Hi! If you see an error or something is missing (like :focus-within
for few years :P) please let me know ❤️
Element -- selects all h2
elements on the page
h2 {
foo: bar;
Group -- selects all h1
, h2
and h3
elements on the page
h1, h2, h3 {
foo: bar;
Class -- selects all elements with class attribute containing foo
or only p
elements with that class
.foo {
bar: fum;
p.foo {
bar: fum;
ID -- selects the element with 'baz' id attribute value
#foo {
bar: fum;
Descendant -- selects all p
elements within the infinite-level hierarchy of element #foo
#foo p {
bar: fum;
Adjacent sibling -- selects the sibling element p
that is immediately next to h2
h2 + p {
foo: bar;
Child -- selects all p
elements that are immediate children of #foo
#foo > p {
bar: fum;
General sibling -- selects all elements p
that are siblings to the h2
h2 ~ p {
foo: bar;
Unvisited link -- applies to link elements that have not been visited
a:link {
foo: bar;
Visited link -- applies to link elements that have been visited
a:visited {
foo: bar;
Focus state -- applies to selected .foo
element that is ready for input
.foo:focus {
bar: fum;
Focus within state -- applies to selected .foo
element that is focused or has any focused child
.foo:focus-within {
bar: fum;
Hover state -- applies when mouse pointer is over the .foo
.foo:hover {
bar: fum;
Active state -- applies when .foo
element is in process of being clicked
.foo:active {
bar: fum;
First child -- selects the specified .foo
element when it is the first child of its parent
.foo:first-child {
bar: fum;
Last child -- selects the specified .foo
element when it is the last child of its parent
.foo:last-child {
bar: fum;
Only child -- selects the specified .foo
element when it is the only child of its parent
.foo:only-child {
bar: fum;
First of type -- selects the h2
element when it is the first element of its type within its parent element
h2:first-of-type {
foo: bar;
Last of type -- selects the h2
element when it is the last element of its type within its parent element
h2:last-of-type {
foo: bar;
Only of type -- selects the h2
element when it is the only element of its type within its parent element
h2:only-of-type {
foo: bar;
Nth child -- selects the n
th .foo
child element
.foo:nth-child(n) {
bar: fum;
Nth last child -- selects the n
th .foo
child element counting backwards
.foo:nth-last-child(n) {
bar: fum;
Nth of type -- selects the n
th h2
child element of its type
h2:nth-of-type(n) {
foo: bar;
Nth last of type -- selects the n
th h2
child element of its type counting backwards
h2:nth-last-of-type(n) {
foo: bar;
Useful n
-- every odd child or elementeven
-- every even child or elementn
-- every nth child or element3n
-- every third child or element (3, 6, 9, ...)3n+1
-- every third child or element starting with1
(1, 4, 7, ...)n+6
-- all but first five children or elements (6, 7, 8, ...)-n+5
-- only first five children or elements (1, 2, ..., 5)
First letter -- selects the first letter of the specified .foo
element, commonly used with :first-child
to target first paragraph
.foo::first-letter {
bar: fum;
First line -- selects the first line of the specified .foo
element, commonly used with :first-child
to target first paragraph
.foo::first-line {
bar: fum;
Before -- adds generated content before the .foo
element when used with content
.foo::before {
bar: fum;
content: 'baz';
After -- adds generated content after the .foo
element when used with content
.foo::after {
bar: fum;
content: 'baz';
Present -- selects .foo
elements with bar
attribute present, regardless of its value
.foo[bar] {
fum: baz;
Exact -- selects .foo
elements where the bar
attribute has the exact value of fum
.foo[bar="fum"] {
baz: qux;
Whitespace separated -- selects .foo
elements with bar
attribute values contain specified partial value of fum
(whitespace separated)
.foo[bar~="fum"] {
baz: qux;
Hyphen separated -- selects .foo
elements with bar
attribute values contain specified partial value of fum
immediately followed by hyphen (-
) character
.foo[bar|="fum"] {
baz: qux;
Begins with -- selects .foo
elements where the bar
attribute begins with fum
.foo[bar^="fum"] {
baz: qux;
Ends with -- selects .foo
elements where the bar
attribute ends with fum
.foo[bar$="fum"] {
baz: qux;
Contains -- selects .foo
elements where the bar
attribute contains string fum
followed and preceded by any number of other characters
.foo[bar*="fum"] {
baz: qux;
Not -- selects .foo
elements that are NOT .bar
.foo:not(.bar) {
fum: baz;
Root -- selects the highest level parent element in the DOM
:root {
foo: bar;
Empty -- selects .foo
elements that have no children or whitespace inside
.foo:empty {
bar: fum;
In-range and Out-of-range -- selects .foo
elements that have values in or out of range
.foo:in-range {
bar: fum;
.foo:out-of-range {
bar: fum;