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m9dfukc / SketchSystems.spec
Last active August 31, 2020 14:58
interrupt -> User
next -> Intro
next -> TranslationA
m9dfukc / .block
Created April 18, 2018 11:38 — forked from enjalot/.block
Quick, Draw! d3 & SVG demo
license: mit
m9dfukc /
Created March 23, 2018 17:40
keybase authentication

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am m9dfukc on github.
  • I am m9dfukc ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASBegh8Okru67VHtwTWQoMOdbw5wUSH4W0ZuXGParJcpAQo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

m9dfukc / main.cpp
Created May 24, 2017 08:48
ofxFaceTracker2 multiwindow thread issues
#include "ofMain.h"
#include "ofApp.h"
int main( ){
ofGLFWWindowSettings settings;
settings.width = 1024;
settings.height = 480;
m9dfukc / ofApp.cpp
Created April 19, 2016 07:47
ofxCv example - contours follower
#include "ofApp.h"
using namespace ofxCv;
using namespace cv;
void Glow::setup(const cv::Rect& track) {
color.setHsb(ofRandom(0, 255), 255, 255);
cur = toOf(track).getCenter();
smooth = cur;
m9dfukc /
Created March 29, 2016 09:33 — forked from dragonjet/
Setup Web Server on EC2 Amazon Linux AMI

Step 1: Server Credentials

This assumes you are now connected to the server via SSH.

  • sudo -s Enter root mode for admin access
  • groupadd devgroup Create new group to be later granted access to /var/www/html

Creating a new Root User

  • useradd -G root,devgroup masterdev Create new root user. Also add to the devgroup
  • passwd masterdev Change password for the new root user
  • At this point, you'll need to input your new root user's new password
m9dfukc / skrollr.patchsvg.js
Last active December 24, 2015 00:29
This is a quick and dirty skrollr.js addon which patches the lag of css transforms for svg elements. It adds the ability to use the svg "transform" attribute inside your skrollr style declarations.
* skrollr svg patch
* @m9dfukc
* Free to use under terms of MIT license
* Add this file after your skrollr.js script.
* Example usage:
* <div data-0="svg-transform: translate(0 0);" data-1000="svg-transform: translate(200 0);">...</div>
(function(document, skrollr) {
m9dfukc / profiles.clj
Last active December 20, 2015 09:49
My ~/.lein/profiles.clj settings
{:user {:dependencies [[org.clojure/tools.namespace "0.2.3"]
[spyscope "0.1.3"]
[criterium "0.4.1"]]
:injections [(require '( repl find))
; try/catch to workaround an issue where `lein repl` outside a project dir
; will not load reader literal definitions correctly:
(try (require 'spyscope.core)
(catch RuntimeException e))]
:plugins [;[lein-marginalia "0.8.0-SNAPSHOT"]
[lein-pprint "1.1.2-SNAPSHOT"]
m9dfukc / sessionStorage.js
Created December 2, 2012 09:08 — forked from tagawa/sessionStorage.js
sessionStorage polyfill
* Based on:
* and
* and
* License:
(function(window) {
'use strict';
window.sessionStorage = window.sessionStorage || {
m9dfukc /
Created August 27, 2012 14:32
express.js coffeescript skeleton
Module dependencies.
express = require 'express'
http = require 'http'
app = module.exports = express()
server = http.createServer app
Modules paths