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Last active September 4, 2019 16:05
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Ens Login iFrame draft proposal


Iframe benefits

  • Better security: wallet provider code is loaded in a sandbox environment, can't read dapp's localstorage/cookies and can't track dapp location
  • Formalized specs: a wallet provider needs to provide a js code that can respond to the eip-1474 messages

Example pseudo-code


  1. Fetch wallet provider source from ENS
  2. Add the wallet provider iframe to the dapp's web page
  3. Subscribe to events from wallet provider iframe
  4. Exchange messages with wallet provider via iframe
// 1. Fetch wallet provider source from ENS 
walletProviderUrl = fetchIframeUrl(ensName)

// 2. Add the wallet provider iframe to the dapp's web page
walletIframe = document.body.append(‘iframe’)
walletIframe.src = walletProviderUrl

// 3. Subscribe to events from wallet provider iframe 
dappWindow.addEventListener("message",onMessageFromWallet, false)

// 4. Exchange messages with wallet provider via PostMessage interface
// e.g. when need to call some method like eth_sendTransaction
walletIframe.postMessage(msg, walletProviderUrl)
// Example of `msg`: 
// msg  = {
//    "id": 1337,
//    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
//    "method": "eth_blockNumber",
//    "params": []
// }`

Wallet provider

  1. Subscribe to events (messages) from dapp
  2. Handle request from the dapp
  3. Send response back to the dapp
// 1. Subscribe for events from dapp 
walletIframe.addEventListener("message", onMessageFromDapp, false)
// 2. Handle request from the dapp
onMessageFromDapp(msg) { 
//   make approtiate action: send transaction, sign message or other
//   ... 
//   3. Send response back to the dapp window in the jsonrpc format -
     dappWindow.postMessage(response, dappUrl)


A library similar to web3js or ethers can be implemented to abstract away the messaging routine between a dapp and wallet. The lib can comply with eip-1193 and be built on top of Penpal lib

Mockups with the user flow

Useful links

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