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Last active March 29, 2019 19:53
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Minimal application showing how to use Elmish
body {
font-size: 16px;
.main-container {
display: flex;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
flex-direction: column;
.input {
padding: .25rem;
font-size: 16px;
width: 250px;
margin-bottom: 1rem;
module Elmish.SimpleInput
Minimal application showing how to use Elmish
You can find more info about Emish architecture and samples at
open Fable.Core.JsInterop
open Fable.Helpers.React
open Fable.Helpers.React.Props
open Elmish
open Elmish.React
type Model =
{ Value : string }
type Msg =
| ChangeValue of string
let init () = { Value = "" }, Cmd.none
let clearStopChars c =
match c with
| '\\' | '/' | ':' | '*' | '?' | '"'
| '<' | '>' | '|' | '+' | '.' | '%'
| '!' | '@' -> ""
| c -> string c
let ru_en c =
match c with
| 'а' -> "a" | 'б' -> "b" | 'в' -> "v" | 'г' -> "g"
| 'д' -> "d" | 'е' -> "e" | 'ё' -> "e" | 'ж' -> "zh"
| 'з' -> "z" | 'и' -> "i" | 'й' -> "i" | 'к' -> "k"
| 'л' -> "l" | 'м' -> "m" | 'н' -> "n" | 'о' -> "o"
| 'п' -> "p" | 'р' -> "r" | 'с' -> "s" | 'т' -> "t"
| 'у' -> "u" | 'ф' -> "f" | 'х' -> "kh" | 'ц' -> "ts"
| 'ч' -> "ch" | 'ш' -> "sh" | 'щ' -> "shch" | 'ь' -> ""
| 'ъ' -> "ie" | 'ы' -> "y" | 'э' -> "e" | 'ю' -> "iu"
| 'я' -> "ia" | c -> string c
let toLower c = System.Char.ToLower( c )
let processValue value =
|> (
| ' ' -> '-'
| c -> c |> toLower )
|> String.collect clearStopChars
|> String.collect ru_en
let update (msg:Msg) (model:Model) =
match msg with
| ChangeValue newValue ->
{ Value = processValue newValue
}, Cmd.none
// VIEW (rendered with React)
let view model dispatch =
div [ Class "main-container" ]
[ input [ Class "input"
Value model.Value
OnChange (fun ev -> |> string |> ChangeValue |> dispatch) ]
span [ ]
[ str model.Value ] ]
// App
Program.mkProgram init update view
|> Program.withConsoleTrace
|> Program.withReactSynchronous "elmish-app"
<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8'>
<script src="__HOST__/libs/react.production.min.js"></script>
<script src="__HOST__/libs/react-dom.production.min.js"></script>
<body class="app-container">
<div id="elmish-app" class="elmish-app"></div>
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