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Created January 25, 2018 10:50
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Evolution CMS 1.4.0

For half a year, a lot of work has been done (more than 600 comets), this is the second major release of Evolution CMS, the first one can be read here ( The main emphasis in this release was aimed at the stability of the system, as well as updating the old snippets for new ones. What makes it possible to create sites even faster, and even work sites will be even faster. In this we are very much helped by DocLister.

Of the most important:

  • Updated demo site all old components are replaced with new ones, old components are rendered in extras and are not recommended for use.  - Ditto -> DocLister  - Wayfinder -> DLMenu  - Breadcrumbs -> DLCrumbs  - Eform -> FormLister  - WebLogin -> FormLister  - WebChangePwd -> FormLister  - WebSignup -> FormLister  - Add DLSitemap  - AjaxSearch move to Extras  - FirstChildRedirect move to Extras  - Jot move to Extras  - MemberCheck move to Extras  - Personalize move to Extras  - Reflect move to Extras  - UltimateParent move to Extras
  • Upgrading phpmailer to 6.0.3
  • Global tabs
  • Grinding TV
  • Widget changes the color scheme of the admin area, the button is fullscreen and creates a new document in the menu
  • Modifier disable by default
  • <@syntax disable by default
  • New - $ modx-> clearCache ($ docid)
  • [I] Allow {{chunk? & Param = xxx}} with [* tv_name _ [+ param +] *] as content
  • added theme manager css minify
  • correction popup window from the context menu. Closing popup window when "saving" or button press "cancel" Hot keys: Esc - Close Ctrl + S - Save Ctrl + Q - Save and quit (if focus in codeMirror editor)
  • friendly_url_suffix = / and aliaslistingfolder
  • fix htmlspecialchars in passwords

Upgrade to version 1.4

In order to correctly update from older versions and also exclude the possibility that there are unnecessary files and security problems on the site, do the following:  1. Update to version 1.3.6 - it includes all the old add-ons that in 1.4.0 were removed, it will give an opportunity to update all add-ons such as Ditto, EForm, WebLogin  2. Delete the old admin themes (manager / media / style), all except (default and common)  3. Delete the file index-ajax.php - it was used only for AjaxSearch prior to version 1.0.10, leave if you use it for other purposes.  4. As well as to remove garbage to the maximum, you need to delete the manager folder leaving only the file manager / includes /, then pour files from version 1.4.0  5. I strongly recommend that you remove all unused old snippets such as: Ditto, Wayfinder, Eform, Breadcrumbs, WebLogin, WebChangePwd, WebSignup  6. There is a problem when updating the ManagerManager plug-in from older versions, solving the problem of deleting the managermanager folder and refilling  7. tinyMCE 3, it is also recommended to disable and delete all its files if you do not use it.  8. If you use Modifiers and @ -syntax then check in the settings that they are enabled, because by default in 1.4 they are off  9. If the site is very old, it will not be superfluous to check the files for viruses:

Replacing old snippets with new ones

 1. As an example, you can install Evo with a demo site, there are already using new snippets.  2. To migrate from Ditto to DocLister, the following examples will help:  -  -  -  -  3. To migrate from Wayfinder to DLMenu  -  -  4. To migrate from BreadCrumbs to DLCrumbs     -     -  5. To migrate from Eform, WebLogin to FormLister     -

Plans for version 1.5

  • From the main that you want to do it to update completely Extras, add the ability to not only install add-ons but also delete through it, also to integrate extras into the installation, it will be the recommended set of add-ons by default, but if you disable unnecessary, then unnecessary files will not be downloaded, this will make it possible not to clutter the site unnecessary.
  • Also add the option of extensions to extras
  • Work on the appearance of the admin area, update the bootstrap to version 4, as well as fontAwesone + make it possible to use, create a basic template in which there will be all the elements of the admin board so you can create your own themes and use to develop your own decisions that they would be in the style admin.
  • Also in the plans to rebuild the admin on the twig template that will give even more flexibility, for example, you can change the look of the page without using ManagerManager which starts to slow down if there are so many TV parameters and see how it works out.
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