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RailsConf 2013 Talks

Opening Keynote - dhh:

- Roger's Innovation Adoption Curve - Same for open source and normal products
- Nested Russian Doll Cache

How Shopify Scales Rails:

- Stack
	- Ruby 1.9.3-p385
	- Rails 3.2
	- Percona MySQL 5.5
	- Unicorn 4.5
	- Memcached 1.4.14
	- Redis 2.6
- To Scale:
	- Know the system and the constraints in it
		- Avoid network calls during req
		- speed up unavoidable network calls
		- the storefront and checkout
		- the chive
	- Constraints
		- One Request, One Process
		- RPM = Workers * 60 / Response Time
		- increase workers, reduce response time
	- Measure everything, every piece of data
		- New Relic (help you narrow down where the problems are so you know where to scale)
		- Splunk (generate graphs for historical purposes)
		- StatsD
		- Cacti
		- Conan
	- Caching
		- cacheable
		- identity cache
	- Resque
	- Put payment process in the background
	- Redis
		Used for:
			- Inventory reservation system
			- Sessions
			- Theme upload
			- Throttling
			- Carts
	- after_commit
	- Services
	- Adapt and Evolve as Needed

No Traffic, No Users, No Problem! - Usability Testing for New Apps:

- Demographics
	- US: Mostly female
	- 20-30
	- Bachelors degrees
	- middle class people
- RTurk, Ruby-aws, Turkee
- Display of HIT
- Soliciting feedback
	- Skip deployment entirely
	- forward gem
- Make appeal to Turker to be a personal appeal
- Ensure that you invite Turkers to give negative feedback
- A/B Testing
	- Vanity gem
	- Intent is hard to test with MTurk
	- Paid workers, not customers interested in product
	- Interaction can be measured
	- Gold standard question: Four plus five equals?
	- Even better; ask a validating question about their submission e.g. How many words in your second sentence?
	- This causes the Turker to slow down and re-read their work. Also serves as validation.

Monitoring the Health of Your App

- Correct mental modal
- Measure business value
- Compare with historical data
- If it is important for your business, measure it!
- Performance is business value.
- only worry about clusters around middle
- if we focus on the middle, lost a large chunk of data
- web responses are long tail
- You want consistent performance.
- pick a tolerance and optimize to the right

Object-Oriented Lessons for a Service-Oriented World

- Software architecture - most important thing is abstraction
- network-based application software
- monorail <---> cache <---> database
- Object Oriented Design
	- State
	- Behavior
- Objects interacting with other object but cannot manipulate state (fully encapsulated) but can modify behavior
- Single responsibility
	- do the smallest thing possible and nothing more
	- do one thing and do it right
	- make things as simple as possible
	- etc
- depend on behavior not on data
- Law of Demeter
- Cache is King
    - network-based software applications mean more overhead
    - serialization is expensive
    - when you don't have to, cache-control and etag headers good
- Classes are nouns and messages are often verbs
- GitHub hypermedia API - approaching a behavioral API
    - The good: link relations are already appearing in media types
    - The bad: you can implement custom media types
    - The ugly: the necessary HTTP verb is a missing

Natural Language Processing in Ruby

- NLP: Analyzing, understanding and generating the language that humans use to interface with computers.
- in short, searching, extracting and grouping information
- no perfect solution exists
- language itself is a moving target
- many aspects are computationally complex
- demand/need is increasing steeply
- 3 common approaches:
    - Rule-Based Analysis
    - Statistical Analysis
    - Machine Learning
- Basic Building Blocks
    - POS tagging
    - Word Stemming
    - Chunking
    - Tokenizing
    - Sentence Detection
    - Word Relationships
    - Co-Reference Resolution
    - Named-Entity Recognition
- Tools & Libraries
    - NLP Toolkit (Python)
    - [Chronic]( (date parser) 
    - [Linguistics](
    - [Punkt Segmenter](
    - [Ruby Stemmer](
    - [Treat](
- What happens when you need more?
    - JRuby

You've got a Sinatra on your Rails

Yehuda Katz keynote

Rails vs. The Client

- historically, rails avoid js altogether
- js - avoiding complex MVC structures
- must think about where the heart of your application lives
- you can make things more complex, you can't make them less complex
- simplicity is being able to deal with components separately
- simplicity is using simple structures
- simplicity is consistency
- server-side has three distinct output modes
- client side has generally one mode of communication but business logic can be duplicated
- it's not clear that one side or the other requires less code
- both sides claim speed
- server side interaction is proportional to number of clicks
- client side interaction is proportional to new data requirements
- serverside is optimized for least disruption to Rails
- Questions to ask:
    - client style is optimized for simplicity of server logic
    - is the representation of your data stable?
    - is interaction with the server primarily notification?
    - do client components interact?
    - what do you already have?
    - will a hybrid approach work?

The Magic Tricks of Testing

- Tests are:
    - slow
    - fragile
- Just delete some tests
- Unit tests: Goals
    - thorough
    - stable
    - fast
    - few
- Focus on messages
- object under test receive messages from outside and send outgoing messages
  - cannot see anything outside
- Message Origin
    - incoming
    - sent to self
    - outgoing
- Types of messges
    - query: return something/change nothing
    - command: return nothing/change something
- we conflate commands and quieries at our peril but we do it all the time
- message origin x type
    - incoming-query:
        - test incoming query messages by making assertions about what they send back 
        - test the interface (not the implementation)
    - incoming-command:
        - test incoming command message by testing direct public side effects
    - sent to self-query: Ignore
    - sent to self-command: Ignore
    - outgoing-query:
        - do not test
        - do not make assertions about their result
        - do not expect to send them
        - Ignore
    - outgoing-command:
        - expect to send outgoing messages
- Summary
    - be a minimalist
    - test everything once
    - test the interface
    - trust collaborators
    - insist on simplicity

Sleeping with the enemy

- template method pattern

Designing great APIs: Learning from Jony Ive, Orwell, and the Kano Model

- Every API has two users, developer and computer
- George Orwell - Writing
    - API extends our language
    - Orwell's 6 rules of writing:
        1. Never use a metaphor, simile or other figure of speech which you are used to seeing in print.
        2. Never use a long word where a short one will do.
        3. If it is possible to cut a word out, always cut it out.
        4. Never use the passive where you can use the active.
        5. Never use a foreign phrase, a scientific word or a jargon word if you can think of an everyday English equivalent.
        6. Break any of these rules sooner than say anything barbarous.
- Dieter Rams - Industrial Design
    - Ten Principles - Good Design is...:
        1. Is innovative
        2. Makes a product useful - useful errors
        3. Is aesthetic
        4. Makes a product understandable - show exact error
        5. Is unobstrusive - disappear when not needed
        6. Is honest - give full insight into system
        7. Is long-lasting - versioning API, UUID keys
        8. Is through down to the last detail
        9. Is environmentally friendly
        10. Is as little design as possible
- Noriaki Kano - Customer satisfaction
    - Kano Model:
        1. Attractive Quality - Delighters, good support
        2. One-Dimensional Quality - Performance needs
        3. Must-be Quality
        4. Indifferent Quality
        5. Reverse Quality
- Five guiding principles
    1. Minimalism
    2. Get out of the way
        - Consistency  
    3. Design for extremes
    4. Be predictable - standard verb names
    5. Excite users
- Focus on delight and performance

Firefighting on Rails

- Stack: mongoDB, heroku, rails, twilio, sendgrid
- results
    - notifications in quiet spaces
    - personally configurable notifications
    - mapping data for accurate response
    - textual data for recall
    - full notes for decision support
    - firefighters are losing pages and forgetting how to read maps

Zero-downtime payment platforms

- Two different kinds of downtime:
    1. Us - internal, heroku down etc
    2. Them - other people, email gateway, external database, caching provider, payment gateway, no control over etc.
- What if our payment gateway goes down?
    - initially, if down, curstomer turn away == sad customer
    - first solution, manual shutdown - "failover mode"
        - accept low risk orders
        - store them and charge customer later
        - risk assertion (< 100 bucks?)
        - Pros: Customers can make purchase, no lost orders
        - Cons: requires a human all the time, humans do not stay up 24/7
    - second solution, automation
        - timeout & accept
            - wrap a charge in a timeout
            - if it times out, evaluate risk
            - if low risk, save it and return success
            - cron task to retry timed-out orders
            - but race condition... no locks
            - Pros: no humans required, developers can get some sleep
            - Cons: not really, it worked well for quite a while, very rarely might mistakenly find the wrong order
- What about when WE are down?
    - Reasons:
        - Application error
        - Heroku failing
        - AWS went away
    - Always use CDN to serve your static pages
    - What if Heroku/AWS goes down for us?
        - "Chocolate" - Request Replayer
        - Dynamic failover service - powered by Akamai
        - How we layer the stack
          - Internet -> Akamai Dynamic Router -> Rails 3 Application (Heroku)
                                              -> Chocolate
                                              -> Akamai CDN
        - Chocolate
            - Separate Sinatra Application
            - Perform Risk Assertion
            - Store raw request in DB
            - "Replay request" back to production
            - Completely separate
                - Sinatra app
                - deployed to a separate cloud (not AWS)
            - Same risk as before
                - If an order accepted that can't be charged, still on the hook
                - support team has to follow up with customers to keep lost $$ low
                - Single POST endpoint to save an Order into the database
            - If order looks real
                - calculate risk
                    - if low, saves everything: params, headers etc to DB
                    - returns a response that looks identical to
                    a production response
            - What is replay? (Replaying orders)
                - when we're back up
                    - Order method on chocolate has a replay method
                    - Manual process run by support team to track results (and follow up if necessary)
            - De-duping
                - Could be a case where an order is in chocolate and in production
                - Don't want to double-charge the customer
                - Need to de-dupe
                - Akamai injects a unique requiest ID for every order we create
                - Store this on each order in prodution and on replays in chocolate
                - Chocolate sends this as part of a replay
            - Triggering (When to de-dupe)
                - Akamai has a rule that if a POST to our order #create
                endpoint takes > 15s, retry the exact same request on
                - sometimes production will actually succeed, but not
                a problem: chocolate de-dupes
        - Pros of using something like Akamai
            - allows you to auto-replay to separate endpoints
            - if done correctly, your site will never appear to be down
        - Cons of using something like Akamai
            - adds a fairly significant layer of complexity
            - adds non-trivial costs
        - Even though site is up... Stil see orders fail over to chocolate..
            - Random routing...
                - Dynos get backed up
                    - every day, a handful of orders still end up failing
                    over to chocolate
            - Solutions
                - make all endpoint fast to free up dynos quickly
                - keep tuning unicorn and failover timeouts
                - no guaranteed way to solve this
        - Things to remember
            1. Your site will go down
            2. Use a replayer for critical web requests
            3. Accept some risk to keep customers happy
            4. Keep your endpoints lean and fast
            5. Use a CDN

Configuration Management Patterns

- What is configuration?
    - config/database.yml
    - config/feature_flags.yml
    - config/locales/es.yml
    - app/models/post.rb
    - app/models/quest.rb?????
    - config/env/production.rb
    - everything you want it to be - values that you may want to share or change
- Why do we care about configuration so much?
    - game company - set the game world
- When pushing configurations
    - technical QA
    - playtesting QA
    - deploying new configs just as rigorously as new code
    - bad config can be just as damaging as bad code
- Configuration context
    - composite configuration - cascading
    - data centers
    - AWS regions
    - roles
    - machine names
    - tags
    - rails_config
- Baking configurations
    - Requirements
        - decouple generation process entirely form app/repo
        - use code deployment principles
        - build artifact
        - version and store
        - deploy
    - Dump directly from DB?
        - slow
        - dogpile
        - harder to replicate than static http asset
        - unnecessary load on your most precious resource
        - may be ok for your use case
    - Build process
        - transform config values into a single YAML doc - building an
        - take note of: builder, build num, timestamp, changelog
        - include checksum to prevent alteration
    - Promotion
        - map a revision to an environment or other dimension
        - promotion can be end-user accessible
        - store YAML files on a remote disk somewhere
- Deploying configurations
    - run test/CI suites against config
    - run QA against config
    - run playtest against config
    - deploy to production
    - Don't want to restart
        - spawn a thread to poll for updates in background
        - Celluloid timer is perfect for this
        - doesn't work with GIL (MRI)
        - pretty gross multi-process (Unicorn)
        - Don't forget to be threadsafe
    - Why poll and not push?
        - what happens if things go wrong?
        - failed push means app carries on with old config
        - responsibility in the wrong place
        - if poll fails, app can shut itself down
- Applications
    - rapid A/B testing
    - I18n and translation management
    - feature flags
- Bonus non-Ruby content
    - Archaius: Netflix's Java composite configuration library
    - ZooKeeper: Cluster synchronization service
    - jones: Python ZK-based config app
- Further exploration

How To Talk To Developers

- show don't tell
- body language - hands outwards
- you have to be more interesting than the internet
- power poses are good - fake it till you make it
- good information in passionate delivery - be passionate about your talk
- make sure people can read - don't say i know you can't see this
- don't ask filler questions
- hands behind back, listening pose, move forward when the question is asked
- don't talk first on the last day
- don't ever give talks in a giant room - small room
- make them sit as close as possible

Dissecting Ruby With Ruby

- can use puts "============" like a tracer round
- Kernal#caller - gives you back trace
- User.last.method(:github_url).source_location -> ["path", line_number]
- Module#ancestors - tells you all the modules included in the mod
- Module#method_defined?(:upcase) - tells if the method is defined or not
- Method#instance_method
- Object#method
- Module#instance_methods
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