}
   Ref: WebsocketsApi

Send Notifications

const connectionsTable = process.env.CONNECTIONS_TABLE
const stage = process.env.STAGE
const apiId = process.env.API_ID

const connectionParams = {
 apiVersion: "2018-11-29",
 endPoint: `${apiId}.execute-api.<change to region>${stage}`

const apiGateway = new AWS.ApiGatewayManagementApi(connectionParams)

export const handler: S3Handler = async (event: S3Event) => {
  for (const record of event.Records) {
    const key = record.s3.object.key
    console.log('Processing S3 item with key: ', key)
    const connections = await docClient.scan({
      TableName: connectionsTable
    const payload = {
      imageId: key
    for (const connection of connections.Items) {
      await sendMessageToClient(, payload)

async function sendMessageToClient(connectionId, payload) {
  try {
    console.log('Sending message to a connection', connectionId)
    await apiGateway.postToConnection({
      ConnectionId: connectionId,
      Data: JSON.stringify(payload)
  } catch (e) {
    console.log('Failed to send message', JSON.stringify(e))
    // Process stale connection
    if (e.statusCode = 410) {
      console.log('Stale connection')
      await docClient.delete({
        TableName: connectionsTable,
        Key: {
          id: connectionId
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