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Created July 23, 2015 18:17
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Simple genetic algorithm
import random
import string
from time import sleep
POSSIBLE_CHARS = string.ascii_letters + string.punctuation + " "
def evolve(population, pop_count, crossover_mutation_ratio):
def swap(src, dst, i, j=None):
if j is None:
j = i
src[i], dst[j] = dst[j], src[i]
remaining = pop_count - len(population)
l = len(population[0])
# crossover
for _ in xrange(remaining):
# choose 2 random clones
e1, e2 = map(lambda e: e[:], random.sample(population, 2))
# randomly swap a few
for _ in xrange(random.randrange(l / 2, l)):
i = random.randrange(0, l)
swap(e1, e2, i)
# add to population
# mutate
for entity in population:
chance = random.random()
# random swap
if chance < crossover_mutation_ratio[1]/2:
i, j = random.randrange(0, l), random.randrange(0, l)
swap(entity, entity, i, j)
# new random char
elif chance < crossover_mutation_ratio[1]:
i = random.randrange(0, l)
entity[i] = random.choice(POSSIBLE_CHARS)
def run(pop_count, crossover_mutation_ratio, create_func, fitness_func, complete_func, stringify_func):
assert pop_count > 3
assert all(x > 0 for x in crossover_mutation_ratio)
# create random initial population
population = [create_func() for _ in xrange(pop_count)]
generation = 0
while True:
generation += 1
# evaluate fitness
fitness = []
for entity in population:
x = fitness_func(entity)
fitness.append((entity, x))
# sort by fitness
sorted_population = [x[0] for x in sorted(fitness, key=lambda f: f[1], reverse=True)]
# complete?
best = fitness[0]
if complete_func(best):
print "The winner is %s with a fitness of %s (generation %d)!" % (stringify_func(best[0]), str(best[1]), generation)
# print out best
if generation % 10 == 0:
print("%5d : %s (%f)" % (generation, stringify_func(best[0]), best[1]))
# choose top 10
count = pop_count // 2
new_pop = sorted_population[:count]
# crossover, then mutate randomly
evolve(new_pop, pop_count, crossover_mutation_ratio)
# repeat
del population[:]
population = new_pop
def list_cmp_fitness(x, target):
total = 0
for xc, tc in zip(x, target):
total += abs(ord(tc) - ord(xc)) ** 2
return -total
def main():
goal = list("These words are breeding")
count = 200
crossover_mutation_ratio = (0.5, 0.2)
fitness = lambda l: list_cmp_fitness(l, goal)
create = lambda: [random.choice(POSSIBLE_CHARS) for _ in xrange(len(goal))]
complete = lambda (best, fitness): fitness == 0
stringify = lambda l: ''.join(l)
run(count, crossover_mutation_ratio, create, fitness, complete, stringify)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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