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Last active December 27, 2018 23:52
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Tower Light

Galvanize Tower

In this project, you'll build a full-stack application that has an API, reads and writes data, and uses a library. The topic is up to you!

Requirements (Loose)

These are less of requirements and more of guide lines. If you want to work as a group, feel free. If you want an instructor to approve a proposal or help you to generate an idea, just let us know. The purpose of Tower is for you to have fun and hone the skills you deem most important.

  • Has an API that can list, read, update, create, and delete data

  • Has a database which backs said API

  • Database has at least 2 different tables

  • Has a front-end that uses an application framework or component library that:

    • Consumes your API (list, read, update, create, and delete actions)

    • Uses some non-trivial (charting, mapping, payment, etc.) library

Add a link to your deployed front-end URL, your deployed API URL, and any code repos you used.


Things to consider when making your app:

  • Project Description: Think "Elevator Pitch". Succinctly, but completely describe what you'll be building

  • Problem Statement: What problem is your app solving? Who has it?

  • How will your project solve the problem?

  • Map the user experience. When the user opens your app, what happens? What information does your app need from your user? What does it output in return?

  • List the technologies you plan to use. This should be a complete list, including APIs. Be prepared to defend the items on this list. This means you should research the technologies/APIs, and know why you're planning to use each.

  • Here is an example of how to write project proposals.

If you want an instructor to review your project proposal before you start work, just ask


  • Use a project planning tool such as Pivotal Tracker or Trello.

  • Make multiple commits with readable commit messages.

  • Include a readme with installation instructions and screenshots.

  • Add your project to an online portfolio.

  • Present your project to your class (optional)


What if what I want to build doesn't meet the requirements?

Talk with your instructors and see if what you want to build would fit most of the requirements. Instructors are more interested in you building something you're excited about than in you checking off boxes.

What if I can't think of anything to make?

Speak with your classmates for ideas. If you can't think of anything, your instructors will assign you a project.

What if I can't think of a second idea or really want to do my first idea?

Great! Put together two project proposals please.

What if someone else is building the same thing?

That's OK. If you're both set on your project ideas, work with your instructors to make sure they're at least slightly differentiated. It is unlikely you'll come up with a 100% unique idea, but that doesn't mean you can't make something amazing and personalized from you.

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