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Created March 17, 2024 21:52
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String decryptor for CargoBay malware
import base64
import re
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from collections import namedtuple
from typing import Generator, List, Tuple
import pefile
from capstone import CS_ARCH_X86, CS_MODE_64, Cs, CsInsn
def get_section(pe: pefile.PE, section_name: str) -> pefile.SectionStructure:
for section in pe.sections:
if bytearray(section_name, encoding="latin-1") in section.Name:
return section
return None
def disassemble_blob(cs: Cs, bytes_blob: bytes) -> list[CsInsn]:
instructions = list(cs.disasm(bytes_blob, 0x0))
# cs.skipdata decided to stop working for me, so here's similar behavior
# If we have not reached the end of bytes_blob, we need to continue disassembling
while instructions[-1].address + len(instructions[-1].bytes) < len(bytes_blob):
# Try skipping forward 1 byte
new_starting_point = instructions[-1].address + len(instructions[-1].bytes) + 1
while True:
more_insns = list(
cs.disasm(bytes_blob[new_starting_point:], new_starting_point)
# If we got precisely zero new instructions, we need to skip forward another byte
if len(more_insns) == 0:
new_starting_point += 1
instructions += more_insns
return instructions
def find_pattern(instructions: List[CsInsn], patterns: List[str]) -> Generator[int, None, None]:
for i in range(len((instructions))):
captured_groups = []
for offset, pattern in enumerate(patterns):
current_insn = instructions[i + offset]
current_insn_meaning = current_insn.mnemonic + " " + current_insn.op_str
m = re.match(pattern, current_insn_meaning)
if not m:
# Did m capture any extra groups?
if len(m.groups()) > 0:
captured_groups += list(m.groups())
if len(captured_groups) == 0:
yield i
yield (i,) + tuple(captured_groups)
class StringDecryptor(ABC):
data: bytearray
pe: pefile.PE
section_name: str
section: pefile.SectionStructure
cs: Cs
instructions: List[CsInsn]
def __init__(
data: bytearray,
section_name: str,
arch: int = CS_ARCH_X86,
mode: int = CS_MODE_64,
): = data = pefile.PE(data=data)
self.section_name = section_name
self.section = get_section(, self.section_name)
self.cs = Cs(arch, mode)
self.cs.skipdata = True
self.cs.detail = False
self.instructions = disassemble_blob(self.cs, self.section.get_data())
def find_points_of_interest(self) -> List[int]:
def decrypt_string(self, instructions: List[CsInsn], point_of_interest: int) -> str:
def convert_rva_to_ida(self, addr: int) -> str:
return addr + self.section.VirtualAddress +
def convert_rip_plus_offset_to_absolute(self, insn: CsInsn) -> int:
insn_rva = insn.address
insn_offset = int(re.match(r"^.+?\+ (.+?)\]", insn.op_str).group(1), 16)
insn_length = len(insn.bytes)
return ( + insn_offset + insn_length)
+ self.section.VirtualAddress
def convert_rip_plus_offset_to_ida(self, insn: CsInsn) -> int:
insn_rva = insn.address
insn_offset = int(re.match(r"^.+?\+ (.+?)\]", insn.op_str).group(1), 16)
insn_length = len(insn.bytes)
return insn_rva + insn_offset + insn_length + self.section.VirtualAddress +
class CargoBayStringDecryptor(StringDecryptor):
def find_points_of_interest(self) -> List[int]:
points_of_interest = []
for i, insn in enumerate(self.instructions):
insn_addr = self.convert_rva_to_ida(insn.address)
if insn.mnemonic != "call" or not insn.op_str.startswith("0x"):
func_rva = int(insn.op_str, 16)
func_addr = self.convert_rva_to_ida(func_rva)
if func_addr == self.decryption_function_addr:
f"Instruction {i}: {insn.mnemonic} {insn.op_str} at {hex(insn_addr)} calls {hex(func_addr)}"
return points_of_interest
def find_decryption_function(self) -> int:
encryption_key = None
decryption_function_addr = None
encryption_key_patterns = [
"lea rdx",
"lea rsi",
"mov r8d, (0x.*?)$",
EncryptionKeyInstance = namedtuple("EncryptionKeyInstance", ["index", "string_length"])
pattern_instances = list(find_pattern(self.instructions, encryption_key_patterns))
pattern_instances = [
EncryptionKeyInstance(index=x, string_length=int(y, 16)) for x, y in pattern_instances
pattern_instances = sorted(pattern_instances, key=lambda x: x.string_length)
largest_b64_string_instance = pattern_instances[-1]
encryption_key_lea_insn = self.instructions[largest_b64_string_instance.index]
encryption_key_absolute_addr = self.convert_rip_plus_offset_to_absolute(encryption_key_lea_insn)
encryption_key =[encryption_key_absolute_addr : encryption_key_absolute_addr + largest_b64_string_instance.string_length]
if not encryption_key:
raise RuntimeError("Could not find the encryption key")
encryption_key = encryption_key.decode(encoding="ascii", errors="ignore")
self.encryption_key = encryption_key
# Find global memory location of the encryption key
decryption_key_global_patterns = [
r"lea rsi, \[rip \+ 0x.*?\]",
lookforward_buffer = list(
self.instructions[largest_b64_string_instance[0] : largest_b64_string_instance[0] + 1024]
for i in find_pattern(lookforward_buffer, decryption_key_global_patterns):
decryption_key_addr = self.convert_rip_plus_offset_to_ida(lookforward_buffer[i])
# Find the decryption function
decryption_function_patterns = [
r"mov r9, qword ptr \[rip \+ 0x.*?\]",
for i in find_pattern(self.instructions, decryption_function_patterns):
encrypted_string_addr = self.convert_rip_plus_offset_to_ida(self.instructions[i])
if encrypted_string_addr == decryption_key_addr:
# Next call should be the decryption function
for j, insn in enumerate(self.instructions[i:], start=i):
if insn.mnemonic == "call":
decryption_function_addr = self.convert_rva_to_ida(int(insn.op_str, 16))
if not decryption_function_addr:
raise RuntimeError("Could not find the decryption function address")
self.decryption_function_addr = decryption_function_addr
def decrypt_string(self, point_of_interest: int) -> Tuple[int | None, str]:
lookback_buffer = list(
reversed(self.instructions[point_of_interest - 1024 : point_of_interest])
encrypted_string_length = None
encrypted_string_addr = None
decrypted_string_addr = None
# Walk backwards to the most recent mov r8d, imm instruction
# Alternatively, a pop r8 and a push imm instruction
for i, insn in enumerate(lookback_buffer):
if insn.mnemonic == "mov" and insn.op_str.startswith("r8d, 0x"):
encrypted_string_length = int(insn.op_str.split(" ")[1], 16)
elif (
insn.mnemonic == "pop"
and insn.op_str.startswith("r8")
and lookback_buffer[i + 1].mnemonic == "push"
encrypted_string_length = int(lookback_buffer[i + 1].op_str, 16)
# Walk backwards to the string offset
for j, insn in enumerate(lookback_buffer[i : i + 10], start=i):
if insn.mnemonic == "lea" and insn.op_str.startswith("rdx, [rip + "):
encrypted_string_addr = self.convert_rip_plus_offset_to_absolute(insn)
if not encrypted_string_addr or not encrypted_string_length:
"Could not find the encrypted string address or length",
return None, None
# Read the encrypted string from the binary
encrypted_string =[
encrypted_string_addr : encrypted_string_addr + encrypted_string_length
].decode(encoding="ascii", errors="ignore")
if not encrypted_string.isascii() or not encrypted_string.isprintable():
print("The encrypted string is not printable ASCII")
return None, None
# Decrypt the string using the hard-coded key
key = base64.b64decode(
encrypted_data = base64.b64decode(encrypted_string)
decrypted_string = "".join([chr(x ^ y) for x, y in zip(encrypted_data, key)])
# Find the global memory location of the decrypted string
lookforward_buffer = list(
self.instructions[point_of_interest : point_of_interest + 1024]
# xor reg, reg
# lea rsi, rip + offset
# cmp reg, reg2
for i, insn in enumerate(lookforward_buffer):
if insn.mnemonic == "xor":
if (
lookforward_buffer[i + 1].mnemonic == "lea"
and lookforward_buffer[i + 2].mnemonic == "cmp"
decrypted_string_addr = self.convert_rip_plus_offset_to_ida(
lookforward_buffer[i + 1]
# Include image base
if decrypted_string_addr:
f"Decrypted string at {hex(decrypted_string_addr)}: {decrypted_string}"
return decrypted_string_addr, decrypted_string
f"Decrypted local string at {hex(lookback_buffer[0].address + self.section.VirtualAddress +}: {decrypted_string}"
return None, decrypted_string
with open(
r"E:\2024-03-10 CargoBay\a963a8a8e1583081daa43638744eef6c410d1a410c11eb9413da15a26e802de5",
) as sample_f:
sample_b =
decryptor = CargoBayStringDecryptor(data=sample_b, section_name=".text")
points_of_interest = decryptor.find_points_of_interest()
data = {}
for i in points_of_interest:
addr_optional, value = decryptor.decrypt_string(i)
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