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DoktahWorm / gist:1062992
Created July 4, 2011 06:52
irb db sample
require 'rubygems'
require 'mysql'
db_conn = Mysql.connect('hostname', 'username', 'password', 'database')
# Get an array of all the dbs and then iterate through them
dbs = db_conn.list_dbs.each do |db|
# print the name of the db
puts "db: #{ db }"
DoktahWorm / sprouts_install_yard_error
Created January 5, 2011 00:25
Errors generated by Yard during Project Sprouts install
~/CurrentProjects/OFServer:game_channel$ gem install sprout --pre
Successfully installed sprout-1.1.7.pre
1 gem installed
Installing ri documentation for sprout-1.1.7.pre...
Building YARD (yri) index for sprout-1.1.7.pre...
[error]: Unhandled exception in YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::ModuleHandler:
[error]: in `lib/sprout/generators/ruby/templates/ruby_base.rb`:3:
3: module <%= input.camel_case %>