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Last active May 29, 2022 05:13
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Epico "a letter of challenge" (v1.03) by @npckc translation


  1. Drop all rpy files to game/tl/zh
  2. Drop XiaolaiSC-Regular.ttf to game/tl/zh with filename sp-xiaolai-p.ttf
  3. Drop some lines under define lang_ lines in game/screens.rpy
# Dobby233Liu: xiaolai is literally seto, but the improved version
define lang_zh = "{font=tl/zh/sp-xiaolai-p.ttf}简体中文{/font}"

and in somewhere like this

        grid 2 1:
            style_prefix "radio"
            spacing 10
            textbutton "[lang_it]" action SetScreenVariable("lang","it")

add this

          textbutton "[lang_zh]" action SetScreenVariable("lang","zh")

randomly make strings translatable in screen about(): and screen main_menu(): 4. In game/script.rpy there's something like this:

define end1 = "{font=tl/None/npckc.ttf}THE END?{/font}"
define end2 = "{font=tl/None/npckc.ttf}THE END!{/font}"

change it to:

define end1 = _("{font=tl/None/npckc.ttf}THE END?{/font}")
define end2 = _("{font=tl/None/npckc.ttf}THE END!{/font}")

replace u "[end1]" to u "[end1!t]" and u "{color=#FFA69E}[end2]" to u "{color=#FFA69E}[end2!t]"

# panically pasted from renpy launcher
# forgive me
translate zh strings:
# 00accessibility.rpy:28
old "Self-voicing disabled."
new "自动朗读已关闭。"
# 00accessibility.rpy:29
old "Clipboard voicing enabled. "
new "剪贴板朗读已开启。"
# 00accessibility.rpy:30
old "Self-voicing enabled. "
new "自动朗读已开启。"
# 00accessibility.rpy:32
old "bar"
new "bar"
# 00accessibility.rpy:33
old "selected"
new "selected"
# 00accessibility.rpy:34
old "viewport"
new "viewport"
# 00accessibility.rpy:35
old "horizontal scroll"
new "horizontal scroll"
# 00accessibility.rpy:36
old "vertical scroll"
new "vertical scroll"
# 00accessibility.rpy:37
old "activate"
new "activate"
# 00accessibility.rpy:38
old "deactivate"
new "deactivate"
# 00accessibility.rpy:39
old "increase"
new "increase"
# 00accessibility.rpy:40
old "decrease"
new "decrease"
# 00accessibility.rpy:128
old "Font Override"
new "字体替代"
# 00accessibility.rpy:132
old "Default"
new "默认"
# 00accessibility.rpy:136
old "DejaVu Sans"
new "DejaVu Sans"
# 00accessibility.rpy:140
old "Opendyslexic"
new "Opendyslexic"
# 00accessibility.rpy:146
old "Text Size Scaling"
new "字号缩放"
# 00accessibility.rpy:152
old "Reset"
new "重置"
# 00accessibility.rpy:157
old "Line Spacing Scaling"
new "行距缩放"
# 00accessibility.rpy:169
old "Self-Voicing"
new "自动朗读"
# 00accessibility.rpy:173
old "Off"
new "关闭"
# 00accessibility.rpy:177
old "Text-to-speech"
new "文字转语音"
# 00accessibility.rpy:181
old "Clipboard"
new "剪贴板"
# 00accessibility.rpy:185
old "Debug"
new "调试"
# 00accessibility.rpy:191
old "The options on this menu are intended to improve accessibility. They may not work with all games, and some combinations of options may render the game unplayable. This is not an issue with the game or engine. For the best results when changing fonts, try to keep the text size the same as it originally was."
new "此菜单上的选项旨在改善辅助功能。这些选项可能不适用于所有游戏,并且某些选项组合可能会导致游戏无法游玩。这不是游戏或引擎的问题。为了在更改字体时获得最佳效果,请尝试保持文字大小与原始大小相同。"
# 00accessibility.rpy:193
old "Self-Voicing Volume Drop"
new "自动朗读音量下降"
# 00action_file.rpy:26
old "{#weekday}Monday"
new "{#weekday}星期一"
# 00action_file.rpy:26
old "{#weekday}Tuesday"
new "{#weekday}星期二"
# 00action_file.rpy:26
old "{#weekday}Wednesday"
new "{#weekday}星期三"
# 00action_file.rpy:26
old "{#weekday}Thursday"
new "{#weekday}星期四"
# 00action_file.rpy:26
old "{#weekday}Friday"
new "{#weekday}星期五"
# 00action_file.rpy:26
old "{#weekday}Saturday"
new "{#weekday}星期六"
# 00action_file.rpy:26
old "{#weekday}Sunday"
new "{#weekday}星期日"
# 00action_file.rpy:37
old "{#weekday_short}Mon"
new "{#weekday_short}周一"
# 00action_file.rpy:37
old "{#weekday_short}Tue"
new "{#weekday_short}周二"
# 00action_file.rpy:37
old "{#weekday_short}Wed"
new "{#weekday_short}周三"
# 00action_file.rpy:37
old "{#weekday_short}Thu"
new "{#weekday_short}周四"
# 00action_file.rpy:37
old "{#weekday_short}Fri"
new "{#weekday_short}周五"
# 00action_file.rpy:37
old "{#weekday_short}Sat"
new "{#weekday_short}周六"
# 00action_file.rpy:37
old "{#weekday_short}Sun"
new "{#weekday_short}周日"
# 00action_file.rpy:47
old "{#month}January"
new "{#month}1月"
# 00action_file.rpy:47
old "{#month}February"
new "{#month}2月"
# 00action_file.rpy:47
old "{#month}March"
new "{#month}3月"
# 00action_file.rpy:47
old "{#month}April"
new "{#month}4月"
# 00action_file.rpy:47
old "{#month}May"
new "{#month}5月"
# 00action_file.rpy:47
old "{#month}June"
new "{#month}6月"
# 00action_file.rpy:47
old "{#month}July"
new "{#month}7月"
# 00action_file.rpy:47
old "{#month}August"
new "{#month}8月"
# 00action_file.rpy:47
old "{#month}September"
new "{#month}9月"
# 00action_file.rpy:47
old "{#month}October"
new "{#month}10月"
# 00action_file.rpy:47
old "{#month}November"
new "{#month}11月"
# 00action_file.rpy:47
old "{#month}December"
new "{#month}12月"
# 00action_file.rpy:63
old "{#month_short}Jan"
new "{#month_short}1月"
# 00action_file.rpy:63
old "{#month_short}Feb"
new "{#month_short}2月"
# 00action_file.rpy:63
old "{#month_short}Mar"
new "{#month_short}3月"
# 00action_file.rpy:63
old "{#month_short}Apr"
new "{#month_short}4月"
# 00action_file.rpy:63
old "{#month_short}May"
new "{#month_short}5月"
# 00action_file.rpy:63
old "{#month_short}Jun"
new "{#month_short}6月"
# 00action_file.rpy:63
old "{#month_short}Jul"
new "{#month_short}7月"
# 00action_file.rpy:63
old "{#month_short}Aug"
new "{#month_short}8月"
# 00action_file.rpy:63
old "{#month_short}Sep"
new "{#month_short}9月"
# 00action_file.rpy:63
old "{#month_short}Oct"
new "{#month_short}10月"
# 00action_file.rpy:63
old "{#month_short}Nov"
new "{#month_short}11月"
# 00action_file.rpy:63
old "{#month_short}Dec"
new "{#month_short}12月"
# 00action_file.rpy:240
old "%b %d, %H:%M"
new "%m-%d %H:%M"
# 00action_file.rpy:353
old "Save slot %s: [text]"
new "保存存档 %s:[text]"
# 00action_file.rpy:434
old "Load slot %s: [text]"
new "读取存档 %s:[text]"
# 00action_file.rpy:487
old "Delete slot [text]"
new "删除存档 [text]"
# 00action_file.rpy:569
old "File page auto"
new "自动存档页"
# 00action_file.rpy:571
old "File page quick"
new "快速存档页"
# 00action_file.rpy:573
old "File page [text]"
new "第 [text] 存档页"
# 00action_file.rpy:772
old "Next file page."
new "下一存档页。"
# 00action_file.rpy:845
old "Previous file page."
new "上一存档页。"
# 00action_file.rpy:906
old "Quick save complete."
new "快速保存完成。"
# 00action_file.rpy:924
old "Quick save."
new "快速保存。"
# 00action_file.rpy:943
old "Quick load."
new "快速读取。"
# 00action_other.rpy:375
old "Language [text]"
new "语言 [text]"
# 00director.rpy:708
old "The interactive director is not enabled here."
new "互动导演模式未启动。"
# 00director.rpy:1481
old "⬆"
new "⬆"
# 00director.rpy:1487
old "⬇"
new "⬇"
# 00director.rpy:1551
old "Done"
new "完成"
# 00director.rpy:1561
old "(statement)"
new "(statement)"
# 00director.rpy:1562
old "(tag)"
new "(tag)"
# 00director.rpy:1563
old "(attributes)"
new "(attributes)"
# 00director.rpy:1564
old "(transform)"
new "(transform)"
# 00director.rpy:1589
old "(transition)"
new "(transition)"
# 00director.rpy:1601
old "(channel)"
new "(channel)"
# 00director.rpy:1602
old "(filename)"
new "(filename)"
# 00director.rpy:1631
old "Change"
new "更改"
# 00director.rpy:1633
old "Add"
new "添加"
# 00director.rpy:1636
old "Cancel"
new "取消"
# 00director.rpy:1639
old "Remove"
new "移除"
# 00director.rpy:1674
old "Statement:"
new "声明:"
# 00director.rpy:1695
old "Tag:"
new "标签:"
# 00director.rpy:1711
old "Attributes:"
new "属性:"
# 00director.rpy:1729
old "Transforms:"
new "变换:"
# 00director.rpy:1748
old "Behind:"
new "置后于:"
# 00director.rpy:1767
old "Transition:"
new "转场:"
# 00director.rpy:1785
old "Channel:"
new "轨道:"
# 00director.rpy:1803
old "Audio Filename:"
new "音频文件:"
# 00gui.rpy:374
old "Are you sure?"
new "您确定吗?"
# 00gui.rpy:375
old "Are you sure you want to delete this save?"
new "您确定要删除此存档吗?"
# 00gui.rpy:376
old "Are you sure you want to overwrite your save?"
new "您确定要覆盖此存档吗?"
# 00gui.rpy:377
old "Loading will lose unsaved progress.\nAre you sure you want to do this?"
new "读取存档将会使未保存的进度丢失。\n您确定要继续吗?"
# 00gui.rpy:378
old "Are you sure you want to quit?"
new "您确定要退出吗?"
# 00gui.rpy:379
old "Are you sure you want to return to the main menu?\nThis will lose unsaved progress."
new "您确定要返回到标题界面吗?\n此操作将会使未保存的进度丢失。"
# 00gui.rpy:380
old "Are you sure you want to end the replay?"
new "您确定要结束回放吗?"
# 00gui.rpy:381
old "Are you sure you want to begin skipping?"
new "您确定要开始快进吗?"
# 00gui.rpy:382
old "Are you sure you want to skip to the next choice?"
new "您确定要直接快进到下个选项吗?"
# 00gui.rpy:383
old "Are you sure you want to skip unseen dialogue to the next choice?"
new "您确定要跳过未读对话,直接快进到下个选项吗?"
# 00keymap.rpy:267
old "Failed to save screenshot as %s."
new "截图保存到以下位置时失败:%s"
# 00keymap.rpy:279
old "Saved screenshot as %s."
new "截图已保存到以下位置:%s"
# 00library.rpy:195
old "Skip Mode"
new "快进"
# 00library.rpy:281
old "This program contains free software under a number of licenses, including the MIT License and GNU Lesser General Public License. A complete list of software, including links to full source code, can be found {a=}here{/a}."
new "本程序包含了由数个许可证授权的免费软件,包括 MIT 许可证和 GNU 宽松通用公共许可证。完整软件列表及源代码链接,请{a=}访问此处{/a}。"
# 00preferences.rpy:233
old "display"
new "display"
# 00preferences.rpy:245
old "transitions"
new "transitions"
# 00preferences.rpy:254
old "skip transitions"
new "skip transitions"
# 00preferences.rpy:256
old "video sprites"
new "video sprites"
# 00preferences.rpy:265
old "show empty window"
new "show empty window"
# 00preferences.rpy:274
old "text speed"
new "text speed"
# 00preferences.rpy:282
old "joystick"
new "joystick"
# 00preferences.rpy:282
old "joystick..."
new "joystick..."
# 00preferences.rpy:289
old "skip"
new "skip"
# 00preferences.rpy:292
old "skip unseen [text]"
new "skip unseen [text]"
# 00preferences.rpy:297
old "skip unseen text"
new "skip unseen text"
# 00preferences.rpy:299
old "begin skipping"
new "begin skipping"
# 00preferences.rpy:303
old "after choices"
new "after choices"
# 00preferences.rpy:310
old "skip after choices"
new "skip after choices"
# 00preferences.rpy:312
old "auto-forward time"
new "auto-forward time"
# 00preferences.rpy:326
old "auto-forward"
new "auto-forward"
# 00preferences.rpy:333
old "Auto forward"
new "自动前进"
# 00preferences.rpy:336
old "auto-forward after click"
new "auto-forward after click"
# 00preferences.rpy:345
old "automatic move"
new "automatic move"
# 00preferences.rpy:354
old "wait for voice"
new "wait for voice"
# 00preferences.rpy:363
old "voice sustain"
new "voice sustain"
# 00preferences.rpy:372
old "self voicing"
new "self voicing"
# 00preferences.rpy:381
old "clipboard voicing"
new "clipboard voicing"
# 00preferences.rpy:384
old "self voicing volume drop"
new "self voicing volume drop"
# 00preferences.rpy:390
old "debug voicing"
new "debug voicing"
# 00preferences.rpy:399
old "emphasize audio"
new "emphasize audio"
# 00preferences.rpy:408
old "rollback side"
new "rollback side"
# 00preferences.rpy:418
old "gl powersave"
new "gl powersave"
# 00preferences.rpy:424
old "gl framerate"
new "gl framerate"
# 00preferences.rpy:427
old "gl tearing"
new "gl tearing"
# 00preferences.rpy:430
old "font transform"
new "font transform"
# 00preferences.rpy:433
old "font size"
new "font size"
# 00preferences.rpy:441
old "font line spacing"
new "font line spacing"
# 00preferences.rpy:460
old "music volume"
new "music volume"
# 00preferences.rpy:461
old "sound volume"
new "sound volume"
# 00preferences.rpy:462
old "voice volume"
new "voice volume"
# 00preferences.rpy:463
old "mute music"
new "mute music"
# 00preferences.rpy:464
old "mute sound"
new "mute sound"
# 00preferences.rpy:465
old "mute voice"
new "mute voice"
# 00preferences.rpy:466
old "mute all"
new "mute all"
# 00preferences.rpy:547
old "Clipboard voicing enabled. Press 'shift+C' to disable."
new "剪贴板朗读已开启。按 Shift+C 来关闭。"
# 00preferences.rpy:549
old "Self-voicing would say \"[renpy.display.tts.last]\". Press 'alt+shift+V' to disable."
new "自动朗读将开始朗读“[renpy.display.tts.last]”。按 Alt+Shift+V 来关闭。"
# 00preferences.rpy:551
old "Self-voicing enabled. Press 'v' to disable."
new "自动朗读已开启。按 V 来关闭。"
# _compat/gamemenu.rpym:198
old "Empty Slot."
new "空存档位。"
# _compat/gamemenu.rpym:355
old "Previous"
new "上一页"
# _compat/gamemenu.rpym:362
old "Next"
new "下一页"
# _compat/preferences.rpym:428
old "Joystick Mapping"
new "手柄映射"
# _developer/developer.rpym:38
old "Developer Menu"
new "开发者菜单"
# _developer/developer.rpym:43
old "Interactive Director (D)"
new "互动导演 (D)"
# _developer/developer.rpym:45
old "Reload Game (Shift+R)"
new "重新加载游戏 (Shift+R)"
# _developer/developer.rpym:47
old "Console (Shift+O)"
new "控制台 (Shift+O)"
# _developer/developer.rpym:49
old "Variable Viewer"
new "变量查看器"
# _developer/developer.rpym:51
old "Image Location Picker"
new "图像坐标提取器"
# _developer/developer.rpym:53
old "Filename List"
new "文件列表"
# _developer/developer.rpym:57
old "Show Image Load Log (F4)"
new "显示图像加载日志 (F4)"
# _developer/developer.rpym:60
old "Hide Image Load Log (F4)"
new "隐藏图像加载日志 (F4)"
# _developer/developer.rpym:63
old "Image Attributes"
new "图像属性"
# _developer/developer.rpym:90
old "[name] [attributes] (hidden)"
new "[name] [attributes](隐藏)"
# _developer/developer.rpym:94
old "[name] [attributes]"
new "[name] [attributes]"
# _developer/developer.rpym:143
old "Nothing to inspect."
new "无对象可查验。"
# _developer/developer.rpym:154
old "Hide deleted"
new "隐藏已删除项"
# _developer/developer.rpym:154
old "Show deleted"
new "显示已删除项"
# _developer/developer.rpym:278
old "Return to the developer menu"
new "返回到开发者菜单"
# _developer/developer.rpym:443
old "Rectangle: %r"
new "矩形参数:%r"
# _developer/developer.rpym:448
old "Mouse position: %r"
new "鼠标坐标:%r"
# _developer/developer.rpym:453
old "Right-click or escape to quit."
new "右键点击或按下 Esc 键来退出。"
# _developer/developer.rpym:485
old "Rectangle copied to clipboard."
new "矩形参数已复制到剪贴板。"
# _developer/developer.rpym:488
old "Position copied to clipboard."
new "坐标已复制到剪贴板。"
# _developer/developer.rpym:507
old "Type to filter: "
new "输入关键字过滤:"
# _developer/developer.rpym:635
old "Textures: [tex_count] ([tex_size_mb:.1f] MB)"
new "贴图:[tex_count] ([tex_size_mb:.1f] MB)"
# _developer/developer.rpym:639
old "Image cache: [cache_pct:.1f]% ([cache_size_mb:.1f] MB)"
new "图像缓存:[cache_pct:.1f]% ([cache_size_mb:.1f] MB)"
# _developer/developer.rpym:649
old "✔ "
new "✔ "
# _developer/developer.rpym:652
old "✘ "
new "✘ "
# _developer/developer.rpym:657
old "\n{color=#cfc}✔ predicted image (good){/color}\n{color=#fcc}✘ unpredicted image (bad){/color}\n{color=#fff}Drag to move.{/color}"
new "\n{color=#cfc}✔ 已预载图像(良好){/color}\n{color=#fcc}✘ 未预载图像(糟糕){/color}\n{color=#fff}拖动来移动位置。{/color}"
# _developer/inspector.rpym:38
old "Displayable Inspector"
new "可视组件查验器"
# _developer/inspector.rpym:61
old "Size"
new "大小"
# _developer/inspector.rpym:65
old "Style"
new "样式"
# _developer/inspector.rpym:71
old "Location"
new "坐标"
# _developer/inspector.rpym:122
old "Inspecting Styles of [displayable_name!q]"
new "正在查验 [displayable_name!q] 的样式"
# _developer/inspector.rpym:139
old "displayable:"
new "displayable:"
# _developer/inspector.rpym:145
old " (no properties affect the displayable)"
new " (可视组件尚无属性关联)"
# _developer/inspector.rpym:147
old " (default properties omitted)"
new " (已省略默认属性)"
# _developer/inspector.rpym:185
old "<repr() failed>"
new "<repr() failed>"
# _layout/classic_load_save.rpym:170
old "a"
new "a"
# _layout/classic_load_save.rpym:179
old "q"
new "q"
# 00iap.rpy:217
old "Contacting App Store\nPlease Wait..."
new "正在连线 App Store\n请稍后……"
# 00updater.rpy:375
old "The Ren'Py Updater is not supported on mobile devices."
new "Ren'Py 尚不支持在移动设备上执行更新。"
# 00updater.rpy:494
old "An error is being simulated."
new "已模拟一个错误。"
# 00updater.rpy:678
old "Either this project does not support updating, or the update status file was deleted."
new "此工程不支持更新,或者是更新状态文件已被删除。"
# 00updater.rpy:692
old "This account does not have permission to perform an update."
new "此帐号没有执行更新的权限。"
# 00updater.rpy:695
old "This account does not have permission to write the update log."
new "此帐号没有写入更新日志的权限。"
# 00updater.rpy:722
old "Could not verify update signature."
new "无法验证更新签名。"
# 00updater.rpy:997
old "The update file was not downloaded."
new "更新文件未能下载。"
# 00updater.rpy:1015
old "The update file does not have the correct digest - it may have been corrupted."
new "更新文件校验失败。文件可能已损坏。"
# 00updater.rpy:1071
old "While unpacking {}, unknown type {}."
new "解压 {} 时出现未知错误 {}。"
# 00updater.rpy:1439
old "Updater"
new "更新程序"
# 00updater.rpy:1450
old "This program is up to date."
new "此程序已是最新版本。"
# 00updater.rpy:1452
old "[u.version] is available. Do you want to install it?"
new "[u.version] 现已可用。您希望现在安装吗?"
# 00updater.rpy:1454
old "Preparing to download the updates."
new "正在准备下载更新。"
# 00updater.rpy:1456
old "Downloading the updates."
new "正在下载更新。"
# 00updater.rpy:1458
old "Unpacking the updates."
new "正在解压更新。"
# 00updater.rpy:1462
old "The updates have been installed. The program will restart."
new "此更新已安装。程序将重新启动。"
# 00updater.rpy:1464
old "The updates have been installed."
new "更新已安装。"
# 00updater.rpy:1466
old "The updates were cancelled."
new "更新已取消。"
# 00gallery.rpy:592
old "Image [index] of [count] locked."
new "图片 [count] / [index] 尚未解锁。"
# 00gallery.rpy:612
old "prev"
new "上一页"
# 00gallery.rpy:613
old "next"
new "下一页"
# 00gallery.rpy:614
old "slideshow"
new "幻灯片"
# 00gallery.rpy:615
old "return"
new "返回"
translate zh python:
gui.system_font = "tl/zh/sp-xiaolai-p.ttf" # of course. why not
# TODO: Translation updated at 2020-08-12 11:45
translate zh strings:
# game/options.rpy:70
old "you are a magical girl (with a magical guardian, of course!). you're heading home from school one day when you get a mysterious letter... find out who sent it and why!\n\nthis game was made for summer slow jams june 2020: turn-based games."
new "你是一位魔法少女。(不用说也知道,还有一只魔法守护者!)有一天你从学校回到家,拿到了一封神秘的信...是谁送来的?为什么?来探个究竟吧!\n\n该游戏是为 Summer Slow Jams June 2020: Turn-Based Games 制作的。"
# ~~~
translate zh python:
gui.text_font = "tl/zh/sp-xiaolai-p.ttf"
gui.name_text_font = gui.text_font
gui.interface_text_font = gui.text_font
gui.choice_button_text_font = gui.text_font
gui.button_text_font = gui.text_font
translate zh style say_thought:
line_leading 5
line_spacing 5
translate zh style say_dialogue:
line_leading 5
line_spacing 5
translate zh style confirm_prompt_text:
line_leading 5
line_spacing 5
translate zh strings:
# game/options.rpy:48
old "a letter of challenge"
new "一封挑战书"
# TODO: Translation updated at 2020-08-12 11:45
translate zh strings:
# game/screens.rpy:325
old "auto"
new "自动"
# game/screens.rpy:332
old "Skip"
new "跳过"
# game/screens.rpy:339
old "Options"
new "选项"
# game/screens.rpy:388
old "Start"
new "开始"
# game/screens.rpy:408
old "About"
new "关于"
# game/screens.rpy:566
old "Return"
new "返回"
# game/screens.rpy:572
old "Main Menu"
new "主菜单"
# game/screens.rpy:679
old "liked this game? support the creator!"
new "喜欢这个游戏吗?就请支持它的作者吧!"
# game/screens.rpy:847
old "Display"
new "显示"
# game/screens.rpy:848
old "Window"
new "小窗"
# game/screens.rpy:849
old "Fullscreen"
new "全屏"
# game/screens.rpy:850
old "Language"
new "语言"
# screens.rpy:746
old "Unseen Text"
new "未读文本"
# screens.rpy:747
old "After Choices"
new "选项后继续"
# screens.rpy:748
old "Transitions"
new "忽略转场"
# screens.rpy:761
old "Text Speed"
new "文字速度"
# screens.rpy:765
old "Auto-Forward Time"
new "自动前进时间"
# screens.rpy:765
old "Auto-Forward"
new "自动前进"
# screens.rpy:772
old "Music Volume"
new "音乐音量"
# screens.rpy:779
old "Sound Volume"
new "音效音量"
# game/screens.rpy:1042
old "Yes"
new "是"
# game/screens.rpy:1043
old "No"
new "否"
# game/screens.rpy:1089
old "Skipping"
new "正在跳过"
# TODO: Translation updated at 2020-08-12 16:45
translate zh strings:
# game/screens.rpy:461
old "[!t]\n(& magic!)"
new "[!t]\n(还有魔法!)"
# game/screens.rpy:465
old "[!t]\n(& friendship?)"
new "[!t]\n(还有友谊?)"
# game/screens.rpy:461
old "[!t] (& magic!)"
new "[!t](还有魔法!)"
# game/screens.rpy:465
old "[!t] (& friendship?)"
new "[!t](还有友谊?)"
# game/screens.rpy:672
old "by {a=}npckc{/a} (story+code+art)"
new "由 {a=}npckc{/a} 制作(剧本、代码、绘画)"
# game/screens.rpy:673
old "with music by {a=}sdhizumi{/a}"
new "音乐由 {a=}sdhizumi{/a} 制作"
# game/screens.rpy:677
old "this game was made in {a=}ren'py{/a}."
new "该游戏使用 {a=}ren'py{/a} 制作。"
# game/screens.rpy:678
old "the licence can be found {a=}here{/a}."
new "可以在{a=}这里{/a}找到它的许可证。"
# game/screens.rpy:683
old "{a=}SITE{/a} / {a=}GAMES{/a} / {a=}TWITTER{/a} / {a=}PATREON{/a}"
new "{a=}网站{/a}、{a=}游戏{/a}、{a=}TWITTER{/a}、{a=}PATREON{/a}"
# Absolutely done
# translated by @Dobby233Liu
# NTS:u是旁白,m是我们的主角,r是我们的对手,c是守护者(就是所谓的 crabbee)
# game/script.rpy:218
translate zh start_de8f8101:
u "你已经得到了最好的结局。"
# game/script.rpy:219
translate zh start_a48bfc01:
u "重温没有任何意义。"
# game/script.rpy:220
translate zh start_96c72e73:
u "你也可以从头开始..."
# game/script.rpy:221
translate zh start_344eba40:
u "但是所有的记忆都会消失。"
# game/script.rpy:223
translate zh start_c8068c12:
u "你真的要重置这个时间线吗?" nointeract
# game/script.rpy:226
translate zh start_a316ba70:
u "...那么,依你所愿。"
# game/script.rpy:227
translate zh start_180bcb0e:
u "现在,时间将倒流..."
# game/script.rpy:240
translate zh start_cb06bf51:
u "那你会回到现在。"
# game/script.rpy:259
translate zh start_9e815ae0:
# m frown "Not again!"
m frown "又来!"
# game/script.rpy:263
translate zh start_ca27878a:
# c "Uh, what are you talking about?"
c "额,这话是什么意思?"
# game/script.rpy:264
translate zh start_c0528941:
# m "I've already explained this! UGH!"
m "我刚刚才解释过!唔!"
# game/script.rpy:274
translate zh start_73719ab0:
# m "...You get it?"
m "...你懂了吗?"
# game/script.rpy:275
translate zh start_8744c040:
# c "Not really, to be honest."
c "老实说,我不太懂。"
# game/script.rpy:276
translate zh start_7d08dbee:
# c "But you seem really worked up about it so I believe you."
c "但是你好像确实努力过,所以我还是相信你吧。"
# game/script.rpy:277
translate zh start_5140699d:
# m "It doesn't make any sense!"
m "这些事真的没道理!"
# game/script.rpy:278
translate zh start_07bf3ddd:
# m "She said she didn't want to fight me -"
m "她不是说不想跟我战斗吗?"
# game/script.rpy:279
translate zh start_58b19db2:
# m "So why does she keep fighting me?"
m "那为什么她还是继续跟我打?"
# game/script.rpy:281
translate zh start_7dad5910:
# c "Have you tried asking her?"
c "你问过她为什么吗?"
# game/script.rpy:283
translate zh start_f4bd4972:
# m "She won't say anything!"
m "她没说一句话!"
# game/script.rpy:284
translate zh start_a53c116c:
# m "She just goes all mysterious and silent."
m "她还是那样的神秘又沉默。"
# game/script.rpy:285
translate zh start_ea975080:
# m "I finally got her to say she didn't want to fight me, but she finished casting the spell anyway!"
m "我终于让她说出真相,但我还是中了魔法!"
# game/script.rpy:286
translate zh start_0ada982b:
# m "I don't get it!"
m "我就是不明白!"
# game/script.rpy:288
translate zh start_498329df:
# c "Hm..."
c "嗯..."
# game/script.rpy:289
translate zh start_473db6c8:
# c "If she doesn't want to fight you, but she's still fighting you..."
c "如果她说不想和你战斗,但是还是我行我素..."
# game/script.rpy:290
translate zh start_181d5555:
# c "Maybe she thinks you want to fight her?"
c "难道她以为你想跟她战斗?"
# game/script.rpy:292
translate zh start_8ccd8678:
# m "But I don't!"
m "但是我不想!"
# game/script.rpy:294
translate zh start_1d0f657c:
# c "But you did fight her."
c "但是你确实与她战斗了。"
# game/script.rpy:296
translate zh start_5446f56f:
# m "Only because she was casting some spell on me and I didn't know what it was!"
m "那只是因为她在我身上施了一些奇怪的魔法!"
# game/script.rpy:298
translate zh start_e8a7bf0a:
# c "Well, if whatever you're doing isn't working..."
c "那么,如果你做什么都解决不了问题..."
# game/script.rpy:299
translate zh start_ea0843b7:
# c "Maybe just don't do anything."
c "就什么都别做吧。"
# game/script.rpy:302
translate zh start_39138e48:
# m surprise "...!"
m surprise "...!"
# game/script.rpy:303
translate zh start_7de6e032:
# m "Maybe that's it...!"
m "也许这样就行...!"
# game/script.rpy:304
translate zh start_7543ea61:
# c "Huh?"
c "哈?"
# game/script.rpy:305
translate zh start_2962f66b:
# m "If I just... don't do anything..."
m "如果我...什么都不做..."
# game/script.rpy:309
translate zh start_493066db:
# m "And how am I supposed to do that?"
m "我要怎样这样做呢?"
# game/script.rpy:310
translate zh start_40980f69:
# c "Well, instead of doing something..."
c "就是,管它什么事情..."
# game/script.rpy:311
translate zh start_5cdd4fe7:
# c "Just don't do it."
c "都别做。"
# game/script.rpy:312
translate zh start_4a5b15bc:
# m surprise "What? You're saying I should just stand there?"
m surprise "什么?你是说我只用这样站着?"
# game/script.rpy:316
translate zh start_c541abbe:
# m "But then she'll just cast the spell and I'll get sent back here again!"
m "但是她就会施魔法,然后我又会回来!"
# game/script.rpy:318
translate zh start_0aa470ec:
# c "Well, whatever you're doing is clearly not working, right?"
c "所以,你做什么都解决不了问题,是吧?"
# game/script.rpy:319
translate zh start_10b6ff10:
# c "You gotta think outside the box!"
c "那你要出格地想!"
# game/script.rpy:322
translate zh start_c7039de3:
# m "Outside of the box, huh...?"
m "脱离惯性思维,是吗...?"
# game/script.rpy:327
translate zh start_872b3d2c:
# m frown "OK, I'm sure of it now."
m frown "好,我现在很确定了。"
# game/script.rpy:328
translate zh start_e519efaa:
# m "Something weird is going on!"
m "有奇怪的事正在发生!"
# game/script.rpy:332
translate zh start_94e23cd1:
# c "Nah, you're just bad at badminton."
c "肯定不是啦,你就是羽毛球打得不好罢了。"
# game/script.rpy:333
translate zh start_ba16d3b3:
# c "It's great that you're so quick to run to where the birdie is..."
c "你这么快跑到羽毛球那里是挺厉害的..."
# game/script.rpy:334
translate zh start_193bfd30:
# c "But you know you're supposed to hit the birdie with your racquet, right?"
c "但你明白你应该用你的网拍打那个羽毛球..."
# game/script.rpy:335
translate zh start_1c270156:
# c "And not your head?"
c "而不是用头撞它,对吧?"
# game/script.rpy:337
translate zh start_0f57705d:
# m "That's not what I'm talking about!"
m "我不是在说这个!"
# game/script.rpy:338
translate zh start_d6fb2fcf:
# m "I think I'm stuck in a time loop!"
m "我感觉时间好像在循环!"
# game/script.rpy:340
translate zh start_5d843ba0:
# c "Uh, are you okay?"
c "额,你没事吧?"
# game/script.rpy:342
translate zh start_e67dc490:
# m "That's the only explanation I have for it!"
m "只能这样解释了!"
# game/script.rpy:343
translate zh start_7dbeae46:
# m "I can't remember everything clearly, but there's this other magical girl -"
m "其他的事我可能记不清楚,但我记得还有一个魔法少女——"
# game/script.rpy:345
translate zh start_d2b2706b:
# c "What? Are you serious?"
c "啥?你是认真的吗?"
# game/script.rpy:347
translate zh start_49734e79:
# m "I've been serious this whole time!"
m "我一直很认真!"
# game/script.rpy:349
translate zh start_a9e28c73:
# c "Wait a sec."
c "等一下。"
# game/script.rpy:353
translate zh start_e0440301:
# c "I don't know about that time loop thingy you were talking about..."
c "你说的那个循环什么的我不懂..."
# game/script.rpy:354
translate zh start_6b2b705c:
# c "But there's definitely a different magical presence around."
c "但这周围肯定有一种不同的魔法存在。"
# game/script.rpy:356
translate zh start_69ab7df9:
# m "It's this letter. Here."
m "是这封信。给你看看。"
# game/script.rpy:360
translate zh start_0a99fdf1:
# c "...You're right. It's faint, but -"
c "...确实。这种感觉有点轻微,但是——"
# game/script.rpy:362
translate zh start_e3e018ed:
# m "You can sense that whoever wrote the letter was magical, right?"
m "你能感觉到写这封信的人有魔法,对吧?"
# game/script.rpy:364
translate zh start_5fc53420:
# c "Huh? How'd you know?"
c "啊?你怎么知道的?"
# game/script.rpy:366
translate zh start_eb770b24:
m "因为你已经告诉过我了!"
# game/script.rpy:367
translate zh start_a34da9bb:
# m "Before! Or well, maybe not before?"
m "就在刚才!或者可能不是刚才?"
# game/script.rpy:368
translate zh start_afcc5159:
# m surprise "Did something really happen if I went back in time to before it happened?"
m surprise "如果我回到了事情发生前,那么事情还发生过吗?"
# game/script.rpy:370
translate zh start_f7494a8d:
# c "Uh... OK, I have no idea what you're talking about."
c "啊...好啦,我真的不懂你在说什么。"
# game/script.rpy:371
translate zh start_d8c77905:
# c "But you're saying it's got something to do with some other magical girl?"
c "但你的意思是这跟另外一位魔法少女有关,对吧?"
# game/script.rpy:373
translate zh start_54fd87d6:
# m frown "Yeah..."
m frown "对呀..."
# game/script.rpy:375
translate zh start_a12b9ba8:
# c "Can you try to explain what happened?"
c "你能试试解释发生了什么吗?"
# game/script.rpy:376
translate zh start_61483730:
# c "Slowly."
c "说慢点。"
# game/script.rpy:378
translate zh start_3a87325e:
# m "...I can try."
m "...那我试试看吧。"
# game/script.rpy:388
translate zh start_6f6711d5:
# c "So you think whatever spell she cast might have something to do with it?"
c "所以你认为她施的那个咒语跟这些事有关系?"
# game/script.rpy:389
translate zh start_2f48cef9:
# m "Yeah... I think I fainted after the spell was activated, and then I was back here again."
m "对...我觉得我在魔法生效后就昏过去了,然后我就回来了。"
# game/script.rpy:390
translate zh start_475f7ad2:
# c "Then maybe you should just not go to see her?"
c "那么不去见她不就好了?"
# game/script.rpy:391
translate zh start_bd4a09b4:
# m "But I can't just let her put up weird barriers around town!"
m "但我不能让她在镇上设置奇怪的边界!"
# game/script.rpy:392
translate zh start_467e27aa:
# c "I guess that's true..."
c "好吧..."
# game/script.rpy:393
translate zh start_70399f6e:
# c "But whatever you did last time -"
c "但是不管你上次做了什么——"
# game/script.rpy:394
translate zh start_33dad688:
# m "Last TIMES. Multiple times."
m "是上几次。已经有好多次了。"
# game/script.rpy:395
translate zh start_792675d0:
# c "Times, whatever."
c "管它几次。"
# game/script.rpy:396
translate zh start_1d9134dd:
# c "I'm just saying that whatever you did wasn't working."
c "我的意思是,你所做的都没有奏效。"
# game/script.rpy:397
translate zh start_7d34f758:
# c "There's no point in going again and doing the same thing, right?"
c "把一件事情做一遍又一遍是没有意义的,你说对吧?"
# game/script.rpy:398
translate zh start_ecf9de51:
# m "That's true..."
m "确实..."
# game/script.rpy:399
translate zh start_4f97720a:
# c "The goal is to get her to stop casting the spell, right?"
c "你想要她不施魔法,对吧?"
# game/script.rpy:400
translate zh start_e8bb2535:
# c "Maybe try asking her why she's doing this?"
c "也许你可以问问她为什么要这么做?"
# game/script.rpy:401
translate zh start_388a20e4:
# m "I HAVE! But she won't say ANYTHING!"
m "我问了!可是她什么都不肯说!"
# game/script.rpy:404
translate zh start_59e0f6a8:
# m "I've tried saying a bunch of different things to her, but she won't respond!"
m "我跟她说了很多不同的话,但她还是不肯回答!"
# game/script.rpy:405
translate zh start_3f096430:
# c "Maybe you should try saying something else then."
c "那就试试说点别的吧。"
# game/script.rpy:406
translate zh start_541e608c:
# m surprise "...Like what?"
m surprise "...比如?"
# game/script.rpy:408
translate zh start_c289908b:
# c "Maybe you're going about it wrong?"
c "也许你做错了?"
# game/script.rpy:409
translate zh start_0d37db60:
# m surprise "...How would you go about it?"
m surprise "...那你会怎么做?"
# game/script.rpy:410
translate zh start_81ddc6b4:
# c "Don't ask me, I'm not a magical girl."
c "不要问我,我又不是个魔法少女。"
# game/script.rpy:411
translate zh start_ed2f8a9d:
# c "I'm not even human. I don't know how you weird mortals think."
c "我也不是人类,搞不懂你们这些凡人脑子里在想什么。"
# game/script.rpy:412
translate zh start_3ac3a08d:
# m frown "UGH! You're so useless sometimes!"
m frown "啊!你有时候真没用!"
# game/script.rpy:413
translate zh start_84ab21d9:
# c "Better than being useless all the time!"
c "总比一无是处强!"
# game/script.rpy:414
translate zh start_2f1596b8:
# m "I'll just figure this out on my own!"
m "我还是自己想办法解决吧!"
# game/script.rpy:418
translate zh start_c4d8cddb:
# m "Ugh, I thought gym class would go on forever..."
m "唔,我以为体育课会一直上下去..."
# game/script.rpy:419
translate zh start_f2db6fae:
# m "Why is gym class even a thing? It's just school-mandated torture!"
m "为什么世上有体育课这种东西?那东西就是合法的酷刑!"
# game/script.rpy:423
translate zh start_e2c1fa81:
# c "Y'know, for a magical girl, you're not very good at sports."
c "你知道吗,作为一个魔法少女,你的体育挺差的。"
# game/script.rpy:427
translate zh start_8b153174:
# c "What? It's true!"
c "哈?这不是事实吗?"
# game/script.rpy:428
translate zh start_a101a63b:
# m "This is weird."
m "好奇怪啊。"
# game/script.rpy:429
translate zh start_e7a1d12d:
# m "I feel like I've had this conversation before."
m "我们以前好像有过这样的谈话。"
# game/script.rpy:430
translate zh start_3b256c9a:
# c "We probably have, since you're always complaining about gym class."
c "可能吧,毕竟你老是抱怨体育课。"
# game/script.rpy:431
translate zh start_cb1d52c1:
# m "No, I mean..."
m "不是,我的意思是..."
# game/script.rpy:432
translate zh start_22b44cca:
# m "I feel like I've had this exact conversation before, right here."
m "我们以前好像就在这里谈过这样的事。"
# game/script.rpy:434
translate zh start_c838d249:
# m "And I feel like we had this conversation about having the same conversation before too."
m "好像也谈过以前有过相同谈话这样的话。"
# game/script.rpy:435
translate zh start_ba66de9f:
# c "Like a deja vu kind of thing?"
c "就像似曾相识那种感觉?"
# game/script.rpy:436
translate zh start_c07a4811:
# m frown "Maybe..."
m frown "好像是..."
# game/script.rpy:437
translate zh start_a037ed80:
# m "Like, we were joking around, just like now."
m "就像我们那会还在开玩笑,就像现在一样。"
# game/script.rpy:438
translate zh start_806f7be9:
# m "And then you found a letter sticking out of my bag -"
m "然后你在我的包里发现了一封信——"
# game/script.rpy:439
translate zh start_7a324bff:
# m surprise "And here it is! This is the letter!"
m surprise "看!就是这封信!"
# game/script.rpy:440
translate zh start_5892e633:
# c "...Uh, is this a setup for a prank or something?"
c "...呃,这是不是个恶作剧?"
# game/script.rpy:441
translate zh start_9b4048a7:
# c "It's not very funny."
c "这样真的不好笑。"
# game/script.rpy:442
translate zh start_b6163c46:
# m frown "I'm being serious!"
m frown "我是认真的!"
# game/script.rpy:443
translate zh start_d06e579c:
# c "Sure, sure..."
c "好啦好啦..."
# game/script.rpy:444
translate zh start_71e3ab67:
# c "So what does that mysterious letter of yours say?"
c "那封神秘的信里是怎么说的?"
# game/script.rpy:445
translate zh start_8c28280d:
# m "I'm going to check now..."
m "我来看看..."
# game/script.rpy:449
translate zh start_52f95f61:
# m frown "And for a magical guardian you're kinda snarky!"
m frown "对于一个守护者来说,你可真会耍嘴皮子!"
# game/script.rpy:451
translate zh start_2962cde0:
# m "What does being a magical girl have to do with sports anyway?"
m "再说,魔法少女和体育又有什么关系呢?"
# game/script.rpy:453
translate zh start_84d71389:
# c "You need to be quick on your feet to fight, dontcha?"
c "你的两条腿难道不用为战斗准备好跑起来吗?" # nuke: i'm too lazy to make a pun
# game/script.rpy:455
translate zh start_c04bde72:
# m "My feet are super quick, OK?"
m "我的脚很快,好吧?"
# game/script.rpy:456
translate zh start_a1be8902:
# m "It's just that the rest of my body hasn't caught up yet..."
m "只是其他部位还赶不上..."
# game/script.rpy:458
translate zh start_28ad2365:
# c "Man, how'd I get stuck with you?"
c "我的妈呀,为什么当初我能这么走眼!"
# game/script.rpy:459
translate zh start_76628870:
# c "Why can't I have a better magical girl for my partner?"
c "为什么我找了这样一个魔法少女做同伴!"
# game/script.rpy:461
translate zh start_1a100ced:
# m "You don't see me complaining about wanting a cuter mascot!"
m "我当初还想要一个全身心都可爱的吉祥物啊!"
# game/script.rpy:463
translate zh start_e768f12d:
# c "Hey, there's something sticking out of your bag."
c "嘿,你的包里好像有什么东西。"
# game/script.rpy:465
translate zh start_b10154f7:
# m "What, trying to change the subject?"
m "哈,你这是要转换话题?"
# game/script.rpy:467
translate zh start_7ec77e1e:
# c "I'm not! Your bag zipper must've caught on it."
c "不是!你包的拉链一定是被它卡住了。"
# game/script.rpy:469
translate zh start_8284db11:
# m surprise "Huh, you're right..."
m surprise "哈,确实啊..."
# game/script.rpy:471
translate zh start_db60d0b2:
# m "Wait, it looks like a letter."
m "等等。好像是一封信。"
# game/script.rpy:473
translate zh start_ff9d50b0:
# c "OOH. Is it a LOVE LETTER?"
c "噢哦!是情书吗?"
# game/script.rpy:475
translate zh start_93b386c1:
# m frown "Don't be stupid. Nobody even writes letters nowadays."
m frown "别傻了,现在都没有人写信了。"
# game/script.rpy:476
translate zh start_d12b2f6a:
# m "It's probably some kind of prank -"
m "可能是某种恶作剧——"
# game/script.rpy:478
translate zh start_49a177f0:
# m surprise "...Huh."
m surprise "...哈?"
# game/script.rpy:480
translate zh start_a5da51de:
# c "What? Don't keep me in the dark!?"
c "是什么东西?别让我蒙在鼓里!!"
# game/script.rpy:482
translate zh start_c9084809:
m "“一封挑战书!”"
# game/script.rpy:484
translate zh start_3630f96e:
# c "Challenging what?"
c "挑战啥?"
# game/script.rpy:486
translate zh start_8eb2b7b0:
# m "背面是这么写的。“一封挑战书!”"
m "背面就是这么写的。“一封挑战书!”"
# game/script.rpy:487
translate zh start_56765ffa:
# m "No name on it or anything..."
m "也没有名字什么的..."
# game/script.rpy:489
translate zh start_80493d0d:
# c "Wait a sec... Gimme that."
c "等会...把信给我。"
# game/script.rpy:491
translate zh start_394ba137:
# m frown "Hey! Don't just -"
m frown "嘿!不要qia——"
# game/script.rpy:497
translate zh start_72a63103:
# c "It's faint, but I can sense it."
c "这种感觉有点轻微,但是..."
# game/script.rpy:498
translate zh start_576c34cf:
# c "Whoever wrote this letter was magical."
c "写这封信的人肯定有魔法。"
# game/script.rpy:500
translate zh start_707f799f:
# m "Wait, you don't think..."
m "等等,你不觉得..."
# game/script.rpy:502
translate zh start_d268bd8f:
# c "...I'm sure of it."
c "...我很确定。"
# game/script.rpy:503
translate zh start_6c2f1281:
# c "It must be from another magical girl."
c "这封信肯定来自另外一个魔法少女。"
# game/script.rpy:505
translate zh start_8468c79f:
# m surprise "What?! Then we better get going!"
m surprise "啊?!那我们最好马上行动起来!"
# game/script.rpy:530
translate zh prebattle_69543c23:
# m "I'm back here again..."
m "我又回来了..."
# game/script.rpy:531
translate zh prebattle_600bc1a2:
# m "How many times has it been?"
m "这到底是第几次了?"
# game/script.rpy:532
translate zh prebattle_ba5d5aee:
# m "One... Two..."
m "一次...两次..."
# game/script.rpy:533
translate zh prebattle_97ebeaca:
# m "I'm not actually sure."
m "我不太确定。"
# game/script.rpy:534
translate zh prebattle_68d3f505:
# m "My memories are kinda blurring together..."
m "我的记忆已经糊成一块一块的了..."
# game/script.rpy:538
translate zh prebattle_e599807a:
# c "Honestly, if you weren't so certain about it..."
c "说实话,如果你不那么肯定..."
# game/script.rpy:539
translate zh prebattle_9c914334:
# c "I'd think you were imagining things from stress or something."
c "我认为,你应该只是因为压力太大什么的在胡思乱想罢了。"
# game/script.rpy:541
translate zh prebattle_7168f11b:
# m "...Thanks for the vote of confidence, as usual."
m "...感谢你常有的信心表决。"
# game/script.rpy:543
translate zh prebattle_6bd12077:
# c "Hey, I'm worried about you!"
c "啊?我可是很担心你的!"
# game/script.rpy:544
translate zh prebattle_b58e2ef7:
# c "Time magic is really unusual, OK?"
c "毕竟时间魔法可是很不寻常的!"
# game/script.rpy:545
translate zh prebattle_caa75b4b:
# c "...Just be careful."
c "...你小心一点就好了。"
# game/script.rpy:547
translate zh prebattle_1938ce6f:
# m "...Thanks, I'll try."
m "...好的,我会小心的。"
# game/script.rpy:548
translate zh prebattle_703f5fa7:
# m "Any second now, the barrier will probably come up..."
m "现在边界随时会出现..."
# game/script.rpy:554
translate zh prebattle_1e3a14b1:
# m "This is the place."
m "就是这里。"
# game/script.rpy:558
translate zh prebattle_f6d4bed4:
# c "So if your memory's correct, the sky will go funny soon?"
c "所以如果你记忆正确,天空马上会变成一团糟对吧?"
# game/script.rpy:559
translate zh prebattle_2d4cf128:
# m "Yeah, but first everything will go -"
m "对,但首先一切会——"
# game/script.rpy:565
translate zh prebattle_2cf75467:
# m "OK, I'm SURE I've been here before!"
m "现在我觉得我肯定来过这里!"
# game/script.rpy:569
translate zh prebattle_512f2313:
# c "Yeah, yeah. So you can see the future now too?"
c "啊对对对,所以你能够预知未来了?"
# game/script.rpy:570
translate zh prebattle_91a75e2d:
# c "I thought you only had lightning magic."
c "我以为你只会闪电魔法。"
# game/script.rpy:572
translate zh prebattle_846fe708:
# m frown "I'm SERIOUS!"
m frown "我{i}是{/i}认真的!"
# game/script.rpy:574
translate zh prebattle_ee365862:
# c "Sure. What's gonna happen next then?"
c "好啦,我明白。然后会发生什么?"
# game/script.rpy:576
translate zh prebattle_6a2d1ac9:
# m "I don't know! I just have a bad feeling about all of this -"
m "我不知道!我只是有一种不安的感觉——"
# game/script.rpy:582
translate zh prebattle_5b1cb72c:
# m "This should be the right place..."
m "应该就是这里了..."
# game/script.rpy:586
translate zh prebattle_16efc067:
# c "Y'sure? I don't see anybody."
c "你认真的吗?这里看起来好像没有什么人。"
# game/script.rpy:588
translate zh prebattle_62787ff5:
# m frown "I already double checked!"
m frown "我已经检查过两次了!"
# game/script.rpy:590
translate zh prebattle_290bf41c:
# c "Maybe you should triple check."
c "那就再检查三次。"
# game/script.rpy:591
translate zh prebattle_f89e3593:
# m "This is all so weird..."
m "太奇怪了..."
# game/script.rpy:592
translate zh prebattle_5b4cc72f:
# m "Sure, I'm a magical girl, but all I do is fight bad guys once a week."
m "对,我是个魔法少女,但我需要做的就是每周跟坏人交战一次而已。"
# game/script.rpy:593
translate zh prebattle_d47ca41e:
# m "I already fought one baddie this week, so I should have the rest of the week off!"
m "我这周已经打了一个坏蛋了,剩下的时间应该用来休息!"
# game/script.rpy:595
translate zh prebattle_57b2e47d:
# c "You're the laziest magical girl I've ever met."
c "你是我见过的最懒的魔法少女。"
# game/script.rpy:597
translate zh prebattle_ccf3f621:
# m "I prefer being called efficient!"
m "我更喜欢被叫做“高效”!"
# game/script.rpy:598
translate zh prebattle_2acbf0c1:
# m "I'll check the letter again though."
m "不过我还是把信再看一遍吧。"
# game/script.rpy:599
translate zh prebattle_1aa38981:
# m "Maybe I got the time wrong -"
m "我可能弄错了时间——"
# game/script.rpy:622
translate zh prebattle_aec8db4d:
# m "...Yup, there it is."
m "...还真被我说中了。"
# game/script.rpy:627
translate zh prebattle_656c09fc:
# m "Dark..."
m "这里好黑啊..."
# game/script.rpy:631
translate zh prebattle_3d77efb0:
# m "OK, I'm sure this happened before too!"
m "好了,我很确定这样的事也发生过!"
# game/script.rpy:632
translate zh prebattle_0781bc51:
# m "Then the sky got all purple -"
m "然后天空会变成紫色——"
# game/script.rpy:636
translate zh prebattle_112b667a:
# m "Huh?"
m "哈?"
# game/script.rpy:637
translate zh prebattle_b01caa67:
# m "I can't see anything!"
m "我什么也看不见!"
# game/script.rpy:638
translate zh prebattle_3052097c:
# m "What's happening - "
m "发生了什——"
# game/script.rpy:667
translate zh prebattle_1f2d1927:
# m "Which means..."
m "这意味着..."
# game/script.rpy:671
translate zh prebattle_88dd8b66:
# m "...And then she'll show up."
m "...然后她会突然出现。"
# game/script.rpy:675
translate zh prebattle_d894f6b8:
# m "Yeah! Exactly like this!"
m "对!就像这样!"
# game/script.rpy:678
translate zh prebattle_51d4cb6d:
# m "Whoa! The sky's turned all purple!"
m "哇!整片天空变成紫色的了!"
# game/script.rpy:679
translate zh prebattle_626086f3:
# m "What's happening?"
m "发生了什么?"
# game/script.rpy:680
translate zh prebattle_632da19e:
# m surprise "Wait, where did -"
m surprise "等等,他去——"
# game/script.rpy:687
translate zh prebattle_06e627f6:
# m "(Yup, there she is.)"
m "(对,又是她。)"
# game/script.rpy:688
translate zh prebattle_fa6b44c6:
# m "(What should I do?)"
m "(我应该做什么?)"
# game/script.rpy:695
translate zh prebattle_c898b47f:
# m "(I don't actually know what else I can do!)"
m "(我真的不知道我还能做什么。)"
# game/script.rpy:696
translate zh prebattle_5bbf1a81:
# m "(I've tried attacking.)"
m "(我攻击过。)"
# game/script.rpy:697
translate zh prebattle_235b5498:
# m "(I've tried running.)"
m "(我跑过。)"
# game/script.rpy:698
translate zh prebattle_33a8f940:
# m "(When I talk, she won't answer!)"
m "(甚至试过跟木讷的她谈话!)"
# game/script.rpy:700
translate zh prebattle_e7c80f75:
# m "Let's just get this over with."
m "我们直奔主题吧。"
# game/script.rpy:701
translate zh prebattle_d144cf13:
# m "You want to fight, right?"
m "你想要我们交战,对吧?"
# game/script.rpy:705
translate zh prebattle_5d2d5875:
# m "And I remember you too!"
m "我还记得你!"
# game/script.rpy:707
translate zh prebattle_22540804:
# r "...Huh?"
r "...哈?"
# game/script.rpy:709
translate zh prebattle_682c642e:
# m surprise "You're the one behind this, aren't you?!"
m surprise "你就是幕后的黑手,对吧!?"
# game/script.rpy:710
translate zh prebattle_5ba293c2:
# m "I don't know what you're doing, but I won't let you do it!"
m "我不知道你想做什么,但有我在你不会得逞的!"
# game/script.rpy:711
translate zh prebattle_8fb79b61:
# m "I swear on my duty as a magical girl!"
m "我以我作为魔法少女的职责发誓!"
# game/script.rpy:714
translate zh prebattle_457b4d65:
# r "If you're looking for your guardian... He's outside the barrier."
r "如果你在惦记着守护者...他在边界外。"
# game/script.rpy:715
translate zh prebattle_c78dd161:
# m "The what?"
m "边什么?"
# game/script.rpy:716
translate zh prebattle_70cb498c:
# r "This is a space that only magical girls can enter..."
r "这是一个只有魔法少女能够进入的空间..."
# game/script.rpy:720
translate zh prebattle_bb9b708a:
# m "Wait, were you the one who wrote the letter?"
m "等等,是你写了那封信吗?"
# game/script.rpy:722
translate zh prebattle_4ea8ea34:
# m "Did you put up this barrier?"
m "是你设置了这个边界吗?"
# game/script.rpy:724
translate zh prebattle_3040ec43:
# m frown "I don't know what town you're from, but magical girls don't do things like that here!"
m frown "管你来自哪里,这里的魔法少女肯定不会做这种事!"
# game/script.rpy:725
translate zh prebattle_e2f6eb2e:
# m "We don't just go around putting up big scary barriers, OK?"
m "我们不会随地乱放边界,好吧?"
# game/script.rpy:727
translate zh prebattle_2be9f56a:
# m "And we don't send each other letters of challenge either!"
m "我们更不会相互送挑战书!"
# game/script.rpy:729
translate zh prebattle_9f5e5e1d:
# m "Why aren't you saying anything?"
m "你怎么不说话呀?"
# game/script.rpy:730
translate zh prebattle_fccc0b74:
# m "What do you want?"
m "你想要什么?"
# game/script.rpy:732
translate zh prebattle_891c44e0:
# m "...Fine, keep your mouth shut!"
m "...好吧,你就不说话吧!"
# game/script.rpy:733
translate zh prebattle_24c6a688:
# m "I'll just make you tell me!"
m "等会你就会告诉我的!"
# game/script.rpy:734
translate zh prebattle_d696d718:
# m "I'm this town's magical girl and I won't let anyone cause trouble here!"
m "我是这个镇子的魔法少女,我不会让任何人在这里制造麻烦!"
# game/script.rpy:760
translate zh prebattle_39da38d5:
# m "(Whatever spell she did put us in battle mode, but...)"
m "(管她施了什么魔法把我们带入了战斗模式,只是...)"
# game/script.rpy:761
translate zh prebattle_2e5e4b74:
# m "(She said she doesn't want to fight...)"
m "(她不是说她不想战斗吗...)"
# game/script.rpy:762
translate zh prebattle_42ac782e:
# m "...I don't want to fight you either."
m "...我也不想跟你打起来。"
# game/script.rpy:764
translate zh prebattle_a41ae245:
# r "...?"
r "...?"
# game/script.rpy:765
translate zh prebattle_91597e6c:
# m "...We don't have to fight."
m "...我们不用打架。"
# game/script.rpy:766
translate zh prebattle_b1926a30:
# r "...!"
r "...!"
# game/script.rpy:767
translate zh prebattle_3bb41df9:
# m "So just... Don't cast anything."
m "所以...不要施什么魔法了。"
# game/script.rpy:768
translate zh prebattle_483626a4:
# m "Then we can both stop this."
m "这样我们都可以停下。"
# game/script.rpy:771
translate zh prebattle_64859e77:
# m "(If I don't do something, I'll be stuck repeating this battle forever...)"
m "(如果我不做点什么,我就会卡在这里不断重复着战斗...)"
# game/script.rpy:772
translate zh prebattle_ae271c03:
# m "(If only I could figure out WHY she's doing this...!)"
m "(如果我能够弄明白她为什么这样做,会有多好...!)"
# game/script.rpy:775
translate zh prebattle_3ab3270d:
# m "...And we're in battle mode then."
m "...那我们可以开始战斗了。"
# game/script.rpy:777
translate zh prebattle_7d179e91:
# m "Wha -"
m "什——"
# game/script.rpy:778
translate zh prebattle_00e4916d:
# m bsurprise "Wait, my outfit changed!"
m bsurprise "等等,我的衣服变了!"
# game/script.rpy:779
translate zh prebattle_b49f2c80:
# m "Was that you -"
m "是你——"
# game/script.rpy:791
translate zh prebattle_e94d3dab:
u "神秘的少女开始施魔法!"
# game/script.rpy:797
translate zh prebattle_3ea343ae:
# m "(Just...)"
m "(只要...)"
# game/script.rpy:798
translate zh prebattle_08750eff:
# m "(Do nothing...)"
m "(什么都别做就好了...)"
# game/script.rpy:801
translate zh prebattle_0e09c0dc:
# m "(Instead of doing something...)"
m "(不管什么事...)"
# game/script.rpy:802
translate zh prebattle_91238ba1:
# m "(Just don't do it...)"
m "(都不要做...)"
# game/script.rpy:806
translate zh prebattle_a7e06f11:
# m "(She cast the spell again...)"
m "(她又在施那个魔法...)"
# game/script.rpy:807
translate zh prebattle_157ead23:
# m "(...What should I do?)"
m "(...我应该做什么?)"
# game/script.rpy:810
translate zh prebattle_9d590a10:
# m "What spell is that?"
m "那是什么魔法?"
# game/script.rpy:811
translate zh prebattle_fd3934f4:
# m "I don't know what you're doing, but I don't like it!"
m "我不知道你在做什么,但我不喜欢你这样做!"
# game/script.rpy:814
translate zh prebattle_87ae472b:
# m "What spell is that?!"
m "那是什么魔法?!"
# game/script.rpy:815
translate zh prebattle_c7b3eb8b:
# m "Why are you doing this?"
m "为什么你要干这种事?"
# game/script.rpy:823
translate zh prebattle_466c5531:
# m "...I don't know what's happening."
m "...我不知道发生了什么。"
# game/script.rpy:824
translate zh prebattle_dab02308:
# m "But I need to do something."
m "但我需要做点什么。"
# game/script.rpy:825
translate zh prebattle_7248ed1e:
# m "It's still bits and pieces, but more of it is coming back to me..."
m "虽然只是一滴一点,我逐渐回想起来了……"
# game/script.rpy:826
translate zh prebattle_ce856bf6:
# m "Clearly whatever I did last time didn't work."
m "显然,我上次做的事完全没有奏效。"
# game/script.rpy:828
translate zh prebattle_71f5b31e:
# m "I think... I might have just attacked last time?"
m "我记得...我上次好像攻击过?"
# game/script.rpy:829
translate zh prebattle_0d967239:
# m "And that didn't work..."
m "然后失败了..."
# game/script.rpy:830
translate zh prebattle_a41ae245_1:
# r "...?"
r "...?"
# game/script.rpy:832
translate zh prebattle_0bc26459:
# m "I'll just try something else then!"
m "那我就试试做点别的吧!"
# game/script.rpy:835
translate zh prebattle_725328c4:
# m "I need to do something, or I'll...!"
m "我得做点什么,不然我会...!"
# game/script.rpy:854
translate zh rivalaction_3e2c1adf:
# u "{nw}"
u "{nw}"
# game/script.rpy:876
translate zh rivalaction_095af5b7:
u "神秘的少女继续施魔法。"
# game/script.rpy:886
translate zh rivalaction_aae9e7d6:
# m "(Wait a second...)"
m "(等等...)"
# game/script.rpy:887
translate zh rivalaction_3f9b3315:
# m "(This is the OPPOSITE of doing nothing.)"
m "(这样做就跟什么都不做相反了。)"
# game/script.rpy:888
translate zh rivalaction_1e1630e1:
# m "(This won't work...)"
m "(这样不行...)"
# game/script.rpy:889
translate zh rivalaction_5e2654d8:
# m "(I should start again and try something different next time...)"
m "(下次我应该从头开始,试点别的...)"
# game/script.rpy:903
translate zh actionattack_09710183:
u "你攻击了神秘的少女!"
# game/script.rpy:916
translate zh actionattack_71cac2ad:
# u "YOU MISS!"
u "没有击中!"
# game/script.rpy:920
translate zh actionattack_c89a1bc8:
u "出奇一击!"
# game/script.rpy:926
translate zh actionattack_dc5e7094:
u "击中了!"
# game/script.rpy:936
translate zh actionattack_c809bf6d:
# m "I can't keep doing the same thing!"
m "这样相同的事我不能一直做下去!"
# game/script.rpy:937
translate zh actionattack_d6dbd171:
# m "I already know it doesn't work!"
m "我已经知道这行不通了!"
# game/script.rpy:942
translate zh actionattack_931d32ef:
# m "That was a good hit, but she's still standing...!"
m "这一击不错,但是她还没倒...!"
# game/script.rpy:943
translate zh actionattack_4c6fe786:
# m "My lightning isn't strong enough...!"
m "我的闪电还是不太强啊...!"
# game/script.rpy:944
translate zh actionattack_3d19b297:
# m "I don't think I can beat her just by attacking..."
m "我觉得单纯用攻击不能打败她..."
# game/script.rpy:948
translate zh actionattack_363f00f8:
# m "Sorry...! I really don't want to do this!"
m "对不起...!我真的不想这样做!"
# game/script.rpy:949
translate zh actionattack_224b6f5d:
# m "But I can't just let you do... whatever it is you're doing!"
m "但不管你在干什么...我都不能让你得逞!"
# game/script.rpy:954
translate zh actionattack_7ff5f4f9:
# m "I know this isn't working, so why do I keep doing this?!"
m "我知道这样不行,所以为什么我要继续这样做?!"
# game/script.rpy:958
translate zh actionattack_5c851cbc:
# m "This isn't working!"
m "这样行不通!"
# game/script.rpy:962
translate zh actionattack_aaa718f2:
# m "Why do I have to fight another magical girl?!"
m "为什么我得跟另一位魔法少女打起来?!"
# game/script.rpy:971
translate zh actionrun_be9a285e:
u "你试图逃跑。"
# game/script.rpy:977
translate zh actionrun_c2dd41c0:
# u "BUT YOU CAN'T!"
u "但是你不能!"
# game/script.rpy:985
translate zh actionrun_78127f15:
# m "I tried running away last time too!"
m "我上次也试过逃跑了!"
# game/script.rpy:986
translate zh actionrun_66b4d932:
# m "I know this doesn't work!"
m "我知道这样行不通!"
# game/script.rpy:988
translate zh actionrun_b1926a30:
# r "...!"
r "...!"
# game/script.rpy:991
translate zh actionrun_227c593d:
# m "Ugh! It won't let me through!"
m "唔!它就是不让我出去!"
# game/script.rpy:995
translate zh actionrun_7d254532:
# r "You can't escape..."
r "你不可能逃跑的..."
# game/script.rpy:996
translate zh actionrun_0aa8efc7:
# r "There's a barrier -"
r "这里设置了一个边界——"
# game/script.rpy:998
translate zh actionrun_bcbfa5c1:
# m "I know that already!"
m "我已经知道了!"
# game/script.rpy:1000
translate zh actionrun_22540804:
# r "...Huh?"
r "...哈?"
# game/script.rpy:1002
translate zh actionrun_adb29642:
# m "You already told me that!"
m "你已经告诉过我了!"
# game/script.rpy:1003
translate zh actionrun_a40c4b50:
# m "Er, at least I think you did!"
m "额,至少我觉得你告诉过我了!"
# game/script.rpy:1004
translate zh actionrun_f52de33d:
# m "At least I remember you telling me that!"
m "至少我记得你告诉过我了!"
# game/script.rpy:1006
translate zh actionrun_f4eed14b:
# r "...What?"
r "...什么?"
# game/script.rpy:1008
translate zh actionrun_4b323cfc:
# m "But I can't let a barrier stop me!"
m "但是这样的一片边界不可能拦住我!"
# game/script.rpy:1017
translate zh actionrun_315799d4:
# m "There's no point to this..."
m "这样完全没有意义..."
# game/script.rpy:1018
translate zh actionrun_358446e2:
# m "So why do I keep doing it?"
m "所以为什么我还是在这样做?"
# game/script.rpy:1020
translate zh actionrun_d4c2686f:
# m "Why... can't... I... get... through...!"
m "为什么...我...就是...出不去...!"
# game/script.rpy:1032
translate zh actionrun_fdc2e757:
# m "Why do I keep doing this even though I know there's no point...?"
m "即使我知道没有意义,为什么还要继续这样做呢...?"
# game/script.rpy:1033
translate zh actionrun_17211661:
# m "It's like somebody's forcing me to..."
m "就像有人在强迫我一样..."
# game/script.rpy:1035
translate zh actionrun_ee10238f:
# m "Maybe if I keep at it...!"
m "那如果我坚持这样做的话...!"
# game/script.rpy:1047
translate zh actionrun_40f66eae:
u "神秘的少女似乎没有被攻击干扰。"
# game/script.rpy:1054
translate zh actiontalk_f0b3d541:
u "你试图与神秘的少女交谈。"
# game/script.rpy:1061
translate zh actiontalk_2ab161e5:
# m "(Whatever I said last time didn't get through to her...)"
m "(我上次说的那句话没有触动到她...)"
# game/script.rpy:1062
translate zh actiontalk_1692a964:
# m "(I should try saying something else!)"
m "(我应该试试说点别的!)"
# game/script.rpy:1070
translate zh playertalk1_028f5d05:
# m "Please stop this already!"
m "请你立刻停下!"
# game/script.rpy:1073
translate zh playertalk1_6e3450fd:
# m "Just stop casting the spell!"
m "不要施魔法了!"
# game/script.rpy:1077
translate zh playertalk1_89ff8485:
# m "You won't get away with this!"
m "这样做不会应付!"
# game/script.rpy:1080
translate zh playertalk1_5c2e49dd:
# m "I don't know what your plan is..."
m "我不知道你的计划..."
# game/script.rpy:1081
translate zh playertalk1_d1fe89ee:
# m "But this is some next-level evil villain stuff!"
m "但这样是很下贱的!"
# game/script.rpy:1082
translate zh playertalk1_3041c988:
# m "What is your end game?"
m "你到底有什么计谋?"
# game/script.rpy:1083
translate zh playertalk1_55aea219:
# m "Why make me keep battling you over and over?"
m "为什么要让我一遍又一遍地跟你战斗?"
# game/script.rpy:1084
translate zh playertalk1_f4eed14b:
# r "...What?"
r "...什么?"
# game/script.rpy:1085
translate zh playertalk1_ac42dcd5:
# m "I said, why do you keep making me battle you?"
m "我说了,为什么要让我一直跟你战斗?"
# game/script.rpy:1092
translate zh playertalk1_c7b3eb8b:
# m "Why are you doing this?"
m "为什么你要这样做?"
# game/script.rpy:1095
translate zh playertalk1_9386999a:
# m "What do you get out of it?"
m "你从中能得到什么?"
# game/script.rpy:1096
translate zh playertalk1_ce2fc5b2:
# m "Why did you send me a letter?"
m "为什么你要送给我一封信?"
# game/script.rpy:1102
translate zh playertalk2_24e5afbf:
# m "I don't want to fight...!"
m "我不想跟你战斗...!"
# game/script.rpy:1105
translate zh playertalk2_832a27fc:
# m "We're both magical girls, right?"
m "我们都是魔法少女,对吧?"
# game/script.rpy:1106
translate zh playertalk2_7d62833f:
# m "We can just talk things out!"
m "我们只要和谈就可以了!"
# game/script.rpy:1110
translate zh playertalk2_4a4e31d6:
# m "Stop casting the spell!"
m "不要施魔法了!"
# game/script.rpy:1113
translate zh playertalk2_501153d2:
# m "I never did anything to you!"
m "我没有招惹你!"
# game/script.rpy:1114
translate zh playertalk2_541dfc27:
# m "Why are you casting a spell on me?"
m "为什么你要对我施魔法?"
# game/script.rpy:1118
translate zh playertalk2_ed3b98dd:
# m "Why send a letter to ME?"
m "为什么把信送给我?"
# game/script.rpy:1121
translate zh playertalk2_4dca9908:
# m "You don't even know me, right?"
m "你连我是谁都不知道,对吧?"
# game/script.rpy:1122
translate zh playertalk2_d88fc795:
# m "There's no reason for any of this...!"
m "这完全没有道理...!"
# game/script.rpy:1126
translate zh playertalk2_83e88714:
# m "Why do you want to battle me?"
m "为什么你要跟我战斗?"
# game/script.rpy:1129
translate zh playertalk2_36c25395:
# m "What's the point of us fighting?"
m "我们互相战斗有什么意义?"
# game/script.rpy:1130
translate zh playertalk2_667e5f66:
# m "Do you hate me or something?!"
m "你难道恨我吗?!"
# game/script.rpy:1132
translate zh playertalk2_7bf13600:
# r "I..."
r "我..."
# game/script.rpy:1133
translate zh playertalk2_112b667a:
# m "Huh?"
m "哈?"
# game/script.rpy:1140
translate zh playertalk3_4c955842:
# m "We can call a truce!"
m "我们可以和平共处!"
# game/script.rpy:1143
translate zh playertalk3_0c82122d:
# m "I don't actually want to fight you!"
m "我真的不想跟你战斗!"
# game/script.rpy:1144
translate zh playertalk3_d2b510e5:
# m "If you'd just stop casting that spell, we could..."
m "如果你能停止施魔法,我们就能..."
# game/script.rpy:1148
translate zh playertalk3_59f7c8f1:
# m "Why is it just me?"
m "为什么偏偏是我?"
# game/script.rpy:1151
translate zh playertalk3_c6daf529:
# m "My guardian doesn't seem to remember the time looping back."
m "我的守护者好像不记得时间的倒带。"
# game/script.rpy:1152
translate zh playertalk3_b1926a30:
# r "...!"
r "...!"
# game/script.rpy:1153
translate zh playertalk3_0445ef60:
# m "Nothing else seems to change either."
m "而且看起来除此之外什么也没有改变。"
# game/script.rpy:1154
translate zh playertalk3_56119db4:
# m "But I know I've had this battle with you before!"
m "但我记得我跟你战斗过!"
# game/script.rpy:1155
translate zh playertalk3_ed912e80:
# r "No..."
r "不..."
# game/script.rpy:1156
translate zh playertalk3_0813b3eb:
# m "I have! I know it, OK?"
m "有过!我记得清清楚楚!"
# game/script.rpy:1157
translate zh playertalk3_f4f3ec98:
# r "No, that's not what I..."
r "不,这不是我的..."
# game/script.rpy:1158
translate zh playertalk3_5d1cee29:
# m bsurprise "...?"
m bsurprise "...?"
# game/script.rpy:1164
translate zh playertalk3_b6635021:
# m "Did I do something to you?"
m "我妨碍到你了吗?"
# game/script.rpy:1167
translate zh playertalk3_2226ca28:
# m "I don't think we've met outside this barrier before, but..."
m "我不认为我们之前在边界外见过面,但是..."
# game/script.rpy:1168
translate zh playertalk3_6ec53ca6:
# m "If I did something, I'm sorry!"
m "如果我做错了什么,那我很抱歉!"
# game/script.rpy:1172
translate zh playertalk3_da494ec9:
# m "How can I make you stop?!"
m "怎么样才能让你停下来?!"
# game/script.rpy:1175
translate zh playertalk3_86d5f8ee:
# m "Just tell me..."
m "求求你告诉我吧..."
# game/script.rpy:1176
translate zh playertalk3_3ed30530:
# m "I'm trying to talk to you, but you're not saying anything!"
m "我在跟你讲话,可是你不闻不问!"
# game/script.rpy:1177
translate zh playertalk3_63824d02:
# m "I don't know why you're doing this!"
m "我不知道为什么你在做这种事!"
# game/script.rpy:1183
translate zh playertalk4_b9a97b4d:
# m "I don't know what to do..."
m "我不知道该怎么做..."
# game/script.rpy:1188
translate zh playertalk4_222b6838:
# m "That's not what you...?"
m "这不是你的...?"
# game/script.rpy:1191
translate zh playertalk4_0aef64da:
# r "You shouldn't remember any of that."
r "你不应该记得那些事。"
# game/script.rpy:1192
translate zh playertalk4_7a0b8227:
# r "It's not possible."
r "不可能的。"
# game/script.rpy:1193
translate zh playertalk4_cabdf0ad:
# m "So you ARE behind the time loops then!"
m "所以,是你在造成时间循环吧!"
# game/script.rpy:1194
translate zh playertalk4_ad93399f:
# r "The only person who should remember any of the rewinds is me..."
r "原本应该只有我知道倒带的事情..."
# game/script.rpy:1195
translate zh playertalk4_2c495228:
# m "You're rewinding time then? Why?!"
m "所以是你在倒带时间?为什么?!"
# game/script.rpy:1196
translate zh playertalk4_42591cbd:
# m bbase "What are you trying to do?"
m bbase "你想要做什么?"
# game/script.rpy:1198
translate zh playertalk4_7bdfc83f:
# r "I just..."
r "我只是..."
# game/script.rpy:1199
translate zh playertalk4_1ec9016f:
# m "You just...?"
m "你只是什么...?"
# game/script.rpy:1200
translate zh playertalk4_0b2ff94c:
# r cast "...No, this is going all wrong."
r cast "...不,事情变得一塌糊涂了。"
# game/script.rpy:1201
translate zh playertalk4_a18f5064:
# r "I didn't want to fight."
r "我没想跟你战斗。"
# game/script.rpy:1202
translate zh playertalk4_aa34a68a:
# m bsurprise "Wait, you DIDN'T?"
m bsurprise "哈,你没有?"
# game/script.rpy:1203
translate zh playertalk4_26f82f35:
# r "Things weren't supposed to turn out like this."
r "事情本不应该是这样发展的。"
# game/script.rpy:1204
translate zh playertalk4_57f53ee8:
# r base "I need to rewind again."
r base "我需要再次倒带。"
# game/script.rpy:1205
translate zh playertalk4_436d49ef:
# m bbase "Wait! Don't -"
m bbase "等等!不要——"
# game/script.rpy:1218
translate zh playertalk4_4e121529:
u "神秘的少女沉默不语。"
# game/script.rpy:1228
translate zh actionpass_84a52db1:
u "你什么也没做。"
# game/script.rpy:1234
translate zh actionpass_a41ae245:
# r "...?"
r "...?"
# game/script.rpy:1241
translate zh actionpass_a41ae245_1:
# r "...?"
r "...?"
# game/script.rpy:1243
translate zh actionpass_3bc30371:
# r "...Um."
r "...额。"
# game/script.rpy:1244
translate zh actionpass_70c96f1c:
# m bsurprise "(She spoke...!)"
m bsurprise "(她说话了...!)"
# game/script.rpy:1246
translate zh actionpass_2e01bb81:
# m bbase "Yes...?"
m bbase "啊...?"
# game/script.rpy:1254
translate zh actionpass_5a2ab59d:
# r "...Why aren't you attacking me?"
r "...为什么你不攻击我?"
# game/script.rpy:1255
translate zh actionpass_f3232a37:
# m "Because you said you didn't want to fight."
m "因为你说过你不想战斗。"
# game/script.rpy:1256
translate zh actionpass_b1926a30:
# r "...!"
r "...!"
# game/script.rpy:1264
translate zh actionpass_ca34293d:
# r "...So you really do remember?"
r "...所以你真的记得?"
# game/script.rpy:1265
translate zh actionpass_44896abb:
# m "Are you talking about how we keep having this battle over and over again?"
m "你是说我记得我们在不停地一遍又一遍战斗吗?"
# game/script.rpy:1266
translate zh actionpass_862893e8:
# m "Then yeah, I do remember."
m "那么,对,我记得。"
# game/script.rpy:1267
translate zh actionpass_49449bb5:
# m "And I remember how you said you didn't want to fight -"
m "我还记得你是怎样说你不想要战斗的——"
# game/script.rpy:1268
translate zh actionpass_44340760:
# m "So I'm not fighting you."
m "所以我就不跟你战斗了。"
# game/script.rpy:1269
translate zh actionpass_b1926a30_1:
# r "...!"
r "...!"
# game/script.rpy:1270
translate zh actionpass_63f46856:
# m "But I don't know what you want!"
m "但是我不知道你想要什么!"
# game/script.rpy:1271
translate zh actionpass_f2f95692:
# m "Why do you keep fighting me if you don't want to fight?"
m "如果你不想战斗的话,为什么你还是要攻击我?"
# game/script.rpy:1272
translate zh actionpass_bd8f73cc:
# m "Why set up a barrier and a battlefield?"
m "为什么要设置一个战场,一个边界?"
# game/script.rpy:1273
translate zh actionpass_0c6aee03:
# m "Why send me a letter of challenge?!"
m "为什么要送给我一封挑战书?!"
# game/script.rpy:1274
translate zh actionpass_5140699d:
# m "It doesn't make any sense!"
m "这完全没有道理啊!"
# game/script.rpy:1276
translate zh actionpass_6c998ebb:
# r "I didn't know how else..."
r "我不知道我还能怎样..."
# game/script.rpy:1277
translate zh actionpass_7a209199:
# m "How else to what?"
m "还能什么?"
# game/script.rpy:1279
translate zh actionpass_bbb99a4b:
# r "How else to get you to talk to me..."
r "还能怎样让你跟我说话..."
# game/script.rpy:1280
translate zh actionpass_67eefa03:
# m bsurprise "...What?"
m bsurprise "...什么?"
# game/script.rpy:1282
translate zh actionpass_67dc7a4b:
# r cast "I've never..."
r cast "我从来没有..."
# game/script.rpy:1283
translate zh actionpass_36969991:
# r "...I've never talked to another magical girl before."
r "...我从来没有跟别的魔法少女讲过话。"
# game/script.rpy:1284
translate zh actionpass_39f4d768:
# r "So I was nervous..."
r "所以我很紧张..."
# game/script.rpy:1285
translate zh actionpass_6752fec0:
# m "...What?!"
m "...什么?!"
# game/script.rpy:1286
translate zh actionpass_ce878b4e:
# m bbase "Who SETS UP A BATTLEFIELD to try to talk to someone?!"
m bbase "谁会为了跟别人讲话整一大块战场呀?!"
# game/script.rpy:1287
translate zh actionpass_471640a0:
# r base "I-I asked a friend for advice..."
r base "我——我的一个朋友出了这个主意..."
# game/script.rpy:1288
translate zh actionpass_6907a3cb:
# r "They said this was how they'd made friends before..."
r "她们说这就是她们当初交朋友的方式..."
# game/script.rpy:1289
translate zh actionpass_4efa0a8d:
# m "Uh, unless your friend is an evil villain, it's kinda not normal to go around like..."
m "呃,除非你的朋友是邪恶的恶棍,否则..."
# game/script.rpy:1290
translate zh actionpass_bd425e25:
# m "Sending letters of challenge and forcing people into magical barriers."
m "送挑战书,还把人困在边界里,这样做有点不正常。"
# game/script.rpy:1291
translate zh actionpass_18f1eea9:
# r cast "Well... They used to be a villain..."
r cast "确实...她们曾经就是一群恶棍..."
# game/script.rpy:1292
translate zh actionpass_93fc142d:
# r "That's how we met..."
r "而这就是当初我和她们见面的方式..."
# game/script.rpy:1293
translate zh actionpass_f6276936:
# m bsurprise "...WHAT."
m bsurprise "...啊。"
# game/script.rpy:1294
translate zh actionpass_f7560fc0:
# r base "They tried to take over my town, but we talked it out..."
r base "她们当初试图占领我的小镇,但我们和她们和好了..."
# game/script.rpy:1295
translate zh actionpass_7fe1c316:
# r "So now we protect my town together..."
r "所以现在我们一起保护我的小镇..."
# game/script.rpy:1296
translate zh actionpass_25429d37:
# m bbase "Um, this is way too much info for me to take in."
m bbase "额,信息量太大,我吸收不完。"
# game/script.rpy:1297
translate zh actionpass_681f5210:
# m "What does this have to do with you putting me in an eternal loop of battles?"
m "这跟你把我陷入无限的战斗有什么关系?"
# game/script.rpy:1298
translate zh actionpass_ae44f9a2:
# r "My friend thought it'd be good if I talked more with other magical girls..."
r "我的朋友觉得我多跟别人交流会更好..."
# game/script.rpy:1299
translate zh actionpass_823fe955:
# r "So I sent you a letter..."
r "所以我送给你一封信..."
# game/script.rpy:1300
translate zh actionpass_fa281546:
# m "...Of CHALLENGE?"
m "...来挑战我?"
# game/script.rpy:1301
translate zh actionpass_51fce4e5:
# r "I've never received any other kinds of letters..."
r "我从来没有收到别的种类的信..."
# game/script.rpy:1302
translate zh actionpass_46b0b7d1:
# m bsurprise "Uh... Wow. I don't know what to say to that."
m bsurprise "唔...哇哦。我不知道该怎么说。"
# game/script.rpy:1303
translate zh actionpass_55cd2849:
# m "But then why didn't you just talk to me?"
m "那你为什么不在我出现的时候..."
# game/script.rpy:1304
translate zh actionpass_e57eb086:
# m "When I showed up."
m "...跟我说话呢?"
# game/script.rpy:1306
translate zh actionpass_c89f16bd:
# r cast "I was nervous..."
r cast "我非常紧张..."
# game/script.rpy:1307
translate zh actionpass_e59462a6:
# r "You were yelling at me, and I thought..."
r "你对我大喊大叫,我还以为..."
# game/script.rpy:1308
translate zh actionpass_92f45370:
# r "I thought I'd screwed up my only chance to..."
r "我搞砸了..."
# game/script.rpy:1309
translate zh actionpass_d26a4088:
# r "To become friends..."
r "交朋友的唯一机会..."
# game/script.rpy:1310
translate zh actionpass_8d071fd2:
# m bbase "And your answer to that was to REWIND TIME and redo everything?"
m bbase "那你就得为此倒带时间,再来一遍吗?"
# game/script.rpy:1311
translate zh actionpass_e262bb93:
# r base "That's how I always solve my problems..."
r base "我从来就是这样解决问题的..."
# game/script.rpy:1312
translate zh actionpass_53c36d91:
# r "Nobody's ever noticed the time rewinding before..."
r "也从来没有人注意到时间倒带过..."
# game/script.rpy:1313
translate zh actionpass_083e6173:
# m bsurprise "Uh, I don't know how to tell you this..."
m bsurprise "额,我不知道要怎么这样说..."
# game/script.rpy:1314
translate zh actionpass_a5b4eab8:
# m "But I'd feel uncomfortable being friends with somebody who just like..."
m "但是跟谈不来话就扭曲时间的人交朋友..."
# game/script.rpy:1315
translate zh actionpass_e77cdb46:
# m "Sent me on a weird time bender whenever they didn't like how a conversation went."
m "会让很我不舒服。"
# game/script.rpy:1316
translate zh actionpass_ac83d09e:
# r cast "...I'm sorry."
r cast "...我很抱歉。"
# game/script.rpy:1317
translate zh actionpass_3913da32:
# r "I always screw everything up..."
r "我老是把事情搞砸..."
# game/script.rpy:1318
translate zh actionpass_90210583:
# r "I'll go back in time and just never send you a letter -"
r "我会把时间调回过去,然后不再给你送信——"
# game/script.rpy:1319
translate zh actionpass_0e4514c6:
m bbase "我就是不想你这样做!"
# game/script.rpy:1320
translate zh actionpass_b3520463:
# r base "...!"
r base "...!"
# game/script.rpy:1321
translate zh actionpass_d2471edf:
# m "Like... We can just TALK!"
m "我们可以直接互相交谈,不是吗!"
# game/script.rpy:1322
translate zh actionpass_c6aefe25:
# m "That's what people do normally!"
m "我们正常就是这样做的!"
# game/script.rpy:1323
translate zh actionpass_0eee3bdf:
# m "If they want to talk to somebody, they just DO IT!"
m "如果他们想要跟人谈话,他们会直白地去表示!"
# game/script.rpy:1324
translate zh actionpass_ac480866:
# m "They don't do all the... whatever this is!"
m "他们不会干一些...管他是什么事!"
# game/script.rpy:1326
translate zh actionpass_936c7887:
# m "You don't want to fight, right? So let's not."
m "你不想战斗,对吧?那我们就不战斗。"
# game/script.rpy:1327
translate zh actionpass_3df7940d:
# m "Why did you want to talk to me?"
m "我们来谈谈。"
# game/script.rpy:1328
translate zh actionpass_f7afb67e:
# m "Let's talk."
m "为什么你要跟我谈话?"
# game/script.rpy:1351
translate zh spellactivated_c64e956f:
u "神秘的少女施下了魔法!"
# game/script.rpy:1360
translate zh spellactivated_e040c6bb:
# m "Why -"
m "为什么——"
# game/script.rpy:1362
translate zh spellactivated_a2294995:
# m "Stop -"
m "停下——"
# game/script.rpy:1365
translate zh spellactivated_31f535c1:
# m "No! Not again -"
m "不!又来——"
# game/script.rpy:1369
translate zh spellactivated_0f0487e9:
# m "No! Don't do it -"
m "不!不要——"
# game/script.rpy:1436
translate zh spellcancelled_25971e48:
u "神秘的少女取消了魔法!"
# game/script.rpy:1442
translate zh spellcancelled_48c89a88:
# m "...!"
m "...!"
# game/script.rpy:1443
translate zh spellcancelled_3077e1c7:
# m "You cancelled the spell!"
m "你取消了魔法!"
# game/script.rpy:1446
translate zh spellcancelled_0c37e38e:
# m "OK then. That's one problem solved..."
m "好吧。这样一个问题就解决了..."
# game/script.rpy:1447
translate zh spellcancelled_50e89dc1:
# m "Could you get rid of the barrier too?"
m "你可以收起那些边界吗?"
# game/script.rpy:1449
translate zh spellcancelled_cd6093df:
# m "It just makes me kinda nervous."
m "它们让我很紧张。"
# game/script.rpy:1500
translate zh spellcancelled_c21167d5:
# m "The sky's back to normal!"
m "天空变回蓝色了!"
# game/script.rpy:1501
translate zh spellcancelled_ef46b4cc:
# m "And I'm in my regular clothes again!"
m "我的衣服又变成原样了!"
# game/script.rpy:1507
translate zh spellcancelled_b2788b4f:
# m surprise "Huh? You're still in your magical girl outfit."
m surprise "哈?你还穿着你的魔法少女服装?"
# game/script.rpy:1510
translate zh spellcancelled_13fb0e3b:
# r cast "I like these clothes..."
r cast "我喜欢这套衣服..."
# game/script.rpy:1511
translate zh spellcancelled_d52f9011:
# r "They make me feel safe..."
r "穿上它让我感觉很有安全感..."
# game/script.rpy:1513
translate zh spellcancelled_06ce0d30:
# m frown "O-Oh, I'm not saying they're weird or anything!"
m frown "额,我可不是说它们很奇怪哦!"
# game/script.rpy:1514
translate zh spellcancelled_9d19e02f:
# m "I was just surprised."
m "我只是有点惊讶。"
# game/script.rpy:1518
translate zh spellcancelled_8958a8b4:
# m "Um, so..."
m "嗯,所以..."
# game/script.rpy:1519
translate zh spellcancelled_579182ff:
# m "Why did you want to talk to me anyway?"
m "为什么你要跟我谈话呢?"
# game/script.rpy:1520
translate zh spellcancelled_d50a6230:
# m "Just because I'm another magical girl...?"
m "难道只是因为我是个魔法少女...?"
# game/script.rpy:1523
translate zh spellcancelled_f73b9f5a:
# r base "We met before..."
r base "我们在两周前..."
# game/script.rpy:1525
translate zh spellcancelled_ee03d257:
# m surprise "Huh?"
m surprise "哈?"
# game/script.rpy:1527
translate zh spellcancelled_b81b3012:
# r "...Two weeks ago."
r "...见过。"
# game/script.rpy:1529
translate zh spellcancelled_4b77de81:
# m "Two weeks ago? Honestly, my memory is terrible. I have no idea what -"
m "两周前?说实话,我的记忆力有点糟糕。我不记得——"
# game/script.rpy:1530
translate zh spellcancelled_c1d937e0:
# m "OH! Were you at the battle at the pier too?"
m "哦!当时你是不是在码头那里参加战斗?"
# game/script.rpy:1531
translate zh spellcancelled_c4b24c81:
# m "We had a lot of girls on our side, but that monster was still really tough!"
m "我们那边有很多队友,但是那个怪物还是很难打!"
# game/script.rpy:1534
translate zh spellcancelled_690b678d:
# r cast "...You saved me."
r cast "...你救了我。"
# game/script.rpy:1535
translate zh spellcancelled_b6226089:
# r "The monster knocked me off the pier, but you grabbed my hand."
r "怪物把我从码头上撞了下来,但是你抓住了我的手。"
# game/script.rpy:1536
translate zh spellcancelled_ddc44b4c:
# r "...You stopped me from falling."
r "...所以我才没有掉下去。"
# game/script.rpy:1538
translate zh spellcancelled_e00eecea:
# m frown "...Wow, I can't remember that at all!"
m frown "...哇,我居然一点都想不起来了!"
# game/script.rpy:1539
translate zh spellcancelled_a6eb392d:
# m "Sorry! So much was happening, and like..."
m "对不起!发生了好多事,而且..."
# game/script.rpy:1540
translate zh spellcancelled_3c0038a5:
# m "...Wait, so that's why you wanted to talk to me?"
m "...等等,所以你才想跟我谈话?"
# game/script.rpy:1542
translate zh spellcancelled_f290816d:
# r base "...I wanted to say thank you."
r base "...我想说句谢谢。"
# game/script.rpy:1544
translate zh spellcancelled_aa5ee43f:
# r "I thought you were..."
r "我以为你非常..."
# game/script.rpy:1545
translate zh spellcancelled_59d5268d:
# r blush "Really cool..."
r blush "非常酷..." # FIXME
# game/script.rpy:1547
translate zh spellcancelled_44fcde74:
# m surprise "Oh! Um."
m surprise "哦!呃。"
# game/script.rpy:1548
translate zh spellcancelled_6c6f2cb7:
# m base "Thanks, I think!"
m base "我想,我也说句谢谢吧!"
# game/script.rpy:1550
translate zh spellcancelled_338c9171:
# m "But you could've just like..."
m "但是,既然你当时已经知道我是谁,你完全可以..."
# game/script.rpy:1551
translate zh spellcancelled_319d9d87:
# m "Asked me for my number or something, right?"
m "比如说,问我的电话号码,对吧?"
# game/script.rpy:1552
translate zh spellcancelled_dedd239f:
# m "If you'd found out who I was already."
#m "电话号码就行了嘛。"
# game/script.rpy:1555
translate zh spellcancelled_2ee091c7:
# r cast "Oh."
r cast "哦。"
# game/script.rpy:1557
translate zh spellcancelled_1a253399:
# m surprise "WHAT? You didn't think of that at ALL?"
m surprise "什么?你完全没想过那样做?"
# game/script.rpy:1561
translate zh spellcancelled_4555e3f8:
# m "You're kind of a goofball, aren't you?"
m "你真是个傻瓜,不是吗?" # FIXME
# game/script.rpy:1563
translate zh spellcancelled_f238ddf8:
# r base "A-A goofball?"
r base "傻——傻瓜?"
# game/script.rpy:1565
translate zh spellcancelled_ea6d45b7:
# m base "I don't mean it in a bad way!"
m base "没有骂人的意思!"
# game/script.rpy:1566
translate zh spellcancelled_4360c07a:
# m "But like..."
m "但是..."
# game/script.rpy:1567
translate zh spellcancelled_628570e2:
# m "Being told all this at once is kinda overwhelming, to be honest!"
m "说实话,你一下子说这么多,真的有点让人不知所措!"
# game/script.rpy:1568
translate zh spellcancelled_392b6ebd:
# m "So maybe we can call it a day for now?"
m "所以,也许我们可以暂时收手了?" # FIXME
# game/script.rpy:1571
translate zh spellcancelled_d296a1e9:
# r cast "I'm sorry..."
r cast "我很抱歉..."
# game/script.rpy:1573
translate zh spellcancelled_fa29594b:
# m "It's cool!"
m "我觉得这样很酷!"
# game/script.rpy:1574
translate zh spellcancelled_fe9de39d:
# m frown "Well, the barrier and time loopy thing was actually not very cool."
m frown "只是边界和时间循环那样的东西有点不太酷。"
# game/script.rpy:1575
translate zh spellcancelled_e4254c5e:
# m "But if you promise you won't do that again, we're cool."
m "但是,如果你保证不会再这样做,那我就不当那一回事了。"
# game/script.rpy:1578
translate zh spellcancelled_35fff190:
# r base "I won't do it again."
r base "我不会再这样做了。"
# game/script.rpy:1580
translate zh spellcancelled_693cce6d:
# m base "Great!"
m base "棒极了!"
# game/script.rpy:1583
translate zh spellcancelled_0a443531:
# r blush "...Is it OK if I talk with you again?"
r blush "...下次再跟你讲话可以吗?"
# game/script.rpy:1585
translate zh spellcancelled_0f8ff207:
# m "Of course!"
m "行呀!"
# game/script.rpy:1586
translate zh spellcancelled_cb30432f:
# m surprise "Oh, but this time, just like."
m surprise "哦,还有,到时候你..."
# game/script.rpy:1587
translate zh spellcancelled_432a4604:
# m "Message me or something."
m "发个短信什么的就可以了。"
# game/script.rpy:1588
translate zh spellcancelled_01f85908:
# m "Here's my number."
m "给你,这是我的电话号码。"
# game/script.rpy:1590
translate zh spellcancelled_b3520463:
# r base "...!"
r base "...!"
# game/script.rpy:1591
translate zh spellcancelled_32e6f0da:
# r "Thank you..."
r "谢谢..."
# game/script.rpy:1593
translate zh spellcancelled_f81f37c5:
# m base "You don't have to be so formal!"
m base "不用这么客气!"
# game/script.rpy:1594
translate zh spellcancelled_3f32be14:
# m "It's just a number."
m "就是个电话号码而已嘛。"
# game/script.rpy:1597
translate zh spellcancelled_86d7efe8:
# r "It's just..."
r "“就是个电话号码”..."
# game/script.rpy:1598
translate zh spellcancelled_26ceb1c2:
# r cast "...This is my first time getting a number from somebody."
r cast "...这是我第一次得到别人的电话号码。"
# game/script.rpy:1600
translate zh spellcancelled_084b701e:
# m "Wow, are you really sheltered or something?"
m "哇哦,你真是个野人。"
# game/script.rpy:1601
translate zh spellcancelled_2d9634a1:
# m "I guess that explains the letter though..."
m "我想这样子那封信的事就可以理解了..."
# game/script.rpy:1603
translate zh spellcancelled_aa9340ab:
# r "...I don't actually know how to save your number to my phone."
r "...其实我不知道怎么把电话号码保存到手机里。"
# game/script.rpy:1605
translate zh spellcancelled_6da8028f:
# m surprise "WOW. OK, that's pretty amazing."
m surprise "哇哦。啊,这样就有点令人惊讶了。"
# game/script.rpy:1606
translate zh spellcancelled_7e19122d:
# m "Do you have some time after this?"
m "你一会有时间吗?"
# game/script.rpy:1607
translate zh spellcancelled_3614d970:
# m "We can get some drinks at a cafe and I can help you figure it out."
m "我们可以去咖啡店喝点饮料,顺便帮你保存电话号码。"
# game/script.rpy:1609
translate zh spellcancelled_3f782cd4:
# r base "...You don't mind?"
r base "...你不介意吗?"
# game/script.rpy:1611
translate zh spellcancelled_34753778:
# m "Nah, it's really easy stuff."
m "不啦,其实很简单的。"
# game/script.rpy:1614
translate zh spellcancelled_c1f9abee:
# r blush "Then I'd like that..."
r blush "那我会去的..."
# game/script.rpy:1616
translate zh spellcancelled_4eed4e3d:
# m base "Great! Since you were talking about your town earlier -"
m base "好耶!毕竟刚才你说到了你的小镇——"
# game/script.rpy:1617
translate zh spellcancelled_12dcc133:
# m "I guess you're not from this town, right?"
m "我猜你跟我不是同一个镇子里的人,对吧?"
# game/script.rpy:1618
translate zh spellcancelled_583ab83b:
# m "There's a really cute cafe nearby that we can go to!"
m "这附近有一个特别可爱的咖啡馆,我们就一起去那里吧!"
translate zh strings:
# game/script.rpy:223
old "YES"
new "是"
# game/script.rpy:223
old "NO"
new "否"
# game/script.rpy:841
old "ATTACK"
new "攻击"
# game/script.rpy:841
old "TALK"
new "交谈"
# game/script.rpy:841
old "RUN"
new "逃跑"
# game/script.rpy:1067
old "\"Please stop this already!\""
new "“请你立刻停下!”"
# game/script.rpy:1067
old "\"You won't get away with this!\""
new "“这样做不会应付!”"
# game/script.rpy:1067
old "\"Why are you doing this?\""
new "“为什么你要做这种事?”"
# game/script.rpy:1099
old "\"I don't want to fight...!\""
new "“我不想跟你打架...!”"
# game/script.rpy:1099
old "\"Stop casting the spell!\""
new "“不要施魔法了!”"
# game/script.rpy:1099
old "\"Why send a letter to ME?\""
new "“为什么把信送给我?”"
# game/script.rpy:1099
old "\"Why do you want to battle me?\""
new "“为什么你要跟我战斗?”"
# game/script.rpy:1137
old "\"We can call a truce!\""
new "“我们可以和平共处!”"
# game/script.rpy:1137
old "\"Why is it just me?\""
new "“为什么偏偏是我?”"
# game/script.rpy:1137
old "\"Did I do something to you?\""
new "“难道我妨碍到你了吗?”"
# game/script.rpy:1137
old "\"How can I make you stop?!\""
new "“怎么样才能让你停下来?!”"
# game/script.rpy:1180
old "\"I don't know what to do...\""
new "“我不知道该怎么做...”"
# game/script.rpy:1180
old "\"That's not what you...?\""
new "“这不是你的...?”"
# This needs a game code edit
translate zh strings:
# game/script.rpy:177
old "{font=tl/None/npckc.ttf}THE END?{/font}"
new "{font=tl/zh/sp-xiaolai-p.ttf}结束了?{/font}"
# game/script.rpy:178
old "{font=tl/None/npckc.ttf}THE END!{/font}"
new "{font=tl/zh/sp-xiaolai-p.ttf}结束了!{/font}"
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