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Last active February 15, 2023 14:54
* = LL parser =
* by Dmitry Soshnikov <>
* MIT Style license
* Often one can see manually written LL parsers implemented as
* recursive descent. Approach in this diff is a classical parse table
* state machine.
* LL parser consists of:
* 1. input buffer (source code)
* 2. stack
* 3. parsing table (state machine)
* Parsing table:
* Table is used to get the next production number to apply, based on current
* symbol from the buffer, and the symbol (terminal or non-terminal)
* on top of the stack.
* - Rows in the table are non-terminals
* - Columns are terminals
* Parsing algorithm:
* - if the top of the stack is *terminal*, and matches current symbol in
* buffer, then just discard it from the stack, and move cursor further.
* (if doesn't match -- parse error).
* - Else (it must be a non-terminal), replace it with an
* alternative production, corresponding to the production number.
* (if no production -- parse error).
* $ - is a special symbol used to mark bottom of the stack
* and end of the buffer.
* S - is a start symbol.
* At the beginning stack is:
* [S, $]
* Example:
* Grammar:
* 1. S -> F
* 2. S -> (S + F)
* 3. F -> a
* Input:
* (a + a)
* Parse table:
* +------------------+
* | ( ) a + $ |
* +------------------+
* | S 2 - 1 - - |
* | F - - 3 - - |
* +------------------+
* The production rules which are applied to parse `(a + a)` are: 2, 1, 3, 3:
* S -> ( S + F ) -> ( F + F ) -> ( a + F ) -> ( a + a )
* We see that each time the *left most* non-terminal is replaced. Hence, the
* name of the parser: LL - scan source from Left to right, and apply the
* Left most derivation.
* Our grammar representation. Key is a production number from
* the grammar, the value is: 0 - LHS, 1 - RHS of the production.
var grammar = {
1: ['S', 'F'], // 1. S -> F
2: ['S', '(S + F)'], // 2. S -> (S + F)
3: ['F', 'a'], // 3. F -> a
* Initial stack: bottom is the "end of the stack" ($),
* and the start symbol ('S' in our case) is there too.
var stack = ['S', '$'];
function parse(source) {
return parseFromTable(source, buildTable(grammar, source));
function printGrammar(grammar) {
for (var k in grammar) {
console.log(' ' + k + '.', grammar[k][0], '->', grammar[k][1]);
* Builds a state-machine table where table[non-terminal][terminal]
* coordinates determine which next production rule to apply.
function buildTable(grammar, source) {
// For now we assume a correct table was already built from
// the grammar and source for us. We'll cover how to build it
// automatically in the next lessons (see "first" and "follow"
// sets topic). We encode only valid rules here and skip all other
// (they return `undefined` meaning a parse error).
// +------------------+
// | ( ) a + $ |
// +------------------+
// | S 2 - 1 - - |
// | F - - 3 - - |
// +------------------+
return {
'S': {'(': 2, 'a': 1},
'F': {'a': 3}
var productionNumbers = [];
* Parses a source using parse table.
* Doesn't build a parse tree yet, but just checks a source
* string for acceptance (prints production rules appled in case
* of successful parse, or throws on parse errors).
function parseFromTable(source, table) {
console.log('Source:', source);
source = source.replace(/\s+/g, '');
for (var cursor = 0; cursor < source.length;) {
var current = source[cursor];
var top = stack.shift();
// Terminal is on the stack, just advance.
if (isTerminal(top, table) && top === current) {
// We already shifted the symbol from the stack,
// so just advance the cursor.
// Else, it's a non-terminal, do derivation (replace it
// in the stack with corresponding production).
stack.unshift.apply(stack, getProduction(table, top, current));
console.log('Accepted. Productions:', productionNumbers.join(', '), '\n');
function isTerminal(symbol, table) {
return !table.hasOwnProperty(symbol);
function getProduction(table, top, current) {
var nextProductionNumber = table[top][current];
if (!nextProductionNumber) {
throw Error('Parse error, unexpected token: ' + current);
var nextProduction = grammar[nextProductionNumber];
// Return an array of symbols from a production, e.g.
// '(', 'S', '+', 'F', ')' for '(S + F)', since
// each symbol should be pushed onto the stack.
return nextProduction[1].split(/\s*/);
// Test:
parse('(a + a)');
// Output:
// Grammar:
// 1. S -> F
// 2. S -> (S + F)
// 3. F -> a
// Source: (a + a)
// Accepted. Productions: 2, 1, 3, 3
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lokeshh commented Nov 11, 2016

Awesome. Thanks

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Excellent Thanks!

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Awesome code... Thanks bro!! :)

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@DmitrySoshnikov Excellent Work.Please make a video and code about LL(k) Parser where k > 1 I mean LL(2) Parser.Thank You.

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