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Created July 28, 2019 18:35
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public extension UIDevice {
/// This enum gives us simple way how to recognize which UIDevice size
/// For the resolutions, refer to
/// Apple official website:
/// Because the documentation is missing, I ran simulators and manually checked some resolutions on
/// `UIScreen.main.bounds` (for Xr, XS Max and 11-inch iPhones) Apple somehow doesn't update the documentation.
enum DeviceSize: CaseIterable {
// iPhones:
case iPhoneX // XS
case iPhoneXSMax // Fun fact: Xr has same logical resolution as XS Max.
case iPhone8Plus // Since iPhone 6+, this works for all of our screens
case iPhone8 // Since iPhone 6, this works for all of our screens
case iPhoneSE // iPhone 5, 5S... SE 2 maybe? 🚀
case iPhone4 // 4S
// iPads:
case iPadAir // Also known as: iPad 3, iPad 4, iPad Air, iPad Air 2, 9.7-inch iPad Pro
// iPad Minis have same logical resolutions, but are different in PPI (higher) and physical display.
// I expect them to behave the same in same logical resolutions.
case iPadPro10AndHalfInch
case iPadPro11Inch
case iPadPro12Point9Inch
var size: CGSize {
switch self {
// iPhones
case .iPhoneX:
return .init(width: 375, height: 812)
case .iPhoneXSMax:
return .init(width: 414, height: 896)
case .iPhone8Plus:
return .init(width: 414, height: 736)
case .iPhone8:
return .init(width: 375, height: 667)
case .iPhoneSE:
return .init(width: 320, height: 568)
case .iPhone4:
return .init(width: 320, height: 480)
// iPads:
case .iPadAir:
return .init(width: 768, height: 1024)
case .iPadPro10AndHalfInch:
return .init(width: 834, height: 1112)
case .iPadPro11Inch:
return .init(width: 834, height: 1194)
case .iPadPro12Point9Inch:
return .init(width: 1024, height: 1366)
// Probable iPhone/iPad model acording to size. Because we want to make different screen designs
// according to device sizes, it is more than appropriate to finaly differ the screen resolutions.
var sizeModel: DeviceSize {
guard let size = DeviceSize.allCases.first(where: { $0.size == UIScreen.main.bounds.size }) else {
fatalError("Size detected from this enum was not found. Either some 👽 device or the device is new and was not added.")
return size
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