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Created August 10, 2023 10:41
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JS implementation of the Method of Equal Shares with cost utilities and Add1U completion, including a pabulib file parser
// usage: node mes.js <path-to-pb-file>
const fs = require('fs');
const readline = require('readline');
function parsePBFile(filePath) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const meta = {};
const projects = {};
const votes = {};
const approvers = {};
let section = "";
let header = [];
const rl = readline.createInterface({
input: fs.createReadStream(filePath),
crlfDelay: Infinity
let isHeaderRow = false;
rl.on('line', (line) => {
const row = line.split(';');
if (['meta', 'projects', 'votes'].includes(row[0].trim().toLowerCase())) {
section = row[0].trim().toLowerCase();
isHeaderRow = true; // read next line as header
if (isHeaderRow) {
header = row;
isHeaderRow = false;
if (section === "meta") {
meta[row[0]] = row[1].trim();
} else if (section === "projects") {
projects[row[0]] = {};
for (let it = 0; it < header.length; it++) {
projects[row[0]][header[it].trim()] = row[it].trim();
} else if (section === "votes") {
votes[row[0]] = {};
for (let it = 0; it < header.length; it++) {
votes[row[0]][header[it].trim()] = row[it].trim();
const voterId = row[0];
const voteIndex = header.findIndex(item => item.trim().toLowerCase() === 'vote');
if (voteIndex === -1) return; // Skip if the "vote" field is not found
const projectIds = row[voteIndex].split(',');
projectIds.forEach(projectId => {
if (!approvers[projectId]) {
approvers[projectId] = [];
rl.on('close', () => {
resolve({ meta, projects, votes, approvers });
function sum(xs) {
return xs.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0);
function equal_shares_fixed_budget(N, C, cost, approvers, B) {
let budget = {};
for (let i of N) {
budget[i] = B / N.length;
let remaining = new Map(); // remaining candidate -> previous effective vote count
for (let c of C) {
if (cost[c] > 0 && approvers[c].length > 0) {
remaining.set(c, approvers[c].length);
let committee = [];
while (true) {
let best = null;
let best_eff_vote_count = 0;
let best_max_payment = Infinity;
// go through remaining candidates in order of decreasing previous effective vote count
let remaining_sorted = [...remaining.keys()];
remaining_sorted.sort((a, b) => remaining.get(b) - remaining.get(a));
for (let c of remaining_sorted) {
let previous_eff_vote_count = remaining.get(c);
if (previous_eff_vote_count < best_eff_vote_count) {
// c cannot be better than the best so far
if (sum(approvers[c].map(i => budget[i])) < cost[c]) {
// c is not affordable
// calculate the effective vote count of c, which involves splitting the cost of c as equally as possible among its approvers
approvers[c].sort((a, b) => budget[a] - budget[b]);
let paid_so_far = 0;
let denominator = approvers[c].length; // this will be the number of approvers who can afford the max payment
for (let j = 0; j < approvers[c].length; j++) {
let i = approvers[c][j];
let max_payment = (cost[c] - paid_so_far) / denominator; // payment if remaining approvers pay equally
let eff_vote_count = cost[c] / max_payment;
if (max_payment > budget[i]) {
// i cannot afford the max payment, so pays entire remaining budget
paid_so_far += budget[i];
denominator -= 1;
} else {
// i (and all later approvers) can afford the max payment; stop here
remaining.set(c, eff_vote_count);
if (eff_vote_count > best_eff_vote_count) {
best_eff_vote_count = eff_vote_count;
best_max_payment = max_payment;
best = c;
if (!best) {
for (let i of approvers[best]) {
budget[i] = budget[i] - Math.min(budget[i], best_max_payment);
return committee;
function equal_shares(N, C, cost, approvers, B) {
// Method of Equal Shares with Add1U completion
// Input:
// N: list of voters
// C: list of candidates
// cost[c]: cost of candidate c
// approvers[c]: list of voters who approve candidate c
// B: budget
// Output:
// committee: list of candidates
let mes = equal_shares_fixed_budget(N, C, cost, approvers, B);
let budget = B;
while (true) {
// is current outcome exhaustive?
let is_exhaustive = true;
for (let extra of C) {
if (!mes.includes(extra) && sum( => cost[c])) + cost[extra] <= B) {
is_exhaustive = false;
if (is_exhaustive) {
// would the next highest budget work?
let new_budget = budget + N.length;
let next_mes = equal_shares_fixed_budget(N, C, cost, approvers, new_budget);
if (sum( => cost[c])) <= B) {
budget = new_budget;
mes = next_mes;
} else {
// in case there is remaining budget, add the next most popular projects
let sorted_C = [...C];
sorted_C.sort((a, b) => approvers[b].length - approvers[a].length);
for (let extra of sorted_C) {
if (!mes.includes(extra) && sum( => cost[c])) + cost[extra] <= B) {
return mes;
const filePath = process.argv[2];
parsePBFile(filePath).then(data => {
const N = Object.keys(data.votes);
const C = Object.keys(data.projects);
const cost = Object.fromEntries( => [c, parseInt(data.projects[c].cost)]));
const B = parseInt(data.meta.budget);
console.log("number of voters: " + N.length + ", number of projects: " + C.length + ", budget: " + B);
const result = equal_shares(N, C, cost, data.approvers, B);
// compute the total cost of the result
let total_cost = 0;
for (let c of result) {
total_cost += cost[c];
console.log("Total cost: " + total_cost);
}).catch(error => console.error(error));
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