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Created September 23, 2018 06:33
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Attempt at orientation fix
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Events;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
public struct MatrixState
public bool Inform;
public bool IsMoving;
public float Speed;
public Vector2 Direction; //Direction of movement
public int RotationTime; //in frames?
public Vector3 Position;
/// Matrix rotation. Default is upright (Orientation.Up)
public Orientation Orientation;
public static readonly MatrixState Invalid = new MatrixState{Position = TransformState.HiddenPos};
public override string ToString() {
return $"{nameof( Inform )}: {Inform}, {nameof( IsMoving )}: {IsMoving}, {nameof( Speed )}: {Speed}, " +
$"{nameof( Direction )}: {Direction}, {nameof( Position )}: {Position}, {nameof( Orientation )}: {Orientation}, {nameof( RotationTime )}: {RotationTime}";
public class MatrixMove : ManagedNetworkBehaviour {
public bool IsMoving => isMovingServer;
//server-only values
public MatrixState State => serverState;
///used for syncing with players, matters only for server
private MatrixState serverState = MatrixState.Invalid;
/// future state that collects all changes
private MatrixState serverTargetState = MatrixState.Invalid;
public bool SafetyProtocolsOn { get; set; } = true;
private bool isMovingServer => serverState.IsMoving && serverState.Speed > 0f;
private bool ServerPositionsMatch => serverTargetState.Position == serverState.Position;
private bool isRotatingServer => IsRotatingClient; //todo: calculate rotation time on server instead
private bool isAutopilotEngaged => Target != TransformState.HiddenPos;
//client-only values
public MatrixState ClientState => clientState;
///client's transform, can get dirty/predictive
private MatrixState clientState = MatrixState.Invalid;
public bool StateInit { get; private set; } = false;
/// Is only present to match server's flight routines
private MatrixState clientTargetState = MatrixState.Invalid;
private bool isMovingClient => clientState.IsMoving && clientState.Speed > 0f;
public bool IsRotatingClient => transform.rotation.eulerAngles.z != clientState.Orientation.Degree - initialOrientation.Degree;
private bool ClientPositionsMatch => clientTargetState.Position == clientState.Position;
//editor (global) values
public UnityEvent OnStart = new UnityEvent();
public UnityEvent OnStop = new UnityEvent();
public OrientationEvent OnRotate = new OrientationEvent();
public DualFloatEvent OnSpeedChange = new DualFloatEvent();
/// Initial flying direction from editor
public Vector2 flyingDirection = Vector2.up;
private Orientation initialOrientation;
/// max flying speed from editor
public float maxSpeed = 20f;
private readonly int rotTime = 90;
public KeyCode startKey = KeyCode.G;
public KeyCode leftKey = KeyCode.Keypad4;
public KeyCode rightKey = KeyCode.Keypad6;
///initial pos for offset calculation
public Vector3Int InitialPos => Vector3Int.RoundToInt(initialPosition);
[SyncVar] private Vector3 initialPosition;
/// local pivot point
public Vector3Int Pivot => Vector3Int.RoundToInt(pivot);
[SyncVar] private Vector3 pivot;
private Vector3Int[] SensorPositions;
public MatrixInfo MatrixInfo;
public override void OnStartServer()
private void InitServerState()
if ( flyingDirection == ) {
Logger.LogWarning($"{} move direction unclear",Category.Matrix);
serverState.Direction = Vector2.up;
} else {
serverState.Direction = Vector2Int.RoundToInt(flyingDirection);
//initialOrientation = Orientation.From(flyingDirection);
Vector3Int initialPositionInt = Vector3Int.RoundToInt(new Vector3(transform.position.x, transform.position.y, 0));
initialPosition = initialPositionInt;
initialOrientation = Orientation.From( serverState.Direction );
var child = transform.GetChild( 0 );
MatrixInfo = MatrixManager.Get( child.gameObject );
var childPosition = Vector3Int.CeilToInt(new Vector3(child.transform.position.x, child.transform.position.y, 0));
pivot = initialPosition - childPosition;
Logger.LogTraceFormat( "{0}: pivot={1} initialPos={2}, initialOrientation={3}", Category.Matrix,, pivot, initialPositionInt, initialOrientation );
serverState.Speed = 1f;
serverState.Position = initialPosition;
serverState.Orientation = initialOrientation;
serverTargetState = serverState;
clientState = serverState;
clientTargetState = serverState;
if ( SensorPositions == null ) {
CollisionSensor[] sensors = GetComponentsInChildren<CollisionSensor>();
if ( sensors.Length == 0 ) {
SensorPositions = new Vector3Int[0];
SensorPositions = sensors.Select( sensor => Vector3Int.RoundToInt( sensor.transform.localPosition ) ).ToArray();
Logger.Log( $"Initialized sensors at {string.Join( ",", SensorPositions )}," +
$" direction is {State.Direction}", Category.Matrix );
///managed by UpdateManager
public override void UpdateMe(){
if ( isServer ) {
// if ( Input.GetKeyDown( startKey ) ) {
// ToggleMovement();
// }
// if ( Input.GetKeyDown( KeyCode.KeypadPlus ) ) {
// AdjustSpeed( 1 );
// }
// if ( Input.GetKeyDown( KeyCode.KeypadMinus ) ) {
// AdjustSpeed( -1 );
// }
// if ( Input.GetKeyDown( leftKey ) ) {
// TryRotate( false );
// }
// if ( Input.GetKeyDown( rightKey ) ) {
// TryRotate( true );
// }
public void ToggleMovement() {
if ( isMovingServer ) {
} else {
/// Start moving. If speed was zero, it'll be set to 1
public void StartMovement() {
//Setting speed if there is none
if ( serverTargetState.Speed <= 0 ) {
SetSpeed( 1 );
// Logger.Log($"Started moving with speed {serverTargetState.Speed}");
serverTargetState.IsMoving = true;
/// Stop movement
public void StopMovement() {
// Logger.Log("Stopped movement");
serverTargetState.IsMoving = false;
//To stop autopilot
public int MoveCur = -1;
public int MoveLimit = -1;
/// Move for n tiles, regardless of direction, and stop
public void MoveFor(int tiles) {
if ( tiles < 1 ) {
tiles = 1;
if ( !isMovingServer ) {
MoveCur = 0;
MoveLimit = tiles;
/// Checks if it still can move according to MoveFor limits.
/// If true, increment move count
public bool CanMoveFor() {
if ( MoveCur == MoveLimit && MoveCur != -1 ) {
MoveCur = -1;
MoveLimit = -1;
return false;
return true;
/// Changes moving direction, for use in reversing in EscapeShuttle.cs
public void ChangeDir(Vector2 newdir)
serverTargetState.Direction = newdir;
/// Call to stop chasing target
public void DisableAutopilotTarget() {
Target = TransformState.HiddenPos;
/// Adjust current ship's speed with a relative value
public void AdjustSpeed( float relativeValue ) {
float absSpeed = serverTargetState.Speed + relativeValue;
SetSpeed( absSpeed );
/// Set ship's speed using absolute value. it will be truncated if it's out of bounds
public void SetSpeed( float absoluteValue ) {
if ( absoluteValue <= 0 ) {
//Stop movement if speed is zero or below
serverTargetState.Speed = 0;
if ( serverTargetState.IsMoving ) {
if ( absoluteValue > maxSpeed ) {
Logger.LogWarning($"MaxSpeed {maxSpeed} reached, not going further",Category.Matrix);
if ( serverTargetState.Speed >= maxSpeed ) {
//Not notifying people if some dick is spamming "increase speed" button at max speed
serverTargetState.Speed = maxSpeed;
} else {
serverTargetState.Speed = absoluteValue;
//do not send speed updates when not moving
if ( serverTargetState.IsMoving ) {
/// Clientside movement routine
private void CheckMovement()
if ( Equals( clientState, MatrixState.Invalid ) ) {
if ( IsRotatingClient ) {
bool needsRotation = clientState.RotationTime != 0 && !Mathf.Approximately( transform.rotation.eulerAngles.z, clientState.Orientation.Degree - initialOrientation.Degree );
if ( needsRotation ) {
transform.rotation =
Quaternion.RotateTowards( transform.rotation, Quaternion.Euler( 0, 0, clientState.Orientation.Degree - initialOrientation.Degree),
Time.deltaTime * clientState.RotationTime );
} else {
// Finishes the job of Lerp and straightens the ship with exact angle value
transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler( 0, 0, clientState.Orientation.Degree - initialOrientation.Degree);
} else if ( isMovingClient ) {
//Only move target if rotation is finished
if ( clientState.Position != transform.position ) {
float distance = Vector3.Distance( clientState.Position, transform.position );
// Just set pos without any lerping if distance is too long (serverside teleportation assumed)
bool shouldTeleport = distance > 30;
if ( shouldTeleport ) {
transform.position = clientState.Position;
// Activate warp speed if object gets too far away or have to rotate
bool shouldWarp = distance > 2 || IsRotatingClient;
transform.position =
Vector3.MoveTowards( transform.position, clientState.Position, clientState.Speed * Time.deltaTime * ( shouldWarp ? (distance * 2) : 1 ) );
/// Serverside movement routine
private void CheckMovementServer()
//Not doing any serverside movement while rotating
if ( isRotatingServer ) {
//ServerState lerping to its target tile
if ( !ServerPositionsMatch ) {
serverState.Position =
Vector3.MoveTowards( serverState.Position,
serverState.Speed * Time.deltaTime );
bool isGonnaStop = !serverTargetState.IsMoving;
if ( !isMovingServer || isGonnaStop || !ServerPositionsMatch ) {
if ( CanMoveFor() && ( !SafetyProtocolsOn || CanMoveTo( serverTargetState.Direction ) ) )
var goal = Vector3Int.RoundToInt( serverState.Position + ( Vector3 ) serverTargetState.Direction );
//keep moving
serverTargetState.Position = goal;
if ( isAutopilotEngaged && ( (int)serverState.Position.x == (int)Target.x
|| (int)serverState.Position.y == (int)Target.y ) ) {
StartCoroutine( TravelToTarget() );
} else {
// Logger.LogTrace( "Stopping due to safety protocols!",Category.Matrix );
private bool CanMoveTo(Vector2 direction)
Vector3Int dir = Vector3Int.RoundToInt( direction );
// check if next tile is passable
for ( var i = 0; i < SensorPositions.Length; i++ ) {
var sensor = SensorPositions[i];
Vector3Int sensorPos = MatrixManager.LocalToWorldInt( sensor, MatrixInfo, serverTargetState );
if ( !MatrixManager.IsPassableAt( sensorPos, sensorPos + dir ) ) {
Logger.LogTrace( $"Can't pass {serverTargetState.Position}->{serverTargetState.Position+dir} (because {sensorPos}->{sensorPos + dir})!", Category.Matrix );
return false;
// Logger.LogTrace( $"Passing {serverTargetState.Position}->{serverTargetState.Position+dir} ", Category.Matrix );
return true;
/// Manually set matrix to a specific position.
public void SetPosition( Vector3 pos, bool notify = true ) {
Vector3Int intPos = Vector3Int.RoundToInt( pos );
serverState.Position = intPos;
serverTargetState.Position = intPos;
if (notify) {
/// Called when MatrixMoveMessage is received
public void UpdateClientState( MatrixState newState )
var oldState = clientState;
clientState = newState;
clientTargetState = newState;
if (!StateInit)
StateInit = true;
if (!Equals(oldState.Orientation, newState.Orientation))
OnRotate.Invoke(oldState.Orientation, newState.Orientation);
if (!oldState.IsMoving && newState.IsMoving)
if (oldState.IsMoving && !newState.IsMoving)
if ((int)oldState.Speed != (int)newState.Speed)
OnSpeedChange.Invoke(oldState.Speed, newState.Speed);
///predictive perpetual flying
private void SimulateStateMovement()
//ClientState lerping to its target tile
if ( !ClientPositionsMatch ) {
clientState.Position =
Vector3.MoveTowards( clientState.Position,
clientState.Speed * Time.deltaTime );
if ( isMovingClient && !IsRotatingClient ) {
Vector3Int goal = Vector3Int.RoundToInt( clientState.Position + ( Vector3 ) clientTargetState.Direction );
//keep moving
if ( ClientPositionsMatch ) {
clientTargetState.Position = goal;
/// Schedule notification for the next ServerPositionsMatch
/// And check if it's able to send right now
private void RequestNotify() {
serverTargetState.Inform = true;
/// Inform players when on integer position
private void TryNotifyPlayers() {
if ( ServerPositionsMatch ) {
// When serverState reaches its planned destination,
// embrace all other updates like changed speed and rotation
serverState = serverTargetState;
/// Currently sending to everybody, but should be sent to nearby players only
private void NotifyPlayers() {
//Generally not sending mid-flight updates (unless there's a sudden change of course etc.)
if ( !isMovingServer || serverState.Inform )
serverState.RotationTime = rotTime;
MatrixMoveMessage.SendToAll(gameObject, serverState);
//Clear inform flags
serverTargetState.Inform = false;
serverState.Inform = false;
/// Sync with new player joining
/// <param name="playerGameObject">player to send to</param>
/// <param name="rotateImmediate">(for init) rotation should be applied immediately if true</param>
public void NotifyPlayer( GameObject playerGameObject, bool rotateImmediate = false ) {
serverState.RotationTime = rotateImmediate ? 0 : rotTime;
MatrixMoveMessage.Send(playerGameObject, gameObject, serverState);
///Only change orientation if rotation is finished
public void TryRotate( bool clockwise ) {
if ( !isRotatingServer ) {
/// Imperative rotate left or right
public void Rotate( bool clockwise )
RotateTo( clockwise ? serverTargetState.Orientation.Next() : serverTargetState.Orientation.Previous() );
/// Imperative rotate to desired orientation
public void RotateTo( Orientation desiredOrientation )
var angleBetween = Orientation.DegreeBetween( serverTargetState.Orientation, desiredOrientation );
serverTargetState.Orientation = desiredOrientation;
//Correcting direction
Vector3 newDirection = Quaternion.Euler( 0, 0, angleBetween ) * serverTargetState.Direction;
Logger.LogTraceFormat("Orientation is now {0}, Corrected direction from {1} to {2}", Category.Matrix,
serverTargetState.Orientation, serverTargetState.Direction, newDirection);
serverTargetState.Direction = newDirection;
private Vector3 Target = TransformState.HiddenPos;
/// Makes matrix start moving towards given world pos
public void AutopilotTo( Vector2 position ) {
Target = position;
StartCoroutine( TravelToTarget() );
///Zero means 100% accurate, but will lead to peculiar behaviour (autopilot not reacting fast enough on high speed -> going back/in circles etc)
private static int AccuracyThreshold = 1;
public void SetAccuracy(int newAccuracy)
AccuracyThreshold = newAccuracy;
private IEnumerator TravelToTarget() {
if ( isAutopilotEngaged )
var pos = serverState.Position;
if ( Vector3.Distance(pos, Target) <= AccuracyThreshold ) {
yield break;
Orientation currentDir = serverState.Orientation;
Vector3 xProjection = Vector3.Project( pos, Vector3.right );
int xProjectionX = (int) xProjection.x;
int targetX = (int) Target.x;
Vector3 yProjection = Vector3.Project( pos, Vector3.up );
int yProjectionY = (int) yProjection.y;
int targetY = (int) Target.y;
bool xNeedsChange = Mathf.Abs(xProjectionX - targetX) > AccuracyThreshold;
bool yNeedsChange = Mathf.Abs(yProjectionY - targetY) > AccuracyThreshold;
Orientation xDesiredDir = Orientation.From( ( targetX - xProjectionX > 0 ? Orientation.Left : Orientation.Right ).Degree - initialOrientation.Degree );
Orientation yDesiredDir = Orientation.From( ( targetY - yProjectionY > 0 ? Orientation.Up : Orientation.Down ).Degree - initialOrientation.Degree );
if ( xNeedsChange || yNeedsChange )
int xDegreeTo = xNeedsChange ? Mathf.Abs( Orientation.DegreeBetween( currentDir, xDesiredDir ) ) : int.MaxValue;
int yDegreeTo = yNeedsChange ? Mathf.Abs( Orientation.DegreeBetween( currentDir, yDesiredDir ) ) : int.MaxValue;
//don't rotate if it's not needed
if ( xDegreeTo != 0 && yDegreeTo != 0 ) {
//if both need change determine faster rotation first
RotateTo( xDegreeTo < yDegreeTo ? xDesiredDir : yDesiredDir );
//wait till it rotates
yield return YieldHelper.Second;
if ( !serverState.IsMoving ) {
//Relaunching self once in a while as CheckMovementServer check can fail in rare occasions
yield return YieldHelper.Second;
StartCoroutine( TravelToTarget() );
yield return null;
//Visual debug
private Vector3 size1 =;
private Vector3 size2 = new Vector3( 0.9f, 0.9f, 0.9f );
private Vector3 size3 = new Vector3( 0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f );
private Color color1 =;
private Color color2 = DebugTools.HexToColor( "81a2c7" );
private Color color3 = Color.white;
private void OnDrawGizmos() {
Gizmos.color = color1;
Vector3 serverPos = serverState.Position;
Gizmos.DrawWireCube( serverPos, size1 );
if ( serverState.IsMoving ) {
GizmoUtils.DrawArrow( serverPos + Vector3.right / 3, serverState.Direction * serverState.Speed );
GizmoUtils.DrawText( serverState.Speed.ToString(), serverPos + Vector3.right, 15 );
Gizmos.color = color2;
Vector3 serverTargetPos = serverTargetState.Position;
Gizmos.DrawWireCube( serverTargetPos, size2 );
if ( serverTargetState.IsMoving ) {
GizmoUtils.DrawArrow( serverTargetPos, serverTargetState.Direction * serverTargetState.Speed );
GizmoUtils.DrawText( serverTargetState.Speed.ToString(), serverTargetPos + Vector3.down, 15 );
Gizmos.color = color3;
Vector3 pos = clientState.Position;
Gizmos.DrawWireCube( pos, size3 );
if ( clientState.IsMoving ) {
GizmoUtils.DrawArrow( pos + Vector3.left / 3, clientState.Direction * clientState.Speed );
GizmoUtils.DrawText( clientState.Speed.ToString(), pos + Vector3.left, 15 );
public class OrientationEvent : UnityEvent<Orientation,Orientation> {}
public class DualFloatEvent : UnityEvent<float,float> {}
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