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Created June 16, 2024 18:54
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using BepuPhysics;
using BepuPhysics.Collidables;
using BepuPhysics.CollisionDetection;
using Stride.BepuPhysics.Components;
using Stride.BepuPhysics.Definitions;
using Stride.BepuPhysics.Definitions.Contacts;
using Stride.Core;
using Stride.Core.Extensions;
using Stride.Core.Mathematics;
using Stride.Engine;
using NVector3 = System.Numerics.Vector3;
using NRigidPose = BepuPhysics.RigidPose;
using Stride.BepuPhysics.Constraints;
namespace Stride.BepuPhysics;
public class CharacterComponent : BodyComponent, ISimulationUpdate, IContactEventHandler
public StaticCharacterMotionConstraintComponent MotionConstraint;
/// <summary>
/// Movement speed
/// </summary>
public float Speed { get; set; } = 10f;
/// <summary>
/// Jump force
/// </summary>
public float JumpSpeed { get; set; } = 10f;
public float PeakAirTime { get; set; } = 0.5f;
public float FallSpeedMultiplier { get; set; } = 2.0f;
public Vector3 Velocity { get; set; }
public bool IsGrounded { get; private set; }
/// <summary>
/// Order is not guaranteed and may change at any moment
/// </summary>
public List<(ContainerComponent Source, Contact Contact)> Contacts { get; } = new();
private bool _tryJump;
private bool _didJump;
private float _airTime;
public CharacterComponent()
InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.Interpolated;
protected override void AttachInner(NRigidPose containerPose, BodyInertia shapeInertia, TypedIndex shapeIndex)
base.AttachInner(containerPose, shapeInertia, shapeIndex);
BodyInertia = new BodyInertia { InverseMass = 1f };
ContactEventHandler = this;
public void Move(Vector3 direction)
Velocity = direction * Speed;
/// <summary>
/// Will jump if grounded
/// </summary>
public void TryJump()
_tryJump = true;
public void SimulationUpdate(float simTimeStep)
Awake = true; // Keep this body active
LinearVelocity = new Vector3(Velocity.X, LinearVelocity.Y, Velocity.Z);
if (_tryJump)
if (IsGrounded)
ApplyLinearImpulse(Vector3.UnitY * JumpSpeed);
_didJump = true;
_tryJump = false;
public void AfterSimulationUpdate(float simTimeStep)
CheckGrounded(); // Checking for grounded after simulation ran to compute contacts as soon as possible after they are received
// If there is no input from the player and we are grounded, ignore gravity to prevent sliding down the slope we might be on
// Do not ignore if there is any input to ensure we stick to the surface as much as possible while moving down the slope
IgnoreGlobalGravity = IsGrounded && Velocity.Length() <= 0f;
if (IsGrounded == true && !_didJump)
LinearVelocity = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
_didJump = false;
private void CheckGrounded()
IsGrounded = false;
if (Simulation == null || Contacts.Count == 0)
var gravity = Simulation.PoseGravity.ToNumericVector();
foreach (var contact in Contacts)
var contactNormal = contact.Contact.Normal;
if (NVector3.Dot(gravity, contactNormal) < 0) // If the body is supported by a contact whose surface is against gravity
IsGrounded = true;
private void UpdateFallSpeed(float delta)
_airTime += delta * FallSpeedMultiplier;
if (IsGrounded || _airTime <= PeakAirTime)
_airTime = 0;
LinearVelocity = new Vector3(0, -9.8f * (_airTime + 1), 0);
bool IContactEventHandler.NoContactResponse => false;
void IContactEventHandler.OnStartedTouching<TManifold>(CollidableReference eventSource, CollidableReference other, ref TManifold contactManifold, int contactIndex, BepuSimulation bepuSimulation)
var otherContainer = bepuSimulation.GetContainer(other);
contactManifold.GetContact(contactIndex, out var contact);
contact.Offset = contact.Offset + Entity.Transform.WorldMatrix.TranslationVector.ToNumericVector() + CenterOfMass.ToNumericVector();
Contacts.Add((otherContainer, contact));
void IContactEventHandler.OnStoppedTouching<TManifold>(CollidableReference eventSource, CollidableReference other, ref TManifold contactManifold, int contactIndex, BepuSimulation bepuSimulation)
var otherContainer = bepuSimulation.GetContainer(other);
for (int i = Contacts.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (Contacts[i].Source == otherContainer)
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