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Created October 11, 2013 23:04
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Compass rails Sass mixin for resizing sprite
@mixin scale-sprite($map, $sprite, $scale : 1) {
$sprite-file: sprite-file($map, $sprite);
$width-to-map-ratio: sprite-map-width($map)/image-width($sprite-file);
$pos: sprite-position($map, $sprite, 0, 0);
$height: image-height($sprite-file) * $scale;
$width: image-width($sprite-file) * $scale;
$x: nth($pos, 1) * $scale;
$y: nth($pos, 2) * $scale;
display: block;
background-image: $map;
background-position: $x $y;
background-size: percentage($width-to-map-ratio);
height: ceil($height) !important;
width: ceil($width) !important;
module Sass::Script::Functions
def sprite_map_width map
declare :sprite_map_width, args: [:map]
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