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Save DmitrySoshnikov/4736334 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Stop and Copy GC technique.
* Stop and Copy Garbage Collection technique.
* See also previous lessons on
* - Mark and Sweep GC:
* - Reference Counting (ARC)
* by Dmitry Soshnikov <>
* MIT Style License
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 1. Heap structure, allocation, objects reachability.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// For simplicity represent the "heap" (the memory where all our objects live)
// as simple JS array. Let's take the "size" of the memory as 20 "abstract points"
// (e.g. gigabytes). Address at which objects are allocated is the array index.
var heap = Array(20); // heap of size 20
// In Stop and Copy GC, the heap is divided into two spaces: the "Old space"
// and the "New Space". The Old space is where our *current objects* live.
// The New space in contrast is initially reserved for GC needs.
// For simplicity assuming the half of the heap array as a divider of
// the Old and New spaces: initially first half (0-9 indices) is Old,
// the second half (indices 10-19) is New (mark it with two bars):
// [ Old space || New space ]
var OLD_SPACE_BOUND = 0; // beginning of the Old (working) space.
var NEW_SPACE_BOUND = 10; // beginning of the New space.
// The actual objects allocation happens on the *left* of the *Old space*:
// We just reserve needed space and move the allocation pointer .
// Everything on the *right* of the allocation pointer is the "Free space"
// from where we can allocate further. Still the New space is untouched until GC:
// Old space = Allocated objects + Free space.
// [ Allocated | Free || New space ]
// At runtime, initially the allocation pointer is set to the beginning
// of the Old space (to zero).
// Helper function to allocate objects, put the object on the heap at allocation
// pointer and returns it back (for explanatory purpose we also explicitly keep
// the address on the object (the heap array index), where the object is allocated).
// It also automatically increases the allocation pointer.
function alloc(object) {
// Put the object on the heap.
heap[ALLOCATION_POINTER] = object;
object.address = ALLOCATION_POINTER;
// In real practice the allocation pointer is increased by the byte size
// of the object, here we have simplified version which just increases it
// (move to the next element of the heap array).
return object;
// Let's add some objects on the heap.
// Object "a" is allocated at address 0 and is reachable from the "root":
var a = alloc({name: 'a'});
// (Note: "roots" are initial places (usually global variables) from where
// we start GC analysis. Read about "roots" in the Mark and Sweep diff:
// Object "b" is allocated at address 1 and is reachable from "a" object:
var b = alloc({name: 'b'});
a.b = b.address; // address (array index) where "b" is allocated on the heap
// Object "c" is allocated at address 2 and is also reachable from "a": root -> a -> c
var c = alloc({name: 'c'});
a.c = c.address; // a.c = c in JS
// However, later it's reference from "a" is removed:
delete a.c;
// Now "c" is a candidate for GC.
// Object "d" is allocated at address 3 and is reachable from "b" (which in turn is
// reachable from "a": root -> a -> b -> d
var d = alloc({name: 'd'});
b.d = d.address; // like b.d = d in JS
// But then the "b" reference is removed from "a".
delete a.b;
// This means that "d" still has the reference to it from "b", but it's
// not reachable (since the "b" itself is not reachable anymore).
// root -> a --X--> b -> d
// Notice the important point: that an object has some references to it
// doesn't mean it cannot be GC'ed. The criteria is "reachability", but not the
// reference counting here.
// Object "e" is allocated at address 4 and is reachable from "a"
var e = alloc({name: 'e'});
a.e = e.address;
// And "e" also has back-reference to "a".
e.a = a.address;
// After these manipulations the heap still contains five objects:
// [{a}, {b}, {c}, {d}, {e}], but only "a" and "e" objects are reachable
// (starting from the root, the "a" object).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 2. Stop and Copy GC overall algorithm
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// As in the Mark and Sweep GC (
// we need to traverse the graph of all reachable objects on the heap.
// However, good advantage in contrast with Mark and Sweep is that we don't have to
// traverse the whole heap after that to clean the garbage. Although,
// we should do some another manipulations -- as the name assumes, Copy the
// objects to reorder them in the Old and New space.
// When the Stop and Copy GC starts, here when the reserved "New space"
// takes palce. Overall idea of S&C GC is very simple:
// 1. Every reachable object is *copied* from the Old space to the New space
// 2. And then Old and New spaces are *swapped* in their roles. Now the New
// space becomes the working program runtime space (becomes "Old") and the
// previous Old space becomes reserved for the next GC cycle
// Eventually after the GC, the heap from the state:
// [{a}, {b}, {c}, {d}, {e} | Free space || New space ]
// should be transformed into:
// [ New space || {a}, {e} | Free space ]
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 3. Fixing the pointers issue
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The copying itself wouldn't be any sort of problem. In real practice the
// bit-for-bit copy is used, so the shape of the objects is kept the same.
// Some properties of objects may be references to other objects. However,
// because of this bit-for-bit copy, the *pointers* in the objects are copied
// as well. Which means the pointers still refer *old* addresses (from the
// previous old space!) on the heap.
// So after the copying we should *fix all pointers* in the objects to
// point to the new space where the objects were copied.
// The problem is that at copying an object it's *not obvious* which other
// objects refer this object (and we should fix exactly the pointers of those
// object to point to the new place where our object is moved:
// E.g.:
// - Object "foo" is copied from address 1 (from Old space) to New address 10.
// var foo = {name: 'foo', address: 1};
// var bar = {name: 'bar', address: 2};
// var baz = {name: 'baz', address: 3};
// = foo.address;
// = foo.address;
// copyToNewSpace(foo); // copy "foo" at GC to e.g. address 10
// - But "" and "" still have the old addresses 1 and we can't
// tell at copying of "foo" object which objects ("bar" and "baz") refer it
// in order to fix their ".foo" pointers to 10.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 4. Solution for the fixing pointers issue, the Forwarding pointers.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// A technique which may help us to solve this issue is a *forwarding address* --
// the special marker value which we can put on the object when copy it.
// At processing the objects, the trick how we mark the copied objects with the
// forwarding addresses and update other objects pointers to it is achieved
// by *partitioning* the New space into three parts:
// - Copied and Scanned objects
// - Just copied objects
// - And the Free space
// The first partition ("Copied and Scanned") contains the objects which we
// copied and also *analyzed all its pointer sub-properties* (i.e. updated their
// addresses to the new memory locations).
// The "Just copied" section holds the object we've just copied and haven't
// processed yet (this is the actual working list of GC algorithm as we'll see).
// It appears when we scanning sub-objects of the parent object and
// just copy them. The sub-objects themselves will be scanned too, but on the next step.
// And the Free space is obviously the space from where we allocate copied objects.
// [ Old space || Copied & Scanned | Just copied | Free space ]
// The bars separating the sections are the "Scan pointer" (separates the "copied
// and scanned" from "just scanned") and the "Allocation pointer" (separates the "Free
// space").
// We should process any object (scan their sub-properties) in the "Just copied"
// section (advancing the scan and allocation pointers). If an object is processed,
// it's automatically moves to the "Copied and Scanned" section by moving the "Scan"
// pointer. And once the scan and allocation pointer are equal -- we're done.
// Initially Scan and Allocation pointers are set to the boundary of the
// Old and New space (that is, to the middle of our heap array).
ALLOCATION_POINTER = NEW_SPACE_BOUND; // We going to allocate from the New space now at GC.
var SCAN_POINTER = ALLOCATION_POINTER; // And the Scan pointer is set initially here too.
// Helper function to copy objects to new locations. Allocates a copy of the object
// in the New space (automatically increasing the allocation pointer), and marks
// the old object as copied setting the forwarding address.
function copyToNewSpace(object) {
// Make a copy
var newObject = {};
Object.keys(object).forEach(function(prop) {
// Copy all properties except the system addresses.
if (prop != 'address' && prop != 'forwardingAddress') {
newObject[prop] = object[prop];
// Mark the old object as copied (add the forwarding address)
object.forwardingAddress = ALLOCATION_POINTER;
// Put on the heap (which increases the allocation pointer).
return newObject;
// Helper function checking whether a value is an address. We use simplified version
// where the address is the heap array index (which are numbers). E.g. a.b = 1.
function isPointer(name, value) {
// Don't consider "system" addresses fields
// (like "address" and "forwardinAddress", check only
// user-level pointers)
return typeof value == 'number' && name != 'address'
&& name != 'forwardingAddress';
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 5. Actual Stop and Copy GC algorithm.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
function gc() {
// Start copy "root" objects to the New space. For simplicity,
// we have only one reachable root object -- the "a" object. Let's copy it
// to the new space, by automatically increasing the allocation pointer, but
// still keeping the scan pointer at its position.
var copiedA = copyToNewSpace(a);
a.forwardingAddress = copiedA.address;
// [ {a}, {b}, {c}, {d}, {e} || |{a} | Free space ]
// Now, when we have copied something, the Scan and Allocation pointers
// are different, which means we have something to process (to scan the properties).
// For now we have only "a" object there. At scanning we copy all these sub-objects
// and mark them as copied too (set the "forwarding address" flag)
// Get the next object at Scan pointer
var objectToScan = heap[SCAN_POINTER];
// And traverse it checking all its reference properties
for (var p in objectToScan) if (isPointer(p, objectToScan[p])) {
var address = objectToScan[p];
// Get the object to which this reference points to:
var objectAtAddress = heap[address];
// If that object hasn't been copied yet (i.e. hasn't forwarding address set)
if (!('forwardingAddress' in objectAtAddress)) {
// Then we copy this sub-object too and mark it specifying forwarding address.
var copiedObjectAtAddress = copyToNewSpace(objectAtAddress);
// And we also *fix* the pointer value on the scanning object to
// refer to the new location.
objectToScan[p] = copiedObjectAtAddress.address;
// Else, the object which this sub-property refers to, was already copied at
// some previous scan of some other objects (an object can be referred by many
// properties in different objects)
} else {
// Then we just update the pointer to the forwarding address
objectToScan[p] = objectAtAddress.forwardingAddress;
// And then we move to the next object to scan (the sub-objects which were copied
// at scanning of their parent object, and which not scanned yet.
// Now we can swap Old and New space, making the New space our working
// runtime memory, and the Old space reserved for GC.
for (var k = OLD_SPACE_BOUND; k < NEW_SPACE_BOUND; k++) {
// Just clean old space for the debug purpose. In real practice it's not
// necessary, this addresses can be just overridden by later allocations.
delete heap[k];
var tmp = NEW_SPACE_BOUND;
OLD_SPACE_BOUND = tmp; // 5
// Heap before GC:
// [{a}, {b}, {c}, {d}, {e} | Free space || New Space ]
// Notice, that the address of "e" in the "a" object is 4, and
// the back-reference address of "a" on "e" is 0.
console.log('Heap before GC:', heap);
// Run GC
// After GC:
// [ New Space || {a}, {e} | Free space ]
// Notice, that the address of "e" object in the "a" is correctly
// updated to the new location, 11, and the the back-reference
// address of "a" on "e" is 10.
console.log('Heap after GC:', heap);
// PS Notes: Stop and Copy considered the fasters GC algorithm (that's said, in contrast
// with Mark and Sweep we don't have to post-traverse the heap to remove the garbage.
// However, for some languages, such as C/C++, Stop and Copy cannot be applied, since
// since there the semantics for references and pointers are explicitly exposed and is
// visible for the user-level code and we cannot just move the objects and fix their pointers.
// For further reading I highly recommend this lecture on Stop and Copy GC by Stanford
// professor Alex Aiken,
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