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Created October 20, 2023 17:22
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How To Build a Smart Contract Compiler Using Python Solc-x Library
//SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.17;
contract access {
address public owner;
constructor() {
owner = msg.sender;
function updateOwner(address _address) public {
require(msg.sender == owner, "!Owner");
owner = _address;
import solcx
import toml
from packaging import version
solidity_code = """
//SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
contract arrayContract {
uint[] public nums = [1, 2, 3];
uint[3] public numsFixed = [4, 5, 6];
function examples() external {
nums[2] = 777;
delete nums[1];
function returnArray() external view returns(uint[] memory) {
return nums;
function memoryArray() external pure returns (uint) {
uint[] memory a = new uint[](5);
a[1] = 123;
return a[1];
def pragma_finder(file):
with open(file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
lines ="\n")
except Exception as e:
print(f"ERR: {e}")
# finding out the solidity compiler version that is used by the contract and the contract name
for line in lines:
if line.strip().startswith("pragma solidity "):
pragma_version = line.split("pragma solidity ")[-1].rstrip(";")
if pragma_version.startswith(">=") or pragma_version.startswith("<=") or pragma_version.startswith("="):
pragma_version = pragma_version.split("=")[-1]
elif pragma_version.startswith("<"):
pragma_version = find_lower_version(pragma_version.split("<")[-1])
## figures out the pragma version to use when a higher version is required
elif pragma_version.startswith(">"):
pragma_version = find_higher_version(pragma_version.split(">")[-1])
# Any version that includes a caret
# means the version itself can be used
elif pragma_version.startswith("^"):
pragma_version = pragma_version.split("^")[-1]
return pragma_version
## Resolves the imports of the contract
def resolve_imports(basePath:str) -> list:
remap_list = []
## Checks if remappings.txt exist in the base path
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(basePath, 'remappings.txt')):
# Copies the content of the remappings file into 'remappings' else, it throws an exception/error
with open(os.path.join(basePath, 'remappings.txt'), 'r', encoding="utf-8") as content:
remappings ="\n")
except Exception as err:
print(f"FILE OPEN ERROR: {err}")
elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(basePath, "foundry.toml")):
content = toml.load(os.path.join(basePath, "foundry.toml"))
for each in content["profile"]:
remappings = content["profile"][each]['remappings']
except Exception as err:
# For each remapping, split into from_path and to_path, verify that the path exist, then reconfigure the remappings
for remapping in remappings:
if len(remapping.split("=")) == 2:
from_path,to_path = remapping.split("=")
to_path = to_path.strip()
full_to_path = os.path.join(os.path.relpath(basePath), to_path)
if os.path.exists(full_to_path):
new_map = f"{from_path}={full_to_path}"
print(f"Warning: Path does not exist: {full_to_path}")
print(f"Warning: Malformed remapping line: {remapping}")
# Returns reamp list
return remap_list
# Remove functionname an function visibility to ensure that the compiler worksas it should
def compile_contract_source(solidity_code):
# Figure out the pragma version and install it. Since the contract requires anything above 0.8.0, we'll use 0.8.17
pragma_version = "0.8.17"
found = False
# You can check to see if the version of the compiler you specifie is has been installed
# by checking if it is among the compilers installed on your machine
list_of_installed_compilers = solcx.get_installed_solc_versions()
for compiler in list_of_installed_compilers:
if str(compiler) == pragma_version:
found = True
if not found: solcx.install_solc(pragma_version)
# Actual compilations happen here
# It is good practice to catch possible errors in a try and catch statement
ast = solcx.compile_source(solidity_code, output_values=["ast"], solc_version=pragma_version)
if ast: print(f"ABI of solidity code is printed below\n\n {ast}")
except solcx.exceptions.solcError as error:
abi = solcx.compile_source(solidity_code, output_values=["abi"], solc_version=pragma_version)
if abi: print(f"\nABI of solidity code is printed below\n\n {abi}")
except solcx.exceptions.solcError as error:
# Takes in the file path for the soliity contract you are
# trying to compile
def compile_contract_file(solidity_contract: str):
pragma_version = pragma_finder(solidity_contract)
found = False
# You can check to see if the version of the compiler you specifie is has been installed by checking if it is among the compilers installed on your machine
list_of_installed_compilers = solcx.get_installed_solc_versions()
for compiler in list_of_installed_compilers:
if str(compiler) == pragma_version:
found = True
if not found: solcx.install_solc(pragma_version)
# Actual compilations happen here
# It is good practice to catch possible errors in a try and catch statement
BR = solcx.compile_files([solidity_contract], output_values=["bin-runtime"], solc_version=pragma_version)
if BR: print(f"Bin runtime of solidity code is printed below\n\n {BR}")
except solcx.exceptions.solcError as error:
abi = solcx.compile_files([solidity_contract], output_values=["abi"], solc_version=pragma_version)
if abi: print(f"\nABI of solidity code is printed below\n\n {abi}")
except solcx.exceptions.solcError as error:
def find_higher_version(input_version:str) -> str:
version_input = version.parse(input_version)
higher_version = None
versions = [str(ver) for ver in solcx.get_installable_solc_versions()][::-1]
for ver in versions:
current_version = version.parse(ver)
if current_version > version_input:
higher_version = current_version
# Check if a higher version was found
if higher_version is not None:
return str(higher_version)
return "No higher version found"
def find_lower_version(input_version:str) -> str:
version_input = version.parse(input_version)
lower_version = None
versions = [str(ver) for ver in solcx.get_installable_solc_versions()]
for ver in versions:
current_version = version.parse(ver)
if current_version < version_input:
lower_version = current_version
# Check if a higher version was found
if lower_version is not None:
return str(lower_version)
return "lower version found"
solidity_file = r"access.sol"
{'<stdin>:arrayContract': {'ast': {'absolutePath': '<stdin>', 'exportedSymbols': {'arrayContract': [79]}, 'id': 80, 'license': 'UNLICENSED', 'nodeType': 'SourceUnit', 'nodes': [{'id': 1, 'literals': ['solidity', '^', '0.8', '.0'], 'nodeType': 'PragmaDirective', 'src': '39:23:0'}, {'abstract': False, 'baseContracts': [], 'canonicalName': 'arrayContract', 'contractDependencies': [], 'contractKind': 'contract', 'fullyImplemented': True, 'id': 79, 'linearizedBaseContracts': [79], 'name': 'arrayContract', 'nameLocation': '73:13:0', 'nodeType': 'ContractDefinition', 'nodes': [{'constant': False, 'functionSelector': 'fd1ee54c', 'id': 8, 'mutability': 'mutable', 'name': 'nums', 'nameLocation': '108:4:0', 'nodeType': 'VariableDeclaration', 'scope': 79, 'src': '94:30:0', 'stateVariable': True, 'storageLocation': 'default', 'typeDescriptions': {'typeIdentifier': 't_array$_t_uint256_$dyn_storage', 'typeString': 'uint256[]'}, 'typeName': {'baseType': {'id': 2, 'name': 'uint', 'nodeType': 'ElementaryTypeName', 'src': '94:4:0', 'typeDescriptions': {'typeIdentifier': 't_uint256', 'typeString': 'uint256'}}, 'id': 3, 'nodeType': 'ArrayTypeName', 'src': '94:6:0', 'typeDescriptions': {'typeIdentifier': 't_array$_t_uint256_$dyn_storage_ptr', 'typeString': 'uint256[]'}}, 'value': {'components': [{'hexValue': '31', 'id': 4, 'isConstant': False, 'isLValue': False, 'isPure': True, 'kind': 'number', 'lValueRequested': False, 'nodeType': 'Literal', 'src': '116:1:0', 'typeDescriptions': {'typeIdentifier': 't_rational_1_by_1', 'typeString': 'int_const 1'}, 'value': '1'}, {'hexValue': '32', 'id': 5, 'isConstant': False, 'isLValue': False, 'isPure': True, 'kind': 'number', 'lValueRequested': False, 'nodeType': 'Literal', 'src': '119:1:0', 'typeDescriptions': {'typeIdentifier': 't_rational_2_by_1', 'typeString': 'int_const 2'}, 'value': '2'}, {'hexValue': '33', 'id': 6, 'isConstant': False, 'isLValue': False, 'isPure': True, 'kind': 'number', 'lValueRequested': False, 'nodeType': 'Literal', 'src': '122:1:0', 'typeDescriptions': {'typeIdentifier': 't_rational_3_by_1', 'typeString': 'int_const 3'}, 'value': '3'}], 'id': 7, 'isConstant': False, 'isInlineArray': True, 'isLValue': False, 'isPure': True, 'lValueRequested': False, 'nodeType': 'TupleExpression', 'src': '115:9:0', 'typeDescriptions': {'typeIdentifier': 't_array$_t_uint8_$3_memory_ptr', 'typeString': 'uint8[3] memory'}}, 'visibility': 'public'}, {'constant': False, 'functionSelector': '44395769', 'id': 16, 'mutability': 'mutable', 'name': 'numsFixed', 'nameLocation': '145:9:0', 'nodeType': 'VariableDeclaration', 'scope': 79, 'src': '130:36:0', 'stateVariable': True, 'storageLocation': 'default', 'typeDescriptions': {'typeIdentifier': 't_array$_t_uint256_$3_storage', 'typeString': 'uint256[3]'}, 'typeName': {'baseType': {'id': 9, 'name': 'uint', 'nodeType': 'ElementaryTypeName', 'src': '130:4:0', 'typeDescriptions': {'typeIdentifier': 't_uint256', 'typeString': 'uint256'}}, 'id': 11, 'length': {'hexValue': '33', 'id': 10, 'isConstant': False, 'isLValue': False, 'isPure': True, 'kind': 'number', 'lValueRequested': False, 'nodeType': 'Literal', 'src': '135:1:0', 'typeDescriptions': {'typeIdentifier': 't_rational_3_by_1', 'typeString': 'int_const 3'}, 'value': '3'}, 'nodeType': 'ArrayTypeName', 'src': '130:7:0', 'typeDescriptions': {'typeIdentifier': 't_array$_t_uint256_$3_storage_ptr', 'typeString': 'uint256[3]'}}, 'value': {'components': [{'hexValue': '34', 'id': 12, 'isConstant': False, 'isLValue': False, 'isPure': True, 'kind': 'number', 'lValueRequested': False, 'nodeType': 'Literal', 'src': '158:1:0', 'typeDescriptions': {'typeIdentifier': 't_rational_4_by_1', 'typeString': 'int_const 4'}, 'value': '4'}, {'hexValue': '35', 'id': 13, 'isConstant': False, 'isLValue': False, 'isPure': True, 'kind': 'number', 'lValueRequested': False, 'nodeType': 'Literal', 'src': '161:1:0', 'typeDescriptions': {'typeIdentifier': 't_rational_5_by_1', 'typeString': 'int_const 5'}, 'value': '5'}, {'hexValue': '36', 'id': 14, 'isConstant': False, 'isLValue': False, 'isPure': True, 'kind': 'number', 'lValueRequested': False, 'nodeType': 'Literal', 'src': '164:1:0', 'typeDescriptions': {'typeIdentifier': 't_rational_6_by_1', 'typeString': 'int_const 6'}, 'value': '6'}], 'id': 15, 'isConstant': False, 'isInlineArray': True, 'isLValue': False, 'isPure': True, 'lValueRequested': False, 'nodeType': 'TupleExpression', 'src': '157:9:0', 'typeDescriptions': {'typeIdentifier': 't_array$_t_uint8_$3_memory_ptr', 'typeString': 'uint8[3] memory'}}, 'visibility': 'public'}, {'body': {'id': 41, 'nodeType': 'Block', 'src': '202:96:0', 'statements': [{'expression': {'arguments': [{'hexValue': '34', 'id': 22, 'isConstant': False, 'isLValue': False, 'isPure': True, 'kind': 'number', 'lValueRequested': False, 'nodeType': 'Literal', 'src': '222:1:0', 'typeDescriptions': {'typeIdentifier': 't_rational_4_by_1', 'typeString': 'int_const 4'}, 'value': '4'}], 'expression': {'argumentTypes': [{'typeIdentifier': 't_rational_4_by_1', 'typeString': 'int_const 4'}], 'expression': {'id': 19, 'name': 'nums', 'nodeType': 'Identifier', 'overloadedDeclarations': [], 'referencedDeclaration': 8, 'src': '212:4:0', 'typeDescriptions': {'typeIdentifier': 't_array$_t_uint256_$dyn_storage', 'typeString': 'uint256[] storage ref'}}, 'id': 21, 'isConstant': False, 'isLValue': False, 'isPure': False, 'lValueRequested': False, 'memberLocation': '217:4:0', 'memberName': 'push', 'nodeType': 'MemberAccess', 'src': '212:9:0', 'typeDescriptions': {'typeIdentifier': 't_function_arraypush_nonpayable$_t_array$_t_uint256_$dyn_storage_ptr_$_t_uint256_$returns$__$bound_to$_t_array$_t_uint256_$dyn_storage_ptr_$', 'typeString': 'function (uint256[] storage pointer,uint256)'}}, 'id': 23, 'isConstant': False, 'isLValue': False, 'isPure': False, 'kind': 'functionCall', 'lValueRequested': False, 'nameLocations': [], 'names': [], 'nodeType': 'FunctionCall', 'src': '212:12:0', 'tryCall': False, 'typeDescriptions': {'typeIdentifier': 't_tuple$__$', 'typeString': 'tuple()'}}, 'id': 24, 'nodeType': 'ExpressionStatement', 'src': '212:12:0'}, {'expression': {'id': 29, 'isConstant': False, 'isLValue': False, 'isPure': False, 'lValueRequested': False, 'leftHandSide': {'baseExpression': {'id': 25, 'name': 'nums', 'nodeType': 'Identifier', 'overloadedDeclarations': [], 'referencedDeclaration': 8, 'src': '234:4:0', 'typeDescriptions': {'typeIdentifier': 't_array$_t_uint256_$dyn_storage', 'typeString': 'uint256[] storage ref'}}, 'id': 27, 'indexExpression': {'hexValue': '32', 'id': 26, 'isConstant': False, 'isLValue': False, 'isPure': True, 'kind': 'number', 'lValueRequested': False, 'nodeType': 'Literal', 'src': '239:1:0', 'typeDescriptions': {'typeIdentifier': 't_rational_2_by_1', 'typeString': 'int_const 2'}, 'value': '2'}, 'isConstant': False, 'isLValue': True, 'isPure': False, 'lValueRequested': True, 'nodeType': 'IndexAccess', 'src': '234:7:0', 'typeDescriptions': {'typeIdentifier': 't_uint256', 'typeString': 'uint256'}}, 'nodeType': 'Assignment', 'operator': '=', 'rightHandSide': {'hexValue': '373737', 'id': 28, 'isConstant': False, 'isLValue': False, 'isPure': True, 'kind': 'number', 'lValueRequested': False, 'nodeType': 'Literal', 'src': '244:3:0', 'typeDescriptions': {'typeIdentifier': 't_rational_777_by_1', 'typeString': 'int_const 777'}, 'value': '777'}, 'src': '234:13:0', 'typeDescriptions': {'typeIdentifier': 't_uint256', 'typeString': 'uint256'}}, 'id': 30, 'nodeType': 'ExpressionStatement', 'src': '234:13:0'}, {'expression': {'id': 34, 'isConstant': False, 'isLValue': False, 'isPure': False, 'lValueRequested': False, 'nodeType': 'UnaryOperation', 'operator': 'delete', 'prefix': True, 'src': '257:14:0', 'subExpression': {'baseExpression': {'id': 31, 'name': 'nums', 'nodeType': 'Identifier', 'overloadedDeclarations': [], 'referencedDeclaration': 8, 'src': '264:4:0', 'typeDescriptions': {'typeIdentifier': 't_array$_t_uint256_$dyn_storage', 'typeString': 'uint256[] storage ref'}}, 'id': 33, 'indexExpression': {'hexValue': '31', 'id': 32, 'isConstant': False, 'isLValue': False, 'isPure': True, 'kind': 'number', 'lValueRequested': False, 'nodeType': 'Literal', 'src': '269:1:0', 'typeDescriptions': {'typeIdentifier': 't_rational_1_by_1', 'typeString': 'int_const 1'}, 'value': '1'}, 'isConstant': False, 'isLValue': True, 'isPure': False, 'lValueRequested': True, 'nodeType': 'IndexAccess', 'src': '264:7:0', 'typeDescriptions': {'typeIdentifier': 't_uint256', 'typeString': 'uint256'}}, 'typeDescriptions': {'typeIdentifier': 't_tuple$__$', 'typeString': 'tuple()'}}, 'id': 35, 'nodeType': 'ExpressionStatement', 'src': '257:14:0'}, {'expression':
{'arguments': [], 'expression': {'argumentTypes': [], 'expression': {'id': 36, 'name': 'nums', 'nodeType': 'Identifier', 'overloadedDeclarations': [], 'referencedDeclaration': 8, 'src': '281:4:0', 'typeDescriptions': {'typeIdentifier': 't_array$_t_uint256_$dyn_storage', 'typeString': 'uint256[] storage ref'}}, 'id': 38, 'isConstant': False, 'isLValue': False, 'isPure': False, 'lValueRequested': False, 'memberLocation': '286:3:0', 'memberName': 'pop', 'nodeType': 'MemberAccess', 'src': '281:8:0', 'typeDescriptions': {'typeIdentifier': 't_function_arraypop_nonpayable$_t_array$_t_uint256_$dyn_storage_ptr_$returns$__$bound_to$_t_array$_t_uint256_$dyn_storage_ptr_$', 'typeString': 'function (uint256[] storage pointer)'}}, 'id': 39, 'isConstant': False, 'isLValue': False, 'isPure': False, 'kind': 'functionCall', 'lValueRequested': False, 'nameLocations': [], 'names': [], 'nodeType': 'FunctionCall', 'src': '281:10:0', 'tryCall': False, 'typeDescriptions': {'typeIdentifier': 't_tuple$__$', 'typeString': 'tuple()'}}, 'id': 40, 'nodeType': 'ExpressionStatement', 'src': '281:10:0'}]}, 'functionSelector': '335d00c2', 'id': 42, 'implemented': True, 'kind': 'function', 'modifiers': [], 'name': 'examples', 'nameLocation': '182:8:0', 'nodeType': 'FunctionDefinition', 'parameters': {'id': 17, 'nodeType': 'ParameterList', 'parameters': [], 'src': '190:2:0'}, 'returnParameters': {'id': 18, 'nodeType': 'ParameterList', 'parameters': [], 'src': '202:0:0'}, 'scope': 79, 'src': '173:125:0', 'stateMutability': 'nonpayable', 'virtual': False, 'visibility': 'external'}, {'body': {'id': 50, 'nodeType': 'Block', 'src': '364:26:0', 'statements': [{'expression': {'id': 48, 'name': 'nums', 'nodeType': 'Identifier', 'overloadedDeclarations': [], 'referencedDeclaration': 8, 'src': '379:4:0', 'typeDescriptions': {'typeIdentifier': 't_array$_t_uint256_$dyn_storage', 'typeString': 'uint256[] storage ref'}}, 'functionReturnParameters': 47,
'id': 49, 'nodeType': 'Return', 'src': '372:11:0'}]}, 'functionSelector': '3cac14c8', 'id': 51, 'implemented': True, 'kind': 'function', 'modifiers': [], 'name': 'returnArray', 'nameLocation': '313:11:0', 'nodeType': 'FunctionDefinition', 'parameters': {'id': 43, 'nodeType': 'ParameterList', 'parameters': [], 'src': '324:2:0'}, 'returnParameters': {'id': 47, 'nodeType': 'ParameterList', 'parameters': [{'constant': False, 'id': 46, 'mutability': 'mutable', 'name': '', 'nameLocation': '-1:-1:-1', 'nodeType': 'VariableDeclaration', 'scope': 51, 'src': '349:13:0', 'stateVariable': False, 'storageLocation': 'memory', 'typeDescriptions': {'typeIdentifier': 't_array$_t_uint256_$dyn_memory_ptr', 'typeString': 'uint256[]'}, 'typeName': {'baseType': {'id': 44, 'name': 'uint', 'nodeType': 'ElementaryTypeName', 'src': '349:4:0', 'typeDescriptions': {'typeIdentifier': 't_uint256', 'typeString': 'uint256'}}, 'id': 45, 'nodeType': 'ArrayTypeName', 'src': '349:6:0', 'typeDescriptions': {'typeIdentifier': 't_array$_t_uint256_$dyn_storage_ptr',
'typeString': 'uint256[]'}}, 'visibility': 'internal'}], 'src': '348:15:0'}, 'scope': 79, 'src': '304:86:0', 'stateMutability': 'view', 'virtual': False, 'visibility': 'external'}, {'body': {'id': 77, 'nodeType': 'Block', 'src': '448:83:0', 'statements': [{'assignments': [60], 'declarations': [{'constant': False, 'id': 60, 'mutability': 'mutable', 'name': 'a', 'nameLocation': '470:1:0', 'nodeType': 'VariableDeclaration', 'scope': 77, 'src': '456:15:0', 'stateVariable': False, 'storageLocation': 'memory', 'typeDescriptions': {'typeIdentifier': 't_array$_t_uint256_$dyn_memory_ptr', 'typeString': 'uint256[]'}, 'typeName': {'baseType': {'id': 58, 'name': 'uint', 'nodeType': 'ElementaryTypeName', 'src': '456:4:0', 'typeDescriptions': {'typeIdentifier': 't_uint256', 'typeString': 'uint256'}}, 'id': 59, 'nodeType': 'ArrayTypeName', 'src': '456:6:0', 'typeDescriptions': {'typeIdentifier':
't_array$_t_uint256_$dyn_storage_ptr', 'typeString': 'uint256[]'}}, 'visibility': 'internal'}], 'id': 66, 'initialValue': {'arguments': [{'hexValue': '35', 'id': 64, 'isConstant': False, 'isLValue': False, 'isPure': True, 'kind': 'number', 'lValueRequested': False, 'nodeType': 'Literal', 'src': '485:1:0', 'typeDescriptions': {'typeIdentifier': 't_rational_5_by_1', 'typeString': 'int_const 5'}, 'value': '5'}], 'expression': {'argumentTypes': [{'typeIdentifier': 't_rational_5_by_1', 'typeString': 'int_const 5'}], 'id': 63, 'isConstant': False, 'isLValue': False, 'isPure': True, 'lValueRequested': False, 'nodeType': 'NewExpression', 'src': '474:10:0', 'typeDescriptions': {'typeIdentifier': 't_function_objectcreation_pure$_t_uint256_$returns$_t_array$_t_uint256_$dyn_memory_ptr_$', 'typeString': 'function (uint256) pure returns (uint256[] memory)'}, 'typeName': {'baseType': {'id': 61, 'name': 'uint', 'nodeType': 'ElementaryTypeName', 'src': '478:4:0', 'typeDescriptions': {'typeIdentifier': 't_uint256', 'typeString': 'uint256'}}, 'id': 62, 'nodeType': 'ArrayTypeName', 'src': '478:6:0', 'typeDescriptions': {'typeIdentifier': 't_array$_t_uint256_$dyn_storage_ptr', 'typeString': 'uint256[]'}}}, 'id': 65, 'isConstant': False, 'isLValue': False, 'isPure': True, 'kind': 'functionCall', 'lValueRequested': False, 'nameLocations': [], 'names': [], 'nodeType': 'FunctionCall', 'src': '474:13:0', 'tryCall': False, 'typeDescriptions': {'typeIdentifier': 't_array$_t_uint256_$dyn_memory_ptr', 'typeString': 'uint256[] memory'}}, 'nodeType': 'VariableDeclarationStatement', 'src': '456:31:0'}, {'expression': {'id': 71, 'isConstant': False, 'isLValue': False, 'isPure': False, 'lValueRequested': False, 'leftHandSide': {'baseExpression': {'id': 67, 'name': 'a', 'nodeType': 'Identifier', 'overloadedDeclarations': [], 'referencedDeclaration': 60, 'src': '495:1:0', 'typeDescriptions': {'typeIdentifier': 't_array$_t_uint256_$dyn_memory_ptr', 'typeString': 'uint256[] memory'}}, 'id': 69, 'indexExpression': {'hexValue': '31', 'id': 68, 'isConstant': False, 'isLValue': False, 'isPure': True, 'kind': 'number', 'lValueRequested': False, 'nodeType': 'Literal', 'src': '497:1:0', 'typeDescriptions': {'typeIdentifier': 't_rational_1_by_1', 'typeString': 'int_const 1'}, 'value': '1'}, 'isConstant': False, 'isLValue': True, 'isPure': False, 'lValueRequested': True, 'nodeType': 'IndexAccess', 'src': '495:4:0', 'typeDescriptions': {'typeIdentifier': 't_uint256', 'typeString': 'uint256'}}, 'nodeType': 'Assignment', 'operator': '=',
'rightHandSide': {'hexValue': '313233', 'id': 70, 'isConstant': False, 'isLValue': False, 'isPure': True, 'kind': 'number', 'lValueRequested': False, 'nodeType': 'Literal', 'src': '502:3:0', 'typeDescriptions': {'typeIdentifier': 't_rational_123_by_1', 'typeString': 'int_const 123'}, 'value': '123'}, 'src': '495:10:0', 'typeDescriptions': {'typeIdentifier': 't_uint256', 'typeString': 'uint256'}}, 'id': 72, 'nodeType': 'ExpressionStatement', 'src': '495:10:0'}, {'expression': {'baseExpression': {'id': 73, 'name': 'a', 'nodeType': 'Identifier', 'overloadedDeclarations': [], 'referencedDeclaration': 60, 'src': '520:1:0', 'typeDescriptions': {'typeIdentifier': 't_array$_t_uint256_$dyn_memory_ptr', 'typeString': 'uint256[] memory'}}, 'id':
75, 'indexExpression': {'hexValue': '31', 'id': 74, 'isConstant': False, 'isLValue': False, 'isPure': True, 'kind': 'number', 'lValueRequested': False, 'nodeType': 'Literal', 'src': '522:1:0', 'typeDescriptions': {'typeIdentifier': 't_rational_1_by_1', 'typeString': 'int_const 1'}, 'value': '1'},
'isConstant': False, 'isLValue': True, 'isPure': False, 'lValueRequested': False, 'nodeType': 'IndexAccess', 'src': '520:4:0', 'typeDescriptions': {'typeIdentifier': 't_uint256', 'typeString': 'uint256'}}, 'functionReturnParameters': 55, 'id': 76, 'nodeType': 'Return', 'src': '513:11:0'}]}, 'functionSelector': '500e1355', 'id': 78, 'implemented': True, 'kind': 'function', 'modifiers': [], 'name': 'memoryArray', 'nameLocation': '405:11:0', 'nodeType': 'FunctionDefinition', 'parameters': {'id': 52, 'nodeType': 'ParameterList', 'parameters': [], 'src': '416:2:0'}, 'returnParameters': {'id': 55, 'nodeType': 'ParameterList', 'parameters': [{'constant': False, 'id': 54, 'mutability': 'mutable', 'name': '', 'nameLocation': '-1:-1:-1', 'nodeType': 'VariableDeclaration', 'scope': 78, 'src': '442:4:0', 'stateVariable': False, 'storageLocation': 'default', 'typeDescriptions': {'typeIdentifier': 't_uint256', 'typeString': 'uint256'}, 'typeName': {'id': 53, 'name': 'uint', 'nodeType': 'ElementaryTypeName', 'src': '442:4:0', 'typeDescriptions': {'typeIdentifier': 't_uint256', 'typeString': 'uint256'}}, 'visibility': 'internal'}], 'src': '441:6:0'}, 'scope': 79, 'src': '396:135:0', 'stateMutability': 'pure', 'virtual': False, 'visibility': 'external'}], 'scope': 80, 'src': '64:470:0', 'usedErrors': []}], 'src': '39:496:0'}}}
"<stdin>:arrayContract": {
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