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Last active July 6, 2022 15:18
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Graphql Schema
type Locale {
localeId: String!
description: String!
type LocalePair {
targetLocaleId: String!
sourceLocaleId: String!
type Workflow {
name: String!
workflowUid: ID!
workflowSteps: [WorkflowStep!]!
type WorkflowStep {
name: String!
workflowStepUid: ID!
type WorkflowAssignment {
accountUid: String!
workflowUid: String!
workflowStepUid: String!
sourceLocaleId: String!
targetLocaleId: String!
type User {
firstName: String
lastName: String
email: String!
userUid: ID!
localePairs: [LocalePair]
assignments: [WorkflowAssignment]
# this schema contains multiple queries for different types of entities
# entities not linked together in types, so consumer of this schema will have to
# make all these queries, notmalize the data and merge it in order to get full information
type Query {
getUser(userUid: String!): User
# client will have to make this request to get locale descriptions for `localePairs` and `workflowAssignments`
getLocales(localeIds: [String!]): [Locale!]!
# client will have to make this request to get workflow and workflows steps names
getWorkflows(workflowUids: [String!]): [Workflow!]!
type Locale {
localeId: String!
description: String!
type LocalePair {
targetLocale: Locale
sourceLocale: Locale
type Workflow {
name: String!
workflowUid: ID!
workflowSteps: [WorkflowStep!]!
type WorkflowStep {
name: String!
workflowStepUid: ID!
type WorkflowAssignment {
accountUid: String!
workflow: Workflow!
workflowStep: WorkflowStep!
sourceLocale: Locale!
targetLocale: Locale!
type User {
firstName: String
lastName: String
email: String!
userUid: ID!
localePairs: [LocalePair]
assignments: [WorkflowAssignment]
type Query {
# client have only one query. client can select which fields are required for particular context
# no additional logic needed in order to get more/less data
# amount of data and performance depends on field selection
# performance optimisations can be done in single place
getUser(userUid: String!): User
type LocalePair = any;
type WorkflowAssignment = any;
// all data returned by root resolve
// it seems this is the simplest solution
// but it makes different entities coupled together in one function
// extending User types will require to add more logic to this function
// If you need to return User entity in different query/mutation you'll have to duplicate this logic
// Also all requests will be executed regardless of fields selection on client
export const resolvers = {
Query: {
async getUser(_, { userUid }, { dataSources }) {
const {
} = await dataSources.loadUser(userUid);
// get locale pairs with descriptions for user
const localePairs: LocalePair[] =
await dataSources.getUserLocalePairs(userUid);
// get raw workflow assignments without locale descriptions
const rawWorkflowAssignments = await dataSources.getUserWorkflowAssignments(userUid)
// get locales by localeIds in workflow assignments
const localeIds = getUniqLocaleIds(rawWorkflowAssignments);
const locales = dataSources.getLocaless(localeIds);
// add descriptions to locales in workflow assignments
const workflowAssignments: WorkflowAssignment[] = addLocalesToWorkflowAssignments(
// probably need to query workflow and workflowStep details
return {
// this implementation ties to do best to avoid overfetching
// also each field is independent and logic is straightforward for each of the resolvers,
// despite, some fields using same datasource requests can be deduplicated and batched using utils like dataLoader
// The User entity can be reused in different queries/mutation without additional work
export const resolvers = {
Query: {
async getUser(_, { userUid }) {
return {
User: {
async firstName({ userUid }, _, { dataSources }) {
return (await dataSources.loadUser(userUid)).firstName;
async lastName({ userUid }, _, { dataSources }) {
return (await dataSources.loadUser(userUid)).lastName;
async email({ userUid }, _, { dataSources }) {
return (await dataSources.loadUser(userUid)).email;
async localePairs({ userUid }, _, { dataSources }) {
const { assignedLocalePairs } = await dataSources.loadLocalePairs(userUid);
return{ sourceLocaleId, targetLocaleId }) => ({
sourceLocale: {
localeId: sourceLocaleId
targetLocale: {
localeId: targetLocaleId
workflowAssignments({ userUid }, _, { dataSources }) {
Locale: {
async description({ localeId }, _, { dataSources }) {
return (await dataSources.loadLocale(localeId)).description;
WorkflowStep: {
async name({ workflowUid }, _, { dataSources }) {
Workflow: {
async name({ workflowUid }, _, { dataSources }) {
async workflowSteps({ workflowUid }, _, { dataSources }) {
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