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Last active December 13, 2020 16:10
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object App {
trait MyTrait
object MyTrait {
def materialize[A <: MyTrait](implicit m: A): A = m
implicit val m/*: MyTrait*/ /*: (MyTrait {
/*implicit*/ val x: Int
})*/ = new MyTrait {
implicit val x: Int = 10
val m1 = MyTrait.materialize
import m1._
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@BalmungSan well, you changed the trait. This can be a third-party type class.

Usually with type classes type parameters are used as inputs and type members as outputs.

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DmytroMitin commented Apr 6, 2019

object App {
  class A
  class B
  class C
  class D

  trait MyTrait[A]
  object MyTrait {
    def materialize[A] = new Helper[A]

    class Helper[A] {
      def apply[MT <: MyTrait[A]](implicit mt: MT): MT = mt

    implicit val intMT = new MyTrait[Int] {
      implicit val a: A = new A
      implicit val b: B = new B

    implicit val stringMT = new MyTrait[String] {
      implicit val c: C = new C
      implicit val d: D = new D

    val m = MyTrait.materialize[Int].apply
    import m._

    val m = MyTrait.materialize[String].apply
    import m._


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import shapeless.{::, HList, HNil, Poly2}

object App {

  def swap(p: Poly2)/*: Poly2*/ /*: (Poly2 {
    /*implicit*/ def cse[L <: HList, A, B](implicit
                                       ev: L <:< (A :: B :: HNil),
                                       pCase: p.Case[B, A]
                                      ): ProductCase.Aux[L, pCase.Result]
  })*/ = new Poly2 {
    implicit def cse[L <: HList, A, B](implicit
                                       ev: L <:< (A :: B :: HNil),
                                       pCase: p.Case[B, A]
                                      ): ProductCase.Aux[L, pCase.Result] = ProductCase(l => {
      val a :: b :: HNil = ev(l)
      pCase(b, a)

  object myPoly extends Poly2 {
    implicit val intCase: Case.Aux[Int, Boolean, Long] = at((i, _) => i.toLong)
    implicit val strCase: Case.Aux[String, Char, Symbol] = at((s, c) => Symbol(s + c))

  val myPoly1 = swap(myPoly)
  import myPoly1._
  myPoly1(true, 10)
  myPoly1('c', "ab")

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