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Forked from mndrake/DeedleFormatter.fsx
Created November 20, 2017 13:54
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Deedle Series and IFrame formatter for IFSharp
#I "../lib"
#r "FSharp.Markdown.dll"
#r "FSharp.Literate.dll"
#r "Deedle.dll"
open System.IO
open Deedle
open Deedle.Internal
open FSharp.Literate
open FSharp.Markdown
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Implements Markdown formatters for common FsLab things - including Deedle series
// and frames, F# Charting charts and System.Image values
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// How many columns and rows from frame should be rendered
let startColumnCount = 3
let endColumnCount = 3
let startRowCount = 8
let endRowCount = 4
// How many items from a series should be rendered
let startItemCount = 5
let endItemCount = 3
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Helper functions etc.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// Extract values from any series using reflection
let (|SeriesValues|_|) (value : obj) =
let iser = value.GetType().GetInterface("ISeries`1")
if iser <> null then
let keys =
value.GetType().GetProperty("Keys").GetValue(value) :?> System.Collections.IEnumerable
let vector = value.GetType().GetProperty("Vector").GetValue(value) :?> IVector
Some( (Seq.cast<obj> keys) vector.ObjectSequence)
else None
/// Format value as a single-literal paragraph
let formatValue def =
| Some v -> [ Paragraph [ Literal(v.ToString()) ] ]
| _ -> [ Paragraph [ Literal def ] ]
/// Format body of a single table cell
let td v = [ Paragraph [ Literal v ] ]
/// Use 'f' to transform all values, then call 'g' with Some for
/// values to show and None for "..." in the middle
let mapSteps (startCount, endCount) f g input =
|> f
|> Seq.startAndEnd startCount endCount
|> (function
| Choice1Of3 v | Choice3Of3 v -> g (Some v)
| _ -> g None)
|> List.ofSeq
// Tuples with the counts, for easy use later on
let fcols = startColumnCount, endColumnCount
let frows = startRowCount, endRowCount
let sitms = startItemCount, endItemCount
let getHtml (value : obj) =
match value with
| SeriesValues s ->
// Pretty print series!
let heads =
s |> mapSteps sitms fst (function
| Some k -> td (k.ToString())
| _ -> td " ... ")
let row =
s |> mapSteps sitms snd (function
| Some v -> formatValue "N/A" (OptionalValue.asOption v)
| _ -> td " ... ")
let aligns = s |> mapSteps sitms id (fun _ -> AlignDefault)
[ InlineBlock "<div class=\"deedleseries\">"
TableBlock(Some((td "Keys") :: heads), AlignDefault :: aligns, [ (td "Values") :: row ])
InlineBlock "</div>" ]
|> Some
| :? IFrame as f ->
{ // Pretty print frame!
new IFrameOperation<_> with
member x.Invoke(f) =
let heads =
f.ColumnKeys |> mapSteps fcols id (function
| Some k -> td (k.ToString())
| _ -> td " ... ")
let aligns = f.ColumnKeys |> mapSteps fcols id (fun _ -> AlignDefault)
let rows =
|> Series.observationsAll
|> mapSteps frows id (fun item ->
let def, k, data =
match item with
| Some(k, Some d) ->
"N/A", k.ToString(), Series.observationsAll d |> snd
| Some(k, _) ->
"N/A", k.ToString(), f.ColumnKeys |> (fun _ -> None)
| None -> " ... ", " ... ", f.ColumnKeys |> (fun _ -> None)
let row =
data |> mapSteps fcols id (function
| Some v -> formatValue def v
| _ -> td " ... ")
(td k) :: row)
Some [ InlineBlock "<div class=\"deedleframe\">"
TableBlock(Some([] :: heads), AlignDefault :: aligns, rows)
InlineBlock "</div>" ] }
|> f.Apply
| _ -> None
|> function
| Some pars ->
let doc = MarkdownDocument(pars, null)
| None -> ""
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