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Created December 7, 2013 07:05
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42:32:144 EmuThread.cpp:113 I[BOOT]: Done.
42:32:333 Config.cpp:662 I[LOAD]: Version check: Already up to date, erasing any upgrade message
42:40:079 System.cpp:290 I[BOOT]: PPSSPP v0.9.5-916-gf3a0193
42:40:080 MemMap.cpp:99 I[MM]: Memory system initialized. RAM at 000000000C9B0000 (mirror at 0 @ 0000000087FF0000, uncached @ 00000000C7FF0000)
42:40:100 Loaders.cpp:176 I[LOAD]: Identifying file...
42:40:100 PSPLoaders.cpp:123 I[LOAD]: ULJM05030 : ?????DASH ?????
42:40:100 PSPLoaders.cpp:194 I[LOAD]: Loading disc0:/PSP_GAME/SYSDIR/EBOOT.BIN...
42:40:100 HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:213 I[KERNEL]: Kernel and user memory pools initialized
42:40:127 HLE\sceKernel.cpp:142 I[KERNEL]: Kernel initialized.
42:40:185 Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:379 I[HLE]: -----------
42:40:185 Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:383 I[HLE]: Block: 08800000 - 08804000 size 00004000 taken=0 tag=(untitled)
42:40:185 Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:383 I[HLE]: Block: 08804000 - 08f5ab00 size 00756b00 taken=1 tag=ELF
42:40:185 Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:383 I[HLE]: Block: 08f5ab00 - 0c000000 size 030a5500 taken=0 tag=(untitled)
42:40:185 Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:385 I[HLE]: -----------
42:40:232 HLE\sceKernelModule.cpp:803 I[LOAD]: Module DASH1: 08b308b0 08a35054 08a3506c
42:40:232 HLE\sceKernelModule.cpp:997 I[LOAD]: Exporting ent 0 named DASH1, 1 funcs, 1 vars, resident 08a35390
42:40:233 HLE\sceKernelModule.cpp:1282 I[LOAD]: Module entry: 08804128
42:40:265 root N[BOOT]: EmuScreen.cpp:110 Loading C:/Users/Kristal/Favorites/Desktop/Rockman_Dash_Hagane_no_Boukenshin_READNFO_JAP_PSP-DMU/dmu-rmdj.iso...
42:40:265 root I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2111 276=sceKernelCreateThread(name=user_main, entry=088041cc, prio=20, stacksize=262144)
42:40:265 root I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2162 sceKernelStartThread(thread=276, argSize=33, argPtr=0bfffed0)
42:40:265 root I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2242 __KernelReturnFromThread: 0
42:40:266 user_main I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2111 282=sceKernelCreateThread(name=Cd Read Thread, entry=08a24040, prio=1b, stacksize=4096)
42:40:266 user_main I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2162 sceKernelStartThread(thread=282, argSize=0, argPtr=00000000)
42:40:266 user_main I[HLE]: ELF\PrxDecrypter.cpp:299 Missing key 42, cannot decrypt module
42:40:266 user_main I[MODULE]: HLE\sceKernelModule.cpp:1421 286=sceKernelLoadModule(name=disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/kmodule/sc_sascore.prx,flag=00000000,00000014,00000001,00000001,position = 00000000)
42:40:266 user_main I[MODULE]: HLE\sceKernelModule.cpp:1454 sceKernelStartModule(286,asize=00000000,aptr=00000000,retptr=00000000,00000000): faked (undecryptable module)
42:40:266 user_main I[HLE]: ELF\PrxDecrypter.cpp:299 Missing key 42, cannot decrypt module
42:40:266 user_main I[MODULE]: HLE\sceKernelModule.cpp:1421 287=sceKernelLoadModule(name=disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/kmodule/audiocodec.prx,flag=00000000,00000014,00000001,00000001,position = 00000000)
42:40:266 user_main I[MODULE]: HLE\sceKernelModule.cpp:1454 sceKernelStartModule(287,asize=00000000,aptr=00000000,retptr=00000000,00000000): faked (undecryptable module)
42:40:266 user_main I[HLE]: Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:379 -----------
42:40:266 user_main I[HLE]: Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:383 Block: 08800000 - 08804000 size 00004000 taken=1 tag=ELF
42:40:266 user_main I[HLE]: Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:383 Block: 08804000 - 08f5ab00 size 00756b00 taken=1 tag=ELF
42:40:266 user_main I[HLE]: Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:383 Block: 08f5ab00 - 0bf80000 size 03025500 taken=0 tag=(untitled)
42:40:266 user_main I[HLE]: Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:383 Block: 0bf80000 - 0bfc0000 size 00040000 taken=1 tag=stack/user_main
42:40:266 user_main I[HLE]: Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:383 Block: 0bfc0000 - 0bfff000 size 0003f000 taken=0 tag=(untitled)
42:40:266 user_main I[HLE]: Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:383 Block: 0bfff000 - 0c000000 size 00001000 taken=1 tag=stack/Cd Read Thread
42:40:266 user_main I[HLE]: Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:385 -----------
42:40:266 user_main I[MODULE]: HLE\sceKernelModule.cpp:1421 288=sceKernelLoadModule(name=disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR/module/libatrac3plus.prx,flag=00000000,00000014,00000002,00000002,position = 00000000)
42:40:267 user_main I[MODULE]: HLE\sceKernelModule.cpp:1454 sceKernelStartModule(288,asize=00000000,aptr=00000000,retptr=00000000,00000000): faked (undecryptable module)
42:40:267 user_main I[SCESAS]: HLE\sceSas.cpp:99 sceSasInit(08d04c00, 256, 32, 0, 44100)
42:40:267 user_main I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2111 289=sceKernelCreateThread(name=SPU thread, entry=08a20000, prio=10, stacksize=8192)
42:40:267 user_main I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2162 sceKernelStartThread(thread=289, argSize=0, argPtr=00000000)
42:40:268 user_main I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2111 291=sceKernelCreateThread(name=ATRAC3 play thread, entry=0881f378, prio=12, stacksize=32768)
42:40:268 user_main I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2162 sceKernelStartThread(thread=291, argSize=12, argPtr=08b53558)
42:40:268 user_main I[SCEGE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:767 Creating FBO for 00000000 : 480 x 272 x 1
42:40:270 user_main I[G3D]: GLES\ShaderManager.cpp:134 Linked shader: vs 13 fs 14
42:40:313 user_main W[G3D]: GLES\FragmentShaderGenerator.cpp:422 Color test function : ==
42:40:317 user_main I[G3D]: GLES\ShaderManager.cpp:134 Linked shader: vs 16 fs 17
42:40:319 user_main I[SCEGE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:767 Creating FBO for 00044000 : 480 x 272 x 1
42:40:319 user_main W[SCEGE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:777 FBO sharing existing depthbuffer (unsupported), 00044000/00088000 and 00000000/00088000
42:41:994 user_main I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2111 297=sceKernelCreateThread(name=SAVEUTY, entry=08852f6c, prio=1f, stacksize=4096)
42:41:994 user_main I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2162 sceKernelStartThread(thread=297, argSize=0, argPtr=00000000)
42:41:994 user_main I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2111 298=sceKernelCreateThread(name=OpenTh, entry=08a1d67c, prio=20, stacksize=16384)
42:41:994 user_main I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2162 sceKernelStartThread(thread=298, argSize=4, argPtr=0bfbfa40)
42:42:010 user_main I[SCEGE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:767 Creating FBO for 00150000 : 480 x 272 x 1
42:42:010 user_main W[SCEGE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:777 FBO sharing existing depthbuffer (unsupported), 00150000/00088000 and 00000000/00088000
42:42:027 user_main I[G3D]: GLES\ShaderManager.cpp:134 Linked shader: vs 16 fs 19
42:42:041 user_main I[G3D]: GLES\ShaderManager.cpp:134 Linked shader: vs 21 fs 19
42:42:177 user_main I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2396 sceKernelTerminateDeleteThread(298)
42:42:177 user_main I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2111 301=sceKernelCreateThread(name=OpenTh, entry=08a1d67c, prio=20, stacksize=16384)
42:42:177 user_main I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2162 sceKernelStartThread(thread=301, argSize=4, argPtr=0bfbfa20)
42:42:544 user_main I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2396 sceKernelTerminateDeleteThread(301)
42:42:544 user_main I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2111 303=sceKernelCreateThread(name=OpenTh, entry=08a1d67c, prio=20, stacksize=16384)
42:42:544 user_main I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2162 sceKernelStartThread(thread=303, argSize=4, argPtr=0bfbfa20)
42:43:045 OpenTh I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2111 307=sceKernelCreateThread(name=OpenTh, entry=08a1d67c, prio=20, stacksize=16384)
42:43:045 OpenTh I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2162 sceKernelStartThread(thread=307, argSize=4, argPtr=0bff3de0)
42:43:081 user_main I[G3D]: GLES\ShaderManager.cpp:134 Linked shader: vs 23 fs 24
42:43:177 OpenTh I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2281 sceKernelExitDeleteThread(0)
42:43:255 user_main I[G3D]: GLES\ShaderManager.cpp:134 Linked shader: vs 16 fs 26
42:43:271 ATRAC3 play I[ME]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1268 0=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(08b2b500, 00020000)
42:43:271 ATRAC3 play W[ME]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1158 This is an atrac3+ stereo audio
42:43:479 OpenTh I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2111 309=sceKernelCreateThread(name=OpenTh, entry=08a1d67c, prio=20, stacksize=16384)
42:43:479 OpenTh I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2162 sceKernelStartThread(thread=309, argSize=4, argPtr=0bff3df0)
42:44:080 OpenTh I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2281 sceKernelExitDeleteThread(0)
42:44:846 OpenTh I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2111 310=sceKernelCreateThread(name=OpenTh, entry=08a1d67c, prio=20, stacksize=16384)
42:44:847 OpenTh I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2162 sceKernelStartThread(thread=310, argSize=4, argPtr=0bff3df0)
42:45:448 OpenTh I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2281 sceKernelExitDeleteThread(0)
42:45:482 user_main I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2396 sceKernelTerminateDeleteThread(303)
42:45:482 user_main I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2111 311=sceKernelCreateThread(name=OpenTh, entry=08a1d67c, prio=20, stacksize=16384)
42:45:482 user_main I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2162 sceKernelStartThread(thread=311, argSize=4, argPtr=0bfbfa20)
42:45:613 ATRAC3 play W[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:1741 SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_NOASYNC = sceIoWaitAsync(4, 0bffce00)
42:45:613 ATRAC3 play I[ME]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:969 sceAtracReleaseAtracID(0)
42:45:880 OpenTh I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2111 313=sceKernelCreateThread(name=OpenTh, entry=08a1d67c, prio=20, stacksize=16384)
42:45:880 OpenTh I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2162 sceKernelStartThread(thread=313, argSize=4, argPtr=0bff3e10)
42:45:918 user_main I[G3D]: GLES\ShaderManager.cpp:134 Linked shader: vs 13 fs 28
42:45:920 user_main I[G3D]: GLES\ShaderManager.cpp:134 Linked shader: vs 23 fs 28
42:46:483 OpenTh I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2281 sceKernelExitDeleteThread(0)
42:49:020 OpenTh I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2111 314=sceKernelCreateThread(name=OpenTh, entry=08a1d67c, prio=20, stacksize=16384)
42:49:020 OpenTh I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2162 sceKernelStartThread(thread=314, argSize=4, argPtr=0bff3e00)
42:49:054 user_main I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2396 sceKernelTerminateDeleteThread(311)
42:49:054 user_main I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2111 315=sceKernelCreateThread(name=OpenTh, entry=08a1d67c, prio=20, stacksize=16384)
42:49:054 user_main I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2162 sceKernelStartThread(thread=315, argSize=4, argPtr=0bfbfa20)
42:51:255 OpenTh I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2281 sceKernelExitDeleteThread(0)
42:51:830 user_main I[G3D]: GLES\ShaderManager.cpp:134 Linked shader: vs 16 fs 31
42:51:856 ATRAC3 play I[ME]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1268 0=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(08b2b500, 00020000)
42:51:857 ATRAC3 play W[ME]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1158 This is an atrac3+ stereo audio
42:53:725 OpenTh I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2111 319=sceKernelCreateThread(name=OpenTh, entry=08a1d67c, prio=20, stacksize=16384)
42:53:725 OpenTh I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2162 sceKernelStartThread(thread=319, argSize=4, argPtr=0bff3df0)
42:54:328 OpenTh I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2281 sceKernelExitDeleteThread(0)
42:58:464 OpenTh I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2111 320=sceKernelCreateThread(name=OpenTh, entry=08a1d67c, prio=20, stacksize=16384)
42:58:464 OpenTh I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2162 sceKernelStartThread(thread=320, argSize=4, argPtr=0bff3df0)
42:59:065 OpenTh I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2281 sceKernelExitDeleteThread(0)
42:59:228 ATRAC3 play W[IO]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:1741 SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_NOASYNC = sceIoWaitAsync(4, 0bffce00)
42:59:228 ATRAC3 play I[ME]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:969 sceAtracReleaseAtracID(0)
43:00:364 OpenTh I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2111 322=sceKernelCreateThread(name=OpenTh, entry=08a1d67c, prio=20, stacksize=16384)
43:00:364 OpenTh I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2162 sceKernelStartThread(thread=322, argSize=4, argPtr=0bff3e10)
43:00:968 OpenTh I[KERNEL]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2281 sceKernelExitDeleteThread(0)
43:04:967 idle0 N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:527 DUMPING THIS FRAME
43:04:968 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 FramebufPixelFormat: 1
43:04:968 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:968 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 FramebufPtr: 00150000
43:04:968 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:968 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 FramebufWidth: 400, address high 00
43:04:968 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Scissor TL: 0, 0
43:04:968 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:968 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Scissor BR: 639, 239
43:04:968 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Region TL: 0 0
43:04:968 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:968 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Region BR: 639 239
43:04:968 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Scissor TL: 0, 0
43:04:968 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Scissor BR: 639, 239
43:04:968 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Region TL: 0 0
43:04:968 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Region BR: 639 239
43:04:968 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:968 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba3fb0 to 08ba3fcc
43:04:968 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:968 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clear mode: 000101 (on, color)
43:04:968 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, ABGR 8888 colors, s16 positions
43:04:968 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:968 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba3fb4 => 08ba3fb4
43:04:968 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 6: RECTANGLES count: 2 vaddr= 08ba3fb4
43:04:968 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:968 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clear mode: 000000 (off)
43:04:968 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DitherMatrix 0 = 001d0c
43:04:968 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DitherMatrix 1 = 00f3e2
43:04:968 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DitherMatrix 2 = 000c1d
43:04:968 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DitherMatrix 3 = 00e2f3
43:04:968 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:04:968 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 ColorTest: 000003 (ref != (c & cmask))
43:04:968 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 ColorRef: 000000
43:04:968 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 ColorTestMask: ffffff
43:04:968 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:968 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:968 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test settings: ff0006 ((c & ff) > 00)
43:04:968 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:968 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:04:968 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:04:968 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:04:968 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:968 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Stencil test enable: 0
43:04:968 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CullFace enable: 0
43:04:968 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Fog enable: 0
43:04:968 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clip enable: 0
43:04:968 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:968 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 0
43:04:968 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Lighting enable: 0
43:04:968 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Light 0 enable: 0
43:04:968 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Light 1 enable: 0
43:04:968 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Light 2 enable: 0
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Light 3 enable: 0
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Antialias enable: 0
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Patch cull enable: 0
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Logic op enable: 0
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Reverse normal: 0
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Patch Facing: 0
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Z test enable: 0
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 000000
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexWrap clamp s, clamp t
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFilter min: 0 mag: 0
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut format: 00ff01 (ABGR 1555)
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba40b8 to 08ba40e4
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 0e8080
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 050505
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 050505
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 050505
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c140
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba40bc => 08ba40bc
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba40bc
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba415c to 08ba4188
43:04:969 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 128080
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 0f0f04
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 0f0f04
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 0f0f04
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14fc40
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba4160 => 08ba4160
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba4160
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba4200 to 08ba422c
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 0e8080
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 0f0f04
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 0f0f04
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 0f0f04
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c140
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba4204 => 08ba4204
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba4204
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba42a4 to 08ba42d0
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 0f0f04
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 0f0f04
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 0f0f04
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c140
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba42a8 => 08ba42a8
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba42a8
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:970 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba4318 to 08ba433c
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 088180
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: ffffff
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: ffffff
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 0f0f04
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 0f0f04
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 0f0f04
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148c40
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba431c => 08ba431c
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08ba431c
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba43b4 to 08ba43d8
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 0f0f04
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 0f0f04
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 0f0f04
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148c40
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba43b8 => 08ba43b8
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08ba43b8
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba4420 to 08ba4444
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 0f0f04
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 0f0f04
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 0f0f04
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148c40
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba4424 => 08ba4424
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08ba4424
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 1
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba448c to 08ba44b8
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:971 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 088080
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: reverse subtract fixed, fixed
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: ffffff
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: ffffff
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 848484
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 848484
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 848484
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 127680
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba4490 => 08ba4490
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba4490
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba4530 to 08ba4554
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 088180
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: ffffff
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: ffffff
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 0f0f04
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 0f0f04
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 0f0f04
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148c40
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba4534 => 08ba4534
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08ba4534
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba45cc to 08ba45f8
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 0f0f04
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 0f0f04
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 0f0f04
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148c40
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:972 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba45d0 => 08ba45d0
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba45d0
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba4640 to 08ba466c
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 0e8080
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 050505
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 050505
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 050505
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c140
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba4644 => 08ba4644
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba4644
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba46e4 to 08ba4710
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 0f0f04
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 0f0f04
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 0f0f04
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c140
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba46e8 => 08ba46e8
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba46e8
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba4758 to 08ba4784
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 0f0f04
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 0f0f04
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 0f0f04
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c140
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba475c => 08ba475c
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba475c
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba47cc to 08ba47f8
43:04:973 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 0f0f04
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 0f0f04
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 0f0f04
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c140
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba47d0 => 08ba47d0
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba47d0
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba4840 to 08ba486c
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 128080
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 0f0f04
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 0f0f04
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 0f0f04
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14fc40
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba4844 => 08ba4844
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba4844
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba48e4 to 08ba4910
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 0f0f04
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 0f0f04
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 0f0f04
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14fc40
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba48e8 => 08ba48e8
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba48e8
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba4958 to 08ba4984
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 0f0f04
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 0f0f04
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 0f0f04
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14fc40
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba495c => 08ba495c
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba495c
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:974 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba49cc to 08ba49f8
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 0f0f04
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 0f0f04
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 0f0f04
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14fc40
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba49d0 => 08ba49d0
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba49d0
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba4a40 to 08ba4a6c
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 0e8080
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 050505
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 050505
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 050505
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c140
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba4a44 => 08ba4a44
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba4a44
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba4ae4 to 08ba4b10
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 0f0f04
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 0f0f04
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 0f0f04
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c140
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba4ae8 => 08ba4ae8
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba4ae8
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba4b58 to 08ba4b84
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 0f0f04
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 0f0f04
43:04:975 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 0f0f04
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c140
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba4b5c => 08ba4b5c
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba4b5c
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba4bcc to 08ba4bf8
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 0f0f04
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 0f0f04
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 0f0f04
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c140
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba4bd0 => 08ba4bd0
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba4bd0
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba4c40 to 08ba4c6c
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 0f0f04
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 0f0f04
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 0f0f04
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c140
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba4c44 => 08ba4c44
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba4c44
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba4cb4 to 08ba4cd8
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 088180
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: ffffff
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: ffffff
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 0f0f04
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 0f0f04
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 0f0f04
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148c40
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba4cb8 => 08ba4cb8
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08ba4cb8
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba4d50 to 08ba4d74
43:04:976 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 0f0f04
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 0f0f04
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 0f0f04
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148c40
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba4d54 => 08ba4d54
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08ba4d54
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba4dbc to 08ba4de0
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 0f0f04
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 0f0f04
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 0f0f04
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148c40
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba4dc0 => 08ba4dc0
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08ba4dc0
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba4e28 to 08ba4e4c
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 0f0f04
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 0f0f04
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 0f0f04
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148c40
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba4e2c => 08ba4e2c
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08ba4e2c
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 1
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba4e94 to 08ba4ec0
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 088080
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: reverse subtract fixed, fixed
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: ffffff
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: ffffff
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 848484
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 848484
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 848484
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 127680
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:977 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba4e98 => 08ba4e98
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba4e98
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 1
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba4f38 to 08ba4f64
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 848484
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 848484
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 848484
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 127680
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba4f3c => 08ba4f3c
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba4f3c
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba4fac to 08ba4fd0
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 088180
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: ffffff
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: ffffff
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 0f0f04
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 0f0f04
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 0f0f04
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148c40
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba4fb0 => 08ba4fb0
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08ba4fb0
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba5048 to 08ba506c
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 0f0f04
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 0f0f04
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 0f0f04
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148c40
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba504c => 08ba504c
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08ba504c
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:978 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba50b4 to 08ba50d8
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 0f0f04
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 0f0f04
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 0f0f04
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148c40
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba50b8 => 08ba50b8
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08ba50b8
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba5120 to 08ba5144
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 0f0f04
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 0f0f04
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 0f0f04
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148c40
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba5124 => 08ba5124
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08ba5124
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba518c to 08ba51b8
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 0f0f04
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 0f0f04
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 0f0f04
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148c40
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba5190 => 08ba5190
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba5190
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba5200 to 08ba522c
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 0f0f04
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 0f0f04
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 0f0f04
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148c40
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba5204 => 08ba5204
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba5204
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba5274 to 08ba52a0
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 0f0f04
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 0f0f04
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 0f0f04
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148c40
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:979 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba5278 => 08ba5278
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba5278
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba52e8 to 08ba5314
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 0f0f04
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 0f0f04
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 0f0f04
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148c40
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba52ec => 08ba52ec
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba52ec
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba535c to 08ba5388
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 0e8080
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 050505
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 050505
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 050505
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c140
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba5360 => 08ba5360
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba5360
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba5400 to 08ba542c
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 050505
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 050505
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 050505
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c140
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba5404 => 08ba5404
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba5404
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba5474 to 08ba54a0
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 050505
43:04:980 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 050505
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 050505
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c140
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba5478 => 08ba5478
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba5478
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba54e8 to 08ba5514
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 128080
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 0f0f04
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 0f0f04
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 0f0f04
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14fc40
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba54ec => 08ba54ec
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba54ec
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba558c to 08ba55b8
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 0f0f04
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 0f0f04
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 0f0f04
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14fc40
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba5590 => 08ba5590
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba5590
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba5600 to 08ba562c
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 0e8080
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:04:981 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 050505
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 050505
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 050505
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c140
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba5604 => 08ba5604
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba5604
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba56a4 to 08ba56d0
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 050505
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 050505
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 050505
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c140
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba56a8 => 08ba56a8
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba56a8
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba5718 to 08ba5744
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 050505
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 050505
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 050505
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c140
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba571c => 08ba571c
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba571c
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba578c to 08ba57b8
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 0f0f04
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 0f0f04
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 0f0f04
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c140
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba5790 => 08ba5790
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba5790
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba5800 to 08ba582c
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:982 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 0f0f04
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 0f0f04
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 0f0f04
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c140
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba5804 => 08ba5804
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba5804
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba5874 to 08ba58a0
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 0f0f04
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 0f0f04
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 0f0f04
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c140
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba5878 => 08ba5878
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba5878
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba58e8 to 08ba5914
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 0f0f04
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 0f0f04
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 0f0f04
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c140
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba58ec => 08ba58ec
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba58ec
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba595c to 08ba5988
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 0f0f04
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 0f0f04
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 0f0f04
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c140
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba5960 => 08ba5960
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba5960
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba59d0 to 08ba59fc
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 0f0f04
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 0f0f04
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 0f0f04
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c140
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:983 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba59d4 => 08ba59d4
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba59d4
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba5a44 to 08ba5a68
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 088180
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: ffffff
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: ffffff
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 0f0f04
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 0f0f04
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 0f0f04
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148c20
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba5a48 => 08ba5a48
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08ba5a48
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 1
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba5ae0 to 08ba5b0c
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 088080
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: reverse subtract fixed, fixed
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: ffffff
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: ffffff
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 848484
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 848484
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 848484
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 127680
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba5ae4 => 08ba5ae4
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba5ae4
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 1
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba5b84 to 08ba5bb0
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 848484
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 848484
43:04:984 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 848484
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 127680
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba5b88 => 08ba5b88
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba5b88
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba5bf8 to 08ba5c1c
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 088180
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: ffffff
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: ffffff
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 0f0f04
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 0f0f04
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 0f0f04
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148c20
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba5bfc => 08ba5bfc
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08ba5bfc
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba5c94 to 08ba5cb8
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 0f0f04
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 0f0f04
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 0f0f04
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148c20
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba5c98 => 08ba5c98
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08ba5c98
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba5d00 to 08ba5d24
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 0f0f04
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 0f0f04
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 0f0f04
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148c20
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:985 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba5d04 => 08ba5d04
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08ba5d04
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba5d6c to 08ba5d90
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 0f0f04
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 0f0f04
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 0f0f04
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148c20
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba5d70 => 08ba5d70
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08ba5d70
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba5dd8 to 08ba5dfc
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 0f0f04
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 0f0f04
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 0f0f04
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148c20
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba5ddc => 08ba5ddc
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08ba5ddc
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba5e44 to 08ba5e68
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 0f0f04
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 0f0f04
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 0f0f04
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148c20
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba5e48 => 08ba5e48
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08ba5e48
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba5eb0 to 08ba5ed4
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 0f0f04
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 0f0f04
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 0f0f04
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148c20
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba5eb4 => 08ba5eb4
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08ba5eb4
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:986 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba5f1c to 08ba5f48
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 0f0f04
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 0f0f04
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 0f0f04
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148c20
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba5f20 => 08ba5f20
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba5f20
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba5f90 to 08ba5fbc
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 0f0f04
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 0f0f04
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 0f0f04
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148c20
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba5f94 => 08ba5f94
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba5f94
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba6004 to 08ba6030
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 0f0f04
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 0f0f04
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 0f0f04
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148c20
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba6008 => 08ba6008
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba6008
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba6078 to 08ba60a4
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 0f0f04
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 0f0f04
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 0f0f04
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148c20
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba607c => 08ba607c
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba607c
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba60ec to 08ba6118
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 0e8080
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:04:987 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 050505
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 050505
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 050505
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c120
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba60f0 => 08ba60f0
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba60f0
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba6190 to 08ba61bc
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 128080
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 0f0f04
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 0f0f04
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 0f0f04
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14fc20
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba6194 => 08ba6194
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba6194
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba6234 to 08ba6260
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 0f0f04
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 0f0f04
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 0f0f04
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14fc20
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba6238 => 08ba6238
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba6238
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba62a8 to 08ba62d4
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:04:988 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 0e8080
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 050505
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 050505
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 050505
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c120
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba62ac => 08ba62ac
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba62ac
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba634c to 08ba6378
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 0f0f04
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 0f0f04
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 0f0f04
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c120
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba6350 => 08ba6350
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba6350
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba63c0 to 08ba63ec
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 151505
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 151505
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 151505
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c120
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba63c4 => 08ba63c4
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba63c4
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba6434 to 08ba6460
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 151505
43:04:989 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 151505
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 151505
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c120
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba6438 => 08ba6438
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba6438
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba64a8 to 08ba64d4
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 161607
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 161607
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 161607
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c120
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba64ac => 08ba64ac
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba64ac
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba651c to 08ba6548
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 0f0f04
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 0f0f04
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 0f0f04
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c120
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba6520 => 08ba6520
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba6520
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba6590 to 08ba65bc
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 0f0f04
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 0f0f04
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 0f0f04
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c120
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba6594 => 08ba6594
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba6594
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba6604 to 08ba6630
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:990 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 151506
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 151506
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 151506
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c120
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba6608 => 08ba6608
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba6608
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba6678 to 08ba66a4
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 151506
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 151506
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 151506
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c120
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba667c => 08ba667c
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba667c
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba66ec to 08ba6718
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 151506
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 151506
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 151506
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c120
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba66f0 => 08ba66f0
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba66f0
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba6760 to 08ba678c
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 151506
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 151506
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 151506
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c120
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba6764 => 08ba6764
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba6764
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba67d4 to 08ba6800
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 151506
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 151506
43:04:991 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 151506
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c120
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba67d8 => 08ba67d8
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba67d8
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba6848 to 08ba6874
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 128080
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 161606
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 161606
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 161606
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14fc20
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba684c => 08ba684c
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba684c
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba68ec to 08ba6918
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 151505
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 151505
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 151505
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14fc20
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba68f0 => 08ba68f0
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba68f0
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba6960 to 08ba698c
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 151505
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 151505
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 151505
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14fc20
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba6964 => 08ba6964
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba6964
43:04:992 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba69d4 to 08ba6a00
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 151505
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 151505
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 151505
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14fc20
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba69d8 => 08ba69d8
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba69d8
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba6a48 to 08ba6a74
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 151505
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 151505
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 151505
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14fc20
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba6a4c => 08ba6a4c
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba6a4c
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba6abc to 08ba6ae8
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 151505
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 151505
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 151505
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14fc20
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba6ac0 => 08ba6ac0
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba6ac0
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba6b30 to 08ba6b5c
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 161606
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 161606
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 161606
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14fc20
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba6b34 => 08ba6b34
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba6b34
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba6ba4 to 08ba6bd0
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 151505
43:04:993 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 151505
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 151505
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14fc20
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba6ba8 => 08ba6ba8
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba6ba8
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba6c18 to 08ba6c44
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 0e8080
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 151506
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 151506
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 151506
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c120
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba6c1c => 08ba6c1c
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba6c1c
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba6cbc to 08ba6ce8
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 151506
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 151506
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 151506
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c120
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba6cc0 => 08ba6cc0
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba6cc0
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba6d30 to 08ba6d5c
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 151506
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 151506
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 151506
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c120
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba6d34 => 08ba6d34
43:04:994 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba6d34
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba6da4 to 08ba6dd0
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 151506
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 151506
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 151506
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c120
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba6da8 => 08ba6da8
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba6da8
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba6e18 to 08ba6e44
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 151506
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 151506
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 151506
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c120
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba6e1c => 08ba6e1c
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba6e1c
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba6e8c to 08ba6eb8
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 161607
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 161607
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 161607
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c120
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba6e90 => 08ba6e90
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba6e90
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba6f00 to 08ba6f2c
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 161607
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 161607
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 161607
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c120
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba6f04 => 08ba6f04
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba6f04
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba6f74 to 08ba6fa0
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:995 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 050505
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 050505
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 050505
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c120
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba6f78 => 08ba6f78
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba6f78
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba6fe8 to 08ba7014
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 050505
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 050505
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 050505
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c120
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba6fec => 08ba6fec
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba6fec
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba705c to 08ba7088
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 050505
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 050505
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 050505
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c120
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba7060 => 08ba7060
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba7060
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba70d0 to 08ba70fc
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 050505
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 050505
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 050505
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c120
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba70d4 => 08ba70d4
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba70d4
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba7144 to 08ba7170
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 050505
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 050505
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 050505
43:04:996 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c120
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba7148 => 08ba7148
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba7148
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba71b8 to 08ba71e4
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 1c1c0d
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 1c1c0d
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 1c1c0d
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14e820
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba71bc => 08ba71bc
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba71bc
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba722c to 08ba7258
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 050505
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 050505
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 050505
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14e820
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba7230 => 08ba7230
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba7230
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba72a0 to 08ba72cc
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 128080
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 151505
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 151505
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 151505
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14fc20
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba72a4 => 08ba72a4
43:04:997 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba72a4
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba7344 to 08ba7370
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 0e8080
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 050505
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 050505
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 050505
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c120
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba7348 => 08ba7348
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba7348
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba73e8 to 08ba7414
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 050505
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 050505
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 050505
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c120
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba73ec => 08ba73ec
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba73ec
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba745c to 08ba7488
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 050505
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 050505
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 050505
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c120
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba7460 => 08ba7460
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba7460
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba74d0 to 08ba74fc
43:04:998 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 050505
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 050505
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 050505
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c120
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba74d4 => 08ba74d4
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba74d4
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba7544 to 08ba7570
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 050505
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 050505
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 050505
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c120
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba7548 => 08ba7548
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba7548
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba75b8 to 08ba75e4
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 161607
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 161607
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 161607
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14e820
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba75bc => 08ba75bc
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba75bc
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba762c to 08ba7658
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 161606
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 161606
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 161606
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c120
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba7630 => 08ba7630
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba7630
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba76a0 to 08ba76cc
43:04:999 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 141406
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 141406
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 141406
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c120
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba76a4 => 08ba76a4
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba76a4
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba7714 to 08ba7740
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 1e1e0f
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 1e1e0f
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 1e1e0f
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c120
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba7718 => 08ba7718
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba7718
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba7788 to 08ba77b4
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 161607
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 161607
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 161607
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c120
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba778c => 08ba778c
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba778c
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba77fc to 08ba7828
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 050505
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 050505
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 050505
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14e820
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:000 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba7800 => 08ba7800
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba7800
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba7870 to 08ba789c
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 161607
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 161607
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 161607
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14e820
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba7874 => 08ba7874
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba7874
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba78e4 to 08ba7910
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 161607
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 161607
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 161607
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14e820
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba78e8 => 08ba78e8
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba78e8
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba7958 to 08ba7984
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 050505
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 050505
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 050505
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14e820
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba795c => 08ba795c
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba795c
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba79cc to 08ba79f8
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 161607
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 161607
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 161607
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14e820
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:001 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba79d0 => 08ba79d0
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba79d0
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba7a40 to 08ba7a6c
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 17170c
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 17170c
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 17170c
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14e820
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba7a44 => 08ba7a44
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba7a44
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba7ab4 to 08ba7ae0
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 161607
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 161607
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 161607
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14e820
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba7ab8 => 08ba7ab8
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba7ab8
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba7b28 to 08ba7b54
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 161607
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 161607
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 161607
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14e820
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba7b2c => 08ba7b2c
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba7b2c
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba7b9c to 08ba7bc8
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 17170c
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 17170c
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 17170c
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14e820
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:002 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba7ba0 => 08ba7ba0
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba7ba0
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba7c10 to 08ba7c3c
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 17170c
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 17170c
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 17170c
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14e820
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba7c14 => 08ba7c14
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba7c14
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba7c84 to 08ba7cb0
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 128080
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 1c1c0d
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 1c1c0d
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 1c1c0d
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14fc00
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba7c88 => 08ba7c88
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba7c88
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba7d28 to 08ba7d54
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 0e8080
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:003 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 1e1e0f
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 1e1e0f
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 1e1e0f
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba7d2c => 08ba7d2c
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba7d2c
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba7dcc to 08ba7df8
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 17170d
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 17170d
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 17170d
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba7dd0 => 08ba7dd0
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba7dd0
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba7e40 to 08ba7e6c
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 1f1f15
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 1f1f15
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 1f1f15
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba7e44 => 08ba7e44
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba7e44
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba7eb4 to 08ba7ee0
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 141406
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 141406
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 141406
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba7eb8 => 08ba7eb8
43:05:004 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba7eb8
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba7f28 to 08ba7f54
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 128080
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 1c1c0e
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 1c1c0e
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 1c1c0e
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14fc00
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba7f2c => 08ba7f2c
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba7f2c
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba7fcc to 08ba7ff8
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 0e8080
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 1f1f15
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 1f1f15
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 1f1f15
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba7fd0 => 08ba7fd0
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba7fd0
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba8070 to 08ba809c
43:05:005 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 1e1e0c
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 1e1e0c
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 1e1e0c
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba8074 => 08ba8074
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba8074
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba80e4 to 08ba8110
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 26261d
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 26261d
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 26261d
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba80e8 => 08ba80e8
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba80e8
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba8158 to 08ba8184
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 17170d
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 17170d
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 17170d
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba815c => 08ba815c
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba815c
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba81cc to 08ba81f8
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 1e1e15
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 1e1e15
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 1e1e15
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14e800
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:006 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba81d0 => 08ba81d0
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba81d0
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba8240 to 08ba826c
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 1e1e15
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 1e1e15
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 1e1e15
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14e800
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba8244 => 08ba8244
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba8244
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba82b4 to 08ba82e0
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 1f1f15
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 1f1f15
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 1f1f15
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14e800
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba82b8 => 08ba82b8
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba82b8
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba8328 to 08ba8354
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 1f1f15
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 1f1f15
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 1f1f15
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14e800
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba832c => 08ba832c
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba832c
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba839c to 08ba83c8
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 1f1f15
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 1f1f15
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 1f1f15
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14e800
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba83a0 => 08ba83a0
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba83a0
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba8410 to 08ba843c
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:007 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 1f1f15
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 1f1f15
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 1f1f15
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14e800
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba8414 => 08ba8414
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba8414
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba8484 to 08ba84b0
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 1f1f15
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 1f1f15
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 1f1f15
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14e800
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba8488 => 08ba8488
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba8488
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba84f8 to 08ba8524
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 1f1f15
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 1f1f15
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 1f1f15
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14e800
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba84fc => 08ba84fc
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba84fc
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba856c to 08ba8598
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 0e8180
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 050505
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 050505
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 050505
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14f000
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba8570 => 08ba8570
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba8570
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:008 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba8610 to 08ba863c
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 128080
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 262614
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 262614
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 262614
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14fc00
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba8614 => 08ba8614
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba8614
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba86b4 to 08ba86e0
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 262614
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 262614
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 262614
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14f900
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba86b8 => 08ba86b8
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba86b8
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba8728 to 08ba8754
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 0e8180
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 1e1e15
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 1e1e15
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 1e1e15
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14f000
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:009 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba872c => 08ba872c
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba872c
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba87cc to 08ba87f8
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 050505
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 050505
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 050505
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14f000
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba87d0 => 08ba87d0
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba87d0
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba8840 to 08ba886c
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 1e1e15
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 1e1e15
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 1e1e15
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14f000
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba8844 => 08ba8844
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba8844
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba88b4 to 08ba88e0
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 050505
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 050505
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 050505
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14f000
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba88b8 => 08ba88b8
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba88b8
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba8928 to 08ba8954
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 1e1e15
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 1e1e15
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 1e1e15
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14f000
43:05:010 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba892c => 08ba892c
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba892c
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba899c to 08ba89c8
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 050505
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 050505
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 050505
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14f000
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba89a0 => 08ba89a0
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba89a0
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba8a10 to 08ba8a3c
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 1f1f16
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 1f1f16
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 1f1f16
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14f000
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba8a14 => 08ba8a14
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba8a14
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 1
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba8a84 to 08ba8ab0
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 088080
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: reverse subtract fixed, fixed
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: ffffff
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: ffffff
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 848484
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 848484
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 848484
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:011 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 127680
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba8a88 => 08ba8a88
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba8a88
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba8b28 to 08ba8b54
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 0e8080
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 26261c
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 26261c
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 26261c
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba8b2c => 08ba8b2c
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba8b2c
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba8bcc to 08ba8bf8
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 1e1e15
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 1e1e15
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 1e1e15
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba8bd0 => 08ba8bd0
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba8bd0
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba8c40 to 08ba8c64
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:012 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 088180
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: ffffff
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: ffffff
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 272716
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 272716
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 272716
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148c00
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba8c44 => 08ba8c44
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08ba8c44
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba8cdc to 08ba8d08
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 0e8080
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 2f2f27
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 2f2f27
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 2f2f27
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba8ce0 => 08ba8ce0
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba8ce0
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba8d80 to 08ba8dac
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 1e1e0d
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 1e1e0d
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 1e1e0d
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:013 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba8d84 => 08ba8d84
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba8d84
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba8df4 to 08ba8e18
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 088180
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: ffffff
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: ffffff
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 272716
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 272716
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 272716
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148c00
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba8df8 => 08ba8df8
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08ba8df8
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba8e90 to 08ba8eb4
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 272716
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 272716
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 272716
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148c00
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba8e94 => 08ba8e94
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08ba8e94
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba8efc to 08ba8f28
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 272716
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 272716
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 272716
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148c00
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba8f00 => 08ba8f00
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba8f00
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba8f70 to 08ba8f9c
43:05:014 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 272716
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 272716
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 272716
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148c00
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba8f74 => 08ba8f74
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba8f74
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba8fe4 to 08ba9010
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 0e8100
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 050505
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 050505
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 050505
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14ec00
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba8fe8 => 08ba8fe8
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba8fe8
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba9088 to 08ba90b4
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 128080
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 2d2d1c
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 2d2d1c
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 2d2d1c
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14fc00
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:015 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba908c => 08ba908c
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba908c
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba912c to 08ba9158
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 2d2d1c
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 2d2d1c
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 2d2d1c
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14f900
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba9130 => 08ba9130
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba9130
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba91a0 to 08ba91cc
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 0e8100
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 050505
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 050505
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 050505
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14ec00
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba91a4 => 08ba91a4
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba91a4
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba9244 to 08ba9270
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 050505
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 050505
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 050505
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14ec00
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba9248 => 08ba9248
43:05:016 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba9248
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba92b8 to 08ba92e4
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 050505
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 050505
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 050505
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14ec00
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba92bc => 08ba92bc
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba92bc
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 1
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba932c to 08ba9358
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 088080
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: reverse subtract fixed, fixed
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: ffffff
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: ffffff
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 848484
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 848484
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 848484
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 127680
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba9330 => 08ba9330
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba9330
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba93d0 to 08ba93fc
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 0e8080
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:017 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 2e2e26
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 2e2e26
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 2e2e26
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba93d4 => 08ba93d4
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba93d4
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba9474 to 08ba94a0
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 27271c
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 27271c
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 27271c
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba9478 => 08ba9478
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba9478
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba94e8 to 08ba950c
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 088180
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: ffffff
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: ffffff
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 2f2f1f
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 2f2f1f
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 2f2f1f
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148c00
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba94ec => 08ba94ec
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08ba94ec
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:018 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba9584 to 08ba95b0
43:05:019 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:019 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:05:019 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:05:019 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:05:019 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:019 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:019 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 0e8080
43:05:019 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:019 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:05:019 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:019 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:05:019 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:019 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:05:019 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:019 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:05:019 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:019 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:019 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:019 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:019 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 3f3f34
43:05:019 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:019 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:019 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 3f3f34
43:05:019 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:019 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 3f3f34
43:05:019 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:019 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:019 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:019 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:019 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:019 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:019 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba9588 => 08ba9588
43:05:019 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba9588
43:05:019 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:019 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:019 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:019 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:019 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba9628 to 08ba9654
43:05:019 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:019 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:019 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:019 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:019 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 1e1e16
43:05:019 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:019 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:019 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 1e1e16
43:05:019 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:019 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 1e1e16
43:05:019 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:019 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:019 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:019 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:019 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:019 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba962c => 08ba962c
43:05:019 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba962c
43:05:019 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:019 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:019 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:019 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:019 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba969c to 08ba96c0
43:05:019 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:019 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:05:019 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:05:019 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:05:019 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:019 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:019 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 088180
43:05:019 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: ffffff
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: ffffff
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 2f2f1f
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 2f2f1f
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 2f2f1f
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148c00
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba96a0 => 08ba96a0
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08ba96a0
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba9738 to 08ba975c
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 2f2f1f
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 2f2f1f
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 2f2f1f
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148c00
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba973c => 08ba973c
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08ba973c
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba97a4 to 08ba97d0
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 2f2f1f
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 2f2f1f
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 2f2f1f
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148c00
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba97a8 => 08ba97a8
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba97a8
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba9818 to 08ba9844
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 2f2f1f
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 2f2f1f
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 2f2f1f
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148c00
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba981c => 08ba981c
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba981c
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:020 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba988c to 08ba98b0
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 128080
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 3c3c2e
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 3c3c2e
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 3c3c2e
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14fc00
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba9890 => 08ba9890
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08ba9890
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba9928 to 08ba9954
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 363627
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 363627
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 363627
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14fc00
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba992c => 08ba992c
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba992c
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba999c to 08ba99c8
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 363627
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 363627
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 363627
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14fc00
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba99a0 => 08ba99a0
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba99a0
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba9a10 to 08ba9a3c
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:021 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 0e8080
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 454537
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 454537
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 454537
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba9a14 => 08ba9a14
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba9a14
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba9ab4 to 08ba9ae0
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 27271c
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 27271c
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 27271c
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba9ab8 => 08ba9ab8
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba9ab8
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba9b28 to 08ba9b54
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 46463c
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 46463c
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 46463c
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba9b2c => 08ba9b2c
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba9b2c
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba9b9c to 08ba9bc8
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 27271c
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 27271c
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 27271c
43:05:022 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba9ba0 => 08ba9ba0
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba9ba0
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba9c10 to 08ba9c3c
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 27271c
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 27271c
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 27271c
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba9c14 => 08ba9c14
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba9c14
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba9c84 to 08ba9ca8
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 088180
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: ffffff
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: ffffff
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 35352f
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 35352f
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 35352f
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148c00
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba9c88 => 08ba9c88
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08ba9c88
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba9d20 to 08ba9d44
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 35352f
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 35352f
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 35352f
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148c00
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba9d24 => 08ba9d24
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08ba9d24
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 1
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:023 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba9d8c to 08ba9db8
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 088080
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: reverse subtract fixed, fixed
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: ffffff
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: ffffff
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 848484
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 848484
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 848484
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 127680
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba9d90 => 08ba9d90
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba9d90
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba9e30 to 08ba9e5c
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 088180
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: ffffff
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: ffffff
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 35352f
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 35352f
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 35352f
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148c00
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba9e34 => 08ba9e34
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba9e34
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba9ed4 to 08ba9f00
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 35352f
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 35352f
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 35352f
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148c00
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:024 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba9ed8 => 08ba9ed8
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba9ed8
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba9f48 to 08ba9f74
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 0e8080
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 4f4f46
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 4f4f46
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 4f4f46
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba9f4c => 08ba9f4c
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba9f4c
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08ba9fec to 08baa018
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 088180
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: ffffff
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: ffffff
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 35352f
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 35352f
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 35352f
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148c00
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: ba9ff0 => 08ba9ff0
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08ba9ff0
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baa090 to 08baa0bc
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:025 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 35352f
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 35352f
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 35352f
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148c00
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baa094 => 08baa094
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08baa094
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baa104 to 08baa128
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 35352f
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 35352f
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 35352f
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148c00
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baa108 => 08baa108
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08baa108
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baa170 to 08baa19c
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 35352f
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 35352f
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 35352f
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148c00
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baa174 => 08baa174
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08baa174
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baa1e4 to 08baa210
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 128080
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 3c3c2e
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 3c3c2e
43:05:026 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 3c3c2e
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14fc00
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baa1e8 => 08baa1e8
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08baa1e8
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baa288 to 08baa2b4
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 3c3c2e
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 3c3c2e
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 3c3c2e
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14fc00
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baa28c => 08baa28c
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08baa28c
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baa2fc to 08baa328
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 0e8080
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 4f4f46
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 4f4f46
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 4f4f46
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baa300 => 08baa300
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08baa300
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baa3a0 to 08baa3cc
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 26261c
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 26261c
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 26261c
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:027 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baa3a4 => 08baa3a4
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08baa3a4
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baa414 to 08baa440
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 4f4f46
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 4f4f46
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 4f4f46
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baa418 => 08baa418
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08baa418
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baa488 to 08baa4b4
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 27271d
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 27271d
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 27271d
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baa48c => 08baa48c
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08baa48c
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baa4fc to 08baa520
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 128080
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 4d4d45
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 4d4d45
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 4d4d45
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14fc00
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baa500 => 08baa500
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08baa500
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baa598 to 08baa5c4
43:05:028 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 444437
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 444437
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 444437
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14fc00
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baa59c => 08baa59c
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08baa59c
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baa60c to 08baa638
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 444437
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 444437
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 444437
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14fc00
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baa610 => 08baa610
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08baa610
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baa680 to 08baa6ac
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 0e8080
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 56564e
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 56564e
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 56564e
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baa684 => 08baa684
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08baa684
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baa724 to 08baa750
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 2f2f26
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:029 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 2f2f26
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 2f2f26
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baa728 => 08baa728
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08baa728
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baa798 to 08baa7c4
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 57574f
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 57574f
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 57574f
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baa79c => 08baa79c
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08baa79c
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baa80c to 08baa838
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 2f2f26
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 2f2f26
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 2f2f26
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baa810 => 08baa810
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08baa810
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baa880 to 08baa8ac
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 2f2f26
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 2f2f26
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 2f2f26
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baa884 => 08baa884
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08baa884
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baa8f4 to 08baa920
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 65655f
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 65655f
43:05:030 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 65655f
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baa8f8 => 08baa8f8
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08baa8f8
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baa968 to 08baa994
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 128080
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 4d4d45
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 4d4d45
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 4d4d45
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14fc00
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baa96c => 08baa96c
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08baa96c
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baaa0c to 08baaa38
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 4d4d45
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 4d4d45
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 4d4d45
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14fc00
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baaa10 => 08baaa10
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08baaa10
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baaa80 to 08baaaac
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 0e8080
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:031 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 65655f
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 65655f
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 65655f
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baaa84 => 08baaa84
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08baaa84
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baab24 to 08baab50
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 34342c
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 34342c
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 34342c
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baab28 => 08baab28
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08baab28
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baab98 to 08baabc4
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 666664
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 666664
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 666664
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baab9c => 08baab9c
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08baab9c
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baac0c to 08baac38
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 34342d
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 34342d
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 34342d
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baac10 => 08baac10
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08baac10
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baac80 to 08baacac
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:05:032 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 128080
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 55554f
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 55554f
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 55554f
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14fc00
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baac84 => 08baac84
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08baac84
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baad24 to 08baad50
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 55554f
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 55554f
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 55554f
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14fc00
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baad28 => 08baad28
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08baad28
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baad98 to 08baadc4
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 0e8080
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7c7c74
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7c7c74
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7c7c74
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baad9c => 08baad9c
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08baad9c
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:033 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baae3c to 08baae68
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 373735
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 373735
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 373735
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baae40 => 08baae40
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08baae40
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baaeb0 to 08baaedc
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7d7d76
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7d7d76
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7d7d76
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baaeb4 => 08baaeb4
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08baaeb4
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baaf24 to 08baaf50
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 373735
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 373735
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 373735
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baaf28 => 08baaf28
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08baaf28
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baaf98 to 08baafc4
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 373735
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 373735
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 373735
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baaf9c => 08baaf9c
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08baaf9c
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:034 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bab00c to 08bab038
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 979796
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 979796
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 979796
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bab010 => 08bab010
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bab010
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bab080 to 08bab0ac
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 128080
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 656565
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 656565
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 656565
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14fc00
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bab084 => 08bab084
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bab084
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bab124 to 08bab150
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 656565
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 656565
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 656565
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14fc00
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bab128 => 08bab128
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bab128
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bab198 to 08bab1c4
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:035 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 0e8080
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 979796
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 979796
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 979796
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bab19c => 08bab19c
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bab19c
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bab23c to 08bab268
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 44443c
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 44443c
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 44443c
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bab240 => 08bab240
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bab240
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bab2b0 to 08bab2dc
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 44443c
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 44443c
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 44443c
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bab2b4 => 08bab2b4
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bab2b4
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bab324 to 08bab350
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 44443c
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 44443c
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 44443c
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bab328 => 08bab328
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bab328
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:036 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bab398 to 08bab3c4
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 44443c
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 44443c
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 44443c
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bab39c => 08bab39c
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bab39c
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bab40c to 08bab430
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 44443c
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 44443c
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 44443c
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bab410 => 08bab410
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08bab410
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bab478 to 08bab4a4
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 959594
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 959594
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 959594
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bab47c => 08bab47c
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bab47c
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bab4ec to 08bab518
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 44443c
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 44443c
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 44443c
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bab4f0 => 08bab4f0
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bab4f0
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:037 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bab560 to 08bab58c
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 44443c
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 44443c
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 44443c
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bab564 => 08bab564
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bab564
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bab5d4 to 08bab600
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 44443c
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 44443c
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 44443c
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bab5d8 => 08bab5d8
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bab5d8
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bab648 to 08bab674
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 44443c
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 44443c
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 44443c
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bab64c => 08bab64c
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bab64c
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bab6bc to 08bab6e8
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 128080
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7e
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7e
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7e
43:05:038 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14fc00
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bab6c0 => 08bab6c0
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bab6c0
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bab760 to 08bab78c
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7e
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7e
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7e
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14fc00
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bab764 => 08bab764
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bab764
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bab7d4 to 08bab800
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 0e8080
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 9c9c9c
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 9c9c9c
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 9c9c9c
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bab7d8 => 08bab7d8
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bab7d8
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bab878 to 08bab8a4
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 4c4c4f
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 4c4c4f
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 4c4c4f
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bab87c => 08bab87c
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bab87c
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:039 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bab8ec to 08bab918
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 4c4c4f
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 4c4c4f
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 4c4c4f
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bab8f0 => 08bab8f0
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bab8f0
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bab960 to 08bab98c
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 4c4c4f
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 4c4c4f
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 4c4c4f
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bab964 => 08bab964
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bab964
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bab9d4 to 08baba00
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 4c4c4f
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 4c4c4f
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 4c4c4f
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bab9d8 => 08bab9d8
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bab9d8
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baba48 to 08baba6c
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 4c4c4f
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 4c4c4f
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 4c4c4f
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baba4c => 08baba4c
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08baba4c
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08babab4 to 08babae0
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:040 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 9c9c9c
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 9c9c9c
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 9c9c9c
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: babab8 => 08babab8
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08babab8
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08babb28 to 08babb54
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 9c9c9c
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 9c9c9c
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 9c9c9c
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: babb2c => 08babb2c
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08babb2c
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08babb9c to 08babbc8
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 9c9c9c
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 9c9c9c
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 9c9c9c
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: babba0 => 08babba0
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08babba0
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08babc10 to 08babc3c
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 9c9c9c
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 9c9c9c
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 9c9c9c
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: babc14 => 08babc14
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08babc14
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08babc84 to 08babca8
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 9c9c9c
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 9c9c9c
43:05:041 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 9c9c9c
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: babc88 => 08babc88
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08babc88
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08babcf0 to 08babd1c
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 4d4d4c
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 4d4d4c
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 4d4d4c
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: babcf4 => 08babcf4
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08babcf4
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08babd64 to 08babd90
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 4d4d4c
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 4d4d4c
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 4d4d4c
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: babd68 => 08babd68
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08babd68
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08babdd8 to 08babe04
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 4d4d4c
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 4d4d4c
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 4d4d4c
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: babddc => 08babddc
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08babddc
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08babe4c to 08babe78
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 4d4d4c
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 4d4d4c
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 4d4d4c
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: babe50 => 08babe50
43:05:042 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08babe50
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08babec0 to 08babee4
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 4d4d4c
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 4d4d4c
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 4d4d4c
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: babec4 => 08babec4
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08babec4
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08babf2c to 08babf58
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 979796
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 979796
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 979796
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: babf30 => 08babf30
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08babf30
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08babfa0 to 08babfcc
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 4c4c4f
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 4c4c4f
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 4c4c4f
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: babfa4 => 08babfa4
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08babfa4
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bac014 to 08bac040
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 128080
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:043 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14fc00
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bac018 => 08bac018
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bac018
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bac0b8 to 08bac0e4
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14fc00
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bac0bc => 08bac0bc
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bac0bc
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bac12c to 08bac158
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 0e8080
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 9c9c9c
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 9c9c9c
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 9c9c9c
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bac130 => 08bac130
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bac130
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bac1d0 to 08bac1fc
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 9c9c9c
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 9c9c9c
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 9c9c9c
43:05:044 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bac1d4 => 08bac1d4
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bac1d4
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bac244 to 08bac270
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 9c9c9c
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 9c9c9c
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 9c9c9c
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bac248 => 08bac248
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bac248
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bac2b8 to 08bac2e4
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 9c9c9c
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 9c9c9c
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 9c9c9c
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bac2bc => 08bac2bc
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bac2bc
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bac32c to 08bac350
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 9c9c9c
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 9c9c9c
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 9c9c9c
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bac330 => 08bac330
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08bac330
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bac398 to 08bac3bc
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 9c9c9c
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 9c9c9c
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 9c9c9c
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bac39c => 08bac39c
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08bac39c
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:045 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bac404 to 08bac430
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 4e4e4e
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 4e4e4e
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 4e4e4e
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bac408 => 08bac408
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bac408
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bac478 to 08bac4a4
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 4e4e4e
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 4e4e4e
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 4e4e4e
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bac47c => 08bac47c
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bac47c
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bac4ec to 08bac518
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 4e4e4e
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 4e4e4e
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 4e4e4e
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bac4f0 => 08bac4f0
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bac4f0
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bac560 to 08bac58c
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 4e4e4e
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 4e4e4e
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 4e4e4e
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bac564 => 08bac564
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bac564
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bac5d4 to 08bac5f8
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:046 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 4e4e4e
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 4e4e4e
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 4e4e4e
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bac5d8 => 08bac5d8
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08bac5d8
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bac640 to 08bac664
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 4e4e4e
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 4e4e4e
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 4e4e4e
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bac644 => 08bac644
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08bac644
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bac6ac to 08bac6d0
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 4e4e4e
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 4e4e4e
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 4e4e4e
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bac6b0 => 08bac6b0
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08bac6b0
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bac718 to 08bac744
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 9c9c9c
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 9c9c9c
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 9c9c9c
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bac71c => 08bac71c
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bac71c
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bac78c to 08bac7b8
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 9c9c9c
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 9c9c9c
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 9c9c9c
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:047 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bac790 => 08bac790
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bac790
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bac800 to 08bac82c
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 9c9c9c
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 9c9c9c
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 9c9c9c
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bac804 => 08bac804
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bac804
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bac874 to 08bac8a0
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 9c9c9c
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 9c9c9c
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 9c9c9c
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bac878 => 08bac878
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bac878
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bac8e8 to 08bac914
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 4e4e4e
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 4e4e4e
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 4e4e4e
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bac8ec => 08bac8ec
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bac8ec
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bac95c to 08bac988
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 4e4e4e
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 4e4e4e
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 4e4e4e
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bac960 => 08bac960
43:05:048 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bac960
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bac9d0 to 08bac9fc
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 4e4e4e
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 4e4e4e
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 4e4e4e
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bac9d4 => 08bac9d4
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bac9d4
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baca44 to 08baca70
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 4e4e4e
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 4e4e4e
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 4e4e4e
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baca48 => 08baca48
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08baca48
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bacab8 to 08bacae4
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 6e6e6e
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 6e6e6e
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 6e6e6e
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bacabc => 08bacabc
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bacabc
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bacb2c to 08bacb58
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 6e6e6e
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 6e6e6e
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 6e6e6e
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bacb30 => 08bacb30
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bacb30
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bacba0 to 08bacbcc
43:05:049 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 6e6e6e
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 6e6e6e
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 6e6e6e
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bacba4 => 08bacba4
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bacba4
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bacc14 to 08bacc40
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 6e6e6e
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 6e6e6e
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 6e6e6e
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bacc18 => 08bacc18
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bacc18
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bacc88 to 08baccac
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 6e6e6e
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 6e6e6e
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 6e6e6e
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bacc8c => 08bacc8c
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08bacc8c
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baccf4 to 08bacd20
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 128080
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14fc00
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baccf8 => 08baccf8
43:05:050 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08baccf8
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bacd98 to 08bacdc4
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14fc00
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bacd9c => 08bacd9c
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bacd9c
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bace0c to 08bace30
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14fc00
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bace10 => 08bace10
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08bace10
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bace78 to 08bace9c
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14fc00
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bace7c => 08bace7c
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08bace7c
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bacee4 to 08bacf10
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14fc00
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bacee8 => 08bacee8
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bacee8
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bacf58 to 08bacf84
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:051 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14fc00
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bacf5c => 08bacf5c
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bacf5c
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bacfcc to 08bacff0
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14fc00
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bacfd0 => 08bacfd0
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08bacfd0
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bad038 to 08bad064
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14fc00
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bad03c => 08bad03c
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bad03c
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bad0ac to 08bad0d8
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14fc00
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bad0b0 => 08bad0b0
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bad0b0
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bad120 to 08bad14c
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 0e8080
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:052 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 6e6e6e
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 6e6e6e
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 6e6e6e
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bad124 => 08bad124
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bad124
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bad1c4 to 08bad1f0
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 6e6e6e
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 6e6e6e
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 6e6e6e
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bad1c8 => 08bad1c8
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bad1c8
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bad238 to 08bad264
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 6e6e6e
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 6e6e6e
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 6e6e6e
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bad23c => 08bad23c
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bad23c
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bad2ac to 08bad2d8
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 6e6e6e
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 6e6e6e
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 6e6e6e
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bad2b0 => 08bad2b0
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bad2b0
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:053 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bad320 to 08bad344
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 6e6e6e
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 6e6e6e
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 6e6e6e
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bad324 => 08bad324
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08bad324
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bad38c to 08bad3b0
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 6e6e6e
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 6e6e6e
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 6e6e6e
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bad390 => 08bad390
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08bad390
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bad3f8 to 08bad424
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 6e6e6e
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 6e6e6e
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 6e6e6e
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bad3fc => 08bad3fc
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bad3fc
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bad46c to 08bad498
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 6e6e6e
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 6e6e6e
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 6e6e6e
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bad470 => 08bad470
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bad470
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bad4e0 to 08bad50c
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 6e6e6e
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 6e6e6e
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 6e6e6e
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:054 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bad4e4 => 08bad4e4
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bad4e4
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bad554 to 08bad580
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 6e6e6e
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 6e6e6e
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 6e6e6e
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bad558 => 08bad558
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bad558
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bad5c8 to 08bad5ec
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 6e6e6e
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 6e6e6e
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 6e6e6e
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bad5cc => 08bad5cc
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08bad5cc
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bad634 to 08bad660
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 4e4e4e
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 4e4e4e
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 4e4e4e
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bad638 => 08bad638
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bad638
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bad6a8 to 08bad6d4
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 4e4e4e
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 4e4e4e
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 4e4e4e
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:055 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bad6ac => 08bad6ac
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bad6ac
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bad71c to 08bad748
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 4e4e4e
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 4e4e4e
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 4e4e4e
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bad720 => 08bad720
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bad720
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bad790 to 08bad7bc
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 4e4e4e
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 4e4e4e
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 4e4e4e
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bad794 => 08bad794
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bad794
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bad804 to 08bad828
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 4e4e4e
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 4e4e4e
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 4e4e4e
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bad808 => 08bad808
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08bad808
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bad870 to 08bad894
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 4e4e4e
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 4e4e4e
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 4e4e4e
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bad874 => 08bad874
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08bad874
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bad8dc to 08bad908
43:05:056 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 4e4e4e
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 4e4e4e
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 4e4e4e
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bad8e0 => 08bad8e0
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bad8e0
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bad950 to 08bad97c
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 4e4e4e
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 4e4e4e
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 4e4e4e
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bad954 => 08bad954
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bad954
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bad9c4 to 08bad9f0
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 4e4e4e
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 4e4e4e
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 4e4e4e
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bad9c8 => 08bad9c8
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bad9c8
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bada38 to 08bada64
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 4e4e4e
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 4e4e4e
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 4e4e4e
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bada3c => 08bada3c
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bada3c
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08badaac to 08badad0
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 4e4e4e
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 4e4e4e
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 4e4e4e
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:057 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: badab0 => 08badab0
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08badab0
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08badb18 to 08badb44
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 4e4e4e
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 4e4e4e
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 4e4e4e
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: badb1c => 08badb1c
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08badb1c
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08badb8c to 08badbb8
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 4e4e4e
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 4e4e4e
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 4e4e4e
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: badb90 => 08badb90
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08badb90
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08badc00 to 08badc2c
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 4e4e4e
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 4e4e4e
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 4e4e4e
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: badc04 => 08badc04
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08badc04
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08badc74 to 08badca0
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 4e4e4e
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 4e4e4e
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 4e4e4e
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: badc78 => 08badc78
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08badc78
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:058 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08badce8 to 08badd0c
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 4e4e4e
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 4e4e4e
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 4e4e4e
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: badcec => 08badcec
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08badcec
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08badd54 to 08badd80
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 128080
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14fc00
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: badd58 => 08badd58
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08badd58
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baddf8 to 08bade24
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14fc00
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baddfc => 08baddfc
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08baddfc
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bade6c to 08bade98
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14fc00
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:059 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bade70 => 08bade70
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bade70
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08badee0 to 08badf0c
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14fc00
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: badee4 => 08badee4
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08badee4
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08badf54 to 08badf80
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14fc00
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: badf58 => 08badf58
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08badf58
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08badfc8 to 08badff4
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14fc00
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: badfcc => 08badfcc
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08badfcc
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bae03c to 08bae068
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 088080
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:060 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bae040 => 08bae040
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bae040
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bae0e0 to 08bae10c
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bae0e4 => 08bae0e4
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bae0e4
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bae154 to 08bae180
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bae158 => 08bae158
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bae158
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bae1c8 to 08bae1f4
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bae1cc => 08bae1cc
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bae1cc
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bae23c to 08bae260
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bae240 => 08bae240
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08bae240
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bae2a8 to 08bae2cc
43:05:061 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bae2ac => 08bae2ac
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08bae2ac
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bae314 to 08bae338
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 108180
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14a500
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bae318 => 08bae318
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08bae318
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bae3b0 to 08bae3d4
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 088080
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bae3b4 => 08bae3b4
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08bae3b4
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:062 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bae44c to 08bae478
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bae450 => 08bae450
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bae450
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bae4c0 to 08bae4ec
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bae4c4 => 08bae4c4
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bae4c4
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bae534 to 08bae558
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bae538 => 08bae538
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08bae538
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bae5a0 to 08bae5c4
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bae5a4 => 08bae5a4
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08bae5a4
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bae60c to 08bae630
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:063 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 108180
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14a500
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bae610 => 08bae610
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08bae610
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bae6a8 to 08bae6cc
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14a500
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bae6ac => 08bae6ac
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08bae6ac
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bae714 to 08bae738
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14a500
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bae718 => 08bae718
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08bae718
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bae780 to 08bae7ac
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 088080
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:064 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bae784 => 08bae784
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bae784
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bae824 to 08bae850
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bae828 => 08bae828
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bae828
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 1
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bae898 to 08bae8c4
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 088080
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: reverse subtract fixed, fixed
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: ffffff
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: ffffff
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 848484
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 848484
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 848484
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 127680
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bae89c => 08bae89c
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bae89c
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bae93c to 08bae968
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:05:065 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 088080
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bae940 => 08bae940
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bae940
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bae9e0 to 08baea0c
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bae9e4 => 08bae9e4
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bae9e4
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baea54 to 08baea80
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 108180
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14a500
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baea58 => 08baea58
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08baea58
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:066 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baeaf8 to 08baeb24
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14a500
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baeafc => 08baeafc
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08baeafc
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baeb6c to 08baeb98
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14a500
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baeb70 => 08baeb70
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08baeb70
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baebe0 to 08baec04
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14a500
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baebe4 => 08baebe4
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08baebe4
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baec4c to 08baec70
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14a500
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baec50 => 08baec50
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08baec50
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baecb8 to 08baecdc
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14a500
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:067 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baecbc => 08baecbc
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08baecbc
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baed24 to 08baed48
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14a500
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baed28 => 08baed28
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08baed28
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baed90 to 08baedbc
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 088080
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baed94 => 08baed94
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08baed94
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baee34 to 08baee58
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baee38 => 08baee38
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08baee38
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baeea0 to 08baeec4
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:068 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baeea4 => 08baeea4
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08baeea4
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baef0c to 08baef38
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baef10 => 08baef10
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08baef10
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baef80 to 08baefac
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baef84 => 08baef84
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08baef84
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baeff4 to 08baf018
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 108180
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14a500
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:069 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baeff8 => 08baeff8
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08baeff8
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baf090 to 08baf0b4
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14a500
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baf094 => 08baf094
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08baf094
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baf0fc to 08baf128
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14a500
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baf100 => 08baf100
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08baf100
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baf170 to 08baf194
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14a500
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baf174 => 08baf174
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08baf174
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baf1dc to 08baf208
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 088080
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:070 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baf1e0 => 08baf1e0
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08baf1e0
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baf280 to 08baf2ac
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baf284 => 08baf284
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08baf284
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baf2f4 to 08baf320
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baf2f8 => 08baf2f8
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08baf2f8
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baf368 to 08baf394
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baf36c => 08baf36c
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08baf36c
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baf3dc to 08baf408
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:071 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baf3e0 => 08baf3e0
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08baf3e0
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baf450 to 08baf474
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baf454 => 08baf454
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08baf454
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baf4bc to 08baf4e8
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baf4c0 => 08baf4c0
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08baf4c0
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baf530 to 08baf554
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baf534 => 08baf534
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08baf534
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baf59c to 08baf5c8
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baf5a0 => 08baf5a0
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08baf5a0
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baf610 to 08baf63c
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:072 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baf614 => 08baf614
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08baf614
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baf684 to 08baf6b0
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baf688 => 08baf688
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08baf688
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baf6f8 to 08baf724
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baf6fc => 08baf6fc
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08baf6fc
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baf76c to 08baf798
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baf770 => 08baf770
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08baf770
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baf7e0 to 08baf80c
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 108180
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:073 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14a500
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baf7e4 => 08baf7e4
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08baf7e4
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baf884 to 08baf8a8
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14a500
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baf888 => 08baf888
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08baf888
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baf8f0 to 08baf914
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14a500
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baf8f4 => 08baf8f4
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08baf8f4
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baf95c to 08baf980
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14a500
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baf960 => 08baf960
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08baf960
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baf9c8 to 08baf9ec
43:05:074 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14a500
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baf9cc => 08baf9cc
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08baf9cc
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bafa34 to 08bafa58
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14a500
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bafa38 => 08bafa38
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08bafa38
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bafaa0 to 08bafac4
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14a500
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bafaa4 => 08bafaa4
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08bafaa4
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bafb0c to 08bafb30
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14a500
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bafb10 => 08bafb10
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08bafb10
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bafb78 to 08bafb9c
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:075 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14a500
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bafb7c => 08bafb7c
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08bafb7c
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bafbe4 to 08bafc10
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 088080
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bafbe8 => 08bafbe8
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bafbe8
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bafc88 to 08bafcb4
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bafc8c => 08bafc8c
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bafc8c
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bafcfc to 08bafd20
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bafd00 => 08bafd00
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08bafd00
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bafd68 to 08bafd8c
43:05:076 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bafd6c => 08bafd6c
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08bafd6c
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bafdd4 to 08bafdf8
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bafdd8 => 08bafdd8
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08bafdd8
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bafe40 to 08bafe6c
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bafe44 => 08bafe44
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bafe44
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bafeb4 to 08bafee0
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bafeb8 => 08bafeb8
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bafeb8
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baff28 to 08baff4c
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:077 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baff2c => 08baff2c
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08baff2c
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08baff94 to 08baffb8
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: baff98 => 08baff98
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08baff98
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb0000 to 08bb0024
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb0004 => 08bb0004
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08bb0004
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb006c to 08bb0098
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb0070 => 08bb0070
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb0070
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb00e0 to 08bb010c
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb00e4 => 08bb00e4
43:05:078 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb00e4
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb0154 to 08bb0178
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb0158 => 08bb0158
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08bb0158
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb01c0 to 08bb01e4
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb01c4 => 08bb01c4
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08bb01c4
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb022c to 08bb0258
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb0230 => 08bb0230
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb0230
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb02a0 to 08bb02cc
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb02a4 => 08bb02a4
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb02a4
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb0314 to 08bb0340
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:079 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb0318 => 08bb0318
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb0318
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb0388 to 08bb03b4
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb038c => 08bb038c
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb038c
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb03fc to 08bb0428
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb0400 => 08bb0400
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb0400
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb0470 to 08bb049c
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb0474 => 08bb0474
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb0474
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb04e4 to 08bb0508
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb04e8 => 08bb04e8
43:05:080 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08bb04e8
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb0550 to 08bb0574
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb0554 => 08bb0554
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08bb0554
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb05bc to 08bb05e8
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb05c0 => 08bb05c0
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb05c0
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb0630 to 08bb065c
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb0634 => 08bb0634
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb0634
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb06a4 to 08bb06d0
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb06a8 => 08bb06a8
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb06a8
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:081 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb0718 to 08bb0744
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb071c => 08bb071c
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb071c
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb078c to 08bb07b0
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb0790 => 08bb0790
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08bb0790
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb07f8 to 08bb081c
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb07fc => 08bb07fc
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08bb07fc
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb0864 to 08bb0888
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 108180
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:082 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14a500
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb0868 => 08bb0868
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08bb0868
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb0900 to 08bb0924
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14a500
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb0904 => 08bb0904
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08bb0904
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb096c to 08bb0990
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14a500
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb0970 => 08bb0970
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08bb0970
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb09d8 to 08bb09fc
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14a500
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb09dc => 08bb09dc
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08bb09dc
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb0a44 to 08bb0a68
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14a500
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb0a48 => 08bb0a48
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08bb0a48
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:083 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb0ab0 to 08bb0ad4
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14a500
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb0ab4 => 08bb0ab4
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08bb0ab4
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb0b1c to 08bb0b48
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 088080
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb0b20 => 08bb0b20
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb0b20
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb0bc0 to 08bb0be4
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb0bc4 => 08bb0bc4
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08bb0bc4
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb0c2c to 08bb0c58
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb0c30 => 08bb0c30
43:05:084 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb0c30
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb0ca0 to 08bb0cc4
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb0ca4 => 08bb0ca4
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08bb0ca4
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb0d0c to 08bb0d38
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb0d10 => 08bb0d10
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb0d10
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb0d80 to 08bb0da4
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb0d84 => 08bb0d84
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08bb0d84
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb0dec to 08bb0e18
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb0df0 => 08bb0df0
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb0df0
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb0e60 to 08bb0e84
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:085 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb0e64 => 08bb0e64
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08bb0e64
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb0ecc to 08bb0ef8
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb0ed0 => 08bb0ed0
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb0ed0
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb0f40 to 08bb0f6c
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb0f44 => 08bb0f44
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb0f44
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb0fb4 to 08bb0fe0
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb0fb8 => 08bb0fb8
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb0fb8
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb1028 to 08bb1054
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb102c => 08bb102c
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb102c
43:05:086 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb109c to 08bb10c8
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb10a0 => 08bb10a0
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb10a0
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb1110 to 08bb113c
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb1114 => 08bb1114
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb1114
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb1184 to 08bb11b0
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb1188 => 08bb1188
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb1188
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb11f8 to 08bb1224
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb11fc => 08bb11fc
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb11fc
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb126c to 08bb1298
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:087 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb1270 => 08bb1270
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb1270
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb12e0 to 08bb1304
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb12e4 => 08bb12e4
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08bb12e4
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb134c to 08bb1370
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb1350 => 08bb1350
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08bb1350
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb13b8 to 08bb13e4
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb13bc => 08bb13bc
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb13bc
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb142c to 08bb1458
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb1430 => 08bb1430
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb1430
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:088 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb14a0 to 08bb14cc
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb14a4 => 08bb14a4
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb14a4
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb1514 to 08bb1540
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb1518 => 08bb1518
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb1518
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb1588 to 08bb15ac
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb158c => 08bb158c
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08bb158c
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb15f4 to 08bb1618
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb15f8 => 08bb15f8
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08bb15f8
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb1660 to 08bb168c
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 108180
43:05:089 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14a500
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb1664 => 08bb1664
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb1664
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb1704 to 08bb1730
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14a500
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb1708 => 08bb1708
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb1708
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb1778 to 08bb17a4
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14a500
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb177c => 08bb177c
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb177c
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb17ec to 08bb1818
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14a500
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb17f0 => 08bb17f0
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb17f0
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb1860 to 08bb1884
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:090 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14a500
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb1864 => 08bb1864
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08bb1864
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb18cc to 08bb18f0
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14a500
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb18d0 => 08bb18d0
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08bb18d0
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb1938 to 08bb195c
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14a500
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb193c => 08bb193c
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08bb193c
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb19a4 to 08bb19c8
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14a500
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb19a8 => 08bb19a8
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08bb19a8
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb1a10 to 08bb1a34
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14a500
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb1a14 => 08bb1a14
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08bb1a14
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:091 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb1a7c to 08bb1aa0
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14a500
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb1a80 => 08bb1a80
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08bb1a80
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb1ae8 to 08bb1b0c
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14a500
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb1aec => 08bb1aec
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08bb1aec
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb1b54 to 08bb1b78
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14a500
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb1b58 => 08bb1b58
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08bb1b58
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb1bc0 to 08bb1be4
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14a500
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb1bc4 => 08bb1bc4
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08bb1bc4
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb1c2c to 08bb1c50
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:092 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14a500
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb1c30 => 08bb1c30
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08bb1c30
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb1c98 to 08bb1cc4
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 088080
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb1c9c => 08bb1c9c
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb1c9c
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb1d3c to 08bb1d68
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb1d40 => 08bb1d40
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb1d40
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb1db0 to 08bb1ddc
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb1db4 => 08bb1db4
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb1db4
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb1e24 to 08bb1e50
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:093 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb1e28 => 08bb1e28
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb1e28
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb1e98 to 08bb1ebc
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 108180
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14a500
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb1e9c => 08bb1e9c
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08bb1e9c
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb1f34 to 08bb1f58
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14a500
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb1f38 => 08bb1f38
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08bb1f38
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb1fa0 to 08bb1fcc
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 088080
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:05:094 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb1fa4 => 08bb1fa4
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb1fa4
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb2044 to 08bb2070
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 148000
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb2048 => 08bb2048
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb2048
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb20b8 to 08bb20e4
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 108180
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14a500
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb20bc => 08bb20bc
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb20bc
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb215c to 08bb2188
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14a500
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb2160 => 08bb2160
43:05:095 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb2160
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb21d0 to 08bb21fc
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14a500
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb21d4 => 08bb21d4
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb21d4
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb2244 to 08bb2270
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 7f7f7f
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 7f7f7f
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 7f7f7f
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14a500
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb2248 => 08bb2248
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb2248
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb22b8 to 08bb22e4
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 0e8080
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 4e4e4e
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 4e4e4e
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 4e4e4e
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb22bc => 08bb22bc
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb22bc
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb235c to 08bb2388
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:096 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 4e4e4e
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 4e4e4e
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 4e4e4e
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb2360 => 08bb2360
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb2360
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb23d0 to 08bb23fc
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 4e4e4e
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 4e4e4e
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 4e4e4e
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb23d4 => 08bb23d4
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb23d4
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb2444 to 08bb2470
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 4e4e4e
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 4e4e4e
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 4e4e4e
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb2448 => 08bb2448
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb2448
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb24b8 to 08bb24dc
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 4e4e4e
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 4e4e4e
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 4e4e4e
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb24bc => 08bb24bc
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08bb24bc
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb2524 to 08bb2548
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 4e4e4e
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 4e4e4e
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 4e4e4e
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:097 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb2528 => 08bb2528
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08bb2528
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb2590 to 08bb25bc
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 4e4e4e
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 4e4e4e
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 4e4e4e
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb2594 => 08bb2594
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb2594
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb2604 to 08bb2630
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 4e4e4e
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 4e4e4e
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 4e4e4e
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb2608 => 08bb2608
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb2608
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb2678 to 08bb26a4
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 4e4e4e
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 4e4e4e
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 4e4e4e
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb267c => 08bb267c
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb267c
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb26ec to 08bb2718
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 4e4e4e
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 4e4e4e
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 4e4e4e
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb26f0 => 08bb26f0
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb26f0
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb2760 to 08bb2784
43:05:098 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 4e4e4e
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 4e4e4e
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 4e4e4e
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb2764 => 08bb2764
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08bb2764
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb27cc to 08bb27f0
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 4e4e4e
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 4e4e4e
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 4e4e4e
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 14c100
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb27d0 => 08bb27d0
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 3 vaddr= 08bb27d0
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 128180
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 1
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb2868 to 08bb2884
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 1
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 0
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 0
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 808080
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 808080
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 808080
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, s16 positions
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb286c => 08bb286c
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb286c
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Scissor TL: 28, 36
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Scissor BR: 135, 89
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Region TL: 0 0
43:05:099 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Region BR: 135 89
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Scissor TL: 28, 36
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Scissor BR: 135, 89
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Region TL: 0 0
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Region BR: 135 89
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 1
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb28ec to 08bb2918
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 108080
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: c4c4c4
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: c4c4c4
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: c4c4c4
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 127280
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb28f0 => 08bb28f0
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb28f0
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 1
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb2990 to 08bb29bc
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: c4c4c4
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: c4c4c4
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: c4c4c4
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 127280
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb2994 => 08bb2994
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb2994
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 1
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb2a04 to 08bb2a30
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: c4c4c4
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: c4c4c4
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: c4c4c4
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 127280
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb2a08 => 08bb2a08
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb2a08
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 1
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:100 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb2a78 to 08bb2aa4
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: c4c4c4
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: c4c4c4
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: c4c4c4
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 127280
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb2a7c => 08bb2a7c
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb2a7c
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 1
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb2aec to 08bb2b18
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: c4c4c4
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: c4c4c4
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: c4c4c4
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 127280
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb2af0 => 08bb2af0
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb2af0
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 1
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb2b60 to 08bb2b8c
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: c4c4c4
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: c4c4c4
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: c4c4c4
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 127280
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb2b64 => 08bb2b64
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb2b64
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 1
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb2bd4 to 08bb2c00
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: c4c4c4
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: c4c4c4
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: c4c4c4
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 127280
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb2bd8 => 08bb2bd8
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb2bd8
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 1
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb2c48 to 08bb2c74
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: c4c4c4
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: c4c4c4
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: c4c4c4
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 127280
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:101 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb2c4c => 08bb2c4c
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb2c4c
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 1
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb2cbc to 08bb2ce8
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: c4c4c4
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: c4c4c4
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: c4c4c4
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 127280
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb2cc0 => 08bb2cc0
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb2cc0
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Scissor TL: 0, 0
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Scissor BR: 639, 239
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Region TL: 0 0
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Region BR: 639 239
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Scissor TL: 0, 0
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Scissor BR: 639, 239
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Region TL: 0 0
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Region BR: 639 239
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb2d50 to 08bb2d84
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 0
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000001 (gouraud)
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, ABGR 8888 colors, s16 positions
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb2d54 => 08bb2d54
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb2d54
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb2db0 to 08bb2ddc
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 848484
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 848484
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 848484
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 127080
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb2db4 => 08bb2db4
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb2db4
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb2e24 to 08bb2e50
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:102 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 848484
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 848484
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 848484
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 127080
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb2e28 => 08bb2e28
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb2e28
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb2e98 to 08bb2ec4
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 848484
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 848484
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 848484
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 127080
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb2e9c => 08bb2e9c
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb2e9c
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb2f0c to 08bb2f38
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 108080
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: reverse subtract fixed, fixed
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: ffffff
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: ffffff
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 040404
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 040404
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 040404
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 127080
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb2f10 => 08bb2f10
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb2f10
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb2fb0 to 08bb2fdc
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000004 (CLUT4)
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 108080
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000808, width : 256, height : 256
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend mode: add fixed, fixed
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:103 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix A: 808080
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Blend fix B: 808080
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 848484
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 848484
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 848484
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 1272a0
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb2fb4 => 08bb2fb4
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb2fb4
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb3054 to 08bb3080
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 848484
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 848484
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 848484
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 1272a0
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb3058 => 08bb3058
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb3058
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb30c8 to 08bb30f4
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 848484
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 848484
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 848484
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 1272a0
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb30cc => 08bb30cc
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb30cc
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb313c to 08bb3168
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 848484
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 848484
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 848484
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 1272a0
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb3140 => 08bb3140
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb3140
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb31b0 to 08bb31dc
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 848484
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 848484
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 848484
43:05:104 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 1272a0
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb31b4 => 08bb31b4
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb31b4
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb3224 to 08bb3250
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 848484
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 848484
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 848484
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 127080
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb3228 => 08bb3228
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb3228
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb3298 to 08bb32c4
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 848484
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 848484
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 848484
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 127080
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb329c => 08bb329c
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb329c
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb330c to 08bb3338
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 848484
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 848484
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 848484
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 127080
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb3310 => 08bb3310
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb3310
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 1
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb3380 to 08bb33ac
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate color double
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: 848484
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 000080
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: 848484
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: 848484
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT base addr: 127080
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CLUT addr upper 00040000
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clut load: 000010
43:05:105 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb3384 => 08bb3384
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 4: TRIANGLE_STRIP count: 4 vaddr= 08bb3384
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 FramebufPixelFormat: 1
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 FramebufPtr: 00044000
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 FramebufWidth: 200, address high 00
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Zbuf ptr: 088000
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Zbuf width: 000200
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Scissor TL: 0, 0
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Scissor BR: 479, 271
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Region TL: 0 0
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Region BR: 479 271
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Scissor TL: 0, 0
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Scissor BR: 479, 271
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Region TL: 0 0
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Region BR: 479 271
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb3420 to 08bb343c
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clear mode: 000101 (on, color)
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, ABGR 8888 colors, s16 positions
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb3424 => 08bb3424
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 6: RECTANGLES count: 2 vaddr= 08bb3424
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Clear mode: 000000 (off)
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Color test enable: 0
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Dither enable: 0
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha test enable: 0
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Z test enable: 0
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Alpha blend enable: 0
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Antialias enable: 0
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture map enable: 1
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFunc 0 RGBA modulate
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Shade: 000000 (flat)
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material ambient color: ffffff
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material alpha color: 0000ff
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material diffuse color: ffffff
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Material specular color: ffffff
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFilter min: 1 mag: 1
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexSync
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexMode 000000 (no swizzle, 0 levels, shared clut)
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFormat 000001 (5551)
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 150000
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000909, width : 512, height : 512
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb34b0 to 08bb34c8
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb34b4 => 08bb34b4
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 6: RECTANGLES count: 2 vaddr= 08bb34b4
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:106 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture address 0: 150280
43:05:107 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture BUFWIDTH 0: 040400
43:05:107 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 Texture size 0: 000909, width : 512, height : 512
43:05:107 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 TexFlush
43:05:107 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:107 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD JUMP - 08bb34ec to 08bb3504
43:05:107 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 SetVertexType: through, u16 texcoords, s16 positions
43:05:107 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 BASE: 080000
43:05:107 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 VADDR: bb34f0 => 08bb34f0
43:05:107 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 DrawPrim type 6: RECTANGLES count: 2 vaddr= 08bb34f0
43:05:107 user_main N[G3D]: GLES\GLES_GPU.cpp:652 ================ FLUSH ================
43:05:107 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD FINISH 000000
43:05:107 user_main N[G3D]: GPUCommon.cpp:548 CMD END
43:18:486 user_main I[G3D]: GLES\TextureCache.cpp:93 Texture cached cleared from 53 textures
43:18:486 user_main I[SCEGE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1487 Destroying FBO for 00000000 : 480 x 272 x 1
43:18:486 user_main I[SCEGE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1487 Destroying FBO for 00044000 : 480 x 272 x 1
43:18:486 user_main I[SCEGE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1487 Destroying FBO for 00150000 : 480 x 272 x 1
43:18:509 user_main I[LOAD]: Config.cpp:607 Config saved: C:\Users\Kristal\Favorites\Desktop\ppsspp\memstick/PSP/SYSTEM/ppsspp.ini
43:18:510 user_main I[LOAD]: Config.cpp:619 Controller config saved: C:\Users\Kristal\Favorites\Desktop\ppsspp\memstick/PSP/SYSTEM/controls.ini
43:18:530 user_main I[LOAD]: Config.cpp:607 Config saved: C:\Users\Kristal\Favorites\Desktop\ppsspp\memstick/PSP/SYSTEM/ppsspp.ini
43:18:531 user_main I[LOAD]: Config.cpp:619 Controller config saved: C:\Users\Kristal\Favorites\Desktop\ppsspp\memstick/PSP/SYSTEM/controls.ini
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