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Last active August 29, 2015 14:13
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Makefile JAVA
SRC = src
SOURCES = $(shell find ./src/ -name *.java)
S = java
SC = javac
TARGET = bin
CP = bin
run: compile
@echo ":: Executing..."
@$(S) -cp $(CP) App
compile: $(
@echo ":: Compiling..."
@echo "Compiling $*.java.."
@# Little bit ugly but it's works. If you have another solution, don't hesitate to contact me.
@if [ $(shell stat -c %Y $*.java) -lt $(shell stat -c %Y $(shell echo "$*.class" | sed 's/src/bin/g')) ]; then echo ; else $(SC) -sourcepath $(SRC) -cp $(CP) -d $(TARGET) -encoding utf-8 $*.java; fi
@rm -R bin/*
# Pour supprimer les fichier .fuse* créés par sublime text
@rm `find -name "*fuse*"`
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