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Last active August 6, 2022 04:58
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Unfinished Sonic CD SMPS2ASM generator - latest version can be found at
from io import StringIO
import struct
FILE = "D:\development\sonic-cd-disassembly\Sound Drivers\SMPS-PCM\Music\Palmtree Panic Past.bin"
PROJ = "PPZPast"
0x80: "nRst",
0x81: "nC0", 0x82: "nCs0", 0x83: "nD0", 0x84: "nEb0",
0x85: "nE0", 0x86: "nF0", 0x87: "nFs0", 0x88: "nG0",
0x89: "nAb0", 0x8A: "nA0", 0x8B: "nBb0", 0x8C: "nB0",
0x8D: "nC1", 0x8E: "nCs1", 0x8F: "nD1", 0x90: "nEb1",
0x91: "nE1", 0x92: "nF1", 0x93: "nFs1", 0x94: "nG1",
0x95: "nAb1", 0x96: "nA1", 0x97: "nBb1", 0x98: "nB1",
0x99: "nC2", 0x9A: "nCs2", 0x9B: "nD2", 0x9C: "nEb2",
0x9D: "nE2", 0x9E: "nF2", 0x9F: "nFs2", 0xA0: "nG2",
0xA1: "nAb2", 0xA2: "nA2", 0xA3: "nBb2", 0xA4: "nB2",
0xA5: "nC3", 0xA6: "nCs3", 0xA7: "nD3", 0xA8: "nEb3",
0xA9: "nE3", 0xAA: "nF3", 0xAB: "nFs3", 0xAC: "nG3",
0xAD: "nAb3", 0xAE: "nA3", 0xAF: "nBb3", 0xB0: "nB3",
0xB1: "nC4", 0xB2: "nCs4", 0xB3: "nD4", 0xB4: "nEb4",
0xB5: "nE4", 0xB6: "nF4", 0xB7: "nFs4", 0xB8: "nG4",
0xB9: "nAb4", 0xBA: "nA4", 0xBB: "nBb4", 0xBC: "nB4",
0xBD: "nC5", 0xBE: "nCs5", 0xBF: "nD5", 0xC0: "nEb5",
0xC1: "nE5", 0xC2: "nF5", 0xC3: "nFs5", 0xC4: "nG5",
0xC5: "nAb5", 0xC6: "nA5", 0xC7: "nBb5", 0xC8: "nB5",
0xC9: "nC6", 0xCA: "nCs6", 0xCB: "nD6", 0xCC: "nEb6",
0xCD: "nE6", 0xCE: "nF6", 0xCF: "nFs6", 0xD0: "nG6",
0xD1: "nAb6", 0xD2: "nA6", 0xD3: "nBb6", 0xD4: "nB6",
0xD5: "nC7", 0xD6: "nCs7", 0xD7: "nD7", 0xD8: "nEb7",
0xD9: "nE7", 0xDA: "nF7", 0xDB: "nFs7", 0xDC: "nG7",
0xDD: "nAb7", 0xDE: "nA7", 0xDF: "nBb7"
def hex_asm68k(i):
s = hex(i)[2:].upper()
if len(s) == 1:
s = "0" + s
return "$" + s
def write_asm(proj, input, output):
indent_level = 1
def write(data, indent=None):
output.write(' ' * (indent and indent or indent_level - 1) + data + "\n")
def write_comment(text):
for line in text.splitlines(False):
write("; " + line)
def start_block(name):
write(proj + "_" + name + ":")
return indent_level + 1
def end_block():
write("", indent_level - 1)
return indent_level - 1
def write_instruction_simple(name, arg):
write((name + " " + arg).rstrip())
def write_instruction_iter(name, args):
args = map(lambda x: str(x), args)
write_instruction_simple(name, " ".join(args))
def write_instruction_i_bytes(name, i):
write_instruction_iter(name, (read_byte_s() for _ in range(i)))
def write_instruction(name, *args):
if args is None or len(args) < 0:
write(name, indent_level)
write_instruction_iter(name, args)
def write_instruction_buffer(name, *args):
if args is None or len(args) < 0:
write(name, indent_level)
args = map(lambda x: str(x), args)
return name + " " + " ".join(args)
def write_dcb(vals):
this_line = []
for i, v in enumerate(vals):
if i > 0 and i % 10 == 0:
write_instruction_simple("dc.b", ", ".join(this_line))
this_line = []
if len(this_line) > 0:
write_instruction_simple("dc.b", ", ".join(this_line))
this_line = []
def read_byte():
return struct.unpack(">B",[0]
def read_byte_s():
return hex_asm68k(read_byte())
def read_short():
return struct.unpack(">h",[0]
def read_short_s():
return hex_asm68k(read_short())
def label_from_loc(locs, loc, name):
if not locs.get(loc, None):
locs[loc] = name
return proj + "_" + locs[loc]
def sub_from_pos(locs, pos, total_subrountines):
# TODO: loc-pos-1
loc = read_short() + pos + 1
assert loc < eof
if not locs.get(loc, None):
total_subrountines = total_subrountines + 1
label = label_from_loc(locs, loc, "Sub" + str(total_subrountines))
return label, total_subrountines
def write_command(this_short, total_subrountines, pos):
buffer = ""
if this_short == 0xe0:
buffer = write_instruction_buffer("smpsPan", read_byte_s())
elif this_short == 0xe1:
buffer = write_instruction_buffer("smpsAlterNote", read_byte_s())
elif this_short == 0xe2:
buffer = write_instruction_buffer("smpsCommFlag", read_byte_s())
elif this_short == 0xe3:
buffer = write_instruction_buffer("smpsCDDALoopFlag", read_byte())
elif this_short == 0xe6:
buffer = write_instruction_buffer("smpsAlterVol", read_byte_s())
elif this_short == 0xe7:
buffer = write_instruction_buffer("smpsSetLegato", read_byte_s())
elif this_short == 0xe8:
buffer = write_instruction_buffer("smpsSetStaccato", read_byte_s())
elif this_short == 0xea:
buffer = write_instruction_buffer("smpsSetTempoMod", read_byte_s())
elif this_short == 0xeb:
buffer = write_instruction_buffer("smpsPlaySound", read_byte_s())
elif this_short == 0xef:
buffer = write_instruction_buffer("smpsPlaySound", read_byte_s())
elif this_short >= 0xf0 and this_short <= 0xf2:
buffer = write_instruction_buffer("smpsStop")
elif this_short == 0xf4 or this_short == 0xf6:
label, total_subrountines = sub_from_pos(locs, pos, total_subrountines)
buffer = write_instruction_buffer("smpsJump", label)
elif this_short == 0xf7:
index = read_byte()
loops = read_byte()
label, total_subrountines = sub_from_pos(locs, pos, total_subrountines)
buffer = write_instruction_buffer("smpsLoop", index, loops, label)
elif this_short == 0xf8:
label, total_subrountines = sub_from_pos(locs, pos, total_subrountines)
buffer = write_instruction_buffer("smpsCall", label)
elif this_short == 0xf9:
buffer = write_instruction_buffer("smpsReturn")
elif this_short == 0xfa:
buffer = write_instruction_buffer("smpsChanTempoDiv", read_byte_s())
elif this_short == 0xfb:
buffer = write_instruction_buffer("smpsSetTempoDiv", read_byte_s())
buffer = write_instruction_buffer("dc.b", hex_asm68k(this_short), "; WARNING: unknown command")
return buffer, total_subrountines
indent_level = start_block("Header")
channels = read_byte()
write_instruction("smpsHeaderChan", hex_asm68k(channels))
write_instruction_i_bytes("smpsHeaderTempo", 2)
locs = {}
for i in range(channels):
loc = read_short()
write_instruction("smpsHeaderPCM", label_from_loc(locs, loc, "PCM" + str(i + 1)), read_byte_s(), read_byte_s())
indent_level = end_block()
orig_pointer = input.tell()
eof = input.tell()
total_subrountines = 0
# look for subroutines
while True:
pos = input.tell()
if pos >= eof:
this_short = read_byte()
pos = input.tell()
if this_short >= 0xe0:
buffer, total_subrountines = write_command(this_short, total_subrountines, pos)
notes = []
while True:
pos = input.tell()
if pos >= eof:
header = locs.get(pos, None)
if header:
if indent_level > 1:
indent_level = end_block()
indent_level = start_block(header)
this_short = read_byte()
pos = input.tell()
if this_short >= 0xe0:
buffer, total_subrountines = write_command(this_short, total_subrountines, pos)
notes = []
notes.append(NOTES.get(this_short, None) or hex_asm68k(this_short))
if len(notes) > 0:
indent_level = indent_level < 2 and 2 or indent_level
notes = []
def main():
project_name = PROJ#input("name : ")
orig_bin = FILE#input("file : ")
with StringIO() as output:
with open(orig_bin, "rb") as f:
write_asm(project_name, f, output)
print(, end='')
if __name__ == "__main__":
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