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Last active May 7, 2024 09:54
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LaTeX snippets that I often use in papers

For arXiv, run

latexpand --empty-comments --keep-includes --expand-bbl document.bbl document.tex > document-arxiv-v1.tex

Website version style

\usepackage[a4paper, total={16cm, 24cm}]{geometry}
\author[1]{Author 1}
\author[2]{Author 2}
\author[3]{Dominik Peters}
% or with line break: \author[1,2]{\authorcr Dominik Peters}
\affil[3]{CNRS, LAMSADE, Universit\'e Paris Dauphine - PSL}

% KOMA-script: change caption style

Make the bibliography appear as a section in table of contents

\renewcommand{\bibsection}{\section{\bibname}} % make bib appear in toc
% or when using KOMA-script

Hyperref configuration including back references from the bibliography to the pages where the reference was cited.

\renewcommand*{\backref}[1]{[$\to$ p. #1]}

Cleveref configuration including code that makes Crefs in section titles show up correctly in the PDF table of contents.

% handle Cref in section titles
% Make cleveref write 1(a) instead of 1a

Use better versions of common symbols.



\tikzset{/tikz/notestyleraw/.append style={rounded corners=0pt,inner sep=0.6ex}}

Patching spacing of wrapfigure


Standard theorem environments

% when relevant: \Crefname{algocf}{Algorithm}{Algorithms}

TikZ checkmark and cross

\tikz[scale=0.23,draw=black!50!red] {
    \draw[line width=0.7,line cap=round] (0,0) to [bend left=6] (1,1);
    \draw[line width=0.7,line cap=round] (0.2,0.95) to [bend right=3] (0.8,0.05);
\tikz[scale=0.23,draw=green!50!black] {
    \draw[line width=0.7,line cap=round] (0.25,0) to [bend left=10] (1,1);
    \draw[line width=0.8,line cap=round] (0,0.35) to [bend right=1] (0.23,0);
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