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Dr. Derek Austin DoctorDerek

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// Export default const in JavaScript and TypeScript
const Banana = () => (<div>🍌</div>)
export default Banana // Has to be on a separate line
// Default exports in JavaScript and TypeScript
function Banana() {
return <div>🍌</div>
const price = 1.33
// In this example, price is a named export:
export { Banana as default, price }
// Named exports in JavaScript and TypeScript
function Banana() {
return <div>🍌</div>
const price = 1.33
export { Banana, price }
// These are equivalent to the export syntax above:
DoctorDerek / type-ReactNode.tsx
Created October 21, 2022 17:45
What Is the Correct Type for the Children Prop in React TypeScript?
type ReactNode =
| ReactElement
| string
| number
| ReactFragment
| ReactPortal
| boolean
| null
| undefined
DoctorDerek / right-type-for-children-with-type-instead-of-interface.tsx
Created October 21, 2022 17:44
What Is the Correct Type for the Children Prop in React TypeScript?
import { ReactNode } from "react"
type ILayout = {
pageInfo?: { name: string; description: string }
children: ReactNode
export default ILayout
DoctorDerek / right-type-for-children.tsx
Created October 21, 2022 17:43
What Is the Correct Type for the Children Prop in React TypeScript?
import { ReactNode } from "react"
export default interface ILayout {
pageInfo?: { name: string; description: string }
children: ReactNode
DoctorDerek / wrong-children-type.tsx
Created October 21, 2022 17:42
What Is the Correct Type for the Children Prop in React TypeScript?
import React from "react"
interface ILayout {
pageInfo?: { name: string; description: string }
| JSX.Element[]
| JSX.Element
| React.ReactElement
| React.ReactElement[]
| string
DoctorDerek / Partial Object Destructuring of React Props With ... Rest Parameters Syntax.jsx
Created October 12, 2022 16:28
Partial Object Destructuring of React Props With ... Rest Parameters Syntax
const CardComponent = ({ name, ...props }) => <div>name</div>
// That format is equivalent to including the following code:
const { name } = props
// As in the above example, there could be other stuff in props.
DoctorDerek / Partial Object Destructuring of React Props With ... Rest Parameters Syntax.jsx
Created October 12, 2022 16:28
Partial Object Destructuring of React Props With ... Rest Parameters Syntax
function ChildComponent(props) {
// There could be other props that we didn't destructure here.
const { firstName, lastName } = props
return (
{firstName} {lastName}
DoctorDerek / .eslintrc.js
Created October 12, 2022 16:02
The right way to configure ESLint with Prettier
"extends": [