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Created December 15, 2011 13:01
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Analysis of current noSuchMethod situation
// by Dmitry Soshnikov <>
// on "noSuchMethod" hook via proxies
// written on December 15, 2011
// Below is tl;dr
// but if you want really never-ending tl;dr, try this
// original old thread from 2010 on es-discuss:
// Small disclaimer and note:
// While I was writing this small article, I more and more started to
// agree on importance of the "extracted funargs" in this case.
// =======================================================================================
// 1. What is noSuchMethod?
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Why noSuchMethod? What is noSuchMethod?
// noSuchMethod is just a *reaction*. The reaction on the *event* of
// missed method on the object (including its prototype chain)
// Desugarred noSuchMethod can look like this:
try {;
} catch (e) {
handleNoSuchMethodEvent(foo, "bar", args);
// or like this:
if (typeof foo.baz != "function") {
handleNoSuchMethodEvent(foo, "baz", args);
} else {;
// etc.
// Obviously, for a better code-reuse, in order not to repeat
// every time this try-handleNoSuchMethodEvent, if-handleNoSuchMethodEvent, ...
// a *special hook* can be triggered *behind the scene*.
// Note once again the main thing -- it's just a *hook* for *the event*!
var foo = {
x: 100,
__noSuchMethod__: function (method, args) {
console.log(method, args);
}, 2, 3);
// can desugar to the same:
if (typeof != "function") {
if (typeof foo.__noSuchMethod__ == "function") {
foo.__noSuchMethod__("bar", [1, 2, 3]);
} else {, 2, 3);
// =======================================================================================
// 3. Missing methods "should" be "funargs".
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// In case you already forgot it -- noSuchMethod is just the *reaction*
// on the *event* of *missing a method* on the object.
// IT'S NOT ABOUT THE METHOD! There is no any method!
// So the proposal to handle it *as it would be a method*,
// seems already as just a broken logic!
// The main argument of Tom and Brendan is that a user needs
// the ability to apply these missed methods as functional objects ("funargs").
// It means, the user may *extract* the method to a variable (a casual optimization
// practice in everyday JS programming) and later to *apply* this "funarg":
// In other words, this:, 2, 3);
// SHOULD be equivalent to the:
var bar =;
bar.apply(foo, [1, 2, 3]);
// Right. It should. But only for *existing methods*.
// Why? Because in case of noSuchMethod we work with just the *fact* of missing a method.
// Of course, "invoke-only" methods (we called them also as "phantoms"), but not "funargs"
// CAN bring disadvantage and even *confusion* for the programmer.
// For example, if a programmer sees the following JS code:
// then she has the complete right to think about the "findByName" method as about the
// real method on the "db" object. Moreover, it's not even possible to say looking only
// on this line that the method is "virtual".
// (by the way, I took this example from "Ruby on Rails" framework where these virtual methods
// such as "find_by_<fieldName>" are widely spread and useful)
// So, yes, I agree in here with Tom and Brendan, that *potentially* the user
// CAN and has the complete right to transform this code into:
db.findByName.apply(db2, ["Brendan"]);
// or even (again for the optimization) into the:
var findByName = db.findByName;
findByName.apply(db2, ["Brendan"]);
// =======================================================================================
// 3. And what about implementation?
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Proxies are used to imitate noSuchMethod.
// For that Tom proposes (and Brendan just supports it) to make
// all *non-existing* properties as existing!
// It's achieved with just returning a function for every missing property and this
// function when is called, already calls noSuchMethod hook:
// (Note, I used "direct proxies" format; see the strawman
var foo = Proxy({}, {
get: function (target, property) {
if (property in target) {
return target[property];
return function () {
var args = [], 0);
return noSuchMethod(target, property, args);
// Having "noSuchMethod" handler it works
function noSuchMethod(object, property, args) {
console.log("noSuchMethod", property, args);
}, 2, 3); // noSuchMethod: "bar" [1, 2, 3]
// =======================================================================================
// 4. Broken invariants.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// However this logical part becomes absolutely broken if to consider the implementation's
// *consequences*.
// Having fixed one "broken invariant" (with "invoke-only-phantoms" which now are "correctly"
// normal JS "funargs"), the implementation just broke *many other logical invariants*
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// - 4.1 Every "non-existing" property is a strange function?
// Do you remember code like this?
if (!Array.isArray) {
Array.isArray = function () {
// custom implementation
// Now imagine this "Array", OR IN ESSENCE ANY OBJECT IN THE LIB CODE, is the proxy with
// the noSuchMethod implementation from above.
// First of all if-branch isn't executed, since the "Array.isArray" exists. OK, seems it's a
// modern engine and it has native support of "Array.isArray", let's use it then.
Array.isArray(foo); // noSuchMethod: "isArray" [foo]
// Wait a second ...
Array.whatA ..
// Ah? All of them DO EXIST and are some *strange functions*... WHAT is that at all?
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// - 4.2 A property is nevery equal to itself
// Just stop right there! What's going on in below:
Array.isArray === Array.isArray; // false!
// What?! What's going on in this language at all?
// Yes, of course even a *simple getter* may cause *side effects* and the equality will be false,
// so we may forgive this broken invariant.
// Moreover, if to *cache* the missed method, the equality will start to work:
var cache = {};
var foo = Proxy({}, {
get: function (target, property) {
if (property in target) {
return target[property];
if (cache[property]) {
return cache[property];
return (cache[property] = function () {
var args = [], 0);
return noSuchMethod(target, property, args);
// But notice, then you have to *invalidate the cache* in the delete trap!
// OTOH, what are you trying to delete? Haven't you already understood?
// Properties are non-deletable!
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// - 4.3 Properties are non-deletable
// Come on, give it a try
if ( {
console.log("Trollface ;D"); // Ah?
console.log(; // I'm still a function! ;D
// However, this invariant may become not so broken since we can't delete
// e.g. *non-configurable* properties as well. So we may treat these virtual
// missed properties as non-configurable and return `false` on `delete` operation.
// We also should adjust `getOwnPropertyDescriptor` hook.
// The implementation becomes the following:
// import default forwarding handler
module Reflect from "@reflect";
// activators cache
var cache = {};
// gets the activator of noSuchMethod
// and chaches it for the next calls
function getActivator(target, property) {
if (cache[property]) {
return cache[property];
return (cache[property] = function () {
var args = [], 0);
return noSuchMethod(target, property, args);
var foo = Proxy({}, {
get: function (target, property) {
if (property in target) {
return target[property];
return getActivator(target, property);
delete: function (target, property) {
if (!target.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
return false;
// else default behavior
return Reflect.delete(target, property);
getOwnPropertyDescriptor: function (target, property) {
if (!target.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
// TODO: handle Object.defineProperty invariant;
// Potentially, a user can change some attribues via Object.defineProperty,
// which creates the property on the object if it doesn't exist yet, but for now
// just return descriptor unconditionally.
// Though, if our virtual property is non-configurable, logically it means
// user can't redefine the property.
// TODO: fix the issue "cannot report a non-configurable descriptor for
// non-existent property" in DirectProxies
return {
// adjust value to our missed methods
value: getActivator(target, property),
// it's always non-configurable to support `delete' invariant
configurable: false,
writable: true,
enumerable: true,
// else default behavior
return Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, property);
// (By the way, for the optimizations, we may even use single *activator* function, which
// executes "noSuchMethod", however in this case === foo.qux. My old implementation:
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// - 4.4 Broken "in" operator:
// OK, let's assume that I don't have missed properties at all and all of them are functions
// but...
if ( {
// exists
// ... what's happened here again?
"bar" in foo; // false! Torllface again ;D
// Right, "has" trap should be adjusted as well to return always `true'!
var foo = Proxy({}, {
get: function (target, property) {
if (property in target) {
return target[property];
return getActivator(target, property);
has: function (target, property) {
return true; // ;D
delete: function (target, property) {
// handle delete
getOwnPropertyDescriptor: function (target, property) {
// handle getOwnPropertyDescriptor
"bar" in foo; // true :)
// (This is nearly the current Tom's propsal:
// =======================================================================================
// 5. OK, OK, so what do you propose then?
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// That's said, I completely agree that a user CAN and HAS THE COMPLETE RIGHT to call a function
// as an "extracted funarg". Since, once again, it's *not possible to distinquish* a real
// method from the virtual one by just looking on the line of a code.
// Moreover, if to consider the same "Ruby on Rails" and its examples with "find_by_<fieldName>"
// virtual methods, then they are virtual *only until the fist catch*. Once they are caught
// by the "method_missing" (Ruby's analog of "noSuchMethod"), the *real method is created* on the
// objects class (prototype) and later calls are already handled directly!
// In terms of JS, if we do the same and will create methods *lazily*, it means at first call
// we can't extract the function as a "funarg", and in later we already can!
// So unfortunately, we can't support both cases -- to have missed methods as funargs and
// at the same time to keep all the invariants logical and correct. We have to get the compromise.
// And the compromise is to have noSuchMethod *in addition* to the scheme above.
// This will give us the ability to react in both manners. As described above in Tom's proposal,
// as well as *just to handle the fact* of a missing method.
// Thus, some properties which we want to have as "funargs" we return from `get' (from this viewpoint
// it doesn't differs much from a *simple getter* which returns a function!) and other just
// handle in the "noSuchMethod":
var foo = Proxy({}, {
get: function (target, property) {
if (property in target) {
return target[property];
// special methods we want to have as "funargs"
if (property.startsWith("findBy")) {
if (cache[property]) {
return cache[property];
return (cache[property] = function () {
var args = [], 0);
return noSuchMethod(target, property, args);
has: function (target, property) {
if (property.startsWith("findBy")) {
return true; // ;D
return Reflect.has(target, property);
delete: function (target, property) {
// handle delete
getOwnPropertyDescriptor: function (target, property) {
// handle getOwnPropertyDescriptor
noSuchMethod: function (method, args) {
console.log("Virtual handler", method, args);
// How much difference and sense will it make?
// Do we need it?
// The question is still open. We may either implement it or not.
// It's just the question of the design decision.
// P.S.:
// Once again: currently the importance of the "extracted funargs" in this case
// seems for me bigger. So it's still really hard to answer the question completely,
// whether we need "invoke-only-phantoms" handler a.k.a "noSuchMethod" or should we
// use it via "no-missing-properties-and-broken-delete-but-all-are-funargs" variant?
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Sorry for my ambiguous writing. I am aware of the control-flow exit. What I initially wanted to express is the following:

As far as I understood there are three types of methods:

  1. Those which are already defined in target property in target
  2. Those we want to create lazily as funargs property.startsWith("findBy")
  3. Those which really don't exist, throwing exception noSuchMethod

I think adding a handler to catch the third case is pretty reasonable.
But the virtual methods that are added this way (e.g. in a framwork) may become confusing for a programmer, who has to work with this API. He may not be able to tell the difference between virtual methods and lazy funargs: "Ok, sometimes methods are created - sometimes not"

To prevent such complexity I suggested the explicit coffescript-like calling alternative.

I think the source for this problems is that the concept of message-passing do not completely apply to JavaScript. DoesNotUnderstand works perfectly for languages, which don't differ between property-access
and method-invocation (e.g. I'm thinking of Smalltalk and Ruby) In those languages one signal noSuchMethod is enough to handle all cases of missing attributes, methods and so on. (I hope I got this one right)

What I want to say is: With JavaScript being not only founded on message-passing maybe it
is not possible to find a transparent solution to solve this problem. And in that case I personally
would go with simplicity and stay with the proxies only. But that is only my personal liking.

Kind regards


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Ah, I got it.

Yes, this is all about "message passing" and Smalltalk's #doesNotUnderstand and Ruby's method_missing are about it. In JS actually, technically there are only properties, and these properties are associated with some values.

In other words, in Ruby is already calling a method (sending a message), but in JS it's accessing a property.

So yes, having just properties via proxies may simplify all this. The only thing I want is to reduce broken invariants (such as "everything is a function", broken delete, etc).

Though, e.g. broken delete may be not so broken, since the same situation we have with non-configurable properties.

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