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Created November 13, 2020 10:38
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Extract data from HERA's web site
// Extract price and data from your bills from HERA at
// Run it in the console on a web page with the list of bills.
// Created: 13/11/2020
// Author: Dmitry Myadzelets
(function bollette () {
const number = /[-]{0,1}[\d]+/g
const row2object = tr => ({
euro: Number(tr.querySelector('.importo').querySelector('span').innerText.match(number).join('.')),
date: tr.querySelector('.emessa').querySelector('span').innerText
const rows = document.querySelector('.elenco-bollette').querySelectorAll('tr')
const data = Array.from(rows).map(row2object)
return data
// One year
// Total
.reduce((sum, o) => sum += o.euro, 0)
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