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Created January 30, 2019 01:53
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function highlight_outline(cell_index_to_highlight: boolean[], color: XYZ) {
const cell_index_to_edges: Array<{ edge: Edge, from: XY, to: XY, deleted: boolean }[]> = [];
const unique_edges: { edge: Edge, from: XY, to: XY, deleted: boolean }[] = [];
function merge_edges(at: XY, going_towards: Edge, right_relative: number | undefined, left_relative: number | undefined, index: number) {
const right_neighbor = right_relative && cell_index_to_edges[right_relative];
const right_edge = right_neighbor && right_neighbor.find(old => old.edge == going_towards);
const left_neighbor = left_relative && cell_index_to_edges[left_relative];
const left_edge = left_neighbor && left_neighbor.find(old => old.edge == going_towards);
if (right_edge && left_edge) { =;
left_edge.deleted = true;
} else {
if (right_edge) { = at;
if (left_edge) {
left_edge.from = at;
if (!right_edge && !left_edge) {
const new_edge = { edge: going_towards, from: at, to: at, deleted: false };
for (let index = 0; index < cell_index_to_highlight.length; index++) {
const is_highlighted = cell_index_to_highlight[index];
if (!is_highlighted) continue;
const cell = battle.cells[index];
const at = cell.position;
const right = grid_cell_index_raw(battle, at.x + 1, at.y);
const left = grid_cell_index_raw(battle, at.x - 1, at.y);
const top = grid_cell_index_raw(battle, at.x, at.y + 1);
const bottom = grid_cell_index_raw(battle, at.x, at.y - 1);
const edge_side_right_left: [Edge, number | undefined, number | undefined, number | undefined][] = [
[, top, right, left ],
[ Edge.bottom, bottom, left, right ],
[ Edge.right, right, bottom, top ],
[ Edge.left, left, top, bottom ]
for (const [ edge, side, right, left ] of edge_side_right_left) {
if (side == undefined || !cell_index_to_highlight[side]) {
if (!cell_index_to_edges[index]) {
cell_index_to_edges[index] = [];
merge_edges(cell.position, edge, right, left, index);
const half = battle_cell_size / 2;
const height = 160;
for (const { edge, from, to, deleted } of unique_edges) {
if (deleted) continue;
const fx = Particles.CreateParticle("particles/ui/highlight_rope.vpcf", ParticleAttachment_t.PATTACH_CUSTOMORIGIN, 0);
const [fr_x, fr_y, fr_z] = battle_position_to_world_position_center(from);
const [to_x, to_y, to_z] = battle_position_to_world_position_center(to);
switch (edge) {
case Edge.bottom: {
Particles.SetParticleControl(fx, 0, [fr_x - half, fr_y - half, fr_z + height]);
Particles.SetParticleControl(fx, 1, [to_x + half, to_y - half, to_z + height]);
case {
Particles.SetParticleControl(fx, 0, [fr_x + half, fr_y + half, fr_z + height]);
Particles.SetParticleControl(fx, 1, [to_x - half, to_y + half, to_z + height]);
case Edge.left: {
Particles.SetParticleControl(fx, 0, [fr_x - half, fr_y + half, fr_z + height]);
Particles.SetParticleControl(fx, 1, [to_x - half, to_y - half, to_z + height]);
case Edge.right: {
Particles.SetParticleControl(fx, 0, [fr_x + half, fr_y - half, fr_z + height]);
Particles.SetParticleControl(fx, 1, [to_x + half, to_y + half, to_z + height]);
Particles.SetParticleControl(fx, 2, color);
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