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LR Parsing: Canonical collection of LR(0) items
* LR-parsing.
* Canonical collection of LR(0) items.
* by Dmitry Soshnikov <>
* MIT Style License (C) 2015
* See this "rock-painting" to get the picture of what we're building here:
* Definitions:
* - Canonical collection of LR-items is a graph consisting
* of closured LR-items and goto connections between them.
* It's a state machine used for building LR parsing table.
* - An item is a production with the dot cursor. The dot position
* is advanced on the goto operation. The dot splits the production
* on left and right sides, that shows what we have seen already
* in this production during the parse process, and what have not yet.
* - A closure is a set of LR-items; it has a kernel items set, and
* also added items, which are created following production rules
* corresponding to the non-terminal at the dot position. A closure
* is also known as a state, which is used in building of the
* LR parsing table.
* - A closure is final if it contains only the kernel items set
* which is itself final (with the dot position at the end of
* the production). Several closures can be final. The final
* items are used at reduction.
* Theory:
* -
* - "Dragon book", Introduction to LR parsing
* See also LL(1) parser:
* Der Nichts. The Epsilon.
const EPSILON = 'ε';
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 1. GrammarSymbol
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Class encapsulates operations with one
* grammar symbol (terminal or non-terminal)
class GrammarSymbol {
constructor(symbol) {
this._symbol = symbol;
* Terminals in our grammar are quoted,
* "a", " ", "var", etc.
isTerminal() {
const quoteRe = /'|"/;
return quoteRe.test(this._symbol[0]) &&
quoteRe.test(this._symbol[this._symbol.length - 1]);
isNonTerminal() {
return !this.isTerminal();
isEpsilon() {
return this._symbol === EPSILON;
getSymbol() {
return this._symbol;
isSymbol(symbol) {
return this.getSymbol() === symbol;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 2. Production
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Class encapsulates operations with a grammar production.
class Production {
* Receives a raw production in a view of:
* LHS -> RHS or a short alternative
* | RHS if the LHS is the same.
constructor(production) {
this._raw = production;
getRaw() {
return this._raw;
* For cases like:
* A -> aA
* | b
* For the second alternative, grammar will call setLHS('A').
setLHS(LHS) {
if (!(LHS instanceof GrammarSymbol)) {
LHS = new GrammarSymbol(LHS);
this._LHS = LHS;
getLHS() {
return this._LHS;
getRHS() {
return this._RHS;
_normalize() {
let splitter = this._raw.indexOf('->') !== -1 ? '->' : '|';
let splitted = this._raw.split(splitter);
let LHS = new GrammarSymbol(splitted[0].trim());
let rhsStr = splitted[1].trim();
let RHS = [];
// If no RHS provided, assume it's ε. We support
// both formats, explicit: F -> ε, and implicit: F ->
if (!rhsStr) {
RHS.push(new GrammarSymbol(EPSILON));
} else {
let rhsProd = rhsStr.split(/\s+/);
for (let i = 0; i < rhsProd.length; i++) {
if (rhsProd[i] === '"' && rhsProd[i + 1] === '"') {
RHS.push(new GrammarSymbol('" "'));
} else {
RHS.push(new GrammarSymbol(rhsProd[i]));
this._LHS = LHS;
this._RHS = RHS;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 3. Grammar
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Class encapsulates operations with a grammar.
* Production format: {0: <Production>}.
class Grammar {
* Receives a raw grammar containing a set of
* productions. Normalizes it to internal representation
* and also appends the augmented production.
constructor(grammar) {
this._originalBnf = grammar;
this._isAugmentedProduction = null;
this._bnf = this._normalizeBnf(this._originalBnf);
getProductionsForSymbol(symbol) {
if (symbol instanceof GrammarSymbol) {
symbol = symbol.getSymbol();
let productionsForSymbol = {};
for (let k in this._bnf) {
let production = this._bnf[k]
if (production.getLHS().isSymbol(symbol)) {
productionsForSymbol[k] = production;
return productionsForSymbol;
getProduction(number) {
return this._bnf[number];
getAugmentedProduction() {
// The augmented production which is built during normalization.
return this._isAugmentedProduction;
_normalizeBnf(originalBnf) {
let normalizedBnf = {};
let currentNonTerminal;
this._toArray(originalBnf).forEach((rawProduction, k) => {
let productionNumber = k + 1;
let production = new Production(rawProduction);
// For a shorthand production that doesn't use explicit LHS,
// take it from previous rule.
if (!production.getLHS().getSymbol()) {
currentNonTerminal = production.getLHS().getSymbol();
// LHS of the first rule is considered as "Start symbol".
if (k === 0) {
this._startSymbol = production.getLHS().getSymbol();
// Augmented rule, S' -> S.
normalizedBnf[k] = this._isAugmentedProduction = new Production(
`${this._startSymbol}' -> ${this._startSymbol}`
normalizedBnf[productionNumber] = production;
return normalizedBnf;
_toArray(grammar) {
if (Array.isArray(grammar)) {
return grammar;
return grammar
.filter(production => !!production.trim());
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 4. LRItem
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Stores all LR-items that are used in closures.
* This is to reuse the same LR-item that should "goto"
* the same state from different closures.
* The key in the registry is the serialized item,
* the value is an actual item object.
* E.g. {'A -> a • A': LRItem('A -> a A', 1), ...}
let LRItemsRegistry = {};
* An LRItem is built for a production at particular
* dot position. The kernel item (for the augmented production)
* builds the canonical collection, recursively applying
* "closure" and "goto" operations.
class LRItem {
constructor({production, dotPosition = 0, grammar}) {
this._production = production;
this._dotPosition = dotPosition;
this._grammar = grammar;
this._closure = null;
this._gotoPointer = null;
* Whether this item should be closured.
shouldClosure() {
return !this.isFinal() && this.getCurrentSymbol().isNonTerminal();
* Whether this item is already connected to a closure.
isConnected() {
return this._gotoPointer !== null;
* Returns the closure object for this item.
getClosure() {
return this._closure;
* Applies closure operation for this item.
closure() {
if (!this.shouldClosure()) {
this._closure = new Closure({
kernelItem: this,
grammar: this._grammar,
return this._closure;
* Goto operation from this item. The item can be used in
* different closures, but always goes to the same outer closure.
* Initial item (for the augmented production) builds the whole
* graph of the canonical collection of LR items.
goto() {
if (!this.isFinal() && !this.isConnected()) {
this._gotoPointer = new Closure({
kernelItem: this.advance(),
grammar: this._grammar,
// And recursively go to the next closure state if needed.
return this._gotoPointer;
* The symbol at the dot position.
getCurrentSymbol() {
return this._production.getRHS()[this._dotPosition];
* Whether we have seen the whole production.
isFinal() {
return this._dotPosition === this._production.getRHS().length;
* Returns serialized representation of an item. This is used
* as a key in the global registry of all items that participate
* in closures. E.g. `A -> • a A`.
serialize() {
return LRItem.keyForItem(this._production, this._dotPosition);
static keyForItem(production, dotPosition) {
let RHS = production.getRHS().map(symbol => symbol.getSymbol());
RHS.splice(dotPosition, 0, '•');
return `${production.getLHS().getSymbol()} -> ${RHS.join(' ')}`;
* Returns an a new item with an advanced dot position.
advance() {
if (this.isFinal()) {
throw new Error(`Item for ${this._production.getRaw()} is final.`);
return new LRItem({
production: this._production,
dotPosition: this._dotPosition + 1,
grammar: this._grammar,
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 5. Closure
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
* An abstraction for an items set (kernel plus added),
* known as a "closure". Recursively closes over
* all added items, eventually forming an LR-parsing state.
class Closure {
constructor({kernelItem, grammar}) {
this._kernelItem = this._currentItem = kernelItem;
this._items = [kernelItem];
this._grammar = grammar;
getKernel() {
return this._kernelItem;
getItems() {
return this._items;
* Executes goto operation for every item.
goto() {
this.getItems().forEach(item => item.goto());
* Expands items until there is any item (kernel or added)
* with a non-terminal at the dot position.
_build() {
if (!this._currentItem.shouldClosure()) {
let productionsForSymbol = this._grammar.getProductionsForSymbol(
for (let k in productionsForSymbol) {
let production = productionsForSymbol[k];
let itemKey = LRItem.keyForItem(production, 0);
let addedItem;
// Register the item, or reuse the same one, it
// should already be connected to needed closure.
if (!LRItemsRegistry.hasOwnProperty(itemKey)) {
addedItem = LRItemsRegistry[itemKey] =
// All added items are always at position 0.
new LRItem({
dotPosition: 0,
grammar: this._grammar
} else {
addedItem = LRItemsRegistry[itemKey];
this._currentItem = addedItem;
// Recursively closure the added item.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 6. Tests
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Example grammar.
const grammar = new Grammar(`
S -> A A
A -> "a" A
| "b"
let kernelItem = new LRItem({
production: grammar.getAugmentedProduction(),
grammar: grammar,
// Build the entire graph starting
// from the augmented production.
// Trace the graph.
// S' -> S •
.getKernel() // S' -> • S
.getKernel() // S' -> S •
// S -> A A •
.getItems()[1] // S -> • A A
.getKernel() // S -> A • A
.getKernel() // S -> A A •
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