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Last active November 24, 2023 13:29
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Unity provides the SettingsProvider API to create custom project settings. Additionally, there exists the ScriptableSingleton class to create a scriptable objects that can be statically referenced and kept outside the assets folder. This combines both APIs, to create custom project settings in the editor without the hassle.
[FilePath("ProjectSettings/" + nameof(ExampleProjectSettings) + ".asset", FilePathAttribute.Location.ProjectFolder)]
public class ExampleProjectSettings : SimpleSettings<ExampleProjectSettings> {
/// <summary>
/// the display path in the project settings window
/// </summary>
private const string WINDOW_PATH = "Tools/" + nameof(ExampleProjectSettings);
public bool exampleSettingBool;
/// <summary>
/// Register the settings provider for the project settings
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public static SettingsProvider RegisterInProjectSettings() {
return new SimpleSettingsProvider<ExampleProjectSettings>(WINDOW_PATH);
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
public class SimpleProjectSettings<T> : ScriptableSingleton<T> where T : SimpleSettings<T> {
public void OnEnable() {
hideFlags &= ~HideFlags.NotEditable;
public void Save() {
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.UIElements;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UIElements;
public class SimpleSettingsProvider<T> : SettingsProvider where T : SimpleSettings<T> {
private SerializedObject serializedData;
private string headline;
public SimpleSettingsProvider(string path, string headline=null, string[] keywords = null) : base(path, SettingsScope.Project) {
this.headline = headline ?? typeof(T).Name;
this.keywords = keywords ?? (new string[] { typeof(T).Name });
public override void OnActivate(string searchContext, VisualElement rootElement) {
serializedData = new SerializedObject(SimpleSettings<T>.instance);
// Create a scroll view with a inspector inside
ScrollView scrollView = new ScrollView(ScrollViewMode.Vertical);
InspectorElement inspectorRoot = new InspectorElement();
// Bind a callback to save changes
// Binding it to the root is enough
// Populate the properties
protected virtual void CreateHeaderAndAddStyles(VisualElement root) {
// create and add label
Label title = new Label(headline); = 20; = FontStyle.Bold; = 10;
title.AddToClassList(nameof(title)); = = 2; = 0; = 5;
protected virtual void ValueChanged(SerializedPropertyChangeEvent evt) {
(serializedData.targetObject as T).Save();
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Thanks to the Unity Essential Success team for cooking up the classes this solution extends upon.
Nonetheless, please be aware that this code has not yet been battletested.

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