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tmux shortcuts & cheatsheet

start new:


start new with session name:

tmux new -s myname
# First install tmux
brew install tmux
# For mouse support (for switching panes and windows)
# Only needed if you are using (iTerm has mouse support)
Then install
# More on mouse support

Generating Procedural Game Worlds with Wave Function Collapse

Wave Function Collapse (WFC) by @exutumno is a new algorithm that can generate procedural patterns from a sample image. It's especially exciting for game designers, letting us draw our ideas instead of hand coding them. We'll take a look at the kinds of output WFC can produce and the meaning of the algorithm's parameters. Then we'll walk through setting up WFC in javascript and the Unity game engine.


The traditional approach to this sort of output is to hand code algorithms that generate features, and combine them to alter your game map. For example you could sprinkle some trees at random coordinates, draw roads with a brownian motion, and add rooms with a Binary Space Partition. This is powerful but time consuming, and your original vision can someti