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Created March 31, 2017 18:02
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BlackFuture'88 In-Game Release notes
using System.Text;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace Client.Game.Data {
public static class VersionDataTable {
private static List<VersionData> _all;
private static List<VersionData> _allAscending;
static VersionDataTable () {
_all = typeof(VersionDataTable).GetProperties()
.Select(p => p.GetGetMethod().Invoke(null, null) as VersionData)
_allAscending = _all.ToList();
public static List<VersionData> GetAllAscending() {
return _allAscending;
public static VersionData Latest() {
return VERSION_0_17_0;
public static VersionData VERSION_0_17_0 {
get {
var v = new VersionData(0, 17, 0);
v.ReleaseName = "SAC INDIE";
v.Notes = new StringBuilder()
.AppendLine("Adding the OBB weapon")
.AppendLine("Dashes can be chained")
return v;
public static VersionData VERSION_0_16_0 {
get {
var v = new VersionData(0, 16, 0);
v.ReleaseName = "MOON BLOODED PT. II";
v.Notes = new StringBuilder()
.AppendLine("Many new rooms")
.AppendLine("Adding Meat Nickels buff")
.AppendLine("Adding the Super Heavy Laser weapon")
.AppendLine("Adding the Sure Shot weapon")
.AppendLine("Adding the Electron Shotgun weapon")
.AppendLine("Moving Remorse Supressor to a boss buff")
.AppendLine("Adding Vertical dashes, given to the Boy by default, earnable as a boss buff")
.AppendLine("The run now ends at the 3rd boss")
.AppendLine("You can now loop the game")
.AppendLine("You can now dash vertically (some chars only, and available as a boss buff)")
.AppendLine("Guns now turn into melee weapons when they have no ammo")
.AppendLine("Rust Machine -> Night Machine, now only teleports on kills")
.AppendLine("Adding 'The Moonblooded' track")
v.UpgradeSettings = s =>
s.GamePadAimToShoot = true;
return v;
public static VersionData VERSION_0_15_0 {
get {
var v = new VersionData(0, 15, 1);
v.ReleaseName = "MOON BLOODED";
v.Notes = new StringBuilder()
.AppendLine("Controller changes")
.AppendLine("Music Syncing")
.AppendLine("UI for VX20 buff")
.AppendLine("UI for Armor")
.AppendLine("Vsync now on by default")
v.UpgradeSettings = s =>
s.GamePadAimToShoot = true;
return v;
public static VersionData VERSION_0_14_0 {
get {
var v = new VersionData(0, 14, 0);
v.ReleaseName = "DIE FASTER";
v.Notes = new StringBuilder()
.AppendLine("Removed MoveBoost pickup from drop list")
.AppendLine("Adding 'Dumb Bullets' buff")
.AppendLine("Improving 'Blood Rounds' buff")
.AppendLine("Big changes to how boss rewards are given")
.AppendLine("Greatly elongated tower absorption ttl")
.AppendLine("Drastically reducing Curse rates")
return v;
public static VersionData VERSION_0_13_0 {
get {
var v = new VersionData(0, 13, 0);
v.ReleaseName = "CREUX LIES";
v.Notes = new StringBuilder()
.AppendLine("Adding Bomb Lobber enemy")
.AppendLine("Adding Balloon Zeppelin enemy")
.AppendLine("Adding the 'Bandoliers' buff, for high-ammo builds")
.AppendLine("Time now slows down when using a cursed shrine")
.AppendLine("Statting out 'The Boy' character, he's addicted to vx20")
return v;
public static VersionData VERSION_0_12_0 {
get {
var v = new VersionData(0, 12, 0);
v.ReleaseName = "PORNOGRAPHY TOUR '82";
v.Notes = new StringBuilder()
.AppendLine("Added 'Synaptic Triggers' buff")
.AppendLine("Added Mix and VSync settings")
.AppendLine("Added dynamic smoke")
.AppendLine("Environment update")
.AppendLine("Statting out Seagrist & Runnels")
.AppendLine("Seagrist is immune to fire & explosions")
.AppendLine("Better gamepad support")
.AppendLine("Adding VO")
.AppendLine("Smarter pickups, get health/ammo when respectively low.")
.AppendLine("New Weapon: The HotShot")
return v;
public static VersionData VERSION_0_11_0 {
get {
var v = new VersionData(0, 11, 0);
v.ReleaseName = "Vanta";
v.Notes = new StringBuilder()
.AppendLine("UI Improvements")
.AppendLine("Controller remapping")
.AppendLine("Adding 'Vanta' track")
.AppendLine("Adding Controller rumble")
.AppendLine("Room updates")
.AppendLine("Controller improvements")
.AppendLine("Adding Weapon sprites")
.AppendLine("Offhand weapon gets ammo pickup if current weapon doesn't need it")
.AppendLine("Removing the Depth Meter and replacing with an in-hud MiniMap")
.AppendLine("Camera and Volumetric updates")
return v;
public static VersionData VERSION_0_10_0 {
get {
var v = new VersionData(0, 10, 0);
v.ReleaseName = "Terrorizer";
v.Notes = new StringBuilder()
.AppendLine("* Removed Flamethrower weapon from the store and drops")
.AppendLine("* Removed most cases of damage on touching enemies")
.AppendLine("* Adding Character select screen")
.AppendLine("* Prophet-5 artwork")
.AppendLine("* Sniper improvements")
.AppendLine("* Many new rooms")
.AppendLine("* Fixes to Pathing and AI")
return v;
public static VersionData VERSION_0_9_0 {
get {
var v = new VersionData(0, 9, 0);
v.ReleaseName = "New Lords";
v.Notes = new StringBuilder()
.AppendLine("* Improved music experience!")
.AppendLine("* Adding the 'Gonnerator' weapon!")
.AppendLine("* Weapon Kick/Knockback improvements!")
.AppendLine("* Adding AirStalling to weapons!")
.AppendLine("* Improved Map Generation results")
.AppendLine("* Bounties now drop from enemies and must be collected!")
.AppendLine("* Improvements to the Prophet bossfight")
.AppendLine("* Stubbing in a to bossfight into the Arboretum")
.AppendLine("* The Lab is now nominally open.")
.AppendLine("* Adding the HotBox enemy.")
.AppendLine("* Adding the New Lords track.")
.AppendLine("* Explosions now destroy projectiles.")
return v;
public static VersionData VERSION_0_8_0 {
get {
var v = new VersionData();
v.Minor = 8;
v.Patch = 0;
v.ReleaseName = "Oakland OVG";
v.Notes = new StringBuilder()
.AppendLine("* Improved music experience!")
.AppendLine("* Platforming fixes!")
.AppendLine("* Skinned rooms!")
.AppendLine("* GamePad support!")
.AppendLine("* UI improvements!")
.AppendLine("* Hot Rails now do ignition on point of contact")
.AppendLine("* New Main Menu")
.AppendLine("* UI Sounds")
return v;
public static VersionData VERSION_0_7_0 {
get {
var v = new VersionData();
v.Minor = 7;
v.Patch = 0;
v.ReleaseName = "80's Wedding";
v.Notes = new StringBuilder()
.AppendLine("* Volumetric Lighting!")
.AppendLine("* Redone Color Grading and Post FX!")
.AppendLine("* Grenade/smoke/explosion improvements!")
.AppendLine("* Buffed FlameThower")
.AppendLine("* Rooms Added to the Arboretum")
.AppendLine("* Tech for awesome platforms")
.AppendLine("* Adding 'Black Lipstick for Blue Lips' track")
.AppendLine("* Adding 3 Upgrade Chips, character specific upgrades from killing bosses")
return v;
public static VersionData VERSION_0_6_1 {
get {
var v = new VersionData();
v.Minor = 6;
v.Patch = 1;
v.ReleaseName = "BLACK LIPSTICK II";
v.Notes = new StringBuilder()
.AppendLine("* Enemies do damage on contact.")
.AppendLine("* Exploding Gas!")
.AppendLine(String.Format("* Adding the {0} weapon.", CharacterDataTable.GAS_RIFLE_WEAPON.Name))
.AppendLine("* Freezing Effects!")
.AppendLine(String.Format("* Adding the {0} weapon.", CharacterDataTable.STASIS_PISTOL_WEAPON.Name))
return v;
public static VersionData VERSION_0_6_0 {
get {
var v = new VersionData();
v.Minor = 6;
v.ReleaseName = "BLACK LIPSTICK";
v.Notes = new StringBuilder()
.AppendLine("* Use TAB to bring up a map during gameplay.")
.AppendLine("* Adding Zone Codex, a mapping item to the store.")
return v;
public static VersionData VERSION_0_5_0 {
get {
var v = new VersionData();
v.Major = 0;
v.Minor = 5;
v.Patch = 0;
v.ReleaseName = "THE WAVE KILLER";
var builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.AppendLine("* The Arboretum is Open!! (zone after first boss).");
builder.AppendLine("* Adding the Optimistic Locking cursed buff.");
builder.AppendLine("* Adding the Weapon Terminal room.");
builder.AppendLine("* Adding actual boss fight.");
builder.AppendLine("* Adding second zone, the Arboretum.");
builder.AppendLine("* Adding The Wave Killer song.");
builder.AppendLine("* Adding The Masters Are Dead song.");
builder.AppendLine("* JETS!!");
builder.AppendLine("* AI Improvements.");
v.Notes = builder.ToString();
return v;
public static VersionData VERSION_0_4_0 {
get {
var v = new VersionData();
v.Major = 0;
v.Minor = 4;
v.Patch = 0;
v.ReleaseName = "INTRUDER";
var builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.AppendLine("* Death FX and Corpses.");
builder.AppendLine("* Muzzle Flashes");
builder.AppendLine("* Adding the Intruder song.");
builder.AppendLine("* Camera FX.");
builder.AppendLine("* Adding Lucky Idol buff.");
builder.AppendLine("* Adding the Blood Bait buff.");
builder.AppendLine("* Adding The Kill Joy buff.");
builder.AppendLine("* Adding The Nail Implants buff.");
builder.AppendLine("* Adding 'Challenge rooms'.");
builder.AppendLine("* Adding the reconfigurator room.");
builder.AppendLine("* Adding the Electron Pistol weapon.");
builder.AppendLine("* Adding the Cluster Shotgun weapon.");
v.Notes = builder.ToString();
return v;
public static VersionData VERSION_0_3_0 {
get {
var v = new VersionData();
v.Major = 0;
v.Minor = 3;
v.Patch = 0;
v.ReleaseName = "HAUER YOU?";
var builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.AppendLine("* Adding the Zip-Rifle, a bounce weapon.");
builder.AppendLine("* Adding 2 new buffs, Black Mirror and Fussy Type.");
builder.AppendLine("* New artwork for player, Hauer.");
builder.AppendLine("* Adding Player abilities, starting with a Dash for Hauer.");
builder.AppendLine("* Changed how curse shrines work and how they die.");
builder.AppendLine("* Some AI Updates to make enemies more aggressive.");
builder.AppendLine("* Lots of buff and balance tweaks.");
v.Notes = builder.ToString();
return v;
public static VersionData VERSION_0_2_0 {
get {
var v = new VersionData();
v.Major = 0;
v.Minor = 2;
v.Patch = 0;
v.ReleaseName = "CURSES CURSES";
var builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.AppendLine("* Fully realized Curse stat. ");
builder.AppendLine("* Develop your curse stat by killing shrines and using cursed gear to spawn cursed enemies.");
builder.AppendLine("* Cursed enemies are harder, but worth more");
builder.AppendLine("* Cursed shrines give you a random cursed buff");
builder.AppendLine("* Buff Shrines and buff select.");
builder.AppendLine("* Projectile Patterns make the game more bullet hellish");
builder.AppendLine("* Adding a Corpse Explosion buff");
builder.AppendLine("* Adding a Bigger Explosions buff[CURSED]");
builder.AppendLine("* Adding death music, even if the death experience still sucks");
builder.AppendLine("* Adding a big tanky projectile patterned air enemy");
builder.AppendLine("* Major Balancing");
builder.AppendLine("* Adding new shop/buff indicator to Depth meter in the HUD");
v.Notes = builder.ToString();
return v;
public static VersionData VERSION_0_1_0 {
get {
var v = new VersionData();
v.Major = 0;
v.Minor = 1;
v.Patch = 0;
v.ReleaseName = "Trap Beat";
v.Notes = "* Trap rooms, buffs don't drop anymore, major balancing";
return v;
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