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Created December 26, 2024 22:41
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Text file created by Roblox
-- ServerID: a6853925-f3ea-4e56-8751-d311d1c4f0a3
-- Server started: December 26, 2024 10:37 PM UTC | Server uptime: 262 seconds
------------------ LOADB LOGS ------------------
------------------ END LOADB LOGS ------------------
------------------ JOIN LOGS ------------------
[1] = {
Text = "Henzo25082012",
Time = "22:37",
Desc = "Henzo25082012 joined the server",
------------------ END JOIN LOGS ------------------
------------------ CHAT LOGS ------------------
------------------ END CHAT LOGS ------------------
------------------ COMMAND LOGS ------------------
[1] = {
Text = "Henzo25082012: :forceviewcam targets Ultra",
Time = "22:41",
Desc = ":forceviewcam targets Ultra",
[2] = {
Text = "Henzo25082012: :setcameralimit targets 1 20",
Time = "22:41",
Desc = ":setcameralimit targets 1 20",
[3] = {
Text = "Henzo25082012: :wait 0.23",
Time = "22:41",
Desc = ":wait 0.23",
[4] = {
Text = "Henzo25082012: :re targets",
Time = "22:41",
Desc = ":re targets",
[5] = {
Text = "Henzo25082012: :wait 2",
Time = "22:41",
Desc = ":wait 2",
[6] = {
Text = "Henzo25082012: :loadb Ultra",
Time = "22:41",
Desc = ":loadb Ultra",
[7] = {
Text = "Henzo25082012: :runc Ultra",
Time = "22:41",
Desc = ":runc Ultra",
[8] = {
Text = "Henzo25082012: :Target me",
Time = "22:40",
Desc = ":Target me",
[9] = {
Text = "Henzo25082012: :give me index",
Time = "22:40",
Desc = ":give me index",
[10] = {
Text = "Henzo25082012: :f3x me",
Time = "22:40",
Desc = ":f3x me",
[11] = {
Text = "Henzo25082012: :ForceField me",
Time = "22:40",
Desc = ":ForceField me",
[12] = {
Text = "Henzo25082012: :god me",
Time = "22:40",
Desc = ":god me",
[13] = {
Text = "Henzo25082012: :flynoclip me 40",
Time = "22:40",
Desc = ":flynoclip me 40",
[14] = {
Text = "Henzo25082012: :runc basics",
Time = "22:40",
Desc = ":runc basics",
------------------ END COMMAND LOGS ------------------
------------------ END TEXT FILE ------------------
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