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Created October 19, 2011 07:55
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Install and configure tmux on Mac OS X
# First install tmux
brew install tmux
# For mouse support (for switching panes and windows)
# Only needed if you are using (iTerm has mouse support)
Then install
# More on mouse support
# Enable mouse support in ~/.tmux.conf
set-option -g mouse-select-pane on
set-option -g mouse-select-window on
set-window-option -g mode-mouse on
# Install Teamocil to pre define workspaces
# See for configuration examples
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Thanks a lot!

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Great man .. worked like magic ...thanks so much :) :)

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m9dfukc commented Sep 30, 2014

Perfect ... thanks so much!!!

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linse commented Oct 2, 2014

Thank you, this is so useful!

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The gist that keeps on giving...

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Thanks for the great mouse support 😃

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Thank you

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Infinite thanks..

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Thanks :)

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I got this error when I start tmux after adding those lines to .tmux.conf

.tmux.conf:1: unknown option: mode-mouse
.tmux.conf:2: unknown option: mouse-select-pane
.tmux.conf:3: unknown option: mouse-select-window

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tmclnk commented Nov 26, 2015

If you're getting the errors like alexserver mentioned above.

.tmux.conf:1: unknown option: mode-mouse
.tmux.conf:2: unknown option: mouse-select-pane
.tmux.conf:3: unknown option: mouse-select-window

Check your version tmux -V. If it's >=2.1, syntax was simplified to:

# Mouse mode for tmux > 2.1 (Oct 2015)
set -g mouse on for details.

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flov commented Dec 1, 2015

This doesn't work in the newest tmux 2.1, check out tmux/tmux#145
after set -g mouse on do this:
bind -n WheelUpPane if-shell -F -t = "#{mouse_any_flag}" "send-keys -M" "if -Ft= '#{pane_in_mode}' 'send-keys -M' 'copy-mode -e; send-keys -M'"

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corv89 commented Dec 3, 2015

@flov amazingly that incantation worked. thanks!

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Nice, thanks

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set -g mouse on

Works fine, but there is no way to copy text using mouse then. Do you guys have any solution on that?

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milansk commented Nov 9, 2016

@wilgoszpl Hold down Option key while selecting the text.

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Is there a binary version of tmux? I don't like to install a lot of dependencies...

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tony commented Feb 9, 2017

I released The Tao of tmux, a book on tmux on leanpub on amazon a few weeks ago. You can read the full book online for free at

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Thank you ✌️

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thank you !

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pezzati commented Jun 12, 2017

nice and easy, very useful for training process of our team :))

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csmrkid commented Jul 13, 2017

Great work , love it

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haythamdouaihy commented Apr 16, 2018

great thanks!
for the mouse support:
set -g mouse on

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@agfor It is not necessary. But I find it helps alot! It let's you define project setups, with panes and windows, in a YAML-file. And then just run a command to setup any number of windows and panes running a command. I do all my dev in the terminal, so for each project I have a YAML file that launches vim in one pane, starts SASS-compilation in another, etc etc. So I do not have to manually setup panes everytime I'm developing on a specific project.

Is there a small demo that you can show on how you use Teamocil?

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@agfor It is not necessary. But I find it helps alot! It let's you define project setups, with panes and windows, in a YAML-file. And then just run a command to setup any number of windows and panes running a command. I do all my dev in the terminal, so for each project I have a YAML file that launches vim in one pane, starts SASS-compilation in another, etc etc. So I do not have to manually setup panes everytime I'm developing on a specific project.

Is there a small demo that you can show on how you use Teamocil?

I guess, I have the details regarding Teamocil from - Will test it out and will revert if any hiccups. Cheers!!

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thank u

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Doesn't work any more. Using set -g mouse on instead.

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