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Created October 1, 2010 19:56
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Save DmitrySoshnikov/606760 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// loop-code-gen.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
int i = 0, n = 1;
while (i++ < n) if (i == 1) break;
while (i++ < n && i != 1);
return 0;
// code gen of MS 2005 in debug mode
int i = 0, n = 1;
0041137E mov dword ptr [i],0
00411385 mov dword ptr [n],1
while (i++ < n) if (i == 1) break;
0041138C mov eax,dword ptr [i]
0041138F mov ecx,dword ptr [n]
00411392 mov edx,dword ptr [i]
00411395 add edx,1
00411398 mov dword ptr [i],edx
0041139B cmp eax,ecx
0041139D jge wmain+4Bh (4113ABh)
0041139F mov dword ptr [ebp-0DCh],1
004113A9 jmp wmain+55h (4113B5h)
004113AB mov dword ptr [ebp-0DCh],0
004113B5 cmp dword ptr [ebp-0DCh],0
004113BC je wmain+68h (4113C8h)
004113BE cmp dword ptr [i],1
004113C2 jne wmain+66h (4113C6h)
004113C4 jmp wmain+68h (4113C8h)
while (i++ < n && i != 1);
004113C6 jmp wmain+2Ch (41138Ch)
004113C8 mov eax,dword ptr [i]
004113CB mov ecx,dword ptr [n]
004113CE mov edx,dword ptr [i]
004113D1 add edx,1
004113D4 mov dword ptr [i],edx
004113D7 cmp eax,ecx
004113D9 jge wmain+87h (4113E7h)
004113DB mov dword ptr [ebp-0DCh],1
004113E5 jmp wmain+91h (4113F1h)
004113E7 mov dword ptr [ebp-0DCh],0
004113F1 cmp dword ptr [ebp-0DCh],0
004113F8 je wmain+0A2h (411402h)
004113FA cmp dword ptr [i],1
004113FE je wmain+0A2h (411402h)
00411400 jmp wmain+68h (4113C8h)
return 0;
00411402 xor eax,eax
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