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Last active January 8, 2021 23:11
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bundle test
!function(e){if("object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module)module.exports=e();else if("function"==typeof define&&define.amd)define([],e);else{var f;"undefined"!=typeof window?f=window:"undefined"!=typeof global?f=global:"undefined"!=typeof self&&(f=self),f.blobStream=e()}}(function(){var define,module,exports;return (function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o<r.length;o++)s(r[o]);return s})({1:[function(require,module,exports){
(function (global){
* Create a blob builder even when vendor prefixes exist
var BlobBuilder = global.BlobBuilder
|| global.WebKitBlobBuilder
|| global.MSBlobBuilder
|| global.MozBlobBuilder;
* Check if Blob constructor is supported
var blobSupported = (function() {
try {
var a = new Blob(['hi']);
return a.size === 2;
} catch(e) {
return false;
* Check if Blob constructor supports ArrayBufferViews
* Fails in Safari 6, so we need to map to ArrayBuffers there.
var blobSupportsArrayBufferView = blobSupported && (function() {
try {
var b = new Blob([new Uint8Array([1,2])]);
return b.size === 2;
} catch(e) {
return false;
* Check if BlobBuilder is supported
var blobBuilderSupported = BlobBuilder
&& BlobBuilder.prototype.append
&& BlobBuilder.prototype.getBlob;
* Helper function that maps ArrayBufferViews to ArrayBuffers
* Used by BlobBuilder constructor and old browsers that didn't
* support it in the Blob constructor.
function mapArrayBufferViews(ary) {
for (var i = 0; i < ary.length; i++) {
var chunk = ary[i];
if (chunk.buffer instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
var buf = chunk.buffer;
// if this is a subarray, make a copy so we only
// include the subarray region from the underlying buffer
if (chunk.byteLength !== buf.byteLength) {
var copy = new Uint8Array(chunk.byteLength);
copy.set(new Uint8Array(buf, chunk.byteOffset, chunk.byteLength));
buf = copy.buffer;
ary[i] = buf;
function BlobBuilderConstructor(ary, options) {
options = options || {};
var bb = new BlobBuilder();
for (var i = 0; i < ary.length; i++) {
return (options.type) ? bb.getBlob(options.type) : bb.getBlob();
function BlobConstructor(ary, options) {
return new Blob(ary, options || {});
module.exports = (function() {
if (blobSupported) {
return blobSupportsArrayBufferView ? global.Blob : BlobConstructor;
} else if (blobBuilderSupported) {
return BlobBuilderConstructor;
} else {
return undefined;
}).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {})
(function (global){
var WritableStream = require('stream').Writable;
var util = require('util');
var Blob = require('blob');
var URL = global.URL || global.webkitURL || global.mozURL;
function BlobStream() {
if (!(this instanceof BlobStream))
return new BlobStream;;
this._chunks = [];
this._blob = null;
this.length = 0;
util.inherits(BlobStream, WritableStream);
BlobStream.prototype._write = function(chunk, encoding, callback) {
// convert chunks to Uint8Arrays (e.g. Buffer when array fallback is being used)
if (!(chunk instanceof Uint8Array))
chunk = new Uint8Array(chunk);
this.length += chunk.length;
BlobStream.prototype.toBlob = function(type) {
type = type || 'application/octet-stream';
// cache the blob if needed
if (!this._blob) {
this._blob = new Blob(this._chunks, {
type: type
this._chunks = []; // free memory
// if the cached blob's type doesn't match the requested type, make a new blob
if (this._blob.type !== type)
this._blob = new Blob([this._blob], { type: type });
return this._blob;
BlobStream.prototype.toBlobURL = function(type) {
return URL.createObjectURL(this.toBlob(type));
module.exports = BlobStream;
}).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {})
* The buffer module from node.js, for the browser.
* @author Feross Aboukhadijeh <> <>
* @license MIT
var base64 = require('base64-js')
var ieee754 = require('ieee754')
var isArray = require('is-array')
exports.Buffer = Buffer
exports.SlowBuffer = Buffer
exports.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES = 50
Buffer.poolSize = 8192 // not used by this implementation
var kMaxLength = 0x3fffffff
* === true Use Uint8Array implementation (fastest)
* === false Use Object implementation (most compatible, even IE6)
* Browsers that support typed arrays are IE 10+, Firefox 4+, Chrome 7+, Safari 5.1+,
* Opera 11.6+, iOS 4.2+.
* Note:
* - Implementation must support adding new properties to `Uint8Array` instances.
* Firefox 4-29 lacked support, fixed in Firefox 30+.
* See:
* - Chrome 9-10 is missing the `TypedArray.prototype.subarray` function.
* - IE10 has a broken `TypedArray.prototype.subarray` function which returns arrays of
* incorrect length in some situations.
* We detect these buggy browsers and set `Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT` to `false` so they will
* get the Object implementation, which is slower but will work correctly.
Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT = (function () {
try {
var buf = new ArrayBuffer(0)
var arr = new Uint8Array(buf) = function () { return 42 }
return 42 === && // typed array instances can be augmented
typeof arr.subarray === 'function' && // chrome 9-10 lack `subarray`
new Uint8Array(1).subarray(1, 1).byteLength === 0 // ie10 has broken `subarray`
} catch (e) {
return false
* Class: Buffer
* =============
* The Buffer constructor returns instances of `Uint8Array` that are augmented
* with function properties for all the node `Buffer` API functions. We use
* `Uint8Array` so that square bracket notation works as expected -- it returns
* a single octet.
* By augmenting the instances, we can avoid modifying the `Uint8Array`
* prototype.
function Buffer (subject, encoding, noZero) {
if (!(this instanceof Buffer))
return new Buffer(subject, encoding, noZero)
var type = typeof subject
// Find the length
var length
if (type === 'number')
length = subject > 0 ? subject >>> 0 : 0
else if (type === 'string') {
if (encoding === 'base64')
subject = base64clean(subject)
length = Buffer.byteLength(subject, encoding)
} else if (type === 'object' && subject !== null) { // assume object is array-like
if (subject.type === 'Buffer' && isArray(
subject =
length = +subject.length > 0 ? Math.floor(+subject.length) : 0
} else
throw new TypeError('must start with number, buffer, array or string')
if (this.length > kMaxLength)
throw new RangeError('Attempt to allocate Buffer larger than maximum ' +
'size: 0x' + kMaxLength.toString(16) + ' bytes')
var buf
// Preferred: Return an augmented `Uint8Array` instance for best performance
buf = Buffer._augment(new Uint8Array(length))
} else {
// Fallback: Return THIS instance of Buffer (created by `new`)
buf = this
buf.length = length
buf._isBuffer = true
var i
if (Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT && typeof subject.byteLength === 'number') {
// Speed optimization -- use set if we're copying from a typed array
} else if (isArrayish(subject)) {
// Treat array-ish objects as a byte array
if (Buffer.isBuffer(subject)) {
for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
buf[i] = subject.readUInt8(i)
} else {
for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
buf[i] = ((subject[i] % 256) + 256) % 256
} else if (type === 'string') {
buf.write(subject, 0, encoding)
} else if (type === 'number' && !Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT && !noZero) {
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
buf[i] = 0
return buf
Buffer.isBuffer = function (b) {
return !!(b != null && b._isBuffer)
} = function (a, b) {
if (!Buffer.isBuffer(a) || !Buffer.isBuffer(b))
throw new TypeError('Arguments must be Buffers')
var x = a.length
var y = b.length
for (var i = 0, len = Math.min(x, y); i < len && a[i] === b[i]; i++) {}
if (i !== len) {
x = a[i]
y = b[i]
if (x < y) return -1
if (y < x) return 1
return 0
Buffer.isEncoding = function (encoding) {
switch (String(encoding).toLowerCase()) {
case 'hex':
case 'utf8':
case 'utf-8':
case 'ascii':
case 'binary':
case 'base64':
case 'raw':
case 'ucs2':
case 'ucs-2':
case 'utf16le':
case 'utf-16le':
return true
return false
Buffer.concat = function (list, totalLength) {
if (!isArray(list)) throw new TypeError('Usage: Buffer.concat(list[, length])')
if (list.length === 0) {
return new Buffer(0)
} else if (list.length === 1) {
return list[0]
var i
if (totalLength === undefined) {
totalLength = 0
for (i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
totalLength += list[i].length
var buf = new Buffer(totalLength)
var pos = 0
for (i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
var item = list[i]
item.copy(buf, pos)
pos += item.length
return buf
Buffer.byteLength = function (str, encoding) {
var ret
str = str + ''
switch (encoding || 'utf8') {
case 'ascii':
case 'binary':
case 'raw':
ret = str.length
case 'ucs2':
case 'ucs-2':
case 'utf16le':
case 'utf-16le':
ret = str.length * 2
case 'hex':
ret = str.length >>> 1
case 'utf8':
case 'utf-8':
ret = utf8ToBytes(str).length
case 'base64':
ret = base64ToBytes(str).length
ret = str.length
return ret
// pre-set for values that may exist in the future
Buffer.prototype.length = undefined
Buffer.prototype.parent = undefined
// toString(encoding, start=0, end=buffer.length)
Buffer.prototype.toString = function (encoding, start, end) {
var loweredCase = false
start = start >>> 0
end = end === undefined || end === Infinity ? this.length : end >>> 0
if (!encoding) encoding = 'utf8'
if (start < 0) start = 0
if (end > this.length) end = this.length
if (end <= start) return ''
while (true) {
switch (encoding) {
case 'hex':
return hexSlice(this, start, end)
case 'utf8':
case 'utf-8':
return utf8Slice(this, start, end)
case 'ascii':
return asciiSlice(this, start, end)
case 'binary':
return binarySlice(this, start, end)
case 'base64':
return base64Slice(this, start, end)
case 'ucs2':
case 'ucs-2':
case 'utf16le':
case 'utf-16le':
return utf16leSlice(this, start, end)
if (loweredCase)
throw new TypeError('Unknown encoding: ' + encoding)
encoding = (encoding + '').toLowerCase()
loweredCase = true
Buffer.prototype.equals = function (b) {
if(!Buffer.isBuffer(b)) throw new TypeError('Argument must be a Buffer')
return, b) === 0
Buffer.prototype.inspect = function () {
var str = ''
var max = exports.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES
if (this.length > 0) {
str = this.toString('hex', 0, max).match(/.{2}/g).join(' ')
if (this.length > max)
str += ' ... '
return '<Buffer ' + str + '>'
} = function (b) {
if (!Buffer.isBuffer(b)) throw new TypeError('Argument must be a Buffer')
return, b)
// `get` will be removed in Node 0.13+
Buffer.prototype.get = function (offset) {
console.log('.get() is deprecated. Access using array indexes instead.')
return this.readUInt8(offset)
// `set` will be removed in Node 0.13+
Buffer.prototype.set = function (v, offset) {
console.log('.set() is deprecated. Access using array indexes instead.')
return this.writeUInt8(v, offset)
function hexWrite (buf, string, offset, length) {
offset = Number(offset) || 0
var remaining = buf.length - offset
if (!length) {
length = remaining
} else {
length = Number(length)
if (length > remaining) {
length = remaining
// must be an even number of digits
var strLen = string.length
if (strLen % 2 !== 0) throw new Error('Invalid hex string')
if (length > strLen / 2) {
length = strLen / 2
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
var byte = parseInt(string.substr(i * 2, 2), 16)
if (isNaN(byte)) throw new Error('Invalid hex string')
buf[offset + i] = byte
return i
function utf8Write (buf, string, offset, length) {
var charsWritten = blitBuffer(utf8ToBytes(string), buf, offset, length)
return charsWritten
function asciiWrite (buf, string, offset, length) {
var charsWritten = blitBuffer(asciiToBytes(string), buf, offset, length)
return charsWritten
function binaryWrite (buf, string, offset, length) {
return asciiWrite(buf, string, offset, length)
function base64Write (buf, string, offset, length) {
var charsWritten = blitBuffer(base64ToBytes(string), buf, offset, length)
return charsWritten
function utf16leWrite (buf, string, offset, length) {
var charsWritten = blitBuffer(utf16leToBytes(string), buf, offset, length)
return charsWritten
Buffer.prototype.write = function (string, offset, length, encoding) {
// Support both (string, offset, length, encoding)
// and the legacy (string, encoding, offset, length)
if (isFinite(offset)) {
if (!isFinite(length)) {
encoding = length
length = undefined
} else { // legacy
var swap = encoding
encoding = offset
offset = length
length = swap
offset = Number(offset) || 0
var remaining = this.length - offset
if (!length) {
length = remaining
} else {
length = Number(length)
if (length > remaining) {
length = remaining
encoding = String(encoding || 'utf8').toLowerCase()
var ret
switch (encoding) {
case 'hex':
ret = hexWrite(this, string, offset, length)
case 'utf8':
case 'utf-8':
ret = utf8Write(this, string, offset, length)
case 'ascii':
ret = asciiWrite(this, string, offset, length)
case 'binary':
ret = binaryWrite(this, string, offset, length)
case 'base64':
ret = base64Write(this, string, offset, length)
case 'ucs2':
case 'ucs-2':
case 'utf16le':
case 'utf-16le':
ret = utf16leWrite(this, string, offset, length)
throw new TypeError('Unknown encoding: ' + encoding)
return ret
Buffer.prototype.toJSON = function () {
return {
type: 'Buffer',
data: || this, 0)
function base64Slice (buf, start, end) {
if (start === 0 && end === buf.length) {
return base64.fromByteArray(buf)
} else {
return base64.fromByteArray(buf.slice(start, end))
function utf8Slice (buf, start, end) {
var res = ''
var tmp = ''
end = Math.min(buf.length, end)
for (var i = start; i < end; i++) {
if (buf[i] <= 0x7F) {
res += decodeUtf8Char(tmp) + String.fromCharCode(buf[i])
tmp = ''
} else {
tmp += '%' + buf[i].toString(16)
return res + decodeUtf8Char(tmp)
function asciiSlice (buf, start, end) {
var ret = ''
end = Math.min(buf.length, end)
for (var i = start; i < end; i++) {
ret += String.fromCharCode(buf[i])
return ret
function binarySlice (buf, start, end) {
return asciiSlice(buf, start, end)
function hexSlice (buf, start, end) {
var len = buf.length
if (!start || start < 0) start = 0
if (!end || end < 0 || end > len) end = len
var out = ''
for (var i = start; i < end; i++) {
out += toHex(buf[i])
return out
function utf16leSlice (buf, start, end) {
var bytes = buf.slice(start, end)
var res = ''
for (var i = 0; i < bytes.length; i += 2) {
res += String.fromCharCode(bytes[i] + bytes[i + 1] * 256)
return res
Buffer.prototype.slice = function (start, end) {
var len = this.length
start = ~~start
end = end === undefined ? len : ~~end
if (start < 0) {
start += len;
if (start < 0)
start = 0
} else if (start > len) {
start = len
if (end < 0) {
end += len
if (end < 0)
end = 0
} else if (end > len) {
end = len
if (end < start)
end = start
return Buffer._augment(this.subarray(start, end))
} else {
var sliceLen = end - start
var newBuf = new Buffer(sliceLen, undefined, true)
for (var i = 0; i < sliceLen; i++) {
newBuf[i] = this[i + start]
return newBuf
* Need to make sure that buffer isn't trying to write out of bounds.
function checkOffset (offset, ext, length) {
if ((offset % 1) !== 0 || offset < 0)
throw new RangeError('offset is not uint')
if (offset + ext > length)
throw new RangeError('Trying to access beyond buffer length')
Buffer.prototype.readUInt8 = function (offset, noAssert) {
if (!noAssert)
checkOffset(offset, 1, this.length)
return this[offset]
Buffer.prototype.readUInt16LE = function (offset, noAssert) {
if (!noAssert)
checkOffset(offset, 2, this.length)
return this[offset] | (this[offset + 1] << 8)
Buffer.prototype.readUInt16BE = function (offset, noAssert) {
if (!noAssert)
checkOffset(offset, 2, this.length)
return (this[offset] << 8) | this[offset + 1]
Buffer.prototype.readUInt32LE = function (offset, noAssert) {
if (!noAssert)
checkOffset(offset, 4, this.length)
return ((this[offset]) |
(this[offset + 1] << 8) |
(this[offset + 2] << 16)) +
(this[offset + 3] * 0x1000000)
Buffer.prototype.readUInt32BE = function (offset, noAssert) {
if (!noAssert)
checkOffset(offset, 4, this.length)
return (this[offset] * 0x1000000) +
((this[offset + 1] << 16) |
(this[offset + 2] << 8) |
this[offset + 3])
Buffer.prototype.readInt8 = function (offset, noAssert) {
if (!noAssert)
checkOffset(offset, 1, this.length)
if (!(this[offset] & 0x80))
return (this[offset])
return ((0xff - this[offset] + 1) * -1)
Buffer.prototype.readInt16LE = function (offset, noAssert) {
if (!noAssert)
checkOffset(offset, 2, this.length)
var val = this[offset] | (this[offset + 1] << 8)
return (val & 0x8000) ? val | 0xFFFF0000 : val
Buffer.prototype.readInt16BE = function (offset, noAssert) {
if (!noAssert)
checkOffset(offset, 2, this.length)
var val = this[offset + 1] | (this[offset] << 8)
return (val & 0x8000) ? val | 0xFFFF0000 : val
Buffer.prototype.readInt32LE = function (offset, noAssert) {
if (!noAssert)
checkOffset(offset, 4, this.length)
return (this[offset]) |
(this[offset + 1] << 8) |
(this[offset + 2] << 16) |
(this[offset + 3] << 24)
Buffer.prototype.readInt32BE = function (offset, noAssert) {
if (!noAssert)
checkOffset(offset, 4, this.length)
return (this[offset] << 24) |
(this[offset + 1] << 16) |
(this[offset + 2] << 8) |
(this[offset + 3])
Buffer.prototype.readFloatLE = function (offset, noAssert) {
if (!noAssert)
checkOffset(offset, 4, this.length)
return, offset, true, 23, 4)
Buffer.prototype.readFloatBE = function (offset, noAssert) {
if (!noAssert)
checkOffset(offset, 4, this.length)
return, offset, false, 23, 4)
Buffer.prototype.readDoubleLE = function (offset, noAssert) {
if (!noAssert)
checkOffset(offset, 8, this.length)
return, offset, true, 52, 8)
Buffer.prototype.readDoubleBE = function (offset, noAssert) {
if (!noAssert)
checkOffset(offset, 8, this.length)
return, offset, false, 52, 8)
function checkInt (buf, value, offset, ext, max, min) {
if (!Buffer.isBuffer(buf)) throw new TypeError('buffer must be a Buffer instance')
if (value > max || value < min) throw new TypeError('value is out of bounds')
if (offset + ext > buf.length) throw new TypeError('index out of range')
Buffer.prototype.writeUInt8 = function (value, offset, noAssert) {
value = +value
offset = offset >>> 0
if (!noAssert)
checkInt(this, value, offset, 1, 0xff, 0)
if (!Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT) value = Math.floor(value)
this[offset] = value
return offset + 1
function objectWriteUInt16 (buf, value, offset, littleEndian) {
if (value < 0) value = 0xffff + value + 1
for (var i = 0, j = Math.min(buf.length - offset, 2); i < j; i++) {
buf[offset + i] = (value & (0xff << (8 * (littleEndian ? i : 1 - i)))) >>>
(littleEndian ? i : 1 - i) * 8
Buffer.prototype.writeUInt16LE = function (value, offset, noAssert) {
value = +value
offset = offset >>> 0
if (!noAssert)
checkInt(this, value, offset, 2, 0xffff, 0)
this[offset] = value
this[offset + 1] = (value >>> 8)
} else objectWriteUInt16(this, value, offset, true)
return offset + 2
Buffer.prototype.writeUInt16BE = function (value, offset, noAssert) {
value = +value
offset = offset >>> 0
if (!noAssert)
checkInt(this, value, offset, 2, 0xffff, 0)
this[offset] = (value >>> 8)
this[offset + 1] = value
} else objectWriteUInt16(this, value, offset, false)
return offset + 2
function objectWriteUInt32 (buf, value, offset, littleEndian) {
if (value < 0) value = 0xffffffff + value + 1
for (var i = 0, j = Math.min(buf.length - offset, 4); i < j; i++) {
buf[offset + i] = (value >>> (littleEndian ? i : 3 - i) * 8) & 0xff
Buffer.prototype.writeUInt32LE = function (value, offset, noAssert) {
value = +value
offset = offset >>> 0
if (!noAssert)
checkInt(this, value, offset, 4, 0xffffffff, 0)
this[offset + 3] = (value >>> 24)
this[offset + 2] = (value >>> 16)
this[offset + 1] = (value >>> 8)
this[offset] = value
} else objectWriteUInt32(this, value, offset, true)
return offset + 4
Buffer.prototype.writeUInt32BE = function (value, offset, noAssert) {
value = +value
offset = offset >>> 0
if (!noAssert)
checkInt(this, value, offset, 4, 0xffffffff, 0)
this[offset] = (value >>> 24)
this[offset + 1] = (value >>> 16)
this[offset + 2] = (value >>> 8)
this[offset + 3] = value
} else objectWriteUInt32(this, value, offset, false)
return offset + 4
Buffer.prototype.writeInt8 = function (value, offset, noAssert) {
value = +value
offset = offset >>> 0
if (!noAssert)
checkInt(this, value, offset, 1, 0x7f, -0x80)
if (!Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT) value = Math.floor(value)
if (value < 0) value = 0xff + value + 1
this[offset] = value
return offset + 1
Buffer.prototype.writeInt16LE = function (value, offset, noAssert) {
value = +value
offset = offset >>> 0
if (!noAssert)
checkInt(this, value, offset, 2, 0x7fff, -0x8000)
this[offset] = value
this[offset + 1] = (value >>> 8)
} else objectWriteUInt16(this, value, offset, true)
return offset + 2
Buffer.prototype.writeInt16BE = function (value, offset, noAssert) {
value = +value
offset = offset >>> 0
if (!noAssert)
checkInt(this, value, offset, 2, 0x7fff, -0x8000)
this[offset] = (value >>> 8)
this[offset + 1] = value
} else objectWriteUInt16(this, value, offset, false)
return offset + 2
Buffer.prototype.writeInt32LE = function (value, offset, noAssert) {
value = +value
offset = offset >>> 0
if (!noAssert)
checkInt(this, value, offset, 4, 0x7fffffff, -0x80000000)
this[offset] = value
this[offset + 1] = (value >>> 8)
this[offset + 2] = (value >>> 16)
this[offset + 3] = (value >>> 24)
} else objectWriteUInt32(this, value, offset, true)
return offset + 4
Buffer.prototype.writeInt32BE = function (value, offset, noAssert) {
value = +value
offset = offset >>> 0
if (!noAssert)
checkInt(this, value, offset, 4, 0x7fffffff, -0x80000000)
if (value < 0) value = 0xffffffff + value + 1
this[offset] = (value >>> 24)
this[offset + 1] = (value >>> 16)
this[offset + 2] = (value >>> 8)
this[offset + 3] = value
} else objectWriteUInt32(this, value, offset, false)
return offset + 4
function checkIEEE754 (buf, value, offset, ext, max, min) {
if (value > max || value < min) throw new TypeError('value is out of bounds')
if (offset + ext > buf.length) throw new TypeError('index out of range')
function writeFloat (buf, value, offset, littleEndian, noAssert) {
if (!noAssert)
checkIEEE754(buf, value, offset, 4, 3.4028234663852886e+38, -3.4028234663852886e+38)
ieee754.write(buf, value, offset, littleEndian, 23, 4)
return offset + 4
Buffer.prototype.writeFloatLE = function (value, offset, noAssert) {
return writeFloat(this, value, offset, true, noAssert)
Buffer.prototype.writeFloatBE = function (value, offset, noAssert) {
return writeFloat(this, value, offset, false, noAssert)
function writeDouble (buf, value, offset, littleEndian, noAssert) {
if (!noAssert)
checkIEEE754(buf, value, offset, 8, 1.7976931348623157E+308, -1.7976931348623157E+308)
ieee754.write(buf, value, offset, littleEndian, 52, 8)
return offset + 8
Buffer.prototype.writeDoubleLE = function (value, offset, noAssert) {
return writeDouble(this, value, offset, true, noAssert)
Buffer.prototype.writeDoubleBE = function (value, offset, noAssert) {
return writeDouble(this, value, offset, false, noAssert)
// copy(targetBuffer, targetStart=0, sourceStart=0, sourceEnd=buffer.length)
Buffer.prototype.copy = function (target, target_start, start, end) {
var source = this
if (!start) start = 0
if (!end && end !== 0) end = this.length
if (!target_start) target_start = 0
// Copy 0 bytes; we're done
if (end === start) return
if (target.length === 0 || source.length === 0) return
// Fatal error conditions
if (end < start) throw new TypeError('sourceEnd < sourceStart')
if (target_start < 0 || target_start >= target.length)
throw new TypeError('targetStart out of bounds')
if (start < 0 || start >= source.length) throw new TypeError('sourceStart out of bounds')
if (end < 0 || end > source.length) throw new TypeError('sourceEnd out of bounds')
// Are we oob?
if (end > this.length)
end = this.length
if (target.length - target_start < end - start)
end = target.length - target_start + start
var len = end - start
if (len < 1000 || !Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT) {
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
target[i + target_start] = this[i + start]
} else {
target._set(this.subarray(start, start + len), target_start)
// fill(value, start=0, end=buffer.length)
Buffer.prototype.fill = function (value, start, end) {
if (!value) value = 0
if (!start) start = 0
if (!end) end = this.length
if (end < start) throw new TypeError('end < start')
// Fill 0 bytes; we're done
if (end === start) return
if (this.length === 0) return
if (start < 0 || start >= this.length) throw new TypeError('start out of bounds')
if (end < 0 || end > this.length) throw new TypeError('end out of bounds')
var i
if (typeof value === 'number') {
for (i = start; i < end; i++) {
this[i] = value
} else {
var bytes = utf8ToBytes(value.toString())
var len = bytes.length
for (i = start; i < end; i++) {
this[i] = bytes[i % len]
return this
* Creates a new `ArrayBuffer` with the *copied* memory of the buffer instance.
* Added in Node 0.12. Only available in browsers that support ArrayBuffer.
Buffer.prototype.toArrayBuffer = function () {
if (typeof Uint8Array !== 'undefined') {
return (new Buffer(this)).buffer
} else {
var buf = new Uint8Array(this.length)
for (var i = 0, len = buf.length; i < len; i += 1) {
buf[i] = this[i]
return buf.buffer
} else {
throw new TypeError('Buffer.toArrayBuffer not supported in this browser')
// ================
var BP = Buffer.prototype
* Augment a Uint8Array *instance* (not the Uint8Array class!) with Buffer methods
Buffer._augment = function (arr) {
arr.constructor = Buffer
arr._isBuffer = true
// save reference to original Uint8Array get/set methods before overwriting
arr._get = arr.get
arr._set = arr.set
// deprecated, will be removed in node 0.13+
arr.get = BP.get
arr.set = BP.set
arr.write = BP.write
arr.toString = BP.toString
arr.toLocaleString = BP.toString
arr.toJSON = BP.toJSON
arr.equals = BP.equals =
arr.copy = BP.copy
arr.slice = BP.slice
arr.readUInt8 = BP.readUInt8
arr.readUInt16LE = BP.readUInt16LE
arr.readUInt16BE = BP.readUInt16BE
arr.readUInt32LE = BP.readUInt32LE
arr.readUInt32BE = BP.readUInt32BE
arr.readInt8 = BP.readInt8
arr.readInt16LE = BP.readInt16LE
arr.readInt16BE = BP.readInt16BE
arr.readInt32LE = BP.readInt32LE
arr.readInt32BE = BP.readInt32BE
arr.readFloatLE = BP.readFloatLE
arr.readFloatBE = BP.readFloatBE
arr.readDoubleLE = BP.readDoubleLE
arr.readDoubleBE = BP.readDoubleBE
arr.writeUInt8 = BP.writeUInt8
arr.writeUInt16LE = BP.writeUInt16LE
arr.writeUInt16BE = BP.writeUInt16BE
arr.writeUInt32LE = BP.writeUInt32LE
arr.writeUInt32BE = BP.writeUInt32BE
arr.writeInt8 = BP.writeInt8
arr.writeInt16LE = BP.writeInt16LE
arr.writeInt16BE = BP.writeInt16BE
arr.writeInt32LE = BP.writeInt32LE
arr.writeInt32BE = BP.writeInt32BE
arr.writeFloatLE = BP.writeFloatLE
arr.writeFloatBE = BP.writeFloatBE
arr.writeDoubleLE = BP.writeDoubleLE
arr.writeDoubleBE = BP.writeDoubleBE
arr.fill = BP.fill
arr.inspect = BP.inspect
arr.toArrayBuffer = BP.toArrayBuffer
return arr
var INVALID_BASE64_RE = /[^+\/0-9A-z]/g
function base64clean (str) {
// Node strips out invalid characters like \n and \t from the string, base64-js does not
str = stringtrim(str).replace(INVALID_BASE64_RE, '')
// Node allows for non-padded base64 strings (missing trailing ===), base64-js does not
while (str.length % 4 !== 0) {
str = str + '='
return str
function stringtrim (str) {
if (str.trim) return str.trim()
return str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '')
function isArrayish (subject) {
return isArray(subject) || Buffer.isBuffer(subject) ||
subject && typeof subject === 'object' &&
typeof subject.length === 'number'
function toHex (n) {
if (n < 16) return '0' + n.toString(16)
return n.toString(16)
function utf8ToBytes (str) {
var byteArray = []
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
var b = str.charCodeAt(i)
if (b <= 0x7F) {
} else {
var start = i
if (b >= 0xD800 && b <= 0xDFFF) i++
var h = encodeURIComponent(str.slice(start, i+1)).substr(1).split('%')
for (var j = 0; j < h.length; j++) {
byteArray.push(parseInt(h[j], 16))
return byteArray
function asciiToBytes (str) {
var byteArray = []
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
// Node's code seems to be doing this and not & 0x7F..
byteArray.push(str.charCodeAt(i) & 0xFF)
return byteArray
function utf16leToBytes (str) {
var c, hi, lo
var byteArray = []
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
c = str.charCodeAt(i)
hi = c >> 8
lo = c % 256
return byteArray
function base64ToBytes (str) {
return base64.toByteArray(str)
function blitBuffer (src, dst, offset, length) {
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if ((i + offset >= dst.length) || (i >= src.length))
dst[i + offset] = src[i]
return i
function decodeUtf8Char (str) {
try {
return decodeURIComponent(str)
} catch (err) {
return String.fromCharCode(0xFFFD) // UTF 8 invalid char
var lookup = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/';
;(function (exports) {
'use strict';
var Arr = (typeof Uint8Array !== 'undefined')
? Uint8Array
: Array
var PLUS = '+'.charCodeAt(0)
var SLASH = '/'.charCodeAt(0)
var NUMBER = '0'.charCodeAt(0)
var LOWER = 'a'.charCodeAt(0)
var UPPER = 'A'.charCodeAt(0)
function decode (elt) {
var code = elt.charCodeAt(0)
if (code === PLUS)
return 62 // '+'
if (code === SLASH)
return 63 // '/'
if (code < NUMBER)
return -1 //no match
if (code < NUMBER + 10)
return code - NUMBER + 26 + 26
if (code < UPPER + 26)
return code - UPPER
if (code < LOWER + 26)
return code - LOWER + 26
function b64ToByteArray (b64) {
var i, j, l, tmp, placeHolders, arr
if (b64.length % 4 > 0) {
throw new Error('Invalid string. Length must be a multiple of 4')
// the number of equal signs (place holders)
// if there are two placeholders, than the two characters before it
// represent one byte
// if there is only one, then the three characters before it represent 2 bytes
// this is just a cheap hack to not do indexOf twice
var len = b64.length
placeHolders = '=' === b64.charAt(len - 2) ? 2 : '=' === b64.charAt(len - 1) ? 1 : 0
// base64 is 4/3 + up to two characters of the original data
arr = new Arr(b64.length * 3 / 4 - placeHolders)
// if there are placeholders, only get up to the last complete 4 chars
l = placeHolders > 0 ? b64.length - 4 : b64.length
var L = 0
function push (v) {
arr[L++] = v
for (i = 0, j = 0; i < l; i += 4, j += 3) {
tmp = (decode(b64.charAt(i)) << 18) | (decode(b64.charAt(i + 1)) << 12) | (decode(b64.charAt(i + 2)) << 6) | decode(b64.charAt(i + 3))
push((tmp & 0xFF0000) >> 16)
push((tmp & 0xFF00) >> 8)
push(tmp & 0xFF)
if (placeHolders === 2) {
tmp = (decode(b64.charAt(i)) << 2) | (decode(b64.charAt(i + 1)) >> 4)
push(tmp & 0xFF)
} else if (placeHolders === 1) {
tmp = (decode(b64.charAt(i)) << 10) | (decode(b64.charAt(i + 1)) << 4) | (decode(b64.charAt(i + 2)) >> 2)
push((tmp >> 8) & 0xFF)
push(tmp & 0xFF)
return arr
function uint8ToBase64 (uint8) {
var i,
extraBytes = uint8.length % 3, // if we have 1 byte left, pad 2 bytes
output = "",
temp, length
function encode (num) {
return lookup.charAt(num)
function tripletToBase64 (num) {
return encode(num >> 18 & 0x3F) + encode(num >> 12 & 0x3F) + encode(num >> 6 & 0x3F) + encode(num & 0x3F)
// go through the array every three bytes, we'll deal with trailing stuff later
for (i = 0, length = uint8.length - extraBytes; i < length; i += 3) {
temp = (uint8[i] << 16) + (uint8[i + 1] << 8) + (uint8[i + 2])
output += tripletToBase64(temp)
// pad the end with zeros, but make sure to not forget the extra bytes
switch (extraBytes) {
case 1:
temp = uint8[uint8.length - 1]
output += encode(temp >> 2)
output += encode((temp << 4) & 0x3F)
output += '=='
case 2:
temp = (uint8[uint8.length - 2] << 8) + (uint8[uint8.length - 1])
output += encode(temp >> 10)
output += encode((temp >> 4) & 0x3F)
output += encode((temp << 2) & 0x3F)
output += '='
return output
exports.toByteArray = b64ToByteArray
exports.fromByteArray = uint8ToBase64
}(typeof exports === 'undefined' ? (this.base64js = {}) : exports))
},{}],5:[function(require,module,exports){ = function(buffer, offset, isLE, mLen, nBytes) {
var e, m,
eLen = nBytes * 8 - mLen - 1,
eMax = (1 << eLen) - 1,
eBias = eMax >> 1,
nBits = -7,
i = isLE ? (nBytes - 1) : 0,
d = isLE ? -1 : 1,
s = buffer[offset + i];
i += d;
e = s & ((1 << (-nBits)) - 1);
s >>= (-nBits);
nBits += eLen;
for (; nBits > 0; e = e * 256 + buffer[offset + i], i += d, nBits -= 8);
m = e & ((1 << (-nBits)) - 1);
e >>= (-nBits);
nBits += mLen;
for (; nBits > 0; m = m * 256 + buffer[offset + i], i += d, nBits -= 8);
if (e === 0) {
e = 1 - eBias;
} else if (e === eMax) {
return m ? NaN : ((s ? -1 : 1) * Infinity);
} else {
m = m + Math.pow(2, mLen);
e = e - eBias;
return (s ? -1 : 1) * m * Math.pow(2, e - mLen);
exports.write = function(buffer, value, offset, isLE, mLen, nBytes) {
var e, m, c,
eLen = nBytes * 8 - mLen - 1,
eMax = (1 << eLen) - 1,
eBias = eMax >> 1,
rt = (mLen === 23 ? Math.pow(2, -24) - Math.pow(2, -77) : 0),
i = isLE ? 0 : (nBytes - 1),
d = isLE ? 1 : -1,
s = value < 0 || (value === 0 && 1 / value < 0) ? 1 : 0;
value = Math.abs(value);
if (isNaN(value) || value === Infinity) {
m = isNaN(value) ? 1 : 0;
e = eMax;
} else {
e = Math.floor(Math.log(value) / Math.LN2);
if (value * (c = Math.pow(2, -e)) < 1) {
c *= 2;
if (e + eBias >= 1) {
value += rt / c;
} else {
value += rt * Math.pow(2, 1 - eBias);
if (value * c >= 2) {
c /= 2;
if (e + eBias >= eMax) {
m = 0;
e = eMax;
} else if (e + eBias >= 1) {
m = (value * c - 1) * Math.pow(2, mLen);
e = e + eBias;
} else {
m = value * Math.pow(2, eBias - 1) * Math.pow(2, mLen);
e = 0;
for (; mLen >= 8; buffer[offset + i] = m & 0xff, i += d, m /= 256, mLen -= 8);
e = (e << mLen) | m;
eLen += mLen;
for (; eLen > 0; buffer[offset + i] = e & 0xff, i += d, e /= 256, eLen -= 8);
buffer[offset + i - d] |= s * 128;
* isArray
var isArray = Array.isArray;
* toString
var str = Object.prototype.toString;
* Whether or not the given `val`
* is an array.
* example:
* isArray([]);
* // > true
* isArray(arguments);
* // > false
* isArray('');
* // > false
* @param {mixed} val
* @return {bool}
module.exports = isArray || function (val) {
return !! val && '[object Array]' ==;
// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit
// persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the
// following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
// in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
function EventEmitter() {
this._events = this._events || {};
this._maxListeners = this._maxListeners || undefined;
module.exports = EventEmitter;
// Backwards-compat with node 0.10.x
EventEmitter.EventEmitter = EventEmitter;
EventEmitter.prototype._events = undefined;
EventEmitter.prototype._maxListeners = undefined;
// By default EventEmitters will print a warning if more than 10 listeners are
// added to it. This is a useful default which helps finding memory leaks.
EventEmitter.defaultMaxListeners = 10;
// Obviously not all Emitters should be limited to 10. This function allows
// that to be increased. Set to zero for unlimited.
EventEmitter.prototype.setMaxListeners = function(n) {
if (!isNumber(n) || n < 0 || isNaN(n))
throw TypeError('n must be a positive number');
this._maxListeners = n;
return this;
EventEmitter.prototype.emit = function(type) {
var er, handler, len, args, i, listeners;
if (!this._events)
this._events = {};
// If there is no 'error' event listener then throw.
if (type === 'error') {
if (!this._events.error ||
(isObject(this._events.error) && !this._events.error.length)) {
er = arguments[1];
if (er instanceof Error) {
throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
throw TypeError('Uncaught, unspecified "error" event.');
handler = this._events[type];
if (isUndefined(handler))
return false;
if (isFunction(handler)) {
switch (arguments.length) {
// fast cases
case 1:;
case 2:, arguments[1]);
case 3:, arguments[1], arguments[2]);
// slower
len = arguments.length;
args = new Array(len - 1);
for (i = 1; i < len; i++)
args[i - 1] = arguments[i];
handler.apply(this, args);
} else if (isObject(handler)) {
len = arguments.length;
args = new Array(len - 1);
for (i = 1; i < len; i++)
args[i - 1] = arguments[i];
listeners = handler.slice();
len = listeners.length;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
listeners[i].apply(this, args);
return true;
EventEmitter.prototype.addListener = function(type, listener) {
var m;
if (!isFunction(listener))
throw TypeError('listener must be a function');
if (!this._events)
this._events = {};
// To avoid recursion in the case that type === "newListener"! Before
// adding it to the listeners, first emit "newListener".
if (this._events.newListener)
this.emit('newListener', type,
isFunction(listener.listener) ?
listener.listener : listener);
if (!this._events[type])
// Optimize the case of one listener. Don't need the extra array object.
this._events[type] = listener;
else if (isObject(this._events[type]))
// If we've already got an array, just append.
// Adding the second element, need to change to array.
this._events[type] = [this._events[type], listener];
// Check for listener leak
if (isObject(this._events[type]) && !this._events[type].warned) {
var m;
if (!isUndefined(this._maxListeners)) {
m = this._maxListeners;
} else {
m = EventEmitter.defaultMaxListeners;
if (m && m > 0 && this._events[type].length > m) {
this._events[type].warned = true;
console.error('(node) warning: possible EventEmitter memory ' +
'leak detected. %d listeners added. ' +
'Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit.',
if (typeof console.trace === 'function') {
// not supported in IE 10
return this;
EventEmitter.prototype.on = EventEmitter.prototype.addListener;
EventEmitter.prototype.once = function(type, listener) {
if (!isFunction(listener))
throw TypeError('listener must be a function');
var fired = false;
function g() {
this.removeListener(type, g);
if (!fired) {
fired = true;
listener.apply(this, arguments);
g.listener = listener;
this.on(type, g);
return this;
// emits a 'removeListener' event iff the listener was removed
EventEmitter.prototype.removeListener = function(type, listener) {
var list, position, length, i;
if (!isFunction(listener))
throw TypeError('listener must be a function');
if (!this._events || !this._events[type])
return this;
list = this._events[type];
length = list.length;
position = -1;
if (list === listener ||
(isFunction(list.listener) && list.listener === listener)) {
delete this._events[type];
if (this._events.removeListener)
this.emit('removeListener', type, listener);
} else if (isObject(list)) {
for (i = length; i-- > 0;) {
if (list[i] === listener ||
(list[i].listener && list[i].listener === listener)) {
position = i;
if (position < 0)
return this;
if (list.length === 1) {
list.length = 0;
delete this._events[type];
} else {
list.splice(position, 1);
if (this._events.removeListener)
this.emit('removeListener', type, listener);
return this;
EventEmitter.prototype.removeAllListeners = function(type) {
var key, listeners;
if (!this._events)
return this;
// not listening for removeListener, no need to emit
if (!this._events.removeListener) {
if (arguments.length === 0)
this._events = {};
else if (this._events[type])
delete this._events[type];
return this;
// emit removeListener for all listeners on all events
if (arguments.length === 0) {
for (key in this._events) {
if (key === 'removeListener') continue;
this._events = {};
return this;
listeners = this._events[type];
if (isFunction(listeners)) {
this.removeListener(type, listeners);
} else {
// LIFO order
while (listeners.length)
this.removeListener(type, listeners[listeners.length - 1]);
delete this._events[type];
return this;
EventEmitter.prototype.listeners = function(type) {
var ret;
if (!this._events || !this._events[type])
ret = [];
else if (isFunction(this._events[type]))
ret = [this._events[type]];
ret = this._events[type].slice();
return ret;
EventEmitter.listenerCount = function(emitter, type) {
var ret;
if (!emitter._events || !emitter._events[type])
ret = 0;
else if (isFunction(emitter._events[type]))
ret = 1;
ret = emitter._events[type].length;
return ret;
function isFunction(arg) {
return typeof arg === 'function';
function isNumber(arg) {
return typeof arg === 'number';
function isObject(arg) {
return typeof arg === 'object' && arg !== null;
function isUndefined(arg) {
return arg === void 0;
if (typeof Object.create === 'function') {
// implementation from standard node.js 'util' module
module.exports = function inherits(ctor, superCtor) {
ctor.super_ = superCtor
ctor.prototype = Object.create(superCtor.prototype, {
constructor: {
value: ctor,
enumerable: false,
writable: true,
configurable: true
} else {
// old school shim for old browsers
module.exports = function inherits(ctor, superCtor) {
ctor.super_ = superCtor
var TempCtor = function () {}
TempCtor.prototype = superCtor.prototype
ctor.prototype = new TempCtor()
ctor.prototype.constructor = ctor
module.exports = Array.isArray || function (arr) {
return == '[object Array]';
// shim for using process in browser
var process = module.exports = {};
process.nextTick = (function () {
var canSetImmediate = typeof window !== 'undefined'
&& window.setImmediate;
var canMutationObserver = typeof window !== 'undefined'
&& window.MutationObserver;
var canPost = typeof window !== 'undefined'
&& window.postMessage && window.addEventListener
if (canSetImmediate) {
return function (f) { return window.setImmediate(f) };
var queue = [];
if (canMutationObserver) {
var hiddenDiv = document.createElement("div");
var observer = new MutationObserver(function () {
var queueList = queue.slice();
queue.length = 0;
queueList.forEach(function (fn) {
observer.observe(hiddenDiv, { attributes: true });
return function nextTick(fn) {
if (!queue.length) {
hiddenDiv.setAttribute('yes', 'no');
if (canPost) {
window.addEventListener('message', function (ev) {
var source = ev.source;
if ((source === window || source === null) && === 'process-tick') {
if (queue.length > 0) {
var fn = queue.shift();
}, true);
return function nextTick(fn) {
window.postMessage('process-tick', '*');
return function nextTick(fn) {
setTimeout(fn, 0);
process.title = 'browser';
process.browser = true;
process.env = {};
process.argv = [];
function noop() {}
process.on = noop;
process.addListener = noop;
process.once = noop; = noop;
process.removeListener = noop;
process.removeAllListeners = noop;
process.emit = noop;
process.binding = function (name) {
throw new Error('process.binding is not supported');
// TODO(shtylman)
process.cwd = function () { return '/' };
process.chdir = function (dir) {
throw new Error('process.chdir is not supported');
module.exports = require("./lib/_stream_duplex.js")
(function (process){
// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit
// persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the
// following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
// in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
// a duplex stream is just a stream that is both readable and writable.
// Since JS doesn't have multiple prototypal inheritance, this class
// prototypally inherits from Readable, and then parasitically from
// Writable.
module.exports = Duplex;
var objectKeys = Object.keys || function (obj) {
var keys = [];
for (var key in obj) keys.push(key);
return keys;
var util = require('core-util-is');
util.inherits = require('inherits');
var Readable = require('./_stream_readable');
var Writable = require('./_stream_writable');
util.inherits(Duplex, Readable);
forEach(objectKeys(Writable.prototype), function(method) {
if (!Duplex.prototype[method])
Duplex.prototype[method] = Writable.prototype[method];
function Duplex(options) {
if (!(this instanceof Duplex))
return new Duplex(options);, options);, options);
if (options && options.readable === false)
this.readable = false;
if (options && options.writable === false)
this.writable = false;
this.allowHalfOpen = true;
if (options && options.allowHalfOpen === false)
this.allowHalfOpen = false;
this.once('end', onend);
// the no-half-open enforcer
function onend() {
// if we allow half-open state, or if the writable side ended,
// then we're ok.
if (this.allowHalfOpen || this._writableState.ended)
// no more data can be written.
// But allow more writes to happen in this tick.
function forEach (xs, f) {
for (var i = 0, l = xs.length; i < l; i++) {
f(xs[i], i);
// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit
// persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the
// following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
// in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
// a passthrough stream.
// basically just the most minimal sort of Transform stream.
// Every written chunk gets output as-is.
module.exports = PassThrough;
var Transform = require('./_stream_transform');
var util = require('core-util-is');
util.inherits = require('inherits');
util.inherits(PassThrough, Transform);
function PassThrough(options) {
if (!(this instanceof PassThrough))
return new PassThrough(options);, options);
PassThrough.prototype._transform = function(chunk, encoding, cb) {
cb(null, chunk);
(function (process){
// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit
// persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the
// following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
// in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
module.exports = Readable;
var isArray = require('isarray');
var Buffer = require('buffer').Buffer;
Readable.ReadableState = ReadableState;
var EE = require('events').EventEmitter;
if (!EE.listenerCount) EE.listenerCount = function(emitter, type) {
return emitter.listeners(type).length;
var Stream = require('stream');
var util = require('core-util-is');
util.inherits = require('inherits');
var StringDecoder;
util.inherits(Readable, Stream);
function ReadableState(options, stream) {
options = options || {};
// the point at which it stops calling _read() to fill the buffer
// Note: 0 is a valid value, means "don't call _read preemptively ever"
var hwm = options.highWaterMark;
this.highWaterMark = (hwm || hwm === 0) ? hwm : 16 * 1024;
// cast to ints.
this.highWaterMark = ~~this.highWaterMark;
this.buffer = [];
this.length = 0;
this.pipes = null;
this.pipesCount = 0;
this.flowing = false;
this.ended = false;
this.endEmitted = false;
this.reading = false;
// In streams that never have any data, and do push(null) right away,
// the consumer can miss the 'end' event if they do some I/O before
// consuming the stream. So, we don't emit('end') until some reading
// happens.
this.calledRead = false;
// a flag to be able to tell if the onwrite cb is called immediately,
// or on a later tick. We set this to true at first, becuase any
// actions that shouldn't happen until "later" should generally also
// not happen before the first write call.
this.sync = true;
// whenever we return null, then we set a flag to say
// that we're awaiting a 'readable' event emission.
this.needReadable = false;
this.emittedReadable = false;
this.readableListening = false;
// object stream flag. Used to make read(n) ignore n and to
// make all the buffer merging and length checks go away
this.objectMode = !!options.objectMode;
// Crypto is kind of old and crusty. Historically, its default string
// encoding is 'binary' so we have to make this configurable.
// Everything else in the universe uses 'utf8', though.
this.defaultEncoding = options.defaultEncoding || 'utf8';
// when piping, we only care about 'readable' events that happen
// after read()ing all the bytes and not getting any pushback.
this.ranOut = false;
// the number of writers that are awaiting a drain event in .pipe()s
this.awaitDrain = 0;
// if true, a maybeReadMore has been scheduled
this.readingMore = false;
this.decoder = null;
this.encoding = null;
if (options.encoding) {
if (!StringDecoder)
StringDecoder = require('string_decoder/').StringDecoder;
this.decoder = new StringDecoder(options.encoding);
this.encoding = options.encoding;
function Readable(options) {
if (!(this instanceof Readable))
return new Readable(options);
this._readableState = new ReadableState(options, this);
// legacy
this.readable = true;;
// Manually shove something into the read() buffer.
// This returns true if the highWaterMark has not been hit yet,
// similar to how Writable.write() returns true if you should
// write() some more.
Readable.prototype.push = function(chunk, encoding) {
var state = this._readableState;
if (typeof chunk === 'string' && !state.objectMode) {
encoding = encoding || state.defaultEncoding;
if (encoding !== state.encoding) {
chunk = new Buffer(chunk, encoding);
encoding = '';
return readableAddChunk(this, state, chunk, encoding, false);
// Unshift should *always* be something directly out of read()
Readable.prototype.unshift = function(chunk) {
var state = this._readableState;
return readableAddChunk(this, state, chunk, '', true);
function readableAddChunk(stream, state, chunk, encoding, addToFront) {
var er = chunkInvalid(state, chunk);
if (er) {
stream.emit('error', er);
} else if (chunk === null || chunk === undefined) {
state.reading = false;
if (!state.ended)
onEofChunk(stream, state);
} else if (state.objectMode || chunk && chunk.length > 0) {
if (state.ended && !addToFront) {
var e = new Error('stream.push() after EOF');
stream.emit('error', e);
} else if (state.endEmitted && addToFront) {
var e = new Error('stream.unshift() after end event');
stream.emit('error', e);
} else {
if (state.decoder && !addToFront && !encoding)
chunk = state.decoder.write(chunk);
// update the buffer info.
state.length += state.objectMode ? 1 : chunk.length;
if (addToFront) {
} else {
state.reading = false;
if (state.needReadable)
maybeReadMore(stream, state);
} else if (!addToFront) {
state.reading = false;
return needMoreData(state);
// if it's past the high water mark, we can push in some more.
// Also, if we have no data yet, we can stand some
// more bytes. This is to work around cases where hwm=0,
// such as the repl. Also, if the push() triggered a
// readable event, and the user called read(largeNumber) such that
// needReadable was set, then we ought to push more, so that another
// 'readable' event will be triggered.
function needMoreData(state) {
return !state.ended &&
(state.needReadable ||
state.length < state.highWaterMark ||
state.length === 0);
// backwards compatibility.
Readable.prototype.setEncoding = function(enc) {
if (!StringDecoder)
StringDecoder = require('string_decoder/').StringDecoder;
this._readableState.decoder = new StringDecoder(enc);
this._readableState.encoding = enc;
// Don't raise the hwm > 128MB
var MAX_HWM = 0x800000;
function roundUpToNextPowerOf2(n) {
if (n >= MAX_HWM) {
n = MAX_HWM;
} else {
// Get the next highest power of 2
for (var p = 1; p < 32; p <<= 1) n |= n >> p;
return n;
function howMuchToRead(n, state) {
if (state.length === 0 && state.ended)
return 0;
if (state.objectMode)
return n === 0 ? 0 : 1;
if (n === null || isNaN(n)) {
// only flow one buffer at a time
if (state.flowing && state.buffer.length)
return state.buffer[0].length;
return state.length;
if (n <= 0)
return 0;
// If we're asking for more than the target buffer level,
// then raise the water mark. Bump up to the next highest
// power of 2, to prevent increasing it excessively in tiny
// amounts.
if (n > state.highWaterMark)
state.highWaterMark = roundUpToNextPowerOf2(n);
// don't have that much. return null, unless we've ended.
if (n > state.length) {
if (!state.ended) {
state.needReadable = true;
return 0;
} else
return state.length;
return n;
// you can override either this method, or the async _read(n) below. = function(n) {
var state = this._readableState;
state.calledRead = true;
var nOrig = n;
var ret;
if (typeof n !== 'number' || n > 0)
state.emittedReadable = false;
// if we're doing read(0) to trigger a readable event, but we
// already have a bunch of data in the buffer, then just trigger
// the 'readable' event and move on.
if (n === 0 &&
state.needReadable &&
(state.length >= state.highWaterMark || state.ended)) {
return null;
n = howMuchToRead(n, state);
// if we've ended, and we're now clear, then finish it up.
if (n === 0 && state.ended) {
ret = null;
// In cases where the decoder did not receive enough data
// to produce a full chunk, then immediately received an
// EOF, state.buffer will contain [<Buffer >, <Buffer 00 ...>].
// howMuchToRead will see this and coerce the amount to
// read to zero (because it's looking at the length of the
// first <Buffer > in state.buffer), and we'll end up here.
// This can only happen via state.decoder -- no other venue
// exists for pushing a zero-length chunk into state.buffer
// and triggering this behavior. In this case, we return our
// remaining data and end the stream, if appropriate.
if (state.length > 0 && state.decoder) {
ret = fromList(n, state);
state.length -= ret.length;
if (state.length === 0)
return ret;
// All the actual chunk generation logic needs to be
// *below* the call to _read. The reason is that in certain
// synthetic stream cases, such as passthrough streams, _read
// may be a completely synchronous operation which may change
// the state of the read buffer, providing enough data when
// before there was *not* enough.
// So, the steps are:
// 1. Figure out what the state of things will be after we do
// a read from the buffer.
// 2. If that resulting state will trigger a _read, then call _read.
// Note that this may be asynchronous, or synchronous. Yes, it is
// deeply ugly to write APIs this way, but that still doesn't mean
// that the Readable class should behave improperly, as streams are
// designed to be sync/async agnostic.
// Take note if the _read call is sync or async (ie, if the read call
// has returned yet), so that we know whether or not it's safe to emit
// 'readable' etc.
// 3. Actually pull the requested chunks out of the buffer and return.
// if we need a readable event, then we need to do some reading.
var doRead = state.needReadable;
// if we currently have less than the highWaterMark, then also read some
if (state.length - n <= state.highWaterMark)
doRead = true;
// however, if we've ended, then there's no point, and if we're already
// reading, then it's unnecessary.
if (state.ended || state.reading)
doRead = false;
if (doRead) {
state.reading = true;
state.sync = true;
// if the length is currently zero, then we *need* a readable event.
if (state.length === 0)
state.needReadable = true;
// call internal read method
state.sync = false;
// If _read called its callback synchronously, then `reading`
// will be false, and we need to re-evaluate how much data we
// can return to the user.
if (doRead && !state.reading)
n = howMuchToRead(nOrig, state);
if (n > 0)
ret = fromList(n, state);
ret = null;
if (ret === null) {
state.needReadable = true;
n = 0;
state.length -= n;
// If we have nothing in the buffer, then we want to know
// as soon as we *do* get something into the buffer.
if (state.length === 0 && !state.ended)
state.needReadable = true;
// If we happened to read() exactly the remaining amount in the
// buffer, and the EOF has been seen at this point, then make sure
// that we emit 'end' on the very next tick.
if (state.ended && !state.endEmitted && state.length === 0)
return ret;
function chunkInvalid(state, chunk) {
var er = null;
if (!Buffer.isBuffer(chunk) &&
'string' !== typeof chunk &&
chunk !== null &&
chunk !== undefined &&
!state.objectMode) {
er = new TypeError('Invalid non-string/buffer chunk');
return er;
function onEofChunk(stream, state) {
if (state.decoder && !state.ended) {
var chunk = state.decoder.end();
if (chunk && chunk.length) {
state.length += state.objectMode ? 1 : chunk.length;
state.ended = true;
// if we've ended and we have some data left, then emit
// 'readable' now to make sure it gets picked up.
if (state.length > 0)
// Don't emit readable right away in sync mode, because this can trigger
// another read() call => stack overflow. This way, it might trigger
// a nextTick recursion warning, but that's not so bad.
function emitReadable(stream) {
var state = stream._readableState;
state.needReadable = false;
if (state.emittedReadable)
state.emittedReadable = true;
if (state.sync)
process.nextTick(function() {
function emitReadable_(stream) {
// at this point, the user has presumably seen the 'readable' event,
// and called read() to consume some data. that may have triggered
// in turn another _read(n) call, in which case reading = true if
// it's in progress.
// However, if we're not ended, or reading, and the length < hwm,
// then go ahead and try to read some more preemptively.
function maybeReadMore(stream, state) {
if (!state.readingMore) {
state.readingMore = true;
process.nextTick(function() {
maybeReadMore_(stream, state);
function maybeReadMore_(stream, state) {
var len = state.length;
while (!state.reading && !state.flowing && !state.ended &&
state.length < state.highWaterMark) {;
if (len === state.length)
// didn't get any data, stop spinning.
len = state.length;
state.readingMore = false;
// abstract method. to be overridden in specific implementation classes.
// call cb(er, data) where data is <= n in length.
// for virtual (non-string, non-buffer) streams, "length" is somewhat
// arbitrary, and perhaps not very meaningful.
Readable.prototype._read = function(n) {
this.emit('error', new Error('not implemented'));
Readable.prototype.pipe = function(dest, pipeOpts) {
var src = this;
var state = this._readableState;
switch (state.pipesCount) {
case 0:
state.pipes = dest;
case 1:
state.pipes = [state.pipes, dest];
state.pipesCount += 1;
var doEnd = (!pipeOpts || pipeOpts.end !== false) &&
dest !== process.stdout &&
dest !== process.stderr;
var endFn = doEnd ? onend : cleanup;
if (state.endEmitted)
src.once('end', endFn);
dest.on('unpipe', onunpipe);
function onunpipe(readable) {
if (readable !== src) return;
function onend() {
// when the dest drains, it reduces the awaitDrain counter
// on the source. This would be more elegant with a .once()
// handler in flow(), but adding and removing repeatedly is
// too slow.
var ondrain = pipeOnDrain(src);
dest.on('drain', ondrain);
function cleanup() {
// cleanup event handlers once the pipe is broken
dest.removeListener('close', onclose);
dest.removeListener('finish', onfinish);
dest.removeListener('drain', ondrain);
dest.removeListener('error', onerror);
dest.removeListener('unpipe', onunpipe);
src.removeListener('end', onend);
src.removeListener('end', cleanup);
// if the reader is waiting for a drain event from this
// specific writer, then it would cause it to never start
// flowing again.
// So, if this is awaiting a drain, then we just call it now.
// If we don't know, then assume that we are waiting for one.
if (!dest._writableState || dest._writableState.needDrain)
// if the dest has an error, then stop piping into it.
// however, don't suppress the throwing behavior for this.
function onerror(er) {
dest.removeListener('error', onerror);
if (EE.listenerCount(dest, 'error') === 0)
dest.emit('error', er);
// This is a brutally ugly hack to make sure that our error handler
// is attached before any userland ones. NEVER DO THIS.
if (!dest._events || !dest._events.error)
dest.on('error', onerror);
else if (isArray(dest._events.error))
dest._events.error = [onerror, dest._events.error];
// Both close and finish should trigger unpipe, but only once.
function onclose() {
dest.removeListener('finish', onfinish);
dest.once('close', onclose);
function onfinish() {
dest.removeListener('close', onclose);
dest.once('finish', onfinish);
function unpipe() {
// tell the dest that it's being piped to
dest.emit('pipe', src);
// start the flow if it hasn't been started already.
if (!state.flowing) {
// the handler that waits for readable events after all
// the data gets sucked out in flow.
// This would be easier to follow with a .once() handler
// in flow(), but that is too slow.
this.on('readable', pipeOnReadable);
state.flowing = true;
process.nextTick(function() {
return dest;
function pipeOnDrain(src) {
return function() {
var dest = this;
var state = src._readableState;
if (state.awaitDrain === 0)
function flow(src) {
var state = src._readableState;
var chunk;
state.awaitDrain = 0;
function write(dest, i, list) {
var written = dest.write(chunk);
if (false === written) {
while (state.pipesCount && null !== (chunk = {
if (state.pipesCount === 1)
write(state.pipes, 0, null);
forEach(state.pipes, write);
src.emit('data', chunk);
// if anyone needs a drain, then we have to wait for that.
if (state.awaitDrain > 0)
// if every destination was unpiped, either before entering this
// function, or in the while loop, then stop flowing.
// NB: This is a pretty rare edge case.
if (state.pipesCount === 0) {
state.flowing = false;
// if there were data event listeners added, then switch to old mode.
if (EE.listenerCount(src, 'data') > 0)
// at this point, no one needed a drain, so we just ran out of data
// on the next readable event, start it over again.
state.ranOut = true;
function pipeOnReadable() {
if (this._readableState.ranOut) {
this._readableState.ranOut = false;
Readable.prototype.unpipe = function(dest) {
var state = this._readableState;
// if we're not piping anywhere, then do nothing.
if (state.pipesCount === 0)
return this;
// just one destination. most common case.
if (state.pipesCount === 1) {
// passed in one, but it's not the right one.
if (dest && dest !== state.pipes)
return this;
if (!dest)
dest = state.pipes;
// got a match.
state.pipes = null;
state.pipesCount = 0;
this.removeListener('readable', pipeOnReadable);
state.flowing = false;
if (dest)
dest.emit('unpipe', this);
return this;
// slow case. multiple pipe destinations.
if (!dest) {
// remove all.
var dests = state.pipes;
var len = state.pipesCount;
state.pipes = null;
state.pipesCount = 0;
this.removeListener('readable', pipeOnReadable);
state.flowing = false;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++)
dests[i].emit('unpipe', this);
return this;
// try to find the right one.
var i = indexOf(state.pipes, dest);
if (i === -1)
return this;
state.pipes.splice(i, 1);
state.pipesCount -= 1;
if (state.pipesCount === 1)
state.pipes = state.pipes[0];
dest.emit('unpipe', this);
return this;
// set up data events if they are asked for
// Ensure readable listeners eventually get something
Readable.prototype.on = function(ev, fn) {
var res =, ev, fn);
if (ev === 'data' && !this._readableState.flowing)
if (ev === 'readable' && this.readable) {
var state = this._readableState;
if (!state.readableListening) {
state.readableListening = true;
state.emittedReadable = false;
state.needReadable = true;
if (!state.reading) {;
} else if (state.length) {
emitReadable(this, state);
return res;
Readable.prototype.addListener = Readable.prototype.on;
// pause() and resume() are remnants of the legacy readable stream API
// If the user uses them, then switch into old mode.
Readable.prototype.resume = function() {
Readable.prototype.pause = function() {
emitDataEvents(this, true);
function emitDataEvents(stream, startPaused) {
var state = stream._readableState;
if (state.flowing) {
throw new Error('Cannot switch to old mode now.');
var paused = startPaused || false;
var readable = false;
// convert to an old-style stream.
stream.readable = true;
stream.pipe = Stream.prototype.pipe;
stream.on = stream.addListener = Stream.prototype.on;
stream.on('readable', function() {
readable = true;
var c;
while (!paused && (null !== (c =
stream.emit('data', c);
if (c === null) {
readable = false;
stream._readableState.needReadable = true;
stream.pause = function() {
paused = true;
stream.resume = function() {
paused = false;
if (readable)
process.nextTick(function() {
// now make it start, just in case it hadn't already.
// wrap an old-style stream as the async data source.
// This is *not* part of the readable stream interface.
// It is an ugly unfortunate mess of history.
Readable.prototype.wrap = function(stream) {
var state = this._readableState;
var paused = false;
var self = this;
stream.on('end', function() {
if (state.decoder && !state.ended) {
var chunk = state.decoder.end();
if (chunk && chunk.length)
stream.on('data', function(chunk) {
if (state.decoder)
chunk = state.decoder.write(chunk);
// don't skip over falsy values in objectMode
//if (state.objectMode && util.isNullOrUndefined(chunk))
if (state.objectMode && (chunk === null || chunk === undefined))
else if (!state.objectMode && (!chunk || !chunk.length))
var ret = self.push(chunk);
if (!ret) {
paused = true;
// proxy all the other methods.
// important when wrapping filters and duplexes.
for (var i in stream) {
if (typeof stream[i] === 'function' &&
typeof this[i] === 'undefined') {
this[i] = function(method) { return function() {
return stream[method].apply(stream, arguments);
// proxy certain important events.
var events = ['error', 'close', 'destroy', 'pause', 'resume'];
forEach(events, function(ev) {
stream.on(ev, self.emit.bind(self, ev));
// when we try to consume some more bytes, simply unpause the
// underlying stream.
self._read = function(n) {
if (paused) {
paused = false;
return self;
// exposed for testing purposes only.
Readable._fromList = fromList;
// Pluck off n bytes from an array of buffers.
// Length is the combined lengths of all the buffers in the list.
function fromList(n, state) {
var list = state.buffer;
var length = state.length;
var stringMode = !!state.decoder;
var objectMode = !!state.objectMode;
var ret;
// nothing in the list, definitely empty.
if (list.length === 0)
return null;
if (length === 0)
ret = null;
else if (objectMode)
ret = list.shift();
else if (!n || n >= length) {
// read it all, truncate the array.
if (stringMode)
ret = list.join('');
ret = Buffer.concat(list, length);
list.length = 0;
} else {
// read just some of it.
if (n < list[0].length) {
// just take a part of the first list item.
// slice is the same for buffers and strings.
var buf = list[0];
ret = buf.slice(0, n);
list[0] = buf.slice(n);
} else if (n === list[0].length) {
// first list is a perfect match
ret = list.shift();
} else {
// complex case.
// we have enough to cover it, but it spans past the first buffer.
if (stringMode)
ret = '';
ret = new Buffer(n);
var c = 0;
for (var i = 0, l = list.length; i < l && c < n; i++) {
var buf = list[0];
var cpy = Math.min(n - c, buf.length);
if (stringMode)
ret += buf.slice(0, cpy);
buf.copy(ret, c, 0, cpy);
if (cpy < buf.length)
list[0] = buf.slice(cpy);
c += cpy;
return ret;
function endReadable(stream) {
var state = stream._readableState;
// If we get here before consuming all the bytes, then that is a
// bug in node. Should never happen.
if (state.length > 0)
throw new Error('endReadable called on non-empty stream');
if (!state.endEmitted && state.calledRead) {
state.ended = true;
process.nextTick(function() {
// Check that we didn't get one last unshift.
if (!state.endEmitted && state.length === 0) {
state.endEmitted = true;
stream.readable = false;
function forEach (xs, f) {
for (var i = 0, l = xs.length; i < l; i++) {
f(xs[i], i);
function indexOf (xs, x) {
for (var i = 0, l = xs.length; i < l; i++) {
if (xs[i] === x) return i;
return -1;
// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit
// persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the
// following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
// in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
// a transform stream is a readable/writable stream where you do
// something with the data. Sometimes it's called a "filter",
// but that's not a great name for it, since that implies a thing where
// some bits pass through, and others are simply ignored. (That would
// be a valid example of a transform, of course.)
// While the output is causally related to the input, it's not a
// necessarily symmetric or synchronous transformation. For example,
// a zlib stream might take multiple plain-text writes(), and then
// emit a single compressed chunk some time in the future.
// Here's how this works:
// The Transform stream has all the aspects of the readable and writable
// stream classes. When you write(chunk), that calls _write(chunk,cb)
// internally, and returns false if there's a lot of pending writes
// buffered up. When you call read(), that calls _read(n) until
// there's enough pending readable data buffered up.
// In a transform stream, the written data is placed in a buffer. When
// _read(n) is called, it transforms the queued up data, calling the
// buffered _write cb's as it consumes chunks. If consuming a single
// written chunk would result in multiple output chunks, then the first
// outputted bit calls the readcb, and subsequent chunks just go into
// the read buffer, and will cause it to emit 'readable' if necessary.
// This way, back-pressure is actually determined by the reading side,
// since _read has to be called to start processing a new chunk. However,
// a pathological inflate type of transform can cause excessive buffering
// here. For example, imagine a stream where every byte of input is
// interpreted as an integer from 0-255, and then results in that many
// bytes of output. Writing the 4 bytes {ff,ff,ff,ff} would result in
// 1kb of data being output. In this case, you could write a very small
// amount of input, and end up with a very large amount of output. In
// such a pathological inflating mechanism, there'd be no way to tell
// the system to stop doing the transform. A single 4MB write could
// cause the system to run out of memory.
// However, even in such a pathological case, only a single written chunk
// would be consumed, and then the rest would wait (un-transformed) until
// the results of the previous transformed chunk were consumed.
module.exports = Transform;
var Duplex = require('./_stream_duplex');
var util = require('core-util-is');
util.inherits = require('inherits');
util.inherits(Transform, Duplex);
function TransformState(options, stream) {
this.afterTransform = function(er, data) {
return afterTransform(stream, er, data);
this.needTransform = false;
this.transforming = false;
this.writecb = null;
this.writechunk = null;
function afterTransform(stream, er, data) {
var ts = stream._transformState;
ts.transforming = false;
var cb = ts.writecb;
if (!cb)
return stream.emit('error', new Error('no writecb in Transform class'));
ts.writechunk = null;
ts.writecb = null;
if (data !== null && data !== undefined)
if (cb)
var rs = stream._readableState;
rs.reading = false;
if (rs.needReadable || rs.length < rs.highWaterMark) {
function Transform(options) {
if (!(this instanceof Transform))
return new Transform(options);, options);
var ts = this._transformState = new TransformState(options, this);
// when the writable side finishes, then flush out anything remaining.
var stream = this;
// start out asking for a readable event once data is transformed.
this._readableState.needReadable = true;
// we have implemented the _read method, and done the other things
// that Readable wants before the first _read call, so unset the
// sync guard flag.
this._readableState.sync = false;
this.once('finish', function() {
if ('function' === typeof this._flush)
this._flush(function(er) {
done(stream, er);
Transform.prototype.push = function(chunk, encoding) {
this._transformState.needTransform = false;
return, chunk, encoding);
// This is the part where you do stuff!
// override this function in implementation classes.
// 'chunk' is an input chunk.
// Call `push(newChunk)` to pass along transformed output
// to the readable side. You may call 'push' zero or more times.
// Call `cb(err)` when you are done with this chunk. If you pass
// an error, then that'll put the hurt on the whole operation. If you
// never call cb(), then you'll never get another chunk.
Transform.prototype._transform = function(chunk, encoding, cb) {
throw new Error('not implemented');
Transform.prototype._write = function(chunk, encoding, cb) {
var ts = this._transformState;
ts.writecb = cb;
ts.writechunk = chunk;
ts.writeencoding = encoding;
if (!ts.transforming) {
var rs = this._readableState;
if (ts.needTransform ||
rs.needReadable ||
rs.length < rs.highWaterMark)
// Doesn't matter what the args are here.
// _transform does all the work.
// That we got here means that the readable side wants more data.
Transform.prototype._read = function(n) {
var ts = this._transformState;
if (ts.writechunk !== null && ts.writecb && !ts.transforming) {
ts.transforming = true;
this._transform(ts.writechunk, ts.writeencoding, ts.afterTransform);
} else {
// mark that we need a transform, so that any data that comes in
// will get processed, now that we've asked for it.
ts.needTransform = true;
function done(stream, er) {
if (er)
return stream.emit('error', er);
// if there's nothing in the write buffer, then that means
// that nothing more will ever be provided
var ws = stream._writableState;
var rs = stream._readableState;
var ts = stream._transformState;
if (ws.length)
throw new Error('calling transform done when ws.length != 0');
if (ts.transforming)
throw new Error('calling transform done when still transforming');
return stream.push(null);
(function (process){
// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit
// persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the
// following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
// in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
// A bit simpler than readable streams.
// Implement an async ._write(chunk, cb), and it'll handle all
// the drain event emission and buffering.
module.exports = Writable;
var Buffer = require('buffer').Buffer;
Writable.WritableState = WritableState;
var util = require('core-util-is');
util.inherits = require('inherits');
var Stream = require('stream');
util.inherits(Writable, Stream);
function WriteReq(chunk, encoding, cb) {
this.chunk = chunk;
this.encoding = encoding;
this.callback = cb;
function WritableState(options, stream) {
options = options || {};
// the point at which write() starts returning false
// Note: 0 is a valid value, means that we always return false if
// the entire buffer is not flushed immediately on write()
var hwm = options.highWaterMark;
this.highWaterMark = (hwm || hwm === 0) ? hwm : 16 * 1024;
// object stream flag to indicate whether or not this stream
// contains buffers or objects.
this.objectMode = !!options.objectMode;
// cast to ints.
this.highWaterMark = ~~this.highWaterMark;
this.needDrain = false;
// at the start of calling end()
this.ending = false;
// when end() has been called, and returned
this.ended = false;
// when 'finish' is emitted
this.finished = false;
// should we decode strings into buffers before passing to _write?
// this is here so that some node-core streams can optimize string
// handling at a lower level.
var noDecode = options.decodeStrings === false;
this.decodeStrings = !noDecode;
// Crypto is kind of old and crusty. Historically, its default string
// encoding is 'binary' so we have to make this configurable.
// Everything else in the universe uses 'utf8', though.
this.defaultEncoding = options.defaultEncoding || 'utf8';
// not an actual buffer we keep track of, but a measurement
// of how much we're waiting to get pushed to some underlying
// socket or file.
this.length = 0;
// a flag to see when we're in the middle of a write.
this.writing = false;
// a flag to be able to tell if the onwrite cb is called immediately,
// or on a later tick. We set this to true at first, becuase any
// actions that shouldn't happen until "later" should generally also
// not happen before the first write call.
this.sync = true;
// a flag to know if we're processing previously buffered items, which
// may call the _write() callback in the same tick, so that we don't
// end up in an overlapped onwrite situation.
this.bufferProcessing = false;
// the callback that's passed to _write(chunk,cb)
this.onwrite = function(er) {
onwrite(stream, er);
// the callback that the user supplies to write(chunk,encoding,cb)
this.writecb = null;
// the amount that is being written when _write is called.
this.writelen = 0;
this.buffer = [];
// True if the error was already emitted and should not be thrown again
this.errorEmitted = false;
function Writable(options) {
var Duplex = require('./_stream_duplex');
// Writable ctor is applied to Duplexes, though they're not
// instanceof Writable, they're instanceof Readable.
if (!(this instanceof Writable) && !(this instanceof Duplex))
return new Writable(options);
this._writableState = new WritableState(options, this);
// legacy.
this.writable = true;;
// Otherwise people can pipe Writable streams, which is just wrong.
Writable.prototype.pipe = function() {
this.emit('error', new Error('Cannot pipe. Not readable.'));
function writeAfterEnd(stream, state, cb) {
var er = new Error('write after end');
// TODO: defer error events consistently everywhere, not just the cb
stream.emit('error', er);
process.nextTick(function() {
// If we get something that is not a buffer, string, null, or undefined,
// and we're not in objectMode, then that's an error.
// Otherwise stream chunks are all considered to be of length=1, and the
// watermarks determine how many objects to keep in the buffer, rather than
// how many bytes or characters.
function validChunk(stream, state, chunk, cb) {
var valid = true;
if (!Buffer.isBuffer(chunk) &&
'string' !== typeof chunk &&
chunk !== null &&
chunk !== undefined &&
!state.objectMode) {
var er = new TypeError('Invalid non-string/buffer chunk');
stream.emit('error', er);
process.nextTick(function() {
valid = false;
return valid;
Writable.prototype.write = function(chunk, encoding, cb) {
var state = this._writableState;
var ret = false;
if (typeof encoding === 'function') {
cb = encoding;
encoding = null;
if (Buffer.isBuffer(chunk))
encoding = 'buffer';
else if (!encoding)
encoding = state.defaultEncoding;
if (typeof cb !== 'function')
cb = function() {};
if (state.ended)
writeAfterEnd(this, state, cb);
else if (validChunk(this, state, chunk, cb))
ret = writeOrBuffer(this, state, chunk, encoding, cb);
return ret;
function decodeChunk(state, chunk, encoding) {
if (!state.objectMode &&
state.decodeStrings !== false &&
typeof chunk === 'string') {
chunk = new Buffer(chunk, encoding);
return chunk;
// if we're already writing something, then just put this
// in the queue, and wait our turn. Otherwise, call _write
// If we return false, then we need a drain event, so set that flag.
function writeOrBuffer(stream, state, chunk, encoding, cb) {
chunk = decodeChunk(state, chunk, encoding);
if (Buffer.isBuffer(chunk))
encoding = 'buffer';
var len = state.objectMode ? 1 : chunk.length;
state.length += len;
var ret = state.length < state.highWaterMark;
// we must ensure that previous needDrain will not be reset to false.
if (!ret)
state.needDrain = true;
if (state.writing)
state.buffer.push(new WriteReq(chunk, encoding, cb));
doWrite(stream, state, len, chunk, encoding, cb);
return ret;
function doWrite(stream, state, len, chunk, encoding, cb) {
state.writelen = len;
state.writecb = cb;
state.writing = true;
state.sync = true;
stream._write(chunk, encoding, state.onwrite);
state.sync = false;
function onwriteError(stream, state, sync, er, cb) {
if (sync)
process.nextTick(function() {
stream._writableState.errorEmitted = true;
stream.emit('error', er);
function onwriteStateUpdate(state) {
state.writing = false;
state.writecb = null;
state.length -= state.writelen;
state.writelen = 0;
function onwrite(stream, er) {
var state = stream._writableState;
var sync = state.sync;
var cb = state.writecb;
if (er)
onwriteError(stream, state, sync, er, cb);
else {
// Check if we're actually ready to finish, but don't emit yet
var finished = needFinish(stream, state);
if (!finished && !state.bufferProcessing && state.buffer.length)
clearBuffer(stream, state);
if (sync) {
process.nextTick(function() {
afterWrite(stream, state, finished, cb);
} else {
afterWrite(stream, state, finished, cb);
function afterWrite(stream, state, finished, cb) {
if (!finished)
onwriteDrain(stream, state);
if (finished)
finishMaybe(stream, state);
// Must force callback to be called on nextTick, so that we don't
// emit 'drain' before the write() consumer gets the 'false' return
// value, and has a chance to attach a 'drain' listener.
function onwriteDrain(stream, state) {
if (state.length === 0 && state.needDrain) {
state.needDrain = false;
// if there's something in the buffer waiting, then process it
function clearBuffer(stream, state) {
state.bufferProcessing = true;
for (var c = 0; c < state.buffer.length; c++) {
var entry = state.buffer[c];
var chunk = entry.chunk;
var encoding = entry.encoding;
var cb = entry.callback;
var len = state.objectMode ? 1 : chunk.length;
doWrite(stream, state, len, chunk, encoding, cb);
// if we didn't call the onwrite immediately, then
// it means that we need to wait until it does.
// also, that means that the chunk and cb are currently
// being processed, so move the buffer counter past them.
if (state.writing) {
state.bufferProcessing = false;
if (c < state.buffer.length)
state.buffer = state.buffer.slice(c);
state.buffer.length = 0;
Writable.prototype._write = function(chunk, encoding, cb) {
cb(new Error('not implemented'));
Writable.prototype.end = function(chunk, encoding, cb) {
var state = this._writableState;
if (typeof chunk === 'function') {
cb = chunk;
chunk = null;
encoding = null;
} else if (typeof encoding === 'function') {
cb = encoding;
encoding = null;
if (typeof chunk !== 'undefined' && chunk !== null)
this.write(chunk, encoding);
// ignore unnecessary end() calls.
if (!state.ending && !state.finished)
endWritable(this, state, cb);
function needFinish(stream, state) {
return (state.ending &&
state.length === 0 &&
!state.finished &&
function finishMaybe(stream, state) {
var need = needFinish(stream, state);
if (need) {
state.finished = true;
return need;
function endWritable(stream, state, cb) {
state.ending = true;
finishMaybe(stream, state);
if (cb) {
if (state.finished)
stream.once('finish', cb);
state.ended = true;
(function (Buffer){
// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit
// persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the
// following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
// in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
// NOTE: These type checking functions intentionally don't use `instanceof`
// because it is fragile and can be easily faked with `Object.create()`.
function isArray(ar) {
return Array.isArray(ar);
exports.isArray = isArray;
function isBoolean(arg) {
return typeof arg === 'boolean';
exports.isBoolean = isBoolean;
function isNull(arg) {
return arg === null;
exports.isNull = isNull;
function isNullOrUndefined(arg) {
return arg == null;
exports.isNullOrUndefined = isNullOrUndefined;
function isNumber(arg) {
return typeof arg === 'number';
exports.isNumber = isNumber;
function isString(arg) {
return typeof arg === 'string';
exports.isString = isString;
function isSymbol(arg) {
return typeof arg === 'symbol';
exports.isSymbol = isSymbol;
function isUndefined(arg) {
return arg === void 0;
exports.isUndefined = isUndefined;
function isRegExp(re) {
return isObject(re) && objectToString(re) === '[object RegExp]';
exports.isRegExp = isRegExp;
function isObject(arg) {
return typeof arg === 'object' && arg !== null;
exports.isObject = isObject;
function isDate(d) {
return isObject(d) && objectToString(d) === '[object Date]';
exports.isDate = isDate;
function isError(e) {
return isObject(e) &&
(objectToString(e) === '[object Error]' || e instanceof Error);
exports.isError = isError;
function isFunction(arg) {
return typeof arg === 'function';
exports.isFunction = isFunction;
function isPrimitive(arg) {
return arg === null ||
typeof arg === 'boolean' ||
typeof arg === 'number' ||
typeof arg === 'string' ||
typeof arg === 'symbol' || // ES6 symbol
typeof arg === 'undefined';
exports.isPrimitive = isPrimitive;
function isBuffer(arg) {
return Buffer.isBuffer(arg);
exports.isBuffer = isBuffer;
function objectToString(o) {
module.exports = require("./lib/_stream_passthrough.js")
var Stream = require('stream'); // hack to fix a circular dependency issue when used with browserify
exports = module.exports = require('./lib/_stream_readable.js');
exports.Stream = Stream;
exports.Readable = exports;
exports.Writable = require('./lib/_stream_writable.js');
exports.Duplex = require('./lib/_stream_duplex.js');
exports.Transform = require('./lib/_stream_transform.js');
exports.PassThrough = require('./lib/_stream_passthrough.js');
module.exports = require("./lib/_stream_transform.js")
module.exports = require("./lib/_stream_writable.js")
// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit
// persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the
// following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
// in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
module.exports = Stream;
var EE = require('events').EventEmitter;
var inherits = require('inherits');
inherits(Stream, EE);
Stream.Readable = require('readable-stream/readable.js');
Stream.Writable = require('readable-stream/writable.js');
Stream.Duplex = require('readable-stream/duplex.js');
Stream.Transform = require('readable-stream/transform.js');
Stream.PassThrough = require('readable-stream/passthrough.js');
// Backwards-compat with node 0.4.x
Stream.Stream = Stream;
// old-style streams. Note that the pipe method (the only relevant
// part of this class) is overridden in the Readable class.
function Stream() {;
Stream.prototype.pipe = function(dest, options) {
var source = this;
function ondata(chunk) {
if (dest.writable) {
if (false === dest.write(chunk) && source.pause) {
source.on('data', ondata);
function ondrain() {
if (source.readable && source.resume) {
dest.on('drain', ondrain);
// If the 'end' option is not supplied, dest.end() will be called when
// source gets the 'end' or 'close' events. Only dest.end() once.
if (!dest._isStdio && (!options || options.end !== false)) {
source.on('end', onend);
source.on('close', onclose);
var didOnEnd = false;
function onend() {
if (didOnEnd) return;
didOnEnd = true;
function onclose() {
if (didOnEnd) return;
didOnEnd = true;
if (typeof dest.destroy === 'function') dest.destroy();
// don't leave dangling pipes when there are errors.
function onerror(er) {
if (EE.listenerCount(this, 'error') === 0) {
throw er; // Unhandled stream error in pipe.
source.on('error', onerror);
dest.on('error', onerror);
// remove all the event listeners that were added.
function cleanup() {
source.removeListener('data', ondata);
dest.removeListener('drain', ondrain);
source.removeListener('end', onend);
source.removeListener('close', onclose);
source.removeListener('error', onerror);
dest.removeListener('error', onerror);
source.removeListener('end', cleanup);
source.removeListener('close', cleanup);
dest.removeListener('close', cleanup);
source.on('end', cleanup);
source.on('close', cleanup);
dest.on('close', cleanup);
dest.emit('pipe', source);
// Allow for unix-like usage: A.pipe(B).pipe(C)
return dest;
// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit
// persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the
// following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
// in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
var Buffer = require('buffer').Buffer;
var isBufferEncoding = Buffer.isEncoding
|| function(encoding) {
switch (encoding && encoding.toLowerCase()) {
case 'hex': case 'utf8': case 'utf-8': case 'ascii': case 'binary': case 'base64': case 'ucs2': case 'ucs-2': case 'utf16le': case 'utf-16le': case 'raw': return true;
default: return false;
function assertEncoding(encoding) {
if (encoding && !isBufferEncoding(encoding)) {
throw new Error('Unknown encoding: ' + encoding);
// StringDecoder provides an interface for efficiently splitting a series of
// buffers into a series of JS strings without breaking apart multi-byte
// characters. CESU-8 is handled as part of the UTF-8 encoding.
// @TODO Handling all encodings inside a single object makes it very difficult
// to reason about this code, so it should be split up in the future.
// @TODO There should be a utf8-strict encoding that rejects invalid UTF-8 code
// points as used by CESU-8.
var StringDecoder = exports.StringDecoder = function(encoding) {
this.encoding = (encoding || 'utf8').toLowerCase().replace(/[-_]/, '');
switch (this.encoding) {
case 'utf8':
// CESU-8 represents each of Surrogate Pair by 3-bytes
this.surrogateSize = 3;
case 'ucs2':
case 'utf16le':
// UTF-16 represents each of Surrogate Pair by 2-bytes
this.surrogateSize = 2;
this.detectIncompleteChar = utf16DetectIncompleteChar;
case 'base64':
// Base-64 stores 3 bytes in 4 chars, and pads the remainder.
this.surrogateSize = 3;
this.detectIncompleteChar = base64DetectIncompleteChar;
this.write = passThroughWrite;
// Enough space to store all bytes of a single character. UTF-8 needs 4
// bytes, but CESU-8 may require up to 6 (3 bytes per surrogate).
this.charBuffer = new Buffer(6);
// Number of bytes received for the current incomplete multi-byte character.
this.charReceived = 0;
// Number of bytes expected for the current incomplete multi-byte character.
this.charLength = 0;
// write decodes the given buffer and returns it as JS string that is
// guaranteed to not contain any partial multi-byte characters. Any partial
// character found at the end of the buffer is buffered up, and will be
// returned when calling write again with the remaining bytes.
// Note: Converting a Buffer containing an orphan surrogate to a String
// currently works, but converting a String to a Buffer (via `new Buffer`, or
// Buffer#write) will replace incomplete surrogates with the unicode
// replacement character. See .
StringDecoder.prototype.write = function(buffer) {
var charStr = '';
// if our last write ended with an incomplete multibyte character
while (this.charLength) {
// determine how many remaining bytes this buffer has to offer for this char
var available = (buffer.length >= this.charLength - this.charReceived) ?
this.charLength - this.charReceived :
// add the new bytes to the char buffer
buffer.copy(this.charBuffer, this.charReceived, 0, available);
this.charReceived += available;
if (this.charReceived < this.charLength) {
// still not enough chars in this buffer? wait for more ...
return '';
// remove bytes belonging to the current character from the buffer
buffer = buffer.slice(available, buffer.length);
// get the character that was split
charStr = this.charBuffer.slice(0, this.charLength).toString(this.encoding);
// CESU-8: lead surrogate (D800-DBFF) is also the incomplete character
var charCode = charStr.charCodeAt(charStr.length - 1);
if (charCode >= 0xD800 && charCode <= 0xDBFF) {
this.charLength += this.surrogateSize;
charStr = '';
this.charReceived = this.charLength = 0;
// if there are no more bytes in this buffer, just emit our char
if (buffer.length === 0) {
return charStr;
// determine and set charLength / charReceived
var end = buffer.length;
if (this.charLength) {
// buffer the incomplete character bytes we got
buffer.copy(this.charBuffer, 0, buffer.length - this.charReceived, end);
end -= this.charReceived;
charStr += buffer.toString(this.encoding, 0, end);
var end = charStr.length - 1;
var charCode = charStr.charCodeAt(end);
// CESU-8: lead surrogate (D800-DBFF) is also the incomplete character
if (charCode >= 0xD800 && charCode <= 0xDBFF) {
var size = this.surrogateSize;
this.charLength += size;
this.charReceived += size;
this.charBuffer.copy(this.charBuffer, size, 0, size);
buffer.copy(this.charBuffer, 0, 0, size);
return charStr.substring(0, end);
// or just emit the charStr
return charStr;
// detectIncompleteChar determines if there is an incomplete UTF-8 character at
// the end of the given buffer. If so, it sets this.charLength to the byte
// length that character, and sets this.charReceived to the number of bytes
// that are available for this character.
StringDecoder.prototype.detectIncompleteChar = function(buffer) {
// determine how many bytes we have to check at the end of this buffer
var i = (buffer.length >= 3) ? 3 : buffer.length;
// Figure out if one of the last i bytes of our buffer announces an
// incomplete char.
for (; i > 0; i--) {
var c = buffer[buffer.length - i];
// See
// 110XXXXX
if (i == 1 && c >> 5 == 0x06) {
this.charLength = 2;
// 1110XXXX
if (i <= 2 && c >> 4 == 0x0E) {
this.charLength = 3;
// 11110XXX
if (i <= 3 && c >> 3 == 0x1E) {
this.charLength = 4;
this.charReceived = i;
StringDecoder.prototype.end = function(buffer) {
var res = '';
if (buffer && buffer.length)
res = this.write(buffer);
if (this.charReceived) {
var cr = this.charReceived;
var buf = this.charBuffer;
var enc = this.encoding;
res += buf.slice(0, cr).toString(enc);
return res;
function passThroughWrite(buffer) {
return buffer.toString(this.encoding);
function utf16DetectIncompleteChar(buffer) {
this.charReceived = buffer.length % 2;
this.charLength = this.charReceived ? 2 : 0;
function base64DetectIncompleteChar(buffer) {
this.charReceived = buffer.length % 3;
this.charLength = this.charReceived ? 3 : 0;
module.exports = function isBuffer(arg) {
return arg && typeof arg === 'object'
&& typeof arg.copy === 'function'
&& typeof arg.fill === 'function'
&& typeof arg.readUInt8 === 'function';
(function (process,global){
// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit
// persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the
// following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
// in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
var formatRegExp = /%[sdj%]/g;
exports.format = function(f) {
if (!isString(f)) {
var objects = [];
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
return objects.join(' ');
var i = 1;
var args = arguments;
var len = args.length;
var str = String(f).replace(formatRegExp, function(x) {
if (x === '%%') return '%';
if (i >= len) return x;
switch (x) {
case '%s': return String(args[i++]);
case '%d': return Number(args[i++]);
case '%j':
try {
return JSON.stringify(args[i++]);
} catch (_) {
return '[Circular]';
return x;
for (var x = args[i]; i < len; x = args[++i]) {
if (isNull(x) || !isObject(x)) {
str += ' ' + x;
} else {
str += ' ' + inspect(x);
return str;
// Mark that a method should not be used.
// Returns a modified function which warns once by default.
// If --no-deprecation is set, then it is a no-op.
exports.deprecate = function(fn, msg) {
// Allow for deprecating things in the process of starting up.
if (isUndefined(global.process)) {
return function() {
return exports.deprecate(fn, msg).apply(this, arguments);
if (process.noDeprecation === true) {
return fn;
var warned = false;
function deprecated() {
if (!warned) {
if (process.throwDeprecation) {
throw new Error(msg);
} else if (process.traceDeprecation) {
} else {
warned = true;
return fn.apply(this, arguments);
return deprecated;
var debugs = {};
var debugEnviron;
exports.debuglog = function(set) {
if (isUndefined(debugEnviron))
debugEnviron = process.env.NODE_DEBUG || '';
set = set.toUpperCase();
if (!debugs[set]) {
if (new RegExp('\\b' + set + '\\b', 'i').test(debugEnviron)) {
var pid =;
debugs[set] = function() {
var msg = exports.format.apply(exports, arguments);
console.error('%s %d: %s', set, pid, msg);
} else {
debugs[set] = function() {};
return debugs[set];
* Echos the value of a value. Trys to print the value out
* in the best way possible given the different types.
* @param {Object} obj The object to print out.
* @param {Object} opts Optional options object that alters the output.
/* legacy: obj, showHidden, depth, colors*/
function inspect(obj, opts) {
// default options
var ctx = {
seen: [],
stylize: stylizeNoColor
// legacy...
if (arguments.length >= 3) ctx.depth = arguments[2];
if (arguments.length >= 4) ctx.colors = arguments[3];
if (isBoolean(opts)) {
// legacy...
ctx.showHidden = opts;
} else if (opts) {
// got an "options" object
exports._extend(ctx, opts);
// set default options
if (isUndefined(ctx.showHidden)) ctx.showHidden = false;
if (isUndefined(ctx.depth)) ctx.depth = 2;
if (isUndefined(ctx.colors)) ctx.colors = false;
if (isUndefined(ctx.customInspect)) ctx.customInspect = true;
if (ctx.colors) ctx.stylize = stylizeWithColor;
return formatValue(ctx, obj, ctx.depth);
exports.inspect = inspect;
inspect.colors = {
'bold' : [1, 22],
'italic' : [3, 23],
'underline' : [4, 24],
'inverse' : [7, 27],
'white' : [37, 39],
'grey' : [90, 39],
'black' : [30, 39],
'blue' : [34, 39],
'cyan' : [36, 39],
'green' : [32, 39],
'magenta' : [35, 39],
'red' : [31, 39],
'yellow' : [33, 39]
// Don't use 'blue' not visible on cmd.exe
inspect.styles = {
'special': 'cyan',
'number': 'yellow',
'boolean': 'yellow',
'undefined': 'grey',
'null': 'bold',
'string': 'green',
'date': 'magenta',
// "name": intentionally not styling
'regexp': 'red'
function stylizeWithColor(str, styleType) {
var style = inspect.styles[styleType];
if (style) {
return '\u001b[' + inspect.colors[style][0] + 'm' + str +
'\u001b[' + inspect.colors[style][1] + 'm';
} else {
return str;
function stylizeNoColor(str, styleType) {
return str;
function arrayToHash(array) {
var hash = {};
array.forEach(function(val, idx) {
hash[val] = true;
return hash;
function formatValue(ctx, value, recurseTimes) {
// Provide a hook for user-specified inspect functions.
// Check that value is an object with an inspect function on it
if (ctx.customInspect &&
value &&
isFunction(value.inspect) &&
// Filter out the util module, it's inspect function is special
value.inspect !== exports.inspect &&
// Also filter out any prototype objects using the circular check.
!(value.constructor && value.constructor.prototype === value)) {
var ret = value.inspect(recurseTimes, ctx);
if (!isString(ret)) {
ret = formatValue(ctx, ret, recurseTimes);
return ret;
// Primitive types cannot have properties
var primitive = formatPrimitive(ctx, value);
if (primitive) {
return primitive;
// Look up the keys of the object.
var keys = Object.keys(value);
var visibleKeys = arrayToHash(keys);
if (ctx.showHidden) {
keys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(value);
// IE doesn't make error fields non-enumerable
if (isError(value)
&& (keys.indexOf('message') >= 0 || keys.indexOf('description') >= 0)) {
return formatError(value);
// Some type of object without properties can be shortcutted.
if (keys.length === 0) {
if (isFunction(value)) {
var name = ? ': ' + : '';
return ctx.stylize('[Function' + name + ']', 'special');
if (isRegExp(value)) {
return ctx.stylize(, 'regexp');
if (isDate(value)) {
return ctx.stylize(, 'date');
if (isError(value)) {
return formatError(value);
var base = '', array = false, braces = ['{', '}'];
// Make Array say that they are Array
if (isArray(value)) {
array = true;
braces = ['[', ']'];
// Make functions say that they are functions
if (isFunction(value)) {
var n = ? ': ' + : '';
base = ' [Function' + n + ']';
// Make RegExps say that they are RegExps
if (isRegExp(value)) {
base = ' ' +;
// Make dates with properties first say the date
if (isDate(value)) {
base = ' ' +;
// Make error with message first say the error
if (isError(value)) {
base = ' ' + formatError(value);
if (keys.length === 0 && (!array || value.length == 0)) {
return braces[0] + base + braces[1];
if (recurseTimes < 0) {
if (isRegExp(value)) {
return ctx.stylize(, 'regexp');
} else {
return ctx.stylize('[Object]', 'special');
var output;
if (array) {
output = formatArray(ctx, value, recurseTimes, visibleKeys, keys);
} else {
output = {
return formatProperty(ctx, value, recurseTimes, visibleKeys, key, array);
return reduceToSingleString(output, base, braces);
function formatPrimitive(ctx, value) {
if (isUndefined(value))
return ctx.stylize('undefined', 'undefined');
if (isString(value)) {
var simple = '\'' + JSON.stringify(value).replace(/^"|"$/g, '')
.replace(/'/g, "\\'")
.replace(/\\"/g, '"') + '\'';
return ctx.stylize(simple, 'string');
if (isNumber(value))
return ctx.stylize('' + value, 'number');
if (isBoolean(value))
return ctx.stylize('' + value, 'boolean');
// For some reason typeof null is "object", so special case here.
if (isNull(value))
return ctx.stylize('null', 'null');
function formatError(value) {
return '[' + + ']';
function formatArray(ctx, value, recurseTimes, visibleKeys, keys) {
var output = [];
for (var i = 0, l = value.length; i < l; ++i) {
if (hasOwnProperty(value, String(i))) {
output.push(formatProperty(ctx, value, recurseTimes, visibleKeys,
String(i), true));
} else {
keys.forEach(function(key) {
if (!key.match(/^\d+$/)) {
output.push(formatProperty(ctx, value, recurseTimes, visibleKeys,
key, true));
return output;
function formatProperty(ctx, value, recurseTimes, visibleKeys, key, array) {
var name, str, desc;
desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(value, key) || { value: value[key] };
if (desc.get) {
if (desc.set) {
str = ctx.stylize('[Getter/Setter]', 'special');
} else {
str = ctx.stylize('[Getter]', 'special');
} else {
if (desc.set) {
str = ctx.stylize('[Setter]', 'special');
if (!hasOwnProperty(visibleKeys, key)) {
name = '[' + key + ']';
if (!str) {
if (ctx.seen.indexOf(desc.value) < 0) {
if (isNull(recurseTimes)) {
str = formatValue(ctx, desc.value, null);
} else {
str = formatValue(ctx, desc.value, recurseTimes - 1);
if (str.indexOf('\n') > -1) {
if (array) {
str = str.split('\n').map(function(line) {
return ' ' + line;
} else {
str = '\n' + str.split('\n').map(function(line) {
return ' ' + line;
} else {
str = ctx.stylize('[Circular]', 'special');
if (isUndefined(name)) {
if (array && key.match(/^\d+$/)) {
return str;
name = JSON.stringify('' + key);
if (name.match(/^"([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)"$/)) {
name = name.substr(1, name.length - 2);
name = ctx.stylize(name, 'name');
} else {
name = name.replace(/'/g, "\\'")
.replace(/\\"/g, '"')
.replace(/(^"|"$)/g, "'");
name = ctx.stylize(name, 'string');
return name + ': ' + str;
function reduceToSingleString(output, base, braces) {
var numLinesEst = 0;
var length = output.reduce(function(prev, cur) {
if (cur.indexOf('\n') >= 0) numLinesEst++;
return prev + cur.replace(/\u001b\[\d\d?m/g, '').length + 1;
}, 0);
if (length > 60) {
return braces[0] +
(base === '' ? '' : base + '\n ') +
' ' +
output.join(',\n ') +
' ' +
return braces[0] + base + ' ' + output.join(', ') + ' ' + braces[1];
// NOTE: These type checking functions intentionally don't use `instanceof`
// because it is fragile and can be easily faked with `Object.create()`.
function isArray(ar) {
return Array.isArray(ar);
exports.isArray = isArray;
function isBoolean(arg) {
return typeof arg === 'boolean';
exports.isBoolean = isBoolean;
function isNull(arg) {
return arg === null;
exports.isNull = isNull;
function isNullOrUndefined(arg) {
return arg == null;
exports.isNullOrUndefined = isNullOrUndefined;
function isNumber(arg) {
return typeof arg === 'number';
exports.isNumber = isNumber;
function isString(arg) {
return typeof arg === 'string';
exports.isString = isString;
function isSymbol(arg) {
return typeof arg === 'symbol';
exports.isSymbol = isSymbol;
function isUndefined(arg) {
return arg === void 0;
exports.isUndefined = isUndefined;
function isRegExp(re) {
return isObject(re) && objectToString(re) === '[object RegExp]';
exports.isRegExp = isRegExp;
function isObject(arg) {
return typeof arg === 'object' && arg !== null;
exports.isObject = isObject;
function isDate(d) {
return isObject(d) && objectToString(d) === '[object Date]';
exports.isDate = isDate;
function isError(e) {
return isObject(e) &&
(objectToString(e) === '[object Error]' || e instanceof Error);
exports.isError = isError;
function isFunction(arg) {
return typeof arg === 'function';
exports.isFunction = isFunction;
function isPrimitive(arg) {
return arg === null ||
typeof arg === 'boolean' ||
typeof arg === 'number' ||
typeof arg === 'string' ||
typeof arg === 'symbol' || // ES6 symbol
typeof arg === 'undefined';
exports.isPrimitive = isPrimitive;
exports.isBuffer = require('./support/isBuffer');
function objectToString(o) {
function pad(n) {
return n < 10 ? '0' + n.toString(10) : n.toString(10);
var months = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep',
'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'];
// 26 Feb 16:19:34
function timestamp() {
var d = new Date();
var time = [pad(d.getHours()),
return [d.getDate(), months[d.getMonth()], time].join(' ');
// log is just a thin wrapper to console.log that prepends a timestamp
exports.log = function() {
console.log('%s - %s', timestamp(), exports.format.apply(exports, arguments));
* Inherit the prototype methods from one constructor into another.
* The Function.prototype.inherits from lang.js rewritten as a standalone
* function (not on Function.prototype). NOTE: If this file is to be loaded
* during bootstrapping this function needs to be rewritten using some native
* functions as prototype setup using normal JavaScript does not work as
* expected during bootstrapping (see mirror.js in r114903).
* @param {function} ctor Constructor function which needs to inherit the
* prototype.
* @param {function} superCtor Constructor function to inherit prototype from.
exports.inherits = require('inherits');
exports._extend = function(origin, add) {
// Don't do anything if add isn't an object
if (!add || !isObject(add)) return origin;
var keys = Object.keys(add);
var i = keys.length;
while (i--) {
origin[keys[i]] = add[keys[i]];
return origin;
function hasOwnProperty(obj, prop) {
return, prop);
}).call(this,require('_process'),typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {})
(function(f){if(typeof exports==="object"&&typeof module!=="undefined"){module.exports=f()}else if(typeof define==="function"&&define.amd){define([],f)}else{var g;if(typeof window!=="undefined"){g=window}else if(typeof global!=="undefined"){g=global}else if(typeof self!=="undefined"){g=self}else{g=this}g.PDFDocument = f()}})(function(){var define,module,exports;return (function(){function r(e,n,t){function o(i,f){if(!n[i]){if(!e[i]){var c="function"==typeof require&&require;if(!f&&c)return c(i,!0);if(u)return u(i,!0);var a=new Error("Cannot find module '"+i+"'");throw a.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",a}var p=n[i]={exports:{}};e[i][0].call(p.exports,function(r){var n=e[i][1][r];return o(n||r)},p,p.exports,r,e,n,t)}return n[i].exports}for(var u="function"==typeof require&&require,i=0;i<t.length;i++)o(t[i]);return o}return r})()({1:[function(require,module,exports){
(function (Buffer){
'use strict';
var stream = require('stream');
var fs = require('fs');
var zlib = require('zlib');
var CryptoJS = require('crypto-js');
var fontkit = require('fontkit');
var events = require('events');
var LineBreaker = require('linebreak');
var PNG = require('png-js');
PDFAbstractReference - abstract class for PDF reference
class PDFAbstractReference {
toString() {
throw new Error('Must be implemented by subclasses');
PDFNameTree - represents a name tree object
class PDFNameTree {
constructor() {
this._items = {};
add(key, val) {
return this._items[key] = val;
get(key) {
return this._items[key];
toString() {
// Needs to be sorted by key
const sortedKeys = Object.keys(this._items).sort((a, b) => a.localeCompare(b));
const out = ['<<'];
if (sortedKeys.length > 1) {
const first = sortedKeys[0],
last = sortedKeys[sortedKeys.length - 1];
out.push(` /Limits ${PDFObject.convert([new String(first), new String(last)])}`);
out.push(' /Names [');
for (let key of sortedKeys) {
out.push(` ${PDFObject.convert(new String(key))} ${PDFObject.convert(this._items[key])}`);
return out.join('\n');
PDFObject - converts JavaScript types into their corresponding PDF types.
By Devon Govett
const pad = (str, length) => (Array(length + 1).join('0') + str).slice(-length);
const escapableRe = /[\n\r\t\b\f\(\)\\]/g;
const escapable = {
'\n': '\\n',
'\r': '\\r',
'\t': '\\t',
'\b': '\\b',
'\f': '\\f',
'\\': '\\\\',
'(': '\\(',
')': '\\)'
}; // Convert little endian UTF-16 to big endian
const swapBytes = function (buff) {
const l = buff.length;
if (l & 0x01) {
throw new Error('Buffer length must be even');
} else {
for (let i = 0, end = l - 1; i < end; i += 2) {
const a = buff[i];
buff[i] = buff[i + 1];
buff[i + 1] = a;
return buff;
class PDFObject {
static convert(object, encryptFn = null) {
// String literals are converted to the PDF name type
if (typeof object === 'string') {
return `/${object}`; // String objects are converted to PDF strings (UTF-16)
} else if (object instanceof String) {
let string = object; // Detect if this is a unicode string
let isUnicode = false;
for (let i = 0, end = string.length; i < end; i++) {
if (string.charCodeAt(i) > 0x7f) {
isUnicode = true;
} // If so, encode it as big endian UTF-16
let stringBuffer;
if (isUnicode) {
stringBuffer = swapBytes(Buffer.from(`\ufeff${string}`, 'utf16le'));
} else {
stringBuffer = Buffer.from(string.valueOf(), 'ascii');
} // Encrypt the string when necessary
if (encryptFn) {
string = encryptFn(stringBuffer).toString('binary');
} else {
string = stringBuffer.toString('binary');
} // Escape characters as required by the spec
string = string.replace(escapableRe, c => escapable[c]);
return `(${string})`; // Buffers are converted to PDF hex strings
} else if (Buffer.isBuffer(object)) {
return `<${object.toString('hex')}>`;
} else if (object instanceof PDFAbstractReference || object instanceof PDFNameTree) {
return object.toString();
} else if (object instanceof Date) {
let string = `D:${pad(object.getUTCFullYear(), 4)}` + pad(object.getUTCMonth() + 1, 2) + pad(object.getUTCDate(), 2) + pad(object.getUTCHours(), 2) + pad(object.getUTCMinutes(), 2) + pad(object.getUTCSeconds(), 2) + 'Z'; // Encrypt the string when necessary
if (encryptFn) {
string = encryptFn(new Buffer(string, 'ascii')).toString('binary'); // Escape characters as required by the spec
string = string.replace(escapableRe, c => escapable[c]);
return `(${string})`;
} else if (Array.isArray(object)) {
const items = => PDFObject.convert(e, encryptFn)).join(' ');
return `[${items}]`;
} else if ({} === '[object Object]') {
const out = ['<<'];
for (let key in object) {
const val = object[key];
out.push(`/${key} ${PDFObject.convert(val, encryptFn)}`);
return out.join('\n');
} else if (typeof object === 'number') {
return PDFObject.number(object);
} else {
return `${object}`;
static number(n) {
if (n > -1e21 && n < 1e21) {
return Math.round(n * 1e6) / 1e6;
throw new Error(`unsupported number: ${n}`);
PDFReference - represents a reference to another object in the PDF object heirarchy
By Devon Govett
class PDFReference extends PDFAbstractReference {
constructor(document, id, data = {}) {
this.document = document; = id; = data;
this.gen = 0;
this.compress = this.document.compress && !;
this.uncompressedLength = 0;
this.buffer = [];
write(chunk) {
if (!Buffer.isBuffer(chunk)) {
chunk = new Buffer(chunk + '\n', 'binary');
this.uncompressedLength += chunk.length;
if ( == null) { = 0;
this.buffer.push(chunk); += chunk.length;
if (this.compress) {
return = 'FlateDecode';
end(chunk) {
if (chunk) {
return this.finalize();
finalize() {
this.offset = this.document._offset;
const encryptFn = this.document._security ? this.document._security.getEncryptFn(, this.gen) : null;
if (this.buffer.length) {
this.buffer = Buffer.concat(this.buffer);
if (this.compress) {
this.buffer = zlib.deflateSync(this.buffer);
if (encryptFn) {
this.buffer = encryptFn(this.buffer);
} = this.buffer.length;
this.document._write(`${} ${this.gen} obj`);
this.document._write(PDFObject.convert(, encryptFn));
if (this.buffer.length) {
this.buffer = []; // free up memory
toString() {
return `${} ${this.gen} R`;
PDFPage - represents a single page in the PDF document
By Devon Govett
top: 72,
left: 72,
bottom: 72,
right: 72
const SIZES = {
'4A0': [4767.87, 6740.79],
'2A0': [3370.39, 4767.87],
A0: [2383.94, 3370.39],
A1: [1683.78, 2383.94],
A2: [1190.55, 1683.78],
A3: [841.89, 1190.55],
A4: [595.28, 841.89],
A5: [419.53, 595.28],
A6: [297.64, 419.53],
A7: [209.76, 297.64],
A8: [147.4, 209.76],
A9: [104.88, 147.4],
A10: [73.7, 104.88],
B0: [2834.65, 4008.19],
B1: [2004.09, 2834.65],
B2: [1417.32, 2004.09],
B3: [1000.63, 1417.32],
B4: [708.66, 1000.63],
B5: [498.9, 708.66],
B6: [354.33, 498.9],
B7: [249.45, 354.33],
B8: [175.75, 249.45],
B9: [124.72, 175.75],
B10: [87.87, 124.72],
C0: [2599.37, 3676.54],
C1: [1836.85, 2599.37],
C2: [1298.27, 1836.85],
C3: [918.43, 1298.27],
C4: [649.13, 918.43],
C5: [459.21, 649.13],
C6: [323.15, 459.21],
C7: [229.61, 323.15],
C8: [161.57, 229.61],
C9: [113.39, 161.57],
C10: [79.37, 113.39],
RA0: [2437.8, 3458.27],
RA1: [1729.13, 2437.8],
RA2: [1218.9, 1729.13],
RA3: [864.57, 1218.9],
RA4: [609.45, 864.57],
SRA0: [2551.18, 3628.35],
SRA1: [1814.17, 2551.18],
SRA2: [1275.59, 1814.17],
SRA3: [907.09, 1275.59],
SRA4: [637.8, 907.09],
EXECUTIVE: [521.86, 756.0],
FOLIO: [612.0, 936.0],
LEGAL: [612.0, 1008.0],
LETTER: [612.0, 792.0],
TABLOID: [792.0, 1224.0]
class PDFPage {
constructor(document, options = {}) {
this.document = document;
this.size = options.size || 'letter';
this.layout = options.layout || 'portrait'; // process margins
if (typeof options.margin === 'number') {
this.margins = {
top: options.margin,
left: options.margin,
bottom: options.margin,
right: options.margin
}; // default to 1 inch margins
} else {
this.margins = options.margins || DEFAULT_MARGINS;
} // calculate page dimensions
const dimensions = Array.isArray(this.size) ? this.size : SIZES[this.size.toUpperCase()];
this.width = dimensions[this.layout === 'portrait' ? 0 : 1];
this.height = dimensions[this.layout === 'portrait' ? 1 : 0];
this.content = this.document.ref(); // Initialize the Font, XObject, and ExtGState dictionaries
this.resources = this.document.ref({
ProcSet: ['PDF', 'Text', 'ImageB', 'ImageC', 'ImageI']
}); // The page dictionary
this.dictionary = this.document.ref({
Type: 'Page',
MediaBox: [0, 0, this.width, this.height],
Contents: this.content,
Resources: this.resources
} // Lazily create these dictionaries
get fonts() {
const data =;
return data.Font != null ? data.Font : data.Font = {};
get xobjects() {
const data =;
return data.XObject != null ? data.XObject : data.XObject = {};
get ext_gstates() {
const data =;
return data.ExtGState != null ? data.ExtGState : data.ExtGState = {};
get patterns() {
const data =;
return data.Pattern != null ? data.Pattern : data.Pattern = {};
get annotations() {
const data =;
return data.Annots != null ? data.Annots : data.Annots = [];
maxY() {
return this.height - this.margins.bottom;
write(chunk) {
return this.content.write(chunk);
end() {
return this.content.end();
* Check if value is in a range group.
* @param {number} value
* @param {number[]} rangeGroup
* @returns {boolean}
function inRange(value, rangeGroup) {
if (value < rangeGroup[0]) return false;
let startRange = 0;
let endRange = rangeGroup.length / 2;
while (startRange <= endRange) {
const middleRange = Math.floor((startRange + endRange) / 2); // actual array index
const arrayIndex = middleRange * 2; // Check if value is in range pointed by actual index
if (value >= rangeGroup[arrayIndex] && value <= rangeGroup[arrayIndex + 1]) {
return true;
if (value > rangeGroup[arrayIndex + 1]) {
// Search Right Side Of Array
startRange = middleRange + 1;
} else {
// Search Left Side Of Array
endRange = middleRange - 1;
return false;
/* eslint-disable prettier/prettier */
* A.1 Unassigned code points in Unicode 3.2
* @link
const unassigned_code_points = [0x0221, 0x0221, 0x0234, 0x024f, 0x02ae, 0x02af, 0x02ef, 0x02ff, 0x0350, 0x035f, 0x0370, 0x0373, 0x0376, 0x0379, 0x037b, 0x037d, 0x037f, 0x0383, 0x038b, 0x038b, 0x038d, 0x038d, 0x03a2, 0x03a2, 0x03cf, 0x03cf, 0x03f7, 0x03ff, 0x0487, 0x0487, 0x04cf, 0x04cf, 0x04f6, 0x04f7, 0x04fa, 0x04ff, 0x0510, 0x0530, 0x0557, 0x0558, 0x0560, 0x0560, 0x0588, 0x0588, 0x058b, 0x0590, 0x05a2, 0x05a2, 0x05ba, 0x05ba, 0x05c5, 0x05cf, 0x05eb, 0x05ef, 0x05f5, 0x060b, 0x060d, 0x061a, 0x061c, 0x061e, 0x0620, 0x0620, 0x063b, 0x063f, 0x0656, 0x065f, 0x06ee, 0x06ef, 0x06ff, 0x06ff, 0x070e, 0x070e, 0x072d, 0x072f, 0x074b, 0x077f, 0x07b2, 0x0900, 0x0904, 0x0904, 0x093a, 0x093b, 0x094e, 0x094f, 0x0955, 0x0957, 0x0971, 0x0980, 0x0984, 0x0984, 0x098d, 0x098e, 0x0991, 0x0992, 0x09a9, 0x09a9, 0x09b1, 0x09b1, 0x09b3, 0x09b5, 0x09ba, 0x09bb, 0x09bd, 0x09bd, 0x09c5, 0x09c6, 0x09c9, 0x09ca, 0x09ce, 0x09d6, 0x09d8, 0x09db, 0x09de, 0x09de, 0x09e4, 0x09e5, 0x09fb, 0x0a01, 0x0a03, 0x0a04, 0x0a0b, 0x0a0e, 0x0a11, 0x0a12, 0x0a29, 0x0a29, 0x0a31, 0x0a31, 0x0a34, 0x0a34, 0x0a37, 0x0a37, 0x0a3a, 0x0a3b, 0x0a3d, 0x0a3d, 0x0a43, 0x0a46, 0x0a49, 0x0a4a, 0x0a4e, 0x0a58, 0x0a5d, 0x0a5d, 0x0a5f, 0x0a65, 0x0a75, 0x0a80, 0x0a84, 0x0a84, 0x0a8c, 0x0a8c, 0x0a8e, 0x0a8e, 0x0a92, 0x0a92, 0x0aa9, 0x0aa9, 0x0ab1, 0x0ab1, 0x0ab4, 0x0ab4, 0x0aba, 0x0abb, 0x0ac6, 0x0ac6, 0x0aca, 0x0aca, 0x0ace, 0x0acf, 0x0ad1, 0x0adf, 0x0ae1, 0x0ae5, 0x0af0, 0x0b00, 0x0b04, 0x0b04, 0x0b0d, 0x0b0e, 0x0b11, 0x0b12, 0x0b29, 0x0b29, 0x0b31, 0x0b31, 0x0b34, 0x0b35, 0x0b3a, 0x0b3b, 0x0b44, 0x0b46, 0x0b49, 0x0b4a, 0x0b4e, 0x0b55, 0x0b58, 0x0b5b, 0x0b5e, 0x0b5e, 0x0b62, 0x0b65, 0x0b71, 0x0b81, 0x0b84, 0x0b84, 0x0b8b, 0x0b8d, 0x0b91, 0x0b91, 0x0b96, 0x0b98, 0x0b9b, 0x0b9b, 0x0b9d, 0x0b9d, 0x0ba0, 0x0ba2, 0x0ba5, 0x0ba7, 0x0bab, 0x0bad, 0x0bb6, 0x0bb6, 0x0bba, 0x0bbd, 0x0bc3, 0x0bc5, 0x0bc9, 0x0bc9, 0x0bce, 0x0bd6, 0x0bd8, 0x0be6, 0x0bf3, 0x0c00, 0x0c04, 0x0c04, 0x0c0d, 0x0c0d, 0x0c11, 0x0c11, 0x0c29, 0x0c29, 0x0c34, 0x0c34, 0x0c3a, 0x0c3d, 0x0c45, 0x0c45, 0x0c49, 0x0c49, 0x0c4e, 0x0c54, 0x0c57, 0x0c5f, 0x0c62, 0x0c65, 0x0c70, 0x0c81, 0x0c84, 0x0c84, 0x0c8d, 0x0c8d, 0x0c91, 0x0c91, 0x0ca9, 0x0ca9, 0x0cb4, 0x0cb4, 0x0cba, 0x0cbd, 0x0cc5, 0x0cc5, 0x0cc9, 0x0cc9, 0x0cce, 0x0cd4, 0x0cd7, 0x0cdd, 0x0cdf, 0x0cdf, 0x0ce2, 0x0ce5, 0x0cf0, 0x0d01, 0x0d04, 0x0d04, 0x0d0d, 0x0d0d, 0x0d11, 0x0d11, 0x0d29, 0x0d29, 0x0d3a, 0x0d3d, 0x0d44, 0x0d45, 0x0d49, 0x0d49, 0x0d4e, 0x0d56, 0x0d58, 0x0d5f, 0x0d62, 0x0d65, 0x0d70, 0x0d81, 0x0d84, 0x0d84, 0x0d97, 0x0d99, 0x0db2, 0x0db2, 0x0dbc, 0x0dbc, 0x0dbe, 0x0dbf, 0x0dc7, 0x0dc9, 0x0dcb, 0x0dce, 0x0dd5, 0x0dd5, 0x0dd7, 0x0dd7, 0x0de0, 0x0df1, 0x0df5, 0x0e00, 0x0e3b, 0x0e3e, 0x0e5c, 0x0e80, 0x0e83, 0x0e83, 0x0e85, 0x0e86, 0x0e89, 0x0e89, 0x0e8b, 0x0e8c, 0x0e8e, 0x0e93, 0x0e98, 0x0e98, 0x0ea0, 0x0ea0, 0x0ea4, 0x0ea4, 0x0ea6, 0x0ea6, 0x0ea8, 0x0ea9, 0x0eac, 0x0eac, 0x0eba, 0x0eba, 0x0ebe, 0x0ebf, 0x0ec5, 0x0ec5, 0x0ec7, 0x0ec7, 0x0ece, 0x0ecf, 0x0eda, 0x0edb, 0x0ede, 0x0eff, 0x0f48, 0x0f48, 0x0f6b, 0x0f70, 0x0f8c, 0x0f8f, 0x0f98, 0x0f98, 0x0fbd, 0x0fbd, 0x0fcd, 0x0fce, 0x0fd0, 0x0fff, 0x1022, 0x1022, 0x1028, 0x1028, 0x102b, 0x102b, 0x1033, 0x1035, 0x103a, 0x103f, 0x105a, 0x109f, 0x10c6, 0x10cf, 0x10f9, 0x10fa, 0x10fc, 0x10ff, 0x115a, 0x115e, 0x11a3, 0x11a7, 0x11fa, 0x11ff, 0x1207, 0x1207, 0x1247, 0x1247, 0x1249, 0x1249, 0x124e, 0x124f, 0x1257, 0x1257, 0x1259, 0x1259, 0x125e, 0x125f, 0x1287, 0x1287, 0x1289, 0x1289, 0x128e, 0x128f, 0x12af, 0x12af, 0x12b1, 0x12b1, 0x12b6, 0x12b7, 0x12bf, 0x12bf, 0x12c1, 0x12c1, 0x12c6, 0x12c7, 0x12cf, 0x12cf, 0x12d7, 0x12d7, 0x12ef, 0x12ef, 0x130f, 0x130f, 0x1311, 0x1311, 0x1316, 0x1317, 0x131f, 0x131f, 0x1347, 0x1347, 0x135b, 0x1360, 0x137d, 0x139f, 0x13f5, 0x1400, 0x1677, 0x167f, 0x169d, 0x169f, 0x16f1, 0x16ff, 0x170d, 0x170d, 0x1715, 0x171f, 0x1737, 0x173f, 0x1754, 0x175f, 0x176d, 0x176d, 0x1771, 0x1771, 0x1774, 0x177f, 0x17dd, 0x17df, 0x17ea, 0x17ff, 0x180f, 0x180f, 0x181a, 0x181f, 0x1878, 0x187f, 0x18aa, 0x1dff, 0x1e9c, 0x1e9f, 0x1efa, 0x1eff, 0x1f16, 0x1f17, 0x1f1e, 0x1f1f, 0x1f46, 0x1f47, 0x1f4e, 0x1f4f, 0x1f58, 0x1f58, 0x1f5a, 0x1f5a, 0x1f5c, 0x1f5c, 0x1f5e, 0x1f5e, 0x1f7e, 0x1f7f, 0x1fb5, 0x1fb5, 0x1fc5, 0x1fc5, 0x1fd4, 0x1fd5, 0x1fdc, 0x1fdc, 0x1ff0, 0x1ff1, 0x1ff5, 0x1ff5, 0x1fff, 0x1fff, 0x2053, 0x2056, 0x2058, 0x205e, 0x2064, 0x2069, 0x2072, 0x2073, 0x208f, 0x209f, 0x20b2, 0x20cf, 0x20eb, 0x20ff, 0x213b, 0x213c, 0x214c, 0x2152, 0x2184, 0x218f, 0x23cf, 0x23ff, 0x2427, 0x243f, 0x244b, 0x245f, 0x24ff, 0x24ff, 0x2614, 0x2615, 0x2618, 0x2618, 0x267e, 0x267f, 0x268a, 0x2700, 0x2705, 0x2705, 0x270a, 0x270b, 0x2728, 0x2728, 0x274c, 0x274c, 0x274e, 0x274e, 0x2753, 0x2755, 0x2757, 0x2757, 0x275f, 0x2760, 0x2795, 0x2797, 0x27b0, 0x27b0, 0x27bf, 0x27cf, 0x27ec, 0x27ef, 0x2b00, 0x2e7f, 0x2e9a, 0x2e9a, 0x2ef4, 0x2eff, 0x2fd6, 0x2fef, 0x2ffc, 0x2fff, 0x3040, 0x3040, 0x3097, 0x3098, 0x3100, 0x3104, 0x312d, 0x3130, 0x318f, 0x318f, 0x31b8, 0x31ef, 0x321d, 0x321f, 0x3244, 0x3250, 0x327c, 0x327e, 0x32cc, 0x32cf, 0x32ff, 0x32ff, 0x3377, 0x337a, 0x33de, 0x33df, 0x33ff, 0x33ff, 0x4db6, 0x4dff, 0x9fa6, 0x9fff, 0xa48d, 0xa48f, 0xa4c7, 0xabff, 0xd7a4, 0xd7ff, 0xfa2e, 0xfa2f, 0xfa6b, 0xfaff, 0xfb07, 0xfb12, 0xfb18, 0xfb1c, 0xfb37, 0xfb37, 0xfb3d, 0xfb3d, 0xfb3f, 0xfb3f, 0xfb42, 0xfb42, 0xfb45, 0xfb45, 0xfbb2, 0xfbd2, 0xfd40, 0xfd4f, 0xfd90, 0xfd91, 0xfdc8, 0xfdcf, 0xfdfd, 0xfdff, 0xfe10, 0xfe1f, 0xfe24, 0xfe2f, 0xfe47, 0xfe48, 0xfe53, 0xfe53, 0xfe67, 0xfe67, 0xfe6c, 0xfe6f, 0xfe75, 0xfe75, 0xfefd, 0xfefe, 0xff00, 0xff00, 0xffbf, 0xffc1, 0xffc8, 0xffc9, 0xffd0, 0xffd1, 0xffd8, 0xffd9, 0xffdd, 0xffdf, 0xffe7, 0xffe7, 0xffef, 0xfff8, 0x10000, 0x102ff, 0x1031f, 0x1031f, 0x10324, 0x1032f, 0x1034b, 0x103ff, 0x10426, 0x10427, 0x1044e, 0x1cfff, 0x1d0f6, 0x1d0ff, 0x1d127, 0x1d129, 0x1d1de, 0x1d3ff, 0x1d455, 0x1d455, 0x1d49d, 0x1d49d, 0x1d4a0, 0x1d4a1, 0x1d4a3, 0x1d4a4, 0x1d4a7, 0x1d4a8, 0x1d4ad, 0x1d4ad, 0x1d4ba, 0x1d4ba, 0x1d4bc, 0x1d4bc, 0x1d4c1, 0x1d4c1, 0x1d4c4, 0x1d4c4, 0x1d506, 0x1d506, 0x1d50b, 0x1d50c, 0x1d515, 0x1d515, 0x1d51d, 0x1d51d, 0x1d53a, 0x1d53a, 0x1d53f, 0x1d53f, 0x1d545, 0x1d545, 0x1d547, 0x1d549, 0x1d551, 0x1d551, 0x1d6a4, 0x1d6a7, 0x1d7ca, 0x1d7cd, 0x1d800, 0x1fffd, 0x2a6d7, 0x2f7ff, 0x2fa1e, 0x2fffd, 0x30000, 0x3fffd, 0x40000, 0x4fffd, 0x50000, 0x5fffd, 0x60000, 0x6fffd, 0x70000, 0x7fffd, 0x80000, 0x8fffd, 0x90000, 0x9fffd, 0xa0000, 0xafffd, 0xb0000, 0xbfffd, 0xc0000, 0xcfffd, 0xd0000, 0xdfffd, 0xe0000, 0xe0000, 0xe0002, 0xe001f, 0xe0080, 0xefffd];
/* eslint-enable */
const isUnassignedCodePoint = character => inRange(character, unassigned_code_points);
/* eslint-disable prettier/prettier */
* B.1 Commonly mapped to nothing
* @link
const commonly_mapped_to_nothing = [0x00ad, 0x00ad, 0x034f, 0x034f, 0x1806, 0x1806, 0x180b, 0x180b, 0x180c, 0x180c, 0x180d, 0x180d, 0x200b, 0x200b, 0x200c, 0x200c, 0x200d, 0x200d, 0x2060, 0x2060, 0xfe00, 0xfe00, 0xfe01, 0xfe01, 0xfe02, 0xfe02, 0xfe03, 0xfe03, 0xfe04, 0xfe04, 0xfe05, 0xfe05, 0xfe06, 0xfe06, 0xfe07, 0xfe07, 0xfe08, 0xfe08, 0xfe09, 0xfe09, 0xfe0a, 0xfe0a, 0xfe0b, 0xfe0b, 0xfe0c, 0xfe0c, 0xfe0d, 0xfe0d, 0xfe0e, 0xfe0e, 0xfe0f, 0xfe0f, 0xfeff, 0xfeff];
/* eslint-enable */
const isCommonlyMappedToNothing = character => inRange(character, commonly_mapped_to_nothing);
/* eslint-disable prettier/prettier */
* C.1.2 Non-ASCII space characters
* @link
const non_ASCII_space_characters = [0x00a0, 0x00a0
, 0x1680, 0x1680
, 0x2000, 0x2000
/* EN QUAD */
, 0x2001, 0x2001
/* EM QUAD */
, 0x2002, 0x2002
/* EN SPACE */
, 0x2003, 0x2003
/* EM SPACE */
, 0x2004, 0x2004
, 0x2005, 0x2005
, 0x2006, 0x2006
, 0x2007, 0x2007
, 0x2008, 0x2008
, 0x2009, 0x2009
, 0x200a, 0x200a
, 0x200b, 0x200b
, 0x202f, 0x202f
, 0x205f, 0x205f
, 0x3000, 0x3000
/* eslint-enable */
const isNonASCIISpaceCharacter = character => inRange(character, non_ASCII_space_characters);
/* eslint-disable prettier/prettier */
const non_ASCII_controls_characters = [
* C.2.2 Non-ASCII control characters
* @link
0x0080, 0x009f
, 0x06dd, 0x06dd
, 0x070f, 0x070f
, 0x180e, 0x180e
, 0x200c, 0x200c
, 0x200d, 0x200d
, 0x2028, 0x2028
, 0x2029, 0x2029
, 0x2060, 0x2060
, 0x2061, 0x2061
, 0x2062, 0x2062
, 0x2063, 0x2063
, 0x206a, 0x206f
, 0xfeff, 0xfeff
, 0xfff9, 0xfffc
, 0x1d173, 0x1d17a
const non_character_codepoints = [
* C.4 Non-character code points
* @link
0xfdd0, 0xfdef
, 0xfffe, 0xffff
, 0x1fffe, 0x1ffff
, 0x2fffe, 0x2ffff
, 0x3fffe, 0x3ffff
, 0x4fffe, 0x4ffff
, 0x5fffe, 0x5ffff
, 0x6fffe, 0x6ffff
, 0x7fffe, 0x7ffff
, 0x8fffe, 0x8ffff
, 0x9fffe, 0x9ffff
, 0xafffe, 0xaffff
, 0xbfffe, 0xbffff
, 0xcfffe, 0xcffff
, 0xdfffe, 0xdffff
, 0xefffe, 0xeffff
, 0x10fffe, 0x10ffff
* 2.3. Prohibited Output
const prohibited_characters = [
* C.2.1 ASCII control characters
* @link
0, 0x001f
, 0x007f, 0x007f
/* DELETE */
* C.8 Change display properties or are deprecated
* @link
0x0340, 0x0340
, 0x0341, 0x0341
, 0x200e, 0x200e
, 0x200f, 0x200f
, 0x202a, 0x202a
, 0x202b, 0x202b
, 0x202c, 0x202c
, 0x202d, 0x202d
, 0x202e, 0x202e
, 0x206a, 0x206a
, 0x206b, 0x206b
, 0x206c, 0x206c
, 0x206d, 0x206d
, 0x206e, 0x206e
, 0x206f, 0x206f
* C.7 Inappropriate for canonical representation
* @link
0x2ff0, 0x2ffb
* C.5 Surrogate codes
* @link
0xd800, 0xdfff,
* C.3 Private use
* @link
0xe000, 0xf8ff
* C.6 Inappropriate for plain text
* @link
0xfff9, 0xfff9
, 0xfffa, 0xfffa
, 0xfffb, 0xfffb
, 0xfffc, 0xfffc
, 0xfffd, 0xfffd
* C.9 Tagging characters
* @link
0xe0001, 0xe0001
, 0xe0020, 0xe007f
* C.3 Private use
* @link
0xf0000, 0xffffd
, 0x100000, 0x10fffd
/* eslint-enable */
const isProhibitedCharacter = character => inRange(character, non_ASCII_space_characters) || inRange(character, prohibited_characters) || inRange(character, non_ASCII_controls_characters) || inRange(character, non_character_codepoints);
/* eslint-disable prettier/prettier */
* D.1 Characters with bidirectional property "R" or "AL"
* @link
const bidirectional_r_al = [0x05be, 0x05be, 0x05c0, 0x05c0, 0x05c3, 0x05c3, 0x05d0, 0x05ea, 0x05f0, 0x05f4, 0x061b, 0x061b, 0x061f, 0x061f, 0x0621, 0x063a, 0x0640, 0x064a, 0x066d, 0x066f, 0x0671, 0x06d5, 0x06dd, 0x06dd, 0x06e5, 0x06e6, 0x06fa, 0x06fe, 0x0700, 0x070d, 0x0710, 0x0710, 0x0712, 0x072c, 0x0780, 0x07a5, 0x07b1, 0x07b1, 0x200f, 0x200f, 0xfb1d, 0xfb1d, 0xfb1f, 0xfb28, 0xfb2a, 0xfb36, 0xfb38, 0xfb3c, 0xfb3e, 0xfb3e, 0xfb40, 0xfb41, 0xfb43, 0xfb44, 0xfb46, 0xfbb1, 0xfbd3, 0xfd3d, 0xfd50, 0xfd8f, 0xfd92, 0xfdc7, 0xfdf0, 0xfdfc, 0xfe70, 0xfe74, 0xfe76, 0xfefc];
/* eslint-enable */
const isBidirectionalRAL = character => inRange(character, bidirectional_r_al);
/* eslint-disable prettier/prettier */
* D.2 Characters with bidirectional property "L"
* @link
const bidirectional_l = [0x0041, 0x005a, 0x0061, 0x007a, 0x00aa, 0x00aa, 0x00b5, 0x00b5, 0x00ba, 0x00ba, 0x00c0, 0x00d6, 0x00d8, 0x00f6, 0x00f8, 0x0220, 0x0222, 0x0233, 0x0250, 0x02ad, 0x02b0, 0x02b8, 0x02bb, 0x02c1, 0x02d0, 0x02d1, 0x02e0, 0x02e4, 0x02ee, 0x02ee, 0x037a, 0x037a, 0x0386, 0x0386, 0x0388, 0x038a, 0x038c, 0x038c, 0x038e, 0x03a1, 0x03a3, 0x03ce, 0x03d0, 0x03f5, 0x0400, 0x0482, 0x048a, 0x04ce, 0x04d0, 0x04f5, 0x04f8, 0x04f9, 0x0500, 0x050f, 0x0531, 0x0556, 0x0559, 0x055f, 0x0561, 0x0587, 0x0589, 0x0589, 0x0903, 0x0903, 0x0905, 0x0939, 0x093d, 0x0940, 0x0949, 0x094c, 0x0950, 0x0950, 0x0958, 0x0961, 0x0964, 0x0970, 0x0982, 0x0983, 0x0985, 0x098c, 0x098f, 0x0990, 0x0993, 0x09a8, 0x09aa, 0x09b0, 0x09b2, 0x09b2, 0x09b6, 0x09b9, 0x09be, 0x09c0, 0x09c7, 0x09c8, 0x09cb, 0x09cc, 0x09d7, 0x09d7, 0x09dc, 0x09dd, 0x09df, 0x09e1, 0x09e6, 0x09f1, 0x09f4, 0x09fa, 0x0a05, 0x0a0a, 0x0a0f, 0x0a10, 0x0a13, 0x0a28, 0x0a2a, 0x0a30, 0x0a32, 0x0a33, 0x0a35, 0x0a36, 0x0a38, 0x0a39, 0x0a3e, 0x0a40, 0x0a59, 0x0a5c, 0x0a5e, 0x0a5e, 0x0a66, 0x0a6f, 0x0a72, 0x0a74, 0x0a83, 0x0a83, 0x0a85, 0x0a8b, 0x0a8d, 0x0a8d, 0x0a8f, 0x0a91, 0x0a93, 0x0aa8, 0x0aaa, 0x0ab0, 0x0ab2, 0x0ab3, 0x0ab5, 0x0ab9, 0x0abd, 0x0ac0, 0x0ac9, 0x0ac9, 0x0acb, 0x0acc, 0x0ad0, 0x0ad0, 0x0ae0, 0x0ae0, 0x0ae6, 0x0aef, 0x0b02, 0x0b03, 0x0b05, 0x0b0c, 0x0b0f, 0x0b10, 0x0b13, 0x0b28, 0x0b2a, 0x0b30, 0x0b32, 0x0b33, 0x0b36, 0x0b39, 0x0b3d, 0x0b3e, 0x0b40, 0x0b40, 0x0b47, 0x0b48, 0x0b4b, 0x0b4c, 0x0b57, 0x0b57, 0x0b5c, 0x0b5d, 0x0b5f, 0x0b61, 0x0b66, 0x0b70, 0x0b83, 0x0b83, 0x0b85, 0x0b8a, 0x0b8e, 0x0b90, 0x0b92, 0x0b95, 0x0b99, 0x0b9a, 0x0b9c, 0x0b9c, 0x0b9e, 0x0b9f, 0x0ba3, 0x0ba4, 0x0ba8, 0x0baa, 0x0bae, 0x0bb5, 0x0bb7, 0x0bb9, 0x0bbe, 0x0bbf, 0x0bc1, 0x0bc2, 0x0bc6, 0x0bc8, 0x0bca, 0x0bcc, 0x0bd7, 0x0bd7, 0x0be7, 0x0bf2, 0x0c01, 0x0c03, 0x0c05, 0x0c0c, 0x0c0e, 0x0c10, 0x0c12, 0x0c28, 0x0c2a, 0x0c33, 0x0c35, 0x0c39, 0x0c41, 0x0c44, 0x0c60, 0x0c61, 0x0c66, 0x0c6f, 0x0c82, 0x0c83, 0x0c85, 0x0c8c, 0x0c8e, 0x0c90, 0x0c92, 0x0ca8, 0x0caa, 0x0cb3, 0x0cb5, 0x0cb9, 0x0cbe, 0x0cbe, 0x0cc0, 0x0cc4, 0x0cc7, 0x0cc8, 0x0cca, 0x0ccb, 0x0cd5, 0x0cd6, 0x0cde, 0x0cde, 0x0ce0, 0x0ce1, 0x0ce6, 0x0cef, 0x0d02, 0x0d03, 0x0d05, 0x0d0c, 0x0d0e, 0x0d10, 0x0d12, 0x0d28, 0x0d2a, 0x0d39, 0x0d3e, 0x0d40, 0x0d46, 0x0d48, 0x0d4a, 0x0d4c, 0x0d57, 0x0d57, 0x0d60, 0x0d61, 0x0d66, 0x0d6f, 0x0d82, 0x0d83, 0x0d85, 0x0d96, 0x0d9a, 0x0db1, 0x0db3, 0x0dbb, 0x0dbd, 0x0dbd, 0x0dc0, 0x0dc6, 0x0dcf, 0x0dd1, 0x0dd8, 0x0ddf, 0x0df2, 0x0df4, 0x0e01, 0x0e30, 0x0e32, 0x0e33, 0x0e40, 0x0e46, 0x0e4f, 0x0e5b, 0x0e81, 0x0e82, 0x0e84, 0x0e84, 0x0e87, 0x0e88, 0x0e8a, 0x0e8a, 0x0e8d, 0x0e8d, 0x0e94, 0x0e97, 0x0e99, 0x0e9f, 0x0ea1, 0x0ea3, 0x0ea5, 0x0ea5, 0x0ea7, 0x0ea7, 0x0eaa, 0x0eab, 0x0ead, 0x0eb0, 0x0eb2, 0x0eb3, 0x0ebd, 0x0ebd, 0x0ec0, 0x0ec4, 0x0ec6, 0x0ec6, 0x0ed0, 0x0ed9, 0x0edc, 0x0edd, 0x0f00, 0x0f17, 0x0f1a, 0x0f34, 0x0f36, 0x0f36, 0x0f38, 0x0f38, 0x0f3e, 0x0f47, 0x0f49, 0x0f6a, 0x0f7f, 0x0f7f, 0x0f85, 0x0f85, 0x0f88, 0x0f8b, 0x0fbe, 0x0fc5, 0x0fc7, 0x0fcc, 0x0fcf, 0x0fcf, 0x1000, 0x1021, 0x1023, 0x1027, 0x1029, 0x102a, 0x102c, 0x102c, 0x1031, 0x1031, 0x1038, 0x1038, 0x1040, 0x1057, 0x10a0, 0x10c5, 0x10d0, 0x10f8, 0x10fb, 0x10fb, 0x1100, 0x1159, 0x115f, 0x11a2, 0x11a8, 0x11f9, 0x1200, 0x1206, 0x1208, 0x1246, 0x1248, 0x1248, 0x124a, 0x124d, 0x1250, 0x1256, 0x1258, 0x1258, 0x125a, 0x125d, 0x1260, 0x1286, 0x1288, 0x1288, 0x128a, 0x128d, 0x1290, 0x12ae, 0x12b0, 0x12b0, 0x12b2, 0x12b5, 0x12b8, 0x12be, 0x12c0, 0x12c0, 0x12c2, 0x12c5, 0x12c8, 0x12ce, 0x12d0, 0x12d6, 0x12d8, 0x12ee, 0x12f0, 0x130e, 0x1310, 0x1310, 0x1312, 0x1315, 0x1318, 0x131e, 0x1320, 0x1346, 0x1348, 0x135a, 0x1361, 0x137c, 0x13a0, 0x13f4, 0x1401, 0x1676, 0x1681, 0x169a, 0x16a0, 0x16f0, 0x1700, 0x170c, 0x170e, 0x1711, 0x1720, 0x1731, 0x1735, 0x1736, 0x1740, 0x1751, 0x1760, 0x176c, 0x176e, 0x1770, 0x1780, 0x17b6, 0x17be, 0x17c5, 0x17c7, 0x17c8, 0x17d4, 0x17da, 0x17dc, 0x17dc, 0x17e0, 0x17e9, 0x1810, 0x1819, 0x1820, 0x1877, 0x1880, 0x18a8, 0x1e00, 0x1e9b, 0x1ea0, 0x1ef9, 0x1f00, 0x1f15, 0x1f18, 0x1f1d, 0x1f20, 0x1f45, 0x1f48, 0x1f4d, 0x1f50, 0x1f57, 0x1f59, 0x1f59, 0x1f5b, 0x1f5b, 0x1f5d, 0x1f5d, 0x1f5f, 0x1f7d, 0x1f80, 0x1fb4, 0x1fb6, 0x1fbc, 0x1fbe, 0x1fbe, 0x1fc2, 0x1fc4, 0x1fc6, 0x1fcc, 0x1fd0, 0x1fd3, 0x1fd6, 0x1fdb, 0x1fe0, 0x1fec, 0x1ff2, 0x1ff4, 0x1ff6, 0x1ffc, 0x200e, 0x200e, 0x2071, 0x2071, 0x207f, 0x207f, 0x2102, 0x2102, 0x2107, 0x2107, 0x210a, 0x2113, 0x2115, 0x2115, 0x2119, 0x211d, 0x2124, 0x2124, 0x2126, 0x2126, 0x2128, 0x2128, 0x212a, 0x212d, 0x212f, 0x2131, 0x2133, 0x2139, 0x213d, 0x213f, 0x2145, 0x2149, 0x2160, 0x2183, 0x2336, 0x237a, 0x2395, 0x2395, 0x249c, 0x24e9, 0x3005, 0x3007, 0x3021, 0x3029, 0x3031, 0x3035, 0x3038, 0x303c, 0x3041, 0x3096, 0x309d, 0x309f, 0x30a1, 0x30fa, 0x30fc, 0x30ff, 0x3105, 0x312c, 0x3131, 0x318e, 0x3190, 0x31b7, 0x31f0, 0x321c, 0x3220, 0x3243, 0x3260, 0x327b, 0x327f, 0x32b0, 0x32c0, 0x32cb, 0x32d0, 0x32fe, 0x3300, 0x3376, 0x337b, 0x33dd, 0x33e0, 0x33fe, 0x3400, 0x4db5, 0x4e00, 0x9fa5, 0xa000, 0xa48c, 0xac00, 0xd7a3, 0xd800, 0xfa2d, 0xfa30, 0xfa6a, 0xfb00, 0xfb06, 0xfb13, 0xfb17, 0xff21, 0xff3a, 0xff41, 0xff5a, 0xff66, 0xffbe, 0xffc2, 0xffc7, 0xffca, 0xffcf, 0xffd2, 0xffd7, 0xffda, 0xffdc, 0x10300, 0x1031e, 0x10320, 0x10323, 0x10330, 0x1034a, 0x10400, 0x10425, 0x10428, 0x1044d, 0x1d000, 0x1d0f5, 0x1d100, 0x1d126, 0x1d12a, 0x1d166, 0x1d16a, 0x1d172, 0x1d183, 0x1d184, 0x1d18c, 0x1d1a9, 0x1d1ae, 0x1d1dd, 0x1d400, 0x1d454, 0x1d456, 0x1d49c, 0x1d49e, 0x1d49f, 0x1d4a2, 0x1d4a2, 0x1d4a5, 0x1d4a6, 0x1d4a9, 0x1d4ac, 0x1d4ae, 0x1d4b9, 0x1d4bb, 0x1d4bb, 0x1d4bd, 0x1d4c0, 0x1d4c2, 0x1d4c3, 0x1d4c5, 0x1d505, 0x1d507, 0x1d50a, 0x1d50d, 0x1d514, 0x1d516, 0x1d51c, 0x1d51e, 0x1d539, 0x1d53b, 0x1d53e, 0x1d540, 0x1d544, 0x1d546, 0x1d546, 0x1d54a, 0x1d550, 0x1d552, 0x1d6a3, 0x1d6a8, 0x1d7c9, 0x20000, 0x2a6d6, 0x2f800, 0x2fa1d, 0xf0000, 0xffffd, 0x100000, 0x10fffd];
/* eslint-enable */
const isBidirectionalL = character => inRange(character, bidirectional_l);
* non-ASCII space characters [StringPrep, C.1.2] that can be
* mapped to SPACE (U+0020)
const mapping2space = isNonASCIISpaceCharacter;
* the "commonly mapped to nothing" characters [StringPrep, B.1]
* that can be mapped to nothing.
const mapping2nothing = isCommonlyMappedToNothing; // utils
const getCodePoint = character => character.codePointAt(0);
const first = x => x[0];
const last = x => x[x.length - 1];
* Convert provided string into an array of Unicode Code Points.
* Based on
* and
* @param {string} input
* @returns {number[]}
function toCodePoints(input) {
const codepoints = [];
const size = input.length;
for (let i = 0; i < size; i += 1) {
const before = input.charCodeAt(i);
if (before >= 0xd800 && before <= 0xdbff && size > i + 1) {
const next = input.charCodeAt(i + 1);
if (next >= 0xdc00 && next <= 0xdfff) {
codepoints.push((before - 0xd800) * 0x400 + next - 0xdc00 + 0x10000);
i += 1;
return codepoints;
* SASLprep.
* @param {string} input
* @param {Object} opts
* @param {boolean} opts.allowUnassigned
* @returns {string}
function saslprep(input, opts = {}) {
if (typeof input !== 'string') {
throw new TypeError('Expected string.');
if (input.length === 0) {
return '';
} // 1. Map
const mapped_input = toCodePoints(input) // 1.1 mapping to space
.map(character => mapping2space(character) ? 0x20 : character) // 1.2 mapping to nothing
.filter(character => !mapping2nothing(character)); // 2. Normalize
const normalized_input = String.fromCodePoint.apply(null, mapped_input).normalize('NFKC');
const normalized_map = toCodePoints(normalized_input); // 3. Prohibit
const hasProhibited = normalized_map.some(isProhibitedCharacter);
if (hasProhibited) {
throw new Error('Prohibited character, see');
} // Unassigned Code Points
if (opts.allowUnassigned !== true) {
const hasUnassigned = normalized_map.some(isUnassignedCodePoint);
if (hasUnassigned) {
throw new Error('Unassigned code point, see');
} // 4. check bidi
const hasBidiRAL = normalized_map.some(isBidirectionalRAL);
const hasBidiL = normalized_map.some(isBidirectionalL); // 4.1 If a string contains any RandALCat character, the string MUST NOT
// contain any LCat character.
if (hasBidiRAL && hasBidiL) {
throw new Error('String must not contain RandALCat and LCat at the same time,' + ' see');
* 4.2 If a string contains any RandALCat character, a RandALCat
* character MUST be the first character of the string, and a
* RandALCat character MUST be the last character of the string.
const isFirstBidiRAL = isBidirectionalRAL(getCodePoint(first(normalized_input)));
const isLastBidiRAL = isBidirectionalRAL(getCodePoint(last(normalized_input)));
if (hasBidiRAL && !(isFirstBidiRAL && isLastBidiRAL)) {
throw new Error('Bidirectional RandALCat character must be the first and the last' + ' character of the string, see');
return normalized_input;
PDFSecurity - represents PDF security settings
By Yang Liu <>
class PDFSecurity {
static generateFileID(info = {}) {
let infoStr = `${info.CreationDate.getTime()}\n`;
for (let key in info) {
if (!info.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
infoStr += `${key}: ${info[key]}\n`;
return wordArrayToBuffer(CryptoJS.MD5(infoStr));
static generateRandomWordArray(bytes) {
return CryptoJS.lib.WordArray.random(bytes);
static create(document, options = {}) {
if (!options.ownerPassword && !options.userPassword) {
return null;
return new PDFSecurity(document, options);
constructor(document, options = {}) {
if (!options.ownerPassword && !options.userPassword) {
throw new Error('None of owner password and user password is defined.');
this.document = document;
_setupEncryption(options) {
switch (options.pdfVersion) {
case '1.4':
case '1.5':
this.version = 2;
case '1.6':
case '1.7':
this.version = 4;
case '1.7ext3':
this.version = 5;
this.version = 1;
const encDict = {
Filter: 'Standard'
switch (this.version) {
case 1:
case 2:
case 4:
this._setupEncryptionV1V2V4(this.version, encDict, options);
case 5:
this._setupEncryptionV5(encDict, options);
this.dictionary = this.document.ref(encDict);
_setupEncryptionV1V2V4(v, encDict, options) {
let r, permissions;
switch (v) {
case 1:
r = 2;
this.keyBits = 40;
permissions = getPermissionsR2(options.permissions);
case 2:
r = 3;
this.keyBits = 128;
permissions = getPermissionsR3(options.permissions);
case 4:
r = 4;
this.keyBits = 128;
permissions = getPermissionsR3(options.permissions);
const paddedUserPassword = processPasswordR2R3R4(options.userPassword);
const paddedOwnerPassword = options.ownerPassword ? processPasswordR2R3R4(options.ownerPassword) : paddedUserPassword;
const ownerPasswordEntry = getOwnerPasswordR2R3R4(r, this.keyBits, paddedUserPassword, paddedOwnerPassword);
this.encryptionKey = getEncryptionKeyR2R3R4(r, this.keyBits, this.document._id, paddedUserPassword, ownerPasswordEntry, permissions);
let userPasswordEntry;
if (r === 2) {
userPasswordEntry = getUserPasswordR2(this.encryptionKey);
} else {
userPasswordEntry = getUserPasswordR3R4(this.document._id, this.encryptionKey);
encDict.V = v;
if (v >= 2) {
encDict.Length = this.keyBits;
if (v === 4) {
encDict.CF = {
StdCF: {
AuthEvent: 'DocOpen',
Length: this.keyBits / 8
encDict.StmF = 'StdCF';
encDict.StrF = 'StdCF';
encDict.R = r;
encDict.O = wordArrayToBuffer(ownerPasswordEntry);
encDict.U = wordArrayToBuffer(userPasswordEntry);
encDict.P = permissions;
_setupEncryptionV5(encDict, options) {
this.keyBits = 256;
const permissions = getPermissionsR3(options);
const processedUserPassword = processPasswordR5(options.userPassword);
const processedOwnerPassword = options.ownerPassword ? processPasswordR5(options.ownerPassword) : processedUserPassword;
this.encryptionKey = getEncryptionKeyR5(PDFSecurity.generateRandomWordArray);
const userPasswordEntry = getUserPasswordR5(processedUserPassword, PDFSecurity.generateRandomWordArray);
const userKeySalt = CryptoJS.lib.WordArray.create(userPasswordEntry.words.slice(10, 12), 8);
const userEncryptionKeyEntry = getUserEncryptionKeyR5(processedUserPassword, userKeySalt, this.encryptionKey);
const ownerPasswordEntry = getOwnerPasswordR5(processedOwnerPassword, userPasswordEntry, PDFSecurity.generateRandomWordArray);
const ownerKeySalt = CryptoJS.lib.WordArray.create(ownerPasswordEntry.words.slice(10, 12), 8);
const ownerEncryptionKeyEntry = getOwnerEncryptionKeyR5(processedOwnerPassword, ownerKeySalt, userPasswordEntry, this.encryptionKey);
const permsEntry = getEncryptedPermissionsR5(permissions, this.encryptionKey, PDFSecurity.generateRandomWordArray);
encDict.V = 5;
encDict.Length = this.keyBits;
encDict.CF = {
StdCF: {
AuthEvent: 'DocOpen',
Length: this.keyBits / 8
encDict.StmF = 'StdCF';
encDict.StrF = 'StdCF';
encDict.R = 5;
encDict.O = wordArrayToBuffer(ownerPasswordEntry);
encDict.OE = wordArrayToBuffer(ownerEncryptionKeyEntry);
encDict.U = wordArrayToBuffer(userPasswordEntry);
encDict.UE = wordArrayToBuffer(userEncryptionKeyEntry);
encDict.P = permissions;
encDict.Perms = wordArrayToBuffer(permsEntry);
getEncryptFn(obj, gen) {
let digest;
if (this.version < 5) {
digest = this.encryptionKey.clone().concat(CryptoJS.lib.WordArray.create([(obj & 0xff) << 24 | (obj & 0xff00) << 8 | obj >> 8 & 0xff00 | gen & 0xff, (gen & 0xff00) << 16], 5));
if (this.version === 1 || this.version === 2) {
let key = CryptoJS.MD5(digest);
key.sigBytes = Math.min(16, this.keyBits / 8 + 5);
return buffer => wordArrayToBuffer(CryptoJS.RC4.encrypt(CryptoJS.lib.WordArray.create(buffer), key).ciphertext);
let key;
if (this.version === 4) {
key = CryptoJS.MD5(digest.concat(CryptoJS.lib.WordArray.create([0x73416c54], 4)));
} else {
key = this.encryptionKey;
const iv = PDFSecurity.generateRandomWordArray(16);
const options = {
mode: CryptoJS.mode.CBC,
padding: CryptoJS.pad.Pkcs7,
return buffer => wordArrayToBuffer(iv.clone().concat(CryptoJS.AES.encrypt(CryptoJS.lib.WordArray.create(buffer), key, options).ciphertext));
end() {
function getPermissionsR2(permissionObject = {}) {
let permissions = 0xffffffc0 >> 0;
if (permissionObject.printing) {
permissions |= 0b000000000100;
if (permissionObject.modifying) {
permissions |= 0b000000001000;
if (permissionObject.copying) {
permissions |= 0b000000010000;
if (permissionObject.annotating) {
permissions |= 0b000000100000;
return permissions;
function getPermissionsR3(permissionObject = {}) {
let permissions = 0xfffff0c0 >> 0;
if (permissionObject.printing === 'lowResolution') {
permissions |= 0b000000000100;
if (permissionObject.printing === 'highResolution') {
permissions |= 0b100000000100;
if (permissionObject.modifying) {
permissions |= 0b000000001000;
if (permissionObject.copying) {
permissions |= 0b000000010000;
if (permissionObject.annotating) {
permissions |= 0b000000100000;
if (permissionObject.fillingForms) {
permissions |= 0b000100000000;
if (permissionObject.contentAccessibility) {
permissions |= 0b001000000000;
if (permissionObject.documentAssembly) {
permissions |= 0b010000000000;
return permissions;
function getUserPasswordR2(encryptionKey) {
return CryptoJS.RC4.encrypt(processPasswordR2R3R4(), encryptionKey).ciphertext;
function getUserPasswordR3R4(documentId, encryptionKey) {
const key = encryptionKey.clone();
let cipher = CryptoJS.MD5(processPasswordR2R3R4().concat(CryptoJS.lib.WordArray.create(documentId)));
for (let i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
const xorRound = Math.ceil(key.sigBytes / 4);
for (let j = 0; j < xorRound; j++) {
key.words[j] = encryptionKey.words[j] ^ (i | i << 8 | i << 16 | i << 24);
cipher = CryptoJS.RC4.encrypt(cipher, key).ciphertext;
return cipher.concat(CryptoJS.lib.WordArray.create(null, 16));
function getOwnerPasswordR2R3R4(r, keyBits, paddedUserPassword, paddedOwnerPassword) {
let digest = paddedOwnerPassword;
let round = r >= 3 ? 51 : 1;
for (let i = 0; i < round; i++) {
digest = CryptoJS.MD5(digest);
const key = digest.clone();
key.sigBytes = keyBits / 8;
let cipher = paddedUserPassword;
round = r >= 3 ? 20 : 1;
for (let i = 0; i < round; i++) {
const xorRound = Math.ceil(key.sigBytes / 4);
for (let j = 0; j < xorRound; j++) {
key.words[j] = digest.words[j] ^ (i | i << 8 | i << 16 | i << 24);
cipher = CryptoJS.RC4.encrypt(cipher, key).ciphertext;
return cipher;
function getEncryptionKeyR2R3R4(r, keyBits, documentId, paddedUserPassword, ownerPasswordEntry, permissions) {
let key = paddedUserPassword.clone().concat(ownerPasswordEntry).concat(CryptoJS.lib.WordArray.create([lsbFirstWord(permissions)], 4)).concat(CryptoJS.lib.WordArray.create(documentId));
const round = r >= 3 ? 51 : 1;
for (let i = 0; i < round; i++) {
key = CryptoJS.MD5(key);
key.sigBytes = keyBits / 8;
return key;
function getUserPasswordR5(processedUserPassword, generateRandomWordArray) {
const validationSalt = generateRandomWordArray(8);
const keySalt = generateRandomWordArray(8);
return CryptoJS.SHA256(processedUserPassword.clone().concat(validationSalt)).concat(validationSalt).concat(keySalt);
function getUserEncryptionKeyR5(processedUserPassword, userKeySalt, encryptionKey) {
const key = CryptoJS.SHA256(processedUserPassword.clone().concat(userKeySalt));
const options = {
mode: CryptoJS.mode.CBC,
padding: CryptoJS.pad.NoPadding,
iv: CryptoJS.lib.WordArray.create(null, 16)
return CryptoJS.AES.encrypt(encryptionKey, key, options).ciphertext;
function getOwnerPasswordR5(processedOwnerPassword, userPasswordEntry, generateRandomWordArray) {
const validationSalt = generateRandomWordArray(8);
const keySalt = generateRandomWordArray(8);
return CryptoJS.SHA256(processedOwnerPassword.clone().concat(validationSalt).concat(userPasswordEntry)).concat(validationSalt).concat(keySalt);
function getOwnerEncryptionKeyR5(processedOwnerPassword, ownerKeySalt, userPasswordEntry, encryptionKey) {
const key = CryptoJS.SHA256(processedOwnerPassword.clone().concat(ownerKeySalt).concat(userPasswordEntry));
const options = {
mode: CryptoJS.mode.CBC,
padding: CryptoJS.pad.NoPadding,
iv: CryptoJS.lib.WordArray.create(null, 16)
return CryptoJS.AES.encrypt(encryptionKey, key, options).ciphertext;
function getEncryptionKeyR5(generateRandomWordArray) {
return generateRandomWordArray(32);
function getEncryptedPermissionsR5(permissions, encryptionKey, generateRandomWordArray) {
const cipher = CryptoJS.lib.WordArray.create([lsbFirstWord(permissions), 0xffffffff, 0x54616462], 12).concat(generateRandomWordArray(4));
const options = {
mode: CryptoJS.mode.ECB,
padding: CryptoJS.pad.NoPadding
return CryptoJS.AES.encrypt(cipher, encryptionKey, options).ciphertext;
function processPasswordR2R3R4(password = '') {
const out = new Buffer(32);
const length = password.length;
let index = 0;
while (index < length && index < 32) {
const code = password.charCodeAt(index);
if (code > 0xff) {
throw new Error('Password contains one or more invalid characters.');
out[index] = code;
while (index < 32) {
out[index] = PASSWORD_PADDING[index - length];
return CryptoJS.lib.WordArray.create(out);
function processPasswordR5(password = '') {
password = unescape(encodeURIComponent(saslprep(password)));
const length = Math.min(127, password.length);
const out = new Buffer(length);
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
out[i] = password.charCodeAt(i);
return CryptoJS.lib.WordArray.create(out);
function lsbFirstWord(data) {
return (data & 0xff) << 24 | (data & 0xff00) << 8 | data >> 8 & 0xff00 | data >> 24 & 0xff;
function wordArrayToBuffer(wordArray) {
const byteArray = [];
for (let i = 0; i < wordArray.sigBytes; i++) {
byteArray.push(wordArray.words[Math.floor(i / 4)] >> 8 * (3 - i % 4) & 0xff);
return Buffer.from(byteArray);
const PASSWORD_PADDING = [0x28, 0xbf, 0x4e, 0x5e, 0x4e, 0x75, 0x8a, 0x41, 0x64, 0x00, 0x4e, 0x56, 0xff, 0xfa, 0x01, 0x08, 0x2e, 0x2e, 0x00, 0xb6, 0xd0, 0x68, 0x3e, 0x80, 0x2f, 0x0c, 0xa9, 0xfe, 0x64, 0x53, 0x69, 0x7a];
const {
} = PDFObject;
class PDFGradient {
constructor(doc) {
this.doc = doc;
this.stops = [];
this.embedded = false;
this.transform = [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0];
stop(pos, color, opacity) {
if (opacity == null) {
opacity = 1;
color = this.doc._normalizeColor(color);
if (this.stops.length === 0) {
if (color.length === 3) {
this._colorSpace = 'DeviceRGB';
} else if (color.length === 4) {
this._colorSpace = 'DeviceCMYK';
} else if (color.length === 1) {
this._colorSpace = 'DeviceGray';
} else {
throw new Error('Unknown color space');
} else if (this._colorSpace === 'DeviceRGB' && color.length !== 3 || this._colorSpace === 'DeviceCMYK' && color.length !== 4 || this._colorSpace === 'DeviceGray' && color.length !== 1) {
throw new Error('All gradient stops must use the same color space');
opacity = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, opacity));
this.stops.push([pos, color, opacity]);
return this;
setTransform(m11, m12, m21, m22, dx, dy) {
this.transform = [m11, m12, m21, m22, dx, dy];
return this;
embed(m) {
let fn;
const stopsLength = this.stops.length;
if (stopsLength === 0) {
this.embedded = true;
this.matrix = m; // if the last stop comes before 100%, add a copy at 100%
const last = this.stops[stopsLength - 1];
if (last[0] < 1) {
this.stops.push([1, last[1], last[2]]);
const bounds = [];
const encode = [];
const stops = [];
for (let i = 0; i < stopsLength - 1; i++) {
encode.push(0, 1);
if (i + 2 !== stopsLength) {
bounds.push(this.stops[i + 1][0]);
fn = this.doc.ref({
FunctionType: 2,
Domain: [0, 1],
C0: this.stops[i + 0][1],
C1: this.stops[i + 1][1],
N: 1
} // if there are only two stops, we don't need a stitching function
if (stopsLength === 1) {
fn = stops[0];
} else {
fn = this.doc.ref({
FunctionType: 3,
// stitching function
Domain: [0, 1],
Functions: stops,
Bounds: bounds,
Encode: encode
} = `Sh${++this.doc._gradCount}`;
const shader = this.shader(fn);
const pattern = this.doc.ref({
Type: 'Pattern',
PatternType: 2,
Shading: shader,
if (this.stops.some(stop => stop[2] < 1)) {
let grad = this.opacityGradient();
grad._colorSpace = 'DeviceGray';
for (let stop of this.stops) {
grad.stop(stop[0], [stop[2]]);
grad = grad.embed(this.matrix);
const pageBBox = [0, 0,,];
const form = this.doc.ref({
Type: 'XObject',
Subtype: 'Form',
FormType: 1,
BBox: pageBBox,
Group: {
Type: 'Group',
S: 'Transparency',
CS: 'DeviceGray'
Resources: {
ProcSet: ['PDF', 'Text', 'ImageB', 'ImageC', 'ImageI'],
Pattern: {
Sh1: grad
form.write('/Pattern cs /Sh1 scn');
form.end(`${pageBBox.join(' ')} re f`);
const gstate = this.doc.ref({
Type: 'ExtGState',
SMask: {
Type: 'Mask',
S: 'Luminosity',
G: form
const opacityPattern = this.doc.ref({
Type: 'Pattern',
PatternType: 1,
PaintType: 1,
TilingType: 2,
BBox: pageBBox,
XStep: pageBBox[2],
YStep: pageBBox[3],
Resources: {
ProcSet: ['PDF', 'Text', 'ImageB', 'ImageC', 'ImageI'],
Pattern: {
Sh1: pattern
ExtGState: {
Gs1: gstate
opacityPattern.write('/Gs1 gs /Pattern cs /Sh1 scn');
opacityPattern.end(`${pageBBox.join(' ')} re f`);[] = opacityPattern;
} else {[] = pattern;
return pattern;
apply(op) {
// apply gradient transform to existing document ctm
const [m0, m1, m2, m3, m4, m5] = this.doc._ctm;
const [m11, m12, m21, m22, dx, dy] = this.transform;
const m = [m0 * m11 + m2 * m12, m1 * m11 + m3 * m12, m0 * m21 + m2 * m22, m1 * m21 + m3 * m22, m0 * dx + m2 * dy + m4, m1 * dx + m3 * dy + m5];
if (!this.embedded || m.join(' ') !== this.matrix.join(' ')) {
return this.doc.addContent(`/${} ${op}`);
class PDFLinearGradient extends PDFGradient {
constructor(doc, x1, y1, x2, y2) {
this.x1 = x1;
this.y1 = y1;
this.x2 = x2;
this.y2 = y2;
shader(fn) {
return this.doc.ref({
ShadingType: 2,
ColorSpace: this._colorSpace,
Coords: [this.x1, this.y1, this.x2, this.y2],
Function: fn,
Extend: [true, true]
opacityGradient() {
return new PDFLinearGradient(this.doc, this.x1, this.y1, this.x2, this.y2);
class PDFRadialGradient extends PDFGradient {
constructor(doc, x1, y1, r1, x2, y2, r2) {
this.doc = doc;
this.x1 = x1;
this.y1 = y1;
this.r1 = r1;
this.x2 = x2;
this.y2 = y2;
this.r2 = r2;
shader(fn) {
return this.doc.ref({
ShadingType: 3,
ColorSpace: this._colorSpace,
Coords: [this.x1, this.y1, this.r1, this.x2, this.y2, this.r2],
Function: fn,
Extend: [true, true]
opacityGradient() {
return new PDFRadialGradient(this.doc, this.x1, this.y1, this.r1, this.x2, this.y2, this.r2);
var Gradient = {
const {
PDFGradient: PDFGradient$1,
PDFLinearGradient: PDFLinearGradient$1,
PDFRadialGradient: PDFRadialGradient$1
} = Gradient;
var ColorMixin = {
initColor() {
// The opacity dictionaries
this._opacityRegistry = {};
this._opacityCount = 0;
return this._gradCount = 0;
_normalizeColor(color) {
if (color instanceof PDFGradient$1) {
return color;
if (typeof color === 'string') {
if (color.charAt(0) === '#') {
if (color.length === 4) {
color = color.replace(/#([0-9A-F])([0-9A-F])([0-9A-F])/i, '#$1$1$2$2$3$3');
const hex = parseInt(color.slice(1), 16);
color = [hex >> 16, hex >> 8 & 0xff, hex & 0xff];
} else if (namedColors[color]) {
color = namedColors[color];
if (Array.isArray(color)) {
// RGB
if (color.length === 3) {
color = => part / 255); // CMYK
} else if (color.length === 4) {
color = => part / 100);
return color;
return null;
_setColor(color, stroke) {
color = this._normalizeColor(color);
if (!color) {
return false;
const op = stroke ? 'SCN' : 'scn';
if (color instanceof PDFGradient$1) {
this._setColorSpace('Pattern', stroke);
} else {
const space = color.length === 4 ? 'DeviceCMYK' : 'DeviceRGB';
this._setColorSpace(space, stroke);
color = color.join(' ');
this.addContent(`${color} ${op}`);
return true;
_setColorSpace(space, stroke) {
const op = stroke ? 'CS' : 'cs';
return this.addContent(`/${space} ${op}`);
fillColor(color, opacity) {
const set = this._setColor(color, false);
if (set) {
} // save this for text wrapper, which needs to reset
// the fill color on new pages
this._fillColor = [color, opacity];
return this;
strokeColor(color, opacity) {
const set = this._setColor(color, true);
if (set) {
return this;
opacity(opacity) {
this._doOpacity(opacity, opacity);
return this;
fillOpacity(opacity) {
this._doOpacity(opacity, null);
return this;
strokeOpacity(opacity) {
this._doOpacity(null, opacity);
return this;
_doOpacity(fillOpacity, strokeOpacity) {
let dictionary, name;
if (fillOpacity == null && strokeOpacity == null) {
if (fillOpacity != null) {
fillOpacity = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, fillOpacity));
if (strokeOpacity != null) {
strokeOpacity = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, strokeOpacity));
const key = `${fillOpacity}_${strokeOpacity}`;
if (this._opacityRegistry[key]) {
[dictionary, name] = this._opacityRegistry[key];
} else {
dictionary = {
Type: 'ExtGState'
if (fillOpacity != null) { = fillOpacity;
if (strokeOpacity != null) {
dictionary.CA = strokeOpacity;
dictionary = this.ref(dictionary);
const id = ++this._opacityCount;
name = `Gs${id}`;
this._opacityRegistry[key] = [dictionary, name];
}[name] = dictionary;
return this.addContent(`/${name} gs`);
linearGradient(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
return new PDFLinearGradient$1(this, x1, y1, x2, y2);
radialGradient(x1, y1, r1, x2, y2, r2) {
return new PDFRadialGradient$1(this, x1, y1, r1, x2, y2, r2);
var namedColors = {
aliceblue: [240, 248, 255],
antiquewhite: [250, 235, 215],
aqua: [0, 255, 255],
aquamarine: [127, 255, 212],
azure: [240, 255, 255],
beige: [245, 245, 220],
bisque: [255, 228, 196],
black: [0, 0, 0],
blanchedalmond: [255, 235, 205],
blue: [0, 0, 255],
blueviolet: [138, 43, 226],
brown: [165, 42, 42],
burlywood: [222, 184, 135],
cadetblue: [95, 158, 160],
chartreuse: [127, 255, 0],
chocolate: [210, 105, 30],
coral: [255, 127, 80],
cornflowerblue: [100, 149, 237],
cornsilk: [255, 248, 220],
crimson: [220, 20, 60],
cyan: [0, 255, 255],
darkblue: [0, 0, 139],
darkcyan: [0, 139, 139],
darkgoldenrod: [184, 134, 11],
darkgray: [169, 169, 169],
darkgreen: [0, 100, 0],
darkgrey: [169, 169, 169],
darkkhaki: [189, 183, 107],
darkmagenta: [139, 0, 139],
darkolivegreen: [85, 107, 47],
darkorange: [255, 140, 0],
darkorchid: [153, 50, 204],
darkred: [139, 0, 0],
darksalmon: [233, 150, 122],
darkseagreen: [143, 188, 143],
darkslateblue: [72, 61, 139],
darkslategray: [47, 79, 79],
darkslategrey: [47, 79, 79],
darkturquoise: [0, 206, 209],
darkviolet: [148, 0, 211],
deeppink: [255, 20, 147],
deepskyblue: [0, 191, 255],
dimgray: [105, 105, 105],
dimgrey: [105, 105, 105],
dodgerblue: [30, 144, 255],
firebrick: [178, 34, 34],
floralwhite: [255, 250, 240],
forestgreen: [34, 139, 34],
fuchsia: [255, 0, 255],
gainsboro: [220, 220, 220],
ghostwhite: [248, 248, 255],
gold: [255, 215, 0],
goldenrod: [218, 165, 32],
gray: [128, 128, 128],
grey: [128, 128, 128],
green: [0, 128, 0],
greenyellow: [173, 255, 47],
honeydew: [240, 255, 240],
hotpink: [255, 105, 180],
indianred: [205, 92, 92],
indigo: [75, 0, 130],
ivory: [255, 255, 240],
khaki: [240, 230, 140],
lavender: [230, 230, 250],
lavenderblush: [255, 240, 245],
lawngreen: [124, 252, 0],
lemonchiffon: [255, 250, 205],
lightblue: [173, 216, 230],
lightcoral: [240, 128, 128],
lightcyan: [224, 255, 255],
lightgoldenrodyellow: [250, 250, 210],
lightgray: [211, 211, 211],
lightgreen: [144, 238, 144],
lightgrey: [211, 211, 211],
lightpink: [255, 182, 193],
lightsalmon: [255, 160, 122],
lightseagreen: [32, 178, 170],
lightskyblue: [135, 206, 250],
lightslategray: [119, 136, 153],
lightslategrey: [119, 136, 153],
lightsteelblue: [176, 196, 222],
lightyellow: [255, 255, 224],
lime: [0, 255, 0],
limegreen: [50, 205, 50],
linen: [250, 240, 230],
magenta: [255, 0, 255],
maroon: [128, 0, 0],
mediumaquamarine: [102, 205, 170],
mediumblue: [0, 0, 205],
mediumorchid: [186, 85, 211],
mediumpurple: [147, 112, 219],
mediumseagreen: [60, 179, 113],
mediumslateblue: [123, 104, 238],
mediumspringgreen: [0, 250, 154],
mediumturquoise: [72, 209, 204],
mediumvioletred: [199, 21, 133],
midnightblue: [25, 25, 112],
mintcream: [245, 255, 250],
mistyrose: [255, 228, 225],
moccasin: [255, 228, 181],
navajowhite: [255, 222, 173],
navy: [0, 0, 128],
oldlace: [253, 245, 230],
olive: [128, 128, 0],
olivedrab: [107, 142, 35],
orange: [255, 165, 0],
orangered: [255, 69, 0],
orchid: [218, 112, 214],
palegoldenrod: [238, 232, 170],
palegreen: [152, 251, 152],
paleturquoise: [175, 238, 238],
palevioletred: [219, 112, 147],
papayawhip: [255, 239, 213],
peachpuff: [255, 218, 185],
peru: [205, 133, 63],
pink: [255, 192, 203],
plum: [221, 160, 221],
powderblue: [176, 224, 230],
purple: [128, 0, 128],
red: [255, 0, 0],
rosybrown: [188, 143, 143],
royalblue: [65, 105, 225],
saddlebrown: [139, 69, 19],
salmon: [250, 128, 114],
sandybrown: [244, 164, 96],
seagreen: [46, 139, 87],
seashell: [255, 245, 238],
sienna: [160, 82, 45],
silver: [192, 192, 192],
skyblue: [135, 206, 235],
slateblue: [106, 90, 205],
slategray: [112, 128, 144],
slategrey: [112, 128, 144],
snow: [255, 250, 250],
springgreen: [0, 255, 127],
steelblue: [70, 130, 180],
tan: [210, 180, 140],
teal: [0, 128, 128],
thistle: [216, 191, 216],
tomato: [255, 99, 71],
turquoise: [64, 224, 208],
violet: [238, 130, 238],
wheat: [245, 222, 179],
white: [255, 255, 255],
whitesmoke: [245, 245, 245],
yellow: [255, 255, 0],
yellowgreen: [154, 205, 50]
let cx, cy, px, py, sx, sy;
cx = cy = px = py = sx = sy = 0;
const parameters = {
A: 7,
a: 7,
C: 6,
c: 6,
H: 1,
h: 1,
L: 2,
l: 2,
M: 2,
m: 2,
Q: 4,
q: 4,
S: 4,
s: 4,
T: 2,
t: 2,
V: 1,
v: 1,
Z: 0,
z: 0
const parse = function (path) {
let cmd;
const ret = [];
let args = [];
let curArg = '';
let foundDecimal = false;
let params = 0;
for (let c of path) {
if (parameters[c] != null) {
params = parameters[c];
if (cmd) {
// save existing command
if (curArg.length > 0) {
args[args.length] = +curArg;
ret[ret.length] = {
args = [];
curArg = '';
foundDecimal = false;
cmd = c;
} else if ([' ', ','].includes(c) || c === '-' && curArg.length > 0 && curArg[curArg.length - 1] !== 'e' || c === '.' && foundDecimal) {
if (curArg.length === 0) {
if (args.length === params) {
// handle reused commands
ret[ret.length] = {
args = [+curArg]; // handle assumed commands
if (cmd === 'M') {
cmd = 'L';
if (cmd === 'm') {
cmd = 'l';
} else {
args[args.length] = +curArg;
foundDecimal = c === '.'; // fix for negative numbers or repeated decimals with no delimeter between commands
curArg = ['-', '.'].includes(c) ? c : '';
} else {
curArg += c;
if (c === '.') {
foundDecimal = true;
} // add the last command
if (curArg.length > 0) {
if (args.length === params) {
// handle reused commands
ret[ret.length] = {
args = [+curArg]; // handle assumed commands
if (cmd === 'M') {
cmd = 'L';
if (cmd === 'm') {
cmd = 'l';
} else {
args[args.length] = +curArg;
ret[ret.length] = {
return ret;
const apply = function (commands, doc) {
// current point, control point, and subpath starting point
cx = cy = px = py = sx = sy = 0; // run the commands
for (let i = 0; i < commands.length; i++) {
const c = commands[i];
if (typeof runners[c.cmd] === 'function') {
runners[c.cmd](doc, c.args);
const runners = {
M(doc, a) {
cx = a[0];
cy = a[1];
px = py = null;
sx = cx;
sy = cy;
return doc.moveTo(cx, cy);
m(doc, a) {
cx += a[0];
cy += a[1];
px = py = null;
sx = cx;
sy = cy;
return doc.moveTo(cx, cy);
C(doc, a) {
cx = a[4];
cy = a[5];
px = a[2];
py = a[3];
return doc.bezierCurveTo(...a);
c(doc, a) {
doc.bezierCurveTo(a[0] + cx, a[1] + cy, a[2] + cx, a[3] + cy, a[4] + cx, a[5] + cy);
px = cx + a[2];
py = cy + a[3];
cx += a[4];
return cy += a[5];
S(doc, a) {
if (px === null) {
px = cx;
py = cy;
doc.bezierCurveTo(cx - (px - cx), cy - (py - cy), a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3]);
px = a[0];
py = a[1];
cx = a[2];
return cy = a[3];
s(doc, a) {
if (px === null) {
px = cx;
py = cy;
doc.bezierCurveTo(cx - (px - cx), cy - (py - cy), cx + a[0], cy + a[1], cx + a[2], cy + a[3]);
px = cx + a[0];
py = cy + a[1];
cx += a[2];
return cy += a[3];
Q(doc, a) {
px = a[0];
py = a[1];
cx = a[2];
cy = a[3];
return doc.quadraticCurveTo(a[0], a[1], cx, cy);
q(doc, a) {
doc.quadraticCurveTo(a[0] + cx, a[1] + cy, a[2] + cx, a[3] + cy);
px = cx + a[0];
py = cy + a[1];
cx += a[2];
return cy += a[3];
T(doc, a) {
if (px === null) {
px = cx;
py = cy;
} else {
px = cx - (px - cx);
py = cy - (py - cy);
doc.quadraticCurveTo(px, py, a[0], a[1]);
px = cx - (px - cx);
py = cy - (py - cy);
cx = a[0];
return cy = a[1];
t(doc, a) {
if (px === null) {
px = cx;
py = cy;
} else {
px = cx - (px - cx);
py = cy - (py - cy);
doc.quadraticCurveTo(px, py, cx + a[0], cy + a[1]);
cx += a[0];
return cy += a[1];
A(doc, a) {
solveArc(doc, cx, cy, a);
cx = a[5];
return cy = a[6];
a(doc, a) {
a[5] += cx;
a[6] += cy;
solveArc(doc, cx, cy, a);
cx = a[5];
return cy = a[6];
L(doc, a) {
cx = a[0];
cy = a[1];
px = py = null;
return doc.lineTo(cx, cy);
l(doc, a) {
cx += a[0];
cy += a[1];
px = py = null;
return doc.lineTo(cx, cy);
H(doc, a) {
cx = a[0];
px = py = null;
return doc.lineTo(cx, cy);
h(doc, a) {
cx += a[0];
px = py = null;
return doc.lineTo(cx, cy);
V(doc, a) {
cy = a[0];
px = py = null;
return doc.lineTo(cx, cy);
v(doc, a) {
cy += a[0];
px = py = null;
return doc.lineTo(cx, cy);
Z(doc) {
cx = sx;
return cy = sy;
z(doc) {
cx = sx;
return cy = sy;
const solveArc = function (doc, x, y, coords) {
const [rx, ry, rot, large, sweep, ex, ey] = coords;
const segs = arcToSegments(ex, ey, rx, ry, large, sweep, rot, x, y);
for (let seg of segs) {
const bez = segmentToBezier(...seg);
}; // from Inkscape svgtopdf, thanks!
const arcToSegments = function (x, y, rx, ry, large, sweep, rotateX, ox, oy) {
const th = rotateX * (Math.PI / 180);
const sin_th = Math.sin(th);
const cos_th = Math.cos(th);
rx = Math.abs(rx);
ry = Math.abs(ry);
px = cos_th * (ox - x) * 0.5 + sin_th * (oy - y) * 0.5;
py = cos_th * (oy - y) * 0.5 - sin_th * (ox - x) * 0.5;
let pl = px * px / (rx * rx) + py * py / (ry * ry);
if (pl > 1) {
pl = Math.sqrt(pl);
rx *= pl;
ry *= pl;
const a00 = cos_th / rx;
const a01 = sin_th / rx;
const a10 = -sin_th / ry;
const a11 = cos_th / ry;
const x0 = a00 * ox + a01 * oy;
const y0 = a10 * ox + a11 * oy;
const x1 = a00 * x + a01 * y;
const y1 = a10 * x + a11 * y;
const d = (x1 - x0) * (x1 - x0) + (y1 - y0) * (y1 - y0);
let sfactor_sq = 1 / d - 0.25;
if (sfactor_sq < 0) {
sfactor_sq = 0;
let sfactor = Math.sqrt(sfactor_sq);
if (sweep === large) {
sfactor = -sfactor;
const xc = 0.5 * (x0 + x1) - sfactor * (y1 - y0);
const yc = 0.5 * (y0 + y1) + sfactor * (x1 - x0);
const th0 = Math.atan2(y0 - yc, x0 - xc);
const th1 = Math.atan2(y1 - yc, x1 - xc);
let th_arc = th1 - th0;
if (th_arc < 0 && sweep === 1) {
th_arc += 2 * Math.PI;
} else if (th_arc > 0 && sweep === 0) {
th_arc -= 2 * Math.PI;
const segments = Math.ceil(Math.abs(th_arc / (Math.PI * 0.5 + 0.001)));
const result = [];
for (let i = 0; i < segments; i++) {
const th2 = th0 + i * th_arc / segments;
const th3 = th0 + (i + 1) * th_arc / segments;
result[i] = [xc, yc, th2, th3, rx, ry, sin_th, cos_th];
return result;
const segmentToBezier = function (cx, cy, th0, th1, rx, ry, sin_th, cos_th) {
const a00 = cos_th * rx;
const a01 = -sin_th * ry;
const a10 = sin_th * rx;
const a11 = cos_th * ry;
const th_half = 0.5 * (th1 - th0);
const t = 8 / 3 * Math.sin(th_half * 0.5) * Math.sin(th_half * 0.5) / Math.sin(th_half);
const x1 = cx + Math.cos(th0) - t * Math.sin(th0);
const y1 = cy + Math.sin(th0) + t * Math.cos(th0);
const x3 = cx + Math.cos(th1);
const y3 = cy + Math.sin(th1);
const x2 = x3 + t * Math.sin(th1);
const y2 = y3 - t * Math.cos(th1);
return [a00 * x1 + a01 * y1, a10 * x1 + a11 * y1, a00 * x2 + a01 * y2, a10 * x2 + a11 * y2, a00 * x3 + a01 * y3, a10 * x3 + a11 * y3];
class SVGPath {
static apply(doc, path) {
const commands = parse(path);
apply(commands, doc);
const {
number: number$1
} = PDFObject; // This constant is used to approximate a symmetrical arc using a cubic
// Bezier curve.
const KAPPA = 4.0 * ((Math.sqrt(2) - 1.0) / 3.0);
var VectorMixin = {
initVector() {
this._ctm = [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]; // current transformation matrix
return this._ctmStack = [];
save() {
this._ctmStack.push(this._ctm.slice()); // TODO: save/restore colorspace and styles so not setting it unnessesarily all the time?
return this.addContent('q');
restore() {
this._ctm = this._ctmStack.pop() || [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0];
return this.addContent('Q');
closePath() {
return this.addContent('h');
lineWidth(w) {
return this.addContent(`${number$1(w)} w`);
BUTT: 0,
lineCap(c) {
if (typeof c === 'string') {
c = this._CAP_STYLES[c.toUpperCase()];
return this.addContent(`${c} J`);
lineJoin(j) {
if (typeof j === 'string') {
j = this._JOIN_STYLES[j.toUpperCase()];
return this.addContent(`${j} j`);
miterLimit(m) {
return this.addContent(`${number$1(m)} M`);
dash(length, options = {}) {
const originalLength = length;
if (!Array.isArray(length)) {
length = [length, || length];
const valid = length.every(x => Number.isFinite(x) && x > 0);
if (!valid) {
throw new Error(`dash(${JSON.stringify(originalLength)}, ${JSON.stringify(options)}) invalid, lengths must be numeric and greater than zero`);
length =$1).join(' ');
return this.addContent(`[${length}] ${number$1(options.phase || 0)} d`);
undash() {
return this.addContent('[] 0 d');
moveTo(x, y) {
return this.addContent(`${number$1(x)} ${number$1(y)} m`);
lineTo(x, y) {
return this.addContent(`${number$1(x)} ${number$1(y)} l`);
bezierCurveTo(cp1x, cp1y, cp2x, cp2y, x, y) {
return this.addContent(`${number$1(cp1x)} ${number$1(cp1y)} ${number$1(cp2x)} ${number$1(cp2y)} ${number$1(x)} ${number$1(y)} c`);
quadraticCurveTo(cpx, cpy, x, y) {
return this.addContent(`${number$1(cpx)} ${number$1(cpy)} ${number$1(x)} ${number$1(y)} v`);
rect(x, y, w, h) {
return this.addContent(`${number$1(x)} ${number$1(y)} ${number$1(w)} ${number$1(h)} re`);
roundedRect(x, y, w, h, r) {
if (r == null) {
r = 0;
r = Math.min(r, 0.5 * w, 0.5 * h); // amount to inset control points from corners (see `ellipse`)
const c = r * (1.0 - KAPPA);
this.moveTo(x + r, y);
this.lineTo(x + w - r, y);
this.bezierCurveTo(x + w - c, y, x + w, y + c, x + w, y + r);
this.lineTo(x + w, y + h - r);
this.bezierCurveTo(x + w, y + h - c, x + w - c, y + h, x + w - r, y + h);
this.lineTo(x + r, y + h);
this.bezierCurveTo(x + c, y + h, x, y + h - c, x, y + h - r);
this.lineTo(x, y + r);
this.bezierCurveTo(x, y + c, x + c, y, x + r, y);
return this.closePath();
ellipse(x, y, r1, r2) {
// based on
if (r2 == null) {
r2 = r1;
x -= r1;
y -= r2;
const ox = r1 * KAPPA;
const oy = r2 * KAPPA;
const xe = x + r1 * 2;
const ye = y + r2 * 2;
const xm = x + r1;
const ym = y + r2;
this.moveTo(x, ym);
this.bezierCurveTo(x, ym - oy, xm - ox, y, xm, y);
this.bezierCurveTo(xm + ox, y, xe, ym - oy, xe, ym);
this.bezierCurveTo(xe, ym + oy, xm + ox, ye, xm, ye);
this.bezierCurveTo(xm - ox, ye, x, ym + oy, x, ym);
return this.closePath();
circle(x, y, radius) {
return this.ellipse(x, y, radius);
arc(x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle, anticlockwise) {
if (anticlockwise == null) {
anticlockwise = false;
const TWO_PI = 2.0 * Math.PI;
const HALF_PI = 0.5 * Math.PI;
let deltaAng = endAngle - startAngle;
if (Math.abs(deltaAng) > TWO_PI) {
// draw only full circle if more than that is specified
deltaAng = TWO_PI;
} else if (deltaAng !== 0 && anticlockwise !== deltaAng < 0) {
// necessary to flip direction of rendering
const dir = anticlockwise ? -1 : 1;
deltaAng = dir * TWO_PI + deltaAng;
const numSegs = Math.ceil(Math.abs(deltaAng) / HALF_PI);
const segAng = deltaAng / numSegs;
const handleLen = segAng / HALF_PI * KAPPA * radius;
let curAng = startAngle; // component distances between anchor point and control point
let deltaCx = -Math.sin(curAng) * handleLen;
let deltaCy = Math.cos(curAng) * handleLen; // anchor point
let ax = x + Math.cos(curAng) * radius;
let ay = y + Math.sin(curAng) * radius; // calculate and render segments
this.moveTo(ax, ay);
for (let segIdx = 0; segIdx < numSegs; segIdx++) {
// starting control point
const cp1x = ax + deltaCx;
const cp1y = ay + deltaCy; // step angle
curAng += segAng; // next anchor point
ax = x + Math.cos(curAng) * radius;
ay = y + Math.sin(curAng) * radius; // next control point delta
deltaCx = -Math.sin(curAng) * handleLen;
deltaCy = Math.cos(curAng) * handleLen; // ending control point
const cp2x = ax - deltaCx;
const cp2y = ay - deltaCy; // render segment
this.bezierCurveTo(cp1x, cp1y, cp2x, cp2y, ax, ay);
return this;
polygon(...points) {
this.moveTo(...(points.shift() || []));
for (let point of points) {
this.lineTo(...(point || []));
return this.closePath();
path(path) {
SVGPath.apply(this, path);
return this;
_windingRule(rule) {
if (/even-?odd/.test(rule)) {
return '*';
return '';
fill(color, rule) {
if (/(even-?odd)|(non-?zero)/.test(color)) {
rule = color;
color = null;
if (color) {
return this.addContent(`f${this._windingRule(rule)}`);
stroke(color) {
if (color) {
return this.addContent('S');
fillAndStroke(fillColor, strokeColor, rule) {
if (strokeColor == null) {
strokeColor = fillColor;
const isFillRule = /(even-?odd)|(non-?zero)/;
if (isFillRule.test(fillColor)) {
rule = fillColor;
fillColor = null;
if (isFillRule.test(strokeColor)) {
rule = strokeColor;
strokeColor = fillColor;
if (fillColor) {
return this.addContent(`B${this._windingRule(rule)}`);
clip(rule) {
return this.addContent(`W${this._windingRule(rule)} n`);
transform(m11, m12, m21, m22, dx, dy) {
// keep track of the current transformation matrix
const m = this._ctm;
const [m0, m1, m2, m3, m4, m5] = m;
m[0] = m0 * m11 + m2 * m12;
m[1] = m1 * m11 + m3 * m12;
m[2] = m0 * m21 + m2 * m22;
m[3] = m1 * m21 + m3 * m22;
m[4] = m0 * dx + m2 * dy + m4;
m[5] = m1 * dx + m3 * dy + m5;
const values = [m11, m12, m21, m22, dx, dy].map(v => number$1(v)).join(' ');
return this.addContent(`${values} cm`);
translate(x, y) {
return this.transform(1, 0, 0, 1, x, y);
rotate(angle, options = {}) {
let y;
const rad = angle * Math.PI / 180;
const cos = Math.cos(rad);
const sin = Math.sin(rad);
let x = y = 0;
if (options.origin != null) {
[x, y] = options.origin;
const x1 = x * cos - y * sin;
const y1 = x * sin + y * cos;
x -= x1;
y -= y1;
return this.transform(cos, sin, -sin, cos, x, y);
scale(xFactor, yFactor, options = {}) {
let y;
if (yFactor == null) {
yFactor = xFactor;
if (typeof yFactor === 'object') {
options = yFactor;
yFactor = xFactor;
let x = y = 0;
if (options.origin != null) {
[x, y] = options.origin;
x -= xFactor * x;
y -= yFactor * y;
return this.transform(xFactor, 0, 0, yFactor, x, y);
const WIN_ANSI_MAP = {
402: 131,
8211: 150,
8212: 151,
8216: 145,
8217: 146,
8218: 130,
8220: 147,
8221: 148,
8222: 132,
8224: 134,
8225: 135,
8226: 149,
8230: 133,
8364: 128,
8240: 137,
8249: 139,
8250: 155,
710: 136,
8482: 153,
338: 140,
339: 156,
732: 152,
352: 138,
353: 154,
376: 159,
381: 142,
382: 158
const characters = `\
.notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef
.notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef
.notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef
.notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef
.notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef
.notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef
.notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef
.notdef .notdef .notdef .notdef
space exclam quotedbl numbersign
dollar percent ampersand quotesingle
parenleft parenright asterisk plus
comma hyphen period slash
zero one two three
four five six seven
eight nine colon semicolon
less equal greater question
at A B C
X Y Z bracketleft
backslash bracketright asciicircum underscore
grave a b c
d e f g
h i j k
l m n o
p q r s
t u v w
x y z braceleft
bar braceright asciitilde .notdef
Euro .notdef quotesinglbase florin
quotedblbase ellipsis dagger daggerdbl
circumflex perthousand Scaron guilsinglleft
OE .notdef Zcaron .notdef
.notdef quoteleft quoteright quotedblleft
quotedblright bullet endash emdash
tilde trademark scaron guilsinglright
oe .notdef zcaron ydieresis
space exclamdown cent sterling
currency yen brokenbar section
dieresis copyright ordfeminine guillemotleft
logicalnot hyphen registered macron
degree plusminus twosuperior threesuperior
acute mu paragraph periodcentered
cedilla onesuperior ordmasculine guillemotright
onequarter onehalf threequarters questiondown
Agrave Aacute Acircumflex Atilde
Adieresis Aring AE Ccedilla
Egrave Eacute Ecircumflex Edieresis
Igrave Iacute Icircumflex Idieresis
Eth Ntilde Ograve Oacute
Ocircumflex Otilde Odieresis multiply
Oslash Ugrave Uacute Ucircumflex
Udieresis Yacute Thorn germandbls
agrave aacute acircumflex atilde
adieresis aring ae ccedilla
egrave eacute ecircumflex edieresis
igrave iacute icircumflex idieresis
eth ntilde ograve oacute
ocircumflex otilde odieresis divide
oslash ugrave uacute ucircumflex
udieresis yacute thorn ydieresis\
class AFMFont {
static open(filename) {
return new AFMFont(fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf8'));
constructor(contents) {
this.contents = contents;
this.attributes = {};
this.glyphWidths = {};
this.boundingBoxes = {};
this.kernPairs = {};
this.parse(); // todo: remove charWidths since appears to not be used
this.charWidths = new Array(256);
for (let char = 0; char <= 255; char++) {
this.charWidths[char] = this.glyphWidths[characters[char]];
this.bbox = this.attributes['FontBBox'].split(/\s+/).map(e => +e);
this.ascender = +(this.attributes['Ascender'] || 0);
this.descender = +(this.attributes['Descender'] || 0);
this.xHeight = +(this.attributes['XHeight'] || 0);
this.capHeight = +(this.attributes['CapHeight'] || 0);
this.lineGap = this.bbox[3] - this.bbox[1] - (this.ascender - this.descender);
parse() {
let section = '';
for (let line of this.contents.split('\n')) {
var match;
var a;
if (match = line.match(/^Start(\w+)/)) {
section = match[1];
} else if (match = line.match(/^End(\w+)/)) {
section = '';
switch (section) {
case 'FontMetrics':
match = line.match(/(^\w+)\s+(.*)/);
var key = match[1];
var value = match[2];
if (a = this.attributes[key]) {
if (!Array.isArray(a)) {
a = this.attributes[key] = [a];
} else {
this.attributes[key] = value;
case 'CharMetrics':
if (!/^CH?\s/.test(line)) {
var name = line.match(/\bN\s+(\.?\w+)\s*;/)[1];
this.glyphWidths[name] = +line.match(/\bWX\s+(\d+)\s*;/)[1];
case 'KernPairs':
match = line.match(/^KPX\s+(\.?\w+)\s+(\.?\w+)\s+(-?\d+)/);
if (match) {
this.kernPairs[match[1] + '\0' + match[2]] = parseInt(match[3]);
encodeText(text) {
const res = [];
for (let i = 0, len = text.length; i < len; i++) {
let char = text.charCodeAt(i);
char = WIN_ANSI_MAP[char] || char;
return res;
glyphsForString(string) {
const glyphs = [];
for (let i = 0, len = string.length; i < len; i++) {
const charCode = string.charCodeAt(i);
return glyphs;
characterToGlyph(character) {
return characters[WIN_ANSI_MAP[character] || character] || '.notdef';
widthOfGlyph(glyph) {
return this.glyphWidths[glyph] || 0;
getKernPair(left, right) {
return this.kernPairs[left + '\0' + right] || 0;
advancesForGlyphs(glyphs) {
const advances = [];
for (let index = 0; index < glyphs.length; index++) {
const left = glyphs[index];
const right = glyphs[index + 1];
advances.push(this.widthOfGlyph(left) + this.getKernPair(left, right));
return advances;
class PDFFont {
constructor() {}
encode() {
throw new Error('Must be implemented by subclasses');
widthOfString() {
throw new Error('Must be implemented by subclasses');
ref() {
return this.dictionary != null ? this.dictionary : this.dictionary = this.document.ref();
finalize() {
if (this.embedded || this.dictionary == null) {
return this.embedded = true;
embed() {
throw new Error('Must be implemented by subclasses');
lineHeight(size, includeGap) {
if (includeGap == null) {
includeGap = false;
const gap = includeGap ? this.lineGap : 0;
return (this.ascender + gap - this.descender) / 1000 * size;
Courier() {
return "StartFontMetrics 4.1\nComment Copyright (c) 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1997 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.\nComment Creation Date: Thu May 1 17:27:09 1997\nComment UniqueID 43050\nComment VMusage 39754 50779\nFontName Courier\nFullName Courier\nFamilyName Courier\nWeight Medium\nItalicAngle 0\nIsFixedPitch true\nCharacterSet ExtendedRoman\nFontBBox -23 -250 715 805 \nUnderlinePosition -100\nUnderlineThickness 50\nVersion 003.000\nNotice Copyright (c) 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1997 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.\nEncodingScheme AdobeStandardEncoding\nCapHeight 562\nXHeight 426\nAscender 629\nDescender -157\nStdHW 51\nStdVW 51\nStartCharMetrics 315\nC 32 ; WX 600 ; N space ; B 0 0 0 0 ;\nC 33 ; WX 600 ; N exclam ; B 236 -15 364 572 ;\nC 34 ; WX 600 ; N quotedbl ; B 187 328 413 562 ;\nC 35 ; WX 600 ; N numbersign ; B 93 -32 507 639 ;\nC 36 ; WX 600 ; N dollar ; B 105 -126 496 662 ;\nC 37 ; WX 600 ; N percent ; B 81 -15 518 622 ;\nC 38 ; WX 600 ; N ampersand ; B 63 -15 538 543 ;\nC 39 ; WX 600 ; N quoteright ; B 213 328 376 562 ;\nC 40 ; WX 600 ; N parenleft ; B 269 -108 440 622 ;\nC 41 ; WX 600 ; N parenright ; B 160 -108 331 622 ;\nC 42 ; WX 600 ; N asterisk ; B 116 257 484 607 ;\nC 43 ; WX 600 ; N plus ; B 80 44 520 470 ;\nC 44 ; WX 600 ; N comma ; B 181 -112 344 122 ;\nC 45 ; WX 600 ; N hyphen ; B 103 231 497 285 ;\nC 46 ; WX 600 ; N period ; B 229 -15 371 109 ;\nC 47 ; WX 600 ; N slash ; B 125 -80 475 629 ;\nC 48 ; WX 600 ; N zero ; B 106 -15 494 622 ;\nC 49 ; WX 600 ; N one ; B 96 0 505 622 ;\nC 50 ; WX 600 ; N two ; B 70 0 471 622 ;\nC 51 ; WX 600 ; N three ; B 75 -15 466 622 ;\nC 52 ; WX 600 ; N four ; B 78 0 500 622 ;\nC 53 ; WX 600 ; N five ; B 92 -15 497 607 ;\nC 54 ; WX 600 ; N six ; B 111 -15 497 622 ;\nC 55 ; WX 600 ; N seven ; B 82 0 483 607 ;\nC 56 ; WX 600 ; N eight ; B 102 -15 498 622 ;\nC 57 ; WX 600 ; N nine ; B 96 -15 489 622 ;\nC 58 ; WX 600 ; N colon ; B 229 -15 371 385 ;\nC 59 ; WX 600 ; N semicolon ; B 181 -112 371 385 ;\nC 60 ; WX 600 ; N less ; B 41 42 519 472 ;\nC 61 ; WX 600 ; N equal ; B 80 138 520 376 ;\nC 62 ; WX 600 ; N greater ; B 66 42 544 472 ;\nC 63 ; WX 600 ; N question ; B 129 -15 492 572 ;\nC 64 ; WX 600 ; N at ; B 77 -15 533 622 ;\nC 65 ; WX 600 ; N A ; B 3 0 597 562 ;\nC 66 ; WX 600 ; N B ; B 43 0 559 562 ;\nC 67 ; WX 600 ; N C ; B 41 -18 540 580 ;\nC 68 ; WX 600 ; N D ; B 43 0 574 562 ;\nC 69 ; WX 600 ; N E ; B 53 0 550 562 ;\nC 70 ; WX 600 ; N F ; B 53 0 545 562 ;\nC 71 ; WX 600 ; N G ; B 31 -18 575 580 ;\nC 72 ; WX 600 ; N H ; B 32 0 568 562 ;\nC 73 ; WX 600 ; N I ; B 96 0 504 562 ;\nC 74 ; WX 600 ; N J ; B 34 -18 566 562 ;\nC 75 ; WX 600 ; N K ; B 38 0 582 562 ;\nC 76 ; WX 600 ; N L ; B 47 0 554 562 ;\nC 77 ; WX 600 ; N M ; B 4 0 596 562 ;\nC 78 ; WX 600 ; N N ; B 7 -13 593 562 ;\nC 79 ; WX 600 ; N O ; B 43 -18 557 580 ;\nC 80 ; WX 600 ; N P ; B 79 0 558 562 ;\nC 81 ; WX 600 ; N Q ; B 43 -138 557 580 ;\nC 82 ; WX 600 ; N R ; B 38 0 588 562 ;\nC 83 ; WX 600 ; N S ; B 72 -20 529 580 ;\nC 84 ; WX 600 ; N T ; B 38 0 563 562 ;\nC 85 ; WX 600 ; N U ; B 17 -18 583 562 ;\nC 86 ; WX 600 ; N V ; B -4 -13 604 562 ;\nC 87 ; WX 600 ; N W ; B -3 -13 603 562 ;\nC 88 ; WX 600 ; N X ; B 23 0 577 562 ;\nC 89 ; WX 600 ; N Y ; B 24 0 576 562 ;\nC 90 ; WX 600 ; N Z ; B 86 0 514 562 ;\nC 91 ; WX 600 ; N bracketleft ; B 269 -108 442 622 ;\nC 92 ; WX 600 ; N backslash ; B 118 -80 482 629 ;\nC 93 ; WX 600 ; N bracketright ; B 158 -108 331 622 ;\nC 94 ; WX 600 ; N asciicircum ; B 94 354 506 622 ;\nC 95 ; WX 600 ; N underscore ; B 0 -125 600 -75 ;\nC 96 ; WX 600 ; N quoteleft ; B 224 328 387 562 ;\nC 97 ; WX 600 ; N a ; B 53 -15 559 441 ;\nC 98 ; WX 600 ; N b ; B 14 -15 575 629 ;\nC 99 ; WX 600 ; N c ; B 66 -15 529 441 ;\nC 100 ; WX 600 ; N d ; B 45 -15 591 629 ;\nC 101 ; WX 600 ; N e ; B 66 -15 548 441 ;\nC 102 ; WX 600 ; N f ; B 114 0 531 629 ; L i fi ; L l fl ;\nC 103 ; WX 600 ; N g ; B 45 -157 566 441 ;\nC 104 ; WX 600 ; N h ; B 18 0 582 629 ;\nC 105 ; WX 600 ; N i ; B 95 0 505 657 ;\nC 106 ; WX 600 ; N j ; B 82 -157 410 657 ;\nC 107 ; WX 600 ; N k ; B 43 0 580 629 ;\nC 108 ; WX 600 ; N l ; B 95 0 505 629 ;\nC 109 ; WX 600 ; N m ; B -5 0 605 441 ;\nC 110 ; WX 600 ; N n ; B 26 0 575 441 ;\nC 111 ; WX 600 ; N o ; B 62 -15 538 441 ;\nC 112 ; WX 600 ; N p ; B 9 -157 555 441 ;\nC 113 ; WX 600 ; N q ; B 45 -157 591 441 ;\nC 114 ; WX 600 ; N r ; B 60 0 559 441 ;\nC 115 ; WX 600 ; N s ; B 80 -15 513 441 ;\nC 116 ; WX 600 ; N t ; B 87 -15 530 561 ;\nC 117 ; WX 600 ; N u ; B 21 -15 562 426 ;\nC 118 ; WX 600 ; N v ; B 10 -10 590 426 ;\nC 119 ; WX 600 ; N w ; B -4 -10 604 426 ;\nC 120 ; WX 600 ; N x ; B 20 0 580 426 ;\nC 121 ; WX 600 ; N y ; B 7 -157 592 426 ;\nC 122 ; WX 600 ; N z ; B 99 0 502 426 ;\nC 123 ; WX 600 ; N braceleft ; B 182 -108 437 622 ;\nC 124 ; WX 600 ; N bar ; B 275 -250 326 750 ;\nC 125 ; WX 600 ; N braceright ; B 163 -108 418 622 ;\nC 126 ; WX 600 ; N asciitilde ; B 63 197 540 320 ;\nC 161 ; WX 600 ; N exclamdown ; B 236 -157 364 430 ;\nC 162 ; WX 600 ; N cent ; B 96 -49 500 614 ;\nC 163 ; WX 600 ; N sterling ; B 84 -21 521 611 ;\nC 164 ; WX 600 ; N fraction ; B 92 -57 509 665 ;\nC 165 ; WX 600 ; N yen ; B 26 0 574 562 ;\nC 166 ; WX 600 ; N florin ; B 4 -143 539 622 ;\nC 167 ; WX 600 ; N section ; B 113 -78 488 580 ;\nC 168 ; WX 600 ; N currency ; B 73 58 527 506 ;\nC 169 ; WX 600 ; N quotesingle ; B 259 328 341 562 ;\nC 170 ; WX 600 ; N quotedblleft ; B 143 328 471 562 ;\nC 171 ; WX 600 ; N guillemotleft ; B 37 70 563 446 ;\nC 172 ; WX 600 ; N guilsinglleft ; B 149 70 451 446 ;\nC 173 ; WX 600 ; N guilsinglright ; B 149 70 451 446 ;\nC 174 ; WX 600 ; N fi ; B 3 0 597 629 ;\nC 175 ; WX 600 ; N fl ; B 3 0 597 629 ;\nC 177 ; WX 600 ; N endash ; B 75 231 525 285 ;\nC 178 ; WX 600 ; N dagger ; B 141 -78 459 580 ;\nC 179 ; WX 600 ; N daggerdbl ; B 141 -78 459 580 ;\nC 180 ; WX 600 ; N periodcentered ; B 222 189 378 327 ;\nC 182 ; WX 600 ; N paragraph ; B 50 -78 511 562 ;\nC 183 ; WX 600 ; N bullet ; B 172 130 428 383 ;\nC 184 ; WX 600 ; N quotesinglbase ; B 213 -134 376 100 ;\nC 185 ; WX 600 ; N quotedblbase ; B 143 -134 457 100 ;\nC 186 ; WX 600 ; N quotedblright ; B 143 328 457 562 ;\nC 187 ; WX 600 ; N guillemotright ; B 37 70 563 446 ;\nC 188 ; WX 600 ; N ellipsis ; B 37 -15 563 111 ;\nC 189 ; WX 600 ; N perthousand ; B 3 -15 600 622 ;\nC 191 ; WX 600 ; N questiondown ; B 108 -157 471 430 ;\nC 193 ; WX 600 ; N grave ; B 151 497 378 672 ;\nC 194 ; WX 600 ; N acute ; B 242 497 469 672 ;\nC 195 ; WX 600 ; N circumflex ; B 124 477 476 654 ;\nC 196 ; WX 600 ; N tilde ; B 105 489 503 606 ;\nC 197 ; WX 600 ; N macron ; B 120 525 480 565 ;\nC 198 ; WX 600 ; N breve ; B 153 501 447 609 ;\nC 199 ; WX 600 ; N dotaccent ; B 249 537 352 640 ;\nC 200 ; WX 600 ; N dieresis ; B 148 537 453 640 ;\nC 202 ; WX 600 ; N ring ; B 218 463 382 627 ;\nC 203 ; WX 600 ; N cedilla ; B 224 -151 362 10 ;\nC 205 ; WX 600 ; N hungarumlaut ; B 133 497 540 672 ;\nC 206 ; WX 600 ; N ogonek ; B 211 -172 407 4 ;\nC 207 ; WX 600 ; N caron ; B 124 492 476 669 ;\nC 208 ; WX 600 ; N emdash ; B 0 231 600 285 ;\nC 225 ; WX 600 ; N AE ; B 3 0 550 562 ;\nC 227 ; WX 600 ; N ordfeminine ; B 156 249 442 580 ;\nC 232 ; WX 600 ; N Lslash ; B 47 0 554 562 ;\nC 233 ; WX 600 ; N Oslash ; B 43 -80 557 629 ;\nC 234 ; WX 600 ; N OE ; B 7 0 567 562 ;\nC 235 ; WX 600 ; N ordmasculine ; B 157 249 443 580 ;\nC 241 ; WX 600 ; N ae ; B 19 -15 570 441 ;\nC 245 ; WX 600 ; N dotlessi ; B 95 0 505 426 ;\nC 248 ; WX 600 ; N lslash ; B 95 0 505 629 ;\nC 249 ; WX 600 ; N oslash ; B 62 -80 538 506 ;\nC 250 ; WX 600 ; N oe ; B 19 -15 559 441 ;\nC 251 ; WX 600 ; N germandbls ; B 48 -15 588 629 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Idieresis ; B 96 0 504 753 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N eacute ; B 66 -15 548 672 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N abreve ; B 53 -15 559 609 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N uhungarumlaut ; B 21 -15 580 672 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N ecaron ; B 66 -15 548 669 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ydieresis ; B 24 0 576 753 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N divide ; B 87 48 513 467 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Yacute ; B 24 0 576 805 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Acircumflex ; B 3 0 597 787 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N aacute ; B 53 -15 559 672 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ucircumflex ; B 17 -18 583 787 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N yacute ; B 7 -157 592 672 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N scommaaccent ; B 80 -250 513 441 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N ecircumflex ; B 66 -15 548 654 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Uring ; B 17 -18 583 760 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Udieresis ; B 17 -18 583 753 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N aogonek ; B 53 -172 587 441 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Uacute ; B 17 -18 583 805 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N uogonek ; B 21 -172 590 426 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Edieresis ; B 53 0 550 753 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Dcroat ; B 30 0 574 562 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N commaaccent ; B 198 -250 335 -58 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N copyright ; B 0 -18 600 580 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Emacron ; B 53 0 550 698 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N ccaron ; B 66 -15 529 669 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N aring ; B 53 -15 559 627 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ncommaaccent ; B 7 -250 593 562 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N lacute ; B 95 0 505 805 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N agrave ; B 53 -15 559 672 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Tcommaaccent ; B 38 -250 563 562 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Cacute ; B 41 -18 540 805 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N atilde ; B 53 -15 559 606 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Edotaccent ; B 53 0 550 753 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N scaron ; B 80 -15 513 669 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N scedilla ; B 80 -151 513 441 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N iacute ; B 95 0 505 672 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N lozenge ; B 18 0 443 706 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Rcaron ; B 38 0 588 802 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Gcommaaccent ; B 31 -250 575 580 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N ucircumflex ; B 21 -15 562 654 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N acircumflex ; B 53 -15 559 654 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Amacron ; B 3 0 597 698 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N rcaron ; B 60 0 559 669 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N ccedilla ; B 66 -151 529 441 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Zdotaccent ; B 86 0 514 753 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Thorn ; B 79 0 538 562 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Omacron ; B 43 -18 557 698 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Racute ; B 38 0 588 805 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Sacute ; B 72 -20 529 805 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N dcaron ; B 45 -15 715 629 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Umacron ; B 17 -18 583 698 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N uring ; B 21 -15 562 627 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N threesuperior ; B 155 240 406 622 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ograve ; B 43 -18 557 805 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Agrave ; B 3 0 597 805 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Abreve ; B 3 0 597 732 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N multiply ; B 87 43 515 470 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N uacute ; B 21 -15 562 672 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Tcaron ; B 38 0 563 802 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N partialdiff ; B 17 -38 459 710 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N ydieresis ; B 7 -157 592 620 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Nacute ; B 7 -13 593 805 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N icircumflex ; B 94 0 505 654 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ecircumflex ; B 53 0 550 787 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N adieresis ; B 53 -15 559 620 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N edieresis ; B 66 -15 548 620 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N cacute ; B 66 -15 529 672 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N nacute ; B 26 0 575 672 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N umacron ; B 21 -15 562 565 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ncaron ; B 7 -13 593 802 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Iacute ; B 96 0 504 805 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N plusminus ; B 87 44 513 558 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N brokenbar ; B 275 -175 326 675 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N registered ; B 0 -18 600 580 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Gbreve ; B 31 -18 575 732 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Idotaccent ; B 96 0 504 753 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N summation ; B 15 -10 585 706 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Egrave ; B 53 0 550 805 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N racute ; B 60 0 559 672 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N omacron ; B 62 -15 538 565 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Zacute ; B 86 0 514 805 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Zcaron ; B 86 0 514 802 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N greaterequal ; B 98 0 502 710 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Eth ; B 30 0 574 562 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ccedilla ; B 41 -151 540 580 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N lcommaaccent ; B 95 -250 505 629 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N tcaron ; B 87 -15 530 717 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N eogonek ; B 66 -172 548 441 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Uogonek ; B 17 -172 583 562 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Aacute ; B 3 0 597 805 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Adieresis ; B 3 0 597 753 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N egrave ; B 66 -15 548 672 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N zacute ; B 99 0 502 672 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N iogonek ; B 95 -172 505 657 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Oacute ; B 43 -18 557 805 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N oacute ; B 62 -15 538 672 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N amacron ; B 53 -15 559 565 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N sacute ; B 80 -15 513 672 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N idieresis ; B 95 0 505 620 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 43 -18 557 787 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ugrave ; B 17 -18 583 805 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Delta ; B 6 0 598 688 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N thorn ; B -6 -157 555 629 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N twosuperior ; B 177 249 424 622 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Odieresis ; B 43 -18 557 753 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N mu ; B 21 -157 562 426 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N igrave ; B 95 0 505 672 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N ohungarumlaut ; B 62 -15 580 672 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Eogonek ; B 53 -172 561 562 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N dcroat ; B 45 -15 591 629 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N threequarters ; B 8 -56 593 666 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Scedilla ; B 72 -151 529 580 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N lcaron ; B 95 0 533 629 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Kcommaaccent ; B 38 -250 582 562 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Lacute ; B 47 0 554 805 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N trademark ; B -23 263 623 562 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N edotaccent ; B 66 -15 548 620 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Igrave ; B 96 0 504 805 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Imacron ; B 96 0 504 698 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Lcaron ; B 47 0 554 562 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N onehalf ; B 0 -57 611 665 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N lessequal ; B 98 0 502 710 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N ocircumflex ; B 62 -15 538 654 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N ntilde ; B 26 0 575 606 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Uhungarumlaut ; B 17 -18 590 805 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Eacute ; B 53 0 550 805 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N emacron ; B 66 -15 548 565 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N gbreve ; B 45 -157 566 609 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N onequarter ; B 0 -57 600 665 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Scaron ; B 72 -20 529 802 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Scommaaccent ; B 72 -250 529 580 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ohungarumlaut ; B 43 -18 580 805 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N degree ; B 123 269 477 622 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N ograve ; B 62 -15 538 672 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ccaron ; B 41 -18 540 802 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N ugrave ; B 21 -15 562 672 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N radical ; B 3 -15 597 792 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Dcaron ; B 43 0 574 802 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N rcommaaccent ; B 60 -250 559 441 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ntilde ; B 7 -13 593 729 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N otilde ; B 62 -15 538 606 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Rcommaaccent ; B 38 -250 588 562 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Lcommaaccent ; B 47 -250 554 562 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Atilde ; B 3 0 597 729 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Aogonek ; B 3 -172 608 562 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Aring ; B 3 0 597 750 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Otilde ; B 43 -18 557 729 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N zdotaccent ; B 99 0 502 620 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ecaron ; B 53 0 550 802 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Iogonek ; B 96 -172 504 562 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N kcommaaccent ; B 43 -250 580 629 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N minus ; B 80 232 520 283 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Icircumflex ; B 96 0 504 787 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N ncaron ; B 26 0 575 669 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N tcommaaccent ; B 87 -250 530 561 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N logicalnot ; B 87 108 513 369 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N odieresis ; B 62 -15 538 620 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N udieresis ; B 21 -15 562 620 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N notequal ; B 15 -16 540 529 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N gcommaaccent ; B 45 -157 566 708 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N eth ; B 62 -15 538 629 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N zcaron ; B 99 0 502 669 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N ncommaaccent ; B 26 -250 575 441 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N onesuperior ; B 172 249 428 622 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N imacron ; B 95 0 505 565 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Euro ; B 0 0 0 0 ;\nEndCharMetrics\nEndFontMetrics\n";
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WX 600 ; N w ; B -18 0 618 439 ;\nC 120 ; WX 600 ; N x ; B 6 0 594 439 ;\nC 121 ; WX 600 ; N y ; B -4 -142 601 439 ;\nC 122 ; WX 600 ; N z ; B 81 0 520 439 ;\nC 123 ; WX 600 ; N braceleft ; B 160 -102 464 616 ;\nC 124 ; WX 600 ; N bar ; B 255 -250 345 750 ;\nC 125 ; WX 600 ; N braceright ; B 136 -102 440 616 ;\nC 126 ; WX 600 ; N asciitilde ; B 71 153 530 356 ;\nC 161 ; WX 600 ; N exclamdown ; B 202 -146 398 449 ;\nC 162 ; WX 600 ; N cent ; B 66 -49 518 614 ;\nC 163 ; WX 600 ; N sterling ; B 72 -28 558 611 ;\nC 164 ; WX 600 ; N fraction ; B 25 -60 576 661 ;\nC 165 ; WX 600 ; N yen ; B 10 0 590 562 ;\nC 166 ; WX 600 ; N florin ; B -30 -131 572 616 ;\nC 167 ; WX 600 ; N section ; B 83 -70 517 580 ;\nC 168 ; WX 600 ; N currency ; B 54 49 546 517 ;\nC 169 ; WX 600 ; N quotesingle ; B 227 277 373 562 ;\nC 170 ; WX 600 ; N quotedblleft ; B 71 277 535 562 ;\nC 171 ; WX 600 ; N guillemotleft ; B 8 70 553 446 ;\nC 172 ; WX 600 ; N guilsinglleft ; B 141 70 459 446 ;\nC 173 ; WX 600 ; N guilsinglright ; B 141 70 459 446 ;\nC 174 ; WX 600 ; N fi ; B 12 0 593 626 ;\nC 175 ; WX 600 ; N fl ; B 12 0 593 626 ;\nC 177 ; WX 600 ; N endash ; B 65 203 535 313 ;\nC 178 ; WX 600 ; N dagger ; B 106 -70 494 580 ;\nC 179 ; WX 600 ; N daggerdbl ; B 106 -70 494 580 ;\nC 180 ; WX 600 ; N periodcentered ; B 196 165 404 351 ;\nC 182 ; WX 600 ; N paragraph ; B 6 -70 576 580 ;\nC 183 ; WX 600 ; N bullet ; B 140 132 460 430 ;\nC 184 ; WX 600 ; N quotesinglbase ; B 175 -142 427 143 ;\nC 185 ; WX 600 ; N quotedblbase ; B 65 -142 529 143 ;\nC 186 ; WX 600 ; N quotedblright ; B 61 277 525 562 ;\nC 187 ; WX 600 ; N guillemotright ; B 47 70 592 446 ;\nC 188 ; WX 600 ; N ellipsis ; B 26 -15 574 116 ;\nC 189 ; WX 600 ; N perthousand ; B -113 -15 713 616 ;\nC 191 ; WX 600 ; N questiondown ; B 99 -146 502 449 ;\nC 193 ; WX 600 ; N grave ; B 132 508 395 661 ;\nC 194 ; WX 600 ; N acute ; B 205 508 468 661 ;\nC 195 ; WX 600 ; N circumflex ; B 103 483 497 657 ;\nC 196 ; WX 600 ; N tilde ; B 89 493 512 636 ;\nC 197 ; WX 600 ; N macron ; B 88 505 512 585 ;\nC 198 ; WX 600 ; N breve ; B 83 468 517 631 ;\nC 199 ; WX 600 ; N dotaccent ; B 230 498 370 638 ;\nC 200 ; WX 600 ; N dieresis ; B 128 498 472 638 ;\nC 202 ; WX 600 ; N ring ; B 198 481 402 678 ;\nC 203 ; WX 600 ; N cedilla ; B 205 -206 387 0 ;\nC 205 ; WX 600 ; N hungarumlaut ; B 68 488 588 661 ;\nC 206 ; WX 600 ; N ogonek ; B 169 -199 400 0 ;\nC 207 ; WX 600 ; N caron ; B 103 493 497 667 ;\nC 208 ; WX 600 ; N emdash ; B -10 203 610 313 ;\nC 225 ; WX 600 ; N AE ; B -29 0 602 562 ;\nC 227 ; WX 600 ; N ordfeminine ; B 147 196 453 580 ;\nC 232 ; WX 600 ; N Lslash ; B 39 0 578 562 ;\nC 233 ; WX 600 ; N Oslash ; B 22 -22 578 584 ;\nC 234 ; WX 600 ; N OE ; B -25 0 595 562 ;\nC 235 ; WX 600 ; N ordmasculine ; B 147 196 453 580 ;\nC 241 ; WX 600 ; N ae ; B -4 -15 601 454 ;\nC 245 ; WX 600 ; N dotlessi ; B 77 0 523 439 ;\nC 248 ; WX 600 ; N lslash ; B 77 0 523 626 ;\nC 249 ; WX 600 ; N oslash ; B 30 -24 570 463 ;\nC 250 ; WX 600 ; N oe ; B -18 -15 611 454 ;\nC 251 ; WX 600 ; N germandbls ; B 22 -15 596 626 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Idieresis ; B 77 0 523 761 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N eacute ; B 40 -15 563 661 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N abreve ; B 35 -15 570 661 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N uhungarumlaut ; B -1 -15 628 661 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N ecaron ; B 40 -15 563 667 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ydieresis ; B 12 0 589 761 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N divide ; B 71 16 529 500 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Yacute ; B 12 0 589 784 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Acircumflex ; B -9 0 609 780 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N aacute ; B 35 -15 570 661 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ucircumflex ; B 4 -18 596 780 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N yacute ; B -4 -142 601 661 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N scommaaccent ; B 68 -250 535 459 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N ecircumflex ; B 40 -15 563 657 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Uring ; B 4 -18 596 801 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Udieresis ; B 4 -18 596 761 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N aogonek ; B 35 -199 586 454 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Uacute ; B 4 -18 596 784 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N uogonek ; B -1 -199 585 439 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Edieresis ; B 25 0 560 761 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Dcroat ; B 30 0 594 562 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N commaaccent ; B 205 -250 397 -57 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N copyright ; B 0 -18 600 580 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Emacron ; B 25 0 560 708 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N ccaron ; B 40 -15 545 667 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N aring ; B 35 -15 570 678 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ncommaaccent ; B 8 -250 610 562 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N lacute ; B 77 0 523 801 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N agrave ; B 35 -15 570 661 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Tcommaaccent ; B 21 -250 579 562 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Cacute ; B 22 -18 560 784 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N atilde ; B 35 -15 570 636 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Edotaccent ; B 25 0 560 761 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N scaron ; B 68 -17 535 667 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N scedilla ; B 68 -206 535 459 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N iacute ; B 77 0 523 661 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N lozenge ; B 66 0 534 740 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Rcaron ; B 24 0 599 790 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Gcommaaccent ; B 22 -250 594 580 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N ucircumflex ; B -1 -15 569 657 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N acircumflex ; B 35 -15 570 657 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Amacron ; B -9 0 609 708 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N rcaron ; B 47 0 580 667 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N ccedilla ; B 40 -206 545 459 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Zdotaccent ; B 62 0 539 761 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Thorn ; B 48 0 557 562 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Omacron ; B 22 -18 578 708 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Racute ; B 24 0 599 784 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Sacute ; B 47 -22 553 784 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N dcaron ; B 20 -15 727 626 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Umacron ; B 4 -18 596 708 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N uring ; B -1 -15 569 678 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N threesuperior ; B 138 222 433 616 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ograve ; B 22 -18 578 784 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Agrave ; B -9 0 609 784 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Abreve ; B -9 0 609 784 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N multiply ; B 81 39 520 478 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N uacute ; B -1 -15 569 661 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Tcaron ; B 21 0 579 790 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N partialdiff ; B 63 -38 537 728 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N ydieresis ; B -4 -142 601 638 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Nacute ; B 8 -12 610 784 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N icircumflex ; B 73 0 523 657 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ecircumflex ; B 25 0 560 780 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N adieresis ; B 35 -15 570 638 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N edieresis ; B 40 -15 563 638 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N cacute ; B 40 -15 545 661 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N nacute ; B 18 0 592 661 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N umacron ; B -1 -15 569 585 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ncaron ; B 8 -12 610 790 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Iacute ; B 77 0 523 784 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N plusminus ; B 71 24 529 515 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N brokenbar ; B 255 -175 345 675 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N registered ; B 0 -18 600 580 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Gbreve ; B 22 -18 594 784 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Idotaccent ; B 77 0 523 761 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N summation ; B 15 -10 586 706 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Egrave ; B 25 0 560 784 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N racute ; B 47 0 580 661 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N omacron ; B 30 -15 570 585 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Zacute ; B 62 0 539 784 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Zcaron ; B 62 0 539 790 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N greaterequal ; B 26 0 523 696 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Eth ; B 30 0 594 562 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ccedilla ; B 22 -206 560 580 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N lcommaaccent ; B 77 -250 523 626 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N tcaron ; B 47 -15 532 703 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N eogonek ; B 40 -199 563 454 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Uogonek ; B 4 -199 596 562 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Aacute ; B -9 0 609 784 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Adieresis ; B -9 0 609 761 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N egrave ; B 40 -15 563 661 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N zacute ; B 81 0 520 661 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N iogonek ; B 77 -199 523 658 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Oacute ; B 22 -18 578 784 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N oacute ; B 30 -15 570 661 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N amacron ; B 35 -15 570 585 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N sacute ; B 68 -17 535 661 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N idieresis ; B 77 0 523 618 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 22 -18 578 780 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ugrave ; B 4 -18 596 784 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Delta ; B 6 0 594 688 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N thorn ; B -14 -142 570 626 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N twosuperior ; B 143 230 436 616 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Odieresis ; B 22 -18 578 761 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N mu ; B -1 -142 569 439 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N igrave ; B 77 0 523 661 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N ohungarumlaut ; B 30 -15 668 661 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Eogonek ; B 25 -199 576 562 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N dcroat ; B 20 -15 591 626 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N threequarters ; B -47 -60 648 661 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Scedilla ; B 47 -206 553 582 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N lcaron ; B 77 0 597 626 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Kcommaaccent ; B 21 -250 599 562 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Lacute ; B 39 0 578 784 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N trademark ; B -9 230 749 562 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N edotaccent ; B 40 -15 563 638 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Igrave ; B 77 0 523 784 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Imacron ; B 77 0 523 708 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Lcaron ; B 39 0 637 562 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N onehalf ; B -47 -60 648 661 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N lessequal ; B 26 0 523 696 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N ocircumflex ; B 30 -15 570 657 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N ntilde ; B 18 0 592 636 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Uhungarumlaut ; B 4 -18 638 784 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Eacute ; B 25 0 560 784 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N emacron ; B 40 -15 563 585 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N gbreve ; B 30 -146 580 661 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N onequarter ; B -56 -60 656 661 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Scaron ; B 47 -22 553 790 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Scommaaccent ; B 47 -250 553 582 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ohungarumlaut ; B 22 -18 628 784 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N degree ; B 86 243 474 616 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N ograve ; B 30 -15 570 661 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ccaron ; B 22 -18 560 790 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N ugrave ; B -1 -15 569 661 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N radical ; B -19 -104 473 778 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Dcaron ; B 30 0 594 790 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N rcommaaccent ; B 47 -250 580 454 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ntilde ; B 8 -12 610 759 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N otilde ; B 30 -15 570 636 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Rcommaaccent ; B 24 -250 599 562 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Lcommaaccent ; B 39 -250 578 562 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Atilde ; B -9 0 609 759 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Aogonek ; B -9 -199 625 562 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Aring ; B -9 0 609 801 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Otilde ; B 22 -18 578 759 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N zdotaccent ; B 81 0 520 638 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ecaron ; B 25 0 560 790 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Iogonek ; B 77 -199 523 562 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N kcommaaccent ; B 20 -250 585 626 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N minus ; B 71 203 529 313 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Icircumflex ; B 77 0 523 780 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N ncaron ; B 18 0 592 667 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N tcommaaccent ; B 47 -250 532 562 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N logicalnot ; B 71 103 529 413 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N odieresis ; B 30 -15 570 638 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N udieresis ; B -1 -15 569 638 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N notequal ; B 12 -47 537 563 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N gcommaaccent ; B 30 -146 580 714 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N eth ; B 58 -27 543 626 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N zcaron ; B 81 0 520 667 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N ncommaaccent ; B 18 -250 592 454 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N onesuperior ; B 153 230 447 616 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N imacron ; B 77 0 523 585 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Euro ; B 0 0 0 0 ;\nEndCharMetrics\nEndFontMetrics\n";
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WX 600 ; N v ; B 90 -10 681 426 ;\nC 119 ; WX 600 ; N w ; B 76 -10 695 426 ;\nC 120 ; WX 600 ; N x ; B 20 0 655 426 ;\nC 121 ; WX 600 ; N y ; B -4 -157 683 426 ;\nC 122 ; WX 600 ; N z ; B 99 0 593 426 ;\nC 123 ; WX 600 ; N braceleft ; B 233 -108 569 622 ;\nC 124 ; WX 600 ; N bar ; B 222 -250 485 750 ;\nC 125 ; WX 600 ; N braceright ; B 140 -108 477 622 ;\nC 126 ; WX 600 ; N asciitilde ; B 116 197 600 320 ;\nC 161 ; WX 600 ; N exclamdown ; B 225 -157 445 430 ;\nC 162 ; WX 600 ; N cent ; B 151 -49 588 614 ;\nC 163 ; WX 600 ; N sterling ; B 124 -21 621 611 ;\nC 164 ; WX 600 ; N fraction ; B 84 -57 646 665 ;\nC 165 ; WX 600 ; N yen ; B 120 0 693 562 ;\nC 166 ; WX 600 ; N florin ; B -26 -143 671 622 ;\nC 167 ; WX 600 ; N section ; B 104 -78 590 580 ;\nC 168 ; WX 600 ; N currency ; B 94 58 628 506 ;\nC 169 ; WX 600 ; N quotesingle ; B 345 328 460 562 ;\nC 170 ; WX 600 ; N quotedblleft ; B 262 328 541 562 ;\nC 171 ; WX 600 ; N guillemotleft ; B 92 70 652 446 ;\nC 172 ; WX 600 ; N guilsinglleft ; B 204 70 540 446 ;\nC 173 ; WX 600 ; N guilsinglright ; B 170 70 506 446 ;\nC 174 ; WX 600 ; N fi ; B 3 0 619 629 ;\nC 175 ; WX 600 ; N fl ; B 3 0 619 629 ;\nC 177 ; WX 600 ; N endash ; B 124 231 586 285 ;\nC 178 ; WX 600 ; N dagger ; B 217 -78 546 580 ;\nC 179 ; WX 600 ; N daggerdbl ; B 163 -78 546 580 ;\nC 180 ; WX 600 ; N periodcentered ; B 275 189 434 327 ;\nC 182 ; WX 600 ; N paragraph ; B 100 -78 630 562 ;\nC 183 ; WX 600 ; N bullet ; B 224 130 485 383 ;\nC 184 ; WX 600 ; N quotesinglbase ; B 185 -134 397 100 ;\nC 185 ; WX 600 ; N quotedblbase ; B 115 -134 478 100 ;\nC 186 ; WX 600 ; N quotedblright ; B 213 328 576 562 ;\nC 187 ; WX 600 ; N guillemotright ; B 58 70 618 446 ;\nC 188 ; WX 600 ; N ellipsis ; B 46 -15 575 111 ;\nC 189 ; WX 600 ; N perthousand ; B 59 -15 627 622 ;\nC 191 ; WX 600 ; N questiondown ; B 105 -157 466 430 ;\nC 193 ; WX 600 ; N grave ; B 294 497 484 672 ;\nC 194 ; WX 600 ; N acute ; B 348 497 612 672 ;\nC 195 ; WX 600 ; N circumflex ; B 229 477 581 654 ;\nC 196 ; WX 600 ; N tilde ; B 212 489 629 606 ;\nC 197 ; WX 600 ; N macron ; B 232 525 600 565 ;\nC 198 ; WX 600 ; N breve ; B 279 501 576 609 ;\nC 199 ; WX 600 ; N dotaccent ; B 373 537 478 640 ;\nC 200 ; WX 600 ; N dieresis ; B 272 537 579 640 ;\nC 202 ; WX 600 ; N ring ; B 332 463 500 627 ;\nC 203 ; WX 600 ; N cedilla ; B 197 -151 344 10 ;\nC 205 ; WX 600 ; N hungarumlaut ; B 239 497 683 672 ;\nC 206 ; WX 600 ; N ogonek ; B 189 -172 377 4 ;\nC 207 ; WX 600 ; N caron ; B 262 492 614 669 ;\nC 208 ; WX 600 ; N emdash ; B 49 231 661 285 ;\nC 225 ; WX 600 ; N AE ; B 3 0 655 562 ;\nC 227 ; WX 600 ; N ordfeminine ; B 209 249 512 580 ;\nC 232 ; WX 600 ; N Lslash ; B 47 0 607 562 ;\nC 233 ; WX 600 ; N Oslash ; B 94 -80 625 629 ;\nC 234 ; WX 600 ; N OE ; B 59 0 672 562 ;\nC 235 ; WX 600 ; N ordmasculine ; B 210 249 535 580 ;\nC 241 ; WX 600 ; N ae ; B 41 -15 626 441 ;\nC 245 ; WX 600 ; N dotlessi ; B 95 0 515 426 ;\nC 248 ; WX 600 ; N lslash ; B 95 0 587 629 ;\nC 249 ; WX 600 ; N oslash ; B 102 -80 588 506 ;\nC 250 ; WX 600 ; N oe ; B 54 -15 615 441 ;\nC 251 ; WX 600 ; N germandbls ; B 48 -15 617 629 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Idieresis ; B 96 0 623 753 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N eacute ; B 106 -15 612 672 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N abreve ; B 76 -15 576 609 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N uhungarumlaut ; B 101 -15 723 672 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N ecaron ; B 106 -15 614 669 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ydieresis ; B 133 0 695 753 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N divide ; B 136 48 573 467 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Yacute ; B 133 0 695 805 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Acircumflex ; B 3 0 607 787 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N aacute ; B 76 -15 612 672 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ucircumflex ; B 125 -18 702 787 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N yacute ; B -4 -157 683 672 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N scommaaccent ; B 78 -250 584 441 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N ecircumflex ; B 106 -15 598 654 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Uring ; B 125 -18 702 760 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Udieresis ; B 125 -18 702 753 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N aogonek ; B 76 -172 569 441 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Uacute ; B 125 -18 702 805 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N uogonek ; B 101 -172 572 426 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Edieresis ; B 53 0 660 753 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Dcroat ; B 43 0 645 562 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N commaaccent ; B 145 -250 323 -58 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N copyright ; B 53 -18 667 580 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Emacron ; B 53 0 660 698 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N ccaron ; B 106 -15 614 669 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N aring ; B 76 -15 569 627 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ncommaaccent ; B 7 -250 712 562 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N lacute ; B 95 0 640 805 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N agrave ; B 76 -15 569 672 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Tcommaaccent ; B 108 -250 665 562 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Cacute ; B 93 -18 655 805 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N atilde ; B 76 -15 629 606 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Edotaccent ; B 53 0 660 753 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N scaron ; B 78 -15 614 669 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N scedilla ; B 78 -151 584 441 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N iacute ; B 95 0 612 672 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N lozenge ; B 94 0 519 706 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Rcaron ; B 38 0 642 802 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Gcommaaccent ; B 83 -250 645 580 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N ucircumflex ; B 101 -15 572 654 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N acircumflex ; B 76 -15 581 654 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Amacron ; B 3 0 607 698 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N rcaron ; B 60 0 636 669 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N ccedilla ; B 106 -151 614 441 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Zdotaccent ; B 86 0 610 753 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Thorn ; B 79 0 606 562 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Omacron ; B 94 -18 628 698 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Racute ; B 38 0 670 805 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Sacute ; B 76 -20 650 805 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N dcaron ; B 85 -15 849 629 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Umacron ; B 125 -18 702 698 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N uring ; B 101 -15 572 627 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N threesuperior ; B 213 240 501 622 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ograve ; B 94 -18 625 805 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Agrave ; B 3 0 607 805 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Abreve ; B 3 0 607 732 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N multiply ; B 103 43 607 470 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N uacute ; B 101 -15 602 672 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Tcaron ; B 108 0 665 802 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N partialdiff ; B 45 -38 546 710 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N ydieresis ; B -4 -157 683 620 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Nacute ; B 7 -13 712 805 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N icircumflex ; B 95 0 551 654 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ecircumflex ; B 53 0 660 787 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N adieresis ; B 76 -15 575 620 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N edieresis ; B 106 -15 598 620 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N cacute ; B 106 -15 612 672 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N nacute ; B 26 0 602 672 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N umacron ; B 101 -15 600 565 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ncaron ; B 7 -13 712 802 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Iacute ; B 96 0 640 805 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N plusminus ; B 96 44 594 558 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N brokenbar ; B 238 -175 469 675 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N registered ; B 53 -18 667 580 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Gbreve ; B 83 -18 645 732 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Idotaccent ; B 96 0 623 753 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N summation ; B 15 -10 670 706 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Egrave ; B 53 0 660 805 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N racute ; B 60 0 636 672 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N omacron ; B 102 -15 600 565 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Zacute ; B 86 0 670 805 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Zcaron ; B 86 0 642 802 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N greaterequal ; B 98 0 594 710 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Eth ; B 43 0 645 562 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ccedilla ; B 93 -151 658 580 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N lcommaaccent ; B 95 -250 515 629 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N tcaron ; B 167 -15 587 717 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N eogonek ; B 106 -172 598 441 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Uogonek ; B 124 -172 702 562 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Aacute ; B 3 0 660 805 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Adieresis ; B 3 0 607 753 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N egrave ; B 106 -15 598 672 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N zacute ; B 99 0 612 672 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N iogonek ; B 95 -172 515 657 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Oacute ; B 94 -18 640 805 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N oacute ; B 102 -15 612 672 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N amacron ; B 76 -15 600 565 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N sacute ; B 78 -15 612 672 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N idieresis ; B 95 0 545 620 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 94 -18 625 787 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ugrave ; B 125 -18 702 805 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Delta ; B 6 0 598 688 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N thorn ; B -24 -157 605 629 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N twosuperior ; B 230 249 535 622 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Odieresis ; B 94 -18 625 753 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N mu ; B 72 -157 572 426 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N igrave ; B 95 0 515 672 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N ohungarumlaut ; B 102 -15 723 672 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Eogonek ; B 53 -172 660 562 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N dcroat ; B 85 -15 704 629 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N threequarters ; B 73 -56 659 666 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Scedilla ; B 76 -151 650 580 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N lcaron ; B 95 0 667 629 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Kcommaaccent ; B 38 -250 671 562 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Lacute ; B 47 0 607 805 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N trademark ; B 75 263 742 562 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N edotaccent ; B 106 -15 598 620 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Igrave ; B 96 0 623 805 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Imacron ; B 96 0 628 698 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Lcaron ; B 47 0 632 562 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N onehalf ; B 65 -57 669 665 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N lessequal ; B 98 0 645 710 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N ocircumflex ; B 102 -15 588 654 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N ntilde ; B 26 0 629 606 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Uhungarumlaut ; B 125 -18 761 805 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Eacute ; B 53 0 670 805 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N emacron ; B 106 -15 600 565 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N gbreve ; B 61 -157 657 609 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N onequarter ; B 65 -57 674 665 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Scaron ; B 76 -20 672 802 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Scommaaccent ; B 76 -250 650 580 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ohungarumlaut ; B 94 -18 751 805 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N degree ; B 214 269 576 622 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N ograve ; B 102 -15 588 672 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ccaron ; B 93 -18 672 802 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N ugrave ; B 101 -15 572 672 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N radical ; B 85 -15 765 792 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Dcaron ; B 43 0 645 802 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N rcommaaccent ; B 60 -250 636 441 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ntilde ; B 7 -13 712 729 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N otilde ; B 102 -15 629 606 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Rcommaaccent ; B 38 -250 598 562 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Lcommaaccent ; B 47 -250 607 562 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Atilde ; B 3 0 655 729 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Aogonek ; B 3 -172 607 562 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Aring ; B 3 0 607 750 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Otilde ; B 94 -18 655 729 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N zdotaccent ; B 99 0 593 620 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ecaron ; B 53 0 660 802 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Iogonek ; B 96 -172 623 562 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N kcommaaccent ; B 58 -250 633 629 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N minus ; B 129 232 580 283 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Icircumflex ; B 96 0 623 787 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N ncaron ; B 26 0 614 669 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N tcommaaccent ; B 165 -250 561 561 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N logicalnot ; B 155 108 591 369 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N odieresis ; B 102 -15 588 620 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N udieresis ; B 101 -15 575 620 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N notequal ; B 43 -16 621 529 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N gcommaaccent ; B 61 -157 657 708 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N eth ; B 102 -15 639 629 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N zcaron ; B 99 0 624 669 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N ncommaaccent ; B 26 -250 585 441 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N onesuperior ; B 231 249 491 622 ;\nC -1 ; 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B 70 0 695 439 ;\nC 119 ; WX 600 ; N w ; B 53 0 712 439 ;\nC 120 ; WX 600 ; N x ; B 6 0 671 439 ;\nC 121 ; WX 600 ; N y ; B -21 -142 695 439 ;\nC 122 ; WX 600 ; N z ; B 81 0 614 439 ;\nC 123 ; WX 600 ; N braceleft ; B 203 -102 595 616 ;\nC 124 ; WX 600 ; N bar ; B 201 -250 505 750 ;\nC 125 ; WX 600 ; N braceright ; B 114 -102 506 616 ;\nC 126 ; WX 600 ; N asciitilde ; B 120 153 590 356 ;\nC 161 ; WX 600 ; N exclamdown ; B 196 -146 477 449 ;\nC 162 ; WX 600 ; N cent ; B 121 -49 605 614 ;\nC 163 ; WX 600 ; N sterling ; B 106 -28 650 611 ;\nC 164 ; WX 600 ; N fraction ; B 22 -60 708 661 ;\nC 165 ; WX 600 ; N yen ; B 98 0 710 562 ;\nC 166 ; WX 600 ; N florin ; B -57 -131 702 616 ;\nC 167 ; WX 600 ; N section ; B 74 -70 620 580 ;\nC 168 ; WX 600 ; N currency ; B 77 49 644 517 ;\nC 169 ; WX 600 ; N quotesingle ; B 303 277 493 562 ;\nC 170 ; WX 600 ; N quotedblleft ; B 190 277 594 562 ;\nC 171 ; WX 600 ; N guillemotleft ; B 62 70 639 446 ;\nC 172 ; WX 600 ; N guilsinglleft ; B 195 70 545 446 ;\nC 173 ; 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WX 600 ; N germandbls ; B 22 -15 629 626 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Idieresis ; B 77 0 643 761 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N eacute ; B 81 -15 609 661 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N abreve ; B 61 -15 658 661 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N uhungarumlaut ; B 70 -15 769 661 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N ecaron ; B 81 -15 633 667 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ydieresis ; B 109 0 709 761 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N divide ; B 114 16 596 500 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Yacute ; B 109 0 709 784 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Acircumflex ; B -9 0 632 780 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N aacute ; B 61 -15 609 661 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ucircumflex ; B 101 -18 716 780 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N yacute ; B -21 -142 695 661 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N scommaaccent ; B 66 -250 608 459 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N ecircumflex ; B 81 -15 607 657 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Uring ; B 101 -18 716 801 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Udieresis ; B 101 -18 716 761 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N aogonek ; B 61 -199 593 454 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Uacute ; B 101 -18 716 784 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N uogonek ; B 70 -199 592 439 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Edieresis ; B 25 0 670 761 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Dcroat ; B 30 0 664 562 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N commaaccent ; B 151 -250 385 -57 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N copyright ; B 53 -18 667 580 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Emacron ; B 25 0 670 708 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N ccaron ; B 81 -15 633 667 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N aring ; B 61 -15 593 678 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ncommaaccent ; B 8 -250 730 562 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N lacute ; B 77 0 639 801 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N agrave ; B 61 -15 593 661 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Tcommaaccent ; B 86 -250 679 562 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Cacute ; B 74 -18 675 784 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N atilde ; B 61 -15 643 636 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Edotaccent ; B 25 0 670 761 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N scaron ; B 66 -17 633 667 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N scedilla ; B 66 -206 608 459 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N iacute ; B 77 0 609 661 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N lozenge ; B 145 0 614 740 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Rcaron ; B 24 0 659 790 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Gcommaaccent ; B 74 -250 675 580 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N ucircumflex ; B 70 -15 597 657 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N acircumflex ; B 61 -15 607 657 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Amacron ; B -9 0 633 708 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N rcaron ; B 47 0 655 667 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N ccedilla ; B 81 -206 631 459 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Zdotaccent ; B 62 0 637 761 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Thorn ; B 48 0 620 562 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Omacron ; B 74 -18 663 708 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Racute ; B 24 0 665 784 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Sacute ; B 54 -22 673 784 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N dcaron ; B 60 -15 861 626 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Umacron ; B 101 -18 716 708 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N uring ; B 70 -15 592 678 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N threesuperior ; B 193 222 526 616 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ograve ; B 74 -18 645 784 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Agrave ; B -9 0 632 784 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Abreve ; B -9 0 684 784 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N multiply ; B 104 39 606 478 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N uacute ; B 70 -15 599 661 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Tcaron ; B 86 0 679 790 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N partialdiff ; B 91 -38 627 728 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N ydieresis ; B -21 -142 695 638 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Nacute ; B 8 -12 730 784 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N icircumflex ; B 77 0 577 657 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ecircumflex ; B 25 0 670 780 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N adieresis ; B 61 -15 595 638 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N edieresis ; B 81 -15 605 638 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N cacute ; B 81 -15 649 661 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N nacute ; B 18 0 639 661 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N umacron ; B 70 -15 637 585 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ncaron ; B 8 -12 730 790 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Iacute ; B 77 0 643 784 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N plusminus ; B 76 24 614 515 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N brokenbar ; B 217 -175 489 675 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N registered ; B 53 -18 667 580 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Gbreve ; B 74 -18 684 784 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Idotaccent ; B 77 0 643 761 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N summation ; B 15 -10 672 706 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Egrave ; B 25 0 670 784 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N racute ; B 47 0 655 661 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N omacron ; B 71 -15 637 585 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Zacute ; B 62 0 665 784 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Zcaron ; B 62 0 659 790 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N greaterequal ; B 26 0 627 696 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Eth ; B 30 0 664 562 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ccedilla ; B 74 -206 675 580 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N lcommaaccent ; B 77 -250 546 626 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N tcaron ; B 118 -15 627 703 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N eogonek ; B 81 -199 605 454 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Uogonek ; B 101 -199 716 562 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Aacute ; B -9 0 655 784 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Adieresis ; B -9 0 632 761 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N egrave ; B 81 -15 605 661 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N zacute ; B 81 0 614 661 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N iogonek ; B 77 -199 546 658 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Oacute ; B 74 -18 645 784 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N oacute ; B 71 -15 649 661 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N amacron ; B 61 -15 637 585 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N sacute ; B 66 -17 609 661 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N idieresis ; B 77 0 561 618 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 74 -18 645 780 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ugrave ; B 101 -18 716 784 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Delta ; B 6 0 594 688 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N thorn ; B -32 -142 622 626 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N twosuperior ; B 191 230 542 616 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Odieresis ; B 74 -18 645 761 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N mu ; B 49 -142 592 439 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N igrave ; B 77 0 546 661 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N ohungarumlaut ; B 71 -15 809 661 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Eogonek ; B 25 -199 670 562 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N dcroat ; B 60 -15 712 626 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N threequarters ; B 8 -60 699 661 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Scedilla ; B 54 -206 673 582 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N lcaron ; B 77 0 731 626 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Kcommaaccent ; B 21 -250 692 562 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Lacute ; B 39 0 636 784 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N trademark ; B 86 230 869 562 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N edotaccent ; B 81 -15 605 638 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Igrave ; B 77 0 643 784 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Imacron ; B 77 0 663 708 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Lcaron ; B 39 0 757 562 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N onehalf ; B 22 -60 716 661 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N lessequal ; B 26 0 671 696 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N ocircumflex ; B 71 -15 622 657 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N ntilde ; B 18 0 643 636 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Uhungarumlaut ; B 101 -18 805 784 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Eacute ; B 25 0 670 784 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N emacron ; B 81 -15 637 585 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N gbreve ; B 40 -146 674 661 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N onequarter ; B 13 -60 707 661 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Scaron ; B 54 -22 689 790 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Scommaaccent ; B 54 -250 673 582 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ohungarumlaut ; B 74 -18 795 784 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N degree ; B 173 243 570 616 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N ograve ; B 71 -15 622 661 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ccaron ; B 74 -18 689 790 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N ugrave ; B 70 -15 592 661 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N radical ; B 67 -104 635 778 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Dcaron ; B 30 0 664 790 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N rcommaaccent ; B 47 -250 655 454 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ntilde ; B 8 -12 730 759 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N otilde ; B 71 -15 643 636 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Rcommaaccent ; B 24 -250 617 562 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Lcommaaccent ; B 39 -250 636 562 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Atilde ; B -9 0 669 759 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Aogonek ; B -9 -199 632 562 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Aring ; B -9 0 632 801 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Otilde ; B 74 -18 669 759 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N zdotaccent ; B 81 0 614 638 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Ecaron ; B 25 0 670 790 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Iogonek ; B 77 -199 643 562 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N kcommaaccent ; B 33 -250 643 626 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N minus ; B 114 203 596 313 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N Icircumflex ; B 77 0 643 780 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N ncaron ; B 18 0 633 667 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N tcommaaccent ; B 118 -250 567 562 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N logicalnot ; B 135 103 617 413 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N odieresis ; B 71 -15 622 638 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N udieresis ; B 70 -15 595 638 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N notequal ; B 30 -47 626 563 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N gcommaaccent ; B 40 -146 674 714 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N eth ; B 93 -27 661 626 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N zcaron ; B 81 0 643 667 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N ncommaaccent ; B 18 -250 615 454 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N onesuperior ; B 212 230 514 616 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N imacron ; B 77 0 575 585 ;\nC -1 ; 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; N u ; B 68 -15 489 523 ;\nC 118 ; WX 500 ; N v ; B 8 0 492 523 ;\nC 119 ; WX 722 ; N w ; B 14 0 709 523 ;\nC 120 ; WX 500 ; N x ; B 11 0 490 523 ;\nC 121 ; WX 500 ; N y ; B 11 -214 489 523 ;\nC 122 ; WX 500 ; N z ; B 31 0 469 523 ;\nC 123 ; WX 334 ; N braceleft ; B 42 -196 292 722 ;\nC 124 ; WX 260 ; N bar ; B 94 -225 167 775 ;\nC 125 ; WX 334 ; N braceright ; B 42 -196 292 722 ;\nC 126 ; WX 584 ; N asciitilde ; B 61 180 523 326 ;\nC 161 ; WX 333 ; N exclamdown ; B 118 -195 215 523 ;\nC 162 ; WX 556 ; N cent ; B 51 -115 513 623 ;\nC 163 ; WX 556 ; N sterling ; B 33 -16 539 718 ;\nC 164 ; WX 167 ; N fraction ; B -166 -19 333 703 ;\nC 165 ; WX 556 ; N yen ; B 3 0 553 688 ;\nC 166 ; WX 556 ; N florin ; B -11 -207 501 737 ;\nC 167 ; WX 556 ; N section ; B 43 -191 512 737 ;\nC 168 ; WX 556 ; N currency ; B 28 99 528 603 ;\nC 169 ; WX 191 ; N quotesingle ; B 59 463 132 718 ;\nC 170 ; WX 333 ; N quotedblleft ; B 38 470 307 725 ;\nC 171 ; WX 556 ; N guillemotleft ; B 97 108 459 446 ;\nC 172 ; WX 333 ; N guilsinglleft ; B 88 108 245 446 ;\nC 173 ; WX 333 ; N guilsinglright ; B 88 108 245 446 ;\nC 174 ; WX 500 ; N fi ; B 14 0 434 728 ;\nC 175 ; WX 500 ; N fl ; B 14 0 432 728 ;\nC 177 ; WX 556 ; N endash ; B 0 240 556 313 ;\nC 178 ; WX 556 ; N dagger ; B 43 -159 514 718 ;\nC 179 ; WX 556 ; N daggerdbl ; B 43 -159 514 718 ;\nC 180 ; WX 278 ; N periodcentered ; B 77 190 202 315 ;\nC 182 ; WX 537 ; N paragraph ; B 18 -173 497 718 ;\nC 183 ; WX 350 ; N bullet ; B 18 202 333 517 ;\nC 184 ; WX 222 ; N quotesinglbase ; B 53 -149 157 106 ;\nC 185 ; WX 333 ; N quotedblbase ; B 26 -149 295 106 ;\nC 186 ; WX 333 ; N quotedblright ; B 26 463 295 718 ;\nC 187 ; WX 556 ; N guillemotright ; B 97 108 459 446 ;\nC 188 ; WX 1000 ; N ellipsis ; B 115 0 885 106 ;\nC 189 ; WX 1000 ; N perthousand ; B 7 -19 994 703 ;\nC 191 ; WX 611 ; N questiondown ; B 91 -201 527 525 ;\nC 193 ; WX 333 ; N grave ; B 14 593 211 734 ;\nC 194 ; WX 333 ; N acute ; B 122 593 319 734 ;\nC 195 ; WX 333 ; N circumflex ; B 21 593 312 734 ;\nC 196 ; WX 333 ; N tilde ; B -4 606 337 722 ;\nC 197 ; WX 333 ; N macron ; B 10 627 323 684 ;\nC 198 ; WX 333 ; N breve ; B 13 595 321 731 ;\nC 199 ; WX 333 ; N dotaccent ; B 121 604 212 706 ;\nC 200 ; WX 333 ; N dieresis ; B 40 604 293 706 ;\nC 202 ; WX 333 ; N ring ; B 75 572 259 756 ;\nC 203 ; WX 333 ; N cedilla ; B 45 -225 259 0 ;\nC 205 ; WX 333 ; N hungarumlaut ; B 31 593 409 734 ;\nC 206 ; WX 333 ; N ogonek ; B 73 -225 287 0 ;\nC 207 ; WX 333 ; N caron ; B 21 593 312 734 ;\nC 208 ; WX 1000 ; N emdash ; B 0 240 1000 313 ;\nC 225 ; WX 1000 ; N AE ; B 8 0 951 718 ;\nC 227 ; WX 370 ; N ordfeminine ; B 24 405 346 737 ;\nC 232 ; WX 556 ; N Lslash ; B -20 0 537 718 ;\nC 233 ; WX 778 ; N Oslash ; B 39 -19 740 737 ;\nC 234 ; WX 1000 ; N OE ; B 36 -19 965 737 ;\nC 235 ; WX 365 ; N ordmasculine ; B 25 405 341 737 ;\nC 241 ; WX 889 ; N ae ; B 36 -15 847 538 ;\nC 245 ; WX 278 ; N dotlessi ; B 95 0 183 523 ;\nC 248 ; WX 222 ; N lslash ; B -20 0 242 718 ;\nC 249 ; WX 611 ; N oslash ; B 28 -22 537 545 ;\nC 250 ; WX 944 ; N oe ; B 35 -15 902 538 ;\nC 251 ; WX 611 ; N germandbls ; B 67 -15 571 728 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N Idieresis ; B 13 0 266 901 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N eacute ; B 40 -15 516 734 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N abreve ; B 36 -15 530 731 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N uhungarumlaut ; B 68 -15 521 734 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N ecaron ; B 40 -15 516 734 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Ydieresis ; B 14 0 653 901 ;\nC -1 ; WX 584 ; N divide ; B 39 -19 545 524 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Yacute ; B 14 0 653 929 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Acircumflex ; B 14 0 654 929 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N aacute ; B 36 -15 530 734 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ucircumflex ; B 79 -19 644 929 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N yacute ; B 11 -214 489 734 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N scommaaccent ; B 32 -225 464 538 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N ecircumflex ; B 40 -15 516 734 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Uring ; B 79 -19 644 931 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Udieresis ; B 79 -19 644 901 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N aogonek ; B 36 -220 547 538 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Uacute ; B 79 -19 644 929 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N uogonek ; B 68 -225 519 523 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Edieresis ; B 86 0 616 901 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Dcroat ; B 0 0 674 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 250 ; N commaaccent ; B 87 -225 181 -40 ;\nC -1 ; WX 737 ; N copyright ; B -14 -19 752 737 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Emacron ; B 86 0 616 879 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N ccaron ; B 30 -15 477 734 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N aring ; B 36 -15 530 756 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ncommaaccent ; B 76 -225 646 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 222 ; N lacute ; B 67 0 264 929 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N agrave ; B 36 -15 530 734 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N Tcommaaccent ; B 14 -225 597 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Cacute ; B 44 -19 681 929 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N atilde ; B 36 -15 530 722 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Edotaccent ; B 86 0 616 901 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N scaron ; B 32 -15 464 734 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N scedilla ; B 32 -225 464 538 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N iacute ; B 95 0 292 734 ;\nC -1 ; WX 471 ; N lozenge ; B 10 0 462 728 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Rcaron ; B 88 0 684 929 ;\nC -1 ; WX 778 ; N Gcommaaccent ; B 48 -225 704 737 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N ucircumflex ; B 68 -15 489 734 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N acircumflex ; B 36 -15 530 734 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Amacron ; B 14 0 654 879 ;\nC -1 ; WX 333 ; N rcaron ; B 61 0 352 734 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N ccedilla ; B 30 -225 477 538 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N Zdotaccent ; B 23 0 588 901 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Thorn ; B 86 0 622 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 778 ; N Omacron ; B 39 -19 739 879 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Racute ; B 88 0 684 929 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Sacute ; B 49 -19 620 929 ;\nC -1 ; WX 643 ; N dcaron ; B 35 -15 655 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Umacron ; B 79 -19 644 879 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N uring ; B 68 -15 489 756 ;\nC -1 ; WX 333 ; N threesuperior ; B 5 270 325 703 ;\nC -1 ; WX 778 ; N Ograve ; B 39 -19 739 929 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Agrave ; B 14 0 654 929 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Abreve ; B 14 0 654 926 ;\nC -1 ; WX 584 ; N multiply ; B 39 0 545 506 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N uacute ; B 68 -15 489 734 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N Tcaron ; B 14 0 597 929 ;\nC -1 ; WX 476 ; N partialdiff ; B 13 -38 463 714 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N ydieresis ; B 11 -214 489 706 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Nacute ; B 76 0 646 929 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N icircumflex ; B -6 0 285 734 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Ecircumflex ; B 86 0 616 929 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N adieresis ; B 36 -15 530 706 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N edieresis ; B 40 -15 516 706 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N cacute ; B 30 -15 477 734 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N nacute ; B 65 0 491 734 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N umacron ; B 68 -15 489 684 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ncaron ; B 76 0 646 929 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N Iacute ; B 91 0 292 929 ;\nC -1 ; WX 584 ; N plusminus ; B 39 0 545 506 ;\nC -1 ; WX 260 ; N brokenbar ; B 94 -150 167 700 ;\nC -1 ; WX 737 ; N registered ; B -14 -19 752 737 ;\nC -1 ; WX 778 ; N Gbreve ; B 48 -19 704 926 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N Idotaccent ; B 91 0 188 901 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N summation ; B 15 -10 586 706 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Egrave ; B 86 0 616 929 ;\nC -1 ; WX 333 ; N racute ; B 77 0 332 734 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N omacron ; B 35 -14 521 684 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N Zacute ; B 23 0 588 929 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N Zcaron ; B 23 0 588 929 ;\nC -1 ; WX 549 ; N greaterequal ; B 26 0 523 674 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Eth ; B 0 0 674 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ccedilla ; B 44 -225 681 737 ;\nC -1 ; WX 222 ; N lcommaaccent ; B 67 -225 167 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 317 ; N tcaron ; B 14 -7 329 808 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N eogonek ; B 40 -225 516 538 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Uogonek ; B 79 -225 644 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Aacute ; B 14 0 654 929 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Adieresis ; B 14 0 654 901 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N egrave ; B 40 -15 516 734 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N zacute ; B 31 0 469 734 ;\nC -1 ; WX 222 ; N iogonek ; B -31 -225 183 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 778 ; N Oacute ; B 39 -19 739 929 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N oacute ; B 35 -14 521 734 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N amacron ; B 36 -15 530 684 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N sacute ; B 32 -15 464 734 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N idieresis ; B 13 0 266 706 ;\nC -1 ; WX 778 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 39 -19 739 929 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ugrave ; B 79 -19 644 929 ;\nC -1 ; WX 612 ; N Delta ; B 6 0 608 688 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N thorn ; B 58 -207 517 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 333 ; N twosuperior ; B 4 281 323 703 ;\nC -1 ; WX 778 ; N Odieresis ; B 39 -19 739 901 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N mu ; B 68 -207 489 523 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N igrave ; B -13 0 184 734 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N ohungarumlaut ; B 35 -14 521 734 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Eogonek ; B 86 -220 633 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N dcroat ; B 35 -15 550 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 834 ; N threequarters ; B 45 -19 810 703 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Scedilla ; B 49 -225 620 737 ;\nC -1 ; WX 299 ; N lcaron ; B 67 0 311 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Kcommaaccent ; B 76 -225 663 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N Lacute ; B 76 0 537 929 ;\nC -1 ; WX 1000 ; N trademark ; B 46 306 903 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N edotaccent ; B 40 -15 516 706 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N Igrave ; B -13 0 188 929 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N Imacron ; B -17 0 296 879 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N Lcaron ; B 76 0 537 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 834 ; N onehalf ; B 43 -19 773 703 ;\nC -1 ; WX 549 ; N lessequal ; B 26 0 523 674 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N ocircumflex ; B 35 -14 521 734 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N ntilde ; B 65 0 491 722 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Uhungarumlaut ; B 79 -19 644 929 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Eacute ; B 86 0 616 929 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N emacron ; B 40 -15 516 684 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N gbreve ; B 40 -220 499 731 ;\nC -1 ; WX 834 ; N onequarter ; B 73 -19 756 703 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Scaron ; B 49 -19 620 929 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Scommaaccent ; B 49 -225 620 737 ;\nC -1 ; WX 778 ; N Ohungarumlaut ; B 39 -19 739 929 ;\nC -1 ; WX 400 ; N degree ; B 54 411 346 703 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N ograve ; B 35 -14 521 734 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ccaron ; B 44 -19 681 929 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N ugrave ; B 68 -15 489 734 ;\nC -1 ; WX 453 ; N radical ; B -4 -80 458 762 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Dcaron ; B 81 0 674 929 ;\nC -1 ; WX 333 ; N rcommaaccent ; B 77 -225 332 538 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ntilde ; B 76 0 646 917 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N otilde ; B 35 -14 521 722 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Rcommaaccent ; B 88 -225 684 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N Lcommaaccent ; B 76 -225 537 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Atilde ; B 14 0 654 917 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Aogonek ; B 14 -225 654 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Aring ; B 14 0 654 931 ;\nC -1 ; WX 778 ; N Otilde ; B 39 -19 739 917 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N zdotaccent ; B 31 0 469 706 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Ecaron ; B 86 0 616 929 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N Iogonek ; B -3 -225 211 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N kcommaaccent ; B 67 -225 501 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 584 ; N minus ; B 39 216 545 289 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N Icircumflex ; B -6 0 285 929 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N ncaron ; B 65 0 491 734 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N tcommaaccent ; B 14 -225 257 669 ;\nC -1 ; WX 584 ; N logicalnot ; B 39 108 545 390 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N odieresis ; B 35 -14 521 706 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N udieresis ; B 68 -15 489 706 ;\nC -1 ; WX 549 ; N notequal ; B 12 -35 537 551 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N gcommaaccent ; B 40 -220 499 822 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N eth ; B 35 -15 522 737 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N zcaron ; B 31 0 469 734 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N ncommaaccent ; B 65 -225 491 538 ;\nC -1 ; WX 333 ; N onesuperior ; B 43 281 222 703 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N imacron ; B 5 0 272 684 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N Euro ; B 0 0 0 0 ;\nEndCharMetrics\nStartKernData\nStartKernPairs 2705\nKPX A C -30\nKPX A Cacute -30\nKPX A Ccaron -30\nKPX A Ccedilla -30\nKPX A G -30\nKPX A Gbreve -30\nKPX A Gcommaaccent -30\nKPX A O -30\nKPX A Oacute -30\nKPX A Ocircumflex -30\nKPX A Odieresis -30\nKPX A Ograve -30\nKPX A Ohungarumlaut -30\nKPX A Omacron -30\nKPX A Oslash -30\nKPX A Otilde -30\nKPX A Q -30\nKPX A T -120\nKPX A Tcaron -120\nKPX A Tcommaaccent -120\nKPX A U -50\nKPX A Uacute -50\nKPX A Ucircumflex -50\nKPX A Udieresis -50\nKPX A Ugrave -50\nKPX A Uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX A Umacron -50\nKPX A Uogonek -50\nKPX A Uring -50\nKPX A V -70\nKPX A W -50\nKPX A Y -100\nKPX A Yacute -100\nKPX A Ydieresis -100\nKPX A u -30\nKPX A uacute -30\nKPX A ucircumflex -30\nKPX A udieresis -30\nKPX A ugrave -30\nKPX A uhungarumlaut -30\nKPX A umacron -30\nKPX A uogonek -30\nKPX A uring -30\nKPX A v -40\nKPX A w -40\nKPX A y -40\nKPX A yacute -40\nKPX A ydieresis -40\nKPX Aacute C -30\nKPX Aacute Cacute -30\nKPX Aacute Ccaron -30\nKPX Aacute Ccedilla -30\nKPX Aacute G -30\nKPX Aacute Gbreve -30\nKPX Aacute Gcommaaccent -30\nKPX Aacute O -30\nKPX Aacute Oacute -30\nKPX Aacute Ocircumflex -30\nKPX Aacute Odieresis -30\nKPX Aacute Ograve -30\nKPX Aacute Ohungarumlaut -30\nKPX Aacute Omacron -30\nKPX Aacute Oslash -30\nKPX Aacute Otilde -30\nKPX Aacute Q -30\nKPX Aacute T -120\nKPX Aacute Tcaron -120\nKPX Aacute Tcommaaccent -120\nKPX Aacute U -50\nKPX Aacute Uacute -50\nKPX Aacute Ucircumflex -50\nKPX Aacute Udieresis -50\nKPX Aacute Ugrave -50\nKPX Aacute Uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Aacute Umacron -50\nKPX Aacute Uogonek -50\nKPX Aacute Uring -50\nKPX Aacute V -70\nKPX Aacute W -50\nKPX Aacute Y -100\nKPX Aacute Yacute -100\nKPX Aacute Ydieresis -100\nKPX Aacute u -30\nKPX Aacute uacute -30\nKPX Aacute ucircumflex -30\nKPX Aacute udieresis -30\nKPX Aacute ugrave -30\nKPX Aacute uhungarumlaut -30\nKPX Aacute umacron -30\nKPX Aacute uogonek -30\nKPX Aacute uring -30\nKPX Aacute v -40\nKPX Aacute w -40\nKPX Aacute y -40\nKPX Aacute yacute -40\nKPX Aacute ydieresis -40\nKPX Abreve C -30\nKPX Abreve Cacute -30\nKPX Abreve Ccaron -30\nKPX Abreve Ccedilla -30\nKPX Abreve G -30\nKPX Abreve Gbreve -30\nKPX Abreve Gcommaaccent -30\nKPX Abreve O -30\nKPX Abreve Oacute -30\nKPX Abreve Ocircumflex -30\nKPX Abreve Odieresis -30\nKPX Abreve Ograve -30\nKPX Abreve Ohungarumlaut -30\nKPX Abreve Omacron -30\nKPX Abreve Oslash -30\nKPX Abreve Otilde -30\nKPX Abreve Q -30\nKPX Abreve T -120\nKPX Abreve Tcaron -120\nKPX Abreve Tcommaaccent -120\nKPX Abreve U -50\nKPX Abreve Uacute -50\nKPX Abreve Ucircumflex -50\nKPX Abreve Udieresis -50\nKPX Abreve Ugrave -50\nKPX Abreve Uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Abreve Umacron -50\nKPX Abreve Uogonek -50\nKPX Abreve Uring -50\nKPX Abreve V -70\nKPX Abreve W -50\nKPX Abreve Y -100\nKPX Abreve Yacute -100\nKPX Abreve Ydieresis -100\nKPX Abreve u -30\nKPX Abreve uacute -30\nKPX Abreve ucircumflex -30\nKPX Abreve udieresis -30\nKPX Abreve ugrave -30\nKPX Abreve uhungarumlaut -30\nKPX Abreve umacron -30\nKPX Abreve uogonek -30\nKPX Abreve uring -30\nKPX Abreve v -40\nKPX Abreve w -40\nKPX Abreve y -40\nKPX Abreve yacute -40\nKPX Abreve ydieresis -40\nKPX Acircumflex C -30\nKPX Acircumflex Cacute -30\nKPX Acircumflex Ccaron -30\nKPX Acircumflex Ccedilla -30\nKPX Acircumflex G -30\nKPX Acircumflex Gbreve -30\nKPX Acircumflex Gcommaaccent -30\nKPX Acircumflex O -30\nKPX Acircumflex Oacute -30\nKPX Acircumflex Ocircumflex -30\nKPX Acircumflex Odieresis -30\nKPX Acircumflex Ograve -30\nKPX Acircumflex Ohungarumlaut -30\nKPX Acircumflex Omacron -30\nKPX Acircumflex Oslash -30\nKPX Acircumflex Otilde -30\nKPX Acircumflex Q -30\nKPX Acircumflex T -120\nKPX Acircumflex Tcaron -120\nKPX Acircumflex Tcommaaccent -120\nKPX Acircumflex U -50\nKPX Acircumflex Uacute -50\nKPX Acircumflex Ucircumflex -50\nKPX Acircumflex Udieresis -50\nKPX Acircumflex Ugrave -50\nKPX Acircumflex Uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Acircumflex Umacron -50\nKPX Acircumflex Uogonek -50\nKPX Acircumflex Uring -50\nKPX Acircumflex V -70\nKPX Acircumflex W -50\nKPX Acircumflex Y -100\nKPX Acircumflex Yacute -100\nKPX Acircumflex Ydieresis -100\nKPX Acircumflex u -30\nKPX Acircumflex uacute -30\nKPX Acircumflex ucircumflex -30\nKPX Acircumflex udieresis -30\nKPX Acircumflex ugrave -30\nKPX Acircumflex uhungarumlaut -30\nKPX Acircumflex umacron -30\nKPX Acircumflex uogonek -30\nKPX Acircumflex uring -30\nKPX Acircumflex v -40\nKPX Acircumflex w -40\nKPX Acircumflex y -40\nKPX Acircumflex yacute -40\nKPX Acircumflex ydieresis -40\nKPX Adieresis C -30\nKPX Adieresis Cacute -30\nKPX Adieresis Ccaron -30\nKPX Adieresis Ccedilla -30\nKPX Adieresis G -30\nKPX Adieresis Gbreve -30\nKPX Adieresis Gcommaaccent -30\nKPX Adieresis O -30\nKPX Adieresis Oacute -30\nKPX Adieresis Ocircumflex -30\nKPX Adieresis Odieresis -30\nKPX Adieresis Ograve -30\nKPX Adieresis Ohungarumlaut -30\nKPX Adieresis Omacron -30\nKPX Adieresis Oslash -30\nKPX Adieresis Otilde -30\nKPX Adieresis Q -30\nKPX Adieresis T -120\nKPX Adieresis Tcaron -120\nKPX Adieresis Tcommaaccent -120\nKPX Adieresis U -50\nKPX Adieresis Uacute -50\nKPX Adieresis Ucircumflex -50\nKPX Adieresis Udieresis -50\nKPX Adieresis Ugrave -50\nKPX Adieresis Uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Adieresis Umacron -50\nKPX Adieresis Uogonek -50\nKPX Adieresis Uring -50\nKPX Adieresis V -70\nKPX Adieresis W -50\nKPX Adieresis Y -100\nKPX Adieresis Yacute -100\nKPX Adieresis Ydieresis -100\nKPX Adieresis u -30\nKPX Adieresis uacute -30\nKPX Adieresis ucircumflex -30\nKPX Adieresis udieresis -30\nKPX Adieresis ugrave -30\nKPX Adieresis uhungarumlaut -30\nKPX Adieresis umacron -30\nKPX Adieresis uogonek -30\nKPX Adieresis uring -30\nKPX Adieresis v -40\nKPX Adieresis w -40\nKPX Adieresis y -40\nKPX Adieresis yacute -40\nKPX Adieresis ydieresis -40\nKPX Agrave C -30\nKPX Agrave Cacute -30\nKPX Agrave Ccaron -30\nKPX Agrave Ccedilla -30\nKPX Agrave G -30\nKPX Agrave Gbreve -30\nKPX Agrave Gcommaaccent -30\nKPX Agrave O -30\nKPX Agrave Oacute -30\nKPX Agrave Ocircumflex -30\nKPX Agrave Odieresis -30\nKPX Agrave Ograve -30\nKPX Agrave Ohungarumlaut -30\nKPX Agrave Omacron -30\nKPX Agrave Oslash -30\nKPX Agrave Otilde -30\nKPX Agrave Q -30\nKPX Agrave T -120\nKPX Agrave Tcaron -120\nKPX Agrave Tcommaaccent -120\nKPX Agrave U -50\nKPX Agrave Uacute -50\nKPX Agrave Ucircumflex -50\nKPX Agrave Udieresis -50\nKPX Agrave Ugrave -50\nKPX Agrave Uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Agrave Umacron -50\nKPX Agrave Uogonek -50\nKPX Agrave Uring -50\nKPX Agrave V -70\nKPX Agrave W -50\nKPX Agrave Y -100\nKPX Agrave Yacute -100\nKPX Agrave Ydieresis -100\nKPX Agrave u -30\nKPX Agrave uacute -30\nKPX Agrave ucircumflex -30\nKPX Agrave udieresis -30\nKPX Agrave ugrave -30\nKPX Agrave uhungarumlaut -30\nKPX Agrave umacron -30\nKPX Agrave uogonek -30\nKPX Agrave uring -30\nKPX Agrave v -40\nKPX Agrave w -40\nKPX Agrave y -40\nKPX Agrave yacute -40\nKPX Agrave ydieresis -40\nKPX Amacron C -30\nKPX Amacron Cacute -30\nKPX Amacron Ccaron -30\nKPX Amacron Ccedilla -30\nKPX Amacron G -30\nKPX Amacron Gbreve -30\nKPX Amacron Gcommaaccent -30\nKPX Amacron O -30\nKPX Amacron Oacute -30\nKPX Amacron Ocircumflex -30\nKPX Amacron Odieresis -30\nKPX Amacron Ograve -30\nKPX Amacron Ohungarumlaut -30\nKPX Amacron Omacron -30\nKPX Amacron Oslash -30\nKPX Amacron Otilde -30\nKPX Amacron Q -30\nKPX Amacron T -120\nKPX Amacron Tcaron -120\nKPX Amacron Tcommaaccent -120\nKPX Amacron U -50\nKPX Amacron Uacute -50\nKPX Amacron Ucircumflex -50\nKPX Amacron Udieresis -50\nKPX Amacron Ugrave -50\nKPX Amacron Uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Amacron Umacron -50\nKPX Amacron Uogonek -50\nKPX Amacron Uring -50\nKPX Amacron V -70\nKPX Amacron W -50\nKPX Amacron Y -100\nKPX Amacron Yacute -100\nKPX Amacron Ydieresis -100\nKPX Amacron u -30\nKPX Amacron uacute -30\nKPX Amacron ucircumflex -30\nKPX Amacron udieresis -30\nKPX Amacron ugrave -30\nKPX Amacron uhungarumlaut -30\nKPX Amacron umacron -30\nKPX Amacron uogonek -30\nKPX Amacron uring -30\nKPX Amacron v -40\nKPX Amacron w -40\nKPX Amacron y -40\nKPX Amacron yacute -40\nKPX Amacron ydieresis -40\nKPX Aogonek C -30\nKPX Aogonek Cacute -30\nKPX Aogonek Ccaron -30\nKPX Aogonek Ccedilla -30\nKPX Aogonek G -30\nKPX Aogonek Gbreve -30\nKPX Aogonek Gcommaaccent -30\nKPX Aogonek O -30\nKPX Aogonek Oacute -30\nKPX Aogonek Ocircumflex -30\nKPX Aogonek Odieresis -30\nKPX Aogonek Ograve -30\nKPX Aogonek Ohungarumlaut -30\nKPX Aogonek Omacron -30\nKPX Aogonek Oslash -30\nKPX Aogonek Otilde -30\nKPX Aogonek Q -30\nKPX Aogonek T -120\nKPX Aogonek Tcaron -120\nKPX Aogonek Tcommaaccent -120\nKPX Aogonek U -50\nKPX Aogonek Uacute -50\nKPX Aogonek Ucircumflex -50\nKPX Aogonek Udieresis -50\nKPX Aogonek Ugrave -50\nKPX Aogonek Uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Aogonek Umacron -50\nKPX Aogonek Uogonek -50\nKPX Aogonek Uring -50\nKPX Aogonek V -70\nKPX Aogonek W -50\nKPX Aogonek Y -100\nKPX Aogonek Yacute -100\nKPX Aogonek Ydieresis -100\nKPX Aogonek u -30\nKPX Aogonek uacute -30\nKPX Aogonek ucircumflex -30\nKPX Aogonek udieresis -30\nKPX Aogonek ugrave -30\nKPX Aogonek uhungarumlaut -30\nKPX Aogonek umacron -30\nKPX Aogonek uogonek -30\nKPX Aogonek uring -30\nKPX Aogonek v -40\nKPX Aogonek w -40\nKPX Aogonek y -40\nKPX Aogonek yacute -40\nKPX Aogonek ydieresis -40\nKPX Aring C -30\nKPX Aring Cacute -30\nKPX Aring Ccaron -30\nKPX Aring Ccedilla -30\nKPX Aring G -30\nKPX Aring Gbreve -30\nKPX Aring Gcommaaccent -30\nKPX Aring O -30\nKPX Aring Oacute -30\nKPX Aring Ocircumflex -30\nKPX Aring Odieresis -30\nKPX Aring Ograve -30\nKPX Aring Ohungarumlaut -30\nKPX Aring Omacron -30\nKPX Aring Oslash -30\nKPX Aring Otilde -30\nKPX Aring Q -30\nKPX Aring T -120\nKPX Aring Tcaron -120\nKPX Aring Tcommaaccent -120\nKPX Aring U -50\nKPX Aring Uacute -50\nKPX Aring Ucircumflex -50\nKPX Aring Udieresis -50\nKPX Aring Ugrave -50\nKPX Aring Uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Aring Umacron -50\nKPX Aring Uogonek -50\nKPX Aring Uring -50\nKPX Aring V -70\nKPX Aring W -50\nKPX Aring Y -100\nKPX Aring Yacute -100\nKPX Aring Ydieresis -100\nKPX Aring u -30\nKPX Aring uacute -30\nKPX Aring ucircumflex -30\nKPX Aring udieresis -30\nKPX Aring ugrave -30\nKPX Aring uhungarumlaut -30\nKPX Aring umacron -30\nKPX Aring uogonek -30\nKPX Aring uring -30\nKPX Aring v -40\nKPX Aring w -40\nKPX Aring y -40\nKPX Aring yacute -40\nKPX Aring ydieresis -40\nKPX Atilde C -30\nKPX Atilde Cacute -30\nKPX Atilde Ccaron -30\nKPX Atilde Ccedilla -30\nKPX Atilde G -30\nKPX Atilde Gbreve -30\nKPX Atilde Gcommaaccent -30\nKPX Atilde O -30\nKPX Atilde Oacute -30\nKPX Atilde Ocircumflex -30\nKPX Atilde Odieresis -30\nKPX Atilde Ograve -30\nKPX Atilde Ohungarumlaut -30\nKPX Atilde Omacron -30\nKPX Atilde Oslash -30\nKPX Atilde Otilde -30\nKPX Atilde Q -30\nKPX Atilde T -120\nKPX Atilde Tcaron -120\nKPX Atilde Tcommaaccent -120\nKPX Atilde U -50\nKPX Atilde Uacute -50\nKPX Atilde Ucircumflex -50\nKPX Atilde Udieresis -50\nKPX Atilde Ugrave -50\nKPX Atilde Uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Atilde Umacron -50\nKPX Atilde Uogonek -50\nKPX Atilde Uring -50\nKPX Atilde V -70\nKPX Atilde W -50\nKPX Atilde Y -100\nKPX Atilde Yacute -100\nKPX Atilde Ydieresis -100\nKPX Atilde u -30\nKPX Atilde uacute -30\nKPX Atilde ucircumflex -30\nKPX Atilde udieresis -30\nKPX Atilde ugrave -30\nKPX Atilde uhungarumlaut -30\nKPX Atilde umacron -30\nKPX Atilde uogonek -30\nKPX Atilde uring -30\nKPX Atilde v -40\nKPX Atilde w -40\nKPX Atilde y -40\nKPX Atilde yacute -40\nKPX Atilde ydieresis -40\nKPX B U -10\nKPX B Uacute -10\nKPX B Ucircumflex -10\nKPX B Udieresis -10\nKPX B Ugrave -10\nKPX B Uhungarumlaut -10\nKPX B Umacron -10\nKPX B Uogonek -10\nKPX B Uring -10\nKPX B comma -20\nKPX B period -20\nKPX C comma -30\nKPX C period -30\nKPX Cacute comma -30\nKPX Cacute period -30\nKPX Ccaron comma -30\nKPX Ccaron period -30\nKPX Ccedilla comma -30\nKPX Ccedilla period -30\nKPX D A -40\nKPX D Aacute -40\nKPX D Abreve -40\nKPX D Acircumflex -40\nKPX D Adieresis -40\nKPX D Agrave -40\nKPX D Amacron -40\nKPX D Aogonek -40\nKPX D Aring -40\nKPX D Atilde -40\nKPX D V -70\nKPX D W -40\nKPX D Y -90\nKPX D Yacute -90\nKPX D Ydieresis -90\nKPX D comma -70\nKPX D period -70\nKPX Dcaron A -40\nKPX Dcaron Aacute -40\nKPX Dcaron Abreve -40\nKPX Dcaron Acircumflex -40\nKPX Dcaron Adieresis -40\nKPX Dcaron Agrave -40\nKPX Dcaron Amacron -40\nKPX Dcaron Aogonek -40\nKPX Dcaron Aring -40\nKPX Dcaron Atilde -40\nKPX Dcaron V -70\nKPX Dcaron W -40\nKPX Dcaron Y -90\nKPX Dcaron Yacute -90\nKPX Dcaron Ydieresis -90\nKPX Dcaron comma -70\nKPX Dcaron period -70\nKPX Dcroat A -40\nKPX Dcroat Aacute -40\nKPX Dcroat Abreve -40\nKPX Dcroat Acircumflex -40\nKPX Dcroat Adieresis -40\nKPX Dcroat Agrave -40\nKPX Dcroat Amacron -40\nKPX Dcroat Aogonek -40\nKPX Dcroat Aring -40\nKPX Dcroat Atilde -40\nKPX Dcroat V -70\nKPX Dcroat W -40\nKPX Dcroat Y -90\nKPX Dcroat Yacute -90\nKPX Dcroat Ydieresis -90\nKPX Dcroat comma -70\nKPX Dcroat period -70\nKPX F A -80\nKPX F Aacute -80\nKPX F Abreve -80\nKPX F Acircumflex -80\nKPX F Adieresis -80\nKPX F Agrave -80\nKPX F Amacron -80\nKPX F Aogonek -80\nKPX F Aring -80\nKPX F Atilde -80\nKPX F a -50\nKPX F aacute -50\nKPX F abreve -50\nKPX F acircumflex -50\nKPX F adieresis -50\nKPX F agrave -50\nKPX F amacron -50\nKPX F aogonek -50\nKPX F aring -50\nKPX F atilde -50\nKPX F comma -150\nKPX F e -30\nKPX F eacute -30\nKPX F ecaron -30\nKPX F ecircumflex -30\nKPX F edieresis -30\nKPX F edotaccent -30\nKPX F egrave -30\nKPX F emacron -30\nKPX F eogonek -30\nKPX F o -30\nKPX F oacute -30\nKPX F ocircumflex -30\nKPX F odieresis -30\nKPX F ograve -30\nKPX F ohungarumlaut -30\nKPX F omacron -30\nKPX F oslash -30\nKPX F otilde -30\nKPX F period -150\nKPX F r -45\nKPX F racute -45\nKPX F rcaron -45\nKPX F rcommaaccent -45\nKPX J A -20\nKPX J Aacute -20\nKPX J Abreve -20\nKPX J Acircumflex -20\nKPX J Adieresis -20\nKPX J Agrave -20\nKPX J Amacron -20\nKPX J Aogonek -20\nKPX J Aring -20\nKPX J Atilde -20\nKPX J a -20\nKPX J aacute -20\nKPX J abreve -20\nKPX J acircumflex -20\nKPX J adieresis -20\nKPX J agrave -20\nKPX J amacron -20\nKPX J aogonek -20\nKPX J aring -20\nKPX J atilde -20\nKPX J comma -30\nKPX J period -30\nKPX J u -20\nKPX J uacute -20\nKPX J ucircumflex -20\nKPX J udieresis -20\nKPX J ugrave -20\nKPX J uhungarumlaut -20\nKPX J umacron -20\nKPX J uogonek -20\nKPX J uring -20\nKPX K O -50\nKPX K Oacute -50\nKPX K Ocircumflex -50\nKPX K Odieresis -50\nKPX K Ograve -50\nKPX K Ohungarumlaut -50\nKPX K Omacron -50\nKPX K Oslash -50\nKPX K Otilde -50\nKPX K e -40\nKPX K eacute -40\nKPX K ecaron -40\nKPX K ecircumflex -40\nKPX K edieresis -40\nKPX K edotaccent -40\nKPX K egrave -40\nKPX K emacron -40\nKPX K eogonek -40\nKPX K o -40\nKPX K oacute -40\nKPX K ocircumflex -40\nKPX K odieresis -40\nKPX K ograve -40\nKPX K ohungarumlaut -40\nKPX K omacron -40\nKPX K oslash -40\nKPX K otilde -40\nKPX K u -30\nKPX K uacute -30\nKPX K ucircumflex -30\nKPX K udieresis -30\nKPX K ugrave -30\nKPX K uhungarumlaut -30\nKPX K umacron -30\nKPX K uogonek -30\nKPX K uring -30\nKPX K y -50\nKPX K yacute -50\nKPX K ydieresis -50\nKPX Kcommaaccent O -50\nKPX Kcommaaccent Oacute -50\nKPX Kcommaaccent Ocircumflex -50\nKPX Kcommaaccent Odieresis -50\nKPX Kcommaaccent Ograve -50\nKPX Kcommaaccent Ohungarumlaut -50\nKPX Kcommaaccent Omacron -50\nKPX Kcommaaccent Oslash -50\nKPX Kcommaaccent Otilde -50\nKPX Kcommaaccent e -40\nKPX Kcommaaccent eacute -40\nKPX Kcommaaccent ecaron -40\nKPX Kcommaaccent ecircumflex -40\nKPX Kcommaaccent edieresis -40\nKPX Kcommaaccent edotaccent -40\nKPX Kcommaaccent egrave -40\nKPX Kcommaaccent emacron -40\nKPX Kcommaaccent eogonek -40\nKPX Kcommaaccent o -40\nKPX Kcommaaccent oacute -40\nKPX Kcommaaccent ocircumflex -40\nKPX Kcommaaccent odieresis -40\nKPX Kcommaaccent ograve -40\nKPX Kcommaaccent ohungarumlaut -40\nKPX Kcommaaccent omacron -40\nKPX Kcommaaccent oslash -40\nKPX Kcommaaccent otilde -40\nKPX Kcommaaccent u -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent uacute -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent ucircumflex -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent udieresis -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent ugrave -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent uhungarumlaut -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent umacron -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent uogonek -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent uring -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent y -50\nKPX Kcommaaccent yacute -50\nKPX Kcommaaccent ydieresis -50\nKPX L T -110\nKPX L Tcaron -110\nKPX L Tcommaaccent -110\nKPX L V -110\nKPX L W -70\nKPX L Y -140\nKPX L Yacute -140\nKPX L Ydieresis -140\nKPX L quotedblright -140\nKPX L quoteright -160\nKPX L y -30\nKPX L yacute -30\nKPX L ydieresis -30\nKPX Lacute T -110\nKPX Lacute Tcaron -110\nKPX Lacute Tcommaaccent -110\nKPX Lacute V -110\nKPX Lacute W -70\nKPX Lacute Y -140\nKPX Lacute Yacute -140\nKPX Lacute Ydieresis -140\nKPX Lacute quotedblright -140\nKPX Lacute quoteright -160\nKPX Lacute y -30\nKPX Lacute yacute -30\nKPX Lacute ydieresis -30\nKPX Lcaron T -110\nKPX Lcaron Tcaron -110\nKPX Lcaron Tcommaaccent -110\nKPX Lcaron V -110\nKPX Lcaron W -70\nKPX Lcaron Y -140\nKPX Lcaron Yacute -140\nKPX Lcaron Ydieresis -140\nKPX Lcaron quotedblright -140\nKPX Lcaron quoteright -160\nKPX Lcaron y -30\nKPX Lcaron yacute -30\nKPX Lcaron ydieresis -30\nKPX Lcommaaccent T -110\nKPX Lcommaaccent Tcaron -110\nKPX Lcommaaccent Tcommaaccent -110\nKPX Lcommaaccent V -110\nKPX Lcommaaccent W -70\nKPX Lcommaaccent Y -140\nKPX Lcommaaccent Yacute -140\nKPX Lcommaaccent Ydieresis -140\nKPX Lcommaaccent quotedblright -140\nKPX Lcommaaccent quoteright -160\nKPX Lcommaaccent y -30\nKPX Lcommaaccent yacute -30\nKPX Lcommaaccent ydieresis -30\nKPX Lslash T -110\nKPX Lslash Tcaron -110\nKPX Lslash Tcommaaccent -110\nKPX Lslash V -110\nKPX Lslash W -70\nKPX Lslash Y -140\nKPX Lslash Yacute -140\nKPX Lslash Ydieresis -140\nKPX Lslash quotedblright -140\nKPX Lslash quoteright -160\nKPX Lslash y -30\nKPX Lslash yacute -30\nKPX Lslash ydieresis -30\nKPX O A -20\nKPX O Aacute -20\nKPX O Abreve -20\nKPX O Acircumflex -20\nKPX O Adieresis -20\nKPX O Agrave -20\nKPX O Amacron -20\nKPX O Aogonek -20\nKPX O Aring -20\nKPX O Atilde -20\nKPX O T -40\nKPX O Tcaron -40\nKPX O Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX O V -50\nKPX O W -30\nKPX O X -60\nKPX O Y -70\nKPX O Yacute -70\nKPX O Ydieresis -70\nKPX O comma -40\nKPX O period -40\nKPX Oacute A -20\nKPX Oacute Aacute -20\nKPX Oacute Abreve -20\nKPX Oacute Acircumflex -20\nKPX Oacute Adieresis -20\nKPX Oacute Agrave -20\nKPX Oacute Amacron -20\nKPX Oacute Aogonek -20\nKPX Oacute Aring -20\nKPX Oacute Atilde -20\nKPX Oacute T -40\nKPX Oacute Tcaron -40\nKPX Oacute Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX Oacute V -50\nKPX Oacute W -30\nKPX Oacute X -60\nKPX Oacute Y -70\nKPX Oacute Yacute -70\nKPX Oacute Ydieresis -70\nKPX Oacute comma -40\nKPX Oacute period -40\nKPX Ocircumflex A -20\nKPX Ocircumflex Aacute -20\nKPX Ocircumflex Abreve -20\nKPX Ocircumflex Acircumflex -20\nKPX Ocircumflex Adieresis -20\nKPX Ocircumflex Agrave -20\nKPX Ocircumflex Amacron -20\nKPX Ocircumflex Aogonek -20\nKPX Ocircumflex Aring -20\nKPX Ocircumflex Atilde -20\nKPX Ocircumflex T -40\nKPX Ocircumflex Tcaron -40\nKPX Ocircumflex Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX Ocircumflex V -50\nKPX Ocircumflex W -30\nKPX Ocircumflex X -60\nKPX Ocircumflex Y -70\nKPX Ocircumflex Yacute -70\nKPX Ocircumflex Ydieresis -70\nKPX Ocircumflex comma -40\nKPX Ocircumflex period -40\nKPX Odieresis A -20\nKPX Odieresis Aacute -20\nKPX Odieresis Abreve -20\nKPX Odieresis Acircumflex -20\nKPX Odieresis Adieresis -20\nKPX Odieresis Agrave -20\nKPX Odieresis Amacron -20\nKPX Odieresis Aogonek -20\nKPX Odieresis Aring -20\nKPX Odieresis Atilde -20\nKPX Odieresis T -40\nKPX Odieresis Tcaron -40\nKPX Odieresis Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX Odieresis V -50\nKPX Odieresis W -30\nKPX Odieresis X -60\nKPX Odieresis Y -70\nKPX Odieresis Yacute -70\nKPX Odieresis Ydieresis -70\nKPX Odieresis comma -40\nKPX Odieresis period -40\nKPX Ograve A -20\nKPX Ograve Aacute -20\nKPX Ograve Abreve -20\nKPX Ograve Acircumflex -20\nKPX Ograve Adieresis -20\nKPX Ograve Agrave -20\nKPX Ograve Amacron -20\nKPX Ograve Aogonek -20\nKPX Ograve Aring -20\nKPX Ograve Atilde -20\nKPX Ograve T -40\nKPX Ograve Tcaron -40\nKPX Ograve Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX Ograve V -50\nKPX Ograve W -30\nKPX Ograve X -60\nKPX Ograve Y -70\nKPX Ograve Yacute -70\nKPX Ograve Ydieresis -70\nKPX Ograve comma -40\nKPX Ograve period -40\nKPX Ohungarumlaut A -20\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Aacute -20\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Abreve -20\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Acircumflex -20\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Adieresis -20\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Agrave -20\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Amacron -20\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Aogonek -20\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Aring -20\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Atilde -20\nKPX Ohungarumlaut T -40\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Tcaron -40\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX Ohungarumlaut V -50\nKPX Ohungarumlaut W -30\nKPX Ohungarumlaut X -60\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Y -70\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Yacute -70\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Ydieresis -70\nKPX Ohungarumlaut comma -40\nKPX Ohungarumlaut period -40\nKPX Omacron A -20\nKPX Omacron Aacute -20\nKPX Omacron Abreve -20\nKPX Omacron Acircumflex -20\nKPX Omacron Adieresis -20\nKPX Omacron Agrave -20\nKPX Omacron Amacron -20\nKPX Omacron Aogonek -20\nKPX Omacron Aring -20\nKPX Omacron Atilde -20\nKPX Omacron T -40\nKPX Omacron Tcaron -40\nKPX Omacron Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX Omacron V -50\nKPX Omacron W -30\nKPX Omacron X -60\nKPX Omacron Y -70\nKPX Omacron Yacute -70\nKPX Omacron Ydieresis -70\nKPX Omacron comma -40\nKPX Omacron period -40\nKPX Oslash A -20\nKPX Oslash Aacute -20\nKPX Oslash Abreve -20\nKPX Oslash Acircumflex -20\nKPX Oslash Adieresis -20\nKPX Oslash Agrave -20\nKPX Oslash Amacron -20\nKPX Oslash Aogonek -20\nKPX Oslash Aring -20\nKPX Oslash Atilde -20\nKPX Oslash T -40\nKPX Oslash Tcaron -40\nKPX Oslash Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX Oslash V -50\nKPX Oslash W -30\nKPX Oslash X -60\nKPX Oslash Y -70\nKPX Oslash Yacute -70\nKPX Oslash Ydieresis -70\nKPX Oslash comma -40\nKPX Oslash period -40\nKPX Otilde A -20\nKPX Otilde Aacute -20\nKPX Otilde Abreve -20\nKPX Otilde Acircumflex -20\nKPX Otilde Adieresis -20\nKPX Otilde Agrave -20\nKPX Otilde Amacron -20\nKPX Otilde Aogonek -20\nKPX Otilde Aring -20\nKPX Otilde Atilde -20\nKPX Otilde T -40\nKPX Otilde Tcaron -40\nKPX Otilde Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX Otilde V -50\nKPX Otilde W -30\nKPX Otilde X -60\nKPX Otilde Y -70\nKPX Otilde Yacute -70\nKPX Otilde Ydieresis -70\nKPX Otilde comma -40\nKPX Otilde period -40\nKPX P A -120\nKPX P Aacute -120\nKPX P Abreve -120\nKPX P Acircumflex -120\nKPX P Adieresis -120\nKPX P Agrave -120\nKPX P Amacron -120\nKPX P Aogonek -120\nKPX P Aring -120\nKPX P Atilde -120\nKPX P a -40\nKPX P aacute -40\nKPX P abreve -40\nKPX P acircumflex -40\nKPX P adieresis -40\nKPX P agrave -40\nKPX P amacron -40\nKPX P aogonek -40\nKPX P aring -40\nKPX P atilde -40\nKPX P comma -180\nKPX P e -50\nKPX P eacute -50\nKPX P ecaron -50\nKPX P ecircumflex -50\nKPX P edieresis -50\nKPX P edotaccent -50\nKPX P egrave -50\nKPX P emacron -50\nKPX P eogonek -50\nKPX P o -50\nKPX P oacute -50\nKPX P ocircumflex -50\nKPX P odieresis -50\nKPX P ograve -50\nKPX P ohungarumlaut -50\nKPX P omacron -50\nKPX P oslash -50\nKPX P otilde -50\nKPX P period -180\nKPX Q U -10\nKPX Q Uacute -10\nKPX Q Ucircumflex -10\nKPX Q Udieresis -10\nKPX Q Ugrave -10\nKPX Q Uhungarumlaut -10\nKPX Q Umacron -10\nKPX Q Uogonek -10\nKPX Q Uring -10\nKPX R O -20\nKPX R Oacute -20\nKPX R Ocircumflex -20\nKPX R Odieresis -20\nKPX R Ograve -20\nKPX R Ohungarumlaut -20\nKPX R Omacron -20\nKPX R Oslash -20\nKPX R Otilde -20\nKPX R T -30\nKPX R Tcaron -30\nKPX R Tcommaaccent -30\nKPX R U -40\nKPX R Uacute -40\nKPX R Ucircumflex -40\nKPX R Udieresis -40\nKPX R Ugrave -40\nKPX R Uhungarumlaut -40\nKPX R Umacron -40\nKPX R Uogonek -40\nKPX R Uring -40\nKPX R V -50\nKPX R W -30\nKPX R Y -50\nKPX R Yacute -50\nKPX R Ydieresis -50\nKPX Racute O -20\nKPX Racute Oacute -20\nKPX Racute Ocircumflex -20\nKPX Racute Odieresis -20\nKPX Racute Ograve -20\nKPX Racute Ohungarumlaut -20\nKPX Racute Omacron -20\nKPX Racute Oslash -20\nKPX Racute Otilde -20\nKPX Racute T -30\nKPX Racute Tcaron -30\nKPX Racute Tcommaaccent -30\nKPX Racute U -40\nKPX Racute Uacute -40\nKPX Racute Ucircumflex -40\nKPX Racute Udieresis -40\nKPX Racute Ugrave -40\nKPX Racute Uhungarumlaut -40\nKPX Racute Umacron -40\nKPX Racute Uogonek -40\nKPX Racute Uring -40\nKPX Racute V -50\nKPX Racute W -30\nKPX Racute Y -50\nKPX Racute Yacute -50\nKPX Racute Ydieresis -50\nKPX Rcaron O -20\nKPX Rcaron Oacute -20\nKPX Rcaron Ocircumflex -20\nKPX Rcaron Odieresis -20\nKPX Rcaron Ograve -20\nKPX Rcaron Ohungarumlaut -20\nKPX Rcaron Omacron -20\nKPX Rcaron Oslash -20\nKPX Rcaron Otilde -20\nKPX Rcaron T -30\nKPX Rcaron Tcaron -30\nKPX Rcaron Tcommaaccent -30\nKPX Rcaron U -40\nKPX Rcaron Uacute -40\nKPX Rcaron Ucircumflex -40\nKPX Rcaron Udieresis -40\nKPX Rcaron Ugrave -40\nKPX Rcaron Uhungarumlaut -40\nKPX Rcaron Umacron -40\nKPX Rcaron Uogonek -40\nKPX Rcaron Uring -40\nKPX Rcaron V -50\nKPX Rcaron W -30\nKPX Rcaron Y -50\nKPX Rcaron Yacute -50\nKPX Rcaron Ydieresis -50\nKPX Rcommaaccent O -20\nKPX Rcommaaccent Oacute -20\nKPX Rcommaaccent Ocircumflex -20\nKPX Rcommaaccent Odieresis -20\nKPX Rcommaaccent Ograve -20\nKPX Rcommaaccent Ohungarumlaut -20\nKPX Rcommaaccent Omacron -20\nKPX Rcommaaccent Oslash -20\nKPX Rcommaaccent Otilde -20\nKPX Rcommaaccent T -30\nKPX Rcommaaccent Tcaron -30\nKPX Rcommaaccent Tcommaaccent -30\nKPX Rcommaaccent U -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent Uacute -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent Ucircumflex -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent Udieresis -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent Ugrave -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent Uhungarumlaut -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent Umacron -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent Uogonek -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent Uring -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent V -50\nKPX Rcommaaccent W -30\nKPX Rcommaaccent Y -50\nKPX Rcommaaccent Yacute -50\nKPX Rcommaaccent Ydieresis -50\nKPX S comma -20\nKPX S period -20\nKPX Sacute comma -20\nKPX Sacute period -20\nKPX Scaron comma -20\nKPX Scaron period -20\nKPX Scedilla comma -20\nKPX Scedilla period -20\nKPX Scommaaccent comma -20\nKPX Scommaaccent period -20\nKPX T A -120\nKPX T Aacute -120\nKPX T Abreve -120\nKPX T Acircumflex -120\nKPX T Adieresis -120\nKPX T Agrave -120\nKPX T Amacron -120\nKPX T Aogonek -120\nKPX T Aring -120\nKPX T Atilde -120\nKPX T O -40\nKPX T Oacute -40\nKPX T Ocircumflex -40\nKPX T Odieresis -40\nKPX T Ograve -40\nKPX T Ohungarumlaut -40\nKPX T Omacron -40\nKPX T Oslash -40\nKPX T Otilde -40\nKPX T a -120\nKPX T aacute -120\nKPX T abreve -60\nKPX T acircumflex -120\nKPX T adieresis -120\nKPX T agrave -120\nKPX T amacron -60\nKPX T aogonek -120\nKPX T aring -120\nKPX T atilde -60\nKPX T colon -20\nKPX T comma -120\nKPX T e -120\nKPX T eacute -120\nKPX T ecaron -120\nKPX T ecircumflex -120\nKPX T edieresis -120\nKPX T edotaccent -120\nKPX T egrave -60\nKPX T emacron -60\nKPX T eogonek -120\nKPX T hyphen -140\nKPX T o -120\nKPX T oacute -120\nKPX T ocircumflex -120\nKPX T odieresis -120\nKPX T ograve -120\nKPX T ohungarumlaut -120\nKPX T omacron -60\nKPX T oslash -120\nKPX T otilde -60\nKPX T period -120\nKPX T r -120\nKPX T racute -120\nKPX T rcaron -120\nKPX T rcommaaccent -120\nKPX T semicolon -20\nKPX T u -120\nKPX T uacute -120\nKPX T ucircumflex -120\nKPX T udieresis -120\nKPX T ugrave -120\nKPX T uhungarumlaut -120\nKPX T umacron -60\nKPX T uogonek -120\nKPX T uring -120\nKPX T w -120\nKPX T y -120\nKPX T yacute -120\nKPX T ydieresis -60\nKPX Tcaron A -120\nKPX Tcaron Aacute -120\nKPX Tcaron Abreve -120\nKPX Tcaron Acircumflex -120\nKPX Tcaron Adieresis -120\nKPX Tcaron Agrave -120\nKPX Tcaron Amacron -120\nKPX Tcaron Aogonek -120\nKPX Tcaron Aring -120\nKPX Tcaron Atilde -120\nKPX Tcaron O -40\nKPX Tcaron Oacute -40\nKPX Tcaron Ocircumflex -40\nKPX Tcaron Odieresis -40\nKPX Tcaron Ograve -40\nKPX Tcaron Ohungarumlaut -40\nKPX Tcaron Omacron -40\nKPX Tcaron Oslash -40\nKPX Tcaron Otilde -40\nKPX Tcaron a -120\nKPX Tcaron aacute -120\nKPX Tcaron abreve -60\nKPX Tcaron acircumflex -120\nKPX Tcaron adieresis -120\nKPX Tcaron agrave -120\nKPX Tcaron amacron -60\nKPX Tcaron aogonek -120\nKPX Tcaron aring -120\nKPX Tcaron atilde -60\nKPX Tcaron colon -20\nKPX Tcaron comma -120\nKPX Tcaron e -120\nKPX Tcaron eacute -120\nKPX Tcaron ecaron -120\nKPX Tcaron ecircumflex -120\nKPX Tcaron edieresis -120\nKPX Tcaron edotaccent -120\nKPX Tcaron egrave -60\nKPX Tcaron emacron -60\nKPX Tcaron eogonek -120\nKPX Tcaron hyphen -140\nKPX Tcaron o -120\nKPX Tcaron oacute -120\nKPX Tcaron ocircumflex -120\nKPX Tcaron odieresis -120\nKPX Tcaron ograve -120\nKPX Tcaron ohungarumlaut -120\nKPX Tcaron omacron -60\nKPX Tcaron oslash -120\nKPX Tcaron otilde -60\nKPX Tcaron period -120\nKPX Tcaron r -120\nKPX Tcaron racute -120\nKPX Tcaron rcaron -120\nKPX Tcaron rcommaaccent -120\nKPX Tcaron semicolon -20\nKPX Tcaron u -120\nKPX Tcaron uacute -120\nKPX Tcaron ucircumflex -120\nKPX Tcaron udieresis -120\nKPX Tcaron ugrave -120\nKPX Tcaron uhungarumlaut -120\nKPX Tcaron umacron -60\nKPX Tcaron uogonek -120\nKPX Tcaron uring -120\nKPX Tcaron w -120\nKPX Tcaron y -120\nKPX Tcaron yacute -120\nKPX Tcaron ydieresis -60\nKPX Tcommaaccent A -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent Aacute -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent Abreve -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent Acircumflex -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent Adieresis -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent Agrave -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent Amacron -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent Aogonek -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent Aring -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent Atilde -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent O -40\nKPX Tcommaaccent Oacute -40\nKPX Tcommaaccent Ocircumflex -40\nKPX Tcommaaccent Odieresis -40\nKPX Tcommaaccent Ograve -40\nKPX Tcommaaccent Ohungarumlaut -40\nKPX Tcommaaccent Omacron -40\nKPX Tcommaaccent Oslash -40\nKPX Tcommaaccent Otilde -40\nKPX Tcommaaccent a -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent aacute -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent abreve -60\nKPX Tcommaaccent acircumflex -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent adieresis -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent agrave -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent amacron -60\nKPX Tcommaaccent aogonek -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent aring -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent atilde -60\nKPX Tcommaaccent colon -20\nKPX Tcommaaccent comma -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent e -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent eacute -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent ecaron -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent ecircumflex -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent edieresis -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent edotaccent -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent egrave -60\nKPX Tcommaaccent emacron -60\nKPX Tcommaaccent eogonek -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent hyphen -140\nKPX Tcommaaccent o -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent oacute -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent ocircumflex -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent odieresis -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent ograve -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent ohungarumlaut -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent omacron -60\nKPX Tcommaaccent oslash -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent otilde -60\nKPX Tcommaaccent period -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent r -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent racute -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent rcaron -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent rcommaaccent -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent semicolon -20\nKPX Tcommaaccent u -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent uacute -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent ucircumflex -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent udieresis -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent ugrave -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent uhungarumlaut -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent umacron -60\nKPX Tcommaaccent uogonek -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent uring -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent w -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent y -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent yacute -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent ydieresis -60\nKPX U A -40\nKPX U Aacute -40\nKPX U Abreve -40\nKPX U Acircumflex -40\nKPX U Adieresis -40\nKPX U Agrave -40\nKPX U Amacron -40\nKPX U Aogonek -40\nKPX U Aring -40\nKPX U Atilde -40\nKPX U comma -40\nKPX U period -40\nKPX Uacute A -40\nKPX Uacute Aacute -40\nKPX Uacute Abreve -40\nKPX Uacute Acircumflex -40\nKPX Uacute Adieresis -40\nKPX Uacute Agrave -40\nKPX Uacute Amacron -40\nKPX Uacute Aogonek -40\nKPX Uacute Aring -40\nKPX Uacute Atilde -40\nKPX Uacute comma -40\nKPX Uacute period -40\nKPX Ucircumflex A -40\nKPX Ucircumflex Aacute -40\nKPX Ucircumflex Abreve -40\nKPX Ucircumflex Acircumflex -40\nKPX Ucircumflex Adieresis -40\nKPX Ucircumflex Agrave -40\nKPX Ucircumflex Amacron -40\nKPX Ucircumflex Aogonek -40\nKPX Ucircumflex Aring -40\nKPX Ucircumflex Atilde -40\nKPX Ucircumflex comma -40\nKPX Ucircumflex period -40\nKPX Udieresis A -40\nKPX Udieresis Aacute -40\nKPX Udieresis Abreve -40\nKPX Udieresis Acircumflex -40\nKPX Udieresis Adieresis -40\nKPX Udieresis Agrave -40\nKPX Udieresis Amacron -40\nKPX Udieresis Aogonek -40\nKPX Udieresis Aring -40\nKPX Udieresis Atilde -40\nKPX Udieresis comma -40\nKPX Udieresis period -40\nKPX Ugrave A -40\nKPX Ugrave Aacute -40\nKPX Ugrave Abreve -40\nKPX Ugrave Acircumflex -40\nKPX Ugrave Adieresis -40\nKPX Ugrave Agrave -40\nKPX Ugrave Amacron -40\nKPX Ugrave Aogonek -40\nKPX Ugrave Aring -40\nKPX Ugrave Atilde -40\nKPX Ugrave comma -40\nKPX Ugrave period -40\nKPX Uhungarumlaut A -40\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Aacute -40\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Abreve -40\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Acircumflex -40\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Adieresis -40\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Agrave -40\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Amacron -40\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Aogonek -40\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Aring -40\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Atilde -40\nKPX Uhungarumlaut comma -40\nKPX Uhungarumlaut period -40\nKPX Umacron A -40\nKPX Umacron Aacute -40\nKPX Umacron Abreve -40\nKPX Umacron Acircumflex -40\nKPX Umacron Adieresis -40\nKPX Umacron Agrave -40\nKPX Umacron Amacron -40\nKPX Umacron Aogonek -40\nKPX Umacron Aring -40\nKPX Umacron Atilde -40\nKPX Umacron comma -40\nKPX Umacron period -40\nKPX Uogonek A -40\nKPX Uogonek Aacute -40\nKPX Uogonek Abreve -40\nKPX Uogonek Acircumflex -40\nKPX Uogonek Adieresis -40\nKPX Uogonek Agrave -40\nKPX Uogonek Amacron -40\nKPX Uogonek Aogonek -40\nKPX Uogonek Aring -40\nKPX Uogonek Atilde -40\nKPX Uogonek comma -40\nKPX Uogonek period -40\nKPX Uring A -40\nKPX Uring Aacute -40\nKPX Uring Abreve -40\nKPX Uring Acircumflex -40\nKPX Uring Adieresis -40\nKPX Uring Agrave -40\nKPX Uring Amacron -40\nKPX Uring Aogonek -40\nKPX Uring Aring -40\nKPX Uring Atilde -40\nKPX Uring comma -40\nKPX Uring period -40\nKPX V A -80\nKPX V Aacute -80\nKPX V Abreve -80\nKPX V Acircumflex -80\nKPX V Adieresis -80\nKPX V Agrave -80\nKPX V Amacron -80\nKPX V Aogonek -80\nKPX V Aring -80\nKPX V Atilde -80\nKPX V G -40\nKPX V Gbreve -40\nKPX V Gcommaaccent -40\nKPX V O -40\nKPX V Oacute -40\nKPX V Ocircumflex -40\nKPX V Odieresis -40\nKPX V Ograve -40\nKPX V Ohungarumlaut -40\nKPX V Omacron -40\nKPX V Oslash -40\nKPX V Otilde -40\nKPX V a -70\nKPX V aacute -70\nKPX V abreve -70\nKPX V acircumflex -70\nKPX V adieresis -70\nKPX V agrave -70\nKPX V amacron -70\nKPX V aogonek -70\nKPX V aring -70\nKPX V atilde -70\nKPX V colon -40\nKPX V comma -125\nKPX V e -80\nKPX V eacute -80\nKPX V ecaron -80\nKPX V ecircumflex -80\nKPX V edieresis -80\nKPX V edotaccent -80\nKPX V egrave -80\nKPX V emacron -80\nKPX V eogonek -80\nKPX V hyphen -80\nKPX V o -80\nKPX V oacute -80\nKPX V ocircumflex -80\nKPX V odieresis -80\nKPX V ograve -80\nKPX V ohungarumlaut -80\nKPX V omacron -80\nKPX V oslash -80\nKPX V otilde -80\nKPX V period -125\nKPX V semicolon -40\nKPX V u -70\nKPX V uacute -70\nKPX V ucircumflex -70\nKPX V udieresis -70\nKPX V ugrave -70\nKPX V uhungarumlaut -70\nKPX V umacron -70\nKPX V uogonek -70\nKPX V uring -70\nKPX W A -50\nKPX W Aacute -50\nKPX W Abreve -50\nKPX W Acircumflex -50\nKPX W Adieresis -50\nKPX W Agrave -50\nKPX W Amacron -50\nKPX W Aogonek -50\nKPX W Aring -50\nKPX W Atilde -50\nKPX W O -20\nKPX W Oacute -20\nKPX W Ocircumflex -20\nKPX W Odieresis -20\nKPX W Ograve -20\nKPX W Ohungarumlaut -20\nKPX W Omacron -20\nKPX W Oslash -20\nKPX W Otilde -20\nKPX W a -40\nKPX W aacute -40\nKPX W abreve -40\nKPX W acircumflex -40\nKPX W adieresis -40\nKPX W agrave -40\nKPX W amacron -40\nKPX W aogonek -40\nKPX W aring -40\nKPX W atilde -40\nKPX W comma -80\nKPX W e -30\nKPX W eacute -30\nKPX W ecaron -30\nKPX W ecircumflex -30\nKPX W edieresis -30\nKPX W edotaccent -30\nKPX W egrave -30\nKPX W emacron -30\nKPX W eogonek -30\nKPX W hyphen -40\nKPX W o -30\nKPX W oacute -30\nKPX W ocircumflex -30\nKPX W odieresis -30\nKPX W ograve -30\nKPX W ohungarumlaut -30\nKPX W omacron -30\nKPX W oslash -30\nKPX W otilde -30\nKPX W period -80\nKPX W u -30\nKPX W uacute -30\nKPX W ucircumflex -30\nKPX W udieresis -30\nKPX W ugrave -30\nKPX W uhungarumlaut -30\nKPX W umacron -30\nKPX W uogonek -30\nKPX W uring -30\nKPX W y -20\nKPX W yacute -20\nKPX W ydieresis -20\nKPX Y A -110\nKPX Y Aacute -110\nKPX Y Abreve -110\nKPX Y Acircumflex -110\nKPX Y Adieresis -110\nKPX Y Agrave -110\nKPX Y Amacron -110\nKPX Y Aogonek -110\nKPX Y Aring -110\nKPX Y Atilde -110\nKPX Y O -85\nKPX Y Oacute -85\nKPX Y Ocircumflex -85\nKPX Y Odieresis -85\nKPX Y Ograve -85\nKPX Y Ohungarumlaut -85\nKPX Y Omacron -85\nKPX Y Oslash -85\nKPX Y Otilde -85\nKPX Y a -140\nKPX Y aacute -140\nKPX Y abreve -70\nKPX Y acircumflex -140\nKPX Y adieresis -140\nKPX Y agrave -140\nKPX Y amacron -70\nKPX Y aogonek -140\nKPX Y aring -140\nKPX Y atilde -140\nKPX Y colon -60\nKPX Y comma -140\nKPX Y e -140\nKPX Y eacute -140\nKPX Y ecaron -140\nKPX Y ecircumflex -140\nKPX Y edieresis -140\nKPX Y edotaccent -140\nKPX Y egrave -140\nKPX Y emacron -70\nKPX Y eogonek -140\nKPX Y hyphen -140\nKPX Y i -20\nKPX Y iacute -20\nKPX Y iogonek -20\nKPX Y o -140\nKPX Y oacute -140\nKPX Y ocircumflex -140\nKPX Y odieresis -140\nKPX Y ograve -140\nKPX Y ohungarumlaut -140\nKPX Y omacron -140\nKPX Y oslash -140\nKPX Y otilde -140\nKPX Y period -140\nKPX Y semicolon -60\nKPX Y u -110\nKPX Y uacute -110\nKPX Y ucircumflex -110\nKPX Y udieresis -110\nKPX Y ugrave -110\nKPX Y uhungarumlaut -110\nKPX Y umacron -110\nKPX Y uogonek -110\nKPX Y uring -110\nKPX Yacute A -110\nKPX Yacute Aacute -110\nKPX Yacute Abreve -110\nKPX Yacute Acircumflex -110\nKPX Yacute Adieresis -110\nKPX Yacute Agrave -110\nKPX Yacute Amacron -110\nKPX Yacute Aogonek -110\nKPX Yacute Aring -110\nKPX Yacute Atilde -110\nKPX Yacute O -85\nKPX Yacute Oacute -85\nKPX Yacute Ocircumflex -85\nKPX Yacute Odieresis -85\nKPX Yacute Ograve -85\nKPX Yacute Ohungarumlaut -85\nKPX Yacute Omacron -85\nKPX Yacute Oslash -85\nKPX Yacute Otilde -85\nKPX Yacute a -140\nKPX Yacute aacute -140\nKPX Yacute abreve -70\nKPX Yacute acircumflex -140\nKPX Yacute adieresis -140\nKPX Yacute agrave -140\nKPX Yacute amacron -70\nKPX Yacute aogonek -140\nKPX Yacute aring -140\nKPX Yacute atilde -70\nKPX Yacute colon -60\nKPX Yacute comma -140\nKPX Yacute e -140\nKPX Yacute eacute -140\nKPX Yacute ecaron -140\nKPX Yacute ecircumflex -140\nKPX Yacute edieresis -140\nKPX Yacute edotaccent -140\nKPX Yacute egrave -140\nKPX Yacute emacron -70\nKPX Yacute eogonek -140\nKPX Yacute hyphen -140\nKPX Yacute i -20\nKPX Yacute iacute -20\nKPX Yacute iogonek -20\nKPX Yacute o -140\nKPX Yacute oacute -140\nKPX Yacute ocircumflex -140\nKPX Yacute odieresis -140\nKPX Yacute ograve -140\nKPX Yacute ohungarumlaut -140\nKPX Yacute omacron -70\nKPX Yacute oslash -140\nKPX Yacute otilde -140\nKPX Yacute period -140\nKPX Yacute semicolon -60\nKPX Yacute u -110\nKPX Yacute uacute -110\nKPX Yacute ucircumflex -110\nKPX Yacute udieresis -110\nKPX Yacute ugrave -110\nKPX Yacute uhungarumlaut -110\nKPX Yacute umacron -110\nKPX Yacute uogonek -110\nKPX Yacute uring -110\nKPX Ydieresis A -110\nKPX Ydieresis Aacute -110\nKPX Ydieresis Abreve -110\nKPX Ydieresis Acircumflex -110\nKPX Ydieresis Adieresis -110\nKPX Ydieresis Agrave -110\nKPX Ydieresis Amacron -110\nKPX Ydieresis Aogonek -110\nKPX Ydieresis Aring -110\nKPX Ydieresis Atilde -110\nKPX Ydieresis O -85\nKPX Ydieresis Oacute -85\nKPX Ydieresis Ocircumflex -85\nKPX Ydieresis Odieresis -85\nKPX Ydieresis Ograve -85\nKPX Ydieresis Ohungarumlaut -85\nKPX Ydieresis Omacron -85\nKPX Ydieresis Oslash -85\nKPX Ydieresis Otilde -85\nKPX Ydieresis a -140\nKPX Ydieresis aacute -140\nKPX Ydieresis abreve -70\nKPX Ydieresis acircumflex -140\nKPX Ydieresis adieresis -140\nKPX Ydieresis agrave -140\nKPX Ydieresis amacron -70\nKPX Ydieresis aogonek -140\nKPX Ydieresis aring -140\nKPX Ydieresis atilde -70\nKPX Ydieresis colon -60\nKPX Ydieresis comma -140\nKPX Ydieresis e -140\nKPX Ydieresis eacute -140\nKPX Ydieresis ecaron -140\nKPX Ydieresis ecircumflex -140\nKPX Ydieresis edieresis -140\nKPX Ydieresis edotaccent -140\nKPX Ydieresis egrave -140\nKPX Ydieresis emacron -70\nKPX Ydieresis eogonek -140\nKPX Ydieresis hyphen -140\nKPX Ydieresis i -20\nKPX Ydieresis iacute -20\nKPX Ydieresis iogonek -20\nKPX Ydieresis o -140\nKPX Ydieresis oacute -140\nKPX Ydieresis ocircumflex -140\nKPX Ydieresis odieresis -140\nKPX Ydieresis ograve -140\nKPX Ydieresis ohungarumlaut -140\nKPX Ydieresis omacron -140\nKPX Ydieresis oslash -140\nKPX Ydieresis otilde -140\nKPX Ydieresis period -140\nKPX Ydieresis semicolon -60\nKPX Ydieresis u -110\nKPX Ydieresis uacute -110\nKPX Ydieresis ucircumflex -110\nKPX Ydieresis udieresis -110\nKPX Ydieresis ugrave -110\nKPX Ydieresis uhungarumlaut -110\nKPX Ydieresis umacron -110\nKPX Ydieresis uogonek -110\nKPX Ydieresis uring -110\nKPX a v -20\nKPX a w -20\nKPX a y -30\nKPX a yacute -30\nKPX a ydieresis -30\nKPX aacute v -20\nKPX aacute w -20\nKPX aacute y -30\nKPX aacute yacute -30\nKPX aacute ydieresis -30\nKPX abreve v -20\nKPX abreve w -20\nKPX abreve y -30\nKPX abreve yacute -30\nKPX abreve ydieresis -30\nKPX acircumflex v -20\nKPX acircumflex w -20\nKPX acircumflex y -30\nKPX acircumflex yacute -30\nKPX acircumflex ydieresis -30\nKPX adieresis v -20\nKPX adieresis w -20\nKPX adieresis y -30\nKPX adieresis yacute -30\nKPX adieresis ydieresis -30\nKPX agrave v -20\nKPX agrave w -20\nKPX agrave y -30\nKPX agrave yacute -30\nKPX agrave ydieresis -30\nKPX amacron v -20\nKPX amacron w -20\nKPX amacron y -30\nKPX amacron yacute -30\nKPX amacron ydieresis -30\nKPX aogonek v -20\nKPX aogonek w -20\nKPX aogonek y -30\nKPX aogonek yacute -30\nKPX aogonek ydieresis -30\nKPX aring v -20\nKPX aring w -20\nKPX aring y -30\nKPX aring yacute -30\nKPX aring ydieresis -30\nKPX atilde v -20\nKPX atilde w -20\nKPX atilde y -30\nKPX atilde yacute -30\nKPX atilde ydieresis -30\nKPX b b -10\nKPX b comma -40\nKPX b l -20\nKPX b lacute -20\nKPX b lcommaaccent -20\nKPX b lslash -20\nKPX b period -40\nKPX b u -20\nKPX b uacute -20\nKPX b ucircumflex -20\nKPX b udieresis -20\nKPX b ugrave -20\nKPX b uhungarumlaut -20\nKPX b umacron -20\nKPX b uogonek -20\nKPX b uring -20\nKPX b v -20\nKPX b y -20\nKPX b yacute -20\nKPX b ydieresis -20\nKPX c comma -15\nKPX c k -20\nKPX c kcommaaccent -20\nKPX cacute comma -15\nKPX cacute k -20\nKPX cacute kcommaaccent -20\nKPX ccaron comma -15\nKPX ccaron k -20\nKPX ccaron kcommaaccent -20\nKPX ccedilla comma -15\nKPX ccedilla k -20\nKPX ccedilla kcommaaccent -20\nKPX colon space -50\nKPX comma quotedblright -100\nKPX comma quoteright -100\nKPX e comma -15\nKPX e period -15\nKPX e v -30\nKPX e w -20\nKPX e x -30\nKPX e y -20\nKPX e yacute -20\nKPX e ydieresis -20\nKPX eacute comma -15\nKPX eacute period -15\nKPX eacute v -30\nKPX eacute w -20\nKPX eacute x -30\nKPX eacute y -20\nKPX eacute yacute -20\nKPX eacute ydieresis -20\nKPX ecaron comma -15\nKPX ecaron period -15\nKPX ecaron v -30\nKPX ecaron w -20\nKPX ecaron x -30\nKPX ecaron y -20\nKPX ecaron yacute -20\nKPX ecaron ydieresis -20\nKPX ecircumflex comma -15\nKPX ecircumflex period -15\nKPX ecircumflex v -30\nKPX ecircumflex w -20\nKPX ecircumflex x -30\nKPX ecircumflex y -20\nKPX ecircumflex yacute -20\nKPX ecircumflex ydieresis -20\nKPX edieresis comma -15\nKPX edieresis period -15\nKPX edieresis v -30\nKPX edieresis w -20\nKPX edieresis x -30\nKPX edieresis y -20\nKPX edieresis yacute -20\nKPX edieresis ydieresis -20\nKPX edotaccent comma -15\nKPX edotaccent period -15\nKPX edotaccent v -30\nKPX edotaccent w -20\nKPX edotaccent x -30\nKPX edotaccent y -20\nKPX edotaccent yacute -20\nKPX edotaccent ydieresis -20\nKPX egrave comma -15\nKPX egrave period -15\nKPX egrave v -30\nKPX egrave w -20\nKPX egrave x -30\nKPX egrave y -20\nKPX egrave yacute -20\nKPX egrave ydieresis -20\nKPX emacron comma -15\nKPX emacron period -15\nKPX emacron v -30\nKPX emacron w -20\nKPX emacron x -30\nKPX emacron y -20\nKPX emacron yacute -20\nKPX emacron ydieresis -20\nKPX eogonek comma -15\nKPX eogonek period -15\nKPX eogonek v -30\nKPX eogonek w -20\nKPX eogonek x -30\nKPX eogonek y -20\nKPX eogonek yacute -20\nKPX eogonek ydieresis -20\nKPX f a -30\nKPX f aacute -30\nKPX f abreve -30\nKPX f acircumflex -30\nKPX f adieresis -30\nKPX f agrave -30\nKPX f amacron -30\nKPX f aogonek -30\nKPX f aring -30\nKPX f atilde -30\nKPX f comma -30\nKPX f dotlessi -28\nKPX f e -30\nKPX f eacute -30\nKPX f ecaron -30\nKPX f ecircumflex -30\nKPX f edieresis -30\nKPX f edotaccent -30\nKPX f egrave -30\nKPX f emacron -30\nKPX f eogonek -30\nKPX f o -30\nKPX f oacute -30\nKPX f ocircumflex -30\nKPX f odieresis -30\nKPX f ograve -30\nKPX f ohungarumlaut -30\nKPX f omacron -30\nKPX f oslash -30\nKPX f otilde -30\nKPX f period -30\nKPX f quotedblright 60\nKPX f quoteright 50\nKPX g r -10\nKPX g racute -10\nKPX g rcaron -10\nKPX g rcommaaccent -10\nKPX gbreve r -10\nKPX gbreve racute -10\nKPX gbreve rcaron -10\nKPX gbreve rcommaaccent -10\nKPX gcommaaccent r -10\nKPX gcommaaccent racute -10\nKPX gcommaaccent rcaron -10\nKPX gcommaaccent rcommaaccent -10\nKPX h y -30\nKPX h yacute -30\nKPX h ydieresis -30\nKPX k e -20\nKPX k eacute -20\nKPX k ecaron -20\nKPX k ecircumflex -20\nKPX k edieresis -20\nKPX k edotaccent -20\nKPX k egrave -20\nKPX k emacron -20\nKPX k eogonek -20\nKPX k o -20\nKPX k oacute -20\nKPX k ocircumflex -20\nKPX k odieresis -20\nKPX k ograve -20\nKPX k ohungarumlaut -20\nKPX k omacron -20\nKPX k oslash -20\nKPX k otilde -20\nKPX kcommaaccent e -20\nKPX kcommaaccent eacute -20\nKPX kcommaaccent ecaron -20\nKPX kcommaaccent ecircumflex -20\nKPX kcommaaccent edieresis -20\nKPX kcommaaccent edotaccent -20\nKPX kcommaaccent egrave -20\nKPX kcommaaccent emacron -20\nKPX kcommaaccent eogonek -20\nKPX kcommaaccent o -20\nKPX kcommaaccent oacute -20\nKPX kcommaaccent ocircumflex -20\nKPX kcommaaccent odieresis -20\nKPX kcommaaccent ograve -20\nKPX kcommaaccent ohungarumlaut -20\nKPX kcommaaccent omacron -20\nKPX kcommaaccent oslash -20\nKPX kcommaaccent otilde -20\nKPX m u -10\nKPX m uacute -10\nKPX m ucircumflex -10\nKPX m udieresis -10\nKPX m ugrave -10\nKPX m uhungarumlaut -10\nKPX m umacron -10\nKPX m uogonek -10\nKPX m uring -10\nKPX m y -15\nKPX m yacute -15\nKPX m ydieresis -15\nKPX n u -10\nKPX n uacute -10\nKPX n ucircumflex -10\nKPX n udieresis -10\nKPX n ugrave -10\nKPX n uhungarumlaut -10\nKPX n umacron -10\nKPX n uogonek -10\nKPX n uring -10\nKPX n v -20\nKPX n y -15\nKPX n yacute -15\nKPX n ydieresis -15\nKPX nacute u -10\nKPX nacute uacute -10\nKPX nacute ucircumflex -10\nKPX nacute udieresis -10\nKPX nacute ugrave -10\nKPX nacute uhungarumlaut -10\nKPX nacute umacron -10\nKPX nacute uogonek -10\nKPX nacute uring -10\nKPX nacute v -20\nKPX nacute y -15\nKPX nacute yacute -15\nKPX nacute ydieresis -15\nKPX ncaron u -10\nKPX ncaron uacute -10\nKPX ncaron ucircumflex -10\nKPX ncaron udieresis -10\nKPX ncaron ugrave -10\nKPX ncaron uhungarumlaut -10\nKPX ncaron umacron -10\nKPX ncaron uogonek -10\nKPX ncaron uring -10\nKPX ncaron v -20\nKPX ncaron y -15\nKPX ncaron yacute -15\nKPX ncaron ydieresis -15\nKPX ncommaaccent u -10\nKPX ncommaaccent uacute -10\nKPX ncommaaccent ucircumflex -10\nKPX ncommaaccent udieresis -10\nKPX ncommaaccent ugrave -10\nKPX ncommaaccent uhungarumlaut -10\nKPX ncommaaccent umacron -10\nKPX ncommaaccent uogonek -10\nKPX ncommaaccent uring -10\nKPX ncommaaccent v -20\nKPX ncommaaccent y -15\nKPX ncommaaccent yacute -15\nKPX ncommaaccent ydieresis -15\nKPX ntilde u -10\nKPX ntilde uacute -10\nKPX ntilde ucircumflex -10\nKPX ntilde udieresis -10\nKPX ntilde ugrave -10\nKPX ntilde uhungarumlaut -10\nKPX ntilde umacron -10\nKPX ntilde uogonek -10\nKPX ntilde uring -10\nKPX ntilde v -20\nKPX ntilde y -15\nKPX ntilde yacute -15\nKPX ntilde ydieresis -15\nKPX o comma -40\nKPX o period -40\nKPX o v -15\nKPX o w -15\nKPX o x -30\nKPX o y -30\nKPX o yacute -30\nKPX o ydieresis -30\nKPX oacute comma -40\nKPX oacute period -40\nKPX oacute v -15\nKPX oacute w -15\nKPX oacute x -30\nKPX oacute y -30\nKPX oacute yacute -30\nKPX oacute ydieresis -30\nKPX ocircumflex comma -40\nKPX ocircumflex period -40\nKPX ocircumflex v -15\nKPX ocircumflex w -15\nKPX ocircumflex x -30\nKPX ocircumflex y -30\nKPX ocircumflex yacute -30\nKPX ocircumflex ydieresis -30\nKPX odieresis comma -40\nKPX odieresis period -40\nKPX odieresis v -15\nKPX odieresis w -15\nKPX odieresis x -30\nKPX odieresis y -30\nKPX odieresis yacute -30\nKPX odieresis ydieresis -30\nKPX ograve comma -40\nKPX ograve period -40\nKPX ograve v -15\nKPX ograve w -15\nKPX ograve x -30\nKPX ograve y -30\nKPX ograve yacute -30\nKPX ograve ydieresis -30\nKPX ohungarumlaut comma -40\nKPX ohungarumlaut period -40\nKPX ohungarumlaut v -15\nKPX ohungarumlaut w -15\nKPX ohungarumlaut x -30\nKPX ohungarumlaut y -30\nKPX ohungarumlaut yacute -30\nKPX ohungarumlaut ydieresis -30\nKPX omacron comma -40\nKPX omacron period -40\nKPX omacron v -15\nKPX omacron w -15\nKPX omacron x -30\nKPX omacron y -30\nKPX omacron yacute -30\nKPX omacron ydieresis -30\nKPX oslash a -55\nKPX oslash aacute -55\nKPX oslash abreve -55\nKPX oslash acircumflex 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; WX 778 ; N G ; B 44 -19 713 737 ;\nC 72 ; WX 722 ; N H ; B 71 0 651 718 ;\nC 73 ; WX 278 ; N I ; B 64 0 214 718 ;\nC 74 ; WX 556 ; N J ; B 22 -18 484 718 ;\nC 75 ; WX 722 ; N K ; B 87 0 722 718 ;\nC 76 ; WX 611 ; N L ; B 76 0 583 718 ;\nC 77 ; WX 833 ; N M ; B 69 0 765 718 ;\nC 78 ; WX 722 ; N N ; B 69 0 654 718 ;\nC 79 ; WX 778 ; N O ; B 44 -19 734 737 ;\nC 80 ; WX 667 ; N P ; B 76 0 627 718 ;\nC 81 ; WX 778 ; N Q ; B 44 -52 737 737 ;\nC 82 ; WX 722 ; N R ; B 76 0 677 718 ;\nC 83 ; WX 667 ; N S ; B 39 -19 629 737 ;\nC 84 ; WX 611 ; N T ; B 14 0 598 718 ;\nC 85 ; WX 722 ; N U ; B 72 -19 651 718 ;\nC 86 ; WX 667 ; N V ; B 19 0 648 718 ;\nC 87 ; WX 944 ; N W ; B 16 0 929 718 ;\nC 88 ; WX 667 ; N X ; B 14 0 653 718 ;\nC 89 ; WX 667 ; N Y ; B 15 0 653 718 ;\nC 90 ; WX 611 ; N Z ; B 25 0 586 718 ;\nC 91 ; WX 333 ; N bracketleft ; B 63 -196 309 722 ;\nC 92 ; WX 278 ; N backslash ; B -33 -19 311 737 ;\nC 93 ; WX 333 ; N bracketright ; B 24 -196 270 722 ;\nC 94 ; WX 584 ; N asciicircum ; B 62 323 522 698 ;\nC 95 ; WX 556 ; N underscore ; B 0 -125 556 -75 ;\nC 96 ; WX 278 ; N quoteleft ; B 69 454 209 727 ;\nC 97 ; WX 556 ; N a ; B 29 -14 527 546 ;\nC 98 ; WX 611 ; N b ; B 61 -14 578 718 ;\nC 99 ; WX 556 ; N c ; B 34 -14 524 546 ;\nC 100 ; WX 611 ; N d ; B 34 -14 551 718 ;\nC 101 ; WX 556 ; N e ; B 23 -14 528 546 ;\nC 102 ; WX 333 ; N f ; B 10 0 318 727 ; L i fi ; L l fl ;\nC 103 ; WX 611 ; N g ; B 40 -217 553 546 ;\nC 104 ; WX 611 ; N h ; B 65 0 546 718 ;\nC 105 ; WX 278 ; N i ; B 69 0 209 725 ;\nC 106 ; WX 278 ; N j ; B 3 -214 209 725 ;\nC 107 ; WX 556 ; N k ; B 69 0 562 718 ;\nC 108 ; WX 278 ; N l ; B 69 0 209 718 ;\nC 109 ; WX 889 ; N m ; B 64 0 826 546 ;\nC 110 ; WX 611 ; N n ; B 65 0 546 546 ;\nC 111 ; WX 611 ; N o ; B 34 -14 578 546 ;\nC 112 ; WX 611 ; N p ; B 62 -207 578 546 ;\nC 113 ; WX 611 ; N q ; B 34 -207 552 546 ;\nC 114 ; WX 389 ; N r ; B 64 0 373 546 ;\nC 115 ; WX 556 ; N s ; B 30 -14 519 546 ;\nC 116 ; WX 333 ; N t ; B 10 -6 309 676 ;\nC 117 ; WX 611 ; N u ; B 66 -14 545 532 ;\nC 118 ; WX 556 ; N v ; B 13 0 543 532 ;\nC 119 ; WX 778 ; N w ; B 10 0 769 532 ;\nC 120 ; WX 556 ; N x ; B 15 0 541 532 ;\nC 121 ; WX 556 ; N y ; B 10 -214 539 532 ;\nC 122 ; WX 500 ; N z ; B 20 0 480 532 ;\nC 123 ; WX 389 ; N braceleft ; B 48 -196 365 722 ;\nC 124 ; WX 280 ; N bar ; B 84 -225 196 775 ;\nC 125 ; WX 389 ; N braceright ; B 24 -196 341 722 ;\nC 126 ; WX 584 ; N asciitilde ; B 61 163 523 343 ;\nC 161 ; WX 333 ; N exclamdown ; B 90 -186 244 532 ;\nC 162 ; WX 556 ; N cent ; B 34 -118 524 628 ;\nC 163 ; WX 556 ; N sterling ; B 28 -16 541 718 ;\nC 164 ; WX 167 ; N fraction ; B -170 -19 336 710 ;\nC 165 ; WX 556 ; N yen ; B -9 0 565 698 ;\nC 166 ; WX 556 ; N florin ; B -10 -210 516 737 ;\nC 167 ; WX 556 ; N section ; B 34 -184 522 727 ;\nC 168 ; WX 556 ; N currency ; B -3 76 559 636 ;\nC 169 ; WX 238 ; N quotesingle ; B 70 447 168 718 ;\nC 170 ; WX 500 ; N quotedblleft ; B 64 454 436 727 ;\nC 171 ; WX 556 ; N guillemotleft ; B 88 76 468 484 ;\nC 172 ; WX 333 ; N guilsinglleft ; B 83 76 250 484 ;\nC 173 ; WX 333 ; N guilsinglright ; B 83 76 250 484 ;\nC 174 ; WX 611 ; N fi ; B 10 0 542 727 ;\nC 175 ; WX 611 ; N fl ; B 10 0 542 727 ;\nC 177 ; WX 556 ; N endash ; B 0 227 556 333 ;\nC 178 ; WX 556 ; N dagger ; B 36 -171 520 718 ;\nC 179 ; WX 556 ; N daggerdbl ; B 36 -171 520 718 ;\nC 180 ; WX 278 ; N periodcentered ; B 58 172 220 334 ;\nC 182 ; WX 556 ; N paragraph ; B -8 -191 539 700 ;\nC 183 ; WX 350 ; N bullet ; B 10 194 340 524 ;\nC 184 ; WX 278 ; N quotesinglbase ; B 69 -146 209 127 ;\nC 185 ; WX 500 ; N quotedblbase ; B 64 -146 436 127 ;\nC 186 ; WX 500 ; N quotedblright ; B 64 445 436 718 ;\nC 187 ; WX 556 ; N guillemotright ; B 88 76 468 484 ;\nC 188 ; WX 1000 ; N ellipsis ; B 92 0 908 146 ;\nC 189 ; WX 1000 ; N perthousand ; B -3 -19 1003 710 ;\nC 191 ; WX 611 ; N questiondown ; B 55 -195 551 532 ;\nC 193 ; WX 333 ; N grave ; B -23 604 225 750 ;\nC 194 ; WX 333 ; N acute ; B 108 604 356 750 ;\nC 195 ; WX 333 ; N circumflex ; B -10 604 343 750 ;\nC 196 ; WX 333 ; N tilde ; B -17 610 350 737 ;\nC 197 ; WX 333 ; N macron ; B -6 604 339 678 ;\nC 198 ; WX 333 ; N breve ; B -2 604 335 750 ;\nC 199 ; WX 333 ; N dotaccent ; B 104 614 230 729 ;\nC 200 ; WX 333 ; N dieresis ; B 6 614 327 729 ;\nC 202 ; WX 333 ; N ring ; B 59 568 275 776 ;\nC 203 ; WX 333 ; N cedilla ; B 6 -228 245 0 ;\nC 205 ; WX 333 ; N hungarumlaut ; B 9 604 486 750 ;\nC 206 ; WX 333 ; N ogonek ; B 71 -228 304 0 ;\nC 207 ; WX 333 ; N caron ; B -10 604 343 750 ;\nC 208 ; WX 1000 ; N emdash ; B 0 227 1000 333 ;\nC 225 ; WX 1000 ; N AE ; B 5 0 954 718 ;\nC 227 ; WX 370 ; N ordfeminine ; B 22 401 347 737 ;\nC 232 ; WX 611 ; N Lslash ; B -20 0 583 718 ;\nC 233 ; WX 778 ; N Oslash ; B 33 -27 744 745 ;\nC 234 ; WX 1000 ; N OE ; B 37 -19 961 737 ;\nC 235 ; WX 365 ; N ordmasculine ; B 6 401 360 737 ;\nC 241 ; WX 889 ; N ae ; B 29 -14 858 546 ;\nC 245 ; WX 278 ; N dotlessi ; B 69 0 209 532 ;\nC 248 ; WX 278 ; N lslash ; B -18 0 296 718 ;\nC 249 ; WX 611 ; N oslash ; B 22 -29 589 560 ;\nC 250 ; WX 944 ; N oe ; B 34 -14 912 546 ;\nC 251 ; WX 611 ; N germandbls ; B 69 -14 579 731 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N Idieresis ; B -21 0 300 915 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N eacute ; B 23 -14 528 750 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N abreve ; B 29 -14 527 750 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N uhungarumlaut ; B 66 -14 625 750 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N ecaron ; B 23 -14 528 750 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Ydieresis ; B 15 0 653 915 ;\nC -1 ; WX 584 ; N divide ; B 40 -42 544 548 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Yacute ; B 15 0 653 936 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Acircumflex ; B 20 0 702 936 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N aacute ; B 29 -14 527 750 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ucircumflex ; B 72 -19 651 936 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N yacute ; B 10 -214 539 750 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N scommaaccent ; B 30 -228 519 546 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N ecircumflex ; B 23 -14 528 750 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Uring ; B 72 -19 651 962 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Udieresis ; B 72 -19 651 915 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N aogonek ; B 29 -224 545 546 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Uacute ; B 72 -19 651 936 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N uogonek ; B 66 -228 545 532 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Edieresis ; B 76 0 621 915 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Dcroat ; B -5 0 685 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 250 ; N commaaccent ; B 64 -228 199 -50 ;\nC -1 ; WX 737 ; N copyright ; B -11 -19 749 737 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Emacron ; B 76 0 621 864 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N ccaron ; B 34 -14 524 750 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N aring ; B 29 -14 527 776 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ncommaaccent ; B 69 -228 654 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N lacute ; B 69 0 329 936 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N agrave ; B 29 -14 527 750 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N Tcommaaccent ; B 14 -228 598 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Cacute ; B 44 -19 684 936 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N atilde ; B 29 -14 527 737 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Edotaccent ; B 76 0 621 915 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N scaron ; B 30 -14 519 750 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N scedilla ; B 30 -228 519 546 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N iacute ; B 69 0 329 750 ;\nC -1 ; WX 494 ; N lozenge ; B 10 0 484 745 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Rcaron ; B 76 0 677 936 ;\nC -1 ; WX 778 ; N Gcommaaccent ; B 44 -228 713 737 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N ucircumflex ; B 66 -14 545 750 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N acircumflex ; B 29 -14 527 750 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Amacron ; B 20 0 702 864 ;\nC -1 ; WX 389 ; N rcaron ; B 18 0 373 750 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N ccedilla ; B 34 -228 524 546 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N Zdotaccent ; B 25 0 586 915 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Thorn ; B 76 0 627 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 778 ; N Omacron ; B 44 -19 734 864 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Racute ; B 76 0 677 936 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Sacute ; B 39 -19 629 936 ;\nC -1 ; WX 743 ; N dcaron ; B 34 -14 750 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Umacron ; B 72 -19 651 864 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N uring ; B 66 -14 545 776 ;\nC -1 ; WX 333 ; N threesuperior ; B 8 271 326 710 ;\nC -1 ; WX 778 ; N Ograve ; B 44 -19 734 936 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Agrave ; B 20 0 702 936 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Abreve ; B 20 0 702 936 ;\nC -1 ; WX 584 ; N multiply ; B 40 1 545 505 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N uacute ; B 66 -14 545 750 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N Tcaron ; B 14 0 598 936 ;\nC -1 ; WX 494 ; N partialdiff ; B 11 -21 494 750 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N ydieresis ; B 10 -214 539 729 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Nacute ; B 69 0 654 936 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N icircumflex ; B -37 0 316 750 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Ecircumflex ; B 76 0 621 936 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N adieresis ; B 29 -14 527 729 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N edieresis ; B 23 -14 528 729 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N cacute ; B 34 -14 524 750 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N nacute ; B 65 0 546 750 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N umacron ; B 66 -14 545 678 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ncaron ; B 69 0 654 936 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N Iacute ; B 64 0 329 936 ;\nC -1 ; WX 584 ; N plusminus ; B 40 0 544 506 ;\nC -1 ; WX 280 ; N brokenbar ; B 84 -150 196 700 ;\nC -1 ; WX 737 ; N registered ; B -11 -19 748 737 ;\nC -1 ; WX 778 ; N Gbreve ; B 44 -19 713 936 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N Idotaccent ; B 64 0 214 915 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N summation ; B 14 -10 585 706 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Egrave ; B 76 0 621 936 ;\nC -1 ; WX 389 ; N racute ; B 64 0 384 750 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N omacron ; B 34 -14 578 678 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N Zacute ; B 25 0 586 936 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N Zcaron ; B 25 0 586 936 ;\nC -1 ; WX 549 ; N greaterequal ; B 26 0 523 704 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Eth ; B -5 0 685 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ccedilla ; B 44 -228 684 737 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N lcommaaccent ; B 69 -228 213 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 389 ; N tcaron ; B 10 -6 421 878 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N eogonek ; B 23 -228 528 546 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Uogonek ; B 72 -228 651 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Aacute ; B 20 0 702 936 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Adieresis ; B 20 0 702 915 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N egrave ; B 23 -14 528 750 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N zacute ; B 20 0 480 750 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N iogonek ; B 16 -224 249 725 ;\nC -1 ; WX 778 ; N Oacute ; B 44 -19 734 936 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N oacute ; B 34 -14 578 750 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N amacron ; B 29 -14 527 678 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N sacute ; B 30 -14 519 750 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N idieresis ; B -21 0 300 729 ;\nC -1 ; WX 778 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 44 -19 734 936 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ugrave ; B 72 -19 651 936 ;\nC -1 ; WX 612 ; N Delta ; B 6 0 608 688 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N thorn ; B 62 -208 578 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 333 ; N twosuperior ; B 9 283 324 710 ;\nC -1 ; WX 778 ; N Odieresis ; B 44 -19 734 915 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N mu ; B 66 -207 545 532 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N igrave ; B -50 0 209 750 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N ohungarumlaut ; B 34 -14 625 750 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Eogonek ; B 76 -224 639 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N dcroat ; B 34 -14 650 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 834 ; N threequarters ; B 16 -19 799 710 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Scedilla ; B 39 -228 629 737 ;\nC -1 ; WX 400 ; N lcaron ; B 69 0 408 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Kcommaaccent ; B 87 -228 722 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N Lacute ; B 76 0 583 936 ;\nC -1 ; WX 1000 ; N trademark ; B 44 306 956 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N edotaccent ; B 23 -14 528 729 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N Igrave ; B -50 0 214 936 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N Imacron ; B -33 0 312 864 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N Lcaron ; B 76 0 583 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 834 ; N onehalf ; B 26 -19 794 710 ;\nC -1 ; WX 549 ; N lessequal ; B 29 0 526 704 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N ocircumflex ; B 34 -14 578 750 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N ntilde ; B 65 0 546 737 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Uhungarumlaut ; B 72 -19 681 936 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Eacute ; B 76 0 621 936 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N emacron ; B 23 -14 528 678 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N gbreve ; B 40 -217 553 750 ;\nC -1 ; WX 834 ; N onequarter ; B 26 -19 766 710 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Scaron ; B 39 -19 629 936 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Scommaaccent ; B 39 -228 629 737 ;\nC -1 ; WX 778 ; N Ohungarumlaut ; B 44 -19 734 936 ;\nC -1 ; WX 400 ; N degree ; B 57 426 343 712 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N ograve ; B 34 -14 578 750 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ccaron ; B 44 -19 684 936 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N ugrave ; B 66 -14 545 750 ;\nC -1 ; WX 549 ; N radical ; B 10 -46 512 850 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Dcaron ; B 76 0 685 936 ;\nC -1 ; WX 389 ; N rcommaaccent ; B 64 -228 373 546 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ntilde ; B 69 0 654 923 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N otilde ; B 34 -14 578 737 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Rcommaaccent ; B 76 -228 677 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N Lcommaaccent ; B 76 -228 583 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Atilde ; B 20 0 702 923 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Aogonek ; B 20 -224 742 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Aring ; B 20 0 702 962 ;\nC -1 ; WX 778 ; N Otilde ; B 44 -19 734 923 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N zdotaccent ; B 20 0 480 729 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Ecaron ; B 76 0 621 936 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N Iogonek ; B -11 -228 222 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N kcommaaccent ; B 69 -228 562 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 584 ; N minus ; B 40 197 544 309 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N Icircumflex ; B -37 0 316 936 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N ncaron ; B 65 0 546 750 ;\nC -1 ; WX 333 ; N tcommaaccent ; B 10 -228 309 676 ;\nC -1 ; WX 584 ; N logicalnot ; B 40 108 544 419 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N odieresis ; B 34 -14 578 729 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N udieresis ; B 66 -14 545 729 ;\nC -1 ; WX 549 ; N notequal ; B 15 -49 540 570 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N gcommaaccent ; B 40 -217 553 850 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N eth ; B 34 -14 578 737 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N zcaron ; B 20 0 480 750 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N ncommaaccent ; B 65 -228 546 546 ;\nC -1 ; WX 333 ; N onesuperior ; B 26 283 237 710 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N imacron ; B -8 0 285 678 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N Euro ; B 0 0 0 0 ;\nEndCharMetrics\nStartKernData\nStartKernPairs 2481\nKPX A C -40\nKPX A Cacute -40\nKPX A Ccaron -40\nKPX A Ccedilla -40\nKPX A G -50\nKPX A Gbreve -50\nKPX A Gcommaaccent -50\nKPX A O -40\nKPX A Oacute -40\nKPX A Ocircumflex -40\nKPX A Odieresis -40\nKPX A Ograve -40\nKPX A Ohungarumlaut -40\nKPX A Omacron -40\nKPX A Oslash -40\nKPX A Otilde -40\nKPX A Q -40\nKPX A T -90\nKPX A Tcaron -90\nKPX A Tcommaaccent -90\nKPX A U -50\nKPX A Uacute -50\nKPX A Ucircumflex -50\nKPX A Udieresis -50\nKPX A Ugrave -50\nKPX A Uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX A Umacron -50\nKPX A Uogonek -50\nKPX A Uring -50\nKPX A V -80\nKPX A W -60\nKPX A Y -110\nKPX A Yacute -110\nKPX A Ydieresis -110\nKPX A u -30\nKPX A uacute -30\nKPX A ucircumflex -30\nKPX A udieresis -30\nKPX A ugrave -30\nKPX A uhungarumlaut -30\nKPX A umacron -30\nKPX A uogonek -30\nKPX A uring -30\nKPX A v -40\nKPX A w -30\nKPX A y -30\nKPX A yacute -30\nKPX A ydieresis -30\nKPX Aacute C -40\nKPX Aacute Cacute -40\nKPX Aacute Ccaron -40\nKPX Aacute Ccedilla -40\nKPX Aacute G -50\nKPX Aacute Gbreve -50\nKPX Aacute Gcommaaccent -50\nKPX Aacute O -40\nKPX Aacute Oacute -40\nKPX Aacute Ocircumflex -40\nKPX Aacute Odieresis -40\nKPX Aacute Ograve -40\nKPX Aacute Ohungarumlaut -40\nKPX Aacute Omacron -40\nKPX Aacute Oslash -40\nKPX Aacute Otilde -40\nKPX Aacute Q -40\nKPX Aacute T -90\nKPX Aacute Tcaron -90\nKPX Aacute Tcommaaccent -90\nKPX Aacute U -50\nKPX Aacute Uacute -50\nKPX Aacute Ucircumflex -50\nKPX Aacute Udieresis -50\nKPX Aacute Ugrave -50\nKPX Aacute Uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Aacute Umacron -50\nKPX Aacute Uogonek -50\nKPX Aacute Uring -50\nKPX Aacute V -80\nKPX Aacute W -60\nKPX Aacute Y -110\nKPX Aacute Yacute -110\nKPX Aacute Ydieresis -110\nKPX Aacute u -30\nKPX Aacute uacute -30\nKPX Aacute ucircumflex -30\nKPX Aacute udieresis -30\nKPX Aacute ugrave -30\nKPX Aacute uhungarumlaut -30\nKPX Aacute umacron -30\nKPX Aacute uogonek -30\nKPX Aacute uring -30\nKPX Aacute v -40\nKPX Aacute w -30\nKPX Aacute y -30\nKPX Aacute yacute -30\nKPX Aacute ydieresis -30\nKPX Abreve C -40\nKPX Abreve Cacute -40\nKPX Abreve Ccaron -40\nKPX Abreve Ccedilla -40\nKPX Abreve G -50\nKPX Abreve Gbreve -50\nKPX Abreve Gcommaaccent -50\nKPX Abreve O -40\nKPX Abreve Oacute -40\nKPX Abreve Ocircumflex -40\nKPX Abreve Odieresis -40\nKPX Abreve Ograve -40\nKPX Abreve Ohungarumlaut -40\nKPX Abreve Omacron -40\nKPX Abreve Oslash -40\nKPX Abreve Otilde -40\nKPX Abreve Q -40\nKPX Abreve T -90\nKPX Abreve Tcaron -90\nKPX Abreve Tcommaaccent -90\nKPX Abreve U -50\nKPX Abreve Uacute -50\nKPX Abreve Ucircumflex -50\nKPX Abreve Udieresis -50\nKPX Abreve Ugrave -50\nKPX Abreve Uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Abreve Umacron -50\nKPX Abreve Uogonek -50\nKPX Abreve Uring -50\nKPX Abreve V -80\nKPX Abreve W -60\nKPX Abreve Y -110\nKPX Abreve Yacute -110\nKPX Abreve Ydieresis -110\nKPX Abreve u -30\nKPX Abreve uacute -30\nKPX Abreve ucircumflex -30\nKPX Abreve udieresis -30\nKPX Abreve ugrave -30\nKPX Abreve uhungarumlaut -30\nKPX Abreve umacron -30\nKPX Abreve uogonek -30\nKPX Abreve uring -30\nKPX Abreve v -40\nKPX Abreve w -30\nKPX Abreve y -30\nKPX Abreve yacute -30\nKPX Abreve ydieresis -30\nKPX Acircumflex C -40\nKPX Acircumflex Cacute -40\nKPX Acircumflex Ccaron -40\nKPX Acircumflex Ccedilla -40\nKPX Acircumflex G -50\nKPX Acircumflex Gbreve -50\nKPX Acircumflex Gcommaaccent -50\nKPX Acircumflex O -40\nKPX Acircumflex Oacute -40\nKPX Acircumflex Ocircumflex -40\nKPX Acircumflex Odieresis -40\nKPX Acircumflex Ograve -40\nKPX Acircumflex Ohungarumlaut -40\nKPX Acircumflex Omacron -40\nKPX Acircumflex Oslash -40\nKPX Acircumflex Otilde -40\nKPX Acircumflex Q -40\nKPX Acircumflex T -90\nKPX Acircumflex Tcaron -90\nKPX Acircumflex Tcommaaccent -90\nKPX Acircumflex U -50\nKPX Acircumflex Uacute -50\nKPX Acircumflex Ucircumflex -50\nKPX Acircumflex Udieresis -50\nKPX Acircumflex Ugrave -50\nKPX Acircumflex Uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Acircumflex Umacron -50\nKPX Acircumflex Uogonek -50\nKPX Acircumflex Uring -50\nKPX Acircumflex V -80\nKPX Acircumflex W -60\nKPX Acircumflex Y -110\nKPX Acircumflex Yacute -110\nKPX Acircumflex Ydieresis -110\nKPX Acircumflex u -30\nKPX Acircumflex uacute -30\nKPX Acircumflex ucircumflex -30\nKPX Acircumflex udieresis -30\nKPX Acircumflex ugrave -30\nKPX Acircumflex uhungarumlaut -30\nKPX Acircumflex umacron -30\nKPX Acircumflex uogonek -30\nKPX Acircumflex uring -30\nKPX Acircumflex v -40\nKPX Acircumflex w -30\nKPX Acircumflex y -30\nKPX Acircumflex yacute -30\nKPX Acircumflex ydieresis -30\nKPX Adieresis C -40\nKPX Adieresis Cacute -40\nKPX Adieresis Ccaron -40\nKPX Adieresis Ccedilla -40\nKPX Adieresis G -50\nKPX Adieresis Gbreve -50\nKPX Adieresis Gcommaaccent -50\nKPX Adieresis O -40\nKPX Adieresis Oacute -40\nKPX Adieresis Ocircumflex -40\nKPX Adieresis Odieresis -40\nKPX Adieresis Ograve -40\nKPX Adieresis Ohungarumlaut -40\nKPX Adieresis Omacron -40\nKPX Adieresis Oslash -40\nKPX Adieresis Otilde -40\nKPX Adieresis Q -40\nKPX Adieresis T -90\nKPX Adieresis Tcaron -90\nKPX Adieresis Tcommaaccent -90\nKPX Adieresis U -50\nKPX Adieresis Uacute -50\nKPX Adieresis Ucircumflex -50\nKPX Adieresis Udieresis -50\nKPX Adieresis Ugrave -50\nKPX Adieresis Uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Adieresis Umacron -50\nKPX Adieresis Uogonek -50\nKPX Adieresis Uring -50\nKPX Adieresis V -80\nKPX Adieresis W -60\nKPX Adieresis Y -110\nKPX Adieresis Yacute -110\nKPX Adieresis Ydieresis -110\nKPX Adieresis u -30\nKPX Adieresis uacute -30\nKPX Adieresis ucircumflex -30\nKPX Adieresis udieresis -30\nKPX Adieresis ugrave -30\nKPX Adieresis uhungarumlaut -30\nKPX Adieresis umacron -30\nKPX Adieresis uogonek -30\nKPX Adieresis uring -30\nKPX Adieresis v -40\nKPX Adieresis w -30\nKPX Adieresis y -30\nKPX Adieresis yacute -30\nKPX Adieresis ydieresis -30\nKPX Agrave C -40\nKPX Agrave Cacute -40\nKPX Agrave Ccaron -40\nKPX Agrave Ccedilla -40\nKPX Agrave G -50\nKPX Agrave Gbreve -50\nKPX Agrave Gcommaaccent -50\nKPX Agrave O -40\nKPX Agrave Oacute -40\nKPX Agrave Ocircumflex -40\nKPX Agrave Odieresis -40\nKPX Agrave Ograve -40\nKPX Agrave Ohungarumlaut -40\nKPX Agrave Omacron -40\nKPX Agrave Oslash -40\nKPX Agrave Otilde -40\nKPX Agrave Q -40\nKPX Agrave T -90\nKPX Agrave Tcaron -90\nKPX Agrave Tcommaaccent -90\nKPX Agrave U -50\nKPX Agrave Uacute -50\nKPX Agrave Ucircumflex -50\nKPX Agrave Udieresis -50\nKPX Agrave Ugrave -50\nKPX Agrave Uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Agrave Umacron -50\nKPX Agrave Uogonek -50\nKPX Agrave Uring -50\nKPX Agrave V -80\nKPX Agrave W -60\nKPX Agrave Y -110\nKPX Agrave Yacute -110\nKPX Agrave Ydieresis -110\nKPX Agrave u -30\nKPX Agrave uacute -30\nKPX Agrave ucircumflex -30\nKPX Agrave udieresis -30\nKPX Agrave ugrave -30\nKPX Agrave uhungarumlaut -30\nKPX Agrave umacron -30\nKPX Agrave uogonek -30\nKPX Agrave uring -30\nKPX Agrave v -40\nKPX Agrave w -30\nKPX Agrave y -30\nKPX Agrave yacute -30\nKPX Agrave ydieresis -30\nKPX Amacron C -40\nKPX Amacron Cacute -40\nKPX Amacron Ccaron -40\nKPX Amacron Ccedilla -40\nKPX Amacron G -50\nKPX Amacron Gbreve -50\nKPX Amacron Gcommaaccent -50\nKPX Amacron O -40\nKPX Amacron Oacute -40\nKPX Amacron Ocircumflex -40\nKPX Amacron Odieresis -40\nKPX Amacron Ograve -40\nKPX Amacron Ohungarumlaut -40\nKPX Amacron Omacron -40\nKPX Amacron Oslash -40\nKPX Amacron Otilde -40\nKPX Amacron Q -40\nKPX Amacron T -90\nKPX Amacron Tcaron -90\nKPX Amacron Tcommaaccent -90\nKPX Amacron U -50\nKPX Amacron Uacute -50\nKPX Amacron Ucircumflex -50\nKPX Amacron Udieresis -50\nKPX Amacron Ugrave -50\nKPX Amacron Uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Amacron Umacron -50\nKPX Amacron Uogonek -50\nKPX Amacron Uring -50\nKPX Amacron V -80\nKPX Amacron W -60\nKPX Amacron Y -110\nKPX Amacron Yacute -110\nKPX Amacron Ydieresis -110\nKPX Amacron u -30\nKPX Amacron uacute -30\nKPX Amacron ucircumflex -30\nKPX Amacron udieresis -30\nKPX Amacron ugrave -30\nKPX Amacron uhungarumlaut -30\nKPX Amacron umacron -30\nKPX Amacron uogonek -30\nKPX Amacron uring -30\nKPX Amacron v -40\nKPX Amacron w -30\nKPX Amacron y -30\nKPX Amacron yacute -30\nKPX Amacron ydieresis -30\nKPX Aogonek C -40\nKPX Aogonek Cacute -40\nKPX Aogonek Ccaron -40\nKPX Aogonek Ccedilla -40\nKPX Aogonek G -50\nKPX Aogonek Gbreve -50\nKPX Aogonek Gcommaaccent -50\nKPX Aogonek O -40\nKPX Aogonek Oacute -40\nKPX Aogonek Ocircumflex -40\nKPX Aogonek Odieresis -40\nKPX Aogonek Ograve -40\nKPX Aogonek Ohungarumlaut -40\nKPX Aogonek Omacron -40\nKPX Aogonek Oslash -40\nKPX Aogonek Otilde -40\nKPX Aogonek Q -40\nKPX Aogonek T -90\nKPX Aogonek Tcaron -90\nKPX Aogonek Tcommaaccent -90\nKPX Aogonek U -50\nKPX Aogonek Uacute -50\nKPX Aogonek Ucircumflex -50\nKPX Aogonek Udieresis -50\nKPX Aogonek Ugrave -50\nKPX Aogonek Uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Aogonek Umacron -50\nKPX Aogonek Uogonek -50\nKPX Aogonek Uring -50\nKPX Aogonek V -80\nKPX Aogonek W -60\nKPX Aogonek Y -110\nKPX Aogonek Yacute -110\nKPX Aogonek Ydieresis -110\nKPX Aogonek u -30\nKPX Aogonek uacute -30\nKPX Aogonek ucircumflex -30\nKPX Aogonek udieresis -30\nKPX Aogonek ugrave -30\nKPX Aogonek uhungarumlaut -30\nKPX Aogonek umacron -30\nKPX Aogonek uogonek -30\nKPX Aogonek uring -30\nKPX Aogonek v -40\nKPX Aogonek w -30\nKPX Aogonek y -30\nKPX Aogonek yacute -30\nKPX Aogonek ydieresis -30\nKPX Aring C -40\nKPX Aring Cacute -40\nKPX Aring Ccaron -40\nKPX Aring Ccedilla -40\nKPX Aring G -50\nKPX Aring Gbreve -50\nKPX Aring Gcommaaccent -50\nKPX Aring O -40\nKPX Aring Oacute -40\nKPX Aring Ocircumflex -40\nKPX Aring Odieresis -40\nKPX Aring Ograve -40\nKPX Aring Ohungarumlaut -40\nKPX Aring Omacron -40\nKPX Aring Oslash -40\nKPX Aring Otilde -40\nKPX Aring Q -40\nKPX Aring T -90\nKPX Aring Tcaron -90\nKPX Aring Tcommaaccent -90\nKPX Aring U -50\nKPX Aring Uacute -50\nKPX Aring Ucircumflex -50\nKPX Aring Udieresis -50\nKPX Aring Ugrave -50\nKPX Aring Uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Aring Umacron -50\nKPX Aring Uogonek -50\nKPX Aring Uring -50\nKPX Aring V -80\nKPX Aring W -60\nKPX Aring Y -110\nKPX Aring Yacute -110\nKPX Aring Ydieresis -110\nKPX Aring u -30\nKPX Aring uacute -30\nKPX Aring ucircumflex -30\nKPX Aring udieresis -30\nKPX Aring ugrave -30\nKPX Aring uhungarumlaut -30\nKPX Aring umacron -30\nKPX Aring uogonek -30\nKPX Aring uring -30\nKPX Aring v -40\nKPX Aring w -30\nKPX Aring y -30\nKPX Aring yacute -30\nKPX Aring ydieresis -30\nKPX Atilde C -40\nKPX Atilde Cacute -40\nKPX Atilde Ccaron -40\nKPX Atilde Ccedilla -40\nKPX Atilde G -50\nKPX Atilde Gbreve -50\nKPX Atilde Gcommaaccent -50\nKPX Atilde O -40\nKPX Atilde Oacute -40\nKPX Atilde Ocircumflex -40\nKPX Atilde Odieresis -40\nKPX Atilde Ograve -40\nKPX Atilde Ohungarumlaut -40\nKPX Atilde Omacron -40\nKPX Atilde Oslash -40\nKPX Atilde Otilde -40\nKPX Atilde Q -40\nKPX Atilde T -90\nKPX Atilde Tcaron -90\nKPX Atilde Tcommaaccent -90\nKPX Atilde U -50\nKPX Atilde Uacute -50\nKPX Atilde Ucircumflex -50\nKPX Atilde Udieresis -50\nKPX Atilde Ugrave -50\nKPX Atilde Uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Atilde Umacron -50\nKPX Atilde Uogonek -50\nKPX Atilde Uring -50\nKPX Atilde V -80\nKPX Atilde W -60\nKPX Atilde Y -110\nKPX Atilde Yacute -110\nKPX Atilde Ydieresis -110\nKPX Atilde u -30\nKPX Atilde uacute -30\nKPX Atilde ucircumflex -30\nKPX Atilde udieresis -30\nKPX Atilde ugrave -30\nKPX Atilde uhungarumlaut -30\nKPX Atilde umacron -30\nKPX Atilde uogonek -30\nKPX Atilde uring -30\nKPX Atilde v -40\nKPX Atilde w -30\nKPX Atilde y -30\nKPX Atilde yacute -30\nKPX Atilde ydieresis -30\nKPX B A -30\nKPX B Aacute -30\nKPX B Abreve -30\nKPX B Acircumflex -30\nKPX B Adieresis -30\nKPX B Agrave -30\nKPX B Amacron -30\nKPX B Aogonek -30\nKPX B Aring -30\nKPX B Atilde -30\nKPX B U -10\nKPX B Uacute -10\nKPX B Ucircumflex -10\nKPX B Udieresis -10\nKPX B Ugrave -10\nKPX B Uhungarumlaut -10\nKPX B Umacron -10\nKPX B Uogonek -10\nKPX B Uring -10\nKPX D A -40\nKPX D Aacute -40\nKPX D Abreve -40\nKPX D Acircumflex -40\nKPX D Adieresis -40\nKPX D Agrave -40\nKPX D Amacron -40\nKPX D Aogonek -40\nKPX D Aring -40\nKPX D Atilde -40\nKPX D V -40\nKPX D W -40\nKPX D Y -70\nKPX D Yacute -70\nKPX D Ydieresis -70\nKPX D comma -30\nKPX D period -30\nKPX Dcaron A -40\nKPX Dcaron Aacute -40\nKPX Dcaron Abreve -40\nKPX Dcaron Acircumflex -40\nKPX Dcaron Adieresis -40\nKPX Dcaron Agrave -40\nKPX Dcaron Amacron -40\nKPX Dcaron Aogonek -40\nKPX Dcaron Aring -40\nKPX Dcaron Atilde -40\nKPX Dcaron V -40\nKPX Dcaron W -40\nKPX Dcaron Y -70\nKPX Dcaron Yacute -70\nKPX Dcaron Ydieresis -70\nKPX Dcaron comma -30\nKPX Dcaron period -30\nKPX Dcroat A -40\nKPX Dcroat Aacute -40\nKPX Dcroat Abreve -40\nKPX Dcroat Acircumflex -40\nKPX Dcroat Adieresis -40\nKPX Dcroat Agrave -40\nKPX Dcroat Amacron -40\nKPX Dcroat Aogonek -40\nKPX Dcroat Aring -40\nKPX Dcroat Atilde -40\nKPX Dcroat V -40\nKPX Dcroat W -40\nKPX Dcroat Y -70\nKPX Dcroat Yacute -70\nKPX Dcroat Ydieresis -70\nKPX Dcroat comma -30\nKPX Dcroat period -30\nKPX F A -80\nKPX F Aacute -80\nKPX F Abreve -80\nKPX F Acircumflex -80\nKPX F Adieresis -80\nKPX F Agrave -80\nKPX F Amacron -80\nKPX F Aogonek -80\nKPX F Aring -80\nKPX F Atilde -80\nKPX F a -20\nKPX F aacute -20\nKPX F abreve -20\nKPX F acircumflex -20\nKPX F adieresis -20\nKPX F agrave -20\nKPX F amacron -20\nKPX F aogonek -20\nKPX F aring -20\nKPX F atilde -20\nKPX F comma -100\nKPX F period -100\nKPX J A -20\nKPX J Aacute -20\nKPX J Abreve -20\nKPX J Acircumflex -20\nKPX J Adieresis -20\nKPX J Agrave -20\nKPX J Amacron -20\nKPX J Aogonek -20\nKPX J Aring -20\nKPX J Atilde -20\nKPX J comma -20\nKPX J period -20\nKPX J u -20\nKPX J uacute -20\nKPX J ucircumflex -20\nKPX J udieresis -20\nKPX J ugrave -20\nKPX J uhungarumlaut -20\nKPX J umacron -20\nKPX J uogonek -20\nKPX J uring -20\nKPX K O -30\nKPX K Oacute -30\nKPX K Ocircumflex -30\nKPX K Odieresis -30\nKPX K Ograve -30\nKPX K Ohungarumlaut -30\nKPX K Omacron -30\nKPX K Oslash -30\nKPX K Otilde -30\nKPX K e -15\nKPX K eacute -15\nKPX K ecaron -15\nKPX K ecircumflex -15\nKPX K edieresis -15\nKPX K edotaccent -15\nKPX K egrave -15\nKPX K emacron -15\nKPX K eogonek -15\nKPX K o -35\nKPX K oacute -35\nKPX K ocircumflex -35\nKPX K odieresis -35\nKPX K ograve -35\nKPX K ohungarumlaut -35\nKPX K omacron -35\nKPX K oslash -35\nKPX K otilde -35\nKPX K u -30\nKPX K uacute -30\nKPX K ucircumflex -30\nKPX K udieresis -30\nKPX K ugrave -30\nKPX K uhungarumlaut -30\nKPX K umacron -30\nKPX K uogonek -30\nKPX K uring -30\nKPX K y -40\nKPX K yacute -40\nKPX K ydieresis -40\nKPX Kcommaaccent O -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent Oacute -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent Ocircumflex -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent Odieresis -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent Ograve -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent Ohungarumlaut -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent Omacron -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent Oslash -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent Otilde -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent e -15\nKPX Kcommaaccent eacute -15\nKPX Kcommaaccent ecaron -15\nKPX Kcommaaccent ecircumflex -15\nKPX Kcommaaccent edieresis -15\nKPX Kcommaaccent edotaccent -15\nKPX Kcommaaccent egrave -15\nKPX Kcommaaccent emacron -15\nKPX Kcommaaccent eogonek -15\nKPX Kcommaaccent o -35\nKPX Kcommaaccent oacute -35\nKPX Kcommaaccent ocircumflex -35\nKPX Kcommaaccent odieresis -35\nKPX Kcommaaccent ograve -35\nKPX Kcommaaccent ohungarumlaut -35\nKPX Kcommaaccent omacron -35\nKPX Kcommaaccent oslash -35\nKPX Kcommaaccent otilde -35\nKPX Kcommaaccent u -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent uacute -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent ucircumflex -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent udieresis -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent ugrave -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent uhungarumlaut -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent umacron -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent uogonek -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent uring -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent y -40\nKPX Kcommaaccent yacute -40\nKPX Kcommaaccent ydieresis -40\nKPX L T -90\nKPX L Tcaron -90\nKPX L Tcommaaccent -90\nKPX L V -110\nKPX L W -80\nKPX L Y -120\nKPX L Yacute -120\nKPX L Ydieresis -120\nKPX L quotedblright -140\nKPX L quoteright -140\nKPX L y -30\nKPX L yacute -30\nKPX L ydieresis -30\nKPX Lacute T -90\nKPX Lacute Tcaron -90\nKPX Lacute Tcommaaccent -90\nKPX Lacute V -110\nKPX Lacute W -80\nKPX Lacute Y -120\nKPX Lacute Yacute -120\nKPX Lacute Ydieresis -120\nKPX Lacute quotedblright -140\nKPX Lacute quoteright -140\nKPX Lacute y -30\nKPX Lacute yacute -30\nKPX Lacute ydieresis -30\nKPX Lcommaaccent T -90\nKPX Lcommaaccent Tcaron -90\nKPX Lcommaaccent Tcommaaccent -90\nKPX Lcommaaccent V -110\nKPX Lcommaaccent W -80\nKPX Lcommaaccent Y -120\nKPX Lcommaaccent Yacute -120\nKPX Lcommaaccent Ydieresis -120\nKPX Lcommaaccent quotedblright -140\nKPX Lcommaaccent quoteright -140\nKPX Lcommaaccent y -30\nKPX Lcommaaccent yacute -30\nKPX Lcommaaccent ydieresis -30\nKPX Lslash T -90\nKPX Lslash Tcaron -90\nKPX Lslash Tcommaaccent -90\nKPX Lslash V -110\nKPX Lslash W -80\nKPX Lslash Y -120\nKPX Lslash Yacute -120\nKPX Lslash Ydieresis -120\nKPX Lslash quotedblright -140\nKPX Lslash quoteright -140\nKPX Lslash y -30\nKPX Lslash yacute -30\nKPX Lslash ydieresis -30\nKPX O A -50\nKPX O Aacute -50\nKPX O Abreve -50\nKPX O Acircumflex -50\nKPX O Adieresis -50\nKPX O Agrave -50\nKPX O Amacron -50\nKPX O Aogonek -50\nKPX O Aring -50\nKPX O Atilde -50\nKPX O T -40\nKPX O Tcaron -40\nKPX O Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX O V -50\nKPX O W -50\nKPX O X -50\nKPX O Y -70\nKPX O Yacute -70\nKPX O Ydieresis -70\nKPX O comma -40\nKPX O period -40\nKPX Oacute A -50\nKPX Oacute Aacute -50\nKPX Oacute Abreve -50\nKPX Oacute Acircumflex -50\nKPX Oacute Adieresis -50\nKPX Oacute Agrave -50\nKPX Oacute Amacron -50\nKPX Oacute Aogonek -50\nKPX Oacute Aring -50\nKPX Oacute Atilde -50\nKPX Oacute T -40\nKPX Oacute Tcaron -40\nKPX Oacute Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX Oacute V -50\nKPX Oacute W -50\nKPX Oacute X -50\nKPX Oacute Y -70\nKPX Oacute Yacute -70\nKPX Oacute Ydieresis -70\nKPX Oacute comma -40\nKPX Oacute period -40\nKPX Ocircumflex A -50\nKPX Ocircumflex Aacute -50\nKPX Ocircumflex Abreve -50\nKPX Ocircumflex Acircumflex -50\nKPX Ocircumflex Adieresis -50\nKPX Ocircumflex Agrave -50\nKPX Ocircumflex Amacron -50\nKPX Ocircumflex Aogonek -50\nKPX Ocircumflex Aring -50\nKPX Ocircumflex Atilde -50\nKPX Ocircumflex T -40\nKPX Ocircumflex Tcaron -40\nKPX Ocircumflex Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX Ocircumflex V -50\nKPX Ocircumflex W -50\nKPX Ocircumflex X -50\nKPX Ocircumflex Y -70\nKPX Ocircumflex Yacute -70\nKPX Ocircumflex Ydieresis -70\nKPX Ocircumflex comma -40\nKPX Ocircumflex period -40\nKPX Odieresis A -50\nKPX Odieresis Aacute -50\nKPX Odieresis Abreve -50\nKPX Odieresis Acircumflex -50\nKPX Odieresis Adieresis -50\nKPX Odieresis Agrave -50\nKPX Odieresis Amacron -50\nKPX Odieresis Aogonek -50\nKPX Odieresis Aring -50\nKPX Odieresis Atilde -50\nKPX Odieresis T -40\nKPX Odieresis Tcaron -40\nKPX Odieresis Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX Odieresis V -50\nKPX Odieresis W -50\nKPX Odieresis X -50\nKPX Odieresis Y -70\nKPX Odieresis Yacute -70\nKPX Odieresis Ydieresis -70\nKPX Odieresis comma -40\nKPX Odieresis period -40\nKPX Ograve A -50\nKPX Ograve Aacute -50\nKPX Ograve Abreve -50\nKPX Ograve Acircumflex -50\nKPX Ograve Adieresis -50\nKPX Ograve Agrave -50\nKPX Ograve Amacron -50\nKPX Ograve Aogonek -50\nKPX Ograve Aring -50\nKPX Ograve Atilde -50\nKPX Ograve T -40\nKPX Ograve Tcaron -40\nKPX Ograve Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX Ograve V -50\nKPX Ograve W -50\nKPX Ograve X -50\nKPX Ograve Y -70\nKPX Ograve Yacute -70\nKPX Ograve Ydieresis -70\nKPX Ograve comma -40\nKPX Ograve period -40\nKPX Ohungarumlaut A -50\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Aacute -50\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Abreve -50\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Acircumflex -50\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Adieresis -50\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Agrave -50\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Amacron -50\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Aogonek -50\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Aring -50\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Atilde -50\nKPX Ohungarumlaut T -40\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Tcaron -40\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX Ohungarumlaut V -50\nKPX Ohungarumlaut W -50\nKPX Ohungarumlaut X -50\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Y -70\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Yacute -70\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Ydieresis -70\nKPX Ohungarumlaut comma -40\nKPX Ohungarumlaut period -40\nKPX Omacron A -50\nKPX Omacron Aacute -50\nKPX Omacron Abreve -50\nKPX Omacron Acircumflex -50\nKPX Omacron Adieresis -50\nKPX Omacron Agrave -50\nKPX Omacron Amacron -50\nKPX Omacron Aogonek -50\nKPX Omacron Aring -50\nKPX Omacron Atilde -50\nKPX Omacron T -40\nKPX Omacron Tcaron -40\nKPX Omacron Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX Omacron V -50\nKPX Omacron W -50\nKPX Omacron X -50\nKPX Omacron Y -70\nKPX Omacron Yacute -70\nKPX Omacron Ydieresis -70\nKPX Omacron comma -40\nKPX Omacron period -40\nKPX Oslash A -50\nKPX Oslash Aacute -50\nKPX Oslash Abreve -50\nKPX Oslash Acircumflex -50\nKPX Oslash Adieresis -50\nKPX Oslash Agrave -50\nKPX Oslash Amacron -50\nKPX Oslash Aogonek -50\nKPX Oslash Aring -50\nKPX Oslash Atilde -50\nKPX Oslash T -40\nKPX Oslash Tcaron -40\nKPX Oslash Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX Oslash V -50\nKPX Oslash W -50\nKPX Oslash X -50\nKPX Oslash Y -70\nKPX Oslash Yacute -70\nKPX Oslash Ydieresis -70\nKPX Oslash comma -40\nKPX Oslash period -40\nKPX Otilde A -50\nKPX Otilde Aacute -50\nKPX Otilde Abreve -50\nKPX Otilde Acircumflex -50\nKPX Otilde Adieresis -50\nKPX Otilde Agrave -50\nKPX Otilde Amacron -50\nKPX Otilde Aogonek -50\nKPX Otilde Aring -50\nKPX Otilde Atilde -50\nKPX Otilde T -40\nKPX Otilde Tcaron -40\nKPX Otilde Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX Otilde V -50\nKPX Otilde W -50\nKPX Otilde X -50\nKPX Otilde Y -70\nKPX Otilde Yacute -70\nKPX Otilde Ydieresis -70\nKPX Otilde comma -40\nKPX Otilde period -40\nKPX P A -100\nKPX P Aacute -100\nKPX P Abreve -100\nKPX P Acircumflex -100\nKPX P Adieresis -100\nKPX P Agrave -100\nKPX P Amacron -100\nKPX P Aogonek -100\nKPX P Aring -100\nKPX P Atilde -100\nKPX P a -30\nKPX P aacute -30\nKPX P abreve -30\nKPX P acircumflex -30\nKPX P adieresis -30\nKPX P agrave -30\nKPX P amacron -30\nKPX P aogonek -30\nKPX P aring -30\nKPX P atilde -30\nKPX P comma -120\nKPX P e -30\nKPX P eacute -30\nKPX P ecaron -30\nKPX P ecircumflex -30\nKPX P edieresis -30\nKPX P edotaccent -30\nKPX P egrave -30\nKPX P emacron -30\nKPX P eogonek -30\nKPX P o -40\nKPX P oacute -40\nKPX P ocircumflex -40\nKPX P odieresis -40\nKPX P ograve -40\nKPX P ohungarumlaut -40\nKPX P omacron -40\nKPX P oslash -40\nKPX P otilde -40\nKPX P period -120\nKPX Q U -10\nKPX Q Uacute -10\nKPX Q Ucircumflex -10\nKPX Q Udieresis -10\nKPX Q Ugrave -10\nKPX Q Uhungarumlaut -10\nKPX Q Umacron -10\nKPX Q Uogonek -10\nKPX Q Uring -10\nKPX Q comma 20\nKPX Q period 20\nKPX R O -20\nKPX R Oacute -20\nKPX R Ocircumflex -20\nKPX R Odieresis -20\nKPX R Ograve -20\nKPX R Ohungarumlaut -20\nKPX R Omacron -20\nKPX R Oslash -20\nKPX R Otilde -20\nKPX R T -20\nKPX R Tcaron -20\nKPX R Tcommaaccent -20\nKPX R U -20\nKPX R Uacute -20\nKPX R Ucircumflex -20\nKPX R Udieresis -20\nKPX R Ugrave -20\nKPX R Uhungarumlaut -20\nKPX R Umacron -20\nKPX R Uogonek -20\nKPX R Uring -20\nKPX R V -50\nKPX R W -40\nKPX R Y -50\nKPX R Yacute -50\nKPX R Ydieresis -50\nKPX Racute O -20\nKPX Racute Oacute -20\nKPX Racute Ocircumflex -20\nKPX Racute Odieresis -20\nKPX Racute Ograve -20\nKPX Racute Ohungarumlaut -20\nKPX Racute Omacron -20\nKPX Racute Oslash -20\nKPX Racute Otilde -20\nKPX Racute T -20\nKPX Racute Tcaron -20\nKPX Racute Tcommaaccent -20\nKPX Racute U -20\nKPX Racute Uacute -20\nKPX Racute Ucircumflex -20\nKPX Racute Udieresis -20\nKPX Racute Ugrave -20\nKPX Racute Uhungarumlaut -20\nKPX Racute Umacron -20\nKPX Racute Uogonek -20\nKPX Racute Uring -20\nKPX Racute V -50\nKPX Racute W -40\nKPX Racute Y -50\nKPX Racute Yacute -50\nKPX Racute Ydieresis -50\nKPX Rcaron O -20\nKPX Rcaron Oacute -20\nKPX Rcaron Ocircumflex -20\nKPX Rcaron Odieresis -20\nKPX Rcaron Ograve -20\nKPX Rcaron Ohungarumlaut -20\nKPX Rcaron Omacron -20\nKPX Rcaron Oslash -20\nKPX Rcaron Otilde -20\nKPX Rcaron T -20\nKPX Rcaron Tcaron -20\nKPX Rcaron Tcommaaccent -20\nKPX Rcaron U -20\nKPX Rcaron Uacute -20\nKPX Rcaron Ucircumflex -20\nKPX Rcaron Udieresis -20\nKPX Rcaron Ugrave -20\nKPX Rcaron Uhungarumlaut -20\nKPX Rcaron Umacron -20\nKPX Rcaron Uogonek -20\nKPX Rcaron Uring -20\nKPX Rcaron V -50\nKPX Rcaron W -40\nKPX Rcaron Y -50\nKPX Rcaron Yacute -50\nKPX Rcaron Ydieresis -50\nKPX Rcommaaccent O -20\nKPX Rcommaaccent Oacute -20\nKPX Rcommaaccent Ocircumflex -20\nKPX Rcommaaccent Odieresis -20\nKPX Rcommaaccent Ograve -20\nKPX Rcommaaccent Ohungarumlaut -20\nKPX Rcommaaccent Omacron -20\nKPX Rcommaaccent Oslash -20\nKPX Rcommaaccent Otilde -20\nKPX Rcommaaccent T -20\nKPX Rcommaaccent Tcaron -20\nKPX Rcommaaccent Tcommaaccent -20\nKPX Rcommaaccent U -20\nKPX Rcommaaccent Uacute -20\nKPX Rcommaaccent Ucircumflex -20\nKPX Rcommaaccent Udieresis -20\nKPX Rcommaaccent Ugrave -20\nKPX Rcommaaccent Uhungarumlaut -20\nKPX Rcommaaccent Umacron -20\nKPX Rcommaaccent Uogonek -20\nKPX Rcommaaccent Uring -20\nKPX Rcommaaccent V -50\nKPX Rcommaaccent W -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent Y -50\nKPX Rcommaaccent Yacute -50\nKPX Rcommaaccent Ydieresis -50\nKPX T A -90\nKPX T Aacute -90\nKPX T Abreve -90\nKPX T Acircumflex -90\nKPX T Adieresis -90\nKPX T Agrave -90\nKPX T Amacron -90\nKPX T Aogonek -90\nKPX T Aring -90\nKPX T Atilde -90\nKPX T O -40\nKPX T Oacute -40\nKPX T Ocircumflex -40\nKPX T Odieresis -40\nKPX T Ograve -40\nKPX T Ohungarumlaut -40\nKPX T Omacron -40\nKPX T Oslash -40\nKPX T Otilde -40\nKPX T a -80\nKPX T aacute -80\nKPX T abreve -80\nKPX T acircumflex -80\nKPX T adieresis -80\nKPX T agrave -80\nKPX T amacron -80\nKPX T aogonek -80\nKPX T aring -80\nKPX T atilde -80\nKPX T colon -40\nKPX T comma -80\nKPX T e -60\nKPX T eacute -60\nKPX T ecaron -60\nKPX T ecircumflex -60\nKPX T edieresis -60\nKPX T edotaccent -60\nKPX T egrave -60\nKPX T emacron -60\nKPX T eogonek -60\nKPX T hyphen -120\nKPX T o -80\nKPX T oacute -80\nKPX T ocircumflex -80\nKPX T odieresis -80\nKPX T ograve -80\nKPX T ohungarumlaut -80\nKPX T omacron -80\nKPX T oslash -80\nKPX T otilde -80\nKPX T period -80\nKPX T r -80\nKPX T racute -80\nKPX T rcommaaccent -80\nKPX T semicolon -40\nKPX T u -90\nKPX T uacute -90\nKPX T ucircumflex -90\nKPX T udieresis -90\nKPX T ugrave -90\nKPX T uhungarumlaut -90\nKPX T umacron -90\nKPX T uogonek -90\nKPX T uring -90\nKPX T w -60\nKPX T y -60\nKPX T yacute -60\nKPX T ydieresis -60\nKPX Tcaron A -90\nKPX Tcaron Aacute -90\nKPX Tcaron Abreve -90\nKPX Tcaron Acircumflex -90\nKPX Tcaron Adieresis -90\nKPX Tcaron Agrave -90\nKPX Tcaron Amacron -90\nKPX Tcaron Aogonek -90\nKPX Tcaron Aring -90\nKPX Tcaron Atilde -90\nKPX Tcaron O -40\nKPX Tcaron Oacute -40\nKPX Tcaron Ocircumflex -40\nKPX Tcaron Odieresis -40\nKPX Tcaron Ograve -40\nKPX Tcaron Ohungarumlaut -40\nKPX Tcaron Omacron -40\nKPX Tcaron Oslash -40\nKPX Tcaron Otilde -40\nKPX Tcaron a -80\nKPX Tcaron aacute -80\nKPX Tcaron abreve -80\nKPX Tcaron acircumflex -80\nKPX Tcaron adieresis -80\nKPX Tcaron agrave -80\nKPX Tcaron amacron -80\nKPX Tcaron aogonek -80\nKPX Tcaron aring -80\nKPX Tcaron atilde -80\nKPX Tcaron colon -40\nKPX Tcaron comma -80\nKPX Tcaron e -60\nKPX Tcaron eacute -60\nKPX Tcaron ecaron -60\nKPX Tcaron ecircumflex -60\nKPX Tcaron edieresis -60\nKPX Tcaron edotaccent -60\nKPX Tcaron egrave -60\nKPX Tcaron emacron -60\nKPX Tcaron eogonek -60\nKPX Tcaron hyphen -120\nKPX Tcaron o -80\nKPX Tcaron oacute -80\nKPX Tcaron ocircumflex -80\nKPX Tcaron odieresis -80\nKPX Tcaron ograve -80\nKPX Tcaron ohungarumlaut -80\nKPX Tcaron omacron -80\nKPX Tcaron oslash -80\nKPX Tcaron otilde -80\nKPX Tcaron period -80\nKPX Tcaron r -80\nKPX Tcaron racute -80\nKPX Tcaron rcommaaccent -80\nKPX Tcaron semicolon -40\nKPX Tcaron u -90\nKPX Tcaron uacute -90\nKPX Tcaron ucircumflex -90\nKPX Tcaron udieresis -90\nKPX Tcaron ugrave -90\nKPX Tcaron uhungarumlaut -90\nKPX Tcaron umacron -90\nKPX Tcaron uogonek -90\nKPX Tcaron uring -90\nKPX Tcaron w -60\nKPX Tcaron y -60\nKPX Tcaron yacute -60\nKPX Tcaron ydieresis -60\nKPX Tcommaaccent A -90\nKPX Tcommaaccent Aacute -90\nKPX Tcommaaccent Abreve -90\nKPX Tcommaaccent Acircumflex -90\nKPX Tcommaaccent Adieresis -90\nKPX Tcommaaccent Agrave -90\nKPX Tcommaaccent Amacron -90\nKPX Tcommaaccent Aogonek -90\nKPX Tcommaaccent Aring -90\nKPX Tcommaaccent Atilde -90\nKPX Tcommaaccent O -40\nKPX Tcommaaccent Oacute -40\nKPX Tcommaaccent Ocircumflex -40\nKPX Tcommaaccent Odieresis -40\nKPX Tcommaaccent Ograve -40\nKPX Tcommaaccent Ohungarumlaut -40\nKPX Tcommaaccent Omacron -40\nKPX Tcommaaccent Oslash -40\nKPX Tcommaaccent Otilde -40\nKPX Tcommaaccent a -80\nKPX Tcommaaccent aacute -80\nKPX Tcommaaccent abreve -80\nKPX Tcommaaccent acircumflex -80\nKPX Tcommaaccent adieresis -80\nKPX Tcommaaccent agrave -80\nKPX Tcommaaccent amacron -80\nKPX Tcommaaccent aogonek -80\nKPX Tcommaaccent aring -80\nKPX Tcommaaccent atilde -80\nKPX Tcommaaccent colon -40\nKPX Tcommaaccent comma -80\nKPX Tcommaaccent e -60\nKPX Tcommaaccent eacute -60\nKPX Tcommaaccent ecaron -60\nKPX Tcommaaccent ecircumflex -60\nKPX Tcommaaccent edieresis -60\nKPX Tcommaaccent edotaccent -60\nKPX Tcommaaccent egrave -60\nKPX Tcommaaccent emacron -60\nKPX Tcommaaccent eogonek -60\nKPX Tcommaaccent hyphen -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent o -80\nKPX Tcommaaccent oacute -80\nKPX Tcommaaccent ocircumflex -80\nKPX Tcommaaccent odieresis -80\nKPX Tcommaaccent ograve -80\nKPX Tcommaaccent ohungarumlaut -80\nKPX Tcommaaccent omacron -80\nKPX Tcommaaccent oslash -80\nKPX Tcommaaccent otilde -80\nKPX Tcommaaccent period -80\nKPX Tcommaaccent r -80\nKPX Tcommaaccent racute -80\nKPX Tcommaaccent rcommaaccent -80\nKPX Tcommaaccent semicolon -40\nKPX Tcommaaccent u -90\nKPX Tcommaaccent uacute -90\nKPX Tcommaaccent ucircumflex -90\nKPX Tcommaaccent udieresis -90\nKPX Tcommaaccent ugrave -90\nKPX Tcommaaccent uhungarumlaut -90\nKPX Tcommaaccent umacron -90\nKPX Tcommaaccent uogonek -90\nKPX Tcommaaccent uring -90\nKPX Tcommaaccent w -60\nKPX Tcommaaccent y -60\nKPX Tcommaaccent yacute -60\nKPX Tcommaaccent ydieresis -60\nKPX U A -50\nKPX U Aacute -50\nKPX U Abreve -50\nKPX U Acircumflex -50\nKPX U Adieresis -50\nKPX U Agrave -50\nKPX U Amacron -50\nKPX U Aogonek -50\nKPX U Aring -50\nKPX U Atilde -50\nKPX U comma -30\nKPX U period -30\nKPX Uacute A -50\nKPX Uacute Aacute -50\nKPX Uacute Abreve -50\nKPX Uacute Acircumflex -50\nKPX Uacute Adieresis -50\nKPX Uacute Agrave -50\nKPX Uacute Amacron -50\nKPX Uacute Aogonek -50\nKPX Uacute Aring -50\nKPX Uacute Atilde -50\nKPX Uacute comma -30\nKPX Uacute period -30\nKPX Ucircumflex A -50\nKPX Ucircumflex Aacute -50\nKPX Ucircumflex Abreve -50\nKPX Ucircumflex Acircumflex -50\nKPX Ucircumflex Adieresis -50\nKPX Ucircumflex Agrave -50\nKPX Ucircumflex Amacron -50\nKPX Ucircumflex Aogonek -50\nKPX Ucircumflex Aring -50\nKPX Ucircumflex Atilde -50\nKPX Ucircumflex comma -30\nKPX Ucircumflex period -30\nKPX Udieresis A -50\nKPX Udieresis Aacute -50\nKPX Udieresis Abreve -50\nKPX Udieresis Acircumflex -50\nKPX Udieresis Adieresis -50\nKPX Udieresis Agrave -50\nKPX Udieresis Amacron -50\nKPX Udieresis Aogonek -50\nKPX Udieresis Aring -50\nKPX Udieresis Atilde -50\nKPX Udieresis comma -30\nKPX Udieresis period -30\nKPX Ugrave A -50\nKPX Ugrave Aacute -50\nKPX Ugrave Abreve -50\nKPX Ugrave Acircumflex -50\nKPX Ugrave Adieresis -50\nKPX Ugrave Agrave -50\nKPX Ugrave Amacron -50\nKPX Ugrave Aogonek -50\nKPX Ugrave Aring -50\nKPX Ugrave Atilde -50\nKPX Ugrave comma -30\nKPX Ugrave period -30\nKPX Uhungarumlaut A -50\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Aacute -50\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Abreve -50\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Acircumflex -50\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Adieresis -50\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Agrave -50\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Amacron -50\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Aogonek -50\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Aring -50\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Atilde -50\nKPX Uhungarumlaut comma -30\nKPX Uhungarumlaut period -30\nKPX Umacron A -50\nKPX Umacron Aacute -50\nKPX Umacron Abreve -50\nKPX Umacron Acircumflex -50\nKPX Umacron Adieresis -50\nKPX Umacron Agrave -50\nKPX Umacron Amacron -50\nKPX Umacron Aogonek -50\nKPX Umacron Aring -50\nKPX Umacron Atilde -50\nKPX Umacron comma -30\nKPX Umacron period -30\nKPX Uogonek A -50\nKPX Uogonek Aacute -50\nKPX Uogonek Abreve -50\nKPX Uogonek Acircumflex -50\nKPX Uogonek Adieresis -50\nKPX Uogonek Agrave -50\nKPX Uogonek Amacron -50\nKPX Uogonek Aogonek -50\nKPX Uogonek Aring -50\nKPX Uogonek Atilde -50\nKPX Uogonek comma -30\nKPX Uogonek period -30\nKPX Uring A -50\nKPX Uring Aacute -50\nKPX Uring Abreve -50\nKPX Uring Acircumflex -50\nKPX Uring Adieresis -50\nKPX Uring Agrave -50\nKPX Uring Amacron -50\nKPX Uring Aogonek -50\nKPX Uring Aring -50\nKPX Uring Atilde -50\nKPX Uring comma -30\nKPX Uring period -30\nKPX V A -80\nKPX V Aacute -80\nKPX V Abreve -80\nKPX V Acircumflex -80\nKPX V Adieresis -80\nKPX V Agrave -80\nKPX V Amacron -80\nKPX V Aogonek -80\nKPX V Aring -80\nKPX V Atilde -80\nKPX V G -50\nKPX V Gbreve -50\nKPX V Gcommaaccent -50\nKPX V O -50\nKPX V Oacute -50\nKPX V Ocircumflex -50\nKPX V Odieresis -50\nKPX V Ograve -50\nKPX V Ohungarumlaut -50\nKPX V Omacron -50\nKPX V Oslash -50\nKPX V Otilde -50\nKPX V a -60\nKPX V aacute -60\nKPX V abreve -60\nKPX V acircumflex -60\nKPX V adieresis -60\nKPX V agrave -60\nKPX V amacron -60\nKPX V aogonek -60\nKPX V aring -60\nKPX V atilde -60\nKPX V colon -40\nKPX V comma -120\nKPX V e -50\nKPX V eacute -50\nKPX V ecaron -50\nKPX V ecircumflex -50\nKPX V edieresis -50\nKPX V edotaccent -50\nKPX V egrave -50\nKPX V emacron -50\nKPX V eogonek -50\nKPX V hyphen -80\nKPX V o -90\nKPX V oacute -90\nKPX V ocircumflex -90\nKPX V odieresis -90\nKPX V ograve -90\nKPX V ohungarumlaut -90\nKPX V omacron -90\nKPX V oslash -90\nKPX V otilde -90\nKPX V period -120\nKPX V semicolon -40\nKPX V u -60\nKPX V uacute -60\nKPX V ucircumflex -60\nKPX V udieresis -60\nKPX V ugrave -60\nKPX V uhungarumlaut -60\nKPX V umacron -60\nKPX V uogonek -60\nKPX V uring -60\nKPX W A -60\nKPX W Aacute -60\nKPX W Abreve -60\nKPX W Acircumflex -60\nKPX W Adieresis -60\nKPX W Agrave -60\nKPX W Amacron -60\nKPX W Aogonek -60\nKPX W Aring -60\nKPX W Atilde -60\nKPX W O -20\nKPX W Oacute -20\nKPX W Ocircumflex -20\nKPX W Odieresis -20\nKPX W Ograve -20\nKPX W Ohungarumlaut -20\nKPX W Omacron -20\nKPX W Oslash -20\nKPX W Otilde -20\nKPX W a -40\nKPX W aacute -40\nKPX W abreve -40\nKPX W acircumflex -40\nKPX W adieresis -40\nKPX W agrave -40\nKPX W amacron -40\nKPX W aogonek -40\nKPX W aring -40\nKPX W atilde -40\nKPX W colon -10\nKPX W comma -80\nKPX W e -35\nKPX W eacute -35\nKPX W ecaron -35\nKPX W ecircumflex -35\nKPX W edieresis -35\nKPX W edotaccent -35\nKPX W egrave -35\nKPX W emacron -35\nKPX W eogonek -35\nKPX W hyphen -40\nKPX W o -60\nKPX W oacute -60\nKPX W ocircumflex -60\nKPX W odieresis -60\nKPX W ograve -60\nKPX W ohungarumlaut -60\nKPX W omacron -60\nKPX W oslash -60\nKPX W otilde -60\nKPX W period -80\nKPX W semicolon -10\nKPX W u -45\nKPX W uacute -45\nKPX W ucircumflex -45\nKPX W udieresis -45\nKPX W ugrave -45\nKPX W uhungarumlaut -45\nKPX W umacron -45\nKPX W uogonek -45\nKPX W uring -45\nKPX W y -20\nKPX W yacute -20\nKPX W ydieresis -20\nKPX Y A -110\nKPX Y Aacute -110\nKPX Y Abreve -110\nKPX Y Acircumflex -110\nKPX Y Adieresis -110\nKPX Y Agrave -110\nKPX Y Amacron -110\nKPX Y Aogonek -110\nKPX Y Aring -110\nKPX Y Atilde -110\nKPX Y O -70\nKPX Y Oacute -70\nKPX Y Ocircumflex -70\nKPX Y Odieresis -70\nKPX Y Ograve -70\nKPX Y Ohungarumlaut -70\nKPX Y Omacron -70\nKPX Y Oslash -70\nKPX Y Otilde -70\nKPX Y a -90\nKPX Y aacute -90\nKPX Y abreve -90\nKPX Y acircumflex -90\nKPX Y adieresis -90\nKPX Y agrave -90\nKPX Y amacron -90\nKPX Y aogonek -90\nKPX Y aring -90\nKPX Y atilde -90\nKPX Y colon -50\nKPX Y comma -100\nKPX Y e -80\nKPX Y eacute -80\nKPX Y ecaron -80\nKPX Y ecircumflex -80\nKPX Y edieresis -80\nKPX Y edotaccent -80\nKPX Y egrave -80\nKPX Y emacron -80\nKPX Y eogonek -80\nKPX Y o -100\nKPX Y oacute -100\nKPX Y ocircumflex -100\nKPX Y odieresis -100\nKPX Y ograve -100\nKPX Y ohungarumlaut -100\nKPX Y omacron -100\nKPX Y oslash -100\nKPX Y otilde -100\nKPX Y period -100\nKPX Y semicolon -50\nKPX Y u -100\nKPX Y uacute -100\nKPX Y ucircumflex -100\nKPX Y udieresis -100\nKPX Y ugrave -100\nKPX Y uhungarumlaut -100\nKPX Y umacron -100\nKPX Y uogonek -100\nKPX Y uring -100\nKPX Yacute A -110\nKPX Yacute Aacute -110\nKPX Yacute Abreve -110\nKPX Yacute Acircumflex -110\nKPX Yacute Adieresis -110\nKPX Yacute Agrave -110\nKPX Yacute Amacron -110\nKPX Yacute Aogonek -110\nKPX Yacute Aring -110\nKPX Yacute Atilde -110\nKPX Yacute O -70\nKPX Yacute Oacute -70\nKPX Yacute Ocircumflex -70\nKPX Yacute Odieresis -70\nKPX Yacute Ograve -70\nKPX Yacute Ohungarumlaut -70\nKPX Yacute Omacron -70\nKPX Yacute Oslash -70\nKPX Yacute Otilde -70\nKPX Yacute a -90\nKPX Yacute aacute -90\nKPX Yacute abreve -90\nKPX Yacute acircumflex -90\nKPX Yacute adieresis -90\nKPX Yacute agrave -90\nKPX Yacute amacron -90\nKPX Yacute aogonek -90\nKPX Yacute aring -90\nKPX Yacute atilde -90\nKPX Yacute colon -50\nKPX Yacute comma -100\nKPX Yacute e -80\nKPX Yacute eacute -80\nKPX Yacute ecaron -80\nKPX Yacute ecircumflex -80\nKPX Yacute edieresis -80\nKPX Yacute edotaccent -80\nKPX Yacute egrave -80\nKPX Yacute emacron -80\nKPX Yacute eogonek -80\nKPX Yacute o -100\nKPX Yacute oacute -100\nKPX Yacute ocircumflex -100\nKPX Yacute odieresis -100\nKPX Yacute ograve -100\nKPX Yacute ohungarumlaut -100\nKPX Yacute omacron -100\nKPX Yacute oslash -100\nKPX Yacute otilde -100\nKPX Yacute period -100\nKPX Yacute semicolon -50\nKPX Yacute u -100\nKPX Yacute uacute -100\nKPX Yacute ucircumflex -100\nKPX Yacute udieresis -100\nKPX Yacute ugrave -100\nKPX Yacute uhungarumlaut -100\nKPX Yacute umacron -100\nKPX Yacute uogonek -100\nKPX Yacute uring -100\nKPX Ydieresis A -110\nKPX Ydieresis Aacute -110\nKPX Ydieresis Abreve -110\nKPX Ydieresis Acircumflex -110\nKPX Ydieresis Adieresis -110\nKPX Ydieresis Agrave -110\nKPX Ydieresis Amacron -110\nKPX Ydieresis Aogonek -110\nKPX Ydieresis Aring -110\nKPX Ydieresis Atilde -110\nKPX Ydieresis O -70\nKPX Ydieresis Oacute -70\nKPX Ydieresis Ocircumflex -70\nKPX Ydieresis Odieresis -70\nKPX Ydieresis Ograve -70\nKPX Ydieresis Ohungarumlaut -70\nKPX Ydieresis Omacron -70\nKPX Ydieresis Oslash -70\nKPX Ydieresis Otilde -70\nKPX Ydieresis a -90\nKPX Ydieresis aacute -90\nKPX Ydieresis abreve -90\nKPX Ydieresis acircumflex -90\nKPX Ydieresis adieresis -90\nKPX Ydieresis agrave -90\nKPX Ydieresis amacron -90\nKPX Ydieresis aogonek -90\nKPX Ydieresis aring -90\nKPX Ydieresis atilde -90\nKPX Ydieresis colon -50\nKPX Ydieresis comma -100\nKPX Ydieresis e -80\nKPX Ydieresis eacute -80\nKPX Ydieresis ecaron -80\nKPX Ydieresis ecircumflex -80\nKPX Ydieresis edieresis -80\nKPX Ydieresis edotaccent -80\nKPX Ydieresis egrave -80\nKPX Ydieresis emacron -80\nKPX Ydieresis eogonek -80\nKPX Ydieresis o -100\nKPX Ydieresis oacute -100\nKPX Ydieresis ocircumflex -100\nKPX Ydieresis odieresis -100\nKPX Ydieresis ograve -100\nKPX Ydieresis ohungarumlaut -100\nKPX Ydieresis omacron -100\nKPX Ydieresis oslash -100\nKPX Ydieresis otilde -100\nKPX Ydieresis period -100\nKPX Ydieresis semicolon -50\nKPX Ydieresis u -100\nKPX Ydieresis uacute -100\nKPX Ydieresis ucircumflex -100\nKPX Ydieresis udieresis -100\nKPX Ydieresis ugrave -100\nKPX Ydieresis uhungarumlaut -100\nKPX Ydieresis umacron -100\nKPX Ydieresis uogonek -100\nKPX Ydieresis uring -100\nKPX a g -10\nKPX a gbreve -10\nKPX a gcommaaccent -10\nKPX a v -15\nKPX a w -15\nKPX a y -20\nKPX a yacute -20\nKPX a ydieresis -20\nKPX aacute g -10\nKPX aacute gbreve -10\nKPX aacute gcommaaccent -10\nKPX aacute v -15\nKPX aacute w -15\nKPX aacute y -20\nKPX aacute yacute -20\nKPX aacute ydieresis -20\nKPX abreve g -10\nKPX abreve gbreve -10\nKPX abreve gcommaaccent -10\nKPX abreve v -15\nKPX abreve w -15\nKPX abreve y -20\nKPX abreve yacute -20\nKPX abreve ydieresis -20\nKPX acircumflex g -10\nKPX acircumflex gbreve -10\nKPX acircumflex gcommaaccent -10\nKPX acircumflex v -15\nKPX acircumflex w -15\nKPX acircumflex y -20\nKPX acircumflex yacute -20\nKPX acircumflex ydieresis -20\nKPX adieresis g -10\nKPX adieresis gbreve -10\nKPX adieresis gcommaaccent -10\nKPX adieresis v -15\nKPX adieresis w -15\nKPX adieresis y -20\nKPX adieresis yacute -20\nKPX adieresis ydieresis -20\nKPX agrave g -10\nKPX agrave gbreve -10\nKPX agrave gcommaaccent -10\nKPX agrave v -15\nKPX agrave w -15\nKPX agrave y -20\nKPX agrave yacute -20\nKPX agrave ydieresis -20\nKPX amacron g -10\nKPX amacron gbreve -10\nKPX amacron gcommaaccent -10\nKPX amacron v -15\nKPX amacron w -15\nKPX amacron y -20\nKPX amacron yacute -20\nKPX amacron ydieresis -20\nKPX aogonek g -10\nKPX aogonek gbreve -10\nKPX aogonek gcommaaccent -10\nKPX aogonek v -15\nKPX aogonek w -15\nKPX aogonek y -20\nKPX aogonek yacute -20\nKPX aogonek ydieresis -20\nKPX aring g -10\nKPX aring gbreve -10\nKPX aring gcommaaccent -10\nKPX aring v -15\nKPX aring w -15\nKPX aring y -20\nKPX aring yacute -20\nKPX aring ydieresis -20\nKPX atilde g -10\nKPX atilde gbreve -10\nKPX atilde gcommaaccent -10\nKPX atilde v -15\nKPX atilde w -15\nKPX atilde y -20\nKPX atilde yacute -20\nKPX atilde ydieresis -20\nKPX b l -10\nKPX b lacute -10\nKPX b lcommaaccent -10\nKPX b lslash -10\nKPX b u -20\nKPX b uacute -20\nKPX b ucircumflex -20\nKPX b udieresis -20\nKPX b ugrave -20\nKPX b uhungarumlaut -20\nKPX b umacron -20\nKPX b uogonek -20\nKPX b uring -20\nKPX b v -20\nKPX b y -20\nKPX b yacute -20\nKPX b ydieresis -20\nKPX c h -10\nKPX c k -20\nKPX c kcommaaccent -20\nKPX c l -20\nKPX c lacute -20\nKPX c lcommaaccent -20\nKPX c lslash -20\nKPX c y -10\nKPX c yacute -10\nKPX c ydieresis -10\nKPX cacute h -10\nKPX cacute k -20\nKPX cacute kcommaaccent -20\nKPX cacute l -20\nKPX cacute lacute -20\nKPX cacute lcommaaccent -20\nKPX cacute lslash -20\nKPX cacute y -10\nKPX cacute yacute -10\nKPX cacute ydieresis -10\nKPX ccaron h -10\nKPX ccaron k -20\nKPX ccaron kcommaaccent -20\nKPX ccaron l -20\nKPX ccaron lacute -20\nKPX ccaron lcommaaccent -20\nKPX ccaron lslash -20\nKPX ccaron y -10\nKPX ccaron yacute -10\nKPX ccaron ydieresis -10\nKPX ccedilla h -10\nKPX ccedilla k -20\nKPX ccedilla kcommaaccent -20\nKPX ccedilla l -20\nKPX ccedilla lacute -20\nKPX ccedilla lcommaaccent -20\nKPX ccedilla lslash -20\nKPX ccedilla y -10\nKPX ccedilla yacute -10\nKPX ccedilla ydieresis -10\nKPX colon space -40\nKPX comma quotedblright -120\nKPX comma quoteright -120\nKPX comma space -40\nKPX d d -10\nKPX d dcroat -10\nKPX d v -15\nKPX d w -15\nKPX d y -15\nKPX d yacute -15\nKPX d ydieresis -15\nKPX dcroat d -10\nKPX dcroat dcroat -10\nKPX dcroat v -15\nKPX dcroat w -15\nKPX dcroat y -15\nKPX dcroat yacute -15\nKPX dcroat ydieresis -15\nKPX e comma 10\nKPX e period 20\nKPX e v -15\nKPX e w -15\nKPX e x -15\nKPX e y -15\nKPX e yacute -15\nKPX e ydieresis -15\nKPX eacute comma 10\nKPX eacute period 20\nKPX eacute v -15\nKPX eacute w -15\nKPX eacute x -15\nKPX eacute y -15\nKPX eacute yacute -15\nKPX eacute ydieresis -15\nKPX ecaron comma 10\nKPX ecaron period 20\nKPX ecaron v -15\nKPX ecaron w -15\nKPX ecaron x -15\nKPX ecaron y -15\nKPX ecaron yacute -15\nKPX ecaron ydieresis -15\nKPX ecircumflex comma 10\nKPX ecircumflex period 20\nKPX ecircumflex v -15\nKPX ecircumflex w -15\nKPX ecircumflex x -15\nKPX ecircumflex y -15\nKPX ecircumflex yacute -15\nKPX ecircumflex ydieresis -15\nKPX edieresis comma 10\nKPX edieresis period 20\nKPX edieresis v -15\nKPX edieresis w -15\nKPX edieresis x -15\nKPX edieresis y -15\nKPX edieresis yacute -15\nKPX edieresis ydieresis -15\nKPX edotaccent comma 10\nKPX edotaccent period 20\nKPX edotaccent v -15\nKPX edotaccent w -15\nKPX edotaccent x -15\nKPX edotaccent y -15\nKPX edotaccent yacute -15\nKPX edotaccent ydieresis -15\nKPX egrave comma 10\nKPX egrave period 20\nKPX egrave v -15\nKPX egrave w -15\nKPX egrave x -15\nKPX egrave y -15\nKPX egrave yacute -15\nKPX egrave ydieresis -15\nKPX emacron comma 10\nKPX emacron period 20\nKPX emacron v -15\nKPX emacron w -15\nKPX emacron x -15\nKPX emacron y -15\nKPX emacron yacute -15\nKPX emacron ydieresis -15\nKPX eogonek comma 10\nKPX eogonek period 20\nKPX eogonek v -15\nKPX eogonek w -15\nKPX eogonek x -15\nKPX eogonek y -15\nKPX eogonek yacute -15\nKPX eogonek ydieresis -15\nKPX f comma -10\nKPX f e -10\nKPX f eacute -10\nKPX f ecaron -10\nKPX f ecircumflex -10\nKPX f edieresis -10\nKPX f edotaccent -10\nKPX f egrave -10\nKPX f emacron -10\nKPX f eogonek -10\nKPX f o -20\nKPX f oacute -20\nKPX f ocircumflex -20\nKPX f odieresis -20\nKPX f ograve -20\nKPX f ohungarumlaut -20\nKPX f omacron -20\nKPX f oslash -20\nKPX f otilde -20\nKPX f period -10\nKPX f quotedblright 30\nKPX f quoteright 30\nKPX g e 10\nKPX g eacute 10\nKPX g ecaron 10\nKPX g ecircumflex 10\nKPX g edieresis 10\nKPX g edotaccent 10\nKPX g egrave 10\nKPX g emacron 10\nKPX g eogonek 10\nKPX g g -10\nKPX g gbreve -10\nKPX g gcommaaccent -10\nKPX gbreve e 10\nKPX gbreve eacute 10\nKPX gbreve ecaron 10\nKPX gbreve ecircumflex 10\nKPX gbreve edieresis 10\nKPX gbreve edotaccent 10\nKPX gbreve egrave 10\nKPX gbreve emacron 10\nKPX gbreve eogonek 10\nKPX gbreve g -10\nKPX gbreve gbreve -10\nKPX gbreve gcommaaccent -10\nKPX gcommaaccent e 10\nKPX gcommaaccent eacute 10\nKPX gcommaaccent ecaron 10\nKPX gcommaaccent ecircumflex 10\nKPX gcommaaccent edieresis 10\nKPX gcommaaccent edotaccent 10\nKPX gcommaaccent egrave 10\nKPX gcommaaccent emacron 10\nKPX gcommaaccent eogonek 10\nKPX gcommaaccent g -10\nKPX gcommaaccent gbreve -10\nKPX gcommaaccent gcommaaccent -10\nKPX h y -20\nKPX h yacute -20\nKPX h ydieresis -20\nKPX k o -15\nKPX k oacute -15\nKPX k ocircumflex -15\nKPX k odieresis -15\nKPX k ograve -15\nKPX k ohungarumlaut -15\nKPX k omacron -15\nKPX k oslash -15\nKPX k otilde -15\nKPX kcommaaccent o -15\nKPX kcommaaccent oacute -15\nKPX kcommaaccent ocircumflex -15\nKPX kcommaaccent odieresis -15\nKPX kcommaaccent ograve -15\nKPX kcommaaccent ohungarumlaut -15\nKPX kcommaaccent omacron -15\nKPX kcommaaccent oslash -15\nKPX kcommaaccent otilde -15\nKPX l w -15\nKPX l y -15\nKPX l yacute -15\nKPX l ydieresis -15\nKPX lacute w -15\nKPX lacute y -15\nKPX lacute yacute -15\nKPX lacute ydieresis -15\nKPX lcommaaccent w -15\nKPX lcommaaccent y -15\nKPX lcommaaccent yacute -15\nKPX lcommaaccent ydieresis -15\nKPX lslash w -15\nKPX lslash y -15\nKPX lslash yacute -15\nKPX lslash ydieresis -15\nKPX m u -20\nKPX m uacute -20\nKPX m ucircumflex -20\nKPX m udieresis -20\nKPX m ugrave -20\nKPX m uhungarumlaut -20\nKPX m umacron -20\nKPX m uogonek -20\nKPX m uring -20\nKPX m y -30\nKPX m yacute -30\nKPX m ydieresis -30\nKPX n u -10\nKPX n uacute -10\nKPX n ucircumflex -10\nKPX n udieresis -10\nKPX n ugrave -10\nKPX n uhungarumlaut -10\nKPX n umacron -10\nKPX n uogonek -10\nKPX n uring -10\nKPX n v -40\nKPX n y -20\nKPX n yacute -20\nKPX n ydieresis -20\nKPX nacute u -10\nKPX nacute uacute -10\nKPX nacute ucircumflex -10\nKPX nacute udieresis -10\nKPX nacute ugrave -10\nKPX nacute uhungarumlaut -10\nKPX nacute umacron -10\nKPX nacute uogonek -10\nKPX nacute uring -10\nKPX nacute v -40\nKPX nacute y -20\nKPX nacute yacute -20\nKPX nacute ydieresis -20\nKPX ncaron u -10\nKPX ncaron uacute -10\nKPX ncaron ucircumflex -10\nKPX ncaron udieresis -10\nKPX ncaron ugrave -10\nKPX ncaron uhungarumlaut -10\nKPX ncaron umacron -10\nKPX ncaron 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ydieresis -20\nKPX ocircumflex v -20\nKPX ocircumflex w -15\nKPX ocircumflex x -30\nKPX ocircumflex y -20\nKPX ocircumflex yacute -20\nKPX ocircumflex ydieresis -20\nKPX odieresis v -20\nKPX odieresis w -15\nKPX odieresis x -30\nKPX odieresis y -20\nKPX odieresis yacute -20\nKPX odieresis ydieresis -20\nKPX ograve v -20\nKPX ograve w -15\nKPX ograve x -30\nKPX ograve y -20\nKPX ograve yacute -20\nKPX ograve ydieresis -20\nKPX ohungarumlaut v -20\nKPX ohungarumlaut w -15\nKPX ohungarumlaut x -30\nKPX ohungarumlaut y -20\nKPX ohungarumlaut yacute -20\nKPX ohungarumlaut ydieresis -20\nKPX omacron v -20\nKPX omacron w -15\nKPX omacron x -30\nKPX omacron y -20\nKPX omacron yacute -20\nKPX omacron ydieresis -20\nKPX oslash v -20\nKPX oslash w -15\nKPX oslash x -30\nKPX oslash y -20\nKPX oslash yacute -20\nKPX oslash ydieresis -20\nKPX otilde v -20\nKPX otilde w -15\nKPX otilde x -30\nKPX otilde y -20\nKPX otilde yacute -20\nKPX otilde ydieresis -20\nKPX p y -15\nKPX p yacute -15\nKPX p 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B 146 108 554 446 ;\nC 172 ; WX 333 ; N guilsinglleft ; B 137 108 340 446 ;\nC 173 ; WX 333 ; N guilsinglright ; B 111 108 314 446 ;\nC 174 ; WX 500 ; N fi ; B 86 0 587 728 ;\nC 175 ; WX 500 ; N fl ; B 86 0 585 728 ;\nC 177 ; WX 556 ; N endash ; B 51 240 623 313 ;\nC 178 ; WX 556 ; N dagger ; B 135 -159 622 718 ;\nC 179 ; WX 556 ; N daggerdbl ; B 52 -159 623 718 ;\nC 180 ; WX 278 ; N periodcentered ; B 129 190 257 315 ;\nC 182 ; WX 537 ; N paragraph ; B 126 -173 650 718 ;\nC 183 ; WX 350 ; N bullet ; B 91 202 413 517 ;\nC 184 ; WX 222 ; N quotesinglbase ; B 21 -149 180 106 ;\nC 185 ; WX 333 ; N quotedblbase ; B -6 -149 318 106 ;\nC 186 ; WX 333 ; N quotedblright ; B 124 463 448 718 ;\nC 187 ; WX 556 ; N guillemotright ; B 120 108 528 446 ;\nC 188 ; WX 1000 ; N ellipsis ; B 115 0 908 106 ;\nC 189 ; WX 1000 ; N perthousand ; B 88 -19 1029 703 ;\nC 191 ; WX 611 ; N questiondown ; B 85 -201 534 525 ;\nC 193 ; WX 333 ; N grave ; B 170 593 337 734 ;\nC 194 ; WX 333 ; N acute ; B 248 593 475 734 ;\nC 195 ; WX 333 ; N circumflex ; B 147 593 438 734 ;\nC 196 ; WX 333 ; N tilde ; B 125 606 490 722 ;\nC 197 ; WX 333 ; N macron ; B 143 627 468 684 ;\nC 198 ; WX 333 ; N breve ; B 167 595 476 731 ;\nC 199 ; WX 333 ; N dotaccent ; B 249 604 362 706 ;\nC 200 ; WX 333 ; N dieresis ; B 168 604 443 706 ;\nC 202 ; WX 333 ; N ring ; B 214 572 402 756 ;\nC 203 ; WX 333 ; N cedilla ; B 2 -225 232 0 ;\nC 205 ; WX 333 ; N hungarumlaut ; B 157 593 565 734 ;\nC 206 ; WX 333 ; N ogonek ; B 43 -225 249 0 ;\nC 207 ; WX 333 ; N caron ; B 177 593 468 734 ;\nC 208 ; WX 1000 ; N emdash ; B 51 240 1067 313 ;\nC 225 ; WX 1000 ; N AE ; B 8 0 1097 718 ;\nC 227 ; WX 370 ; N ordfeminine ; B 127 405 449 737 ;\nC 232 ; WX 556 ; N Lslash ; B 41 0 555 718 ;\nC 233 ; WX 778 ; N Oslash ; B 43 -19 890 737 ;\nC 234 ; WX 1000 ; N OE ; B 98 -19 1116 737 ;\nC 235 ; WX 365 ; N ordmasculine ; B 141 405 468 737 ;\nC 241 ; WX 889 ; N ae ; B 61 -15 909 538 ;\nC 245 ; WX 278 ; N dotlessi ; B 95 0 294 523 ;\nC 248 ; WX 222 ; N lslash ; B 41 0 347 718 ;\nC 249 ; WX 611 ; N oslash ; B 29 -22 647 545 ;\nC 250 ; WX 944 ; N oe ; B 83 -15 964 538 ;\nC 251 ; WX 611 ; N germandbls ; B 67 -15 658 728 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N Idieresis ; B 91 0 458 901 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N eacute ; B 84 -15 587 734 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N abreve ; B 61 -15 578 731 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N uhungarumlaut ; B 94 -15 677 734 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N ecaron ; B 84 -15 580 734 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Ydieresis ; B 167 0 806 901 ;\nC -1 ; WX 584 ; N divide ; B 85 -19 606 524 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Yacute ; B 167 0 806 929 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Acircumflex ; B 14 0 654 929 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N aacute ; B 61 -15 587 734 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ucircumflex ; B 123 -19 797 929 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N yacute ; B 15 -214 600 734 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N scommaaccent ; B 63 -225 529 538 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N ecircumflex ; B 84 -15 578 734 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Uring ; B 123 -19 797 931 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Udieresis ; B 123 -19 797 901 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N aogonek ; B 61 -220 559 538 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Uacute ; B 123 -19 797 929 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N uogonek ; B 94 -225 600 523 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Edieresis ; B 86 0 762 901 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Dcroat ; B 69 0 764 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 250 ; N commaaccent ; B 39 -225 172 -40 ;\nC -1 ; WX 737 ; N copyright ; B 54 -19 837 737 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Emacron ; B 86 0 762 879 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N ccaron ; B 74 -15 553 734 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N aring ; B 61 -15 559 756 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ncommaaccent ; B 76 -225 799 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 222 ; N lacute ; B 67 0 461 929 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N agrave ; B 61 -15 559 734 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N Tcommaaccent ; B 148 -225 750 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Cacute ; B 108 -19 782 929 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N atilde ; B 61 -15 592 722 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Edotaccent ; B 86 0 762 901 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N scaron ; B 63 -15 552 734 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N scedilla ; B 63 -225 529 538 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N iacute ; B 95 0 448 734 ;\nC -1 ; WX 471 ; N lozenge ; B 88 0 540 728 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Rcaron ; B 88 0 773 929 ;\nC -1 ; WX 778 ; N Gcommaaccent ; B 111 -225 799 737 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N ucircumflex ; B 94 -15 600 734 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N acircumflex ; B 61 -15 559 734 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Amacron ; B 14 0 677 879 ;\nC -1 ; WX 333 ; N rcaron ; B 77 0 508 734 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N ccedilla ; B 74 -225 553 538 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N Zdotaccent ; B 23 0 741 901 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Thorn ; B 86 0 712 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 778 ; N Omacron ; B 105 -19 826 879 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Racute ; B 88 0 773 929 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Sacute ; B 90 -19 713 929 ;\nC -1 ; WX 643 ; N dcaron ; B 84 -15 808 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Umacron ; B 123 -19 797 879 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N uring ; B 94 -15 600 756 ;\nC -1 ; WX 333 ; N threesuperior ; B 90 270 436 703 ;\nC -1 ; WX 778 ; N Ograve ; B 105 -19 826 929 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Agrave ; B 14 0 654 929 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Abreve ; B 14 0 685 926 ;\nC -1 ; WX 584 ; N multiply ; B 50 0 642 506 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N uacute ; B 94 -15 600 734 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N Tcaron ; B 148 0 750 929 ;\nC -1 ; WX 476 ; N partialdiff ; B 41 -38 550 714 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N ydieresis ; B 15 -214 600 706 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Nacute ; B 76 0 799 929 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N icircumflex ; B 95 0 411 734 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Ecircumflex ; B 86 0 762 929 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N adieresis ; B 61 -15 559 706 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N edieresis ; B 84 -15 578 706 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N cacute ; B 74 -15 559 734 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N nacute ; B 65 0 587 734 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N umacron ; B 94 -15 600 684 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ncaron ; B 76 0 799 929 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N Iacute ; B 91 0 489 929 ;\nC -1 ; WX 584 ; N plusminus ; B 39 0 618 506 ;\nC -1 ; WX 260 ; N brokenbar ; B 62 -150 316 700 ;\nC -1 ; WX 737 ; N registered ; B 54 -19 837 737 ;\nC -1 ; WX 778 ; N Gbreve ; B 111 -19 799 926 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N Idotaccent ; B 91 0 377 901 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N summation ; B 15 -10 671 706 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Egrave ; B 86 0 762 929 ;\nC -1 ; WX 333 ; N racute ; B 77 0 475 734 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N omacron ; B 83 -14 585 684 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N Zacute ; B 23 0 741 929 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N Zcaron ; B 23 0 741 929 ;\nC -1 ; WX 549 ; N greaterequal ; B 26 0 620 674 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Eth ; B 69 0 764 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ccedilla ; B 108 -225 782 737 ;\nC -1 ; WX 222 ; N lcommaaccent ; B 25 -225 308 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 317 ; N tcaron ; B 102 -7 501 808 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N eogonek ; B 84 -225 578 538 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Uogonek ; B 123 -225 797 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Aacute ; B 14 0 683 929 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Adieresis ; B 14 0 654 901 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N egrave ; B 84 -15 578 734 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N zacute ; B 31 0 571 734 ;\nC -1 ; WX 222 ; N iogonek ; B -61 -225 308 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 778 ; N Oacute ; B 105 -19 826 929 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N oacute ; B 83 -14 587 734 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N amacron ; B 61 -15 580 684 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N sacute ; B 63 -15 559 734 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N idieresis ; B 95 0 416 706 ;\nC -1 ; WX 778 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 105 -19 826 929 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ugrave ; B 123 -19 797 929 ;\nC -1 ; WX 612 ; N Delta ; B 6 0 608 688 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N thorn ; B 14 -207 584 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 333 ; N twosuperior ; B 64 281 449 703 ;\nC -1 ; WX 778 ; N Odieresis ; B 105 -19 826 901 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N mu ; B 24 -207 600 523 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N igrave ; B 95 0 310 734 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N ohungarumlaut ; B 83 -14 677 734 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Eogonek ; B 86 -220 762 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N dcroat ; B 84 -15 689 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 834 ; N threequarters ; B 130 -19 861 703 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Scedilla ; B 90 -225 713 737 ;\nC -1 ; WX 299 ; N lcaron ; B 67 0 464 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Kcommaaccent ; B 76 -225 808 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N Lacute ; B 76 0 555 929 ;\nC -1 ; WX 1000 ; N trademark ; B 186 306 1056 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N edotaccent ; B 84 -15 578 706 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N Igrave ; B 91 0 351 929 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N Imacron ; B 91 0 483 879 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N Lcaron ; B 76 0 570 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 834 ; N onehalf ; B 114 -19 839 703 ;\nC -1 ; WX 549 ; N lessequal ; B 26 0 666 674 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N ocircumflex ; B 83 -14 585 734 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N ntilde ; B 65 0 592 722 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Uhungarumlaut ; B 123 -19 801 929 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Eacute ; B 86 0 762 929 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N emacron ; B 84 -15 580 684 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N gbreve ; B 42 -220 610 731 ;\nC -1 ; WX 834 ; N onequarter ; B 150 -19 802 703 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Scaron ; B 90 -19 713 929 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Scommaaccent ; B 90 -225 713 737 ;\nC -1 ; WX 778 ; N Ohungarumlaut ; B 105 -19 829 929 ;\nC -1 ; WX 400 ; N degree ; B 169 411 468 703 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N ograve ; B 83 -14 585 734 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ccaron ; B 108 -19 782 929 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N ugrave ; B 94 -15 600 734 ;\nC -1 ; WX 453 ; N radical ; B 79 -80 617 762 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Dcaron ; B 81 0 764 929 ;\nC -1 ; WX 333 ; N rcommaaccent ; B 30 -225 446 538 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ntilde ; B 76 0 799 917 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N otilde ; B 83 -14 602 722 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Rcommaaccent ; B 88 -225 773 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N Lcommaaccent ; B 76 -225 555 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Atilde ; B 14 0 699 917 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Aogonek ; B 14 -225 654 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Aring ; B 14 0 654 931 ;\nC -1 ; WX 778 ; N Otilde ; B 105 -19 826 917 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N zdotaccent ; B 31 0 571 706 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Ecaron ; B 86 0 762 929 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N Iogonek ; B -33 -225 341 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N kcommaaccent ; B 67 -225 600 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 584 ; N minus ; B 85 216 606 289 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N Icircumflex ; B 91 0 452 929 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N ncaron ; B 65 0 580 734 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N tcommaaccent ; B 63 -225 368 669 ;\nC -1 ; WX 584 ; N logicalnot ; B 106 108 628 390 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N odieresis ; B 83 -14 585 706 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N udieresis ; B 94 -15 600 706 ;\nC -1 ; WX 549 ; N notequal ; B 34 -35 623 551 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N gcommaaccent ; B 42 -220 610 822 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N eth ; B 81 -15 617 737 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N zcaron ; B 31 0 571 734 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N ncommaaccent ; B 65 -225 573 538 ;\nC -1 ; WX 333 ; N onesuperior ; B 166 281 371 703 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N imacron ; B 95 0 417 684 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N Euro ; B 0 0 0 0 ;\nEndCharMetrics\nStartKernData\nStartKernPairs 2705\nKPX A C -30\nKPX A Cacute -30\nKPX A Ccaron -30\nKPX A Ccedilla -30\nKPX A G -30\nKPX A Gbreve -30\nKPX A Gcommaaccent -30\nKPX A O -30\nKPX A Oacute -30\nKPX A Ocircumflex -30\nKPX A Odieresis -30\nKPX A Ograve -30\nKPX A Ohungarumlaut -30\nKPX A Omacron -30\nKPX A Oslash -30\nKPX A Otilde -30\nKPX A Q -30\nKPX A T -120\nKPX A Tcaron -120\nKPX A Tcommaaccent -120\nKPX A U -50\nKPX A Uacute -50\nKPX A Ucircumflex -50\nKPX A Udieresis -50\nKPX A Ugrave -50\nKPX A Uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX A Umacron -50\nKPX A Uogonek -50\nKPX A Uring -50\nKPX A V -70\nKPX A W -50\nKPX A Y -100\nKPX A Yacute -100\nKPX A Ydieresis -100\nKPX A u -30\nKPX A uacute -30\nKPX A ucircumflex -30\nKPX A udieresis -30\nKPX A ugrave -30\nKPX A uhungarumlaut -30\nKPX A umacron -30\nKPX A uogonek -30\nKPX A uring -30\nKPX A v -40\nKPX A w -40\nKPX A y -40\nKPX A yacute -40\nKPX A ydieresis -40\nKPX Aacute C -30\nKPX Aacute Cacute -30\nKPX Aacute Ccaron -30\nKPX Aacute Ccedilla -30\nKPX Aacute G -30\nKPX Aacute Gbreve -30\nKPX Aacute Gcommaaccent -30\nKPX Aacute O -30\nKPX Aacute Oacute -30\nKPX Aacute Ocircumflex -30\nKPX Aacute Odieresis -30\nKPX Aacute Ograve -30\nKPX Aacute Ohungarumlaut -30\nKPX Aacute Omacron -30\nKPX Aacute Oslash -30\nKPX Aacute Otilde -30\nKPX Aacute Q -30\nKPX Aacute T -120\nKPX Aacute Tcaron -120\nKPX Aacute Tcommaaccent -120\nKPX Aacute U -50\nKPX Aacute Uacute -50\nKPX Aacute Ucircumflex -50\nKPX Aacute Udieresis -50\nKPX Aacute Ugrave -50\nKPX Aacute Uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Aacute Umacron -50\nKPX Aacute Uogonek -50\nKPX Aacute Uring -50\nKPX Aacute V -70\nKPX Aacute W -50\nKPX Aacute Y -100\nKPX Aacute Yacute -100\nKPX Aacute Ydieresis -100\nKPX Aacute u -30\nKPX Aacute uacute -30\nKPX Aacute ucircumflex -30\nKPX Aacute udieresis -30\nKPX Aacute ugrave -30\nKPX Aacute uhungarumlaut -30\nKPX Aacute umacron -30\nKPX Aacute uogonek -30\nKPX Aacute uring -30\nKPX Aacute v -40\nKPX Aacute w -40\nKPX Aacute y -40\nKPX Aacute yacute -40\nKPX Aacute ydieresis -40\nKPX Abreve C -30\nKPX Abreve Cacute -30\nKPX Abreve Ccaron -30\nKPX Abreve Ccedilla -30\nKPX Abreve G -30\nKPX Abreve Gbreve -30\nKPX Abreve Gcommaaccent -30\nKPX Abreve O -30\nKPX Abreve Oacute -30\nKPX Abreve Ocircumflex -30\nKPX Abreve Odieresis -30\nKPX Abreve Ograve -30\nKPX Abreve Ohungarumlaut -30\nKPX Abreve Omacron -30\nKPX Abreve Oslash -30\nKPX Abreve Otilde -30\nKPX Abreve Q -30\nKPX Abreve T -120\nKPX Abreve Tcaron -120\nKPX Abreve Tcommaaccent -120\nKPX Abreve U -50\nKPX Abreve Uacute -50\nKPX Abreve Ucircumflex -50\nKPX Abreve Udieresis -50\nKPX Abreve Ugrave -50\nKPX Abreve Uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Abreve Umacron -50\nKPX Abreve Uogonek -50\nKPX Abreve Uring -50\nKPX Abreve V -70\nKPX Abreve W -50\nKPX Abreve Y -100\nKPX Abreve Yacute -100\nKPX Abreve Ydieresis -100\nKPX Abreve u -30\nKPX Abreve uacute -30\nKPX Abreve ucircumflex -30\nKPX Abreve udieresis -30\nKPX Abreve ugrave -30\nKPX Abreve uhungarumlaut -30\nKPX Abreve umacron -30\nKPX Abreve uogonek -30\nKPX Abreve uring -30\nKPX Abreve v -40\nKPX Abreve w -40\nKPX Abreve y -40\nKPX Abreve yacute -40\nKPX Abreve ydieresis -40\nKPX Acircumflex C -30\nKPX Acircumflex Cacute -30\nKPX Acircumflex Ccaron -30\nKPX Acircumflex Ccedilla -30\nKPX Acircumflex G -30\nKPX Acircumflex Gbreve -30\nKPX Acircumflex Gcommaaccent -30\nKPX Acircumflex O -30\nKPX Acircumflex Oacute -30\nKPX Acircumflex Ocircumflex -30\nKPX Acircumflex Odieresis -30\nKPX Acircumflex Ograve -30\nKPX Acircumflex Ohungarumlaut -30\nKPX Acircumflex Omacron -30\nKPX Acircumflex Oslash -30\nKPX Acircumflex Otilde -30\nKPX Acircumflex Q -30\nKPX Acircumflex T -120\nKPX Acircumflex Tcaron -120\nKPX Acircumflex Tcommaaccent -120\nKPX Acircumflex U -50\nKPX Acircumflex Uacute -50\nKPX Acircumflex Ucircumflex -50\nKPX Acircumflex Udieresis -50\nKPX Acircumflex Ugrave -50\nKPX Acircumflex Uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Acircumflex Umacron -50\nKPX Acircumflex Uogonek -50\nKPX Acircumflex Uring -50\nKPX Acircumflex V -70\nKPX Acircumflex W -50\nKPX Acircumflex Y -100\nKPX Acircumflex Yacute -100\nKPX Acircumflex Ydieresis -100\nKPX Acircumflex u -30\nKPX Acircumflex uacute -30\nKPX Acircumflex ucircumflex -30\nKPX Acircumflex udieresis -30\nKPX Acircumflex ugrave -30\nKPX Acircumflex uhungarumlaut -30\nKPX Acircumflex umacron -30\nKPX Acircumflex uogonek -30\nKPX Acircumflex uring -30\nKPX Acircumflex v -40\nKPX Acircumflex w -40\nKPX Acircumflex y -40\nKPX Acircumflex yacute -40\nKPX Acircumflex ydieresis -40\nKPX Adieresis C -30\nKPX Adieresis Cacute -30\nKPX Adieresis Ccaron -30\nKPX Adieresis Ccedilla -30\nKPX Adieresis G -30\nKPX Adieresis Gbreve -30\nKPX Adieresis Gcommaaccent -30\nKPX Adieresis O -30\nKPX Adieresis Oacute -30\nKPX Adieresis Ocircumflex -30\nKPX Adieresis Odieresis -30\nKPX Adieresis Ograve -30\nKPX Adieresis Ohungarumlaut -30\nKPX Adieresis Omacron -30\nKPX Adieresis Oslash -30\nKPX Adieresis Otilde -30\nKPX Adieresis Q -30\nKPX Adieresis T -120\nKPX Adieresis Tcaron -120\nKPX Adieresis Tcommaaccent -120\nKPX Adieresis U -50\nKPX Adieresis Uacute -50\nKPX Adieresis Ucircumflex -50\nKPX Adieresis Udieresis -50\nKPX Adieresis Ugrave -50\nKPX Adieresis Uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Adieresis Umacron -50\nKPX Adieresis Uogonek -50\nKPX Adieresis Uring -50\nKPX Adieresis V -70\nKPX Adieresis W -50\nKPX Adieresis Y -100\nKPX Adieresis Yacute -100\nKPX Adieresis Ydieresis -100\nKPX Adieresis u -30\nKPX Adieresis uacute -30\nKPX Adieresis ucircumflex -30\nKPX Adieresis udieresis -30\nKPX Adieresis ugrave -30\nKPX Adieresis uhungarumlaut -30\nKPX Adieresis umacron -30\nKPX Adieresis uogonek -30\nKPX Adieresis uring -30\nKPX Adieresis v -40\nKPX Adieresis w -40\nKPX Adieresis y -40\nKPX Adieresis yacute -40\nKPX Adieresis ydieresis -40\nKPX Agrave C -30\nKPX Agrave Cacute -30\nKPX Agrave Ccaron -30\nKPX Agrave Ccedilla -30\nKPX Agrave G -30\nKPX Agrave Gbreve -30\nKPX Agrave Gcommaaccent -30\nKPX Agrave O -30\nKPX Agrave Oacute -30\nKPX Agrave Ocircumflex -30\nKPX Agrave Odieresis -30\nKPX Agrave Ograve -30\nKPX Agrave Ohungarumlaut -30\nKPX Agrave Omacron -30\nKPX Agrave Oslash -30\nKPX Agrave Otilde -30\nKPX Agrave Q -30\nKPX Agrave T -120\nKPX Agrave Tcaron -120\nKPX Agrave Tcommaaccent -120\nKPX Agrave U -50\nKPX Agrave Uacute -50\nKPX Agrave Ucircumflex -50\nKPX Agrave Udieresis -50\nKPX Agrave Ugrave -50\nKPX Agrave Uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Agrave Umacron -50\nKPX Agrave Uogonek -50\nKPX Agrave Uring -50\nKPX Agrave V -70\nKPX Agrave W -50\nKPX Agrave Y -100\nKPX Agrave Yacute -100\nKPX Agrave Ydieresis -100\nKPX Agrave u -30\nKPX Agrave uacute -30\nKPX Agrave ucircumflex -30\nKPX Agrave udieresis -30\nKPX Agrave ugrave -30\nKPX Agrave uhungarumlaut -30\nKPX Agrave umacron -30\nKPX Agrave uogonek -30\nKPX Agrave uring -30\nKPX Agrave v -40\nKPX Agrave w -40\nKPX Agrave y -40\nKPX Agrave yacute -40\nKPX Agrave ydieresis -40\nKPX Amacron C -30\nKPX Amacron Cacute -30\nKPX Amacron Ccaron -30\nKPX Amacron Ccedilla -30\nKPX Amacron G -30\nKPX Amacron Gbreve -30\nKPX Amacron Gcommaaccent -30\nKPX Amacron O -30\nKPX Amacron Oacute -30\nKPX Amacron Ocircumflex -30\nKPX Amacron Odieresis -30\nKPX Amacron Ograve -30\nKPX Amacron Ohungarumlaut -30\nKPX Amacron Omacron -30\nKPX Amacron Oslash -30\nKPX Amacron Otilde -30\nKPX Amacron Q -30\nKPX Amacron T -120\nKPX Amacron Tcaron -120\nKPX Amacron Tcommaaccent -120\nKPX Amacron U -50\nKPX Amacron Uacute -50\nKPX Amacron Ucircumflex -50\nKPX Amacron Udieresis -50\nKPX Amacron Ugrave -50\nKPX Amacron Uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Amacron Umacron -50\nKPX Amacron Uogonek -50\nKPX Amacron Uring -50\nKPX Amacron V -70\nKPX Amacron W -50\nKPX Amacron Y -100\nKPX Amacron Yacute -100\nKPX Amacron Ydieresis -100\nKPX Amacron u -30\nKPX Amacron uacute -30\nKPX Amacron ucircumflex -30\nKPX Amacron udieresis -30\nKPX Amacron ugrave -30\nKPX Amacron uhungarumlaut -30\nKPX Amacron umacron -30\nKPX Amacron uogonek -30\nKPX Amacron uring -30\nKPX Amacron v -40\nKPX Amacron w -40\nKPX Amacron y -40\nKPX Amacron yacute -40\nKPX Amacron ydieresis -40\nKPX Aogonek C -30\nKPX Aogonek Cacute -30\nKPX Aogonek Ccaron -30\nKPX Aogonek Ccedilla -30\nKPX Aogonek G -30\nKPX Aogonek Gbreve -30\nKPX Aogonek Gcommaaccent -30\nKPX Aogonek O -30\nKPX Aogonek Oacute -30\nKPX Aogonek Ocircumflex -30\nKPX Aogonek Odieresis -30\nKPX Aogonek Ograve -30\nKPX Aogonek Ohungarumlaut -30\nKPX Aogonek Omacron -30\nKPX Aogonek Oslash -30\nKPX Aogonek Otilde -30\nKPX Aogonek Q -30\nKPX Aogonek T -120\nKPX Aogonek Tcaron -120\nKPX Aogonek Tcommaaccent -120\nKPX Aogonek U -50\nKPX Aogonek Uacute -50\nKPX Aogonek Ucircumflex -50\nKPX Aogonek Udieresis -50\nKPX Aogonek Ugrave -50\nKPX Aogonek Uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Aogonek Umacron -50\nKPX Aogonek Uogonek -50\nKPX Aogonek Uring -50\nKPX Aogonek V -70\nKPX Aogonek W -50\nKPX Aogonek Y -100\nKPX Aogonek Yacute -100\nKPX Aogonek Ydieresis -100\nKPX Aogonek u -30\nKPX Aogonek uacute -30\nKPX Aogonek ucircumflex -30\nKPX Aogonek udieresis -30\nKPX Aogonek ugrave -30\nKPX Aogonek uhungarumlaut -30\nKPX Aogonek umacron -30\nKPX Aogonek uogonek -30\nKPX Aogonek uring -30\nKPX Aogonek v -40\nKPX Aogonek w -40\nKPX Aogonek y -40\nKPX Aogonek yacute -40\nKPX Aogonek ydieresis -40\nKPX Aring C -30\nKPX Aring Cacute -30\nKPX Aring Ccaron -30\nKPX Aring Ccedilla -30\nKPX Aring G -30\nKPX Aring Gbreve -30\nKPX Aring Gcommaaccent -30\nKPX Aring O -30\nKPX Aring Oacute -30\nKPX Aring Ocircumflex -30\nKPX Aring Odieresis -30\nKPX Aring Ograve -30\nKPX Aring Ohungarumlaut -30\nKPX Aring Omacron -30\nKPX Aring Oslash -30\nKPX Aring Otilde -30\nKPX Aring Q -30\nKPX Aring T -120\nKPX Aring Tcaron -120\nKPX Aring Tcommaaccent -120\nKPX Aring U -50\nKPX Aring Uacute -50\nKPX Aring Ucircumflex -50\nKPX Aring Udieresis -50\nKPX Aring Ugrave -50\nKPX Aring Uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Aring Umacron -50\nKPX Aring Uogonek -50\nKPX Aring Uring -50\nKPX Aring V -70\nKPX Aring W -50\nKPX Aring Y -100\nKPX Aring Yacute -100\nKPX Aring Ydieresis -100\nKPX Aring u -30\nKPX Aring uacute -30\nKPX Aring ucircumflex -30\nKPX Aring udieresis -30\nKPX Aring ugrave -30\nKPX Aring uhungarumlaut -30\nKPX Aring umacron -30\nKPX Aring uogonek -30\nKPX Aring uring -30\nKPX Aring v -40\nKPX Aring w -40\nKPX Aring y -40\nKPX Aring yacute -40\nKPX Aring ydieresis -40\nKPX Atilde C -30\nKPX Atilde Cacute -30\nKPX Atilde Ccaron -30\nKPX Atilde Ccedilla -30\nKPX Atilde G -30\nKPX Atilde Gbreve -30\nKPX Atilde Gcommaaccent -30\nKPX Atilde O -30\nKPX Atilde Oacute -30\nKPX Atilde Ocircumflex -30\nKPX Atilde Odieresis -30\nKPX Atilde Ograve -30\nKPX Atilde Ohungarumlaut -30\nKPX Atilde Omacron -30\nKPX Atilde Oslash -30\nKPX Atilde Otilde -30\nKPX Atilde Q -30\nKPX Atilde T -120\nKPX Atilde Tcaron -120\nKPX Atilde Tcommaaccent -120\nKPX Atilde U -50\nKPX Atilde Uacute -50\nKPX Atilde Ucircumflex -50\nKPX Atilde Udieresis -50\nKPX Atilde Ugrave -50\nKPX Atilde Uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Atilde Umacron -50\nKPX Atilde Uogonek -50\nKPX Atilde Uring -50\nKPX Atilde V -70\nKPX Atilde W -50\nKPX Atilde Y -100\nKPX Atilde Yacute -100\nKPX Atilde Ydieresis -100\nKPX Atilde u -30\nKPX Atilde uacute -30\nKPX Atilde ucircumflex -30\nKPX Atilde udieresis -30\nKPX Atilde ugrave -30\nKPX Atilde uhungarumlaut -30\nKPX Atilde umacron -30\nKPX Atilde uogonek -30\nKPX Atilde uring -30\nKPX Atilde v -40\nKPX Atilde w -40\nKPX Atilde y -40\nKPX Atilde yacute -40\nKPX Atilde ydieresis -40\nKPX B U -10\nKPX B Uacute -10\nKPX B Ucircumflex -10\nKPX B Udieresis -10\nKPX B Ugrave -10\nKPX B Uhungarumlaut -10\nKPX B Umacron -10\nKPX B Uogonek -10\nKPX B Uring -10\nKPX B comma -20\nKPX B period -20\nKPX C comma -30\nKPX C period -30\nKPX Cacute comma -30\nKPX Cacute period -30\nKPX Ccaron comma -30\nKPX Ccaron period -30\nKPX Ccedilla comma -30\nKPX Ccedilla period -30\nKPX D A -40\nKPX D Aacute -40\nKPX D Abreve -40\nKPX D Acircumflex -40\nKPX D Adieresis -40\nKPX D Agrave -40\nKPX D Amacron -40\nKPX D Aogonek -40\nKPX D Aring -40\nKPX D Atilde -40\nKPX D V -70\nKPX D W -40\nKPX D Y -90\nKPX D Yacute -90\nKPX D Ydieresis -90\nKPX D comma -70\nKPX D period -70\nKPX Dcaron A -40\nKPX Dcaron Aacute -40\nKPX Dcaron Abreve -40\nKPX Dcaron Acircumflex -40\nKPX Dcaron Adieresis -40\nKPX Dcaron Agrave -40\nKPX Dcaron Amacron -40\nKPX Dcaron Aogonek -40\nKPX Dcaron Aring -40\nKPX Dcaron Atilde -40\nKPX Dcaron V -70\nKPX Dcaron W -40\nKPX Dcaron Y -90\nKPX Dcaron Yacute -90\nKPX Dcaron Ydieresis -90\nKPX Dcaron comma -70\nKPX Dcaron period -70\nKPX Dcroat A -40\nKPX Dcroat Aacute -40\nKPX Dcroat Abreve -40\nKPX Dcroat Acircumflex -40\nKPX Dcroat Adieresis -40\nKPX Dcroat Agrave -40\nKPX Dcroat Amacron -40\nKPX Dcroat Aogonek -40\nKPX Dcroat Aring -40\nKPX Dcroat Atilde -40\nKPX Dcroat V -70\nKPX Dcroat W -40\nKPX Dcroat Y -90\nKPX Dcroat Yacute -90\nKPX Dcroat Ydieresis -90\nKPX Dcroat comma -70\nKPX Dcroat period -70\nKPX F A -80\nKPX F Aacute -80\nKPX F Abreve -80\nKPX F Acircumflex -80\nKPX F Adieresis -80\nKPX F Agrave -80\nKPX F Amacron -80\nKPX F Aogonek -80\nKPX F Aring -80\nKPX F Atilde -80\nKPX F a -50\nKPX F aacute -50\nKPX F abreve -50\nKPX F acircumflex -50\nKPX F adieresis -50\nKPX F agrave -50\nKPX F amacron -50\nKPX F aogonek -50\nKPX F aring -50\nKPX F atilde -50\nKPX F comma -150\nKPX F e -30\nKPX F eacute -30\nKPX F ecaron -30\nKPX F ecircumflex -30\nKPX F edieresis -30\nKPX F edotaccent -30\nKPX F egrave -30\nKPX F emacron -30\nKPX F eogonek -30\nKPX F o -30\nKPX F oacute -30\nKPX F ocircumflex -30\nKPX F odieresis -30\nKPX F ograve -30\nKPX F ohungarumlaut -30\nKPX F omacron -30\nKPX F oslash -30\nKPX F otilde -30\nKPX F period -150\nKPX F r -45\nKPX F racute -45\nKPX F rcaron -45\nKPX F rcommaaccent -45\nKPX J A -20\nKPX J Aacute -20\nKPX J Abreve -20\nKPX J Acircumflex -20\nKPX J Adieresis -20\nKPX J Agrave -20\nKPX J Amacron -20\nKPX J Aogonek -20\nKPX J Aring -20\nKPX J Atilde -20\nKPX J a -20\nKPX J aacute -20\nKPX J abreve -20\nKPX J acircumflex -20\nKPX J adieresis -20\nKPX J agrave -20\nKPX J amacron -20\nKPX J aogonek -20\nKPX J aring -20\nKPX J atilde -20\nKPX J comma -30\nKPX J period -30\nKPX J u -20\nKPX J uacute -20\nKPX J ucircumflex -20\nKPX J udieresis -20\nKPX J ugrave -20\nKPX J uhungarumlaut -20\nKPX J umacron -20\nKPX J uogonek -20\nKPX J uring -20\nKPX K O -50\nKPX K Oacute -50\nKPX K Ocircumflex -50\nKPX K Odieresis -50\nKPX K Ograve -50\nKPX K Ohungarumlaut -50\nKPX K Omacron -50\nKPX K Oslash -50\nKPX K Otilde -50\nKPX K e -40\nKPX K eacute -40\nKPX K ecaron -40\nKPX K ecircumflex -40\nKPX K edieresis -40\nKPX K edotaccent -40\nKPX K egrave -40\nKPX K emacron -40\nKPX K eogonek -40\nKPX K o -40\nKPX K oacute -40\nKPX K ocircumflex -40\nKPX K odieresis -40\nKPX K ograve -40\nKPX K ohungarumlaut -40\nKPX K omacron -40\nKPX K oslash -40\nKPX K otilde -40\nKPX K u -30\nKPX K uacute -30\nKPX K ucircumflex -30\nKPX K udieresis -30\nKPX K ugrave -30\nKPX K uhungarumlaut -30\nKPX K umacron -30\nKPX K uogonek -30\nKPX K uring -30\nKPX K y -50\nKPX K yacute -50\nKPX K ydieresis -50\nKPX Kcommaaccent O -50\nKPX Kcommaaccent Oacute -50\nKPX Kcommaaccent Ocircumflex -50\nKPX Kcommaaccent Odieresis -50\nKPX Kcommaaccent Ograve -50\nKPX Kcommaaccent Ohungarumlaut -50\nKPX Kcommaaccent Omacron -50\nKPX Kcommaaccent Oslash -50\nKPX Kcommaaccent Otilde -50\nKPX Kcommaaccent e -40\nKPX Kcommaaccent eacute -40\nKPX Kcommaaccent ecaron -40\nKPX Kcommaaccent ecircumflex -40\nKPX Kcommaaccent edieresis -40\nKPX Kcommaaccent edotaccent -40\nKPX Kcommaaccent egrave -40\nKPX Kcommaaccent emacron -40\nKPX Kcommaaccent eogonek -40\nKPX Kcommaaccent o -40\nKPX Kcommaaccent oacute -40\nKPX Kcommaaccent ocircumflex -40\nKPX Kcommaaccent odieresis -40\nKPX Kcommaaccent ograve -40\nKPX Kcommaaccent ohungarumlaut -40\nKPX Kcommaaccent omacron -40\nKPX Kcommaaccent oslash -40\nKPX Kcommaaccent otilde -40\nKPX Kcommaaccent u -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent uacute -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent ucircumflex -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent udieresis -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent ugrave -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent uhungarumlaut -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent umacron -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent uogonek -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent uring -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent y -50\nKPX Kcommaaccent yacute -50\nKPX Kcommaaccent ydieresis -50\nKPX L T -110\nKPX L Tcaron -110\nKPX L Tcommaaccent -110\nKPX L V -110\nKPX L W -70\nKPX L Y -140\nKPX L Yacute -140\nKPX L Ydieresis -140\nKPX L quotedblright -140\nKPX L quoteright -160\nKPX L y -30\nKPX L yacute -30\nKPX L ydieresis -30\nKPX Lacute T -110\nKPX Lacute Tcaron -110\nKPX Lacute Tcommaaccent -110\nKPX Lacute V -110\nKPX Lacute W -70\nKPX Lacute Y -140\nKPX Lacute Yacute -140\nKPX Lacute Ydieresis -140\nKPX Lacute quotedblright -140\nKPX Lacute quoteright -160\nKPX Lacute y -30\nKPX Lacute yacute -30\nKPX Lacute ydieresis -30\nKPX Lcaron T -110\nKPX Lcaron Tcaron -110\nKPX Lcaron Tcommaaccent -110\nKPX Lcaron V -110\nKPX Lcaron W -70\nKPX Lcaron Y -140\nKPX Lcaron Yacute -140\nKPX Lcaron Ydieresis -140\nKPX Lcaron quotedblright -140\nKPX Lcaron quoteright -160\nKPX Lcaron y -30\nKPX Lcaron yacute -30\nKPX Lcaron ydieresis -30\nKPX Lcommaaccent T -110\nKPX Lcommaaccent Tcaron -110\nKPX Lcommaaccent Tcommaaccent -110\nKPX Lcommaaccent V -110\nKPX Lcommaaccent W -70\nKPX Lcommaaccent Y -140\nKPX Lcommaaccent Yacute -140\nKPX Lcommaaccent Ydieresis -140\nKPX Lcommaaccent quotedblright -140\nKPX Lcommaaccent quoteright -160\nKPX Lcommaaccent y -30\nKPX Lcommaaccent yacute -30\nKPX Lcommaaccent ydieresis -30\nKPX Lslash T -110\nKPX Lslash Tcaron -110\nKPX Lslash Tcommaaccent -110\nKPX Lslash V -110\nKPX Lslash W -70\nKPX Lslash Y -140\nKPX Lslash Yacute -140\nKPX Lslash Ydieresis -140\nKPX Lslash quotedblright -140\nKPX Lslash quoteright -160\nKPX Lslash y -30\nKPX Lslash yacute -30\nKPX Lslash ydieresis -30\nKPX O A -20\nKPX O Aacute -20\nKPX O Abreve -20\nKPX O Acircumflex -20\nKPX O Adieresis -20\nKPX O Agrave -20\nKPX O Amacron -20\nKPX O Aogonek -20\nKPX O Aring -20\nKPX O Atilde -20\nKPX O T -40\nKPX O Tcaron -40\nKPX O Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX O V -50\nKPX O W -30\nKPX O X -60\nKPX O Y -70\nKPX O Yacute -70\nKPX O Ydieresis -70\nKPX O comma -40\nKPX O period -40\nKPX Oacute A -20\nKPX Oacute Aacute -20\nKPX Oacute Abreve -20\nKPX Oacute Acircumflex -20\nKPX Oacute Adieresis -20\nKPX Oacute Agrave -20\nKPX Oacute Amacron -20\nKPX Oacute Aogonek -20\nKPX Oacute Aring -20\nKPX Oacute Atilde -20\nKPX Oacute T -40\nKPX Oacute Tcaron -40\nKPX Oacute Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX Oacute V -50\nKPX Oacute W -30\nKPX Oacute X -60\nKPX Oacute Y -70\nKPX Oacute Yacute -70\nKPX Oacute Ydieresis -70\nKPX Oacute comma -40\nKPX Oacute period -40\nKPX Ocircumflex A -20\nKPX Ocircumflex Aacute -20\nKPX Ocircumflex Abreve -20\nKPX Ocircumflex Acircumflex -20\nKPX Ocircumflex Adieresis -20\nKPX Ocircumflex Agrave -20\nKPX Ocircumflex Amacron -20\nKPX Ocircumflex Aogonek -20\nKPX Ocircumflex Aring -20\nKPX Ocircumflex Atilde -20\nKPX Ocircumflex T -40\nKPX Ocircumflex Tcaron -40\nKPX Ocircumflex Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX Ocircumflex V -50\nKPX Ocircumflex W -30\nKPX Ocircumflex X -60\nKPX Ocircumflex Y -70\nKPX Ocircumflex Yacute -70\nKPX Ocircumflex Ydieresis -70\nKPX Ocircumflex comma -40\nKPX Ocircumflex period -40\nKPX Odieresis A -20\nKPX Odieresis Aacute -20\nKPX Odieresis Abreve -20\nKPX Odieresis Acircumflex -20\nKPX Odieresis Adieresis -20\nKPX Odieresis Agrave -20\nKPX Odieresis Amacron -20\nKPX Odieresis Aogonek -20\nKPX Odieresis Aring -20\nKPX Odieresis Atilde -20\nKPX Odieresis T -40\nKPX Odieresis Tcaron -40\nKPX Odieresis Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX Odieresis V -50\nKPX Odieresis W -30\nKPX Odieresis X -60\nKPX Odieresis Y -70\nKPX Odieresis Yacute -70\nKPX Odieresis Ydieresis -70\nKPX Odieresis comma -40\nKPX Odieresis period -40\nKPX Ograve A -20\nKPX Ograve Aacute -20\nKPX Ograve Abreve -20\nKPX Ograve Acircumflex -20\nKPX Ograve Adieresis -20\nKPX Ograve Agrave -20\nKPX Ograve Amacron -20\nKPX Ograve Aogonek -20\nKPX Ograve Aring -20\nKPX Ograve Atilde -20\nKPX Ograve T -40\nKPX Ograve Tcaron -40\nKPX Ograve Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX Ograve V -50\nKPX Ograve W -30\nKPX Ograve X -60\nKPX Ograve Y -70\nKPX Ograve Yacute -70\nKPX Ograve Ydieresis -70\nKPX Ograve comma -40\nKPX Ograve period -40\nKPX Ohungarumlaut A -20\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Aacute -20\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Abreve -20\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Acircumflex -20\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Adieresis -20\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Agrave -20\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Amacron -20\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Aogonek -20\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Aring -20\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Atilde -20\nKPX Ohungarumlaut T -40\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Tcaron -40\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX Ohungarumlaut V -50\nKPX Ohungarumlaut W -30\nKPX Ohungarumlaut X -60\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Y -70\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Yacute -70\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Ydieresis -70\nKPX Ohungarumlaut comma -40\nKPX Ohungarumlaut period -40\nKPX Omacron A -20\nKPX Omacron Aacute -20\nKPX Omacron Abreve -20\nKPX Omacron Acircumflex -20\nKPX Omacron Adieresis -20\nKPX Omacron Agrave -20\nKPX Omacron Amacron -20\nKPX Omacron Aogonek -20\nKPX Omacron Aring -20\nKPX Omacron Atilde -20\nKPX Omacron T -40\nKPX Omacron Tcaron -40\nKPX Omacron Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX Omacron V -50\nKPX Omacron W -30\nKPX Omacron X -60\nKPX Omacron Y -70\nKPX Omacron Yacute -70\nKPX Omacron Ydieresis -70\nKPX Omacron comma -40\nKPX Omacron period -40\nKPX Oslash A -20\nKPX Oslash Aacute -20\nKPX Oslash Abreve -20\nKPX Oslash Acircumflex -20\nKPX Oslash Adieresis -20\nKPX Oslash Agrave -20\nKPX Oslash Amacron -20\nKPX Oslash Aogonek -20\nKPX Oslash Aring -20\nKPX Oslash Atilde -20\nKPX Oslash T -40\nKPX Oslash Tcaron -40\nKPX Oslash Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX Oslash V -50\nKPX Oslash W -30\nKPX Oslash X -60\nKPX Oslash Y -70\nKPX Oslash Yacute -70\nKPX Oslash Ydieresis -70\nKPX Oslash comma -40\nKPX Oslash period -40\nKPX Otilde A -20\nKPX Otilde Aacute -20\nKPX Otilde Abreve -20\nKPX Otilde Acircumflex -20\nKPX Otilde Adieresis -20\nKPX Otilde Agrave -20\nKPX Otilde Amacron -20\nKPX Otilde Aogonek -20\nKPX Otilde Aring -20\nKPX Otilde Atilde -20\nKPX Otilde T -40\nKPX Otilde Tcaron -40\nKPX Otilde Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX Otilde V -50\nKPX Otilde W -30\nKPX Otilde X -60\nKPX Otilde Y -70\nKPX Otilde Yacute -70\nKPX Otilde Ydieresis -70\nKPX Otilde comma -40\nKPX Otilde period -40\nKPX P A -120\nKPX P Aacute -120\nKPX P Abreve -120\nKPX P Acircumflex -120\nKPX P Adieresis -120\nKPX P Agrave -120\nKPX P Amacron -120\nKPX P Aogonek -120\nKPX P Aring -120\nKPX P Atilde -120\nKPX P a -40\nKPX P aacute -40\nKPX P abreve -40\nKPX P acircumflex -40\nKPX P adieresis -40\nKPX P agrave -40\nKPX P amacron -40\nKPX P aogonek -40\nKPX P aring -40\nKPX P atilde -40\nKPX P comma -180\nKPX P e -50\nKPX P eacute -50\nKPX P ecaron -50\nKPX P ecircumflex -50\nKPX P edieresis -50\nKPX P edotaccent -50\nKPX P egrave -50\nKPX P emacron -50\nKPX P eogonek -50\nKPX P o -50\nKPX P oacute -50\nKPX P ocircumflex -50\nKPX P odieresis -50\nKPX P ograve -50\nKPX P ohungarumlaut -50\nKPX P omacron -50\nKPX P oslash -50\nKPX P otilde -50\nKPX P period -180\nKPX Q U -10\nKPX Q Uacute -10\nKPX Q Ucircumflex -10\nKPX Q Udieresis -10\nKPX Q Ugrave -10\nKPX Q Uhungarumlaut -10\nKPX Q Umacron -10\nKPX Q Uogonek -10\nKPX Q Uring -10\nKPX R O -20\nKPX R Oacute -20\nKPX R Ocircumflex -20\nKPX R Odieresis -20\nKPX R Ograve -20\nKPX R Ohungarumlaut -20\nKPX R Omacron -20\nKPX R Oslash -20\nKPX R Otilde -20\nKPX R T -30\nKPX R Tcaron -30\nKPX R Tcommaaccent -30\nKPX R U -40\nKPX R Uacute -40\nKPX R Ucircumflex -40\nKPX R Udieresis -40\nKPX R Ugrave -40\nKPX R Uhungarumlaut -40\nKPX R Umacron -40\nKPX R Uogonek -40\nKPX R Uring -40\nKPX R V -50\nKPX R W -30\nKPX R Y -50\nKPX R Yacute -50\nKPX R Ydieresis -50\nKPX Racute O -20\nKPX Racute Oacute -20\nKPX Racute Ocircumflex -20\nKPX Racute Odieresis -20\nKPX Racute Ograve -20\nKPX Racute Ohungarumlaut -20\nKPX Racute Omacron -20\nKPX Racute Oslash -20\nKPX Racute Otilde -20\nKPX Racute T -30\nKPX Racute Tcaron -30\nKPX Racute Tcommaaccent -30\nKPX Racute U -40\nKPX Racute Uacute -40\nKPX Racute Ucircumflex -40\nKPX Racute Udieresis -40\nKPX Racute Ugrave -40\nKPX Racute Uhungarumlaut -40\nKPX Racute Umacron -40\nKPX Racute Uogonek -40\nKPX Racute Uring -40\nKPX Racute V -50\nKPX Racute W -30\nKPX Racute Y -50\nKPX Racute Yacute -50\nKPX Racute Ydieresis -50\nKPX Rcaron O -20\nKPX Rcaron Oacute -20\nKPX Rcaron Ocircumflex -20\nKPX Rcaron Odieresis -20\nKPX Rcaron Ograve -20\nKPX Rcaron Ohungarumlaut -20\nKPX Rcaron Omacron -20\nKPX Rcaron Oslash -20\nKPX Rcaron Otilde -20\nKPX Rcaron T -30\nKPX Rcaron Tcaron -30\nKPX Rcaron Tcommaaccent -30\nKPX Rcaron U -40\nKPX Rcaron Uacute -40\nKPX Rcaron Ucircumflex -40\nKPX Rcaron Udieresis -40\nKPX Rcaron Ugrave -40\nKPX Rcaron Uhungarumlaut -40\nKPX Rcaron Umacron -40\nKPX Rcaron Uogonek -40\nKPX Rcaron Uring -40\nKPX Rcaron V -50\nKPX Rcaron W -30\nKPX Rcaron Y -50\nKPX Rcaron Yacute -50\nKPX Rcaron Ydieresis -50\nKPX Rcommaaccent O -20\nKPX Rcommaaccent Oacute -20\nKPX Rcommaaccent Ocircumflex -20\nKPX Rcommaaccent Odieresis -20\nKPX Rcommaaccent Ograve -20\nKPX Rcommaaccent Ohungarumlaut -20\nKPX Rcommaaccent Omacron -20\nKPX Rcommaaccent Oslash -20\nKPX Rcommaaccent Otilde -20\nKPX Rcommaaccent T -30\nKPX Rcommaaccent Tcaron -30\nKPX Rcommaaccent Tcommaaccent -30\nKPX Rcommaaccent U -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent Uacute -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent Ucircumflex -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent Udieresis -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent Ugrave -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent Uhungarumlaut -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent Umacron -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent Uogonek -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent Uring -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent V -50\nKPX Rcommaaccent W -30\nKPX Rcommaaccent Y -50\nKPX Rcommaaccent Yacute -50\nKPX Rcommaaccent Ydieresis -50\nKPX S comma -20\nKPX S period -20\nKPX Sacute comma -20\nKPX Sacute period -20\nKPX Scaron comma -20\nKPX Scaron period -20\nKPX Scedilla comma -20\nKPX Scedilla period -20\nKPX Scommaaccent comma -20\nKPX Scommaaccent period -20\nKPX T A -120\nKPX T Aacute -120\nKPX T Abreve -120\nKPX T Acircumflex -120\nKPX T Adieresis -120\nKPX T Agrave -120\nKPX T Amacron -120\nKPX T Aogonek -120\nKPX T Aring -120\nKPX T Atilde -120\nKPX T O -40\nKPX T Oacute -40\nKPX T Ocircumflex -40\nKPX T Odieresis -40\nKPX T Ograve -40\nKPX T Ohungarumlaut -40\nKPX T Omacron -40\nKPX T Oslash -40\nKPX T Otilde -40\nKPX T a -120\nKPX T aacute -120\nKPX T abreve -60\nKPX T acircumflex -120\nKPX T adieresis -120\nKPX T agrave -120\nKPX T amacron -60\nKPX T aogonek -120\nKPX T aring -120\nKPX T atilde -60\nKPX T colon -20\nKPX T comma -120\nKPX T e -120\nKPX T eacute -120\nKPX T ecaron -120\nKPX T ecircumflex -120\nKPX T edieresis -120\nKPX T edotaccent -120\nKPX T egrave -60\nKPX T emacron -60\nKPX T eogonek -120\nKPX T hyphen -140\nKPX T o -120\nKPX T oacute -120\nKPX T ocircumflex -120\nKPX T odieresis -120\nKPX T ograve -120\nKPX T ohungarumlaut -120\nKPX T omacron -60\nKPX T oslash -120\nKPX T otilde -60\nKPX T period -120\nKPX T r -120\nKPX T racute -120\nKPX T rcaron -120\nKPX T rcommaaccent -120\nKPX T semicolon -20\nKPX T u -120\nKPX T uacute -120\nKPX T ucircumflex -120\nKPX T udieresis -120\nKPX T ugrave -120\nKPX T uhungarumlaut -120\nKPX T umacron -60\nKPX T uogonek -120\nKPX T uring -120\nKPX T w -120\nKPX T y -120\nKPX T yacute -120\nKPX T ydieresis -60\nKPX Tcaron A -120\nKPX Tcaron Aacute -120\nKPX Tcaron Abreve -120\nKPX Tcaron Acircumflex -120\nKPX Tcaron Adieresis -120\nKPX Tcaron Agrave -120\nKPX Tcaron Amacron -120\nKPX Tcaron Aogonek -120\nKPX Tcaron Aring -120\nKPX Tcaron Atilde -120\nKPX Tcaron O -40\nKPX Tcaron Oacute -40\nKPX Tcaron Ocircumflex -40\nKPX Tcaron Odieresis -40\nKPX Tcaron Ograve -40\nKPX Tcaron Ohungarumlaut -40\nKPX Tcaron Omacron -40\nKPX Tcaron Oslash -40\nKPX Tcaron Otilde -40\nKPX Tcaron a -120\nKPX Tcaron aacute -120\nKPX Tcaron abreve -60\nKPX Tcaron acircumflex -120\nKPX Tcaron adieresis -120\nKPX Tcaron agrave -120\nKPX Tcaron amacron -60\nKPX Tcaron aogonek -120\nKPX Tcaron aring -120\nKPX Tcaron atilde -60\nKPX Tcaron colon -20\nKPX Tcaron comma -120\nKPX Tcaron e -120\nKPX Tcaron eacute -120\nKPX Tcaron ecaron -120\nKPX Tcaron ecircumflex -120\nKPX Tcaron edieresis -120\nKPX Tcaron edotaccent -120\nKPX Tcaron egrave -60\nKPX Tcaron emacron -60\nKPX Tcaron eogonek -120\nKPX Tcaron hyphen -140\nKPX Tcaron o -120\nKPX Tcaron oacute -120\nKPX Tcaron ocircumflex -120\nKPX Tcaron odieresis -120\nKPX Tcaron ograve -120\nKPX Tcaron ohungarumlaut -120\nKPX Tcaron omacron -60\nKPX Tcaron oslash -120\nKPX Tcaron otilde -60\nKPX Tcaron period -120\nKPX Tcaron r -120\nKPX Tcaron racute -120\nKPX Tcaron rcaron -120\nKPX Tcaron rcommaaccent -120\nKPX Tcaron semicolon -20\nKPX Tcaron u -120\nKPX Tcaron uacute -120\nKPX Tcaron ucircumflex -120\nKPX Tcaron udieresis -120\nKPX Tcaron ugrave -120\nKPX Tcaron uhungarumlaut -120\nKPX Tcaron umacron -60\nKPX Tcaron uogonek -120\nKPX Tcaron uring -120\nKPX Tcaron w -120\nKPX Tcaron y -120\nKPX Tcaron yacute -120\nKPX Tcaron ydieresis -60\nKPX Tcommaaccent A -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent Aacute -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent Abreve -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent Acircumflex -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent Adieresis -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent Agrave -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent Amacron -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent Aogonek -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent Aring -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent Atilde -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent O -40\nKPX Tcommaaccent Oacute -40\nKPX Tcommaaccent Ocircumflex -40\nKPX Tcommaaccent Odieresis -40\nKPX Tcommaaccent Ograve -40\nKPX Tcommaaccent Ohungarumlaut -40\nKPX Tcommaaccent Omacron -40\nKPX Tcommaaccent Oslash -40\nKPX Tcommaaccent Otilde -40\nKPX Tcommaaccent a -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent aacute -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent abreve -60\nKPX Tcommaaccent acircumflex -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent adieresis -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent agrave -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent amacron -60\nKPX Tcommaaccent aogonek -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent aring -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent atilde -60\nKPX Tcommaaccent colon -20\nKPX Tcommaaccent comma -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent e -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent eacute -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent ecaron -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent ecircumflex -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent edieresis -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent edotaccent -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent egrave -60\nKPX Tcommaaccent emacron -60\nKPX Tcommaaccent eogonek -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent hyphen -140\nKPX Tcommaaccent o -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent oacute -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent ocircumflex -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent odieresis -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent ograve -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent ohungarumlaut -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent omacron -60\nKPX Tcommaaccent oslash -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent otilde -60\nKPX Tcommaaccent period -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent r -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent racute -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent rcaron -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent rcommaaccent -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent semicolon -20\nKPX Tcommaaccent u -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent uacute -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent ucircumflex -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent udieresis -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent ugrave -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent uhungarumlaut -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent umacron -60\nKPX Tcommaaccent uogonek -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent uring -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent w -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent y -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent yacute -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent ydieresis -60\nKPX U A -40\nKPX U Aacute -40\nKPX U Abreve -40\nKPX U Acircumflex -40\nKPX U Adieresis -40\nKPX U Agrave -40\nKPX U Amacron -40\nKPX U Aogonek -40\nKPX U Aring -40\nKPX U Atilde -40\nKPX U comma -40\nKPX U period -40\nKPX Uacute A -40\nKPX Uacute Aacute -40\nKPX Uacute Abreve -40\nKPX Uacute Acircumflex -40\nKPX Uacute Adieresis -40\nKPX Uacute Agrave -40\nKPX Uacute Amacron -40\nKPX Uacute Aogonek -40\nKPX Uacute Aring -40\nKPX Uacute Atilde -40\nKPX Uacute comma -40\nKPX Uacute period -40\nKPX Ucircumflex A -40\nKPX Ucircumflex Aacute -40\nKPX Ucircumflex Abreve -40\nKPX Ucircumflex Acircumflex -40\nKPX Ucircumflex Adieresis -40\nKPX Ucircumflex Agrave -40\nKPX Ucircumflex Amacron -40\nKPX Ucircumflex Aogonek -40\nKPX Ucircumflex Aring -40\nKPX Ucircumflex Atilde -40\nKPX Ucircumflex comma -40\nKPX Ucircumflex period -40\nKPX Udieresis A -40\nKPX Udieresis Aacute -40\nKPX Udieresis Abreve -40\nKPX Udieresis Acircumflex -40\nKPX Udieresis Adieresis -40\nKPX Udieresis Agrave -40\nKPX Udieresis Amacron -40\nKPX Udieresis Aogonek -40\nKPX Udieresis Aring -40\nKPX Udieresis Atilde -40\nKPX Udieresis comma -40\nKPX Udieresis period -40\nKPX Ugrave A -40\nKPX Ugrave Aacute -40\nKPX Ugrave Abreve -40\nKPX Ugrave Acircumflex -40\nKPX Ugrave Adieresis -40\nKPX Ugrave Agrave -40\nKPX Ugrave Amacron -40\nKPX Ugrave Aogonek -40\nKPX Ugrave Aring -40\nKPX Ugrave Atilde -40\nKPX Ugrave comma -40\nKPX Ugrave period -40\nKPX Uhungarumlaut A -40\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Aacute -40\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Abreve -40\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Acircumflex -40\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Adieresis -40\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Agrave -40\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Amacron -40\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Aogonek -40\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Aring -40\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Atilde -40\nKPX Uhungarumlaut comma -40\nKPX Uhungarumlaut period -40\nKPX Umacron A -40\nKPX Umacron Aacute -40\nKPX Umacron Abreve -40\nKPX Umacron Acircumflex -40\nKPX Umacron Adieresis -40\nKPX Umacron Agrave -40\nKPX Umacron Amacron -40\nKPX Umacron Aogonek -40\nKPX Umacron Aring -40\nKPX Umacron Atilde -40\nKPX Umacron comma -40\nKPX Umacron period -40\nKPX Uogonek A -40\nKPX Uogonek Aacute -40\nKPX Uogonek Abreve -40\nKPX Uogonek Acircumflex -40\nKPX Uogonek Adieresis -40\nKPX Uogonek Agrave -40\nKPX Uogonek Amacron -40\nKPX Uogonek Aogonek -40\nKPX Uogonek Aring -40\nKPX Uogonek Atilde -40\nKPX Uogonek comma -40\nKPX Uogonek period -40\nKPX Uring A -40\nKPX Uring Aacute -40\nKPX Uring Abreve -40\nKPX Uring Acircumflex -40\nKPX Uring Adieresis -40\nKPX Uring Agrave -40\nKPX Uring Amacron -40\nKPX Uring Aogonek -40\nKPX Uring Aring -40\nKPX Uring Atilde -40\nKPX Uring comma -40\nKPX Uring period -40\nKPX V A -80\nKPX V Aacute -80\nKPX V Abreve -80\nKPX V Acircumflex -80\nKPX V Adieresis -80\nKPX V Agrave -80\nKPX V Amacron -80\nKPX V Aogonek -80\nKPX V Aring -80\nKPX V Atilde -80\nKPX V G -40\nKPX V Gbreve -40\nKPX V Gcommaaccent -40\nKPX V O -40\nKPX V Oacute -40\nKPX V Ocircumflex -40\nKPX V Odieresis -40\nKPX V Ograve -40\nKPX V Ohungarumlaut -40\nKPX V Omacron -40\nKPX V Oslash -40\nKPX V Otilde -40\nKPX V a -70\nKPX V aacute -70\nKPX V abreve -70\nKPX V acircumflex -70\nKPX V adieresis -70\nKPX V agrave -70\nKPX V amacron -70\nKPX V aogonek -70\nKPX V aring -70\nKPX V atilde -70\nKPX V colon -40\nKPX V comma -125\nKPX V e -80\nKPX V eacute -80\nKPX V ecaron -80\nKPX V ecircumflex -80\nKPX V edieresis -80\nKPX V edotaccent -80\nKPX V egrave -80\nKPX V emacron -80\nKPX V eogonek -80\nKPX V hyphen -80\nKPX V o -80\nKPX V oacute -80\nKPX V ocircumflex -80\nKPX V odieresis -80\nKPX V ograve -80\nKPX V ohungarumlaut -80\nKPX V omacron -80\nKPX V oslash -80\nKPX V otilde -80\nKPX V period -125\nKPX V semicolon -40\nKPX V u -70\nKPX V uacute -70\nKPX V ucircumflex -70\nKPX V udieresis -70\nKPX V ugrave -70\nKPX V uhungarumlaut -70\nKPX V umacron -70\nKPX V uogonek -70\nKPX V uring -70\nKPX W A -50\nKPX W Aacute -50\nKPX W Abreve -50\nKPX W Acircumflex -50\nKPX W Adieresis -50\nKPX W Agrave -50\nKPX W Amacron -50\nKPX W Aogonek -50\nKPX W Aring -50\nKPX W Atilde -50\nKPX W O -20\nKPX W Oacute -20\nKPX W Ocircumflex -20\nKPX W Odieresis -20\nKPX W Ograve -20\nKPX W Ohungarumlaut -20\nKPX W Omacron -20\nKPX W Oslash -20\nKPX W Otilde -20\nKPX W a -40\nKPX W aacute -40\nKPX W abreve -40\nKPX W acircumflex -40\nKPX W adieresis -40\nKPX W agrave -40\nKPX W amacron -40\nKPX W aogonek -40\nKPX W aring -40\nKPX W atilde -40\nKPX W comma -80\nKPX W e -30\nKPX W eacute -30\nKPX W ecaron -30\nKPX W ecircumflex -30\nKPX W edieresis -30\nKPX W edotaccent -30\nKPX W egrave -30\nKPX W emacron -30\nKPX W eogonek -30\nKPX W hyphen -40\nKPX W o -30\nKPX W oacute -30\nKPX W ocircumflex -30\nKPX W odieresis -30\nKPX W ograve -30\nKPX W ohungarumlaut -30\nKPX W omacron -30\nKPX W oslash -30\nKPX W otilde -30\nKPX W period -80\nKPX W u -30\nKPX W uacute -30\nKPX W ucircumflex -30\nKPX W udieresis -30\nKPX W ugrave -30\nKPX W uhungarumlaut -30\nKPX W umacron -30\nKPX W uogonek -30\nKPX W uring -30\nKPX W y -20\nKPX W yacute -20\nKPX W ydieresis -20\nKPX Y A -110\nKPX Y Aacute -110\nKPX Y Abreve -110\nKPX Y Acircumflex -110\nKPX Y Adieresis -110\nKPX Y Agrave -110\nKPX Y Amacron -110\nKPX Y Aogonek -110\nKPX Y Aring -110\nKPX Y Atilde -110\nKPX Y O -85\nKPX Y Oacute -85\nKPX Y Ocircumflex -85\nKPX Y Odieresis -85\nKPX Y Ograve -85\nKPX Y Ohungarumlaut -85\nKPX Y Omacron -85\nKPX Y Oslash -85\nKPX Y Otilde -85\nKPX Y a -140\nKPX Y aacute -140\nKPX Y abreve -70\nKPX Y acircumflex -140\nKPX Y adieresis -140\nKPX Y agrave -140\nKPX Y amacron -70\nKPX Y aogonek -140\nKPX Y aring -140\nKPX Y atilde -140\nKPX Y colon -60\nKPX Y comma -140\nKPX Y e -140\nKPX Y eacute -140\nKPX Y ecaron -140\nKPX Y ecircumflex -140\nKPX Y edieresis -140\nKPX Y edotaccent -140\nKPX Y egrave -140\nKPX Y emacron -70\nKPX Y eogonek -140\nKPX Y hyphen -140\nKPX Y i -20\nKPX Y iacute -20\nKPX Y iogonek -20\nKPX Y o -140\nKPX Y oacute -140\nKPX Y ocircumflex -140\nKPX Y odieresis -140\nKPX Y ograve -140\nKPX Y ohungarumlaut -140\nKPX Y omacron -140\nKPX Y oslash -140\nKPX Y otilde -140\nKPX Y period -140\nKPX Y semicolon -60\nKPX Y u -110\nKPX Y uacute -110\nKPX Y ucircumflex -110\nKPX Y udieresis -110\nKPX Y ugrave -110\nKPX Y uhungarumlaut -110\nKPX Y umacron -110\nKPX Y uogonek -110\nKPX Y uring -110\nKPX Yacute A -110\nKPX Yacute Aacute -110\nKPX Yacute Abreve -110\nKPX Yacute Acircumflex -110\nKPX Yacute Adieresis -110\nKPX Yacute Agrave -110\nKPX Yacute Amacron -110\nKPX Yacute Aogonek -110\nKPX Yacute Aring -110\nKPX Yacute Atilde -110\nKPX Yacute O -85\nKPX Yacute Oacute -85\nKPX Yacute Ocircumflex -85\nKPX Yacute Odieresis -85\nKPX Yacute Ograve -85\nKPX Yacute Ohungarumlaut -85\nKPX Yacute Omacron -85\nKPX Yacute Oslash -85\nKPX Yacute Otilde -85\nKPX Yacute a -140\nKPX Yacute aacute -140\nKPX Yacute abreve -70\nKPX Yacute acircumflex -140\nKPX Yacute adieresis -140\nKPX Yacute agrave -140\nKPX Yacute amacron -70\nKPX Yacute aogonek -140\nKPX Yacute aring -140\nKPX Yacute atilde -70\nKPX Yacute colon -60\nKPX Yacute comma -140\nKPX Yacute e -140\nKPX Yacute eacute -140\nKPX Yacute ecaron -140\nKPX Yacute ecircumflex -140\nKPX Yacute edieresis -140\nKPX Yacute edotaccent -140\nKPX Yacute egrave -140\nKPX Yacute emacron -70\nKPX Yacute eogonek -140\nKPX Yacute hyphen -140\nKPX Yacute i -20\nKPX Yacute iacute -20\nKPX Yacute iogonek -20\nKPX Yacute o -140\nKPX Yacute oacute -140\nKPX Yacute ocircumflex -140\nKPX Yacute odieresis -140\nKPX Yacute ograve -140\nKPX Yacute ohungarumlaut -140\nKPX Yacute omacron -70\nKPX Yacute oslash -140\nKPX Yacute otilde -140\nKPX Yacute period -140\nKPX Yacute semicolon -60\nKPX Yacute u -110\nKPX Yacute uacute -110\nKPX Yacute ucircumflex -110\nKPX Yacute udieresis -110\nKPX Yacute ugrave -110\nKPX Yacute uhungarumlaut -110\nKPX Yacute umacron -110\nKPX Yacute uogonek -110\nKPX Yacute uring -110\nKPX Ydieresis A -110\nKPX Ydieresis Aacute -110\nKPX Ydieresis Abreve -110\nKPX Ydieresis Acircumflex -110\nKPX Ydieresis Adieresis -110\nKPX Ydieresis Agrave -110\nKPX Ydieresis Amacron -110\nKPX Ydieresis Aogonek -110\nKPX Ydieresis Aring -110\nKPX Ydieresis Atilde -110\nKPX Ydieresis O -85\nKPX Ydieresis Oacute -85\nKPX Ydieresis Ocircumflex -85\nKPX Ydieresis Odieresis -85\nKPX Ydieresis Ograve -85\nKPX Ydieresis Ohungarumlaut -85\nKPX Ydieresis Omacron -85\nKPX Ydieresis Oslash -85\nKPX Ydieresis Otilde -85\nKPX Ydieresis a -140\nKPX Ydieresis aacute -140\nKPX Ydieresis abreve -70\nKPX Ydieresis acircumflex -140\nKPX Ydieresis adieresis -140\nKPX Ydieresis agrave -140\nKPX Ydieresis amacron -70\nKPX Ydieresis aogonek -140\nKPX Ydieresis aring -140\nKPX Ydieresis atilde -70\nKPX Ydieresis colon -60\nKPX Ydieresis comma -140\nKPX Ydieresis e -140\nKPX Ydieresis eacute -140\nKPX Ydieresis ecaron -140\nKPX Ydieresis ecircumflex -140\nKPX Ydieresis edieresis -140\nKPX Ydieresis edotaccent -140\nKPX Ydieresis egrave -140\nKPX Ydieresis emacron -70\nKPX Ydieresis eogonek -140\nKPX Ydieresis hyphen -140\nKPX Ydieresis i -20\nKPX Ydieresis iacute -20\nKPX Ydieresis iogonek -20\nKPX Ydieresis o -140\nKPX Ydieresis oacute -140\nKPX Ydieresis ocircumflex -140\nKPX Ydieresis odieresis -140\nKPX Ydieresis ograve -140\nKPX Ydieresis ohungarumlaut -140\nKPX Ydieresis omacron -140\nKPX Ydieresis oslash -140\nKPX Ydieresis otilde -140\nKPX Ydieresis period -140\nKPX Ydieresis semicolon -60\nKPX Ydieresis u -110\nKPX Ydieresis uacute -110\nKPX Ydieresis ucircumflex -110\nKPX Ydieresis udieresis -110\nKPX Ydieresis ugrave -110\nKPX Ydieresis uhungarumlaut -110\nKPX Ydieresis umacron -110\nKPX Ydieresis uogonek -110\nKPX Ydieresis uring -110\nKPX a v -20\nKPX a w -20\nKPX a y -30\nKPX a yacute -30\nKPX a ydieresis -30\nKPX aacute v -20\nKPX aacute w -20\nKPX aacute y -30\nKPX aacute yacute -30\nKPX aacute ydieresis -30\nKPX abreve v -20\nKPX abreve w -20\nKPX abreve y -30\nKPX abreve yacute -30\nKPX abreve ydieresis -30\nKPX acircumflex v -20\nKPX acircumflex w -20\nKPX acircumflex y -30\nKPX acircumflex yacute -30\nKPX acircumflex ydieresis -30\nKPX adieresis v -20\nKPX adieresis w -20\nKPX adieresis y -30\nKPX adieresis yacute -30\nKPX adieresis ydieresis -30\nKPX agrave v -20\nKPX agrave w -20\nKPX agrave y -30\nKPX agrave yacute -30\nKPX agrave ydieresis -30\nKPX amacron v -20\nKPX amacron w -20\nKPX amacron y -30\nKPX amacron yacute -30\nKPX amacron ydieresis -30\nKPX aogonek v -20\nKPX aogonek w -20\nKPX aogonek y -30\nKPX aogonek yacute -30\nKPX aogonek ydieresis -30\nKPX aring v -20\nKPX aring w -20\nKPX aring y -30\nKPX aring yacute -30\nKPX aring ydieresis -30\nKPX atilde v -20\nKPX atilde w -20\nKPX atilde y -30\nKPX atilde yacute -30\nKPX atilde ydieresis -30\nKPX b b -10\nKPX b comma -40\nKPX b l -20\nKPX b lacute -20\nKPX b lcommaaccent -20\nKPX b lslash -20\nKPX b period -40\nKPX b u -20\nKPX b uacute -20\nKPX b ucircumflex -20\nKPX b udieresis -20\nKPX b ugrave -20\nKPX b uhungarumlaut -20\nKPX b umacron -20\nKPX b uogonek -20\nKPX b uring -20\nKPX b v -20\nKPX b y -20\nKPX b yacute -20\nKPX b ydieresis -20\nKPX c comma -15\nKPX c k -20\nKPX c kcommaaccent -20\nKPX cacute comma -15\nKPX cacute k -20\nKPX cacute kcommaaccent -20\nKPX ccaron comma -15\nKPX ccaron k -20\nKPX ccaron kcommaaccent -20\nKPX ccedilla comma -15\nKPX ccedilla k -20\nKPX ccedilla kcommaaccent -20\nKPX colon space -50\nKPX comma quotedblright -100\nKPX comma quoteright -100\nKPX e comma -15\nKPX e period -15\nKPX e v -30\nKPX e w -20\nKPX e x -30\nKPX e y -20\nKPX e yacute -20\nKPX e ydieresis -20\nKPX eacute comma -15\nKPX eacute period -15\nKPX eacute v -30\nKPX eacute w -20\nKPX eacute x -30\nKPX eacute y -20\nKPX eacute yacute -20\nKPX eacute ydieresis -20\nKPX ecaron comma -15\nKPX ecaron period -15\nKPX ecaron v -30\nKPX ecaron w -20\nKPX ecaron x -30\nKPX ecaron y -20\nKPX ecaron yacute -20\nKPX ecaron ydieresis -20\nKPX ecircumflex comma -15\nKPX ecircumflex period -15\nKPX ecircumflex v -30\nKPX ecircumflex w -20\nKPX ecircumflex x -30\nKPX ecircumflex y -20\nKPX ecircumflex yacute -20\nKPX ecircumflex ydieresis -20\nKPX edieresis comma -15\nKPX edieresis period -15\nKPX edieresis v -30\nKPX edieresis w -20\nKPX edieresis x -30\nKPX edieresis y -20\nKPX edieresis yacute -20\nKPX edieresis ydieresis -20\nKPX edotaccent comma -15\nKPX edotaccent period -15\nKPX edotaccent v -30\nKPX edotaccent w -20\nKPX edotaccent x -30\nKPX edotaccent y -20\nKPX edotaccent yacute -20\nKPX edotaccent ydieresis -20\nKPX egrave comma -15\nKPX egrave period -15\nKPX egrave v -30\nKPX egrave w -20\nKPX egrave x -30\nKPX egrave y -20\nKPX egrave yacute -20\nKPX egrave ydieresis -20\nKPX emacron comma -15\nKPX emacron period -15\nKPX emacron v -30\nKPX emacron w -20\nKPX emacron x -30\nKPX emacron y -20\nKPX emacron yacute -20\nKPX emacron ydieresis -20\nKPX eogonek comma -15\nKPX eogonek period -15\nKPX eogonek v -30\nKPX eogonek w -20\nKPX eogonek x -30\nKPX eogonek y -20\nKPX eogonek yacute -20\nKPX eogonek ydieresis -20\nKPX f a -30\nKPX f aacute -30\nKPX f abreve -30\nKPX f acircumflex -30\nKPX f adieresis -30\nKPX f agrave -30\nKPX f amacron -30\nKPX f aogonek -30\nKPX f aring -30\nKPX f atilde -30\nKPX f comma -30\nKPX f dotlessi -28\nKPX f e -30\nKPX f eacute -30\nKPX f ecaron -30\nKPX f ecircumflex -30\nKPX f edieresis -30\nKPX f edotaccent -30\nKPX f egrave -30\nKPX f emacron -30\nKPX f eogonek -30\nKPX f o -30\nKPX f oacute -30\nKPX f ocircumflex -30\nKPX f odieresis -30\nKPX f ograve -30\nKPX f ohungarumlaut -30\nKPX f omacron -30\nKPX f oslash -30\nKPX f otilde -30\nKPX f period -30\nKPX f quotedblright 60\nKPX f quoteright 50\nKPX g r -10\nKPX g racute -10\nKPX g rcaron -10\nKPX g rcommaaccent -10\nKPX gbreve r -10\nKPX gbreve racute -10\nKPX gbreve rcaron -10\nKPX gbreve rcommaaccent -10\nKPX gcommaaccent r -10\nKPX gcommaaccent racute -10\nKPX gcommaaccent rcaron -10\nKPX gcommaaccent rcommaaccent -10\nKPX h y -30\nKPX h yacute -30\nKPX h ydieresis -30\nKPX k e -20\nKPX k eacute -20\nKPX k ecaron -20\nKPX k ecircumflex -20\nKPX k edieresis -20\nKPX k edotaccent -20\nKPX k egrave -20\nKPX k emacron -20\nKPX k eogonek -20\nKPX k o -20\nKPX k oacute -20\nKPX k ocircumflex -20\nKPX k odieresis -20\nKPX k ograve -20\nKPX k ohungarumlaut -20\nKPX k omacron -20\nKPX k oslash -20\nKPX k otilde -20\nKPX kcommaaccent e -20\nKPX kcommaaccent eacute -20\nKPX kcommaaccent ecaron -20\nKPX kcommaaccent ecircumflex -20\nKPX kcommaaccent edieresis -20\nKPX kcommaaccent edotaccent -20\nKPX kcommaaccent egrave -20\nKPX kcommaaccent emacron -20\nKPX kcommaaccent eogonek -20\nKPX kcommaaccent o -20\nKPX kcommaaccent oacute -20\nKPX kcommaaccent ocircumflex -20\nKPX kcommaaccent odieresis -20\nKPX kcommaaccent ograve -20\nKPX kcommaaccent ohungarumlaut -20\nKPX kcommaaccent omacron -20\nKPX kcommaaccent oslash -20\nKPX kcommaaccent otilde -20\nKPX m u -10\nKPX m uacute -10\nKPX m ucircumflex -10\nKPX m udieresis -10\nKPX m ugrave -10\nKPX m uhungarumlaut -10\nKPX m umacron -10\nKPX m uogonek -10\nKPX m uring -10\nKPX m y -15\nKPX m yacute -15\nKPX m ydieresis -15\nKPX n u -10\nKPX n uacute -10\nKPX n ucircumflex -10\nKPX n udieresis -10\nKPX n ugrave -10\nKPX n uhungarumlaut -10\nKPX n umacron -10\nKPX n uogonek -10\nKPX n uring -10\nKPX n v -20\nKPX n y -15\nKPX n yacute -15\nKPX n ydieresis -15\nKPX nacute u -10\nKPX nacute uacute -10\nKPX nacute ucircumflex -10\nKPX nacute udieresis -10\nKPX nacute ugrave -10\nKPX nacute uhungarumlaut -10\nKPX nacute umacron -10\nKPX nacute uogonek -10\nKPX nacute uring -10\nKPX nacute v -20\nKPX nacute y -15\nKPX nacute yacute -15\nKPX nacute ydieresis -15\nKPX ncaron u -10\nKPX ncaron uacute -10\nKPX ncaron ucircumflex -10\nKPX ncaron udieresis -10\nKPX ncaron ugrave -10\nKPX ncaron uhungarumlaut -10\nKPX ncaron umacron -10\nKPX ncaron uogonek -10\nKPX ncaron uring -10\nKPX ncaron v -20\nKPX ncaron y -15\nKPX ncaron yacute -15\nKPX ncaron ydieresis -15\nKPX ncommaaccent u -10\nKPX ncommaaccent uacute -10\nKPX ncommaaccent ucircumflex -10\nKPX ncommaaccent udieresis -10\nKPX ncommaaccent ugrave -10\nKPX ncommaaccent uhungarumlaut -10\nKPX ncommaaccent umacron -10\nKPX ncommaaccent uogonek -10\nKPX ncommaaccent uring -10\nKPX ncommaaccent v -20\nKPX ncommaaccent y -15\nKPX ncommaaccent yacute -15\nKPX ncommaaccent ydieresis -15\nKPX ntilde u -10\nKPX ntilde uacute -10\nKPX ntilde ucircumflex -10\nKPX ntilde udieresis -10\nKPX ntilde ugrave -10\nKPX ntilde uhungarumlaut -10\nKPX ntilde umacron -10\nKPX ntilde uogonek -10\nKPX ntilde uring -10\nKPX ntilde v -20\nKPX ntilde y -15\nKPX ntilde yacute -15\nKPX ntilde ydieresis -15\nKPX o comma -40\nKPX o period -40\nKPX o v -15\nKPX o w -15\nKPX o x -30\nKPX o y -30\nKPX o yacute -30\nKPX o ydieresis -30\nKPX oacute comma -40\nKPX oacute period -40\nKPX oacute v -15\nKPX oacute w -15\nKPX oacute x -30\nKPX oacute y -30\nKPX oacute yacute -30\nKPX oacute ydieresis -30\nKPX ocircumflex comma -40\nKPX ocircumflex period -40\nKPX ocircumflex v -15\nKPX ocircumflex w -15\nKPX ocircumflex x -30\nKPX ocircumflex y -30\nKPX ocircumflex yacute -30\nKPX ocircumflex ydieresis -30\nKPX odieresis comma -40\nKPX odieresis period -40\nKPX odieresis v -15\nKPX odieresis w -15\nKPX odieresis x -30\nKPX odieresis y -30\nKPX odieresis yacute -30\nKPX odieresis ydieresis -30\nKPX ograve comma -40\nKPX ograve period -40\nKPX ograve v -15\nKPX ograve w -15\nKPX ograve x -30\nKPX ograve y -30\nKPX ograve yacute -30\nKPX ograve ydieresis -30\nKPX ohungarumlaut comma -40\nKPX ohungarumlaut period -40\nKPX ohungarumlaut v -15\nKPX ohungarumlaut w -15\nKPX ohungarumlaut x -30\nKPX ohungarumlaut y -30\nKPX ohungarumlaut yacute -30\nKPX ohungarumlaut ydieresis -30\nKPX omacron comma -40\nKPX omacron period -40\nKPX omacron v -15\nKPX omacron w -15\nKPX omacron x -30\nKPX omacron y -30\nKPX omacron yacute -30\nKPX omacron ydieresis -30\nKPX oslash a -55\nKPX oslash aacute -55\nKPX oslash abreve -55\nKPX oslash acircumflex -55\nKPX oslash adieresis -55\nKPX oslash agrave -55\nKPX oslash amacron -55\nKPX oslash aogonek -55\nKPX oslash aring -55\nKPX oslash atilde -55\nKPX oslash b -55\nKPX oslash c -55\nKPX oslash cacute -55\nKPX oslash ccaron -55\nKPX oslash ccedilla -55\nKPX oslash comma -95\nKPX oslash d -55\nKPX oslash dcroat -55\nKPX oslash e -55\nKPX oslash eacute -55\nKPX oslash ecaron -55\nKPX oslash ecircumflex -55\nKPX oslash edieresis -55\nKPX oslash edotaccent -55\nKPX oslash egrave -55\nKPX oslash emacron -55\nKPX oslash eogonek -55\nKPX oslash f -55\nKPX oslash g -55\nKPX oslash gbreve -55\nKPX oslash gcommaaccent -55\nKPX oslash h -55\nKPX oslash i -55\nKPX oslash iacute -55\nKPX oslash icircumflex -55\nKPX oslash idieresis -55\nKPX oslash igrave -55\nKPX oslash imacron -55\nKPX oslash iogonek -55\nKPX oslash j -55\nKPX oslash k -55\nKPX oslash kcommaaccent -55\nKPX oslash l -55\nKPX oslash lacute -55\nKPX oslash 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; N asciicircum ; B 131 323 591 698 ;\nC 95 ; WX 556 ; N underscore ; B -27 -125 540 -75 ;\nC 96 ; WX 278 ; N quoteleft ; B 165 454 361 727 ;\nC 97 ; WX 556 ; N a ; B 55 -14 583 546 ;\nC 98 ; WX 611 ; N b ; B 61 -14 645 718 ;\nC 99 ; WX 556 ; N c ; B 79 -14 599 546 ;\nC 100 ; WX 611 ; N d ; B 82 -14 704 718 ;\nC 101 ; WX 556 ; N e ; B 70 -14 593 546 ;\nC 102 ; WX 333 ; N f ; B 87 0 469 727 ; L i fi ; L l fl ;\nC 103 ; WX 611 ; N g ; B 38 -217 666 546 ;\nC 104 ; WX 611 ; N h ; B 65 0 629 718 ;\nC 105 ; WX 278 ; N i ; B 69 0 363 725 ;\nC 106 ; WX 278 ; N j ; B -42 -214 363 725 ;\nC 107 ; WX 556 ; N k ; B 69 0 670 718 ;\nC 108 ; WX 278 ; N l ; B 69 0 362 718 ;\nC 109 ; WX 889 ; N m ; B 64 0 909 546 ;\nC 110 ; WX 611 ; N n ; B 65 0 629 546 ;\nC 111 ; WX 611 ; N o ; B 82 -14 643 546 ;\nC 112 ; WX 611 ; N p ; B 18 -207 645 546 ;\nC 113 ; WX 611 ; N q ; B 80 -207 665 546 ;\nC 114 ; WX 389 ; N r ; B 64 0 489 546 ;\nC 115 ; WX 556 ; N s ; B 63 -14 584 546 ;\nC 116 ; WX 333 ; N t ; B 100 -6 422 676 ;\nC 117 ; WX 611 ; N u ; B 98 -14 658 532 ;\nC 118 ; WX 556 ; N v ; B 126 0 656 532 ;\nC 119 ; WX 778 ; N w ; B 123 0 882 532 ;\nC 120 ; WX 556 ; N x ; B 15 0 648 532 ;\nC 121 ; WX 556 ; N y ; B 42 -214 652 532 ;\nC 122 ; WX 500 ; N z ; B 20 0 583 532 ;\nC 123 ; WX 389 ; N braceleft ; B 94 -196 518 722 ;\nC 124 ; WX 280 ; N bar ; B 36 -225 361 775 ;\nC 125 ; WX 389 ; N braceright ; B -18 -196 407 722 ;\nC 126 ; WX 584 ; N asciitilde ; B 115 163 577 343 ;\nC 161 ; WX 333 ; N exclamdown ; B 50 -186 353 532 ;\nC 162 ; WX 556 ; N cent ; B 79 -118 599 628 ;\nC 163 ; WX 556 ; N sterling ; B 50 -16 635 718 ;\nC 164 ; WX 167 ; N fraction ; B -174 -19 487 710 ;\nC 165 ; WX 556 ; N yen ; B 60 0 713 698 ;\nC 166 ; WX 556 ; N florin ; B -50 -210 669 737 ;\nC 167 ; WX 556 ; N section ; B 61 -184 598 727 ;\nC 168 ; WX 556 ; N currency ; B 27 76 680 636 ;\nC 169 ; WX 238 ; N quotesingle ; B 165 447 321 718 ;\nC 170 ; WX 500 ; N quotedblleft ; B 160 454 588 727 ;\nC 171 ; WX 556 ; N guillemotleft ; B 135 76 571 484 ;\nC 172 ; WX 333 ; N guilsinglleft ; B 130 76 353 484 ;\nC 173 ; WX 333 ; N guilsinglright ; B 99 76 322 484 ;\nC 174 ; WX 611 ; N fi ; B 87 0 696 727 ;\nC 175 ; WX 611 ; N fl ; B 87 0 695 727 ;\nC 177 ; WX 556 ; N endash ; B 48 227 627 333 ;\nC 178 ; WX 556 ; N dagger ; B 118 -171 626 718 ;\nC 179 ; WX 556 ; N daggerdbl ; B 46 -171 628 718 ;\nC 180 ; WX 278 ; N periodcentered ; B 110 172 276 334 ;\nC 182 ; WX 556 ; N paragraph ; B 98 -191 688 700 ;\nC 183 ; WX 350 ; N bullet ; B 83 194 420 524 ;\nC 184 ; WX 278 ; N quotesinglbase ; B 41 -146 236 127 ;\nC 185 ; WX 500 ; N quotedblbase ; B 36 -146 463 127 ;\nC 186 ; WX 500 ; N quotedblright ; B 162 445 589 718 ;\nC 187 ; WX 556 ; N guillemotright ; B 104 76 540 484 ;\nC 188 ; WX 1000 ; N ellipsis ; B 92 0 939 146 ;\nC 189 ; WX 1000 ; N perthousand ; B 76 -19 1038 710 ;\nC 191 ; WX 611 ; N questiondown ; B 53 -195 559 532 ;\nC 193 ; WX 333 ; N grave ; B 136 604 353 750 ;\nC 194 ; WX 333 ; N acute ; B 236 604 515 750 ;\nC 195 ; WX 333 ; N circumflex ; B 118 604 471 750 ;\nC 196 ; WX 333 ; N tilde ; B 113 610 507 737 ;\nC 197 ; WX 333 ; N macron ; B 122 604 483 678 ;\nC 198 ; WX 333 ; N breve ; B 156 604 494 750 ;\nC 199 ; WX 333 ; N dotaccent ; B 235 614 385 729 ;\nC 200 ; WX 333 ; N dieresis ; B 137 614 482 729 ;\nC 202 ; WX 333 ; N ring ; B 200 568 420 776 ;\nC 203 ; WX 333 ; N cedilla ; B -37 -228 220 0 ;\nC 205 ; WX 333 ; N hungarumlaut ; B 137 604 645 750 ;\nC 206 ; WX 333 ; N ogonek ; B 41 -228 264 0 ;\nC 207 ; WX 333 ; N caron ; B 149 604 502 750 ;\nC 208 ; WX 1000 ; N emdash ; B 48 227 1071 333 ;\nC 225 ; WX 1000 ; N AE ; B 5 0 1100 718 ;\nC 227 ; WX 370 ; N ordfeminine ; B 125 401 465 737 ;\nC 232 ; WX 611 ; N Lslash ; B 34 0 611 718 ;\nC 233 ; WX 778 ; N Oslash ; B 35 -27 894 745 ;\nC 234 ; WX 1000 ; N OE ; B 99 -19 1114 737 ;\nC 235 ; WX 365 ; N ordmasculine ; B 123 401 485 737 ;\nC 241 ; WX 889 ; N ae ; B 56 -14 923 546 ;\nC 245 ; WX 278 ; N dotlessi ; B 69 0 322 532 ;\nC 248 ; WX 278 ; N lslash ; B 40 0 407 718 ;\nC 249 ; WX 611 ; N oslash ; B 22 -29 701 560 ;\nC 250 ; WX 944 ; N oe ; B 82 -14 977 546 ;\nC 251 ; WX 611 ; N germandbls ; B 69 -14 657 731 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N Idieresis ; B 64 0 494 915 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N eacute ; B 70 -14 627 750 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N abreve ; B 55 -14 606 750 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N uhungarumlaut ; B 98 -14 784 750 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N ecaron ; B 70 -14 614 750 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Ydieresis ; B 168 0 806 915 ;\nC -1 ; WX 584 ; N divide ; B 82 -42 610 548 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Yacute ; B 168 0 806 936 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Acircumflex ; B 20 0 706 936 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N aacute ; B 55 -14 627 750 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ucircumflex ; B 116 -19 804 936 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N yacute ; B 42 -214 652 750 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N scommaaccent ; B 63 -228 584 546 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N ecircumflex ; B 70 -14 593 750 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Uring ; B 116 -19 804 962 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Udieresis ; B 116 -19 804 915 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N aogonek ; B 55 -224 583 546 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Uacute ; B 116 -19 804 936 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N uogonek ; B 98 -228 658 532 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Edieresis ; B 76 0 757 915 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Dcroat ; B 62 0 777 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 250 ; N commaaccent ; B 16 -228 188 -50 ;\nC -1 ; WX 737 ; N copyright ; B 56 -19 835 737 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Emacron ; B 76 0 757 864 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N ccaron ; B 79 -14 614 750 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N aring ; B 55 -14 583 776 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ncommaaccent ; B 69 -228 807 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N lacute ; B 69 0 528 936 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N agrave ; B 55 -14 583 750 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N Tcommaaccent ; B 140 -228 751 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Cacute ; B 107 -19 789 936 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N atilde ; B 55 -14 619 737 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Edotaccent ; B 76 0 757 915 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N scaron ; B 63 -14 614 750 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N scedilla ; B 63 -228 584 546 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N iacute ; B 69 0 488 750 ;\nC -1 ; WX 494 ; N lozenge ; B 90 0 564 745 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Rcaron ; B 76 0 778 936 ;\nC -1 ; WX 778 ; N Gcommaaccent ; B 108 -228 817 737 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N ucircumflex ; B 98 -14 658 750 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N acircumflex ; B 55 -14 583 750 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Amacron ; B 20 0 718 864 ;\nC -1 ; WX 389 ; N rcaron ; B 64 0 530 750 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N ccedilla ; B 79 -228 599 546 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N Zdotaccent ; B 25 0 737 915 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Thorn ; B 76 0 716 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 778 ; N Omacron ; B 107 -19 823 864 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Racute ; B 76 0 778 936 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Sacute ; B 81 -19 722 936 ;\nC -1 ; WX 743 ; N dcaron ; B 82 -14 903 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Umacron ; B 116 -19 804 864 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N uring ; B 98 -14 658 776 ;\nC -1 ; WX 333 ; N threesuperior ; B 91 271 441 710 ;\nC -1 ; WX 778 ; N Ograve ; B 107 -19 823 936 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Agrave ; B 20 0 702 936 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Abreve ; B 20 0 729 936 ;\nC -1 ; WX 584 ; N multiply ; B 57 1 635 505 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N uacute ; B 98 -14 658 750 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N Tcaron ; B 140 0 751 936 ;\nC -1 ; WX 494 ; N partialdiff ; B 43 -21 585 750 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N ydieresis ; B 42 -214 652 729 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Nacute ; B 69 0 807 936 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N icircumflex ; B 69 0 444 750 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Ecircumflex ; B 76 0 757 936 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N adieresis ; B 55 -14 594 729 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N edieresis ; B 70 -14 594 729 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N cacute ; B 79 -14 627 750 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N nacute ; B 65 0 654 750 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N umacron ; B 98 -14 658 678 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ncaron ; B 69 0 807 936 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N Iacute ; B 64 0 528 936 ;\nC -1 ; WX 584 ; N plusminus ; B 40 0 625 506 ;\nC -1 ; WX 280 ; N brokenbar ; B 52 -150 345 700 ;\nC -1 ; WX 737 ; N registered ; B 55 -19 834 737 ;\nC -1 ; WX 778 ; N Gbreve ; B 108 -19 817 936 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N Idotaccent ; B 64 0 397 915 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N summation ; B 14 -10 670 706 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Egrave ; B 76 0 757 936 ;\nC -1 ; WX 389 ; N racute ; B 64 0 543 750 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N omacron ; B 82 -14 643 678 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N Zacute ; B 25 0 737 936 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N Zcaron ; B 25 0 737 936 ;\nC -1 ; WX 549 ; N greaterequal ; B 26 0 629 704 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Eth ; B 62 0 777 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ccedilla ; B 107 -228 789 737 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N lcommaaccent ; B 30 -228 362 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 389 ; N tcaron ; B 100 -6 608 878 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N eogonek ; B 70 -228 593 546 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Uogonek ; B 116 -228 804 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Aacute ; B 20 0 750 936 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Adieresis ; B 20 0 716 915 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N egrave ; B 70 -14 593 750 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N zacute ; B 20 0 599 750 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N iogonek ; B -14 -224 363 725 ;\nC -1 ; WX 778 ; N Oacute ; B 107 -19 823 936 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N oacute ; B 82 -14 654 750 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N amacron ; B 55 -14 595 678 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N sacute ; B 63 -14 627 750 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N idieresis ; B 69 0 455 729 ;\nC -1 ; WX 778 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 107 -19 823 936 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ugrave ; B 116 -19 804 936 ;\nC -1 ; WX 612 ; N Delta ; B 6 0 608 688 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N thorn ; B 18 -208 645 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 333 ; N twosuperior ; B 69 283 449 710 ;\nC -1 ; WX 778 ; N Odieresis ; B 107 -19 823 915 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N mu ; B 22 -207 658 532 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N igrave ; B 69 0 326 750 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N ohungarumlaut ; B 82 -14 784 750 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Eogonek ; B 76 -224 757 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N dcroat ; B 82 -14 789 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 834 ; N threequarters ; B 99 -19 839 710 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Scedilla ; B 81 -228 718 737 ;\nC -1 ; WX 400 ; N lcaron ; B 69 0 561 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Kcommaaccent ; B 87 -228 858 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N Lacute ; B 76 0 611 936 ;\nC -1 ; WX 1000 ; N trademark ; B 179 306 1109 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N edotaccent ; B 70 -14 593 729 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N Igrave ; B 64 0 367 936 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N Imacron ; B 64 0 496 864 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N Lcaron ; B 76 0 643 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 834 ; N onehalf ; B 132 -19 858 710 ;\nC -1 ; WX 549 ; N lessequal ; B 29 0 676 704 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N ocircumflex ; B 82 -14 643 750 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N ntilde ; B 65 0 646 737 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Uhungarumlaut ; B 116 -19 880 936 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Eacute ; B 76 0 757 936 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N emacron ; B 70 -14 595 678 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N gbreve ; B 38 -217 666 750 ;\nC -1 ; WX 834 ; N onequarter ; B 132 -19 806 710 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Scaron ; B 81 -19 718 936 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Scommaaccent ; B 81 -228 718 737 ;\nC -1 ; WX 778 ; N Ohungarumlaut ; B 107 -19 908 936 ;\nC -1 ; WX 400 ; N degree ; B 175 426 467 712 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N ograve ; B 82 -14 643 750 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ccaron ; B 107 -19 789 936 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N ugrave ; B 98 -14 658 750 ;\nC -1 ; WX 549 ; N radical ; B 112 -46 689 850 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Dcaron ; B 76 0 777 936 ;\nC -1 ; WX 389 ; N rcommaaccent ; B 26 -228 489 546 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ntilde ; B 69 0 807 923 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N otilde ; B 82 -14 646 737 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Rcommaaccent ; B 76 -228 778 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N Lcommaaccent ; B 76 -228 611 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Atilde ; B 20 0 741 923 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Aogonek ; B 20 -224 702 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Aring ; B 20 0 702 962 ;\nC -1 ; WX 778 ; N Otilde ; B 107 -19 823 923 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N zdotaccent ; B 20 0 583 729 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Ecaron ; B 76 0 757 936 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N Iogonek ; B -41 -228 367 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N kcommaaccent ; B 69 -228 670 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 584 ; N minus ; B 82 197 610 309 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N Icircumflex ; B 64 0 484 936 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N ncaron ; B 65 0 641 750 ;\nC -1 ; WX 333 ; N tcommaaccent ; B 58 -228 422 676 ;\nC -1 ; WX 584 ; N logicalnot ; B 105 108 633 419 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N odieresis ; B 82 -14 643 729 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N udieresis ; B 98 -14 658 729 ;\nC -1 ; WX 549 ; N notequal ; B 32 -49 630 570 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N gcommaaccent ; B 38 -217 666 850 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N eth ; B 82 -14 670 737 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N zcaron ; B 20 0 586 750 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N ncommaaccent ; B 65 -228 629 546 ;\nC -1 ; WX 333 ; N onesuperior ; B 148 283 388 710 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N imacron ; B 69 0 429 678 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N Euro ; B 0 0 0 0 ;\nEndCharMetrics\nStartKernData\nStartKernPairs 2481\nKPX A C -40\nKPX A Cacute -40\nKPX A Ccaron -40\nKPX A Ccedilla -40\nKPX A G -50\nKPX A Gbreve -50\nKPX A Gcommaaccent -50\nKPX A O -40\nKPX A Oacute -40\nKPX A Ocircumflex -40\nKPX A Odieresis -40\nKPX A Ograve -40\nKPX A Ohungarumlaut -40\nKPX A Omacron -40\nKPX A Oslash -40\nKPX A Otilde -40\nKPX A Q -40\nKPX A T -90\nKPX A Tcaron -90\nKPX A Tcommaaccent -90\nKPX A U -50\nKPX A Uacute -50\nKPX A Ucircumflex -50\nKPX A Udieresis -50\nKPX A Ugrave -50\nKPX A Uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX A Umacron -50\nKPX A Uogonek -50\nKPX A Uring -50\nKPX A V -80\nKPX A W -60\nKPX A Y -110\nKPX A Yacute -110\nKPX A Ydieresis -110\nKPX A u -30\nKPX A uacute -30\nKPX A ucircumflex -30\nKPX A udieresis -30\nKPX A ugrave -30\nKPX A uhungarumlaut -30\nKPX A umacron -30\nKPX A uogonek -30\nKPX A uring -30\nKPX A v -40\nKPX A w -30\nKPX A y -30\nKPX A yacute -30\nKPX A ydieresis -30\nKPX Aacute C -40\nKPX Aacute Cacute -40\nKPX Aacute Ccaron -40\nKPX Aacute Ccedilla -40\nKPX Aacute G -50\nKPX Aacute Gbreve -50\nKPX Aacute Gcommaaccent -50\nKPX Aacute O -40\nKPX Aacute Oacute -40\nKPX Aacute Ocircumflex -40\nKPX Aacute Odieresis -40\nKPX Aacute Ograve -40\nKPX Aacute Ohungarumlaut -40\nKPX Aacute Omacron -40\nKPX Aacute Oslash -40\nKPX Aacute Otilde -40\nKPX Aacute Q -40\nKPX Aacute T -90\nKPX Aacute Tcaron -90\nKPX Aacute Tcommaaccent -90\nKPX Aacute U -50\nKPX Aacute Uacute -50\nKPX Aacute Ucircumflex -50\nKPX Aacute Udieresis -50\nKPX Aacute Ugrave -50\nKPX Aacute Uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Aacute Umacron -50\nKPX Aacute Uogonek -50\nKPX Aacute Uring -50\nKPX Aacute V -80\nKPX Aacute W -60\nKPX Aacute Y -110\nKPX Aacute Yacute -110\nKPX Aacute Ydieresis -110\nKPX Aacute u -30\nKPX Aacute uacute -30\nKPX Aacute ucircumflex -30\nKPX Aacute udieresis -30\nKPX Aacute ugrave -30\nKPX Aacute uhungarumlaut -30\nKPX Aacute umacron -30\nKPX Aacute uogonek -30\nKPX Aacute uring -30\nKPX Aacute v -40\nKPX Aacute w -30\nKPX Aacute y -30\nKPX Aacute yacute -30\nKPX Aacute ydieresis -30\nKPX Abreve C -40\nKPX Abreve Cacute -40\nKPX Abreve Ccaron -40\nKPX Abreve Ccedilla -40\nKPX Abreve G -50\nKPX Abreve Gbreve -50\nKPX Abreve Gcommaaccent -50\nKPX Abreve O -40\nKPX Abreve Oacute -40\nKPX Abreve Ocircumflex -40\nKPX Abreve Odieresis -40\nKPX Abreve Ograve -40\nKPX Abreve Ohungarumlaut -40\nKPX Abreve Omacron -40\nKPX Abreve Oslash -40\nKPX Abreve Otilde -40\nKPX Abreve Q -40\nKPX Abreve T -90\nKPX Abreve Tcaron -90\nKPX Abreve Tcommaaccent -90\nKPX Abreve U -50\nKPX Abreve Uacute -50\nKPX Abreve Ucircumflex -50\nKPX Abreve Udieresis -50\nKPX Abreve Ugrave -50\nKPX Abreve Uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Abreve Umacron -50\nKPX Abreve Uogonek -50\nKPX Abreve Uring -50\nKPX Abreve V -80\nKPX Abreve W -60\nKPX Abreve Y -110\nKPX Abreve Yacute -110\nKPX Abreve Ydieresis -110\nKPX Abreve u -30\nKPX Abreve uacute -30\nKPX Abreve ucircumflex -30\nKPX Abreve udieresis -30\nKPX Abreve ugrave -30\nKPX Abreve uhungarumlaut -30\nKPX Abreve umacron -30\nKPX Abreve uogonek -30\nKPX Abreve uring -30\nKPX Abreve v -40\nKPX Abreve w -30\nKPX Abreve y -30\nKPX Abreve yacute -30\nKPX Abreve ydieresis -30\nKPX Acircumflex C -40\nKPX Acircumflex Cacute -40\nKPX Acircumflex Ccaron -40\nKPX Acircumflex Ccedilla -40\nKPX Acircumflex G -50\nKPX Acircumflex Gbreve -50\nKPX Acircumflex Gcommaaccent -50\nKPX Acircumflex O -40\nKPX Acircumflex Oacute -40\nKPX Acircumflex Ocircumflex -40\nKPX Acircumflex Odieresis -40\nKPX Acircumflex Ograve -40\nKPX Acircumflex Ohungarumlaut -40\nKPX Acircumflex Omacron -40\nKPX Acircumflex Oslash -40\nKPX Acircumflex Otilde -40\nKPX Acircumflex Q -40\nKPX Acircumflex T -90\nKPX Acircumflex Tcaron -90\nKPX Acircumflex Tcommaaccent -90\nKPX Acircumflex U -50\nKPX Acircumflex Uacute -50\nKPX Acircumflex Ucircumflex -50\nKPX Acircumflex Udieresis -50\nKPX Acircumflex Ugrave -50\nKPX Acircumflex Uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Acircumflex Umacron -50\nKPX Acircumflex Uogonek -50\nKPX Acircumflex Uring -50\nKPX Acircumflex V -80\nKPX Acircumflex W -60\nKPX Acircumflex Y -110\nKPX Acircumflex Yacute -110\nKPX Acircumflex Ydieresis -110\nKPX Acircumflex u -30\nKPX Acircumflex uacute -30\nKPX Acircumflex ucircumflex -30\nKPX Acircumflex udieresis -30\nKPX Acircumflex ugrave -30\nKPX Acircumflex uhungarumlaut -30\nKPX Acircumflex umacron -30\nKPX Acircumflex uogonek -30\nKPX Acircumflex uring -30\nKPX Acircumflex v -40\nKPX Acircumflex w -30\nKPX Acircumflex y -30\nKPX Acircumflex yacute -30\nKPX Acircumflex ydieresis -30\nKPX Adieresis C -40\nKPX Adieresis Cacute -40\nKPX Adieresis Ccaron -40\nKPX Adieresis Ccedilla -40\nKPX Adieresis G -50\nKPX Adieresis Gbreve -50\nKPX Adieresis Gcommaaccent -50\nKPX Adieresis O -40\nKPX Adieresis Oacute -40\nKPX Adieresis Ocircumflex -40\nKPX Adieresis Odieresis -40\nKPX Adieresis Ograve -40\nKPX Adieresis Ohungarumlaut -40\nKPX Adieresis Omacron -40\nKPX Adieresis Oslash -40\nKPX Adieresis Otilde -40\nKPX Adieresis Q -40\nKPX Adieresis T -90\nKPX Adieresis Tcaron -90\nKPX Adieresis Tcommaaccent -90\nKPX Adieresis U -50\nKPX Adieresis Uacute -50\nKPX Adieresis Ucircumflex -50\nKPX Adieresis Udieresis -50\nKPX Adieresis Ugrave -50\nKPX Adieresis Uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Adieresis Umacron -50\nKPX Adieresis Uogonek -50\nKPX Adieresis Uring -50\nKPX Adieresis V -80\nKPX Adieresis W -60\nKPX Adieresis Y -110\nKPX Adieresis Yacute -110\nKPX Adieresis Ydieresis -110\nKPX Adieresis u -30\nKPX Adieresis uacute -30\nKPX Adieresis ucircumflex -30\nKPX Adieresis udieresis -30\nKPX Adieresis ugrave -30\nKPX Adieresis uhungarumlaut -30\nKPX Adieresis umacron -30\nKPX Adieresis uogonek -30\nKPX Adieresis uring -30\nKPX Adieresis v -40\nKPX Adieresis w -30\nKPX Adieresis y -30\nKPX Adieresis yacute -30\nKPX Adieresis ydieresis -30\nKPX Agrave C -40\nKPX Agrave Cacute -40\nKPX Agrave Ccaron -40\nKPX Agrave Ccedilla -40\nKPX Agrave G -50\nKPX Agrave Gbreve -50\nKPX Agrave Gcommaaccent -50\nKPX Agrave O -40\nKPX Agrave Oacute -40\nKPX Agrave Ocircumflex -40\nKPX Agrave Odieresis -40\nKPX Agrave Ograve -40\nKPX Agrave Ohungarumlaut -40\nKPX Agrave Omacron -40\nKPX Agrave Oslash -40\nKPX Agrave Otilde -40\nKPX Agrave Q -40\nKPX Agrave T -90\nKPX Agrave Tcaron -90\nKPX Agrave Tcommaaccent -90\nKPX Agrave U -50\nKPX Agrave Uacute -50\nKPX Agrave Ucircumflex -50\nKPX Agrave Udieresis -50\nKPX Agrave Ugrave -50\nKPX Agrave Uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Agrave Umacron -50\nKPX Agrave Uogonek -50\nKPX Agrave Uring -50\nKPX Agrave V -80\nKPX Agrave W -60\nKPX Agrave Y -110\nKPX Agrave Yacute -110\nKPX Agrave Ydieresis -110\nKPX Agrave u -30\nKPX Agrave uacute -30\nKPX Agrave ucircumflex -30\nKPX Agrave udieresis -30\nKPX Agrave ugrave -30\nKPX Agrave uhungarumlaut -30\nKPX Agrave umacron -30\nKPX Agrave uogonek -30\nKPX Agrave uring -30\nKPX Agrave v -40\nKPX Agrave w -30\nKPX Agrave y -30\nKPX Agrave yacute -30\nKPX Agrave ydieresis -30\nKPX Amacron C -40\nKPX Amacron Cacute -40\nKPX Amacron Ccaron -40\nKPX Amacron Ccedilla -40\nKPX Amacron G -50\nKPX Amacron Gbreve -50\nKPX Amacron Gcommaaccent -50\nKPX Amacron O -40\nKPX Amacron Oacute -40\nKPX Amacron Ocircumflex -40\nKPX Amacron Odieresis -40\nKPX Amacron Ograve -40\nKPX Amacron Ohungarumlaut -40\nKPX Amacron Omacron -40\nKPX Amacron Oslash -40\nKPX Amacron Otilde -40\nKPX Amacron Q -40\nKPX Amacron T -90\nKPX Amacron Tcaron -90\nKPX Amacron Tcommaaccent -90\nKPX Amacron U -50\nKPX Amacron Uacute -50\nKPX Amacron Ucircumflex -50\nKPX Amacron Udieresis -50\nKPX Amacron Ugrave -50\nKPX Amacron Uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Amacron Umacron -50\nKPX Amacron Uogonek -50\nKPX Amacron Uring -50\nKPX Amacron V -80\nKPX Amacron W -60\nKPX Amacron Y -110\nKPX Amacron Yacute -110\nKPX Amacron Ydieresis -110\nKPX Amacron u -30\nKPX Amacron uacute -30\nKPX Amacron ucircumflex -30\nKPX Amacron udieresis -30\nKPX Amacron ugrave -30\nKPX Amacron uhungarumlaut -30\nKPX Amacron umacron -30\nKPX Amacron uogonek -30\nKPX Amacron uring -30\nKPX Amacron v -40\nKPX Amacron w -30\nKPX Amacron y -30\nKPX Amacron yacute -30\nKPX Amacron ydieresis -30\nKPX Aogonek C -40\nKPX Aogonek Cacute -40\nKPX Aogonek Ccaron -40\nKPX Aogonek Ccedilla -40\nKPX Aogonek G -50\nKPX Aogonek Gbreve -50\nKPX Aogonek Gcommaaccent -50\nKPX Aogonek O -40\nKPX Aogonek Oacute -40\nKPX Aogonek Ocircumflex -40\nKPX Aogonek Odieresis -40\nKPX Aogonek Ograve -40\nKPX Aogonek Ohungarumlaut -40\nKPX Aogonek Omacron -40\nKPX Aogonek Oslash -40\nKPX Aogonek Otilde -40\nKPX Aogonek Q -40\nKPX Aogonek T -90\nKPX Aogonek Tcaron -90\nKPX Aogonek Tcommaaccent -90\nKPX Aogonek U -50\nKPX Aogonek Uacute -50\nKPX Aogonek Ucircumflex -50\nKPX Aogonek Udieresis -50\nKPX Aogonek Ugrave -50\nKPX Aogonek Uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Aogonek Umacron -50\nKPX Aogonek Uogonek -50\nKPX Aogonek Uring -50\nKPX Aogonek V -80\nKPX Aogonek W -60\nKPX Aogonek Y -110\nKPX Aogonek Yacute -110\nKPX Aogonek Ydieresis -110\nKPX Aogonek u -30\nKPX Aogonek uacute -30\nKPX Aogonek ucircumflex -30\nKPX Aogonek udieresis -30\nKPX Aogonek ugrave -30\nKPX Aogonek uhungarumlaut -30\nKPX Aogonek umacron -30\nKPX Aogonek uogonek -30\nKPX Aogonek uring -30\nKPX Aogonek v -40\nKPX Aogonek w -30\nKPX Aogonek y -30\nKPX Aogonek yacute -30\nKPX Aogonek ydieresis -30\nKPX Aring C -40\nKPX Aring Cacute -40\nKPX Aring Ccaron -40\nKPX Aring Ccedilla -40\nKPX Aring G -50\nKPX Aring Gbreve -50\nKPX Aring Gcommaaccent -50\nKPX Aring O -40\nKPX Aring Oacute -40\nKPX Aring Ocircumflex -40\nKPX Aring Odieresis -40\nKPX Aring Ograve -40\nKPX Aring Ohungarumlaut -40\nKPX Aring Omacron -40\nKPX Aring Oslash -40\nKPX Aring Otilde -40\nKPX Aring Q -40\nKPX Aring T -90\nKPX Aring Tcaron -90\nKPX Aring Tcommaaccent -90\nKPX Aring U -50\nKPX Aring Uacute -50\nKPX Aring Ucircumflex -50\nKPX Aring Udieresis -50\nKPX Aring Ugrave -50\nKPX Aring Uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Aring Umacron -50\nKPX Aring Uogonek -50\nKPX Aring Uring -50\nKPX Aring V -80\nKPX Aring W -60\nKPX Aring Y -110\nKPX Aring Yacute -110\nKPX Aring Ydieresis -110\nKPX Aring u -30\nKPX Aring uacute -30\nKPX Aring ucircumflex -30\nKPX Aring udieresis -30\nKPX Aring ugrave -30\nKPX Aring uhungarumlaut -30\nKPX Aring umacron -30\nKPX Aring uogonek -30\nKPX Aring uring -30\nKPX Aring v -40\nKPX Aring w -30\nKPX Aring y -30\nKPX Aring yacute -30\nKPX Aring ydieresis -30\nKPX Atilde C -40\nKPX Atilde Cacute -40\nKPX Atilde Ccaron -40\nKPX Atilde Ccedilla -40\nKPX Atilde G -50\nKPX Atilde Gbreve -50\nKPX Atilde Gcommaaccent -50\nKPX Atilde O -40\nKPX Atilde Oacute -40\nKPX Atilde Ocircumflex -40\nKPX Atilde Odieresis -40\nKPX Atilde Ograve -40\nKPX Atilde Ohungarumlaut -40\nKPX Atilde Omacron -40\nKPX Atilde Oslash -40\nKPX Atilde Otilde -40\nKPX Atilde Q -40\nKPX Atilde T -90\nKPX Atilde Tcaron -90\nKPX Atilde Tcommaaccent -90\nKPX Atilde U -50\nKPX Atilde Uacute -50\nKPX Atilde Ucircumflex -50\nKPX Atilde Udieresis -50\nKPX Atilde Ugrave -50\nKPX Atilde Uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Atilde Umacron -50\nKPX Atilde Uogonek -50\nKPX Atilde Uring -50\nKPX Atilde V -80\nKPX Atilde W -60\nKPX Atilde Y -110\nKPX Atilde Yacute -110\nKPX Atilde Ydieresis -110\nKPX Atilde u -30\nKPX Atilde uacute -30\nKPX Atilde ucircumflex -30\nKPX Atilde udieresis -30\nKPX Atilde ugrave -30\nKPX Atilde uhungarumlaut -30\nKPX Atilde umacron -30\nKPX Atilde uogonek -30\nKPX Atilde uring -30\nKPX Atilde v -40\nKPX Atilde w -30\nKPX Atilde y -30\nKPX Atilde yacute -30\nKPX Atilde ydieresis -30\nKPX B A -30\nKPX B Aacute -30\nKPX B Abreve -30\nKPX B Acircumflex -30\nKPX B Adieresis -30\nKPX B Agrave -30\nKPX B Amacron -30\nKPX B Aogonek -30\nKPX B Aring -30\nKPX B Atilde -30\nKPX B U -10\nKPX B Uacute -10\nKPX B Ucircumflex -10\nKPX B Udieresis -10\nKPX B Ugrave -10\nKPX B Uhungarumlaut -10\nKPX B Umacron -10\nKPX B Uogonek -10\nKPX B Uring -10\nKPX D A -40\nKPX D Aacute -40\nKPX D Abreve -40\nKPX D Acircumflex -40\nKPX D Adieresis -40\nKPX D Agrave -40\nKPX D Amacron -40\nKPX D Aogonek -40\nKPX D Aring -40\nKPX D Atilde -40\nKPX D V -40\nKPX D W -40\nKPX D Y -70\nKPX D Yacute -70\nKPX D Ydieresis -70\nKPX D comma -30\nKPX D period -30\nKPX Dcaron A -40\nKPX Dcaron Aacute -40\nKPX Dcaron Abreve -40\nKPX Dcaron Acircumflex -40\nKPX Dcaron Adieresis -40\nKPX Dcaron Agrave -40\nKPX Dcaron Amacron -40\nKPX Dcaron Aogonek -40\nKPX Dcaron Aring -40\nKPX Dcaron Atilde -40\nKPX Dcaron V -40\nKPX Dcaron W -40\nKPX Dcaron Y -70\nKPX Dcaron Yacute -70\nKPX Dcaron Ydieresis -70\nKPX Dcaron comma -30\nKPX Dcaron period -30\nKPX Dcroat A -40\nKPX Dcroat Aacute -40\nKPX Dcroat Abreve -40\nKPX Dcroat Acircumflex -40\nKPX Dcroat Adieresis -40\nKPX Dcroat Agrave -40\nKPX Dcroat Amacron -40\nKPX Dcroat Aogonek -40\nKPX Dcroat Aring -40\nKPX Dcroat Atilde -40\nKPX Dcroat V -40\nKPX Dcroat W -40\nKPX Dcroat Y -70\nKPX Dcroat Yacute -70\nKPX Dcroat Ydieresis -70\nKPX Dcroat comma -30\nKPX Dcroat period -30\nKPX F A -80\nKPX F Aacute -80\nKPX F Abreve -80\nKPX F Acircumflex -80\nKPX F Adieresis -80\nKPX F Agrave -80\nKPX F Amacron -80\nKPX F Aogonek -80\nKPX F Aring -80\nKPX F Atilde -80\nKPX F a -20\nKPX F aacute -20\nKPX F abreve -20\nKPX F acircumflex -20\nKPX F adieresis -20\nKPX F agrave -20\nKPX F amacron -20\nKPX F aogonek -20\nKPX F aring -20\nKPX F atilde -20\nKPX F comma -100\nKPX F period -100\nKPX J A -20\nKPX J Aacute -20\nKPX J Abreve -20\nKPX J Acircumflex -20\nKPX J Adieresis -20\nKPX J Agrave -20\nKPX J Amacron -20\nKPX J Aogonek -20\nKPX J Aring -20\nKPX J Atilde -20\nKPX J comma -20\nKPX J period -20\nKPX J u -20\nKPX J uacute -20\nKPX J ucircumflex -20\nKPX J udieresis -20\nKPX J ugrave -20\nKPX J uhungarumlaut -20\nKPX J umacron -20\nKPX J uogonek -20\nKPX J uring -20\nKPX K O -30\nKPX K Oacute -30\nKPX K Ocircumflex -30\nKPX K Odieresis -30\nKPX K Ograve -30\nKPX K Ohungarumlaut -30\nKPX K Omacron -30\nKPX K Oslash -30\nKPX K Otilde -30\nKPX K e -15\nKPX K eacute -15\nKPX K ecaron -15\nKPX K ecircumflex -15\nKPX K edieresis -15\nKPX K edotaccent -15\nKPX K egrave -15\nKPX K emacron -15\nKPX K eogonek -15\nKPX K o -35\nKPX K oacute -35\nKPX K ocircumflex -35\nKPX K odieresis -35\nKPX K ograve -35\nKPX K ohungarumlaut -35\nKPX K omacron -35\nKPX K oslash -35\nKPX K otilde -35\nKPX K u -30\nKPX K uacute -30\nKPX K ucircumflex -30\nKPX K udieresis -30\nKPX K ugrave -30\nKPX K uhungarumlaut -30\nKPX K umacron -30\nKPX K uogonek -30\nKPX K uring -30\nKPX K y -40\nKPX K yacute -40\nKPX K ydieresis -40\nKPX Kcommaaccent O -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent Oacute -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent Ocircumflex -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent Odieresis -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent Ograve -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent Ohungarumlaut -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent Omacron -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent Oslash -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent Otilde -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent e -15\nKPX Kcommaaccent eacute -15\nKPX Kcommaaccent ecaron -15\nKPX Kcommaaccent ecircumflex -15\nKPX Kcommaaccent edieresis -15\nKPX Kcommaaccent edotaccent -15\nKPX Kcommaaccent egrave -15\nKPX Kcommaaccent emacron -15\nKPX Kcommaaccent eogonek -15\nKPX Kcommaaccent o -35\nKPX Kcommaaccent oacute -35\nKPX Kcommaaccent ocircumflex -35\nKPX Kcommaaccent odieresis -35\nKPX Kcommaaccent ograve -35\nKPX Kcommaaccent ohungarumlaut -35\nKPX Kcommaaccent omacron -35\nKPX Kcommaaccent oslash -35\nKPX Kcommaaccent otilde -35\nKPX Kcommaaccent u -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent uacute -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent ucircumflex -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent udieresis -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent ugrave -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent uhungarumlaut -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent umacron -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent uogonek -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent uring -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent y -40\nKPX Kcommaaccent yacute -40\nKPX Kcommaaccent ydieresis -40\nKPX L T -90\nKPX L Tcaron -90\nKPX L Tcommaaccent -90\nKPX L V -110\nKPX L W -80\nKPX L Y -120\nKPX L Yacute -120\nKPX L Ydieresis -120\nKPX L quotedblright -140\nKPX L quoteright -140\nKPX L y -30\nKPX L yacute -30\nKPX L ydieresis -30\nKPX Lacute T -90\nKPX Lacute Tcaron -90\nKPX Lacute Tcommaaccent -90\nKPX Lacute V -110\nKPX Lacute W -80\nKPX Lacute Y -120\nKPX Lacute Yacute -120\nKPX Lacute Ydieresis -120\nKPX Lacute quotedblright -140\nKPX Lacute quoteright -140\nKPX Lacute y -30\nKPX Lacute yacute -30\nKPX Lacute ydieresis -30\nKPX Lcommaaccent T -90\nKPX Lcommaaccent Tcaron -90\nKPX Lcommaaccent Tcommaaccent -90\nKPX Lcommaaccent V -110\nKPX Lcommaaccent W -80\nKPX Lcommaaccent Y -120\nKPX Lcommaaccent Yacute -120\nKPX Lcommaaccent Ydieresis -120\nKPX Lcommaaccent quotedblright -140\nKPX Lcommaaccent quoteright -140\nKPX Lcommaaccent y -30\nKPX Lcommaaccent yacute -30\nKPX Lcommaaccent ydieresis -30\nKPX Lslash T -90\nKPX Lslash Tcaron -90\nKPX Lslash Tcommaaccent -90\nKPX Lslash V -110\nKPX Lslash W -80\nKPX Lslash Y -120\nKPX Lslash Yacute -120\nKPX Lslash Ydieresis -120\nKPX Lslash quotedblright -140\nKPX Lslash quoteright -140\nKPX Lslash y -30\nKPX Lslash yacute -30\nKPX Lslash ydieresis -30\nKPX O A -50\nKPX O Aacute -50\nKPX O Abreve -50\nKPX O Acircumflex -50\nKPX O Adieresis -50\nKPX O Agrave -50\nKPX O Amacron -50\nKPX O Aogonek -50\nKPX O Aring -50\nKPX O Atilde -50\nKPX O T -40\nKPX O Tcaron -40\nKPX O Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX O V -50\nKPX O W -50\nKPX O X -50\nKPX O Y -70\nKPX O Yacute -70\nKPX O Ydieresis -70\nKPX O comma -40\nKPX O period -40\nKPX Oacute A -50\nKPX Oacute Aacute -50\nKPX Oacute Abreve -50\nKPX Oacute Acircumflex -50\nKPX Oacute Adieresis -50\nKPX Oacute Agrave -50\nKPX Oacute Amacron -50\nKPX Oacute Aogonek -50\nKPX Oacute Aring -50\nKPX Oacute Atilde -50\nKPX Oacute T -40\nKPX Oacute Tcaron -40\nKPX Oacute Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX Oacute V -50\nKPX Oacute W -50\nKPX Oacute X -50\nKPX Oacute Y -70\nKPX Oacute Yacute -70\nKPX Oacute Ydieresis -70\nKPX Oacute comma -40\nKPX Oacute period -40\nKPX Ocircumflex A -50\nKPX Ocircumflex Aacute -50\nKPX Ocircumflex Abreve -50\nKPX Ocircumflex Acircumflex -50\nKPX Ocircumflex Adieresis -50\nKPX Ocircumflex Agrave -50\nKPX Ocircumflex Amacron -50\nKPX Ocircumflex Aogonek -50\nKPX Ocircumflex Aring -50\nKPX Ocircumflex Atilde -50\nKPX Ocircumflex T -40\nKPX Ocircumflex Tcaron -40\nKPX Ocircumflex Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX Ocircumflex V -50\nKPX Ocircumflex W -50\nKPX Ocircumflex X -50\nKPX Ocircumflex Y -70\nKPX Ocircumflex Yacute -70\nKPX Ocircumflex Ydieresis -70\nKPX Ocircumflex comma -40\nKPX Ocircumflex period -40\nKPX Odieresis A -50\nKPX Odieresis Aacute -50\nKPX Odieresis Abreve -50\nKPX Odieresis Acircumflex -50\nKPX Odieresis Adieresis -50\nKPX Odieresis Agrave -50\nKPX Odieresis Amacron -50\nKPX Odieresis Aogonek -50\nKPX Odieresis Aring -50\nKPX Odieresis Atilde -50\nKPX Odieresis T -40\nKPX Odieresis Tcaron -40\nKPX Odieresis Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX Odieresis V -50\nKPX Odieresis W -50\nKPX Odieresis X -50\nKPX Odieresis Y -70\nKPX Odieresis Yacute -70\nKPX Odieresis Ydieresis -70\nKPX Odieresis comma -40\nKPX Odieresis period -40\nKPX Ograve A -50\nKPX Ograve Aacute -50\nKPX Ograve Abreve -50\nKPX Ograve Acircumflex -50\nKPX Ograve Adieresis -50\nKPX Ograve Agrave -50\nKPX Ograve Amacron -50\nKPX Ograve Aogonek -50\nKPX Ograve Aring -50\nKPX Ograve Atilde -50\nKPX Ograve T -40\nKPX Ograve Tcaron -40\nKPX Ograve Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX Ograve V -50\nKPX Ograve W -50\nKPX Ograve X -50\nKPX Ograve Y -70\nKPX Ograve Yacute -70\nKPX Ograve Ydieresis -70\nKPX Ograve comma -40\nKPX Ograve period -40\nKPX Ohungarumlaut A -50\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Aacute -50\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Abreve -50\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Acircumflex -50\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Adieresis -50\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Agrave -50\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Amacron -50\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Aogonek -50\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Aring -50\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Atilde -50\nKPX Ohungarumlaut T -40\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Tcaron -40\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX Ohungarumlaut V -50\nKPX Ohungarumlaut W -50\nKPX Ohungarumlaut X -50\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Y -70\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Yacute -70\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Ydieresis -70\nKPX Ohungarumlaut comma -40\nKPX Ohungarumlaut period -40\nKPX Omacron A -50\nKPX Omacron Aacute -50\nKPX Omacron Abreve -50\nKPX Omacron Acircumflex -50\nKPX Omacron Adieresis -50\nKPX Omacron Agrave -50\nKPX Omacron Amacron -50\nKPX Omacron Aogonek -50\nKPX Omacron Aring -50\nKPX Omacron Atilde -50\nKPX Omacron T -40\nKPX Omacron Tcaron -40\nKPX Omacron Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX Omacron V -50\nKPX Omacron W -50\nKPX Omacron X -50\nKPX Omacron Y -70\nKPX Omacron Yacute -70\nKPX Omacron Ydieresis -70\nKPX Omacron comma -40\nKPX Omacron period -40\nKPX Oslash A -50\nKPX Oslash Aacute -50\nKPX Oslash Abreve -50\nKPX Oslash Acircumflex -50\nKPX Oslash Adieresis -50\nKPX Oslash Agrave -50\nKPX Oslash Amacron -50\nKPX Oslash Aogonek -50\nKPX Oslash Aring -50\nKPX Oslash Atilde -50\nKPX Oslash T -40\nKPX Oslash Tcaron -40\nKPX Oslash Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX Oslash V -50\nKPX Oslash W -50\nKPX Oslash X -50\nKPX Oslash Y -70\nKPX Oslash Yacute -70\nKPX Oslash Ydieresis -70\nKPX Oslash comma -40\nKPX Oslash period -40\nKPX Otilde A -50\nKPX Otilde Aacute -50\nKPX Otilde Abreve -50\nKPX Otilde Acircumflex -50\nKPX Otilde Adieresis -50\nKPX Otilde Agrave -50\nKPX Otilde Amacron -50\nKPX Otilde Aogonek -50\nKPX Otilde Aring -50\nKPX Otilde Atilde -50\nKPX Otilde T -40\nKPX Otilde Tcaron -40\nKPX Otilde Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX Otilde V -50\nKPX Otilde W -50\nKPX Otilde X -50\nKPX Otilde Y -70\nKPX Otilde Yacute -70\nKPX Otilde Ydieresis -70\nKPX Otilde comma -40\nKPX Otilde period -40\nKPX P A -100\nKPX P Aacute -100\nKPX P Abreve -100\nKPX P Acircumflex -100\nKPX P Adieresis -100\nKPX P Agrave -100\nKPX P Amacron -100\nKPX P Aogonek -100\nKPX P Aring -100\nKPX P Atilde -100\nKPX P a -30\nKPX P aacute -30\nKPX P abreve -30\nKPX P acircumflex -30\nKPX P adieresis -30\nKPX P agrave -30\nKPX P amacron -30\nKPX P aogonek -30\nKPX P aring -30\nKPX P atilde -30\nKPX P comma -120\nKPX P e -30\nKPX P eacute -30\nKPX P ecaron -30\nKPX P ecircumflex -30\nKPX P edieresis -30\nKPX P edotaccent -30\nKPX P egrave -30\nKPX P emacron -30\nKPX P eogonek -30\nKPX P o -40\nKPX P oacute -40\nKPX P ocircumflex -40\nKPX P odieresis -40\nKPX P ograve -40\nKPX P ohungarumlaut -40\nKPX P omacron -40\nKPX P oslash -40\nKPX P otilde -40\nKPX P period -120\nKPX Q U -10\nKPX Q Uacute -10\nKPX Q Ucircumflex -10\nKPX Q Udieresis -10\nKPX Q Ugrave -10\nKPX Q Uhungarumlaut -10\nKPX Q Umacron -10\nKPX Q Uogonek -10\nKPX Q Uring -10\nKPX Q comma 20\nKPX Q period 20\nKPX R O -20\nKPX R Oacute -20\nKPX R Ocircumflex -20\nKPX R Odieresis -20\nKPX R Ograve -20\nKPX R Ohungarumlaut -20\nKPX R Omacron -20\nKPX R Oslash -20\nKPX R Otilde -20\nKPX R T -20\nKPX R Tcaron -20\nKPX R Tcommaaccent -20\nKPX R U -20\nKPX R Uacute -20\nKPX R Ucircumflex -20\nKPX R Udieresis -20\nKPX R Ugrave -20\nKPX R Uhungarumlaut -20\nKPX R Umacron -20\nKPX R Uogonek -20\nKPX R Uring -20\nKPX R V -50\nKPX R W -40\nKPX R Y -50\nKPX R Yacute -50\nKPX R Ydieresis -50\nKPX Racute O -20\nKPX Racute Oacute -20\nKPX Racute Ocircumflex -20\nKPX Racute Odieresis -20\nKPX Racute Ograve -20\nKPX Racute Ohungarumlaut -20\nKPX Racute Omacron -20\nKPX Racute Oslash -20\nKPX Racute Otilde -20\nKPX Racute T -20\nKPX Racute Tcaron -20\nKPX Racute Tcommaaccent -20\nKPX Racute U -20\nKPX Racute Uacute -20\nKPX Racute Ucircumflex -20\nKPX Racute Udieresis -20\nKPX Racute Ugrave -20\nKPX Racute Uhungarumlaut -20\nKPX Racute Umacron -20\nKPX Racute Uogonek -20\nKPX Racute Uring -20\nKPX Racute V -50\nKPX Racute W -40\nKPX Racute Y -50\nKPX Racute Yacute -50\nKPX Racute Ydieresis -50\nKPX Rcaron O -20\nKPX Rcaron Oacute -20\nKPX Rcaron Ocircumflex -20\nKPX Rcaron Odieresis -20\nKPX Rcaron Ograve -20\nKPX Rcaron Ohungarumlaut -20\nKPX Rcaron Omacron -20\nKPX Rcaron Oslash -20\nKPX Rcaron Otilde -20\nKPX Rcaron T -20\nKPX Rcaron Tcaron -20\nKPX Rcaron Tcommaaccent -20\nKPX Rcaron U -20\nKPX Rcaron Uacute -20\nKPX Rcaron Ucircumflex -20\nKPX Rcaron Udieresis -20\nKPX Rcaron Ugrave -20\nKPX Rcaron Uhungarumlaut -20\nKPX Rcaron Umacron -20\nKPX Rcaron Uogonek -20\nKPX Rcaron Uring -20\nKPX Rcaron V -50\nKPX Rcaron W -40\nKPX Rcaron Y -50\nKPX Rcaron Yacute -50\nKPX Rcaron Ydieresis -50\nKPX Rcommaaccent O -20\nKPX Rcommaaccent Oacute -20\nKPX Rcommaaccent Ocircumflex -20\nKPX Rcommaaccent Odieresis -20\nKPX Rcommaaccent Ograve -20\nKPX Rcommaaccent Ohungarumlaut -20\nKPX Rcommaaccent Omacron -20\nKPX Rcommaaccent Oslash -20\nKPX Rcommaaccent Otilde -20\nKPX Rcommaaccent T -20\nKPX Rcommaaccent Tcaron -20\nKPX Rcommaaccent Tcommaaccent -20\nKPX Rcommaaccent U -20\nKPX Rcommaaccent Uacute -20\nKPX Rcommaaccent Ucircumflex -20\nKPX Rcommaaccent Udieresis -20\nKPX Rcommaaccent Ugrave -20\nKPX Rcommaaccent Uhungarumlaut -20\nKPX Rcommaaccent Umacron -20\nKPX Rcommaaccent Uogonek -20\nKPX Rcommaaccent Uring -20\nKPX Rcommaaccent V -50\nKPX Rcommaaccent W -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent Y -50\nKPX Rcommaaccent Yacute -50\nKPX Rcommaaccent Ydieresis -50\nKPX T A -90\nKPX T Aacute -90\nKPX T Abreve -90\nKPX T Acircumflex -90\nKPX T Adieresis -90\nKPX T Agrave -90\nKPX T Amacron -90\nKPX T Aogonek -90\nKPX T Aring -90\nKPX T Atilde -90\nKPX T O -40\nKPX T Oacute -40\nKPX T Ocircumflex -40\nKPX T Odieresis -40\nKPX T Ograve -40\nKPX T Ohungarumlaut -40\nKPX T Omacron -40\nKPX T Oslash -40\nKPX T Otilde -40\nKPX T a -80\nKPX T aacute -80\nKPX T abreve -80\nKPX T acircumflex -80\nKPX T adieresis -80\nKPX T agrave -80\nKPX T amacron -80\nKPX T aogonek -80\nKPX T aring -80\nKPX T atilde -80\nKPX T colon -40\nKPX T comma -80\nKPX T e -60\nKPX T eacute -60\nKPX T ecaron -60\nKPX T ecircumflex -60\nKPX T edieresis -60\nKPX T edotaccent -60\nKPX T egrave -60\nKPX T emacron -60\nKPX T eogonek -60\nKPX T hyphen -120\nKPX T o -80\nKPX T oacute -80\nKPX T ocircumflex -80\nKPX T odieresis -80\nKPX T ograve -80\nKPX T ohungarumlaut -80\nKPX T omacron -80\nKPX T oslash -80\nKPX T otilde -80\nKPX T period -80\nKPX T r -80\nKPX T racute -80\nKPX T rcommaaccent -80\nKPX T semicolon -40\nKPX T u -90\nKPX T uacute -90\nKPX T ucircumflex -90\nKPX T udieresis -90\nKPX T ugrave -90\nKPX T uhungarumlaut -90\nKPX T umacron -90\nKPX T uogonek -90\nKPX T uring -90\nKPX T w -60\nKPX T y -60\nKPX T yacute -60\nKPX T ydieresis -60\nKPX Tcaron A -90\nKPX Tcaron Aacute -90\nKPX Tcaron Abreve -90\nKPX Tcaron Acircumflex -90\nKPX Tcaron Adieresis -90\nKPX Tcaron Agrave -90\nKPX Tcaron Amacron -90\nKPX Tcaron Aogonek -90\nKPX Tcaron Aring -90\nKPX Tcaron Atilde -90\nKPX Tcaron O -40\nKPX Tcaron Oacute -40\nKPX Tcaron Ocircumflex -40\nKPX Tcaron Odieresis -40\nKPX Tcaron Ograve -40\nKPX Tcaron Ohungarumlaut -40\nKPX Tcaron Omacron -40\nKPX Tcaron Oslash -40\nKPX Tcaron Otilde -40\nKPX Tcaron a -80\nKPX Tcaron aacute -80\nKPX Tcaron abreve -80\nKPX Tcaron acircumflex -80\nKPX Tcaron adieresis -80\nKPX Tcaron agrave -80\nKPX Tcaron amacron -80\nKPX Tcaron aogonek -80\nKPX Tcaron aring -80\nKPX Tcaron atilde -80\nKPX Tcaron colon -40\nKPX Tcaron comma -80\nKPX Tcaron e -60\nKPX Tcaron eacute -60\nKPX Tcaron ecaron -60\nKPX Tcaron ecircumflex -60\nKPX Tcaron edieresis -60\nKPX Tcaron edotaccent -60\nKPX Tcaron egrave -60\nKPX Tcaron emacron -60\nKPX Tcaron eogonek -60\nKPX Tcaron hyphen -120\nKPX Tcaron o -80\nKPX Tcaron oacute -80\nKPX Tcaron ocircumflex -80\nKPX Tcaron odieresis -80\nKPX Tcaron ograve -80\nKPX Tcaron ohungarumlaut -80\nKPX Tcaron omacron -80\nKPX Tcaron oslash -80\nKPX Tcaron otilde -80\nKPX Tcaron period -80\nKPX Tcaron r -80\nKPX Tcaron racute -80\nKPX Tcaron rcommaaccent -80\nKPX Tcaron semicolon -40\nKPX Tcaron u -90\nKPX Tcaron uacute -90\nKPX Tcaron ucircumflex -90\nKPX Tcaron udieresis -90\nKPX Tcaron ugrave -90\nKPX Tcaron uhungarumlaut -90\nKPX Tcaron umacron -90\nKPX Tcaron uogonek -90\nKPX Tcaron uring -90\nKPX Tcaron w -60\nKPX Tcaron y -60\nKPX Tcaron yacute -60\nKPX Tcaron ydieresis -60\nKPX Tcommaaccent A -90\nKPX Tcommaaccent Aacute -90\nKPX Tcommaaccent Abreve -90\nKPX Tcommaaccent Acircumflex -90\nKPX Tcommaaccent Adieresis -90\nKPX Tcommaaccent Agrave -90\nKPX Tcommaaccent Amacron -90\nKPX Tcommaaccent Aogonek -90\nKPX Tcommaaccent Aring -90\nKPX Tcommaaccent Atilde -90\nKPX Tcommaaccent O -40\nKPX Tcommaaccent Oacute -40\nKPX Tcommaaccent Ocircumflex -40\nKPX Tcommaaccent Odieresis -40\nKPX Tcommaaccent Ograve -40\nKPX Tcommaaccent Ohungarumlaut -40\nKPX Tcommaaccent Omacron -40\nKPX Tcommaaccent Oslash -40\nKPX Tcommaaccent Otilde -40\nKPX Tcommaaccent a -80\nKPX Tcommaaccent aacute -80\nKPX Tcommaaccent abreve -80\nKPX Tcommaaccent acircumflex -80\nKPX Tcommaaccent adieresis -80\nKPX Tcommaaccent agrave -80\nKPX Tcommaaccent amacron -80\nKPX Tcommaaccent aogonek -80\nKPX Tcommaaccent aring -80\nKPX Tcommaaccent atilde -80\nKPX Tcommaaccent colon -40\nKPX Tcommaaccent comma -80\nKPX Tcommaaccent e -60\nKPX Tcommaaccent eacute -60\nKPX Tcommaaccent ecaron -60\nKPX Tcommaaccent ecircumflex -60\nKPX Tcommaaccent edieresis -60\nKPX Tcommaaccent edotaccent -60\nKPX Tcommaaccent egrave -60\nKPX Tcommaaccent emacron -60\nKPX Tcommaaccent eogonek -60\nKPX Tcommaaccent hyphen -120\nKPX Tcommaaccent o -80\nKPX Tcommaaccent oacute -80\nKPX Tcommaaccent ocircumflex -80\nKPX Tcommaaccent odieresis -80\nKPX Tcommaaccent ograve -80\nKPX Tcommaaccent ohungarumlaut -80\nKPX Tcommaaccent omacron -80\nKPX Tcommaaccent oslash -80\nKPX Tcommaaccent otilde -80\nKPX Tcommaaccent period -80\nKPX Tcommaaccent r -80\nKPX Tcommaaccent racute -80\nKPX Tcommaaccent rcommaaccent -80\nKPX Tcommaaccent semicolon -40\nKPX Tcommaaccent u -90\nKPX Tcommaaccent uacute -90\nKPX Tcommaaccent ucircumflex -90\nKPX Tcommaaccent udieresis -90\nKPX Tcommaaccent ugrave -90\nKPX Tcommaaccent uhungarumlaut -90\nKPX Tcommaaccent umacron -90\nKPX Tcommaaccent uogonek -90\nKPX Tcommaaccent uring -90\nKPX Tcommaaccent w -60\nKPX Tcommaaccent y -60\nKPX Tcommaaccent yacute -60\nKPX Tcommaaccent ydieresis -60\nKPX U A -50\nKPX U Aacute -50\nKPX U Abreve -50\nKPX U Acircumflex -50\nKPX U Adieresis -50\nKPX U Agrave -50\nKPX U Amacron -50\nKPX U Aogonek -50\nKPX U Aring -50\nKPX U Atilde -50\nKPX U comma -30\nKPX U period -30\nKPX Uacute A -50\nKPX Uacute Aacute -50\nKPX Uacute Abreve -50\nKPX Uacute Acircumflex -50\nKPX Uacute Adieresis -50\nKPX Uacute Agrave -50\nKPX Uacute Amacron -50\nKPX Uacute Aogonek -50\nKPX Uacute Aring -50\nKPX Uacute Atilde -50\nKPX Uacute comma -30\nKPX Uacute period -30\nKPX Ucircumflex A -50\nKPX Ucircumflex Aacute -50\nKPX Ucircumflex Abreve -50\nKPX Ucircumflex Acircumflex -50\nKPX Ucircumflex Adieresis -50\nKPX Ucircumflex Agrave -50\nKPX Ucircumflex Amacron -50\nKPX Ucircumflex Aogonek -50\nKPX Ucircumflex Aring -50\nKPX Ucircumflex Atilde -50\nKPX Ucircumflex comma -30\nKPX Ucircumflex period -30\nKPX Udieresis A -50\nKPX Udieresis Aacute -50\nKPX Udieresis Abreve -50\nKPX Udieresis Acircumflex -50\nKPX Udieresis Adieresis -50\nKPX Udieresis Agrave -50\nKPX Udieresis Amacron -50\nKPX Udieresis Aogonek -50\nKPX Udieresis Aring -50\nKPX Udieresis Atilde -50\nKPX Udieresis comma -30\nKPX Udieresis period -30\nKPX Ugrave A -50\nKPX Ugrave Aacute -50\nKPX Ugrave Abreve -50\nKPX Ugrave Acircumflex -50\nKPX Ugrave Adieresis -50\nKPX Ugrave Agrave -50\nKPX Ugrave Amacron -50\nKPX Ugrave Aogonek -50\nKPX Ugrave Aring -50\nKPX Ugrave Atilde -50\nKPX Ugrave comma -30\nKPX Ugrave period -30\nKPX Uhungarumlaut A -50\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Aacute -50\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Abreve -50\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Acircumflex -50\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Adieresis -50\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Agrave -50\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Amacron -50\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Aogonek -50\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Aring -50\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Atilde -50\nKPX Uhungarumlaut comma -30\nKPX Uhungarumlaut period -30\nKPX Umacron A -50\nKPX Umacron Aacute -50\nKPX Umacron Abreve -50\nKPX Umacron Acircumflex -50\nKPX Umacron Adieresis -50\nKPX Umacron Agrave -50\nKPX Umacron Amacron -50\nKPX Umacron Aogonek -50\nKPX Umacron Aring -50\nKPX Umacron Atilde -50\nKPX Umacron comma -30\nKPX Umacron period -30\nKPX Uogonek A -50\nKPX Uogonek Aacute -50\nKPX Uogonek Abreve -50\nKPX Uogonek Acircumflex -50\nKPX Uogonek Adieresis -50\nKPX Uogonek Agrave -50\nKPX Uogonek Amacron -50\nKPX Uogonek Aogonek -50\nKPX Uogonek Aring -50\nKPX Uogonek Atilde -50\nKPX Uogonek comma -30\nKPX Uogonek period -30\nKPX Uring A -50\nKPX Uring Aacute -50\nKPX Uring Abreve -50\nKPX Uring Acircumflex -50\nKPX Uring Adieresis -50\nKPX Uring Agrave -50\nKPX Uring Amacron -50\nKPX Uring Aogonek -50\nKPX Uring Aring -50\nKPX Uring Atilde -50\nKPX Uring comma -30\nKPX Uring period -30\nKPX V A -80\nKPX V Aacute -80\nKPX V Abreve -80\nKPX V Acircumflex -80\nKPX V Adieresis -80\nKPX V Agrave -80\nKPX V Amacron -80\nKPX V Aogonek -80\nKPX V Aring -80\nKPX V Atilde -80\nKPX V G -50\nKPX V Gbreve -50\nKPX V Gcommaaccent -50\nKPX V O -50\nKPX V Oacute -50\nKPX V Ocircumflex -50\nKPX V Odieresis -50\nKPX V Ograve -50\nKPX V Ohungarumlaut -50\nKPX V Omacron -50\nKPX V Oslash -50\nKPX V Otilde -50\nKPX V a -60\nKPX V aacute -60\nKPX V abreve -60\nKPX V acircumflex -60\nKPX V adieresis -60\nKPX V agrave -60\nKPX V amacron -60\nKPX V aogonek -60\nKPX V aring -60\nKPX V atilde -60\nKPX V colon -40\nKPX V comma -120\nKPX V e -50\nKPX V eacute -50\nKPX V ecaron -50\nKPX V ecircumflex -50\nKPX V edieresis -50\nKPX V edotaccent -50\nKPX V egrave -50\nKPX V emacron -50\nKPX V eogonek -50\nKPX V hyphen -80\nKPX V o -90\nKPX V oacute -90\nKPX V ocircumflex -90\nKPX V odieresis -90\nKPX V ograve -90\nKPX V ohungarumlaut -90\nKPX V omacron -90\nKPX V oslash -90\nKPX V otilde -90\nKPX V period -120\nKPX V semicolon -40\nKPX V u -60\nKPX V uacute -60\nKPX V ucircumflex -60\nKPX V udieresis -60\nKPX V ugrave -60\nKPX V uhungarumlaut -60\nKPX V umacron -60\nKPX V uogonek -60\nKPX V uring -60\nKPX W A -60\nKPX W Aacute -60\nKPX W Abreve -60\nKPX W Acircumflex -60\nKPX W Adieresis -60\nKPX W Agrave -60\nKPX W Amacron -60\nKPX W Aogonek -60\nKPX W Aring -60\nKPX W Atilde -60\nKPX W O -20\nKPX W Oacute -20\nKPX W Ocircumflex -20\nKPX W Odieresis -20\nKPX W Ograve -20\nKPX W Ohungarumlaut -20\nKPX W Omacron -20\nKPX W Oslash -20\nKPX W Otilde -20\nKPX W a -40\nKPX W aacute -40\nKPX W abreve -40\nKPX W acircumflex -40\nKPX W adieresis -40\nKPX W agrave -40\nKPX W amacron -40\nKPX W aogonek -40\nKPX W aring -40\nKPX W atilde -40\nKPX W colon -10\nKPX W comma -80\nKPX W e -35\nKPX W eacute -35\nKPX W ecaron -35\nKPX W ecircumflex -35\nKPX W edieresis -35\nKPX W edotaccent -35\nKPX W egrave -35\nKPX W emacron -35\nKPX W eogonek -35\nKPX W hyphen -40\nKPX W o -60\nKPX W oacute -60\nKPX W ocircumflex -60\nKPX W odieresis -60\nKPX W ograve -60\nKPX W ohungarumlaut -60\nKPX W omacron -60\nKPX W oslash -60\nKPX W otilde -60\nKPX W period -80\nKPX W semicolon -10\nKPX W u -45\nKPX W uacute -45\nKPX W ucircumflex -45\nKPX W udieresis -45\nKPX W ugrave -45\nKPX W uhungarumlaut -45\nKPX W umacron -45\nKPX W uogonek -45\nKPX W uring -45\nKPX W y -20\nKPX W yacute -20\nKPX W ydieresis -20\nKPX Y A -110\nKPX Y Aacute -110\nKPX Y Abreve -110\nKPX Y Acircumflex -110\nKPX Y Adieresis -110\nKPX Y Agrave -110\nKPX Y Amacron -110\nKPX Y Aogonek -110\nKPX Y Aring -110\nKPX Y Atilde -110\nKPX Y O -70\nKPX Y Oacute -70\nKPX Y Ocircumflex -70\nKPX Y Odieresis -70\nKPX Y Ograve -70\nKPX Y Ohungarumlaut -70\nKPX Y Omacron -70\nKPX Y Oslash -70\nKPX Y Otilde -70\nKPX Y a -90\nKPX Y aacute -90\nKPX Y abreve -90\nKPX Y acircumflex -90\nKPX Y adieresis -90\nKPX Y agrave -90\nKPX Y amacron -90\nKPX Y aogonek -90\nKPX Y aring -90\nKPX Y atilde -90\nKPX Y colon -50\nKPX Y comma -100\nKPX Y e -80\nKPX Y eacute -80\nKPX Y ecaron -80\nKPX Y ecircumflex -80\nKPX Y edieresis -80\nKPX Y edotaccent -80\nKPX Y egrave -80\nKPX Y emacron -80\nKPX Y eogonek -80\nKPX Y o -100\nKPX Y oacute -100\nKPX Y ocircumflex -100\nKPX Y odieresis -100\nKPX Y ograve -100\nKPX Y ohungarumlaut -100\nKPX Y omacron -100\nKPX Y oslash -100\nKPX Y otilde -100\nKPX Y period -100\nKPX Y semicolon -50\nKPX Y u -100\nKPX Y uacute -100\nKPX Y ucircumflex -100\nKPX Y udieresis -100\nKPX Y ugrave -100\nKPX Y uhungarumlaut -100\nKPX Y umacron -100\nKPX Y uogonek -100\nKPX Y uring -100\nKPX Yacute A -110\nKPX Yacute Aacute -110\nKPX Yacute Abreve -110\nKPX Yacute Acircumflex -110\nKPX Yacute Adieresis -110\nKPX Yacute Agrave -110\nKPX Yacute Amacron -110\nKPX Yacute Aogonek -110\nKPX Yacute Aring -110\nKPX Yacute Atilde -110\nKPX Yacute O -70\nKPX Yacute Oacute -70\nKPX Yacute Ocircumflex -70\nKPX Yacute Odieresis -70\nKPX Yacute Ograve -70\nKPX Yacute Ohungarumlaut -70\nKPX Yacute Omacron -70\nKPX Yacute Oslash -70\nKPX Yacute Otilde -70\nKPX Yacute a -90\nKPX Yacute aacute -90\nKPX Yacute abreve -90\nKPX Yacute acircumflex -90\nKPX Yacute adieresis -90\nKPX Yacute agrave -90\nKPX Yacute amacron -90\nKPX Yacute aogonek -90\nKPX Yacute aring -90\nKPX Yacute atilde -90\nKPX Yacute colon -50\nKPX Yacute comma -100\nKPX Yacute e -80\nKPX Yacute eacute -80\nKPX Yacute ecaron -80\nKPX Yacute ecircumflex -80\nKPX Yacute edieresis -80\nKPX Yacute edotaccent -80\nKPX Yacute egrave -80\nKPX Yacute emacron -80\nKPX Yacute eogonek -80\nKPX Yacute o -100\nKPX Yacute oacute -100\nKPX Yacute ocircumflex -100\nKPX Yacute odieresis -100\nKPX Yacute ograve -100\nKPX Yacute ohungarumlaut -100\nKPX Yacute omacron -100\nKPX Yacute oslash -100\nKPX Yacute otilde -100\nKPX Yacute period -100\nKPX Yacute semicolon -50\nKPX Yacute u -100\nKPX Yacute uacute -100\nKPX Yacute ucircumflex -100\nKPX Yacute udieresis -100\nKPX Yacute ugrave -100\nKPX Yacute uhungarumlaut -100\nKPX Yacute umacron -100\nKPX Yacute uogonek -100\nKPX Yacute uring -100\nKPX Ydieresis A -110\nKPX Ydieresis Aacute -110\nKPX Ydieresis Abreve -110\nKPX Ydieresis Acircumflex -110\nKPX Ydieresis Adieresis -110\nKPX Ydieresis Agrave -110\nKPX Ydieresis Amacron -110\nKPX Ydieresis Aogonek -110\nKPX Ydieresis Aring -110\nKPX Ydieresis Atilde -110\nKPX Ydieresis O -70\nKPX Ydieresis Oacute -70\nKPX Ydieresis Ocircumflex -70\nKPX Ydieresis Odieresis -70\nKPX Ydieresis Ograve -70\nKPX Ydieresis Ohungarumlaut -70\nKPX Ydieresis Omacron -70\nKPX Ydieresis Oslash -70\nKPX Ydieresis Otilde -70\nKPX Ydieresis a -90\nKPX Ydieresis aacute -90\nKPX Ydieresis abreve -90\nKPX Ydieresis acircumflex -90\nKPX Ydieresis adieresis -90\nKPX Ydieresis agrave -90\nKPX Ydieresis amacron -90\nKPX Ydieresis aogonek -90\nKPX Ydieresis aring -90\nKPX Ydieresis atilde -90\nKPX Ydieresis colon -50\nKPX Ydieresis comma -100\nKPX Ydieresis e -80\nKPX Ydieresis eacute -80\nKPX Ydieresis ecaron -80\nKPX Ydieresis ecircumflex -80\nKPX Ydieresis edieresis -80\nKPX Ydieresis edotaccent -80\nKPX Ydieresis egrave -80\nKPX Ydieresis emacron -80\nKPX Ydieresis eogonek -80\nKPX Ydieresis o -100\nKPX Ydieresis oacute -100\nKPX Ydieresis ocircumflex -100\nKPX Ydieresis odieresis -100\nKPX Ydieresis ograve -100\nKPX Ydieresis ohungarumlaut -100\nKPX Ydieresis omacron -100\nKPX Ydieresis oslash -100\nKPX Ydieresis otilde -100\nKPX Ydieresis period -100\nKPX Ydieresis semicolon -50\nKPX Ydieresis u -100\nKPX Ydieresis uacute -100\nKPX Ydieresis ucircumflex -100\nKPX Ydieresis udieresis -100\nKPX Ydieresis ugrave -100\nKPX Ydieresis uhungarumlaut -100\nKPX Ydieresis umacron -100\nKPX Ydieresis uogonek -100\nKPX Ydieresis uring -100\nKPX a g -10\nKPX a gbreve -10\nKPX a gcommaaccent -10\nKPX a v -15\nKPX a w -15\nKPX a y -20\nKPX a yacute -20\nKPX a ydieresis -20\nKPX aacute g -10\nKPX aacute gbreve -10\nKPX aacute gcommaaccent -10\nKPX aacute v -15\nKPX aacute w -15\nKPX aacute y -20\nKPX aacute yacute -20\nKPX aacute ydieresis -20\nKPX abreve g -10\nKPX abreve gbreve -10\nKPX abreve gcommaaccent -10\nKPX abreve v -15\nKPX abreve w -15\nKPX abreve y -20\nKPX abreve yacute -20\nKPX abreve ydieresis -20\nKPX acircumflex g -10\nKPX acircumflex gbreve -10\nKPX acircumflex gcommaaccent -10\nKPX acircumflex v -15\nKPX acircumflex w -15\nKPX acircumflex y -20\nKPX acircumflex yacute -20\nKPX acircumflex ydieresis -20\nKPX adieresis g -10\nKPX adieresis gbreve -10\nKPX adieresis gcommaaccent -10\nKPX adieresis v -15\nKPX adieresis w -15\nKPX adieresis y -20\nKPX adieresis yacute -20\nKPX adieresis ydieresis -20\nKPX agrave g -10\nKPX agrave gbreve -10\nKPX agrave gcommaaccent -10\nKPX agrave v -15\nKPX agrave w -15\nKPX agrave y -20\nKPX agrave yacute -20\nKPX agrave ydieresis -20\nKPX amacron g -10\nKPX amacron gbreve -10\nKPX amacron gcommaaccent -10\nKPX amacron v -15\nKPX amacron w -15\nKPX amacron y -20\nKPX amacron yacute -20\nKPX amacron ydieresis -20\nKPX aogonek g -10\nKPX aogonek gbreve -10\nKPX aogonek gcommaaccent -10\nKPX aogonek v -15\nKPX aogonek w -15\nKPX aogonek y -20\nKPX aogonek yacute -20\nKPX aogonek ydieresis -20\nKPX aring g -10\nKPX aring gbreve -10\nKPX aring gcommaaccent -10\nKPX aring v -15\nKPX aring w -15\nKPX aring y -20\nKPX aring yacute -20\nKPX aring ydieresis -20\nKPX atilde g -10\nKPX atilde gbreve -10\nKPX atilde gcommaaccent -10\nKPX atilde v -15\nKPX atilde w -15\nKPX atilde y -20\nKPX atilde yacute -20\nKPX atilde ydieresis -20\nKPX b l -10\nKPX b lacute -10\nKPX b lcommaaccent -10\nKPX b lslash -10\nKPX b u -20\nKPX b uacute -20\nKPX b ucircumflex -20\nKPX b udieresis -20\nKPX b ugrave -20\nKPX b uhungarumlaut -20\nKPX b umacron -20\nKPX b uogonek -20\nKPX b uring -20\nKPX b v -20\nKPX b y -20\nKPX b yacute -20\nKPX b ydieresis -20\nKPX c h -10\nKPX c k -20\nKPX c kcommaaccent -20\nKPX c l -20\nKPX c lacute -20\nKPX c lcommaaccent -20\nKPX c lslash -20\nKPX c y -10\nKPX c yacute -10\nKPX c ydieresis -10\nKPX cacute h -10\nKPX cacute k -20\nKPX cacute kcommaaccent -20\nKPX cacute l -20\nKPX cacute lacute -20\nKPX cacute lcommaaccent -20\nKPX cacute lslash -20\nKPX cacute y -10\nKPX cacute yacute -10\nKPX cacute ydieresis -10\nKPX ccaron h -10\nKPX ccaron k -20\nKPX ccaron kcommaaccent -20\nKPX ccaron l -20\nKPX ccaron lacute -20\nKPX ccaron lcommaaccent -20\nKPX ccaron lslash -20\nKPX ccaron y -10\nKPX ccaron yacute -10\nKPX ccaron ydieresis -10\nKPX ccedilla h -10\nKPX ccedilla k -20\nKPX ccedilla kcommaaccent -20\nKPX ccedilla l -20\nKPX ccedilla lacute -20\nKPX ccedilla lcommaaccent -20\nKPX ccedilla lslash -20\nKPX ccedilla y -10\nKPX ccedilla yacute -10\nKPX ccedilla ydieresis -10\nKPX colon space -40\nKPX comma quotedblright -120\nKPX comma quoteright -120\nKPX comma space -40\nKPX d d -10\nKPX d dcroat -10\nKPX d v -15\nKPX d w -15\nKPX d y -15\nKPX d yacute -15\nKPX d ydieresis -15\nKPX dcroat d -10\nKPX dcroat dcroat -10\nKPX dcroat v -15\nKPX dcroat w -15\nKPX dcroat y -15\nKPX dcroat yacute -15\nKPX dcroat ydieresis -15\nKPX e comma 10\nKPX e period 20\nKPX e v -15\nKPX e w -15\nKPX e x -15\nKPX e y -15\nKPX e yacute -15\nKPX e ydieresis -15\nKPX eacute comma 10\nKPX eacute period 20\nKPX eacute v -15\nKPX eacute w -15\nKPX eacute x -15\nKPX eacute y -15\nKPX eacute yacute -15\nKPX eacute ydieresis -15\nKPX ecaron comma 10\nKPX ecaron period 20\nKPX ecaron v -15\nKPX ecaron w -15\nKPX ecaron x -15\nKPX ecaron y -15\nKPX ecaron yacute -15\nKPX ecaron ydieresis -15\nKPX ecircumflex comma 10\nKPX ecircumflex period 20\nKPX ecircumflex v -15\nKPX ecircumflex w -15\nKPX ecircumflex x -15\nKPX ecircumflex y -15\nKPX ecircumflex yacute -15\nKPX ecircumflex ydieresis -15\nKPX edieresis comma 10\nKPX edieresis period 20\nKPX edieresis v -15\nKPX edieresis w -15\nKPX edieresis x -15\nKPX edieresis y -15\nKPX edieresis yacute -15\nKPX edieresis ydieresis -15\nKPX edotaccent comma 10\nKPX edotaccent period 20\nKPX edotaccent v -15\nKPX edotaccent w -15\nKPX edotaccent x -15\nKPX edotaccent y -15\nKPX edotaccent yacute -15\nKPX edotaccent ydieresis -15\nKPX egrave comma 10\nKPX egrave period 20\nKPX egrave v -15\nKPX egrave w -15\nKPX egrave x -15\nKPX egrave y -15\nKPX egrave yacute -15\nKPX egrave ydieresis -15\nKPX emacron comma 10\nKPX emacron period 20\nKPX emacron v -15\nKPX emacron w -15\nKPX emacron x -15\nKPX emacron y -15\nKPX emacron yacute -15\nKPX emacron ydieresis -15\nKPX eogonek comma 10\nKPX eogonek period 20\nKPX eogonek v -15\nKPX eogonek w -15\nKPX eogonek x -15\nKPX eogonek y -15\nKPX eogonek yacute -15\nKPX eogonek ydieresis -15\nKPX f comma -10\nKPX f e -10\nKPX f eacute -10\nKPX f ecaron -10\nKPX f ecircumflex -10\nKPX f edieresis -10\nKPX f edotaccent -10\nKPX f egrave -10\nKPX f emacron -10\nKPX f eogonek -10\nKPX f o -20\nKPX f oacute -20\nKPX f ocircumflex -20\nKPX f odieresis -20\nKPX f ograve -20\nKPX f ohungarumlaut -20\nKPX f omacron -20\nKPX f oslash -20\nKPX f otilde -20\nKPX f period -10\nKPX f quotedblright 30\nKPX f quoteright 30\nKPX g e 10\nKPX g eacute 10\nKPX g ecaron 10\nKPX g ecircumflex 10\nKPX g edieresis 10\nKPX g edotaccent 10\nKPX g egrave 10\nKPX g emacron 10\nKPX g eogonek 10\nKPX g g -10\nKPX g gbreve -10\nKPX g gcommaaccent -10\nKPX gbreve e 10\nKPX gbreve eacute 10\nKPX gbreve ecaron 10\nKPX gbreve ecircumflex 10\nKPX gbreve edieresis 10\nKPX gbreve edotaccent 10\nKPX gbreve egrave 10\nKPX gbreve emacron 10\nKPX gbreve eogonek 10\nKPX gbreve g -10\nKPX gbreve gbreve -10\nKPX gbreve gcommaaccent -10\nKPX gcommaaccent e 10\nKPX gcommaaccent eacute 10\nKPX gcommaaccent ecaron 10\nKPX gcommaaccent ecircumflex 10\nKPX gcommaaccent edieresis 10\nKPX gcommaaccent edotaccent 10\nKPX gcommaaccent egrave 10\nKPX gcommaaccent emacron 10\nKPX gcommaaccent eogonek 10\nKPX gcommaaccent g -10\nKPX gcommaaccent gbreve -10\nKPX gcommaaccent gcommaaccent -10\nKPX h y -20\nKPX h yacute -20\nKPX h ydieresis -20\nKPX k o -15\nKPX k oacute -15\nKPX k ocircumflex -15\nKPX k odieresis -15\nKPX k ograve -15\nKPX k ohungarumlaut -15\nKPX k omacron -15\nKPX k oslash -15\nKPX k otilde -15\nKPX kcommaaccent o -15\nKPX kcommaaccent oacute -15\nKPX kcommaaccent ocircumflex -15\nKPX kcommaaccent odieresis -15\nKPX kcommaaccent ograve -15\nKPX kcommaaccent ohungarumlaut -15\nKPX kcommaaccent omacron -15\nKPX kcommaaccent oslash -15\nKPX kcommaaccent otilde -15\nKPX l w -15\nKPX l y -15\nKPX l yacute -15\nKPX l ydieresis -15\nKPX lacute w -15\nKPX lacute y -15\nKPX lacute yacute -15\nKPX lacute ydieresis -15\nKPX lcommaaccent w -15\nKPX lcommaaccent y -15\nKPX lcommaaccent yacute -15\nKPX lcommaaccent ydieresis -15\nKPX lslash w -15\nKPX lslash y -15\nKPX lslash yacute -15\nKPX lslash ydieresis -15\nKPX m u -20\nKPX m uacute -20\nKPX m ucircumflex -20\nKPX m udieresis -20\nKPX m ugrave -20\nKPX m uhungarumlaut -20\nKPX m umacron -20\nKPX m uogonek -20\nKPX m uring -20\nKPX m y -30\nKPX m yacute -30\nKPX m ydieresis -30\nKPX n u -10\nKPX n uacute -10\nKPX n ucircumflex -10\nKPX n udieresis -10\nKPX n ugrave -10\nKPX n uhungarumlaut -10\nKPX n umacron -10\nKPX n uogonek -10\nKPX n uring -10\nKPX n v -40\nKPX n y -20\nKPX n yacute -20\nKPX n ydieresis -20\nKPX nacute u -10\nKPX nacute uacute -10\nKPX nacute ucircumflex -10\nKPX nacute udieresis -10\nKPX nacute ugrave -10\nKPX nacute uhungarumlaut -10\nKPX nacute umacron -10\nKPX nacute uogonek -10\nKPX nacute uring -10\nKPX nacute v -40\nKPX nacute y -20\nKPX nacute yacute -20\nKPX nacute ydieresis -20\nKPX ncaron u -10\nKPX ncaron uacute -10\nKPX ncaron ucircumflex -10\nKPX ncaron udieresis -10\nKPX ncaron ugrave -10\nKPX ncaron uhungarumlaut -10\nKPX ncaron umacron -10\nKPX ncaron uogonek -10\nKPX ncaron uring -10\nKPX ncaron v -40\nKPX ncaron y -20\nKPX ncaron yacute -20\nKPX ncaron ydieresis -20\nKPX ncommaaccent u -10\nKPX ncommaaccent uacute -10\nKPX ncommaaccent ucircumflex -10\nKPX ncommaaccent udieresis -10\nKPX ncommaaccent ugrave -10\nKPX ncommaaccent uhungarumlaut -10\nKPX ncommaaccent umacron -10\nKPX ncommaaccent uogonek -10\nKPX ncommaaccent uring -10\nKPX ncommaaccent v -40\nKPX ncommaaccent y -20\nKPX ncommaaccent yacute -20\nKPX ncommaaccent ydieresis -20\nKPX ntilde u -10\nKPX ntilde uacute -10\nKPX ntilde ucircumflex -10\nKPX ntilde udieresis -10\nKPX ntilde ugrave -10\nKPX ntilde uhungarumlaut -10\nKPX ntilde umacron -10\nKPX ntilde uogonek -10\nKPX ntilde uring -10\nKPX ntilde v -40\nKPX ntilde y -20\nKPX ntilde yacute -20\nKPX ntilde ydieresis -20\nKPX o v -20\nKPX o w -15\nKPX o x -30\nKPX o y -20\nKPX o yacute -20\nKPX o ydieresis -20\nKPX oacute v -20\nKPX oacute w -15\nKPX oacute x -30\nKPX oacute y -20\nKPX 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-15\nKPX p yacute -15\nKPX p ydieresis -15\nKPX period quotedblright -120\nKPX period quoteright -120\nKPX period space -40\nKPX quotedblright space -80\nKPX quoteleft quoteleft -46\nKPX quoteright d -80\nKPX quoteright dcroat -80\nKPX quoteright l -20\nKPX quoteright lacute -20\nKPX quoteright lcommaaccent -20\nKPX quoteright lslash -20\nKPX quoteright quoteright -46\nKPX quoteright r -40\nKPX quoteright racute -40\nKPX quoteright rcaron -40\nKPX quoteright rcommaaccent -40\nKPX quoteright s -60\nKPX quoteright sacute -60\nKPX quoteright scaron -60\nKPX quoteright scedilla -60\nKPX quoteright scommaaccent -60\nKPX quoteright space -80\nKPX quoteright v -20\nKPX r c -20\nKPX r cacute -20\nKPX r ccaron -20\nKPX r ccedilla -20\nKPX r comma -60\nKPX r d -20\nKPX r dcroat -20\nKPX r g -15\nKPX r gbreve -15\nKPX r gcommaaccent -15\nKPX r hyphen -20\nKPX r o -20\nKPX r oacute -20\nKPX r ocircumflex -20\nKPX r odieresis -20\nKPX r ograve -20\nKPX r ohungarumlaut -20\nKPX r omacron -20\nKPX r 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circumflex ; B 11 507 322 674 ;\nC 196 ; WX 333 ; N tilde ; B 1 532 331 638 ;\nC 197 ; WX 333 ; N macron ; B 11 547 322 601 ;\nC 198 ; WX 333 ; N breve ; B 26 507 307 664 ;\nC 199 ; WX 333 ; N dotaccent ; B 118 581 216 681 ;\nC 200 ; WX 333 ; N dieresis ; B 18 581 315 681 ;\nC 202 ; WX 333 ; N ring ; B 67 512 266 711 ;\nC 203 ; WX 333 ; N cedilla ; B 52 -215 261 0 ;\nC 205 ; WX 333 ; N hungarumlaut ; B -3 507 377 678 ;\nC 206 ; WX 333 ; N ogonek ; B 62 -165 243 0 ;\nC 207 ; WX 333 ; N caron ; B 11 507 322 674 ;\nC 208 ; WX 1000 ; N emdash ; B 0 201 1000 250 ;\nC 225 ; WX 889 ; N AE ; B 0 0 863 662 ;\nC 227 ; WX 276 ; N ordfeminine ; B 4 394 270 676 ;\nC 232 ; WX 611 ; N Lslash ; B 12 0 598 662 ;\nC 233 ; WX 722 ; N Oslash ; B 34 -80 688 734 ;\nC 234 ; WX 889 ; N OE ; B 30 -6 885 668 ;\nC 235 ; WX 310 ; N ordmasculine ; B 6 394 304 676 ;\nC 241 ; WX 667 ; N ae ; B 38 -10 632 460 ;\nC 245 ; WX 278 ; N dotlessi ; B 16 0 253 460 ;\nC 248 ; WX 278 ; N lslash ; B 19 0 259 683 ;\nC 249 ; WX 500 ; N oslash ; B 29 -112 470 551 ;\nC 250 ; WX 722 ; N oe ; B 30 -10 690 460 ;\nC 251 ; WX 500 ; N germandbls ; B 12 -9 468 683 ;\nC -1 ; WX 333 ; N Idieresis ; B 18 0 315 835 ;\nC -1 ; WX 444 ; N eacute ; B 25 -10 424 678 ;\nC -1 ; WX 444 ; N abreve ; B 37 -10 442 664 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N uhungarumlaut ; B 9 -10 501 678 ;\nC -1 ; WX 444 ; N ecaron ; B 25 -10 424 674 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ydieresis ; B 22 0 703 835 ;\nC -1 ; WX 564 ; N divide ; B 30 -10 534 516 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Yacute ; B 22 0 703 890 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Acircumflex ; B 15 0 706 886 ;\nC -1 ; WX 444 ; N aacute ; B 37 -10 442 678 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ucircumflex ; B 14 -14 705 886 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N yacute ; B 14 -218 475 678 ;\nC -1 ; WX 389 ; N scommaaccent ; B 51 -218 348 460 ;\nC -1 ; WX 444 ; N ecircumflex ; B 25 -10 424 674 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Uring ; B 14 -14 705 898 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Udieresis ; B 14 -14 705 835 ;\nC -1 ; WX 444 ; N aogonek ; B 37 -165 469 460 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Uacute ; B 14 -14 705 890 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N uogonek ; B 9 -155 487 450 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N Edieresis ; B 12 0 597 835 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Dcroat ; B 16 0 685 662 ;\nC -1 ; WX 250 ; N commaaccent ; B 59 -218 184 -50 ;\nC -1 ; WX 760 ; N copyright ; B 38 -14 722 676 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N Emacron ; B 12 0 597 813 ;\nC -1 ; WX 444 ; N ccaron ; B 25 -10 412 674 ;\nC -1 ; WX 444 ; N aring ; B 37 -10 442 711 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ncommaaccent ; B 12 -198 707 662 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N lacute ; B 19 0 290 890 ;\nC -1 ; WX 444 ; N agrave ; B 37 -10 442 678 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N Tcommaaccent ; B 17 -218 593 662 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Cacute ; B 28 -14 633 890 ;\nC -1 ; WX 444 ; N atilde ; B 37 -10 442 638 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N Edotaccent ; B 12 0 597 835 ;\nC -1 ; WX 389 ; N scaron ; B 39 -10 350 674 ;\nC -1 ; WX 389 ; N scedilla ; B 51 -215 348 460 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N iacute ; B 16 0 290 678 ;\nC -1 ; WX 471 ; N lozenge ; B 13 0 459 724 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Rcaron ; B 17 0 659 886 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Gcommaaccent ; B 32 -218 709 676 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N ucircumflex ; B 9 -10 479 674 ;\nC -1 ; WX 444 ; N acircumflex ; B 37 -10 442 674 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Amacron ; B 15 0 706 813 ;\nC -1 ; WX 333 ; N rcaron ; B 5 0 335 674 ;\nC -1 ; WX 444 ; N ccedilla ; B 25 -215 412 460 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N Zdotaccent ; B 9 0 597 835 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N Thorn ; B 16 0 542 662 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Omacron ; B 34 -14 688 813 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Racute ; B 17 0 659 890 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N Sacute ; B 42 -14 491 890 ;\nC -1 ; WX 588 ; N dcaron ; B 27 -10 589 695 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Umacron ; B 14 -14 705 813 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N uring ; B 9 -10 479 711 ;\nC -1 ; WX 300 ; N threesuperior ; B 15 262 291 676 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ograve ; B 34 -14 688 890 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Agrave ; B 15 0 706 890 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Abreve ; B 15 0 706 876 ;\nC -1 ; WX 564 ; N multiply ; B 38 8 527 497 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N uacute ; B 9 -10 479 678 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N Tcaron ; B 17 0 593 886 ;\nC -1 ; WX 476 ; N partialdiff ; B 17 -38 459 710 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N ydieresis ; B 14 -218 475 623 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Nacute ; B 12 -11 707 890 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N icircumflex ; B -16 0 295 674 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N Ecircumflex ; B 12 0 597 886 ;\nC -1 ; WX 444 ; N adieresis ; B 37 -10 442 623 ;\nC -1 ; WX 444 ; N edieresis ; B 25 -10 424 623 ;\nC -1 ; WX 444 ; N cacute ; B 25 -10 413 678 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N nacute ; B 16 0 485 678 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N umacron ; B 9 -10 479 601 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ncaron ; B 12 -11 707 886 ;\nC -1 ; WX 333 ; N Iacute ; B 18 0 317 890 ;\nC -1 ; WX 564 ; N plusminus ; B 30 0 534 506 ;\nC -1 ; WX 200 ; N brokenbar ; B 67 -143 133 707 ;\nC -1 ; WX 760 ; N registered ; B 38 -14 722 676 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Gbreve ; B 32 -14 709 876 ;\nC -1 ; WX 333 ; N Idotaccent ; B 18 0 315 835 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N summation ; B 15 -10 585 706 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N Egrave ; B 12 0 597 890 ;\nC -1 ; WX 333 ; N racute ; B 5 0 335 678 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N omacron ; B 29 -10 470 601 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N Zacute ; B 9 0 597 890 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N Zcaron ; B 9 0 597 886 ;\nC -1 ; WX 549 ; N greaterequal ; B 26 0 523 666 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Eth ; B 16 0 685 662 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Ccedilla ; B 28 -215 633 676 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N lcommaaccent ; B 19 -218 257 683 ;\nC -1 ; WX 326 ; N tcaron ; B 13 -10 318 722 ;\nC -1 ; WX 444 ; N eogonek ; B 25 -165 424 460 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Uogonek ; B 14 -165 705 662 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Aacute ; B 15 0 706 890 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Adieresis ; B 15 0 706 835 ;\nC -1 ; WX 444 ; N egrave ; B 25 -10 424 678 ;\nC -1 ; WX 444 ; N zacute ; B 27 0 418 678 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N iogonek ; B 16 -165 265 683 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Oacute ; B 34 -14 688 890 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N oacute ; B 29 -10 470 678 ;\nC -1 ; WX 444 ; N amacron ; B 37 -10 442 601 ;\nC -1 ; WX 389 ; N sacute ; B 51 -10 348 678 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N idieresis ; B -9 0 288 623 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 34 -14 688 886 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ugrave ; B 14 -14 705 890 ;\nC -1 ; WX 612 ; N Delta ; B 6 0 608 688 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N thorn ; B 5 -217 470 683 ;\nC -1 ; WX 300 ; N twosuperior ; B 1 270 296 676 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Odieresis ; B 34 -14 688 835 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N mu ; B 36 -218 512 450 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N igrave ; B -8 0 253 678 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N ohungarumlaut ; B 29 -10 491 678 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N Eogonek ; B 12 -165 597 662 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N dcroat ; B 27 -10 500 683 ;\nC -1 ; WX 750 ; N threequarters ; B 15 -14 718 676 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N Scedilla ; B 42 -215 491 676 ;\nC -1 ; WX 344 ; N lcaron ; B 19 0 347 695 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Kcommaaccent ; B 34 -198 723 662 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N Lacute ; B 12 0 598 890 ;\nC -1 ; WX 980 ; N trademark ; B 30 256 957 662 ;\nC -1 ; WX 444 ; N edotaccent ; B 25 -10 424 623 ;\nC -1 ; WX 333 ; N Igrave ; B 18 0 315 890 ;\nC -1 ; WX 333 ; N Imacron ; B 11 0 322 813 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N Lcaron ; B 12 0 598 676 ;\nC -1 ; WX 750 ; N onehalf ; B 31 -14 746 676 ;\nC -1 ; WX 549 ; N lessequal ; B 26 0 523 666 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N ocircumflex ; B 29 -10 470 674 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N ntilde ; B 16 0 485 638 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Uhungarumlaut ; B 14 -14 705 890 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N Eacute ; B 12 0 597 890 ;\nC -1 ; WX 444 ; N emacron ; B 25 -10 424 601 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N gbreve ; B 28 -218 470 664 ;\nC -1 ; WX 750 ; N onequarter ; B 37 -14 718 676 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N Scaron ; B 42 -14 491 886 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N Scommaaccent ; B 42 -218 491 676 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ohungarumlaut ; B 34 -14 688 890 ;\nC -1 ; WX 400 ; N degree ; B 57 390 343 676 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N ograve ; B 29 -10 470 678 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Ccaron ; B 28 -14 633 886 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N ugrave ; B 9 -10 479 678 ;\nC -1 ; WX 453 ; N radical ; B 2 -60 452 768 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Dcaron ; B 16 0 685 886 ;\nC -1 ; WX 333 ; N rcommaaccent ; B 5 -218 335 460 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ntilde ; B 12 -11 707 850 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N otilde ; B 29 -10 470 638 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Rcommaaccent ; B 17 -198 659 662 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N Lcommaaccent ; B 12 -218 598 662 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Atilde ; B 15 0 706 850 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Aogonek ; B 15 -165 738 674 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Aring ; B 15 0 706 898 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Otilde ; B 34 -14 688 850 ;\nC -1 ; WX 444 ; N zdotaccent ; B 27 0 418 623 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N Ecaron ; B 12 0 597 886 ;\nC -1 ; WX 333 ; N Iogonek ; B 18 -165 315 662 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N kcommaaccent ; B 7 -218 505 683 ;\nC -1 ; WX 564 ; N minus ; B 30 220 534 286 ;\nC -1 ; WX 333 ; N Icircumflex ; B 11 0 322 886 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N ncaron ; B 16 0 485 674 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N tcommaaccent ; B 13 -218 279 579 ;\nC -1 ; WX 564 ; N logicalnot ; B 30 108 534 386 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N odieresis ; B 29 -10 470 623 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N udieresis ; B 9 -10 479 623 ;\nC -1 ; WX 549 ; N notequal ; B 12 -31 537 547 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N gcommaaccent ; B 28 -218 470 749 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N eth ; B 29 -10 471 686 ;\nC -1 ; WX 444 ; N zcaron ; B 27 0 418 674 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N ncommaaccent ; B 16 -218 485 460 ;\nC -1 ; WX 300 ; N onesuperior ; B 57 270 248 676 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N imacron ; B 6 0 271 601 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N Euro ; B 0 0 0 0 ;\nEndCharMetrics\nStartKernData\nStartKernPairs 2073\nKPX A C -40\nKPX A Cacute -40\nKPX A Ccaron -40\nKPX A Ccedilla -40\nKPX A G -40\nKPX A Gbreve -40\nKPX A Gcommaaccent -40\nKPX A O -55\nKPX A Oacute -55\nKPX A Ocircumflex -55\nKPX A Odieresis -55\nKPX A Ograve -55\nKPX A Ohungarumlaut -55\nKPX A Omacron -55\nKPX A Oslash -55\nKPX A Otilde -55\nKPX A Q -55\nKPX A T -111\nKPX A Tcaron -111\nKPX A Tcommaaccent -111\nKPX A U -55\nKPX A Uacute -55\nKPX A Ucircumflex -55\nKPX A Udieresis -55\nKPX A Ugrave -55\nKPX A Uhungarumlaut -55\nKPX A Umacron -55\nKPX A Uogonek -55\nKPX A Uring -55\nKPX A V -135\nKPX A W -90\nKPX A Y -105\nKPX A Yacute -105\nKPX A Ydieresis -105\nKPX A quoteright -111\nKPX A v -74\nKPX A w -92\nKPX A y -92\nKPX A yacute -92\nKPX A ydieresis -92\nKPX Aacute C -40\nKPX Aacute Cacute -40\nKPX Aacute Ccaron -40\nKPX Aacute Ccedilla -40\nKPX Aacute G -40\nKPX Aacute Gbreve -40\nKPX Aacute Gcommaaccent -40\nKPX Aacute O -55\nKPX Aacute Oacute -55\nKPX Aacute Ocircumflex -55\nKPX Aacute Odieresis -55\nKPX Aacute Ograve -55\nKPX Aacute Ohungarumlaut -55\nKPX Aacute Omacron -55\nKPX Aacute Oslash -55\nKPX Aacute Otilde -55\nKPX Aacute Q -55\nKPX Aacute T -111\nKPX Aacute Tcaron -111\nKPX Aacute Tcommaaccent -111\nKPX Aacute U -55\nKPX Aacute Uacute -55\nKPX Aacute Ucircumflex -55\nKPX Aacute Udieresis -55\nKPX Aacute Ugrave -55\nKPX Aacute Uhungarumlaut -55\nKPX Aacute Umacron -55\nKPX Aacute Uogonek -55\nKPX Aacute Uring -55\nKPX Aacute V -135\nKPX Aacute W -90\nKPX Aacute Y -105\nKPX Aacute Yacute -105\nKPX Aacute Ydieresis -105\nKPX Aacute quoteright -111\nKPX Aacute v -74\nKPX Aacute w -92\nKPX Aacute y -92\nKPX Aacute yacute -92\nKPX Aacute ydieresis -92\nKPX Abreve C -40\nKPX Abreve Cacute -40\nKPX Abreve Ccaron -40\nKPX Abreve Ccedilla -40\nKPX Abreve G -40\nKPX Abreve Gbreve -40\nKPX Abreve Gcommaaccent -40\nKPX Abreve O -55\nKPX Abreve Oacute -55\nKPX Abreve Ocircumflex -55\nKPX Abreve Odieresis -55\nKPX Abreve Ograve -55\nKPX Abreve Ohungarumlaut -55\nKPX Abreve Omacron -55\nKPX Abreve Oslash -55\nKPX Abreve Otilde -55\nKPX Abreve Q -55\nKPX Abreve T -111\nKPX Abreve Tcaron -111\nKPX Abreve Tcommaaccent -111\nKPX Abreve U -55\nKPX Abreve Uacute -55\nKPX Abreve Ucircumflex -55\nKPX Abreve Udieresis -55\nKPX Abreve Ugrave -55\nKPX Abreve Uhungarumlaut -55\nKPX Abreve Umacron -55\nKPX Abreve Uogonek -55\nKPX Abreve Uring -55\nKPX Abreve V -135\nKPX Abreve W -90\nKPX Abreve Y -105\nKPX Abreve Yacute -105\nKPX Abreve Ydieresis -105\nKPX Abreve quoteright -111\nKPX Abreve v -74\nKPX Abreve w -92\nKPX Abreve y -92\nKPX Abreve yacute -92\nKPX Abreve ydieresis -92\nKPX Acircumflex C -40\nKPX Acircumflex Cacute -40\nKPX Acircumflex Ccaron -40\nKPX Acircumflex Ccedilla -40\nKPX Acircumflex G -40\nKPX Acircumflex Gbreve -40\nKPX Acircumflex Gcommaaccent -40\nKPX Acircumflex O -55\nKPX Acircumflex Oacute -55\nKPX Acircumflex Ocircumflex -55\nKPX Acircumflex Odieresis -55\nKPX Acircumflex Ograve -55\nKPX Acircumflex Ohungarumlaut -55\nKPX Acircumflex Omacron -55\nKPX Acircumflex Oslash -55\nKPX Acircumflex Otilde -55\nKPX Acircumflex Q -55\nKPX Acircumflex T -111\nKPX Acircumflex Tcaron -111\nKPX Acircumflex Tcommaaccent -111\nKPX Acircumflex U -55\nKPX Acircumflex Uacute -55\nKPX Acircumflex Ucircumflex -55\nKPX Acircumflex Udieresis -55\nKPX Acircumflex Ugrave -55\nKPX Acircumflex Uhungarumlaut -55\nKPX Acircumflex Umacron -55\nKPX Acircumflex Uogonek -55\nKPX Acircumflex Uring -55\nKPX Acircumflex V -135\nKPX Acircumflex W -90\nKPX Acircumflex Y -105\nKPX Acircumflex Yacute -105\nKPX Acircumflex Ydieresis -105\nKPX Acircumflex quoteright -111\nKPX Acircumflex v -74\nKPX Acircumflex w -92\nKPX Acircumflex y -92\nKPX Acircumflex yacute -92\nKPX Acircumflex ydieresis -92\nKPX Adieresis C -40\nKPX Adieresis Cacute -40\nKPX Adieresis Ccaron -40\nKPX Adieresis Ccedilla -40\nKPX Adieresis G -40\nKPX Adieresis Gbreve -40\nKPX Adieresis Gcommaaccent -40\nKPX Adieresis O -55\nKPX Adieresis Oacute -55\nKPX Adieresis Ocircumflex -55\nKPX Adieresis Odieresis -55\nKPX Adieresis Ograve -55\nKPX Adieresis Ohungarumlaut -55\nKPX Adieresis Omacron -55\nKPX Adieresis Oslash -55\nKPX Adieresis Otilde -55\nKPX Adieresis Q -55\nKPX Adieresis T -111\nKPX Adieresis Tcaron -111\nKPX Adieresis Tcommaaccent -111\nKPX Adieresis U -55\nKPX Adieresis Uacute -55\nKPX Adieresis Ucircumflex -55\nKPX Adieresis Udieresis -55\nKPX Adieresis Ugrave -55\nKPX Adieresis Uhungarumlaut -55\nKPX Adieresis Umacron -55\nKPX Adieresis Uogonek -55\nKPX Adieresis Uring -55\nKPX Adieresis V -135\nKPX Adieresis W -90\nKPX Adieresis Y -105\nKPX Adieresis Yacute -105\nKPX Adieresis Ydieresis -105\nKPX Adieresis quoteright -111\nKPX Adieresis v -74\nKPX Adieresis w -92\nKPX Adieresis y -92\nKPX Adieresis yacute -92\nKPX Adieresis ydieresis -92\nKPX Agrave C -40\nKPX Agrave Cacute -40\nKPX Agrave Ccaron -40\nKPX Agrave Ccedilla -40\nKPX Agrave G -40\nKPX Agrave Gbreve -40\nKPX Agrave Gcommaaccent -40\nKPX Agrave O -55\nKPX Agrave Oacute -55\nKPX Agrave Ocircumflex -55\nKPX Agrave Odieresis -55\nKPX Agrave Ograve -55\nKPX Agrave Ohungarumlaut -55\nKPX Agrave Omacron -55\nKPX Agrave Oslash -55\nKPX Agrave Otilde -55\nKPX Agrave Q -55\nKPX Agrave T -111\nKPX Agrave Tcaron -111\nKPX Agrave Tcommaaccent -111\nKPX Agrave U -55\nKPX Agrave Uacute -55\nKPX Agrave Ucircumflex -55\nKPX Agrave Udieresis -55\nKPX Agrave Ugrave -55\nKPX Agrave Uhungarumlaut -55\nKPX Agrave Umacron -55\nKPX Agrave Uogonek -55\nKPX Agrave Uring -55\nKPX Agrave V -135\nKPX Agrave W -90\nKPX Agrave Y -105\nKPX Agrave Yacute -105\nKPX Agrave Ydieresis -105\nKPX Agrave quoteright -111\nKPX Agrave v -74\nKPX Agrave w -92\nKPX Agrave y -92\nKPX Agrave yacute -92\nKPX Agrave ydieresis -92\nKPX Amacron C -40\nKPX Amacron Cacute -40\nKPX Amacron Ccaron -40\nKPX Amacron Ccedilla -40\nKPX Amacron G -40\nKPX Amacron Gbreve -40\nKPX Amacron Gcommaaccent -40\nKPX Amacron O -55\nKPX Amacron Oacute -55\nKPX Amacron Ocircumflex -55\nKPX Amacron Odieresis -55\nKPX Amacron Ograve -55\nKPX Amacron Ohungarumlaut -55\nKPX Amacron Omacron -55\nKPX Amacron Oslash -55\nKPX Amacron Otilde -55\nKPX Amacron Q -55\nKPX Amacron T -111\nKPX Amacron Tcaron -111\nKPX Amacron Tcommaaccent -111\nKPX Amacron U -55\nKPX Amacron Uacute -55\nKPX Amacron Ucircumflex -55\nKPX Amacron Udieresis -55\nKPX Amacron Ugrave -55\nKPX Amacron Uhungarumlaut -55\nKPX Amacron Umacron -55\nKPX Amacron Uogonek -55\nKPX Amacron Uring -55\nKPX Amacron V -135\nKPX Amacron W -90\nKPX Amacron Y -105\nKPX Amacron Yacute -105\nKPX Amacron Ydieresis -105\nKPX Amacron quoteright -111\nKPX Amacron v -74\nKPX Amacron w -92\nKPX Amacron y -92\nKPX Amacron yacute -92\nKPX Amacron ydieresis -92\nKPX Aogonek C -40\nKPX Aogonek Cacute -40\nKPX Aogonek Ccaron -40\nKPX Aogonek Ccedilla -40\nKPX Aogonek G -40\nKPX Aogonek Gbreve -40\nKPX Aogonek Gcommaaccent -40\nKPX Aogonek O -55\nKPX Aogonek Oacute -55\nKPX Aogonek Ocircumflex -55\nKPX Aogonek Odieresis -55\nKPX Aogonek Ograve -55\nKPX Aogonek Ohungarumlaut -55\nKPX Aogonek Omacron -55\nKPX Aogonek Oslash -55\nKPX Aogonek Otilde -55\nKPX Aogonek Q -55\nKPX Aogonek T -111\nKPX Aogonek Tcaron -111\nKPX Aogonek Tcommaaccent -111\nKPX Aogonek U -55\nKPX Aogonek Uacute -55\nKPX Aogonek Ucircumflex -55\nKPX Aogonek Udieresis -55\nKPX Aogonek Ugrave -55\nKPX Aogonek Uhungarumlaut -55\nKPX Aogonek Umacron -55\nKPX Aogonek Uogonek -55\nKPX Aogonek Uring -55\nKPX Aogonek V -135\nKPX Aogonek W -90\nKPX Aogonek Y -105\nKPX Aogonek Yacute -105\nKPX Aogonek Ydieresis -105\nKPX Aogonek quoteright -111\nKPX Aogonek v -74\nKPX Aogonek w -52\nKPX Aogonek y -52\nKPX Aogonek yacute -52\nKPX Aogonek ydieresis -52\nKPX Aring C -40\nKPX Aring Cacute -40\nKPX Aring Ccaron -40\nKPX Aring Ccedilla -40\nKPX Aring G -40\nKPX Aring Gbreve -40\nKPX Aring Gcommaaccent -40\nKPX Aring O -55\nKPX Aring Oacute -55\nKPX Aring Ocircumflex -55\nKPX Aring Odieresis -55\nKPX Aring Ograve -55\nKPX Aring Ohungarumlaut -55\nKPX Aring Omacron -55\nKPX Aring Oslash -55\nKPX Aring Otilde -55\nKPX Aring Q -55\nKPX Aring T -111\nKPX Aring Tcaron -111\nKPX Aring Tcommaaccent -111\nKPX Aring U -55\nKPX Aring Uacute -55\nKPX Aring Ucircumflex -55\nKPX Aring Udieresis -55\nKPX Aring Ugrave -55\nKPX Aring Uhungarumlaut -55\nKPX Aring Umacron -55\nKPX Aring Uogonek -55\nKPX Aring Uring -55\nKPX Aring V -135\nKPX Aring W -90\nKPX Aring Y -105\nKPX Aring Yacute -105\nKPX Aring Ydieresis -105\nKPX Aring quoteright -111\nKPX Aring v -74\nKPX Aring w -92\nKPX Aring y -92\nKPX Aring yacute -92\nKPX Aring ydieresis -92\nKPX Atilde C -40\nKPX Atilde Cacute -40\nKPX Atilde Ccaron -40\nKPX Atilde Ccedilla -40\nKPX Atilde G -40\nKPX Atilde Gbreve -40\nKPX Atilde Gcommaaccent -40\nKPX Atilde O -55\nKPX Atilde Oacute -55\nKPX Atilde Ocircumflex -55\nKPX Atilde Odieresis -55\nKPX Atilde Ograve -55\nKPX Atilde Ohungarumlaut -55\nKPX Atilde Omacron -55\nKPX Atilde Oslash -55\nKPX Atilde Otilde -55\nKPX Atilde Q -55\nKPX Atilde T -111\nKPX Atilde Tcaron -111\nKPX Atilde Tcommaaccent -111\nKPX Atilde U -55\nKPX Atilde Uacute -55\nKPX Atilde Ucircumflex -55\nKPX Atilde Udieresis -55\nKPX Atilde Ugrave -55\nKPX Atilde Uhungarumlaut -55\nKPX Atilde Umacron -55\nKPX Atilde Uogonek -55\nKPX Atilde Uring -55\nKPX Atilde V -135\nKPX Atilde W -90\nKPX Atilde Y -105\nKPX Atilde Yacute -105\nKPX Atilde Ydieresis -105\nKPX Atilde quoteright -111\nKPX Atilde v -74\nKPX Atilde w -92\nKPX Atilde y -92\nKPX Atilde yacute -92\nKPX Atilde ydieresis -92\nKPX B A -35\nKPX B Aacute -35\nKPX B Abreve -35\nKPX B Acircumflex -35\nKPX B Adieresis -35\nKPX B Agrave -35\nKPX B Amacron -35\nKPX B Aogonek -35\nKPX B Aring -35\nKPX B Atilde -35\nKPX B U -10\nKPX B Uacute -10\nKPX B Ucircumflex -10\nKPX B Udieresis -10\nKPX B Ugrave -10\nKPX B Uhungarumlaut -10\nKPX B Umacron -10\nKPX B Uogonek -10\nKPX B Uring -10\nKPX D A -40\nKPX D Aacute -40\nKPX D Abreve -40\nKPX D Acircumflex -40\nKPX D Adieresis -40\nKPX D Agrave -40\nKPX D Amacron -40\nKPX D Aogonek -40\nKPX D Aring -40\nKPX D Atilde -40\nKPX D V -40\nKPX D W -30\nKPX D Y -55\nKPX D Yacute -55\nKPX D Ydieresis -55\nKPX Dcaron A -40\nKPX Dcaron Aacute -40\nKPX Dcaron Abreve -40\nKPX Dcaron Acircumflex -40\nKPX Dcaron Adieresis -40\nKPX Dcaron Agrave -40\nKPX Dcaron Amacron -40\nKPX Dcaron Aogonek -40\nKPX Dcaron Aring -40\nKPX Dcaron Atilde -40\nKPX Dcaron V -40\nKPX Dcaron W -30\nKPX Dcaron Y -55\nKPX Dcaron Yacute -55\nKPX Dcaron Ydieresis -55\nKPX Dcroat A -40\nKPX Dcroat Aacute -40\nKPX Dcroat Abreve -40\nKPX Dcroat Acircumflex -40\nKPX Dcroat Adieresis -40\nKPX Dcroat Agrave -40\nKPX Dcroat Amacron -40\nKPX Dcroat Aogonek -40\nKPX Dcroat Aring -40\nKPX Dcroat Atilde -40\nKPX Dcroat V -40\nKPX Dcroat W -30\nKPX Dcroat Y -55\nKPX Dcroat Yacute -55\nKPX Dcroat Ydieresis -55\nKPX F A -74\nKPX F Aacute -74\nKPX F Abreve -74\nKPX F Acircumflex -74\nKPX F Adieresis -74\nKPX F Agrave -74\nKPX F Amacron -74\nKPX F Aogonek -74\nKPX F Aring -74\nKPX F Atilde -74\nKPX F a -15\nKPX F aacute -15\nKPX F abreve -15\nKPX F acircumflex -15\nKPX F adieresis -15\nKPX F agrave -15\nKPX F amacron -15\nKPX F aogonek -15\nKPX F aring -15\nKPX F atilde -15\nKPX F comma -80\nKPX F o -15\nKPX F oacute -15\nKPX F ocircumflex -15\nKPX F odieresis -15\nKPX F ograve -15\nKPX F ohungarumlaut -15\nKPX F omacron -15\nKPX F oslash -15\nKPX F otilde -15\nKPX F period -80\nKPX J A -60\nKPX J Aacute -60\nKPX J Abreve -60\nKPX J Acircumflex -60\nKPX J Adieresis -60\nKPX J Agrave -60\nKPX J Amacron -60\nKPX J Aogonek -60\nKPX J Aring -60\nKPX J Atilde -60\nKPX K O -30\nKPX K Oacute -30\nKPX K Ocircumflex -30\nKPX K Odieresis -30\nKPX K Ograve -30\nKPX K Ohungarumlaut -30\nKPX K Omacron -30\nKPX K Oslash -30\nKPX K Otilde -30\nKPX K e -25\nKPX K eacute -25\nKPX K ecaron -25\nKPX K ecircumflex -25\nKPX K edieresis -25\nKPX K edotaccent -25\nKPX K egrave -25\nKPX K emacron -25\nKPX K eogonek -25\nKPX K o -35\nKPX K oacute -35\nKPX K ocircumflex -35\nKPX K odieresis -35\nKPX K ograve -35\nKPX K ohungarumlaut -35\nKPX K omacron -35\nKPX K oslash -35\nKPX K otilde -35\nKPX K u -15\nKPX K uacute -15\nKPX K ucircumflex -15\nKPX K udieresis -15\nKPX K ugrave -15\nKPX K uhungarumlaut -15\nKPX K umacron -15\nKPX K uogonek -15\nKPX K uring -15\nKPX K y -25\nKPX K yacute -25\nKPX K ydieresis -25\nKPX Kcommaaccent O -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent Oacute -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent Ocircumflex -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent Odieresis -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent Ograve -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent Ohungarumlaut -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent Omacron -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent Oslash -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent Otilde -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent e -25\nKPX Kcommaaccent eacute -25\nKPX Kcommaaccent ecaron -25\nKPX Kcommaaccent ecircumflex -25\nKPX Kcommaaccent edieresis -25\nKPX Kcommaaccent edotaccent -25\nKPX Kcommaaccent egrave -25\nKPX Kcommaaccent emacron -25\nKPX Kcommaaccent eogonek -25\nKPX Kcommaaccent o -35\nKPX Kcommaaccent oacute -35\nKPX Kcommaaccent ocircumflex -35\nKPX Kcommaaccent odieresis -35\nKPX Kcommaaccent ograve -35\nKPX Kcommaaccent ohungarumlaut -35\nKPX Kcommaaccent omacron -35\nKPX Kcommaaccent oslash -35\nKPX Kcommaaccent otilde -35\nKPX Kcommaaccent u -15\nKPX Kcommaaccent uacute -15\nKPX Kcommaaccent ucircumflex -15\nKPX Kcommaaccent udieresis -15\nKPX Kcommaaccent ugrave -15\nKPX Kcommaaccent uhungarumlaut -15\nKPX Kcommaaccent umacron -15\nKPX Kcommaaccent uogonek -15\nKPX Kcommaaccent uring -15\nKPX Kcommaaccent y -25\nKPX Kcommaaccent yacute -25\nKPX Kcommaaccent ydieresis -25\nKPX L T -92\nKPX L Tcaron -92\nKPX L Tcommaaccent -92\nKPX L V -100\nKPX L W -74\nKPX L Y -100\nKPX L Yacute -100\nKPX L Ydieresis -100\nKPX L quoteright -92\nKPX L y -55\nKPX L yacute -55\nKPX L ydieresis -55\nKPX Lacute T -92\nKPX Lacute Tcaron -92\nKPX Lacute Tcommaaccent -92\nKPX Lacute V -100\nKPX Lacute W -74\nKPX Lacute Y -100\nKPX Lacute Yacute -100\nKPX Lacute Ydieresis -100\nKPX Lacute quoteright -92\nKPX Lacute y -55\nKPX Lacute yacute -55\nKPX Lacute ydieresis -55\nKPX Lcaron quoteright -92\nKPX Lcaron y -55\nKPX Lcaron yacute -55\nKPX Lcaron ydieresis -55\nKPX Lcommaaccent T -92\nKPX Lcommaaccent Tcaron -92\nKPX Lcommaaccent Tcommaaccent -92\nKPX Lcommaaccent V -100\nKPX Lcommaaccent W -74\nKPX Lcommaaccent Y -100\nKPX Lcommaaccent Yacute -100\nKPX Lcommaaccent Ydieresis -100\nKPX Lcommaaccent quoteright -92\nKPX Lcommaaccent y -55\nKPX Lcommaaccent yacute -55\nKPX Lcommaaccent ydieresis -55\nKPX Lslash T -92\nKPX Lslash Tcaron -92\nKPX Lslash Tcommaaccent -92\nKPX Lslash V -100\nKPX Lslash W -74\nKPX Lslash Y -100\nKPX Lslash Yacute -100\nKPX Lslash Ydieresis -100\nKPX Lslash quoteright -92\nKPX Lslash y -55\nKPX Lslash yacute -55\nKPX Lslash ydieresis -55\nKPX N A -35\nKPX N Aacute -35\nKPX N Abreve -35\nKPX N Acircumflex -35\nKPX N Adieresis -35\nKPX N Agrave -35\nKPX N Amacron -35\nKPX N Aogonek -35\nKPX N Aring -35\nKPX N Atilde -35\nKPX Nacute A -35\nKPX Nacute Aacute -35\nKPX Nacute Abreve -35\nKPX Nacute Acircumflex -35\nKPX Nacute Adieresis -35\nKPX Nacute Agrave -35\nKPX Nacute Amacron -35\nKPX Nacute Aogonek -35\nKPX Nacute Aring -35\nKPX Nacute Atilde -35\nKPX Ncaron A -35\nKPX Ncaron Aacute -35\nKPX Ncaron Abreve -35\nKPX Ncaron Acircumflex -35\nKPX Ncaron Adieresis -35\nKPX Ncaron Agrave -35\nKPX Ncaron Amacron -35\nKPX Ncaron Aogonek -35\nKPX Ncaron Aring -35\nKPX Ncaron Atilde -35\nKPX Ncommaaccent A -35\nKPX Ncommaaccent Aacute -35\nKPX Ncommaaccent Abreve -35\nKPX Ncommaaccent Acircumflex -35\nKPX Ncommaaccent Adieresis -35\nKPX Ncommaaccent Agrave -35\nKPX Ncommaaccent Amacron -35\nKPX Ncommaaccent Aogonek -35\nKPX Ncommaaccent Aring -35\nKPX Ncommaaccent Atilde -35\nKPX Ntilde A -35\nKPX Ntilde Aacute -35\nKPX Ntilde Abreve -35\nKPX Ntilde Acircumflex -35\nKPX Ntilde Adieresis -35\nKPX Ntilde Agrave -35\nKPX Ntilde Amacron -35\nKPX Ntilde Aogonek -35\nKPX Ntilde Aring -35\nKPX Ntilde Atilde -35\nKPX O A -35\nKPX O Aacute -35\nKPX O Abreve -35\nKPX O Acircumflex -35\nKPX O Adieresis -35\nKPX O Agrave -35\nKPX O Amacron -35\nKPX O Aogonek -35\nKPX O Aring -35\nKPX O Atilde -35\nKPX O T -40\nKPX O Tcaron -40\nKPX O Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX O V -50\nKPX O W -35\nKPX O X -40\nKPX O Y -50\nKPX O Yacute -50\nKPX O Ydieresis -50\nKPX Oacute A -35\nKPX Oacute Aacute -35\nKPX Oacute Abreve -35\nKPX Oacute Acircumflex -35\nKPX Oacute Adieresis -35\nKPX Oacute Agrave -35\nKPX Oacute Amacron -35\nKPX Oacute Aogonek -35\nKPX Oacute Aring -35\nKPX Oacute Atilde -35\nKPX Oacute T -40\nKPX Oacute Tcaron -40\nKPX Oacute Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX Oacute V -50\nKPX Oacute W -35\nKPX Oacute X -40\nKPX Oacute Y -50\nKPX Oacute Yacute -50\nKPX Oacute Ydieresis -50\nKPX Ocircumflex A -35\nKPX Ocircumflex Aacute -35\nKPX Ocircumflex Abreve -35\nKPX Ocircumflex Acircumflex -35\nKPX Ocircumflex Adieresis -35\nKPX Ocircumflex Agrave -35\nKPX Ocircumflex Amacron -35\nKPX Ocircumflex Aogonek -35\nKPX Ocircumflex Aring -35\nKPX Ocircumflex Atilde -35\nKPX Ocircumflex T -40\nKPX Ocircumflex Tcaron -40\nKPX Ocircumflex Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX Ocircumflex V -50\nKPX Ocircumflex W -35\nKPX Ocircumflex X -40\nKPX Ocircumflex Y -50\nKPX Ocircumflex Yacute -50\nKPX Ocircumflex Ydieresis -50\nKPX Odieresis A -35\nKPX Odieresis Aacute -35\nKPX Odieresis Abreve -35\nKPX Odieresis Acircumflex -35\nKPX Odieresis Adieresis -35\nKPX Odieresis Agrave -35\nKPX Odieresis Amacron -35\nKPX Odieresis Aogonek -35\nKPX Odieresis Aring -35\nKPX Odieresis Atilde -35\nKPX Odieresis T -40\nKPX Odieresis Tcaron -40\nKPX Odieresis Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX Odieresis V -50\nKPX Odieresis W -35\nKPX Odieresis X -40\nKPX Odieresis Y -50\nKPX Odieresis Yacute -50\nKPX Odieresis Ydieresis -50\nKPX Ograve A -35\nKPX Ograve Aacute -35\nKPX Ograve Abreve -35\nKPX Ograve Acircumflex -35\nKPX Ograve Adieresis -35\nKPX Ograve Agrave -35\nKPX Ograve Amacron -35\nKPX Ograve Aogonek -35\nKPX Ograve Aring -35\nKPX Ograve Atilde -35\nKPX Ograve T -40\nKPX Ograve Tcaron -40\nKPX Ograve Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX Ograve V -50\nKPX Ograve W -35\nKPX Ograve X -40\nKPX Ograve Y -50\nKPX Ograve Yacute -50\nKPX Ograve Ydieresis -50\nKPX Ohungarumlaut A -35\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Aacute -35\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Abreve -35\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Acircumflex -35\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Adieresis -35\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Agrave -35\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Amacron -35\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Aogonek -35\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Aring -35\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Atilde -35\nKPX Ohungarumlaut T -40\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Tcaron -40\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX Ohungarumlaut V -50\nKPX Ohungarumlaut W -35\nKPX Ohungarumlaut X -40\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Y -50\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Yacute -50\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Ydieresis -50\nKPX Omacron A -35\nKPX Omacron Aacute -35\nKPX Omacron Abreve -35\nKPX Omacron Acircumflex -35\nKPX Omacron Adieresis -35\nKPX Omacron Agrave -35\nKPX Omacron Amacron -35\nKPX Omacron Aogonek -35\nKPX Omacron Aring -35\nKPX Omacron Atilde -35\nKPX Omacron T -40\nKPX Omacron Tcaron -40\nKPX Omacron Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX Omacron V -50\nKPX Omacron W -35\nKPX Omacron X -40\nKPX Omacron Y -50\nKPX Omacron Yacute -50\nKPX Omacron Ydieresis -50\nKPX Oslash A -35\nKPX Oslash Aacute -35\nKPX Oslash Abreve -35\nKPX Oslash Acircumflex -35\nKPX Oslash Adieresis -35\nKPX Oslash Agrave -35\nKPX Oslash Amacron -35\nKPX Oslash Aogonek -35\nKPX Oslash Aring -35\nKPX Oslash Atilde -35\nKPX Oslash T -40\nKPX Oslash Tcaron -40\nKPX Oslash Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX Oslash V -50\nKPX Oslash W -35\nKPX Oslash X -40\nKPX Oslash Y -50\nKPX Oslash Yacute -50\nKPX Oslash Ydieresis -50\nKPX Otilde A -35\nKPX Otilde Aacute -35\nKPX Otilde Abreve -35\nKPX Otilde Acircumflex -35\nKPX Otilde Adieresis -35\nKPX Otilde Agrave -35\nKPX Otilde Amacron -35\nKPX Otilde Aogonek -35\nKPX Otilde Aring -35\nKPX Otilde Atilde -35\nKPX Otilde T -40\nKPX Otilde Tcaron -40\nKPX Otilde Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX Otilde V -50\nKPX Otilde W -35\nKPX Otilde X -40\nKPX Otilde Y -50\nKPX Otilde Yacute -50\nKPX Otilde Ydieresis -50\nKPX P A -92\nKPX P Aacute -92\nKPX P Abreve -92\nKPX P Acircumflex -92\nKPX P Adieresis -92\nKPX P Agrave -92\nKPX P Amacron -92\nKPX P Aogonek -92\nKPX P Aring -92\nKPX P Atilde -92\nKPX P a -15\nKPX P aacute -15\nKPX P abreve -15\nKPX P acircumflex -15\nKPX P adieresis -15\nKPX P agrave -15\nKPX P amacron -15\nKPX P aogonek -15\nKPX P aring -15\nKPX P atilde -15\nKPX P comma -111\nKPX P period -111\nKPX Q U -10\nKPX Q Uacute -10\nKPX Q Ucircumflex -10\nKPX Q Udieresis -10\nKPX Q Ugrave -10\nKPX Q Uhungarumlaut -10\nKPX Q Umacron -10\nKPX Q Uogonek -10\nKPX Q Uring -10\nKPX R O -40\nKPX R Oacute -40\nKPX R Ocircumflex -40\nKPX R Odieresis -40\nKPX R Ograve -40\nKPX R Ohungarumlaut -40\nKPX R Omacron -40\nKPX R Oslash -40\nKPX R Otilde -40\nKPX R T -60\nKPX R Tcaron -60\nKPX R Tcommaaccent -60\nKPX R U -40\nKPX R Uacute -40\nKPX R Ucircumflex -40\nKPX R Udieresis -40\nKPX R Ugrave -40\nKPX R Uhungarumlaut -40\nKPX R Umacron -40\nKPX R Uogonek -40\nKPX R Uring -40\nKPX R V -80\nKPX R W -55\nKPX R Y -65\nKPX R Yacute -65\nKPX R Ydieresis -65\nKPX Racute O -40\nKPX Racute Oacute -40\nKPX Racute Ocircumflex -40\nKPX Racute Odieresis -40\nKPX Racute Ograve -40\nKPX Racute Ohungarumlaut -40\nKPX Racute Omacron -40\nKPX Racute Oslash -40\nKPX Racute Otilde -40\nKPX Racute T -60\nKPX Racute Tcaron -60\nKPX Racute Tcommaaccent -60\nKPX Racute U -40\nKPX Racute Uacute -40\nKPX Racute Ucircumflex -40\nKPX Racute Udieresis -40\nKPX Racute Ugrave -40\nKPX Racute Uhungarumlaut -40\nKPX Racute Umacron -40\nKPX Racute Uogonek -40\nKPX Racute Uring -40\nKPX Racute V -80\nKPX Racute W -55\nKPX Racute Y -65\nKPX Racute Yacute -65\nKPX Racute Ydieresis -65\nKPX Rcaron O -40\nKPX Rcaron Oacute -40\nKPX Rcaron Ocircumflex -40\nKPX Rcaron Odieresis -40\nKPX Rcaron Ograve -40\nKPX Rcaron Ohungarumlaut -40\nKPX Rcaron Omacron -40\nKPX Rcaron Oslash -40\nKPX Rcaron Otilde -40\nKPX Rcaron T -60\nKPX Rcaron Tcaron -60\nKPX Rcaron Tcommaaccent -60\nKPX Rcaron U -40\nKPX Rcaron Uacute -40\nKPX Rcaron Ucircumflex -40\nKPX Rcaron Udieresis -40\nKPX Rcaron Ugrave -40\nKPX Rcaron Uhungarumlaut -40\nKPX Rcaron Umacron -40\nKPX Rcaron Uogonek -40\nKPX Rcaron Uring -40\nKPX Rcaron V -80\nKPX Rcaron W -55\nKPX Rcaron Y -65\nKPX Rcaron Yacute -65\nKPX Rcaron Ydieresis -65\nKPX Rcommaaccent O -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent Oacute -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent Ocircumflex -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent Odieresis -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent Ograve -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent Ohungarumlaut -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent Omacron -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent Oslash -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent Otilde -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent T -60\nKPX Rcommaaccent Tcaron -60\nKPX Rcommaaccent Tcommaaccent -60\nKPX Rcommaaccent U -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent Uacute -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent Ucircumflex -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent Udieresis -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent Ugrave -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent Uhungarumlaut -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent Umacron -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent Uogonek -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent Uring -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent V -80\nKPX Rcommaaccent W -55\nKPX Rcommaaccent Y -65\nKPX Rcommaaccent Yacute -65\nKPX Rcommaaccent Ydieresis -65\nKPX T A -93\nKPX T Aacute -93\nKPX T Abreve -93\nKPX T Acircumflex -93\nKPX T Adieresis -93\nKPX T Agrave -93\nKPX T Amacron -93\nKPX T Aogonek -93\nKPX T Aring -93\nKPX T Atilde -93\nKPX T O -18\nKPX T Oacute -18\nKPX T Ocircumflex -18\nKPX T Odieresis -18\nKPX T Ograve -18\nKPX T Ohungarumlaut -18\nKPX T Omacron -18\nKPX T Oslash -18\nKPX T Otilde -18\nKPX T a -80\nKPX T aacute -80\nKPX T abreve -80\nKPX T acircumflex -80\nKPX T adieresis -40\nKPX T agrave -40\nKPX T amacron -40\nKPX T aogonek -80\nKPX T aring -80\nKPX T atilde -40\nKPX T colon -50\nKPX T comma -74\nKPX T e -70\nKPX T eacute -70\nKPX T ecaron -70\nKPX T ecircumflex -70\nKPX T edieresis -30\nKPX T edotaccent -70\nKPX T egrave -70\nKPX T emacron -30\nKPX T eogonek -70\nKPX T hyphen -92\nKPX T i -35\nKPX T iacute -35\nKPX T iogonek -35\nKPX T o -80\nKPX T oacute -80\nKPX T ocircumflex -80\nKPX T odieresis -80\nKPX T ograve -80\nKPX T ohungarumlaut -80\nKPX T omacron -80\nKPX T oslash -80\nKPX T otilde -80\nKPX T period -74\nKPX T r -35\nKPX T racute -35\nKPX T rcaron -35\nKPX T rcommaaccent -35\nKPX T semicolon -55\nKPX T u -45\nKPX T uacute -45\nKPX T ucircumflex -45\nKPX T udieresis -45\nKPX T ugrave -45\nKPX T uhungarumlaut -45\nKPX T umacron -45\nKPX T uogonek -45\nKPX T uring -45\nKPX T w -80\nKPX T y -80\nKPX T yacute -80\nKPX T ydieresis -80\nKPX Tcaron A -93\nKPX Tcaron Aacute -93\nKPX Tcaron Abreve -93\nKPX Tcaron Acircumflex -93\nKPX Tcaron Adieresis -93\nKPX Tcaron Agrave -93\nKPX Tcaron Amacron -93\nKPX Tcaron Aogonek -93\nKPX Tcaron Aring -93\nKPX Tcaron Atilde -93\nKPX Tcaron O -18\nKPX Tcaron Oacute -18\nKPX Tcaron Ocircumflex -18\nKPX Tcaron Odieresis -18\nKPX Tcaron Ograve -18\nKPX Tcaron Ohungarumlaut -18\nKPX Tcaron Omacron -18\nKPX Tcaron Oslash -18\nKPX Tcaron Otilde -18\nKPX Tcaron a -80\nKPX Tcaron aacute -80\nKPX Tcaron abreve -80\nKPX Tcaron acircumflex -80\nKPX Tcaron adieresis -40\nKPX Tcaron agrave -40\nKPX Tcaron amacron -40\nKPX Tcaron aogonek -80\nKPX Tcaron aring -80\nKPX Tcaron atilde -40\nKPX Tcaron colon -50\nKPX Tcaron comma -74\nKPX Tcaron e -70\nKPX Tcaron eacute -70\nKPX Tcaron ecaron -70\nKPX Tcaron ecircumflex -30\nKPX Tcaron edieresis -30\nKPX Tcaron edotaccent -70\nKPX Tcaron egrave -70\nKPX Tcaron emacron -30\nKPX Tcaron eogonek -70\nKPX Tcaron hyphen -92\nKPX Tcaron i -35\nKPX Tcaron iacute -35\nKPX Tcaron iogonek -35\nKPX Tcaron o -80\nKPX Tcaron oacute -80\nKPX Tcaron ocircumflex -80\nKPX Tcaron odieresis -80\nKPX Tcaron ograve -80\nKPX Tcaron ohungarumlaut -80\nKPX Tcaron omacron -80\nKPX Tcaron oslash -80\nKPX Tcaron otilde -80\nKPX Tcaron period -74\nKPX Tcaron r -35\nKPX Tcaron racute -35\nKPX Tcaron rcaron -35\nKPX Tcaron rcommaaccent -35\nKPX Tcaron semicolon -55\nKPX Tcaron u -45\nKPX Tcaron uacute -45\nKPX Tcaron ucircumflex -45\nKPX Tcaron udieresis -45\nKPX Tcaron ugrave -45\nKPX Tcaron uhungarumlaut -45\nKPX Tcaron umacron -45\nKPX Tcaron uogonek -45\nKPX Tcaron uring -45\nKPX Tcaron w -80\nKPX Tcaron y -80\nKPX Tcaron yacute -80\nKPX Tcaron ydieresis -80\nKPX Tcommaaccent A -93\nKPX Tcommaaccent Aacute -93\nKPX Tcommaaccent Abreve -93\nKPX Tcommaaccent Acircumflex -93\nKPX Tcommaaccent Adieresis -93\nKPX Tcommaaccent Agrave -93\nKPX Tcommaaccent Amacron -93\nKPX Tcommaaccent Aogonek -93\nKPX Tcommaaccent Aring -93\nKPX Tcommaaccent Atilde -93\nKPX Tcommaaccent O -18\nKPX Tcommaaccent Oacute -18\nKPX Tcommaaccent Ocircumflex -18\nKPX Tcommaaccent Odieresis -18\nKPX Tcommaaccent Ograve -18\nKPX Tcommaaccent Ohungarumlaut -18\nKPX Tcommaaccent Omacron -18\nKPX Tcommaaccent Oslash -18\nKPX Tcommaaccent Otilde -18\nKPX Tcommaaccent a -80\nKPX Tcommaaccent aacute -80\nKPX Tcommaaccent abreve -80\nKPX Tcommaaccent acircumflex -80\nKPX Tcommaaccent adieresis -40\nKPX Tcommaaccent agrave -40\nKPX Tcommaaccent amacron -40\nKPX Tcommaaccent aogonek -80\nKPX Tcommaaccent aring -80\nKPX Tcommaaccent atilde -40\nKPX Tcommaaccent colon -50\nKPX Tcommaaccent comma -74\nKPX Tcommaaccent e -70\nKPX Tcommaaccent eacute -70\nKPX Tcommaaccent ecaron -70\nKPX Tcommaaccent ecircumflex -30\nKPX Tcommaaccent edieresis -30\nKPX Tcommaaccent edotaccent -70\nKPX Tcommaaccent egrave -30\nKPX Tcommaaccent emacron -70\nKPX Tcommaaccent eogonek -70\nKPX Tcommaaccent hyphen -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent i -35\nKPX Tcommaaccent iacute -35\nKPX Tcommaaccent iogonek -35\nKPX Tcommaaccent o -80\nKPX Tcommaaccent oacute -80\nKPX Tcommaaccent ocircumflex -80\nKPX Tcommaaccent odieresis -80\nKPX Tcommaaccent ograve -80\nKPX Tcommaaccent ohungarumlaut -80\nKPX Tcommaaccent omacron -80\nKPX Tcommaaccent oslash -80\nKPX Tcommaaccent otilde -80\nKPX Tcommaaccent period -74\nKPX Tcommaaccent r -35\nKPX Tcommaaccent racute -35\nKPX Tcommaaccent rcaron -35\nKPX Tcommaaccent rcommaaccent -35\nKPX Tcommaaccent semicolon -55\nKPX Tcommaaccent u -45\nKPX Tcommaaccent uacute -45\nKPX Tcommaaccent ucircumflex -45\nKPX Tcommaaccent udieresis -45\nKPX Tcommaaccent ugrave -45\nKPX Tcommaaccent uhungarumlaut -45\nKPX Tcommaaccent umacron -45\nKPX Tcommaaccent uogonek -45\nKPX Tcommaaccent uring -45\nKPX Tcommaaccent w -80\nKPX Tcommaaccent y -80\nKPX Tcommaaccent yacute -80\nKPX Tcommaaccent ydieresis -80\nKPX U A -40\nKPX U Aacute -40\nKPX U Abreve -40\nKPX U Acircumflex -40\nKPX U Adieresis -40\nKPX U Agrave -40\nKPX U Amacron -40\nKPX U Aogonek -40\nKPX U Aring -40\nKPX U Atilde -40\nKPX Uacute A -40\nKPX Uacute Aacute -40\nKPX Uacute Abreve -40\nKPX Uacute Acircumflex -40\nKPX Uacute Adieresis -40\nKPX Uacute Agrave -40\nKPX Uacute Amacron -40\nKPX Uacute Aogonek -40\nKPX Uacute Aring -40\nKPX Uacute Atilde -40\nKPX Ucircumflex A -40\nKPX Ucircumflex Aacute -40\nKPX Ucircumflex Abreve -40\nKPX Ucircumflex Acircumflex -40\nKPX Ucircumflex Adieresis -40\nKPX Ucircumflex Agrave -40\nKPX Ucircumflex Amacron -40\nKPX Ucircumflex Aogonek -40\nKPX Ucircumflex Aring -40\nKPX Ucircumflex Atilde -40\nKPX Udieresis A -40\nKPX Udieresis Aacute -40\nKPX Udieresis Abreve -40\nKPX Udieresis Acircumflex -40\nKPX Udieresis Adieresis -40\nKPX Udieresis Agrave -40\nKPX Udieresis Amacron -40\nKPX Udieresis Aogonek -40\nKPX Udieresis Aring -40\nKPX Udieresis Atilde -40\nKPX Ugrave A -40\nKPX Ugrave Aacute -40\nKPX Ugrave Abreve -40\nKPX Ugrave Acircumflex -40\nKPX Ugrave Adieresis -40\nKPX Ugrave Agrave -40\nKPX Ugrave Amacron -40\nKPX Ugrave Aogonek -40\nKPX Ugrave Aring -40\nKPX Ugrave Atilde -40\nKPX Uhungarumlaut A -40\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Aacute -40\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Abreve -40\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Acircumflex -40\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Adieresis -40\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Agrave -40\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Amacron -40\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Aogonek -40\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Aring -40\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Atilde -40\nKPX Umacron A -40\nKPX Umacron Aacute -40\nKPX Umacron Abreve -40\nKPX Umacron Acircumflex -40\nKPX Umacron Adieresis -40\nKPX Umacron Agrave -40\nKPX Umacron Amacron -40\nKPX Umacron Aogonek -40\nKPX Umacron Aring -40\nKPX Umacron Atilde -40\nKPX Uogonek A -40\nKPX Uogonek Aacute -40\nKPX Uogonek Abreve -40\nKPX Uogonek Acircumflex -40\nKPX Uogonek Adieresis -40\nKPX Uogonek Agrave -40\nKPX Uogonek Amacron -40\nKPX Uogonek Aogonek -40\nKPX Uogonek Aring -40\nKPX Uogonek Atilde -40\nKPX Uring A -40\nKPX Uring Aacute -40\nKPX Uring Abreve -40\nKPX Uring Acircumflex -40\nKPX Uring Adieresis -40\nKPX Uring Agrave -40\nKPX Uring Amacron -40\nKPX Uring Aogonek -40\nKPX Uring Aring -40\nKPX Uring Atilde -40\nKPX V A -135\nKPX V Aacute -135\nKPX V Abreve -135\nKPX V Acircumflex -135\nKPX V Adieresis -135\nKPX V Agrave -135\nKPX V Amacron -135\nKPX V Aogonek -135\nKPX V Aring -135\nKPX V Atilde -135\nKPX V G -15\nKPX V Gbreve -15\nKPX V Gcommaaccent -15\nKPX V O -40\nKPX V Oacute -40\nKPX V Ocircumflex -40\nKPX V Odieresis -40\nKPX V Ograve -40\nKPX V Ohungarumlaut -40\nKPX V Omacron -40\nKPX V Oslash -40\nKPX V Otilde -40\nKPX V a -111\nKPX V aacute -111\nKPX V abreve -111\nKPX V acircumflex -71\nKPX V adieresis -71\nKPX V agrave -71\nKPX V amacron -71\nKPX V aogonek -111\nKPX V aring -111\nKPX V atilde -71\nKPX V colon -74\nKPX V comma -129\nKPX V e -111\nKPX V eacute -111\nKPX V ecaron -71\nKPX V ecircumflex -71\nKPX V edieresis -71\nKPX V edotaccent -111\nKPX V egrave -71\nKPX V emacron -71\nKPX V eogonek -111\nKPX V hyphen -100\nKPX V i -60\nKPX V iacute -60\nKPX V icircumflex -20\nKPX V idieresis -20\nKPX V igrave -20\nKPX V imacron -20\nKPX V iogonek -60\nKPX V o -129\nKPX V oacute -129\nKPX V ocircumflex -129\nKPX V odieresis -89\nKPX V ograve -89\nKPX V ohungarumlaut -129\nKPX V omacron -89\nKPX V oslash -129\nKPX V otilde -89\nKPX V period -129\nKPX V semicolon -74\nKPX V u -75\nKPX V uacute -75\nKPX V ucircumflex -75\nKPX V udieresis -75\nKPX V ugrave -75\nKPX V uhungarumlaut -75\nKPX V umacron -75\nKPX V uogonek -75\nKPX V uring -75\nKPX W A -120\nKPX W Aacute -120\nKPX W Abreve -120\nKPX W Acircumflex -120\nKPX W Adieresis -120\nKPX W Agrave -120\nKPX W Amacron -120\nKPX W Aogonek -120\nKPX W Aring -120\nKPX W Atilde -120\nKPX W O -10\nKPX W Oacute -10\nKPX W Ocircumflex -10\nKPX W Odieresis -10\nKPX W Ograve -10\nKPX W Ohungarumlaut -10\nKPX W Omacron -10\nKPX W Oslash -10\nKPX W Otilde -10\nKPX W a -80\nKPX W aacute -80\nKPX W abreve -80\nKPX W acircumflex -80\nKPX W adieresis -80\nKPX W agrave -80\nKPX W amacron -80\nKPX W aogonek -80\nKPX W aring -80\nKPX W atilde -80\nKPX W colon -37\nKPX W comma -92\nKPX W e -80\nKPX W eacute -80\nKPX W ecaron -80\nKPX W ecircumflex -80\nKPX W edieresis -40\nKPX W edotaccent -80\nKPX W egrave -40\nKPX W emacron -40\nKPX W eogonek -80\nKPX W hyphen -65\nKPX W i -40\nKPX W iacute -40\nKPX W iogonek -40\nKPX W o -80\nKPX W oacute -80\nKPX W ocircumflex -80\nKPX W odieresis -80\nKPX W ograve -80\nKPX W ohungarumlaut -80\nKPX W omacron -80\nKPX W oslash -80\nKPX W otilde -80\nKPX W period -92\nKPX W semicolon -37\nKPX W u -50\nKPX W uacute -50\nKPX W ucircumflex -50\nKPX W udieresis -50\nKPX W ugrave -50\nKPX W uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX W umacron -50\nKPX W uogonek -50\nKPX W uring -50\nKPX W y -73\nKPX W yacute -73\nKPX W ydieresis -73\nKPX Y A -120\nKPX Y Aacute -120\nKPX Y Abreve -120\nKPX Y Acircumflex -120\nKPX Y Adieresis -120\nKPX Y Agrave -120\nKPX Y Amacron -120\nKPX Y Aogonek -120\nKPX Y Aring -120\nKPX Y Atilde -120\nKPX Y O -30\nKPX Y Oacute -30\nKPX Y Ocircumflex -30\nKPX Y Odieresis -30\nKPX Y Ograve -30\nKPX Y Ohungarumlaut -30\nKPX Y Omacron -30\nKPX Y Oslash -30\nKPX Y Otilde -30\nKPX Y a -100\nKPX Y aacute -100\nKPX Y abreve -100\nKPX Y acircumflex -100\nKPX Y adieresis -60\nKPX Y agrave -60\nKPX Y amacron -60\nKPX Y aogonek -100\nKPX Y aring -100\nKPX Y atilde -60\nKPX Y colon -92\nKPX Y comma -129\nKPX Y e -100\nKPX Y eacute -100\nKPX Y ecaron -100\nKPX Y ecircumflex -100\nKPX Y edieresis -60\nKPX Y edotaccent -100\nKPX Y egrave -60\nKPX Y emacron -60\nKPX Y eogonek -100\nKPX Y hyphen -111\nKPX Y i -55\nKPX Y iacute -55\nKPX Y iogonek -55\nKPX Y o -110\nKPX Y oacute -110\nKPX Y ocircumflex -110\nKPX Y odieresis -70\nKPX Y ograve -70\nKPX Y ohungarumlaut -110\nKPX Y omacron -70\nKPX Y oslash -110\nKPX Y otilde -70\nKPX Y period -129\nKPX Y semicolon -92\nKPX Y u -111\nKPX Y uacute -111\nKPX Y ucircumflex -111\nKPX Y udieresis -71\nKPX Y ugrave -71\nKPX Y uhungarumlaut -111\nKPX Y umacron -71\nKPX Y uogonek -111\nKPX Y uring -111\nKPX Yacute A -120\nKPX Yacute Aacute -120\nKPX Yacute Abreve -120\nKPX Yacute Acircumflex -120\nKPX Yacute Adieresis -120\nKPX Yacute Agrave -120\nKPX Yacute Amacron -120\nKPX Yacute Aogonek -120\nKPX Yacute Aring -120\nKPX Yacute Atilde -120\nKPX Yacute O -30\nKPX Yacute Oacute -30\nKPX Yacute Ocircumflex -30\nKPX Yacute Odieresis -30\nKPX Yacute Ograve -30\nKPX Yacute Ohungarumlaut -30\nKPX Yacute Omacron -30\nKPX Yacute Oslash -30\nKPX Yacute Otilde -30\nKPX Yacute a -100\nKPX Yacute aacute -100\nKPX Yacute abreve -100\nKPX Yacute acircumflex -100\nKPX Yacute adieresis -60\nKPX Yacute agrave -60\nKPX Yacute amacron -60\nKPX Yacute aogonek -100\nKPX Yacute aring -100\nKPX Yacute atilde -60\nKPX Yacute colon -92\nKPX Yacute comma -129\nKPX Yacute e -100\nKPX Yacute eacute -100\nKPX Yacute ecaron -100\nKPX Yacute ecircumflex -100\nKPX Yacute edieresis -60\nKPX Yacute edotaccent -100\nKPX Yacute egrave -60\nKPX Yacute emacron -60\nKPX Yacute eogonek -100\nKPX Yacute hyphen -111\nKPX Yacute i -55\nKPX Yacute iacute -55\nKPX Yacute iogonek -55\nKPX Yacute o -110\nKPX Yacute oacute -110\nKPX Yacute ocircumflex -110\nKPX Yacute odieresis -70\nKPX Yacute ograve -70\nKPX Yacute ohungarumlaut -110\nKPX Yacute omacron -70\nKPX Yacute oslash -110\nKPX Yacute otilde -70\nKPX Yacute period -129\nKPX Yacute semicolon -92\nKPX Yacute u -111\nKPX Yacute uacute -111\nKPX Yacute ucircumflex -111\nKPX Yacute udieresis -71\nKPX Yacute ugrave -71\nKPX Yacute uhungarumlaut -111\nKPX Yacute umacron -71\nKPX Yacute uogonek -111\nKPX Yacute uring -111\nKPX Ydieresis A -120\nKPX Ydieresis Aacute -120\nKPX Ydieresis Abreve -120\nKPX Ydieresis 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-100\nKPX Ydieresis hyphen -111\nKPX Ydieresis i -55\nKPX Ydieresis iacute -55\nKPX Ydieresis iogonek -55\nKPX Ydieresis o -110\nKPX Ydieresis oacute -110\nKPX Ydieresis ocircumflex -110\nKPX Ydieresis odieresis -70\nKPX Ydieresis ograve -70\nKPX Ydieresis ohungarumlaut -110\nKPX Ydieresis omacron -70\nKPX Ydieresis oslash -110\nKPX Ydieresis otilde -70\nKPX Ydieresis period -129\nKPX Ydieresis semicolon -92\nKPX Ydieresis u -111\nKPX Ydieresis uacute -111\nKPX Ydieresis ucircumflex -111\nKPX Ydieresis udieresis -71\nKPX Ydieresis ugrave -71\nKPX Ydieresis uhungarumlaut -111\nKPX Ydieresis umacron -71\nKPX Ydieresis uogonek -111\nKPX Ydieresis uring -111\nKPX a v -20\nKPX a w -15\nKPX aacute v -20\nKPX aacute w -15\nKPX abreve v -20\nKPX abreve w -15\nKPX acircumflex v -20\nKPX acircumflex w -15\nKPX adieresis v -20\nKPX adieresis w -15\nKPX agrave v -20\nKPX agrave w -15\nKPX amacron v -20\nKPX amacron w -15\nKPX aogonek v -20\nKPX aogonek w -15\nKPX aring v -20\nKPX aring w -15\nKPX 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asciicircum ; B 73 311 509 676 ;\nC 95 ; WX 500 ; N underscore ; B 0 -125 500 -75 ;\nC 96 ; WX 333 ; N quoteleft ; B 70 356 254 691 ;\nC 97 ; WX 500 ; N a ; B 25 -14 488 473 ;\nC 98 ; WX 556 ; N b ; B 17 -14 521 676 ;\nC 99 ; WX 444 ; N c ; B 25 -14 430 473 ;\nC 100 ; WX 556 ; N d ; B 25 -14 534 676 ;\nC 101 ; WX 444 ; N e ; B 25 -14 426 473 ;\nC 102 ; WX 333 ; N f ; B 14 0 389 691 ; L i fi ; L l fl ;\nC 103 ; WX 500 ; N g ; B 28 -206 483 473 ;\nC 104 ; WX 556 ; N h ; B 16 0 534 676 ;\nC 105 ; WX 278 ; N i ; B 16 0 255 691 ;\nC 106 ; WX 333 ; N j ; B -57 -203 263 691 ;\nC 107 ; WX 556 ; N k ; B 22 0 543 676 ;\nC 108 ; WX 278 ; N l ; B 16 0 255 676 ;\nC 109 ; WX 833 ; N m ; B 16 0 814 473 ;\nC 110 ; WX 556 ; N n ; B 21 0 539 473 ;\nC 111 ; WX 500 ; N o ; B 25 -14 476 473 ;\nC 112 ; WX 556 ; N p ; B 19 -205 524 473 ;\nC 113 ; WX 556 ; N q ; B 34 -205 536 473 ;\nC 114 ; WX 444 ; N r ; B 29 0 434 473 ;\nC 115 ; WX 389 ; N s ; B 25 -14 361 473 ;\nC 116 ; WX 333 ; N t ; B 20 -12 332 630 ;\nC 117 ; WX 556 ; N u ; B 16 -14 537 461 ;\nC 118 ; WX 500 ; N v ; B 21 -14 485 461 ;\nC 119 ; WX 722 ; N w ; B 23 -14 707 461 ;\nC 120 ; WX 500 ; N x ; B 12 0 484 461 ;\nC 121 ; WX 500 ; N y ; B 16 -205 480 461 ;\nC 122 ; WX 444 ; N z ; B 21 0 420 461 ;\nC 123 ; WX 394 ; N braceleft ; B 22 -175 340 698 ;\nC 124 ; WX 220 ; N bar ; B 66 -218 154 782 ;\nC 125 ; WX 394 ; N braceright ; B 54 -175 372 698 ;\nC 126 ; WX 520 ; N asciitilde ; B 29 173 491 333 ;\nC 161 ; WX 333 ; N exclamdown ; B 82 -203 252 501 ;\nC 162 ; WX 500 ; N cent ; B 53 -140 458 588 ;\nC 163 ; WX 500 ; N sterling ; B 21 -14 477 684 ;\nC 164 ; WX 167 ; N fraction ; B -168 -12 329 688 ;\nC 165 ; WX 500 ; N yen ; B -64 0 547 676 ;\nC 166 ; WX 500 ; N florin ; B 0 -155 498 706 ;\nC 167 ; WX 500 ; N section ; B 57 -132 443 691 ;\nC 168 ; WX 500 ; N currency ; B -26 61 526 613 ;\nC 169 ; WX 278 ; N quotesingle ; B 75 404 204 691 ;\nC 170 ; WX 500 ; N quotedblleft ; B 32 356 486 691 ;\nC 171 ; WX 500 ; N guillemotleft ; B 23 36 473 415 ;\nC 172 ; WX 333 ; N guilsinglleft ; B 51 36 305 415 ;\nC 173 ; WX 333 ; N guilsinglright ; B 28 36 282 415 ;\nC 174 ; WX 556 ; N fi ; B 14 0 536 691 ;\nC 175 ; WX 556 ; N fl ; B 14 0 536 691 ;\nC 177 ; WX 500 ; N endash ; B 0 181 500 271 ;\nC 178 ; WX 500 ; N dagger ; B 47 -134 453 691 ;\nC 179 ; WX 500 ; N daggerdbl ; B 45 -132 456 691 ;\nC 180 ; WX 250 ; N periodcentered ; B 41 248 210 417 ;\nC 182 ; WX 540 ; N paragraph ; B 0 -186 519 676 ;\nC 183 ; WX 350 ; N bullet ; B 35 198 315 478 ;\nC 184 ; WX 333 ; N quotesinglbase ; B 79 -180 263 155 ;\nC 185 ; WX 500 ; N quotedblbase ; B 14 -180 468 155 ;\nC 186 ; WX 500 ; N quotedblright ; B 14 356 468 691 ;\nC 187 ; WX 500 ; N guillemotright ; B 27 36 477 415 ;\nC 188 ; WX 1000 ; N ellipsis ; B 82 -13 917 156 ;\nC 189 ; WX 1000 ; N perthousand ; B 7 -29 995 706 ;\nC 191 ; WX 500 ; N questiondown ; B 55 -201 443 501 ;\nC 193 ; WX 333 ; N grave ; B 8 528 246 713 ;\nC 194 ; WX 333 ; N acute ; B 86 528 324 713 ;\nC 195 ; WX 333 ; N circumflex ; B -2 528 335 704 ;\nC 196 ; WX 333 ; N tilde ; B -16 547 349 674 ;\nC 197 ; WX 333 ; N macron ; B 1 565 331 637 ;\nC 198 ; WX 333 ; N breve ; B 15 528 318 691 ;\nC 199 ; WX 333 ; N dotaccent ; B 103 536 258 691 ;\nC 200 ; WX 333 ; N dieresis ; B -2 537 335 667 ;\nC 202 ; WX 333 ; N ring ; B 60 527 273 740 ;\nC 203 ; WX 333 ; N cedilla ; B 68 -218 294 0 ;\nC 205 ; WX 333 ; N hungarumlaut ; B -13 528 425 713 ;\nC 206 ; WX 333 ; N ogonek ; B 90 -193 319 24 ;\nC 207 ; WX 333 ; N caron ; B -2 528 335 704 ;\nC 208 ; WX 1000 ; N emdash ; B 0 181 1000 271 ;\nC 225 ; WX 1000 ; N AE ; B 4 0 951 676 ;\nC 227 ; WX 300 ; N ordfeminine ; B -1 397 301 688 ;\nC 232 ; WX 667 ; N Lslash ; B 19 0 638 676 ;\nC 233 ; WX 778 ; N Oslash ; B 35 -74 743 737 ;\nC 234 ; WX 1000 ; N OE ; B 22 -5 981 684 ;\nC 235 ; WX 330 ; N ordmasculine ; B 18 397 312 688 ;\nC 241 ; WX 722 ; N ae ; B 33 -14 693 473 ;\nC 245 ; WX 278 ; N dotlessi ; B 16 0 255 461 ;\nC 248 ; WX 278 ; N lslash ; B -22 0 303 676 ;\nC 249 ; WX 500 ; N oslash ; B 25 -92 476 549 ;\nC 250 ; WX 722 ; N oe ; B 22 -14 696 473 ;\nC 251 ; WX 556 ; N germandbls ; B 19 -12 517 691 ;\nC -1 ; WX 389 ; N Idieresis ; B 20 0 370 877 ;\nC -1 ; WX 444 ; N eacute ; B 25 -14 426 713 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N abreve ; B 25 -14 488 691 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N uhungarumlaut ; B 16 -14 557 713 ;\nC -1 ; WX 444 ; N ecaron ; B 25 -14 426 704 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ydieresis ; B 15 0 699 877 ;\nC -1 ; WX 570 ; N divide ; B 33 -31 537 537 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Yacute ; B 15 0 699 923 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Acircumflex ; B 9 0 689 914 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N aacute ; B 25 -14 488 713 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ucircumflex ; B 16 -19 701 914 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N yacute ; B 16 -205 480 713 ;\nC -1 ; WX 389 ; N scommaaccent ; B 25 -218 361 473 ;\nC -1 ; WX 444 ; N ecircumflex ; B 25 -14 426 704 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Uring ; B 16 -19 701 935 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Udieresis ; B 16 -19 701 877 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N aogonek ; B 25 -193 504 473 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Uacute ; B 16 -19 701 923 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N uogonek ; B 16 -193 539 461 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Edieresis ; B 16 0 641 877 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Dcroat ; B 6 0 690 676 ;\nC -1 ; WX 250 ; N commaaccent ; B 47 -218 203 -50 ;\nC -1 ; WX 747 ; N copyright ; B 26 -19 721 691 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Emacron ; B 16 0 641 847 ;\nC -1 ; WX 444 ; N ccaron ; B 25 -14 430 704 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N aring ; B 25 -14 488 740 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ncommaaccent ; B 16 -188 701 676 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N lacute ; B 16 0 297 923 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N agrave ; B 25 -14 488 713 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Tcommaaccent ; B 31 -218 636 676 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Cacute ; B 49 -19 687 923 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N atilde ; B 25 -14 488 674 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Edotaccent ; B 16 0 641 901 ;\nC -1 ; WX 389 ; N scaron ; B 25 -14 363 704 ;\nC -1 ; WX 389 ; N scedilla ; B 25 -218 361 473 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N iacute ; B 16 0 289 713 ;\nC -1 ; WX 494 ; N lozenge ; B 10 0 484 745 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Rcaron ; B 26 0 715 914 ;\nC -1 ; WX 778 ; N Gcommaaccent ; B 37 -218 755 691 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N ucircumflex ; B 16 -14 537 704 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N acircumflex ; B 25 -14 488 704 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Amacron ; B 9 0 689 847 ;\nC -1 ; WX 444 ; N rcaron ; B 29 0 434 704 ;\nC -1 ; WX 444 ; N ccedilla ; B 25 -218 430 473 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Zdotaccent ; B 28 0 634 901 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N Thorn ; B 16 0 600 676 ;\nC -1 ; WX 778 ; N Omacron ; B 35 -19 743 847 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Racute ; B 26 0 715 923 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N Sacute ; B 35 -19 513 923 ;\nC -1 ; WX 672 ; N dcaron ; B 25 -14 681 682 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Umacron ; B 16 -19 701 847 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N uring ; B 16 -14 537 740 ;\nC -1 ; WX 300 ; N threesuperior ; B 3 268 297 688 ;\nC -1 ; WX 778 ; N Ograve ; B 35 -19 743 923 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Agrave ; B 9 0 689 923 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Abreve ; B 9 0 689 901 ;\nC -1 ; WX 570 ; N multiply ; B 48 16 522 490 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N uacute ; B 16 -14 537 713 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Tcaron ; B 31 0 636 914 ;\nC -1 ; WX 494 ; N partialdiff ; B 11 -21 494 750 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N ydieresis ; B 16 -205 480 667 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Nacute ; B 16 -18 701 923 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N icircumflex ; B -37 0 300 704 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Ecircumflex ; B 16 0 641 914 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N adieresis ; B 25 -14 488 667 ;\nC -1 ; WX 444 ; N edieresis ; B 25 -14 426 667 ;\nC -1 ; WX 444 ; N cacute ; B 25 -14 430 713 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N nacute ; B 21 0 539 713 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N umacron ; B 16 -14 537 637 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ncaron ; B 16 -18 701 914 ;\nC -1 ; WX 389 ; N Iacute ; B 20 0 370 923 ;\nC -1 ; WX 570 ; N plusminus ; B 33 0 537 506 ;\nC -1 ; WX 220 ; N brokenbar ; B 66 -143 154 707 ;\nC -1 ; WX 747 ; N registered ; B 26 -19 721 691 ;\nC -1 ; WX 778 ; N Gbreve ; B 37 -19 755 901 ;\nC -1 ; WX 389 ; N Idotaccent ; B 20 0 370 901 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N summation ; B 14 -10 585 706 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Egrave ; B 16 0 641 923 ;\nC -1 ; WX 444 ; N racute ; B 29 0 434 713 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N omacron ; B 25 -14 476 637 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Zacute ; B 28 0 634 923 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Zcaron ; B 28 0 634 914 ;\nC -1 ; WX 549 ; N greaterequal ; B 26 0 523 704 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Eth ; B 6 0 690 676 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ccedilla ; B 49 -218 687 691 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N lcommaaccent ; B 16 -218 255 676 ;\nC -1 ; WX 416 ; N tcaron ; B 20 -12 425 815 ;\nC -1 ; WX 444 ; N eogonek ; B 25 -193 426 473 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Uogonek ; B 16 -193 701 676 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Aacute ; B 9 0 689 923 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Adieresis ; B 9 0 689 877 ;\nC -1 ; WX 444 ; N egrave ; B 25 -14 426 713 ;\nC -1 ; WX 444 ; N zacute ; B 21 0 420 713 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N iogonek ; B 16 -193 274 691 ;\nC -1 ; WX 778 ; N Oacute ; B 35 -19 743 923 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N oacute ; B 25 -14 476 713 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N amacron ; B 25 -14 488 637 ;\nC -1 ; WX 389 ; N sacute ; B 25 -14 361 713 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N idieresis ; B -37 0 300 667 ;\nC -1 ; WX 778 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 35 -19 743 914 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ugrave ; B 16 -19 701 923 ;\nC -1 ; WX 612 ; N Delta ; B 6 0 608 688 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N thorn ; B 19 -205 524 676 ;\nC -1 ; WX 300 ; N twosuperior ; B 0 275 300 688 ;\nC -1 ; WX 778 ; N Odieresis ; B 35 -19 743 877 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N mu ; B 33 -206 536 461 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N igrave ; B -27 0 255 713 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N ohungarumlaut ; B 25 -14 529 713 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Eogonek ; B 16 -193 644 676 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N dcroat ; B 25 -14 534 676 ;\nC -1 ; WX 750 ; N threequarters ; B 23 -12 733 688 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N Scedilla ; B 35 -218 513 692 ;\nC -1 ; WX 394 ; N lcaron ; B 16 0 412 682 ;\nC -1 ; WX 778 ; N Kcommaaccent ; B 30 -218 769 676 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Lacute ; B 19 0 638 923 ;\nC -1 ; WX 1000 ; N trademark ; B 24 271 977 676 ;\nC -1 ; WX 444 ; N edotaccent ; B 25 -14 426 691 ;\nC -1 ; WX 389 ; N Igrave ; B 20 0 370 923 ;\nC -1 ; WX 389 ; N Imacron ; B 20 0 370 847 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Lcaron ; B 19 0 652 682 ;\nC -1 ; WX 750 ; N onehalf ; B -7 -12 775 688 ;\nC -1 ; WX 549 ; N lessequal ; B 29 0 526 704 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N ocircumflex ; B 25 -14 476 704 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N ntilde ; B 21 0 539 674 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Uhungarumlaut ; B 16 -19 701 923 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Eacute ; B 16 0 641 923 ;\nC -1 ; WX 444 ; N emacron ; B 25 -14 426 637 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N gbreve ; B 28 -206 483 691 ;\nC -1 ; WX 750 ; N onequarter ; B 28 -12 743 688 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N Scaron ; B 35 -19 513 914 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N Scommaaccent ; B 35 -218 513 692 ;\nC -1 ; WX 778 ; N Ohungarumlaut ; B 35 -19 743 923 ;\nC -1 ; WX 400 ; N degree ; B 57 402 343 688 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N ograve ; B 25 -14 476 713 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ccaron ; B 49 -19 687 914 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N ugrave ; B 16 -14 537 713 ;\nC -1 ; WX 549 ; N radical ; B 10 -46 512 850 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Dcaron ; B 14 0 690 914 ;\nC -1 ; WX 444 ; N rcommaaccent ; B 29 -218 434 473 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ntilde ; B 16 -18 701 884 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N otilde ; B 25 -14 476 674 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Rcommaaccent ; B 26 -218 715 676 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Lcommaaccent ; B 19 -218 638 676 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Atilde ; B 9 0 689 884 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Aogonek ; B 9 -193 699 690 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Aring ; B 9 0 689 935 ;\nC -1 ; WX 778 ; N Otilde ; B 35 -19 743 884 ;\nC -1 ; WX 444 ; N zdotaccent ; B 21 0 420 691 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Ecaron ; B 16 0 641 914 ;\nC -1 ; WX 389 ; N Iogonek ; B 20 -193 370 676 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N kcommaaccent ; B 22 -218 543 676 ;\nC -1 ; WX 570 ; N minus ; B 33 209 537 297 ;\nC -1 ; WX 389 ; N Icircumflex ; B 20 0 370 914 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N ncaron ; B 21 0 539 704 ;\nC -1 ; WX 333 ; N tcommaaccent ; B 20 -218 332 630 ;\nC -1 ; WX 570 ; N logicalnot ; B 33 108 537 399 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N odieresis ; B 25 -14 476 667 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N udieresis ; B 16 -14 537 667 ;\nC -1 ; WX 549 ; N notequal ; B 15 -49 540 570 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N gcommaaccent ; B 28 -206 483 829 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N eth ; B 25 -14 476 691 ;\nC -1 ; WX 444 ; N zcaron ; B 21 0 420 704 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N ncommaaccent ; B 21 -218 539 473 ;\nC -1 ; WX 300 ; N onesuperior ; B 28 275 273 688 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N imacron ; B -8 0 272 637 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N Euro ; B 0 0 0 0 ;\nEndCharMetrics\nStartKernData\nStartKernPairs 2242\nKPX A C -55\nKPX A Cacute -55\nKPX A Ccaron -55\nKPX A Ccedilla -55\nKPX A G -55\nKPX A Gbreve -55\nKPX A Gcommaaccent -55\nKPX A O -45\nKPX A Oacute -45\nKPX A Ocircumflex -45\nKPX A Odieresis -45\nKPX A Ograve -45\nKPX A Ohungarumlaut -45\nKPX A Omacron -45\nKPX A Oslash -45\nKPX A Otilde -45\nKPX A Q -45\nKPX A T -95\nKPX A Tcaron -95\nKPX A Tcommaaccent -95\nKPX A U -50\nKPX A Uacute -50\nKPX A Ucircumflex -50\nKPX A Udieresis -50\nKPX A Ugrave -50\nKPX A Uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX A Umacron -50\nKPX A Uogonek -50\nKPX A Uring -50\nKPX A V -145\nKPX A W -130\nKPX A Y -100\nKPX A Yacute -100\nKPX A Ydieresis -100\nKPX A p -25\nKPX A quoteright -74\nKPX A u -50\nKPX A uacute -50\nKPX A ucircumflex -50\nKPX A udieresis -50\nKPX A ugrave -50\nKPX A uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX A umacron -50\nKPX A uogonek -50\nKPX A uring -50\nKPX A v -100\nKPX A w -90\nKPX A y -74\nKPX A yacute -74\nKPX A ydieresis -74\nKPX Aacute C -55\nKPX Aacute Cacute -55\nKPX Aacute Ccaron -55\nKPX Aacute Ccedilla -55\nKPX Aacute G -55\nKPX Aacute Gbreve -55\nKPX Aacute Gcommaaccent -55\nKPX Aacute O -45\nKPX Aacute Oacute -45\nKPX Aacute Ocircumflex -45\nKPX Aacute Odieresis -45\nKPX Aacute Ograve -45\nKPX Aacute Ohungarumlaut -45\nKPX Aacute Omacron -45\nKPX Aacute Oslash -45\nKPX Aacute Otilde -45\nKPX Aacute Q -45\nKPX Aacute T -95\nKPX Aacute Tcaron -95\nKPX Aacute Tcommaaccent -95\nKPX Aacute U -50\nKPX Aacute Uacute -50\nKPX Aacute Ucircumflex -50\nKPX Aacute Udieresis -50\nKPX Aacute Ugrave -50\nKPX Aacute Uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Aacute Umacron -50\nKPX Aacute Uogonek -50\nKPX Aacute Uring -50\nKPX Aacute V -145\nKPX Aacute W -130\nKPX Aacute Y -100\nKPX Aacute Yacute -100\nKPX Aacute Ydieresis -100\nKPX Aacute p -25\nKPX Aacute quoteright -74\nKPX Aacute u -50\nKPX Aacute uacute -50\nKPX Aacute ucircumflex -50\nKPX Aacute udieresis -50\nKPX Aacute ugrave -50\nKPX Aacute uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Aacute umacron -50\nKPX Aacute uogonek -50\nKPX Aacute uring -50\nKPX Aacute v -100\nKPX Aacute w -90\nKPX Aacute y -74\nKPX Aacute yacute -74\nKPX Aacute ydieresis -74\nKPX Abreve C -55\nKPX Abreve Cacute -55\nKPX Abreve Ccaron -55\nKPX Abreve Ccedilla -55\nKPX Abreve G -55\nKPX Abreve Gbreve -55\nKPX Abreve Gcommaaccent -55\nKPX Abreve O -45\nKPX Abreve Oacute -45\nKPX Abreve Ocircumflex -45\nKPX Abreve Odieresis -45\nKPX Abreve Ograve -45\nKPX Abreve Ohungarumlaut -45\nKPX Abreve Omacron -45\nKPX Abreve Oslash -45\nKPX Abreve Otilde -45\nKPX Abreve Q -45\nKPX Abreve T -95\nKPX Abreve Tcaron -95\nKPX Abreve Tcommaaccent -95\nKPX Abreve U -50\nKPX Abreve Uacute -50\nKPX Abreve Ucircumflex -50\nKPX Abreve Udieresis -50\nKPX Abreve Ugrave -50\nKPX Abreve Uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Abreve Umacron -50\nKPX Abreve Uogonek -50\nKPX Abreve Uring -50\nKPX Abreve V -145\nKPX Abreve W -130\nKPX Abreve Y -100\nKPX Abreve Yacute -100\nKPX Abreve Ydieresis -100\nKPX Abreve p -25\nKPX Abreve quoteright -74\nKPX Abreve u -50\nKPX Abreve uacute -50\nKPX Abreve ucircumflex -50\nKPX Abreve udieresis -50\nKPX Abreve ugrave -50\nKPX Abreve uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Abreve umacron -50\nKPX Abreve uogonek -50\nKPX Abreve uring -50\nKPX Abreve v -100\nKPX Abreve w -90\nKPX Abreve y -74\nKPX Abreve yacute -74\nKPX Abreve ydieresis -74\nKPX Acircumflex C -55\nKPX Acircumflex Cacute -55\nKPX Acircumflex Ccaron -55\nKPX Acircumflex Ccedilla -55\nKPX Acircumflex G -55\nKPX Acircumflex Gbreve -55\nKPX Acircumflex Gcommaaccent -55\nKPX Acircumflex O -45\nKPX Acircumflex Oacute -45\nKPX Acircumflex Ocircumflex -45\nKPX Acircumflex Odieresis -45\nKPX Acircumflex Ograve -45\nKPX Acircumflex Ohungarumlaut -45\nKPX Acircumflex Omacron -45\nKPX Acircumflex Oslash -45\nKPX Acircumflex Otilde -45\nKPX Acircumflex Q -45\nKPX Acircumflex T -95\nKPX Acircumflex Tcaron -95\nKPX Acircumflex Tcommaaccent -95\nKPX Acircumflex U -50\nKPX Acircumflex Uacute -50\nKPX Acircumflex Ucircumflex -50\nKPX Acircumflex Udieresis -50\nKPX Acircumflex Ugrave -50\nKPX Acircumflex Uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Acircumflex Umacron -50\nKPX Acircumflex Uogonek -50\nKPX Acircumflex Uring -50\nKPX Acircumflex V -145\nKPX Acircumflex W -130\nKPX Acircumflex Y -100\nKPX Acircumflex Yacute -100\nKPX Acircumflex Ydieresis -100\nKPX Acircumflex p -25\nKPX Acircumflex quoteright -74\nKPX Acircumflex u -50\nKPX Acircumflex uacute -50\nKPX Acircumflex ucircumflex -50\nKPX Acircumflex udieresis -50\nKPX Acircumflex ugrave -50\nKPX Acircumflex uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Acircumflex umacron -50\nKPX Acircumflex uogonek -50\nKPX Acircumflex uring -50\nKPX Acircumflex v -100\nKPX Acircumflex w -90\nKPX Acircumflex y -74\nKPX Acircumflex yacute -74\nKPX Acircumflex ydieresis -74\nKPX Adieresis C -55\nKPX Adieresis Cacute -55\nKPX Adieresis Ccaron -55\nKPX Adieresis Ccedilla -55\nKPX Adieresis G -55\nKPX Adieresis Gbreve -55\nKPX Adieresis Gcommaaccent -55\nKPX Adieresis O -45\nKPX Adieresis Oacute -45\nKPX Adieresis Ocircumflex -45\nKPX Adieresis Odieresis -45\nKPX Adieresis Ograve -45\nKPX Adieresis Ohungarumlaut -45\nKPX Adieresis Omacron -45\nKPX Adieresis Oslash -45\nKPX Adieresis Otilde -45\nKPX Adieresis Q -45\nKPX Adieresis T -95\nKPX Adieresis Tcaron -95\nKPX Adieresis Tcommaaccent -95\nKPX Adieresis U -50\nKPX Adieresis Uacute -50\nKPX Adieresis Ucircumflex -50\nKPX Adieresis Udieresis -50\nKPX Adieresis Ugrave -50\nKPX Adieresis Uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Adieresis Umacron -50\nKPX Adieresis Uogonek -50\nKPX Adieresis Uring -50\nKPX Adieresis V -145\nKPX Adieresis W -130\nKPX Adieresis Y -100\nKPX Adieresis Yacute -100\nKPX Adieresis Ydieresis -100\nKPX Adieresis p -25\nKPX Adieresis quoteright -74\nKPX Adieresis u -50\nKPX Adieresis uacute -50\nKPX Adieresis ucircumflex -50\nKPX Adieresis udieresis -50\nKPX Adieresis ugrave -50\nKPX Adieresis uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Adieresis umacron -50\nKPX Adieresis uogonek -50\nKPX Adieresis uring -50\nKPX Adieresis v -100\nKPX Adieresis w -90\nKPX Adieresis y -74\nKPX Adieresis yacute -74\nKPX Adieresis ydieresis -74\nKPX Agrave C -55\nKPX Agrave Cacute -55\nKPX Agrave Ccaron -55\nKPX Agrave Ccedilla -55\nKPX Agrave G -55\nKPX Agrave Gbreve -55\nKPX Agrave Gcommaaccent -55\nKPX Agrave O -45\nKPX Agrave Oacute -45\nKPX Agrave Ocircumflex -45\nKPX Agrave Odieresis -45\nKPX Agrave Ograve -45\nKPX Agrave Ohungarumlaut -45\nKPX Agrave Omacron -45\nKPX Agrave Oslash -45\nKPX Agrave Otilde -45\nKPX Agrave Q -45\nKPX Agrave T -95\nKPX Agrave Tcaron -95\nKPX Agrave Tcommaaccent -95\nKPX Agrave U -50\nKPX Agrave Uacute -50\nKPX Agrave Ucircumflex -50\nKPX Agrave Udieresis -50\nKPX Agrave Ugrave -50\nKPX Agrave Uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Agrave Umacron -50\nKPX Agrave Uogonek -50\nKPX Agrave Uring -50\nKPX Agrave V -145\nKPX Agrave W -130\nKPX Agrave Y -100\nKPX Agrave Yacute -100\nKPX Agrave Ydieresis -100\nKPX Agrave p -25\nKPX Agrave quoteright -74\nKPX Agrave u -50\nKPX Agrave uacute -50\nKPX Agrave ucircumflex -50\nKPX Agrave udieresis -50\nKPX Agrave ugrave -50\nKPX Agrave uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Agrave umacron -50\nKPX Agrave uogonek -50\nKPX Agrave uring -50\nKPX Agrave v -100\nKPX Agrave w -90\nKPX Agrave y -74\nKPX Agrave yacute -74\nKPX Agrave ydieresis -74\nKPX Amacron C -55\nKPX Amacron Cacute -55\nKPX Amacron Ccaron -55\nKPX Amacron Ccedilla -55\nKPX Amacron G -55\nKPX Amacron Gbreve -55\nKPX Amacron Gcommaaccent -55\nKPX Amacron O -45\nKPX Amacron Oacute -45\nKPX Amacron Ocircumflex -45\nKPX Amacron Odieresis -45\nKPX Amacron Ograve -45\nKPX Amacron Ohungarumlaut -45\nKPX Amacron Omacron -45\nKPX Amacron Oslash -45\nKPX Amacron Otilde -45\nKPX Amacron Q -45\nKPX Amacron T -95\nKPX Amacron Tcaron -95\nKPX Amacron Tcommaaccent -95\nKPX Amacron U -50\nKPX Amacron Uacute -50\nKPX Amacron Ucircumflex -50\nKPX Amacron Udieresis -50\nKPX Amacron Ugrave -50\nKPX Amacron Uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Amacron Umacron -50\nKPX Amacron Uogonek -50\nKPX Amacron Uring -50\nKPX Amacron V -145\nKPX Amacron W -130\nKPX Amacron Y -100\nKPX Amacron Yacute -100\nKPX Amacron Ydieresis -100\nKPX Amacron p -25\nKPX Amacron quoteright -74\nKPX Amacron u -50\nKPX Amacron uacute -50\nKPX Amacron ucircumflex -50\nKPX Amacron udieresis -50\nKPX Amacron ugrave -50\nKPX Amacron uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Amacron umacron -50\nKPX Amacron uogonek -50\nKPX Amacron uring -50\nKPX Amacron v -100\nKPX Amacron w -90\nKPX Amacron y -74\nKPX Amacron yacute -74\nKPX Amacron ydieresis -74\nKPX Aogonek C -55\nKPX Aogonek Cacute -55\nKPX Aogonek Ccaron -55\nKPX Aogonek Ccedilla -55\nKPX Aogonek G -55\nKPX Aogonek Gbreve -55\nKPX Aogonek Gcommaaccent -55\nKPX Aogonek O -45\nKPX Aogonek Oacute -45\nKPX Aogonek Ocircumflex -45\nKPX Aogonek Odieresis -45\nKPX Aogonek Ograve -45\nKPX Aogonek Ohungarumlaut -45\nKPX Aogonek Omacron -45\nKPX Aogonek Oslash -45\nKPX Aogonek Otilde -45\nKPX Aogonek Q -45\nKPX Aogonek T -95\nKPX Aogonek Tcaron -95\nKPX Aogonek Tcommaaccent -95\nKPX Aogonek U -50\nKPX Aogonek Uacute -50\nKPX Aogonek Ucircumflex -50\nKPX Aogonek Udieresis -50\nKPX Aogonek Ugrave -50\nKPX Aogonek Uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Aogonek Umacron -50\nKPX Aogonek Uogonek -50\nKPX Aogonek Uring -50\nKPX Aogonek V -145\nKPX Aogonek W -130\nKPX Aogonek Y -100\nKPX Aogonek Yacute -100\nKPX Aogonek Ydieresis -100\nKPX Aogonek p -25\nKPX Aogonek quoteright -74\nKPX Aogonek u -50\nKPX Aogonek uacute -50\nKPX Aogonek ucircumflex -50\nKPX Aogonek udieresis -50\nKPX Aogonek ugrave -50\nKPX Aogonek uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Aogonek umacron -50\nKPX Aogonek uogonek -50\nKPX Aogonek uring -50\nKPX Aogonek v -100\nKPX Aogonek w -90\nKPX Aogonek y -34\nKPX Aogonek yacute -34\nKPX Aogonek ydieresis -34\nKPX Aring C -55\nKPX Aring Cacute -55\nKPX Aring Ccaron -55\nKPX Aring Ccedilla -55\nKPX Aring G -55\nKPX Aring Gbreve -55\nKPX Aring Gcommaaccent -55\nKPX Aring O -45\nKPX Aring Oacute -45\nKPX Aring Ocircumflex -45\nKPX Aring Odieresis -45\nKPX Aring Ograve -45\nKPX Aring Ohungarumlaut -45\nKPX Aring Omacron -45\nKPX Aring Oslash -45\nKPX Aring Otilde -45\nKPX Aring Q -45\nKPX Aring T -95\nKPX Aring Tcaron -95\nKPX Aring Tcommaaccent -95\nKPX Aring U -50\nKPX Aring Uacute -50\nKPX Aring Ucircumflex -50\nKPX Aring Udieresis -50\nKPX Aring Ugrave -50\nKPX Aring Uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Aring Umacron -50\nKPX Aring Uogonek -50\nKPX Aring Uring -50\nKPX Aring V -145\nKPX Aring W -130\nKPX Aring Y -100\nKPX Aring Yacute -100\nKPX Aring Ydieresis -100\nKPX Aring p -25\nKPX Aring quoteright -74\nKPX Aring u -50\nKPX Aring uacute -50\nKPX Aring ucircumflex -50\nKPX Aring udieresis -50\nKPX Aring ugrave -50\nKPX Aring uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Aring umacron -50\nKPX Aring uogonek -50\nKPX Aring uring -50\nKPX Aring v -100\nKPX Aring w -90\nKPX Aring y -74\nKPX Aring yacute -74\nKPX Aring ydieresis -74\nKPX Atilde C -55\nKPX Atilde Cacute -55\nKPX Atilde Ccaron -55\nKPX Atilde Ccedilla -55\nKPX Atilde G -55\nKPX Atilde Gbreve -55\nKPX Atilde Gcommaaccent -55\nKPX Atilde O -45\nKPX Atilde Oacute -45\nKPX Atilde Ocircumflex -45\nKPX Atilde Odieresis -45\nKPX Atilde Ograve -45\nKPX Atilde Ohungarumlaut -45\nKPX Atilde Omacron -45\nKPX Atilde Oslash -45\nKPX Atilde Otilde -45\nKPX Atilde Q -45\nKPX Atilde T -95\nKPX Atilde Tcaron -95\nKPX Atilde Tcommaaccent -95\nKPX Atilde U -50\nKPX Atilde Uacute -50\nKPX Atilde Ucircumflex -50\nKPX Atilde Udieresis -50\nKPX Atilde Ugrave -50\nKPX Atilde Uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Atilde Umacron -50\nKPX Atilde Uogonek -50\nKPX Atilde Uring -50\nKPX Atilde V -145\nKPX Atilde W -130\nKPX Atilde Y -100\nKPX Atilde Yacute -100\nKPX Atilde Ydieresis -100\nKPX Atilde p -25\nKPX Atilde quoteright -74\nKPX Atilde u -50\nKPX Atilde uacute -50\nKPX Atilde ucircumflex -50\nKPX Atilde udieresis -50\nKPX Atilde ugrave -50\nKPX Atilde uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Atilde umacron -50\nKPX Atilde uogonek -50\nKPX Atilde uring -50\nKPX Atilde v -100\nKPX Atilde w -90\nKPX Atilde y -74\nKPX Atilde yacute -74\nKPX Atilde ydieresis -74\nKPX B A -30\nKPX B Aacute -30\nKPX B Abreve -30\nKPX B Acircumflex -30\nKPX B Adieresis -30\nKPX B Agrave -30\nKPX B Amacron -30\nKPX B Aogonek -30\nKPX B Aring -30\nKPX B Atilde -30\nKPX B U -10\nKPX B Uacute -10\nKPX B Ucircumflex -10\nKPX B Udieresis -10\nKPX B Ugrave -10\nKPX B Uhungarumlaut -10\nKPX B Umacron -10\nKPX B Uogonek -10\nKPX B Uring -10\nKPX D A -35\nKPX D Aacute -35\nKPX D Abreve -35\nKPX D Acircumflex -35\nKPX D Adieresis -35\nKPX D Agrave -35\nKPX D Amacron -35\nKPX D Aogonek -35\nKPX D Aring -35\nKPX D Atilde -35\nKPX D V -40\nKPX D W -40\nKPX D Y -40\nKPX D Yacute -40\nKPX D Ydieresis -40\nKPX D period -20\nKPX Dcaron A -35\nKPX Dcaron Aacute -35\nKPX Dcaron Abreve -35\nKPX Dcaron Acircumflex -35\nKPX Dcaron Adieresis -35\nKPX Dcaron Agrave -35\nKPX Dcaron Amacron -35\nKPX Dcaron Aogonek -35\nKPX Dcaron Aring -35\nKPX Dcaron Atilde -35\nKPX Dcaron V -40\nKPX Dcaron W -40\nKPX Dcaron Y -40\nKPX Dcaron Yacute -40\nKPX Dcaron Ydieresis -40\nKPX Dcaron period -20\nKPX Dcroat A -35\nKPX Dcroat Aacute -35\nKPX Dcroat Abreve -35\nKPX Dcroat Acircumflex -35\nKPX Dcroat Adieresis -35\nKPX Dcroat Agrave -35\nKPX Dcroat Amacron -35\nKPX Dcroat Aogonek -35\nKPX Dcroat Aring -35\nKPX Dcroat Atilde -35\nKPX Dcroat V -40\nKPX Dcroat W -40\nKPX Dcroat Y -40\nKPX Dcroat Yacute -40\nKPX Dcroat Ydieresis -40\nKPX Dcroat period -20\nKPX F A -90\nKPX F Aacute -90\nKPX F Abreve -90\nKPX F Acircumflex -90\nKPX F Adieresis -90\nKPX F Agrave -90\nKPX F Amacron -90\nKPX F Aogonek -90\nKPX F Aring -90\nKPX F Atilde -90\nKPX F a -25\nKPX F aacute -25\nKPX F abreve -25\nKPX F acircumflex -25\nKPX F adieresis -25\nKPX F agrave -25\nKPX F amacron -25\nKPX F aogonek -25\nKPX F aring -25\nKPX F atilde -25\nKPX F comma -92\nKPX F e -25\nKPX F eacute -25\nKPX F ecaron -25\nKPX F ecircumflex -25\nKPX F edieresis -25\nKPX F edotaccent -25\nKPX F egrave -25\nKPX F emacron -25\nKPX F eogonek -25\nKPX F o -25\nKPX F oacute -25\nKPX F ocircumflex -25\nKPX F odieresis -25\nKPX F ograve -25\nKPX F ohungarumlaut -25\nKPX F omacron -25\nKPX F oslash -25\nKPX F otilde -25\nKPX F period -110\nKPX J A -30\nKPX J Aacute -30\nKPX J Abreve -30\nKPX J Acircumflex -30\nKPX J Adieresis -30\nKPX J Agrave -30\nKPX J Amacron -30\nKPX J Aogonek -30\nKPX J Aring -30\nKPX J Atilde -30\nKPX J a -15\nKPX J aacute -15\nKPX J abreve -15\nKPX J acircumflex -15\nKPX J adieresis -15\nKPX J agrave -15\nKPX J amacron -15\nKPX J aogonek -15\nKPX J aring -15\nKPX J atilde -15\nKPX J e -15\nKPX J eacute -15\nKPX J ecaron -15\nKPX J ecircumflex -15\nKPX J edieresis -15\nKPX J edotaccent -15\nKPX J egrave -15\nKPX J emacron -15\nKPX J eogonek -15\nKPX J o -15\nKPX J oacute -15\nKPX J ocircumflex -15\nKPX J odieresis -15\nKPX J ograve -15\nKPX J ohungarumlaut -15\nKPX J omacron -15\nKPX J oslash -15\nKPX J otilde -15\nKPX J period -20\nKPX J u -15\nKPX J uacute -15\nKPX J ucircumflex -15\nKPX J udieresis -15\nKPX J ugrave -15\nKPX J uhungarumlaut -15\nKPX J umacron -15\nKPX J uogonek -15\nKPX J uring -15\nKPX K O -30\nKPX K Oacute -30\nKPX K Ocircumflex -30\nKPX K Odieresis -30\nKPX K Ograve -30\nKPX K Ohungarumlaut -30\nKPX K Omacron -30\nKPX K Oslash -30\nKPX K Otilde -30\nKPX K e -25\nKPX K eacute -25\nKPX K ecaron -25\nKPX K ecircumflex -25\nKPX K edieresis -25\nKPX K edotaccent -25\nKPX K egrave -25\nKPX K emacron -25\nKPX K eogonek -25\nKPX K o -25\nKPX K oacute -25\nKPX K ocircumflex -25\nKPX K odieresis -25\nKPX K ograve -25\nKPX K ohungarumlaut -25\nKPX K omacron -25\nKPX K oslash -25\nKPX K otilde -25\nKPX K u -15\nKPX K uacute -15\nKPX K ucircumflex -15\nKPX K udieresis -15\nKPX K ugrave -15\nKPX K uhungarumlaut -15\nKPX K umacron -15\nKPX K uogonek -15\nKPX K uring -15\nKPX K y -45\nKPX K yacute -45\nKPX K ydieresis -45\nKPX Kcommaaccent O -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent Oacute -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent Ocircumflex -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent Odieresis -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent Ograve -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent Ohungarumlaut -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent Omacron -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent Oslash -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent Otilde -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent e -25\nKPX Kcommaaccent eacute -25\nKPX Kcommaaccent ecaron -25\nKPX Kcommaaccent ecircumflex -25\nKPX Kcommaaccent edieresis -25\nKPX Kcommaaccent edotaccent -25\nKPX Kcommaaccent egrave -25\nKPX Kcommaaccent emacron -25\nKPX Kcommaaccent eogonek -25\nKPX Kcommaaccent o -25\nKPX Kcommaaccent oacute -25\nKPX Kcommaaccent ocircumflex -25\nKPX Kcommaaccent odieresis -25\nKPX Kcommaaccent ograve -25\nKPX Kcommaaccent ohungarumlaut -25\nKPX Kcommaaccent omacron -25\nKPX Kcommaaccent oslash -25\nKPX Kcommaaccent otilde -25\nKPX Kcommaaccent u -15\nKPX Kcommaaccent uacute -15\nKPX Kcommaaccent ucircumflex -15\nKPX Kcommaaccent udieresis -15\nKPX Kcommaaccent ugrave -15\nKPX Kcommaaccent uhungarumlaut -15\nKPX Kcommaaccent umacron -15\nKPX Kcommaaccent uogonek -15\nKPX Kcommaaccent uring -15\nKPX Kcommaaccent y -45\nKPX Kcommaaccent yacute -45\nKPX Kcommaaccent ydieresis -45\nKPX L T -92\nKPX L Tcaron -92\nKPX L Tcommaaccent -92\nKPX L V -92\nKPX L W -92\nKPX L Y -92\nKPX L Yacute -92\nKPX L Ydieresis -92\nKPX L quotedblright -20\nKPX L quoteright -110\nKPX L y -55\nKPX L yacute -55\nKPX L ydieresis -55\nKPX Lacute T -92\nKPX Lacute Tcaron -92\nKPX Lacute Tcommaaccent -92\nKPX Lacute V -92\nKPX Lacute W -92\nKPX Lacute Y -92\nKPX Lacute Yacute -92\nKPX Lacute Ydieresis -92\nKPX Lacute quotedblright -20\nKPX Lacute quoteright -110\nKPX Lacute y -55\nKPX Lacute yacute -55\nKPX Lacute ydieresis -55\nKPX Lcommaaccent T -92\nKPX Lcommaaccent Tcaron -92\nKPX Lcommaaccent Tcommaaccent -92\nKPX Lcommaaccent V -92\nKPX Lcommaaccent W -92\nKPX Lcommaaccent Y -92\nKPX Lcommaaccent Yacute -92\nKPX Lcommaaccent Ydieresis -92\nKPX Lcommaaccent quotedblright -20\nKPX Lcommaaccent quoteright -110\nKPX Lcommaaccent y -55\nKPX Lcommaaccent yacute -55\nKPX Lcommaaccent ydieresis -55\nKPX Lslash T -92\nKPX Lslash Tcaron -92\nKPX Lslash Tcommaaccent -92\nKPX Lslash V -92\nKPX Lslash W -92\nKPX Lslash Y -92\nKPX Lslash Yacute -92\nKPX Lslash Ydieresis -92\nKPX Lslash quotedblright -20\nKPX Lslash quoteright -110\nKPX Lslash y -55\nKPX Lslash yacute -55\nKPX Lslash ydieresis -55\nKPX N A -20\nKPX N Aacute -20\nKPX N Abreve -20\nKPX N Acircumflex -20\nKPX N Adieresis -20\nKPX N Agrave -20\nKPX N Amacron -20\nKPX N Aogonek -20\nKPX N Aring -20\nKPX N Atilde -20\nKPX Nacute A -20\nKPX Nacute Aacute -20\nKPX Nacute Abreve -20\nKPX Nacute Acircumflex -20\nKPX Nacute Adieresis -20\nKPX Nacute Agrave -20\nKPX Nacute Amacron -20\nKPX Nacute Aogonek -20\nKPX Nacute Aring -20\nKPX Nacute Atilde -20\nKPX Ncaron A -20\nKPX Ncaron Aacute -20\nKPX Ncaron Abreve -20\nKPX Ncaron Acircumflex -20\nKPX Ncaron Adieresis -20\nKPX Ncaron Agrave -20\nKPX Ncaron Amacron -20\nKPX Ncaron Aogonek -20\nKPX Ncaron Aring -20\nKPX Ncaron Atilde -20\nKPX Ncommaaccent A -20\nKPX Ncommaaccent Aacute -20\nKPX Ncommaaccent Abreve -20\nKPX Ncommaaccent Acircumflex -20\nKPX Ncommaaccent Adieresis -20\nKPX Ncommaaccent Agrave -20\nKPX Ncommaaccent Amacron -20\nKPX Ncommaaccent Aogonek -20\nKPX Ncommaaccent Aring -20\nKPX Ncommaaccent Atilde -20\nKPX Ntilde A -20\nKPX Ntilde Aacute -20\nKPX Ntilde Abreve -20\nKPX Ntilde Acircumflex -20\nKPX Ntilde Adieresis -20\nKPX Ntilde Agrave -20\nKPX Ntilde Amacron -20\nKPX Ntilde Aogonek -20\nKPX Ntilde Aring -20\nKPX Ntilde Atilde -20\nKPX O A -40\nKPX O Aacute -40\nKPX O Abreve -40\nKPX O Acircumflex -40\nKPX O Adieresis -40\nKPX O Agrave -40\nKPX O Amacron -40\nKPX O Aogonek -40\nKPX O Aring -40\nKPX O Atilde -40\nKPX O T -40\nKPX O Tcaron -40\nKPX O Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX O V -50\nKPX O W -50\nKPX O X -40\nKPX O Y -50\nKPX O Yacute -50\nKPX O Ydieresis -50\nKPX Oacute A -40\nKPX Oacute Aacute -40\nKPX Oacute Abreve -40\nKPX Oacute Acircumflex -40\nKPX Oacute Adieresis -40\nKPX Oacute Agrave -40\nKPX Oacute Amacron -40\nKPX Oacute Aogonek -40\nKPX Oacute Aring -40\nKPX Oacute Atilde -40\nKPX Oacute T -40\nKPX Oacute Tcaron -40\nKPX Oacute Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX Oacute V -50\nKPX Oacute W -50\nKPX Oacute X -40\nKPX Oacute Y -50\nKPX Oacute Yacute -50\nKPX Oacute Ydieresis -50\nKPX Ocircumflex A -40\nKPX Ocircumflex Aacute -40\nKPX Ocircumflex Abreve -40\nKPX Ocircumflex Acircumflex -40\nKPX Ocircumflex Adieresis -40\nKPX Ocircumflex Agrave -40\nKPX Ocircumflex Amacron -40\nKPX Ocircumflex Aogonek -40\nKPX Ocircumflex Aring -40\nKPX Ocircumflex Atilde -40\nKPX Ocircumflex T -40\nKPX Ocircumflex Tcaron -40\nKPX Ocircumflex Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX Ocircumflex V -50\nKPX Ocircumflex W -50\nKPX Ocircumflex X -40\nKPX Ocircumflex Y -50\nKPX Ocircumflex Yacute -50\nKPX Ocircumflex Ydieresis -50\nKPX Odieresis A -40\nKPX Odieresis Aacute -40\nKPX Odieresis Abreve -40\nKPX Odieresis Acircumflex -40\nKPX Odieresis Adieresis -40\nKPX Odieresis Agrave -40\nKPX Odieresis Amacron -40\nKPX Odieresis Aogonek -40\nKPX Odieresis Aring -40\nKPX Odieresis Atilde -40\nKPX Odieresis T -40\nKPX Odieresis Tcaron -40\nKPX Odieresis Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX Odieresis V -50\nKPX Odieresis W -50\nKPX Odieresis X -40\nKPX Odieresis Y -50\nKPX Odieresis Yacute -50\nKPX Odieresis Ydieresis -50\nKPX Ograve A -40\nKPX Ograve Aacute -40\nKPX Ograve Abreve -40\nKPX Ograve Acircumflex -40\nKPX Ograve Adieresis -40\nKPX Ograve Agrave -40\nKPX Ograve Amacron -40\nKPX Ograve Aogonek -40\nKPX Ograve Aring -40\nKPX Ograve Atilde -40\nKPX Ograve T -40\nKPX Ograve Tcaron -40\nKPX Ograve Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX Ograve V -50\nKPX Ograve W -50\nKPX Ograve X -40\nKPX Ograve Y -50\nKPX Ograve Yacute -50\nKPX Ograve Ydieresis -50\nKPX Ohungarumlaut A -40\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Aacute -40\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Abreve -40\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Acircumflex -40\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Adieresis -40\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Agrave -40\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Amacron -40\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Aogonek -40\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Aring -40\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Atilde -40\nKPX Ohungarumlaut T -40\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Tcaron -40\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX Ohungarumlaut V -50\nKPX Ohungarumlaut W -50\nKPX Ohungarumlaut X -40\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Y -50\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Yacute -50\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Ydieresis -50\nKPX Omacron A -40\nKPX Omacron Aacute -40\nKPX Omacron Abreve -40\nKPX Omacron Acircumflex -40\nKPX Omacron Adieresis -40\nKPX Omacron Agrave -40\nKPX Omacron Amacron -40\nKPX Omacron Aogonek -40\nKPX Omacron Aring -40\nKPX Omacron Atilde -40\nKPX Omacron T -40\nKPX Omacron Tcaron -40\nKPX Omacron Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX Omacron V -50\nKPX Omacron W -50\nKPX Omacron X -40\nKPX Omacron Y -50\nKPX Omacron Yacute -50\nKPX Omacron Ydieresis -50\nKPX Oslash A -40\nKPX Oslash Aacute -40\nKPX Oslash Abreve -40\nKPX Oslash Acircumflex -40\nKPX Oslash Adieresis -40\nKPX Oslash Agrave -40\nKPX Oslash Amacron -40\nKPX Oslash Aogonek -40\nKPX Oslash Aring -40\nKPX Oslash Atilde -40\nKPX Oslash T -40\nKPX Oslash Tcaron -40\nKPX Oslash Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX Oslash V -50\nKPX Oslash W -50\nKPX Oslash X -40\nKPX Oslash Y -50\nKPX Oslash Yacute -50\nKPX Oslash Ydieresis -50\nKPX Otilde A -40\nKPX Otilde Aacute -40\nKPX Otilde Abreve -40\nKPX Otilde Acircumflex -40\nKPX Otilde Adieresis -40\nKPX Otilde Agrave -40\nKPX Otilde Amacron -40\nKPX Otilde Aogonek -40\nKPX Otilde Aring -40\nKPX Otilde Atilde -40\nKPX Otilde T -40\nKPX Otilde Tcaron -40\nKPX Otilde Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX Otilde V -50\nKPX Otilde W -50\nKPX Otilde X -40\nKPX Otilde Y -50\nKPX Otilde Yacute -50\nKPX Otilde Ydieresis -50\nKPX P A -74\nKPX P Aacute -74\nKPX P Abreve -74\nKPX P Acircumflex -74\nKPX P Adieresis -74\nKPX P Agrave -74\nKPX P Amacron -74\nKPX P Aogonek -74\nKPX P Aring -74\nKPX P Atilde -74\nKPX P a -10\nKPX P aacute -10\nKPX P abreve -10\nKPX P acircumflex -10\nKPX P adieresis -10\nKPX P agrave -10\nKPX P amacron -10\nKPX P aogonek -10\nKPX P aring -10\nKPX P atilde -10\nKPX P comma -92\nKPX P e -20\nKPX P eacute -20\nKPX P ecaron -20\nKPX P ecircumflex -20\nKPX P edieresis -20\nKPX P edotaccent -20\nKPX P egrave -20\nKPX P emacron -20\nKPX P eogonek -20\nKPX P o -20\nKPX P oacute -20\nKPX P ocircumflex -20\nKPX P odieresis -20\nKPX P ograve -20\nKPX P ohungarumlaut -20\nKPX P omacron -20\nKPX P oslash -20\nKPX P otilde -20\nKPX P period -110\nKPX Q U -10\nKPX Q Uacute -10\nKPX Q Ucircumflex -10\nKPX Q Udieresis -10\nKPX Q Ugrave -10\nKPX Q Uhungarumlaut -10\nKPX Q Umacron -10\nKPX Q Uogonek -10\nKPX Q Uring -10\nKPX Q period -20\nKPX R O -30\nKPX R Oacute -30\nKPX R Ocircumflex -30\nKPX R Odieresis -30\nKPX R Ograve -30\nKPX R Ohungarumlaut -30\nKPX R Omacron -30\nKPX R Oslash -30\nKPX R Otilde -30\nKPX R T -40\nKPX R Tcaron -40\nKPX R Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX R U -30\nKPX R Uacute -30\nKPX R Ucircumflex -30\nKPX R Udieresis -30\nKPX R Ugrave -30\nKPX R Uhungarumlaut -30\nKPX R Umacron -30\nKPX R Uogonek -30\nKPX R Uring -30\nKPX R V -55\nKPX R W -35\nKPX R Y -35\nKPX R Yacute -35\nKPX R Ydieresis -35\nKPX Racute O -30\nKPX Racute Oacute -30\nKPX Racute Ocircumflex -30\nKPX Racute Odieresis -30\nKPX Racute Ograve -30\nKPX Racute Ohungarumlaut -30\nKPX Racute Omacron -30\nKPX Racute Oslash -30\nKPX Racute Otilde -30\nKPX Racute T -40\nKPX Racute Tcaron -40\nKPX Racute Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX Racute U -30\nKPX Racute Uacute -30\nKPX Racute Ucircumflex -30\nKPX Racute Udieresis -30\nKPX Racute Ugrave -30\nKPX Racute Uhungarumlaut -30\nKPX Racute Umacron -30\nKPX Racute Uogonek -30\nKPX Racute Uring -30\nKPX Racute V -55\nKPX Racute W -35\nKPX Racute Y -35\nKPX Racute Yacute -35\nKPX Racute Ydieresis -35\nKPX Rcaron O -30\nKPX Rcaron Oacute -30\nKPX Rcaron Ocircumflex -30\nKPX Rcaron Odieresis -30\nKPX Rcaron Ograve -30\nKPX Rcaron Ohungarumlaut -30\nKPX Rcaron Omacron -30\nKPX Rcaron Oslash -30\nKPX Rcaron Otilde -30\nKPX Rcaron T -40\nKPX Rcaron Tcaron -40\nKPX Rcaron Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX Rcaron U -30\nKPX Rcaron Uacute -30\nKPX Rcaron Ucircumflex -30\nKPX Rcaron Udieresis -30\nKPX Rcaron Ugrave -30\nKPX Rcaron Uhungarumlaut -30\nKPX Rcaron Umacron -30\nKPX Rcaron Uogonek -30\nKPX Rcaron Uring -30\nKPX Rcaron V -55\nKPX Rcaron W -35\nKPX Rcaron Y -35\nKPX Rcaron Yacute -35\nKPX Rcaron Ydieresis -35\nKPX Rcommaaccent O -30\nKPX Rcommaaccent Oacute -30\nKPX Rcommaaccent Ocircumflex -30\nKPX Rcommaaccent Odieresis -30\nKPX Rcommaaccent Ograve -30\nKPX Rcommaaccent Ohungarumlaut -30\nKPX Rcommaaccent Omacron -30\nKPX Rcommaaccent Oslash -30\nKPX Rcommaaccent Otilde -30\nKPX Rcommaaccent T -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent Tcaron -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent U -30\nKPX Rcommaaccent Uacute -30\nKPX Rcommaaccent Ucircumflex -30\nKPX Rcommaaccent Udieresis -30\nKPX Rcommaaccent Ugrave -30\nKPX Rcommaaccent Uhungarumlaut -30\nKPX Rcommaaccent Umacron -30\nKPX Rcommaaccent Uogonek -30\nKPX Rcommaaccent Uring -30\nKPX Rcommaaccent V -55\nKPX Rcommaaccent W -35\nKPX Rcommaaccent Y -35\nKPX Rcommaaccent Yacute -35\nKPX Rcommaaccent Ydieresis -35\nKPX T A -90\nKPX T Aacute -90\nKPX T Abreve -90\nKPX T Acircumflex -90\nKPX T Adieresis -90\nKPX T Agrave -90\nKPX T Amacron -90\nKPX T Aogonek -90\nKPX T Aring -90\nKPX T Atilde -90\nKPX T O -18\nKPX T Oacute -18\nKPX T Ocircumflex -18\nKPX T Odieresis -18\nKPX T Ograve -18\nKPX T Ohungarumlaut -18\nKPX T Omacron -18\nKPX T Oslash -18\nKPX T Otilde -18\nKPX T a -92\nKPX T aacute -92\nKPX T abreve -52\nKPX T acircumflex -52\nKPX T adieresis -52\nKPX T agrave -52\nKPX T amacron -52\nKPX T aogonek -92\nKPX T aring -92\nKPX T atilde -52\nKPX T colon -74\nKPX T comma -74\nKPX T e -92\nKPX T eacute -92\nKPX T ecaron -92\nKPX T ecircumflex -92\nKPX T edieresis -52\nKPX T edotaccent -92\nKPX T egrave -52\nKPX T emacron -52\nKPX T eogonek -92\nKPX T hyphen -92\nKPX T i -18\nKPX T iacute -18\nKPX T iogonek -18\nKPX T o -92\nKPX T oacute -92\nKPX T ocircumflex -92\nKPX T odieresis -92\nKPX T ograve -92\nKPX T ohungarumlaut -92\nKPX T omacron -92\nKPX T oslash -92\nKPX T otilde -92\nKPX T period -90\nKPX T r -74\nKPX T racute -74\nKPX T rcaron -74\nKPX T rcommaaccent -74\nKPX T semicolon -74\nKPX T u -92\nKPX T uacute -92\nKPX T ucircumflex -92\nKPX T udieresis -92\nKPX T ugrave -92\nKPX T uhungarumlaut -92\nKPX T umacron -92\nKPX T uogonek -92\nKPX T uring -92\nKPX T w -74\nKPX T y -34\nKPX T yacute -34\nKPX T ydieresis -34\nKPX Tcaron A -90\nKPX Tcaron Aacute -90\nKPX Tcaron Abreve -90\nKPX Tcaron Acircumflex -90\nKPX Tcaron Adieresis -90\nKPX Tcaron Agrave -90\nKPX Tcaron Amacron -90\nKPX Tcaron Aogonek -90\nKPX Tcaron Aring -90\nKPX Tcaron Atilde -90\nKPX Tcaron O -18\nKPX Tcaron Oacute -18\nKPX Tcaron Ocircumflex -18\nKPX Tcaron Odieresis -18\nKPX Tcaron Ograve -18\nKPX Tcaron Ohungarumlaut -18\nKPX Tcaron Omacron -18\nKPX Tcaron Oslash -18\nKPX Tcaron Otilde -18\nKPX Tcaron a -92\nKPX Tcaron aacute -92\nKPX Tcaron abreve -52\nKPX Tcaron acircumflex -52\nKPX Tcaron adieresis -52\nKPX Tcaron agrave -52\nKPX Tcaron amacron -52\nKPX Tcaron aogonek -92\nKPX Tcaron aring -92\nKPX Tcaron atilde -52\nKPX Tcaron colon -74\nKPX Tcaron comma -74\nKPX Tcaron e -92\nKPX Tcaron eacute -92\nKPX Tcaron ecaron -92\nKPX Tcaron ecircumflex -92\nKPX Tcaron edieresis -52\nKPX Tcaron edotaccent -92\nKPX Tcaron egrave -52\nKPX Tcaron emacron -52\nKPX Tcaron eogonek -92\nKPX Tcaron hyphen -92\nKPX Tcaron i -18\nKPX Tcaron iacute -18\nKPX Tcaron iogonek -18\nKPX Tcaron o -92\nKPX Tcaron oacute -92\nKPX Tcaron ocircumflex -92\nKPX Tcaron odieresis -92\nKPX Tcaron ograve -92\nKPX Tcaron ohungarumlaut -92\nKPX Tcaron omacron -92\nKPX Tcaron oslash -92\nKPX Tcaron otilde -92\nKPX Tcaron period -90\nKPX Tcaron r -74\nKPX Tcaron racute -74\nKPX Tcaron rcaron -74\nKPX Tcaron rcommaaccent -74\nKPX Tcaron semicolon -74\nKPX Tcaron u -92\nKPX Tcaron uacute -92\nKPX Tcaron ucircumflex -92\nKPX Tcaron udieresis -92\nKPX Tcaron ugrave -92\nKPX Tcaron uhungarumlaut -92\nKPX Tcaron umacron -92\nKPX Tcaron uogonek -92\nKPX Tcaron uring -92\nKPX Tcaron w -74\nKPX Tcaron y -34\nKPX Tcaron yacute -34\nKPX Tcaron ydieresis -34\nKPX Tcommaaccent A -90\nKPX Tcommaaccent Aacute -90\nKPX Tcommaaccent Abreve -90\nKPX Tcommaaccent Acircumflex -90\nKPX Tcommaaccent Adieresis -90\nKPX Tcommaaccent Agrave -90\nKPX Tcommaaccent Amacron -90\nKPX Tcommaaccent Aogonek -90\nKPX Tcommaaccent Aring -90\nKPX Tcommaaccent Atilde -90\nKPX Tcommaaccent O -18\nKPX Tcommaaccent Oacute -18\nKPX Tcommaaccent Ocircumflex -18\nKPX Tcommaaccent Odieresis -18\nKPX Tcommaaccent Ograve -18\nKPX Tcommaaccent Ohungarumlaut -18\nKPX Tcommaaccent Omacron -18\nKPX Tcommaaccent Oslash -18\nKPX Tcommaaccent Otilde -18\nKPX Tcommaaccent a -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent aacute -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent abreve -52\nKPX Tcommaaccent acircumflex -52\nKPX Tcommaaccent adieresis -52\nKPX Tcommaaccent agrave -52\nKPX Tcommaaccent amacron -52\nKPX Tcommaaccent aogonek -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent aring -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent atilde -52\nKPX Tcommaaccent colon -74\nKPX Tcommaaccent comma -74\nKPX Tcommaaccent e -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent eacute -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent ecaron -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent ecircumflex -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent edieresis -52\nKPX Tcommaaccent edotaccent -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent egrave -52\nKPX Tcommaaccent emacron -52\nKPX Tcommaaccent eogonek -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent hyphen -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent i -18\nKPX Tcommaaccent iacute -18\nKPX Tcommaaccent iogonek -18\nKPX Tcommaaccent o -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent oacute -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent ocircumflex -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent odieresis -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent ograve -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent ohungarumlaut -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent omacron -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent oslash -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent otilde -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent period -90\nKPX Tcommaaccent r -74\nKPX Tcommaaccent racute -74\nKPX Tcommaaccent rcaron -74\nKPX Tcommaaccent rcommaaccent -74\nKPX Tcommaaccent semicolon -74\nKPX Tcommaaccent u -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent uacute -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent ucircumflex -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent udieresis -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent ugrave -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent uhungarumlaut -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent umacron -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent uogonek -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent uring -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent w -74\nKPX Tcommaaccent y -34\nKPX Tcommaaccent yacute -34\nKPX Tcommaaccent ydieresis -34\nKPX U A -60\nKPX U Aacute -60\nKPX U Abreve -60\nKPX U Acircumflex -60\nKPX U Adieresis -60\nKPX U Agrave -60\nKPX U Amacron -60\nKPX U Aogonek -60\nKPX U Aring -60\nKPX U Atilde -60\nKPX U comma -50\nKPX U period -50\nKPX Uacute A -60\nKPX Uacute Aacute -60\nKPX Uacute Abreve -60\nKPX Uacute Acircumflex -60\nKPX Uacute Adieresis -60\nKPX Uacute Agrave -60\nKPX Uacute Amacron -60\nKPX Uacute Aogonek -60\nKPX Uacute Aring -60\nKPX Uacute Atilde -60\nKPX Uacute comma -50\nKPX Uacute period -50\nKPX Ucircumflex A -60\nKPX Ucircumflex Aacute -60\nKPX Ucircumflex Abreve -60\nKPX Ucircumflex Acircumflex -60\nKPX Ucircumflex Adieresis -60\nKPX Ucircumflex Agrave -60\nKPX Ucircumflex Amacron -60\nKPX Ucircumflex Aogonek -60\nKPX Ucircumflex Aring -60\nKPX Ucircumflex Atilde -60\nKPX Ucircumflex comma -50\nKPX Ucircumflex period -50\nKPX Udieresis A -60\nKPX Udieresis Aacute -60\nKPX Udieresis Abreve -60\nKPX Udieresis Acircumflex -60\nKPX Udieresis Adieresis -60\nKPX Udieresis Agrave -60\nKPX Udieresis Amacron -60\nKPX Udieresis Aogonek -60\nKPX Udieresis Aring -60\nKPX Udieresis Atilde -60\nKPX Udieresis comma -50\nKPX Udieresis period -50\nKPX Ugrave A -60\nKPX Ugrave Aacute -60\nKPX Ugrave Abreve -60\nKPX Ugrave Acircumflex -60\nKPX Ugrave Adieresis -60\nKPX Ugrave Agrave -60\nKPX Ugrave Amacron -60\nKPX Ugrave Aogonek -60\nKPX Ugrave Aring -60\nKPX Ugrave Atilde -60\nKPX Ugrave comma -50\nKPX Ugrave period -50\nKPX Uhungarumlaut A -60\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Aacute -60\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Abreve -60\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Acircumflex -60\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Adieresis -60\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Agrave -60\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Amacron -60\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Aogonek -60\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Aring -60\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Atilde -60\nKPX Uhungarumlaut comma -50\nKPX Uhungarumlaut period -50\nKPX Umacron A -60\nKPX Umacron Aacute -60\nKPX Umacron Abreve -60\nKPX Umacron Acircumflex -60\nKPX Umacron Adieresis -60\nKPX Umacron Agrave -60\nKPX Umacron Amacron -60\nKPX Umacron Aogonek -60\nKPX Umacron Aring -60\nKPX Umacron Atilde -60\nKPX Umacron comma -50\nKPX Umacron period -50\nKPX Uogonek A -60\nKPX Uogonek Aacute -60\nKPX Uogonek Abreve -60\nKPX Uogonek Acircumflex -60\nKPX Uogonek Adieresis -60\nKPX Uogonek Agrave -60\nKPX Uogonek Amacron -60\nKPX Uogonek Aogonek -60\nKPX Uogonek Aring -60\nKPX Uogonek Atilde -60\nKPX Uogonek comma -50\nKPX Uogonek period -50\nKPX Uring A -60\nKPX Uring Aacute -60\nKPX Uring Abreve -60\nKPX Uring Acircumflex -60\nKPX Uring Adieresis -60\nKPX Uring Agrave -60\nKPX Uring Amacron -60\nKPX Uring Aogonek -60\nKPX Uring Aring -60\nKPX Uring Atilde -60\nKPX Uring comma -50\nKPX Uring period -50\nKPX V A -135\nKPX V Aacute -135\nKPX V Abreve -135\nKPX V Acircumflex -135\nKPX V Adieresis -135\nKPX V Agrave -135\nKPX V Amacron -135\nKPX V Aogonek -135\nKPX V Aring -135\nKPX V Atilde -135\nKPX V G -30\nKPX V Gbreve -30\nKPX V Gcommaaccent -30\nKPX V O -45\nKPX V Oacute -45\nKPX V Ocircumflex -45\nKPX V Odieresis -45\nKPX V Ograve -45\nKPX V Ohungarumlaut -45\nKPX V Omacron -45\nKPX V Oslash -45\nKPX V Otilde -45\nKPX V a -92\nKPX V aacute -92\nKPX V abreve -92\nKPX V acircumflex -92\nKPX V adieresis -92\nKPX V agrave -92\nKPX V amacron -92\nKPX V aogonek -92\nKPX V aring -92\nKPX V atilde -92\nKPX V colon -92\nKPX V comma -129\nKPX V e -100\nKPX V eacute -100\nKPX V ecaron -100\nKPX V ecircumflex -100\nKPX V edieresis -100\nKPX V edotaccent -100\nKPX V egrave -100\nKPX V emacron -100\nKPX V eogonek -100\nKPX V hyphen -74\nKPX V i -37\nKPX V iacute -37\nKPX V icircumflex -37\nKPX V idieresis -37\nKPX V igrave -37\nKPX V imacron -37\nKPX V iogonek -37\nKPX V o -100\nKPX V oacute -100\nKPX V ocircumflex -100\nKPX V odieresis -100\nKPX V ograve -100\nKPX V ohungarumlaut -100\nKPX V omacron -100\nKPX V oslash -100\nKPX V otilde -100\nKPX V period -145\nKPX V semicolon -92\nKPX V u -92\nKPX V uacute -92\nKPX V ucircumflex -92\nKPX V udieresis -92\nKPX V ugrave -92\nKPX V uhungarumlaut -92\nKPX V umacron -92\nKPX V uogonek -92\nKPX V uring -92\nKPX W A -120\nKPX W Aacute -120\nKPX W Abreve -120\nKPX W Acircumflex -120\nKPX W Adieresis -120\nKPX W Agrave -120\nKPX W Amacron -120\nKPX W Aogonek -120\nKPX W Aring -120\nKPX W Atilde -120\nKPX W O -10\nKPX W Oacute -10\nKPX W Ocircumflex -10\nKPX W Odieresis -10\nKPX W Ograve -10\nKPX W Ohungarumlaut -10\nKPX W Omacron -10\nKPX W Oslash -10\nKPX W Otilde -10\nKPX W a -65\nKPX W aacute -65\nKPX W abreve -65\nKPX W acircumflex -65\nKPX W adieresis -65\nKPX W agrave -65\nKPX W amacron -65\nKPX W aogonek -65\nKPX W aring -65\nKPX W atilde -65\nKPX W colon -55\nKPX W comma -92\nKPX W e -65\nKPX W eacute -65\nKPX W ecaron -65\nKPX W ecircumflex -65\nKPX W edieresis -65\nKPX W edotaccent -65\nKPX W egrave -65\nKPX W emacron -65\nKPX W eogonek -65\nKPX W hyphen -37\nKPX W i -18\nKPX W iacute -18\nKPX W iogonek -18\nKPX W o -75\nKPX W oacute -75\nKPX W ocircumflex -75\nKPX W odieresis -75\nKPX W ograve -75\nKPX W ohungarumlaut -75\nKPX W omacron -75\nKPX W oslash -75\nKPX W otilde -75\nKPX W period -92\nKPX W semicolon -55\nKPX W u -50\nKPX W uacute -50\nKPX W ucircumflex -50\nKPX W udieresis -50\nKPX W ugrave -50\nKPX W uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX W umacron -50\nKPX W uogonek -50\nKPX W uring -50\nKPX W y -60\nKPX W yacute -60\nKPX W ydieresis -60\nKPX Y A -110\nKPX Y Aacute -110\nKPX Y Abreve -110\nKPX Y Acircumflex -110\nKPX Y Adieresis -110\nKPX Y Agrave -110\nKPX Y Amacron -110\nKPX Y Aogonek -110\nKPX Y Aring -110\nKPX Y Atilde -110\nKPX Y O -35\nKPX Y Oacute -35\nKPX Y Ocircumflex -35\nKPX Y Odieresis -35\nKPX Y Ograve -35\nKPX Y Ohungarumlaut -35\nKPX Y Omacron -35\nKPX Y Oslash -35\nKPX Y Otilde -35\nKPX Y a -85\nKPX Y aacute -85\nKPX Y abreve -85\nKPX Y acircumflex -85\nKPX Y adieresis -85\nKPX Y agrave -85\nKPX Y amacron -85\nKPX Y aogonek -85\nKPX Y aring -85\nKPX Y atilde -85\nKPX Y colon -92\nKPX Y comma -92\nKPX Y e -111\nKPX Y eacute -111\nKPX Y ecaron -111\nKPX Y ecircumflex -111\nKPX Y edieresis -71\nKPX Y edotaccent -111\nKPX Y egrave -71\nKPX Y emacron -71\nKPX Y eogonek -111\nKPX Y hyphen -92\nKPX Y i -37\nKPX Y iacute -37\nKPX Y iogonek -37\nKPX Y o -111\nKPX Y oacute -111\nKPX Y ocircumflex -111\nKPX Y odieresis -111\nKPX Y ograve -111\nKPX Y ohungarumlaut -111\nKPX Y omacron -111\nKPX Y oslash -111\nKPX Y otilde -111\nKPX Y period -92\nKPX Y semicolon -92\nKPX Y u -92\nKPX Y uacute -92\nKPX Y ucircumflex -92\nKPX Y udieresis -92\nKPX Y ugrave -92\nKPX Y uhungarumlaut -92\nKPX Y umacron -92\nKPX Y uogonek -92\nKPX Y uring -92\nKPX Yacute A -110\nKPX Yacute Aacute -110\nKPX Yacute Abreve -110\nKPX Yacute Acircumflex -110\nKPX Yacute Adieresis -110\nKPX Yacute Agrave -110\nKPX Yacute Amacron -110\nKPX Yacute Aogonek -110\nKPX Yacute Aring -110\nKPX Yacute Atilde -110\nKPX Yacute O -35\nKPX Yacute Oacute -35\nKPX Yacute Ocircumflex -35\nKPX Yacute Odieresis -35\nKPX Yacute Ograve -35\nKPX Yacute Ohungarumlaut -35\nKPX Yacute Omacron -35\nKPX Yacute Oslash -35\nKPX Yacute Otilde -35\nKPX Yacute a -85\nKPX Yacute aacute -85\nKPX Yacute abreve -85\nKPX Yacute acircumflex -85\nKPX Yacute adieresis -85\nKPX Yacute agrave -85\nKPX Yacute amacron -85\nKPX Yacute aogonek -85\nKPX Yacute aring -85\nKPX Yacute atilde -85\nKPX Yacute colon -92\nKPX Yacute comma -92\nKPX Yacute e -111\nKPX Yacute eacute -111\nKPX Yacute ecaron -111\nKPX Yacute ecircumflex -111\nKPX Yacute edieresis -71\nKPX Yacute edotaccent -111\nKPX Yacute egrave -71\nKPX Yacute emacron -71\nKPX Yacute eogonek -111\nKPX Yacute hyphen -92\nKPX Yacute i -37\nKPX Yacute iacute -37\nKPX Yacute iogonek -37\nKPX Yacute o -111\nKPX Yacute oacute -111\nKPX Yacute ocircumflex -111\nKPX Yacute odieresis -111\nKPX Yacute ograve -111\nKPX Yacute ohungarumlaut -111\nKPX Yacute omacron -111\nKPX Yacute oslash -111\nKPX Yacute otilde -111\nKPX Yacute period -92\nKPX Yacute semicolon -92\nKPX Yacute u -92\nKPX Yacute uacute -92\nKPX Yacute ucircumflex -92\nKPX Yacute udieresis -92\nKPX Yacute ugrave -92\nKPX Yacute uhungarumlaut -92\nKPX Yacute umacron -92\nKPX Yacute uogonek -92\nKPX Yacute uring -92\nKPX Ydieresis A -110\nKPX Ydieresis Aacute -110\nKPX Ydieresis Abreve -110\nKPX Ydieresis Acircumflex -110\nKPX Ydieresis Adieresis -110\nKPX Ydieresis Agrave -110\nKPX Ydieresis Amacron -110\nKPX Ydieresis Aogonek -110\nKPX Ydieresis Aring -110\nKPX Ydieresis Atilde -110\nKPX Ydieresis O -35\nKPX Ydieresis Oacute -35\nKPX Ydieresis Ocircumflex -35\nKPX Ydieresis Odieresis -35\nKPX Ydieresis Ograve -35\nKPX Ydieresis Ohungarumlaut -35\nKPX Ydieresis Omacron -35\nKPX Ydieresis Oslash -35\nKPX Ydieresis Otilde -35\nKPX Ydieresis a -85\nKPX Ydieresis aacute -85\nKPX Ydieresis abreve -85\nKPX Ydieresis acircumflex -85\nKPX Ydieresis adieresis -85\nKPX Ydieresis agrave -85\nKPX Ydieresis amacron -85\nKPX Ydieresis aogonek -85\nKPX Ydieresis aring -85\nKPX Ydieresis atilde -85\nKPX Ydieresis colon -92\nKPX Ydieresis comma -92\nKPX Ydieresis e -111\nKPX Ydieresis eacute -111\nKPX Ydieresis ecaron -111\nKPX Ydieresis ecircumflex -111\nKPX Ydieresis edieresis -71\nKPX Ydieresis edotaccent -111\nKPX Ydieresis egrave -71\nKPX Ydieresis emacron -71\nKPX Ydieresis eogonek -111\nKPX Ydieresis hyphen -92\nKPX Ydieresis i -37\nKPX Ydieresis iacute -37\nKPX Ydieresis iogonek -37\nKPX Ydieresis o -111\nKPX Ydieresis oacute -111\nKPX Ydieresis ocircumflex -111\nKPX Ydieresis odieresis -111\nKPX Ydieresis ograve -111\nKPX Ydieresis ohungarumlaut -111\nKPX Ydieresis omacron -111\nKPX Ydieresis oslash -111\nKPX Ydieresis otilde -111\nKPX Ydieresis period -92\nKPX Ydieresis semicolon -92\nKPX Ydieresis u -92\nKPX Ydieresis uacute -92\nKPX Ydieresis ucircumflex -92\nKPX Ydieresis udieresis -92\nKPX Ydieresis ugrave -92\nKPX Ydieresis uhungarumlaut -92\nKPX Ydieresis umacron -92\nKPX Ydieresis uogonek -92\nKPX Ydieresis uring -92\nKPX a v -25\nKPX aacute v -25\nKPX abreve v -25\nKPX acircumflex v -25\nKPX adieresis v -25\nKPX agrave v -25\nKPX amacron v -25\nKPX aogonek v -25\nKPX aring v -25\nKPX atilde v -25\nKPX b b -10\nKPX b period -40\nKPX b u -20\nKPX b uacute -20\nKPX b ucircumflex -20\nKPX b udieresis -20\nKPX b ugrave -20\nKPX b uhungarumlaut -20\nKPX b umacron -20\nKPX b uogonek -20\nKPX b uring -20\nKPX b v -15\nKPX comma quotedblright -45\nKPX comma quoteright -55\nKPX d w -15\nKPX dcroat w -15\nKPX e v -15\nKPX eacute v -15\nKPX ecaron v -15\nKPX ecircumflex v -15\nKPX edieresis v -15\nKPX edotaccent v -15\nKPX egrave v -15\nKPX emacron v -15\nKPX eogonek v -15\nKPX f comma -15\nKPX f dotlessi -35\nKPX f i -25\nKPX f o -25\nKPX f oacute -25\nKPX f ocircumflex -25\nKPX f odieresis -25\nKPX f ograve -25\nKPX f ohungarumlaut -25\nKPX f omacron -25\nKPX f oslash -25\nKPX f otilde -25\nKPX f period -15\nKPX f quotedblright 50\nKPX f quoteright 55\nKPX g period -15\nKPX gbreve period -15\nKPX gcommaaccent period -15\nKPX h y -15\nKPX h yacute -15\nKPX h ydieresis -15\nKPX i v -10\nKPX iacute v -10\nKPX icircumflex v -10\nKPX idieresis v -10\nKPX igrave v -10\nKPX imacron v -10\nKPX iogonek v -10\nKPX k e -10\nKPX k eacute -10\nKPX k ecaron -10\nKPX k ecircumflex -10\nKPX k edieresis -10\nKPX k edotaccent -10\nKPX k egrave -10\nKPX k emacron -10\nKPX k eogonek -10\nKPX k o -15\nKPX k oacute -15\nKPX k ocircumflex -15\nKPX k odieresis -15\nKPX k ograve -15\nKPX k ohungarumlaut -15\nKPX k omacron -15\nKPX k oslash -15\nKPX k otilde -15\nKPX k y -15\nKPX k yacute -15\nKPX k ydieresis -15\nKPX kcommaaccent e -10\nKPX kcommaaccent eacute -10\nKPX kcommaaccent ecaron -10\nKPX kcommaaccent ecircumflex -10\nKPX kcommaaccent edieresis -10\nKPX kcommaaccent edotaccent -10\nKPX kcommaaccent egrave -10\nKPX kcommaaccent emacron -10\nKPX kcommaaccent eogonek -10\nKPX kcommaaccent o -15\nKPX kcommaaccent oacute -15\nKPX kcommaaccent ocircumflex -15\nKPX kcommaaccent odieresis -15\nKPX kcommaaccent ograve -15\nKPX kcommaaccent ohungarumlaut -15\nKPX kcommaaccent omacron -15\nKPX kcommaaccent oslash -15\nKPX kcommaaccent otilde -15\nKPX kcommaaccent y -15\nKPX kcommaaccent yacute -15\nKPX kcommaaccent ydieresis -15\nKPX n v -40\nKPX nacute v -40\nKPX ncaron v -40\nKPX ncommaaccent v -40\nKPX ntilde v -40\nKPX o v -10\nKPX o w -10\nKPX oacute v -10\nKPX oacute w -10\nKPX ocircumflex v -10\nKPX ocircumflex w -10\nKPX odieresis v -10\nKPX odieresis w -10\nKPX ograve v -10\nKPX ograve w -10\nKPX ohungarumlaut v -10\nKPX ohungarumlaut w -10\nKPX omacron v -10\nKPX omacron w -10\nKPX oslash v -10\nKPX oslash w -10\nKPX otilde v -10\nKPX otilde w -10\nKPX period quotedblright -55\nKPX period quoteright -55\nKPX quotedblleft A -10\nKPX quotedblleft Aacute -10\nKPX quotedblleft Abreve -10\nKPX quotedblleft Acircumflex -10\nKPX quotedblleft Adieresis -10\nKPX quotedblleft Agrave -10\nKPX quotedblleft Amacron -10\nKPX quotedblleft Aogonek -10\nKPX quotedblleft Aring -10\nKPX quotedblleft Atilde -10\nKPX quoteleft A -10\nKPX quoteleft Aacute -10\nKPX quoteleft Abreve -10\nKPX quoteleft Acircumflex -10\nKPX quoteleft Adieresis -10\nKPX quoteleft Agrave -10\nKPX quoteleft Amacron -10\nKPX quoteleft Aogonek -10\nKPX quoteleft Aring -10\nKPX quoteleft Atilde -10\nKPX quoteleft quoteleft -63\nKPX quoteright d -20\nKPX quoteright dcroat -20\nKPX quoteright quoteright -63\nKPX quoteright r -20\nKPX quoteright racute -20\nKPX quoteright rcaron -20\nKPX quoteright rcommaaccent -20\nKPX quoteright s -37\nKPX quoteright sacute -37\nKPX quoteright scaron -37\nKPX quoteright scedilla -37\nKPX quoteright scommaaccent -37\nKPX quoteright space -74\nKPX quoteright v -20\nKPX r c -18\nKPX r cacute -18\nKPX r ccaron -18\nKPX r ccedilla -18\nKPX r comma -92\nKPX r e -18\nKPX r eacute -18\nKPX r ecaron -18\nKPX r ecircumflex -18\nKPX r edieresis -18\nKPX r edotaccent -18\nKPX r egrave -18\nKPX r emacron -18\nKPX r eogonek -18\nKPX r g -10\nKPX r gbreve -10\nKPX r gcommaaccent -10\nKPX r hyphen -37\nKPX r n -15\nKPX r nacute -15\nKPX r ncaron -15\nKPX r ncommaaccent -15\nKPX r ntilde -15\nKPX r o -18\nKPX r oacute -18\nKPX r ocircumflex -18\nKPX r odieresis -18\nKPX r ograve -18\nKPX r ohungarumlaut -18\nKPX r omacron -18\nKPX r oslash -18\nKPX r otilde -18\nKPX r p -10\nKPX r period -100\nKPX r q -18\nKPX r v -10\nKPX racute c -18\nKPX racute cacute -18\nKPX racute ccaron -18\nKPX racute ccedilla -18\nKPX racute comma -92\nKPX racute e -18\nKPX racute eacute -18\nKPX racute ecaron -18\nKPX racute ecircumflex -18\nKPX racute edieresis -18\nKPX racute edotaccent -18\nKPX racute egrave -18\nKPX racute emacron -18\nKPX racute eogonek -18\nKPX racute g -10\nKPX racute gbreve -10\nKPX racute gcommaaccent -10\nKPX racute hyphen -37\nKPX racute n -15\nKPX racute nacute -15\nKPX racute ncaron -15\nKPX racute ncommaaccent -15\nKPX racute ntilde -15\nKPX racute o -18\nKPX racute oacute -18\nKPX racute ocircumflex -18\nKPX racute odieresis -18\nKPX racute ograve -18\nKPX racute ohungarumlaut -18\nKPX racute omacron -18\nKPX racute oslash -18\nKPX racute otilde -18\nKPX racute p -10\nKPX racute period -100\nKPX racute q -18\nKPX racute v -10\nKPX rcaron c -18\nKPX rcaron cacute -18\nKPX rcaron ccaron -18\nKPX rcaron ccedilla -18\nKPX rcaron comma -92\nKPX rcaron e -18\nKPX rcaron eacute -18\nKPX rcaron ecaron -18\nKPX rcaron ecircumflex -18\nKPX rcaron edieresis -18\nKPX rcaron edotaccent -18\nKPX rcaron egrave -18\nKPX rcaron emacron -18\nKPX rcaron eogonek -18\nKPX rcaron g -10\nKPX rcaron gbreve -10\nKPX rcaron gcommaaccent -10\nKPX rcaron hyphen -37\nKPX rcaron n -15\nKPX rcaron nacute -15\nKPX rcaron ncaron -15\nKPX rcaron ncommaaccent -15\nKPX rcaron ntilde -15\nKPX rcaron o -18\nKPX rcaron oacute -18\nKPX rcaron ocircumflex -18\nKPX rcaron odieresis -18\nKPX rcaron ograve -18\nKPX rcaron ohungarumlaut -18\nKPX rcaron omacron -18\nKPX rcaron oslash -18\nKPX rcaron otilde -18\nKPX rcaron p -10\nKPX rcaron period -100\nKPX rcaron q -18\nKPX rcaron v -10\nKPX rcommaaccent c -18\nKPX rcommaaccent cacute -18\nKPX rcommaaccent ccaron -18\nKPX rcommaaccent ccedilla -18\nKPX rcommaaccent comma -92\nKPX rcommaaccent e -18\nKPX rcommaaccent eacute -18\nKPX rcommaaccent ecaron -18\nKPX rcommaaccent ecircumflex -18\nKPX rcommaaccent edieresis -18\nKPX rcommaaccent edotaccent -18\nKPX rcommaaccent egrave -18\nKPX rcommaaccent emacron -18\nKPX rcommaaccent eogonek -18\nKPX rcommaaccent g -10\nKPX rcommaaccent gbreve -10\nKPX rcommaaccent gcommaaccent -10\nKPX rcommaaccent hyphen -37\nKPX rcommaaccent n -15\nKPX rcommaaccent nacute -15\nKPX rcommaaccent ncaron -15\nKPX rcommaaccent ncommaaccent -15\nKPX rcommaaccent ntilde -15\nKPX rcommaaccent o -18\nKPX rcommaaccent oacute -18\nKPX rcommaaccent ocircumflex -18\nKPX rcommaaccent odieresis -18\nKPX rcommaaccent ograve -18\nKPX rcommaaccent ohungarumlaut -18\nKPX rcommaaccent omacron -18\nKPX rcommaaccent oslash -18\nKPX rcommaaccent otilde -18\nKPX rcommaaccent p -10\nKPX rcommaaccent period -100\nKPX rcommaaccent q -18\nKPX rcommaaccent v -10\nKPX space A -55\nKPX space Aacute -55\nKPX space Abreve -55\nKPX space Acircumflex -55\nKPX space Adieresis -55\nKPX space Agrave -55\nKPX space Amacron -55\nKPX space Aogonek -55\nKPX space Aring -55\nKPX space Atilde -55\nKPX space T -30\nKPX space Tcaron -30\nKPX space Tcommaaccent -30\nKPX space V -45\nKPX space W -30\nKPX space Y -55\nKPX space Yacute -55\nKPX space Ydieresis -55\nKPX v a -10\nKPX v aacute -10\nKPX v abreve -10\nKPX v acircumflex -10\nKPX v adieresis -10\nKPX v agrave -10\nKPX v amacron -10\nKPX v aogonek -10\nKPX v aring -10\nKPX v atilde -10\nKPX v comma -55\nKPX v e -10\nKPX v eacute -10\nKPX v ecaron -10\nKPX v ecircumflex -10\nKPX v edieresis -10\nKPX v edotaccent -10\nKPX v egrave -10\nKPX v emacron -10\nKPX v eogonek -10\nKPX v o -10\nKPX v oacute -10\nKPX v ocircumflex -10\nKPX v odieresis -10\nKPX v ograve -10\nKPX v ohungarumlaut -10\nKPX v omacron -10\nKPX v oslash -10\nKPX v otilde -10\nKPX v period -70\nKPX w comma -55\nKPX w o -10\nKPX w oacute -10\nKPX w ocircumflex -10\nKPX w odieresis -10\nKPX w ograve -10\nKPX w ohungarumlaut -10\nKPX w omacron 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664 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N Tcaron ; B 59 0 633 873 ;\nC -1 ; WX 476 ; N partialdiff ; B 17 -38 459 710 ;\nC -1 ; WX 444 ; N ydieresis ; B -24 -206 441 606 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Nacute ; B -20 -15 727 876 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N icircumflex ; B 33 -11 327 661 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N Ecircumflex ; B -1 0 634 873 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N adieresis ; B 17 -11 489 606 ;\nC -1 ; WX 444 ; N edieresis ; B 31 -11 451 606 ;\nC -1 ; WX 444 ; N cacute ; B 30 -11 459 664 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N nacute ; B 14 -9 477 664 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N umacron ; B 42 -11 485 583 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Ncaron ; B -20 -15 727 873 ;\nC -1 ; WX 333 ; N Iacute ; B -8 0 433 876 ;\nC -1 ; WX 675 ; N plusminus ; B 86 0 590 506 ;\nC -1 ; WX 275 ; N brokenbar ; B 105 -142 171 708 ;\nC -1 ; WX 760 ; N registered ; B 41 -18 719 666 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Gbreve ; B 52 -18 722 862 ;\nC -1 ; WX 333 ; N Idotaccent ; B -8 0 384 818 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N summation ; B 15 -10 585 706 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N Egrave ; B -1 0 634 876 ;\nC -1 ; WX 389 ; N racute ; B 45 0 431 664 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N omacron ; B 27 -11 495 583 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N Zacute ; B -6 0 606 876 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N Zcaron ; B -6 0 606 873 ;\nC -1 ; WX 549 ; N greaterequal ; B 26 0 523 658 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Eth ; B -8 0 700 653 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Ccedilla ; B 66 -217 689 666 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N lcommaaccent ; B 22 -217 279 683 ;\nC -1 ; WX 300 ; N tcaron ; B 37 -11 407 681 ;\nC -1 ; WX 444 ; N eogonek ; B 31 -169 412 441 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Uogonek ; B 102 -184 765 653 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N Aacute ; B -51 0 564 876 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N Adieresis ; B -51 0 564 818 ;\nC -1 ; WX 444 ; N egrave ; B 31 -11 412 664 ;\nC -1 ; WX 389 ; N zacute ; B -2 -81 431 664 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N iogonek ; B 49 -169 264 654 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Oacute ; B 60 -18 699 876 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N oacute ; B 27 -11 487 664 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N amacron ; B 17 -11 495 583 ;\nC -1 ; WX 389 ; N sacute ; B 16 -13 431 664 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N idieresis ; B 49 -11 352 606 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 60 -18 699 873 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ugrave ; B 102 -18 765 876 ;\nC -1 ; WX 612 ; N Delta ; B 6 0 608 688 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N thorn ; B -75 -205 469 683 ;\nC -1 ; WX 300 ; N twosuperior ; B 33 271 324 676 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Odieresis ; B 60 -18 699 818 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N mu ; B -30 -209 497 428 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N igrave ; B 49 -11 284 664 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N ohungarumlaut ; B 27 -11 590 664 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N Eogonek ; B -1 -169 634 653 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N dcroat ; B 15 -13 572 683 ;\nC -1 ; WX 750 ; N threequarters ; B 23 -10 736 676 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N Scedilla ; B 17 -217 508 667 ;\nC -1 ; WX 300 ; N lcaron ; B 41 -11 407 683 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Kcommaaccent ; B 7 -217 722 653 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N Lacute ; B -8 0 559 876 ;\nC -1 ; WX 980 ; N trademark ; B 30 247 957 653 ;\nC -1 ; WX 444 ; N edotaccent ; B 31 -11 412 606 ;\nC -1 ; WX 333 ; N Igrave ; B -8 0 384 876 ;\nC -1 ; WX 333 ; N Imacron ; B -8 0 441 795 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N Lcaron ; B -8 0 586 653 ;\nC -1 ; WX 750 ; N onehalf ; B 34 -10 749 676 ;\nC -1 ; WX 549 ; N lessequal ; B 26 0 523 658 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N ocircumflex ; B 27 -11 468 661 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N ntilde ; B 14 -9 476 624 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Uhungarumlaut ; B 102 -18 765 876 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N Eacute ; B -1 0 634 876 ;\nC -1 ; WX 444 ; N emacron ; B 31 -11 457 583 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N gbreve ; B 8 -206 487 650 ;\nC -1 ; WX 750 ; N onequarter ; B 33 -10 736 676 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N Scaron ; B 17 -18 520 873 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N Scommaaccent ; B 17 -217 508 667 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ohungarumlaut ; B 60 -18 699 876 ;\nC -1 ; WX 400 ; N degree ; B 101 390 387 676 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N ograve ; B 27 -11 468 664 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Ccaron ; B 66 -18 689 873 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N ugrave ; B 42 -11 475 664 ;\nC -1 ; WX 453 ; N radical ; B 2 -60 452 768 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Dcaron ; B -8 0 700 873 ;\nC -1 ; WX 389 ; N rcommaaccent ; B -3 -217 412 441 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Ntilde ; B -20 -15 727 836 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N otilde ; B 27 -11 496 624 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N Rcommaaccent ; B -13 -187 588 653 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N Lcommaaccent ; B -8 -217 559 653 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N Atilde ; B -51 0 566 836 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N Aogonek ; B -51 -169 566 668 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N Aring ; B -51 0 564 883 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Otilde ; B 60 -18 699 836 ;\nC -1 ; WX 389 ; N zdotaccent ; B -2 -81 380 606 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N Ecaron ; B -1 0 634 873 ;\nC -1 ; WX 333 ; N Iogonek ; B -8 -169 384 653 ;\nC -1 ; WX 444 ; N kcommaaccent ; B 14 -187 461 683 ;\nC -1 ; WX 675 ; N minus ; B 86 220 590 286 ;\nC -1 ; WX 333 ; N Icircumflex ; B -8 0 425 873 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N ncaron ; B 14 -9 510 661 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N tcommaaccent ; B 2 -217 296 546 ;\nC -1 ; WX 675 ; N logicalnot ; B 86 108 590 386 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N odieresis ; B 27 -11 489 606 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N udieresis ; B 42 -11 479 606 ;\nC -1 ; WX 549 ; N notequal ; B 12 -29 537 541 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N gcommaaccent ; B 8 -206 472 706 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N eth ; B 27 -11 482 683 ;\nC -1 ; WX 389 ; N zcaron ; B -2 -81 434 661 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N ncommaaccent ; B 14 -187 474 441 ;\nC -1 ; WX 300 ; N onesuperior ; B 43 271 284 676 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N imacron ; B 46 -11 311 583 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N Euro ; B 0 0 0 0 ;\nEndCharMetrics\nStartKernData\nStartKernPairs 2321\nKPX A C -30\nKPX A Cacute -30\nKPX A Ccaron -30\nKPX A Ccedilla -30\nKPX A G -35\nKPX A Gbreve -35\nKPX A Gcommaaccent -35\nKPX A O -40\nKPX A Oacute -40\nKPX A Ocircumflex -40\nKPX A Odieresis -40\nKPX A Ograve -40\nKPX A Ohungarumlaut -40\nKPX A Omacron -40\nKPX A Oslash -40\nKPX A Otilde -40\nKPX A Q -40\nKPX A T -37\nKPX A Tcaron -37\nKPX A Tcommaaccent -37\nKPX A U -50\nKPX A Uacute -50\nKPX A Ucircumflex -50\nKPX A Udieresis -50\nKPX A Ugrave -50\nKPX A Uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX A Umacron -50\nKPX A Uogonek -50\nKPX A Uring -50\nKPX A V -105\nKPX A W -95\nKPX A Y -55\nKPX A Yacute -55\nKPX A Ydieresis -55\nKPX A quoteright -37\nKPX A u -20\nKPX A uacute -20\nKPX A ucircumflex -20\nKPX A udieresis -20\nKPX A ugrave -20\nKPX A uhungarumlaut -20\nKPX A umacron -20\nKPX A uogonek -20\nKPX A uring -20\nKPX A v -55\nKPX A w -55\nKPX A y -55\nKPX A yacute -55\nKPX A ydieresis -55\nKPX Aacute C -30\nKPX Aacute Cacute -30\nKPX Aacute Ccaron -30\nKPX Aacute Ccedilla -30\nKPX Aacute G -35\nKPX Aacute Gbreve -35\nKPX Aacute Gcommaaccent -35\nKPX Aacute O -40\nKPX Aacute Oacute -40\nKPX Aacute Ocircumflex -40\nKPX Aacute Odieresis -40\nKPX Aacute Ograve -40\nKPX Aacute Ohungarumlaut -40\nKPX Aacute Omacron -40\nKPX Aacute Oslash -40\nKPX Aacute Otilde -40\nKPX Aacute Q -40\nKPX Aacute T -37\nKPX Aacute Tcaron -37\nKPX Aacute Tcommaaccent -37\nKPX Aacute U -50\nKPX Aacute Uacute -50\nKPX Aacute Ucircumflex -50\nKPX Aacute Udieresis -50\nKPX Aacute Ugrave -50\nKPX Aacute Uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Aacute Umacron -50\nKPX Aacute Uogonek -50\nKPX Aacute Uring -50\nKPX Aacute V -105\nKPX Aacute W -95\nKPX Aacute Y -55\nKPX Aacute Yacute -55\nKPX Aacute Ydieresis -55\nKPX Aacute quoteright -37\nKPX Aacute u -20\nKPX Aacute uacute -20\nKPX Aacute ucircumflex -20\nKPX Aacute udieresis -20\nKPX Aacute ugrave -20\nKPX Aacute uhungarumlaut -20\nKPX Aacute umacron -20\nKPX Aacute uogonek -20\nKPX Aacute uring -20\nKPX Aacute v -55\nKPX Aacute w -55\nKPX Aacute y -55\nKPX Aacute yacute -55\nKPX Aacute ydieresis -55\nKPX Abreve C -30\nKPX Abreve Cacute -30\nKPX Abreve Ccaron -30\nKPX Abreve Ccedilla -30\nKPX Abreve G -35\nKPX Abreve Gbreve -35\nKPX Abreve Gcommaaccent -35\nKPX Abreve O -40\nKPX Abreve Oacute -40\nKPX Abreve Ocircumflex -40\nKPX Abreve Odieresis -40\nKPX Abreve Ograve -40\nKPX Abreve Ohungarumlaut -40\nKPX Abreve Omacron -40\nKPX Abreve Oslash -40\nKPX Abreve Otilde -40\nKPX Abreve Q -40\nKPX Abreve T -37\nKPX Abreve Tcaron -37\nKPX Abreve Tcommaaccent -37\nKPX Abreve U -50\nKPX Abreve Uacute -50\nKPX Abreve Ucircumflex -50\nKPX Abreve Udieresis -50\nKPX Abreve Ugrave -50\nKPX Abreve Uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Abreve Umacron -50\nKPX Abreve Uogonek -50\nKPX Abreve Uring -50\nKPX Abreve V -105\nKPX Abreve W -95\nKPX Abreve Y -55\nKPX Abreve Yacute -55\nKPX Abreve Ydieresis -55\nKPX Abreve quoteright -37\nKPX Abreve u -20\nKPX Abreve uacute -20\nKPX Abreve ucircumflex -20\nKPX Abreve udieresis -20\nKPX Abreve ugrave -20\nKPX Abreve uhungarumlaut -20\nKPX Abreve umacron -20\nKPX Abreve uogonek -20\nKPX Abreve uring -20\nKPX Abreve v -55\nKPX Abreve w -55\nKPX Abreve y -55\nKPX Abreve yacute -55\nKPX Abreve ydieresis -55\nKPX Acircumflex C -30\nKPX Acircumflex Cacute -30\nKPX Acircumflex Ccaron -30\nKPX Acircumflex Ccedilla -30\nKPX Acircumflex G -35\nKPX Acircumflex Gbreve -35\nKPX Acircumflex Gcommaaccent -35\nKPX Acircumflex O -40\nKPX Acircumflex Oacute -40\nKPX Acircumflex Ocircumflex -40\nKPX Acircumflex Odieresis -40\nKPX Acircumflex Ograve -40\nKPX Acircumflex Ohungarumlaut -40\nKPX Acircumflex Omacron -40\nKPX Acircumflex Oslash -40\nKPX Acircumflex Otilde -40\nKPX Acircumflex Q -40\nKPX Acircumflex T -37\nKPX Acircumflex Tcaron -37\nKPX Acircumflex Tcommaaccent -37\nKPX Acircumflex U -50\nKPX Acircumflex Uacute -50\nKPX Acircumflex Ucircumflex -50\nKPX Acircumflex Udieresis -50\nKPX Acircumflex Ugrave -50\nKPX Acircumflex Uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Acircumflex Umacron -50\nKPX Acircumflex Uogonek -50\nKPX Acircumflex Uring -50\nKPX Acircumflex V -105\nKPX Acircumflex W -95\nKPX Acircumflex Y -55\nKPX Acircumflex Yacute -55\nKPX Acircumflex Ydieresis -55\nKPX Acircumflex quoteright -37\nKPX Acircumflex u -20\nKPX Acircumflex uacute -20\nKPX Acircumflex ucircumflex -20\nKPX Acircumflex udieresis -20\nKPX Acircumflex ugrave -20\nKPX Acircumflex uhungarumlaut -20\nKPX Acircumflex umacron -20\nKPX Acircumflex uogonek -20\nKPX Acircumflex uring -20\nKPX Acircumflex v -55\nKPX Acircumflex w -55\nKPX Acircumflex y -55\nKPX Acircumflex yacute -55\nKPX Acircumflex ydieresis -55\nKPX Adieresis C -30\nKPX Adieresis Cacute -30\nKPX Adieresis Ccaron -30\nKPX Adieresis Ccedilla -30\nKPX Adieresis G -35\nKPX Adieresis Gbreve -35\nKPX Adieresis Gcommaaccent -35\nKPX Adieresis O -40\nKPX Adieresis Oacute -40\nKPX Adieresis Ocircumflex -40\nKPX Adieresis Odieresis -40\nKPX Adieresis Ograve -40\nKPX Adieresis Ohungarumlaut -40\nKPX Adieresis Omacron -40\nKPX Adieresis Oslash -40\nKPX Adieresis Otilde -40\nKPX Adieresis Q -40\nKPX Adieresis T -37\nKPX Adieresis Tcaron -37\nKPX Adieresis Tcommaaccent -37\nKPX Adieresis U -50\nKPX Adieresis Uacute -50\nKPX Adieresis Ucircumflex -50\nKPX Adieresis Udieresis -50\nKPX Adieresis Ugrave -50\nKPX Adieresis Uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Adieresis Umacron -50\nKPX Adieresis Uogonek -50\nKPX Adieresis Uring -50\nKPX Adieresis V -105\nKPX Adieresis W -95\nKPX Adieresis Y -55\nKPX Adieresis Yacute -55\nKPX Adieresis Ydieresis -55\nKPX Adieresis quoteright -37\nKPX Adieresis u -20\nKPX Adieresis uacute -20\nKPX Adieresis ucircumflex -20\nKPX Adieresis udieresis -20\nKPX Adieresis ugrave -20\nKPX Adieresis uhungarumlaut -20\nKPX Adieresis umacron -20\nKPX Adieresis uogonek -20\nKPX Adieresis uring -20\nKPX Adieresis v -55\nKPX Adieresis w -55\nKPX Adieresis y -55\nKPX Adieresis yacute -55\nKPX Adieresis ydieresis -55\nKPX Agrave C -30\nKPX Agrave Cacute -30\nKPX Agrave Ccaron -30\nKPX Agrave Ccedilla -30\nKPX Agrave G -35\nKPX Agrave Gbreve -35\nKPX Agrave Gcommaaccent -35\nKPX Agrave O -40\nKPX Agrave Oacute -40\nKPX Agrave Ocircumflex -40\nKPX Agrave Odieresis -40\nKPX Agrave Ograve -40\nKPX Agrave Ohungarumlaut -40\nKPX Agrave Omacron -40\nKPX Agrave Oslash -40\nKPX Agrave Otilde -40\nKPX Agrave Q -40\nKPX Agrave T -37\nKPX Agrave Tcaron -37\nKPX Agrave Tcommaaccent -37\nKPX Agrave U -50\nKPX Agrave Uacute -50\nKPX Agrave Ucircumflex -50\nKPX Agrave Udieresis -50\nKPX Agrave Ugrave -50\nKPX Agrave Uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Agrave Umacron -50\nKPX Agrave Uogonek -50\nKPX Agrave Uring -50\nKPX Agrave V -105\nKPX Agrave W -95\nKPX Agrave Y -55\nKPX Agrave Yacute -55\nKPX Agrave Ydieresis -55\nKPX Agrave quoteright -37\nKPX Agrave u -20\nKPX Agrave uacute -20\nKPX Agrave ucircumflex -20\nKPX Agrave udieresis -20\nKPX Agrave ugrave -20\nKPX Agrave uhungarumlaut -20\nKPX Agrave umacron -20\nKPX Agrave uogonek -20\nKPX Agrave uring -20\nKPX Agrave v -55\nKPX Agrave w -55\nKPX Agrave y -55\nKPX Agrave yacute -55\nKPX Agrave ydieresis -55\nKPX Amacron C -30\nKPX Amacron Cacute -30\nKPX Amacron Ccaron -30\nKPX Amacron Ccedilla -30\nKPX Amacron G -35\nKPX Amacron Gbreve -35\nKPX Amacron Gcommaaccent -35\nKPX Amacron O -40\nKPX Amacron Oacute -40\nKPX Amacron Ocircumflex -40\nKPX Amacron Odieresis -40\nKPX Amacron Ograve -40\nKPX Amacron Ohungarumlaut -40\nKPX Amacron Omacron -40\nKPX Amacron Oslash -40\nKPX Amacron Otilde -40\nKPX Amacron Q -40\nKPX Amacron T -37\nKPX Amacron Tcaron -37\nKPX Amacron Tcommaaccent -37\nKPX Amacron U -50\nKPX Amacron Uacute -50\nKPX Amacron Ucircumflex -50\nKPX Amacron Udieresis -50\nKPX Amacron Ugrave -50\nKPX Amacron Uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Amacron Umacron -50\nKPX Amacron Uogonek -50\nKPX Amacron Uring -50\nKPX Amacron V -105\nKPX Amacron W -95\nKPX Amacron Y -55\nKPX Amacron Yacute -55\nKPX Amacron Ydieresis -55\nKPX Amacron quoteright -37\nKPX Amacron u -20\nKPX Amacron uacute -20\nKPX Amacron ucircumflex -20\nKPX Amacron udieresis -20\nKPX Amacron ugrave -20\nKPX Amacron uhungarumlaut -20\nKPX Amacron umacron -20\nKPX Amacron uogonek -20\nKPX Amacron uring -20\nKPX Amacron v -55\nKPX Amacron w -55\nKPX Amacron y -55\nKPX Amacron yacute -55\nKPX Amacron ydieresis -55\nKPX Aogonek C -30\nKPX Aogonek Cacute -30\nKPX Aogonek Ccaron -30\nKPX Aogonek Ccedilla -30\nKPX Aogonek G -35\nKPX Aogonek Gbreve -35\nKPX Aogonek Gcommaaccent -35\nKPX Aogonek O -40\nKPX Aogonek Oacute -40\nKPX Aogonek Ocircumflex -40\nKPX Aogonek Odieresis -40\nKPX Aogonek Ograve -40\nKPX Aogonek Ohungarumlaut -40\nKPX Aogonek Omacron -40\nKPX Aogonek Oslash -40\nKPX Aogonek Otilde -40\nKPX Aogonek Q -40\nKPX Aogonek T -37\nKPX Aogonek Tcaron -37\nKPX Aogonek Tcommaaccent -37\nKPX Aogonek U -50\nKPX Aogonek Uacute -50\nKPX Aogonek Ucircumflex -50\nKPX Aogonek Udieresis -50\nKPX Aogonek Ugrave -50\nKPX Aogonek Uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Aogonek Umacron -50\nKPX Aogonek Uogonek -50\nKPX Aogonek Uring -50\nKPX Aogonek V -105\nKPX Aogonek W -95\nKPX Aogonek Y -55\nKPX Aogonek Yacute -55\nKPX Aogonek Ydieresis -55\nKPX Aogonek quoteright -37\nKPX Aogonek u -20\nKPX Aogonek uacute -20\nKPX Aogonek ucircumflex -20\nKPX Aogonek udieresis -20\nKPX Aogonek ugrave -20\nKPX Aogonek uhungarumlaut -20\nKPX Aogonek umacron -20\nKPX Aogonek uogonek -20\nKPX Aogonek uring -20\nKPX Aogonek v -55\nKPX Aogonek w -55\nKPX Aogonek y -55\nKPX Aogonek yacute -55\nKPX Aogonek ydieresis -55\nKPX Aring C -30\nKPX Aring Cacute -30\nKPX Aring Ccaron -30\nKPX Aring Ccedilla -30\nKPX Aring G -35\nKPX Aring Gbreve -35\nKPX Aring Gcommaaccent -35\nKPX Aring O -40\nKPX Aring Oacute -40\nKPX Aring Ocircumflex -40\nKPX Aring Odieresis -40\nKPX Aring Ograve -40\nKPX Aring Ohungarumlaut -40\nKPX Aring Omacron -40\nKPX Aring Oslash -40\nKPX Aring Otilde -40\nKPX Aring Q -40\nKPX Aring T -37\nKPX Aring Tcaron -37\nKPX Aring Tcommaaccent -37\nKPX Aring U -50\nKPX Aring Uacute -50\nKPX Aring Ucircumflex -50\nKPX Aring Udieresis -50\nKPX Aring Ugrave -50\nKPX Aring Uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Aring Umacron -50\nKPX Aring Uogonek -50\nKPX Aring Uring -50\nKPX Aring V -105\nKPX Aring W -95\nKPX Aring Y -55\nKPX Aring Yacute -55\nKPX Aring Ydieresis -55\nKPX Aring quoteright -37\nKPX Aring u -20\nKPX Aring uacute -20\nKPX Aring ucircumflex -20\nKPX Aring udieresis -20\nKPX Aring ugrave -20\nKPX Aring uhungarumlaut -20\nKPX Aring umacron -20\nKPX Aring uogonek -20\nKPX Aring uring -20\nKPX Aring v -55\nKPX Aring w -55\nKPX Aring y -55\nKPX Aring yacute -55\nKPX Aring ydieresis -55\nKPX Atilde C -30\nKPX Atilde Cacute -30\nKPX Atilde Ccaron -30\nKPX Atilde Ccedilla -30\nKPX Atilde G -35\nKPX Atilde Gbreve -35\nKPX Atilde Gcommaaccent -35\nKPX Atilde O -40\nKPX Atilde Oacute -40\nKPX Atilde Ocircumflex -40\nKPX Atilde Odieresis -40\nKPX Atilde Ograve -40\nKPX Atilde Ohungarumlaut -40\nKPX Atilde Omacron -40\nKPX Atilde Oslash -40\nKPX Atilde Otilde -40\nKPX Atilde Q -40\nKPX Atilde T -37\nKPX Atilde Tcaron -37\nKPX Atilde Tcommaaccent -37\nKPX Atilde U -50\nKPX Atilde Uacute -50\nKPX Atilde Ucircumflex -50\nKPX Atilde Udieresis -50\nKPX Atilde Ugrave -50\nKPX Atilde Uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Atilde Umacron -50\nKPX Atilde Uogonek -50\nKPX Atilde Uring -50\nKPX Atilde V -105\nKPX Atilde W -95\nKPX Atilde Y -55\nKPX Atilde Yacute -55\nKPX Atilde Ydieresis -55\nKPX Atilde quoteright -37\nKPX Atilde u -20\nKPX Atilde uacute -20\nKPX Atilde ucircumflex -20\nKPX Atilde udieresis -20\nKPX Atilde ugrave -20\nKPX Atilde uhungarumlaut -20\nKPX Atilde umacron -20\nKPX Atilde uogonek -20\nKPX Atilde uring -20\nKPX Atilde v -55\nKPX Atilde w -55\nKPX Atilde y -55\nKPX Atilde yacute -55\nKPX Atilde ydieresis -55\nKPX B A -25\nKPX B Aacute -25\nKPX B Abreve -25\nKPX B Acircumflex -25\nKPX B Adieresis -25\nKPX B Agrave -25\nKPX B Amacron -25\nKPX B Aogonek -25\nKPX B Aring -25\nKPX B Atilde -25\nKPX B U -10\nKPX B Uacute -10\nKPX B Ucircumflex -10\nKPX B Udieresis -10\nKPX B Ugrave -10\nKPX B Uhungarumlaut -10\nKPX B Umacron -10\nKPX B Uogonek -10\nKPX B Uring -10\nKPX D A -35\nKPX D Aacute -35\nKPX D Abreve -35\nKPX D Acircumflex -35\nKPX D Adieresis -35\nKPX D Agrave -35\nKPX D Amacron -35\nKPX D Aogonek -35\nKPX D Aring -35\nKPX D Atilde -35\nKPX D V -40\nKPX D W -40\nKPX D Y -40\nKPX D Yacute -40\nKPX D Ydieresis -40\nKPX Dcaron A -35\nKPX Dcaron Aacute -35\nKPX Dcaron Abreve -35\nKPX Dcaron Acircumflex -35\nKPX Dcaron Adieresis -35\nKPX Dcaron Agrave -35\nKPX Dcaron Amacron -35\nKPX Dcaron Aogonek -35\nKPX Dcaron Aring -35\nKPX Dcaron Atilde -35\nKPX Dcaron V -40\nKPX Dcaron W -40\nKPX Dcaron Y -40\nKPX Dcaron Yacute -40\nKPX Dcaron Ydieresis -40\nKPX Dcroat A -35\nKPX Dcroat Aacute -35\nKPX Dcroat Abreve -35\nKPX Dcroat Acircumflex -35\nKPX Dcroat Adieresis -35\nKPX Dcroat Agrave -35\nKPX Dcroat Amacron -35\nKPX Dcroat Aogonek -35\nKPX Dcroat Aring -35\nKPX Dcroat Atilde -35\nKPX Dcroat V -40\nKPX Dcroat W -40\nKPX Dcroat Y -40\nKPX Dcroat Yacute -40\nKPX Dcroat Ydieresis -40\nKPX F A -115\nKPX F Aacute -115\nKPX F Abreve -115\nKPX F Acircumflex -115\nKPX F Adieresis -115\nKPX F Agrave -115\nKPX F Amacron -115\nKPX F Aogonek -115\nKPX F Aring -115\nKPX F Atilde -115\nKPX F a -75\nKPX F aacute -75\nKPX F abreve -75\nKPX F acircumflex -75\nKPX F adieresis -75\nKPX F agrave -75\nKPX F amacron -75\nKPX F aogonek -75\nKPX F aring -75\nKPX F atilde -75\nKPX F comma -135\nKPX F e -75\nKPX F eacute -75\nKPX F ecaron -75\nKPX F ecircumflex -75\nKPX F edieresis -75\nKPX F edotaccent -75\nKPX F egrave -75\nKPX F emacron -75\nKPX F eogonek -75\nKPX F i -45\nKPX F iacute -45\nKPX F icircumflex -45\nKPX F idieresis -45\nKPX F igrave -45\nKPX F imacron -45\nKPX F iogonek -45\nKPX F o -105\nKPX F oacute -105\nKPX F ocircumflex -105\nKPX F odieresis -105\nKPX F ograve -105\nKPX F ohungarumlaut -105\nKPX F omacron -105\nKPX F oslash -105\nKPX F otilde -105\nKPX F period -135\nKPX F r -55\nKPX F racute -55\nKPX F rcaron -55\nKPX F rcommaaccent -55\nKPX J A -40\nKPX J Aacute -40\nKPX J Abreve -40\nKPX J Acircumflex -40\nKPX J Adieresis -40\nKPX J Agrave -40\nKPX J Amacron -40\nKPX J Aogonek -40\nKPX J Aring -40\nKPX J Atilde -40\nKPX J a -35\nKPX J aacute -35\nKPX J abreve -35\nKPX J acircumflex -35\nKPX J adieresis -35\nKPX J agrave -35\nKPX J amacron -35\nKPX J aogonek -35\nKPX J aring -35\nKPX J atilde -35\nKPX J comma -25\nKPX J e -25\nKPX J eacute -25\nKPX J ecaron -25\nKPX J ecircumflex -25\nKPX J edieresis -25\nKPX J edotaccent -25\nKPX J egrave -25\nKPX J emacron -25\nKPX J eogonek -25\nKPX J o -25\nKPX J oacute -25\nKPX J ocircumflex -25\nKPX J odieresis -25\nKPX J ograve -25\nKPX J ohungarumlaut -25\nKPX J omacron -25\nKPX J oslash -25\nKPX J otilde -25\nKPX J period -25\nKPX J u -35\nKPX J uacute -35\nKPX J ucircumflex -35\nKPX J udieresis -35\nKPX J ugrave -35\nKPX J uhungarumlaut -35\nKPX J umacron -35\nKPX J uogonek -35\nKPX J uring -35\nKPX K O -50\nKPX K Oacute -50\nKPX K Ocircumflex -50\nKPX K Odieresis -50\nKPX K Ograve -50\nKPX K Ohungarumlaut -50\nKPX K Omacron -50\nKPX K Oslash -50\nKPX K Otilde -50\nKPX K e -35\nKPX K eacute -35\nKPX K ecaron -35\nKPX K ecircumflex -35\nKPX K edieresis -35\nKPX K edotaccent -35\nKPX K egrave -35\nKPX K emacron -35\nKPX K eogonek -35\nKPX K o -40\nKPX K oacute -40\nKPX K ocircumflex -40\nKPX K odieresis -40\nKPX K ograve -40\nKPX K ohungarumlaut -40\nKPX K omacron -40\nKPX K oslash -40\nKPX K otilde -40\nKPX K u -40\nKPX K uacute -40\nKPX K ucircumflex -40\nKPX K udieresis -40\nKPX K ugrave -40\nKPX K uhungarumlaut -40\nKPX K umacron -40\nKPX K uogonek -40\nKPX K uring -40\nKPX K y -40\nKPX K yacute -40\nKPX K ydieresis -40\nKPX Kcommaaccent O -50\nKPX Kcommaaccent Oacute -50\nKPX Kcommaaccent Ocircumflex -50\nKPX Kcommaaccent Odieresis -50\nKPX Kcommaaccent Ograve -50\nKPX Kcommaaccent Ohungarumlaut -50\nKPX Kcommaaccent Omacron -50\nKPX Kcommaaccent Oslash -50\nKPX Kcommaaccent Otilde -50\nKPX Kcommaaccent e -35\nKPX Kcommaaccent eacute -35\nKPX Kcommaaccent ecaron -35\nKPX Kcommaaccent ecircumflex -35\nKPX Kcommaaccent edieresis -35\nKPX Kcommaaccent edotaccent -35\nKPX Kcommaaccent egrave -35\nKPX Kcommaaccent emacron -35\nKPX Kcommaaccent eogonek -35\nKPX Kcommaaccent o -40\nKPX Kcommaaccent oacute -40\nKPX Kcommaaccent ocircumflex -40\nKPX Kcommaaccent odieresis -40\nKPX Kcommaaccent ograve -40\nKPX Kcommaaccent ohungarumlaut -40\nKPX Kcommaaccent omacron -40\nKPX Kcommaaccent oslash -40\nKPX Kcommaaccent otilde -40\nKPX Kcommaaccent u -40\nKPX Kcommaaccent uacute -40\nKPX Kcommaaccent ucircumflex -40\nKPX Kcommaaccent udieresis -40\nKPX Kcommaaccent ugrave -40\nKPX Kcommaaccent uhungarumlaut -40\nKPX Kcommaaccent umacron -40\nKPX Kcommaaccent uogonek -40\nKPX Kcommaaccent uring -40\nKPX Kcommaaccent y -40\nKPX Kcommaaccent yacute -40\nKPX Kcommaaccent ydieresis -40\nKPX L T -20\nKPX L Tcaron -20\nKPX L Tcommaaccent -20\nKPX L V -55\nKPX L W -55\nKPX L Y -20\nKPX L Yacute -20\nKPX L Ydieresis -20\nKPX L quoteright -37\nKPX L y -30\nKPX L yacute -30\nKPX L ydieresis -30\nKPX Lacute T -20\nKPX Lacute Tcaron -20\nKPX Lacute Tcommaaccent -20\nKPX Lacute V -55\nKPX Lacute W -55\nKPX Lacute Y -20\nKPX Lacute Yacute -20\nKPX Lacute Ydieresis -20\nKPX Lacute quoteright -37\nKPX Lacute y -30\nKPX Lacute yacute -30\nKPX Lacute ydieresis -30\nKPX Lcommaaccent T -20\nKPX Lcommaaccent Tcaron -20\nKPX Lcommaaccent Tcommaaccent -20\nKPX Lcommaaccent V -55\nKPX Lcommaaccent W -55\nKPX Lcommaaccent Y -20\nKPX Lcommaaccent Yacute -20\nKPX Lcommaaccent Ydieresis -20\nKPX Lcommaaccent quoteright -37\nKPX Lcommaaccent y -30\nKPX Lcommaaccent yacute -30\nKPX Lcommaaccent ydieresis -30\nKPX Lslash T -20\nKPX Lslash Tcaron -20\nKPX Lslash Tcommaaccent -20\nKPX Lslash V -55\nKPX Lslash W -55\nKPX Lslash Y -20\nKPX Lslash Yacute -20\nKPX Lslash Ydieresis -20\nKPX Lslash quoteright -37\nKPX Lslash y -30\nKPX Lslash yacute -30\nKPX Lslash ydieresis -30\nKPX N A -27\nKPX N Aacute -27\nKPX N Abreve -27\nKPX N Acircumflex -27\nKPX N Adieresis -27\nKPX N Agrave -27\nKPX N Amacron -27\nKPX N Aogonek -27\nKPX N Aring -27\nKPX N Atilde -27\nKPX Nacute A -27\nKPX Nacute Aacute -27\nKPX Nacute Abreve -27\nKPX Nacute Acircumflex -27\nKPX Nacute Adieresis -27\nKPX Nacute Agrave -27\nKPX Nacute Amacron -27\nKPX Nacute Aogonek -27\nKPX Nacute Aring -27\nKPX Nacute Atilde -27\nKPX Ncaron A -27\nKPX Ncaron Aacute -27\nKPX Ncaron Abreve -27\nKPX Ncaron Acircumflex -27\nKPX Ncaron Adieresis -27\nKPX Ncaron Agrave -27\nKPX Ncaron Amacron -27\nKPX Ncaron Aogonek -27\nKPX Ncaron Aring -27\nKPX Ncaron Atilde -27\nKPX Ncommaaccent A -27\nKPX Ncommaaccent Aacute -27\nKPX Ncommaaccent Abreve -27\nKPX Ncommaaccent Acircumflex -27\nKPX Ncommaaccent Adieresis -27\nKPX Ncommaaccent Agrave -27\nKPX Ncommaaccent Amacron -27\nKPX Ncommaaccent Aogonek -27\nKPX Ncommaaccent Aring -27\nKPX Ncommaaccent Atilde -27\nKPX Ntilde A -27\nKPX Ntilde Aacute -27\nKPX Ntilde Abreve -27\nKPX Ntilde Acircumflex -27\nKPX Ntilde Adieresis -27\nKPX Ntilde Agrave -27\nKPX Ntilde Amacron -27\nKPX Ntilde Aogonek -27\nKPX Ntilde Aring -27\nKPX Ntilde Atilde -27\nKPX O A -55\nKPX O Aacute -55\nKPX O Abreve -55\nKPX O Acircumflex -55\nKPX O Adieresis -55\nKPX O Agrave -55\nKPX O Amacron -55\nKPX O Aogonek -55\nKPX O Aring -55\nKPX O Atilde -55\nKPX O T -40\nKPX O Tcaron -40\nKPX O Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX O V -50\nKPX O W -50\nKPX O X -40\nKPX O Y -50\nKPX O Yacute -50\nKPX O Ydieresis -50\nKPX Oacute A -55\nKPX Oacute Aacute -55\nKPX Oacute Abreve -55\nKPX Oacute Acircumflex -55\nKPX Oacute Adieresis -55\nKPX Oacute Agrave -55\nKPX Oacute Amacron -55\nKPX Oacute Aogonek -55\nKPX Oacute Aring -55\nKPX Oacute Atilde -55\nKPX Oacute T -40\nKPX Oacute Tcaron -40\nKPX Oacute Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX Oacute V -50\nKPX Oacute W -50\nKPX Oacute X -40\nKPX Oacute Y -50\nKPX Oacute Yacute -50\nKPX Oacute Ydieresis -50\nKPX Ocircumflex A -55\nKPX Ocircumflex Aacute -55\nKPX Ocircumflex Abreve -55\nKPX Ocircumflex Acircumflex -55\nKPX Ocircumflex Adieresis -55\nKPX Ocircumflex Agrave -55\nKPX Ocircumflex Amacron -55\nKPX Ocircumflex Aogonek -55\nKPX Ocircumflex Aring -55\nKPX Ocircumflex Atilde -55\nKPX Ocircumflex T -40\nKPX Ocircumflex Tcaron -40\nKPX Ocircumflex Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX Ocircumflex V -50\nKPX Ocircumflex W -50\nKPX Ocircumflex X -40\nKPX Ocircumflex Y -50\nKPX Ocircumflex Yacute -50\nKPX Ocircumflex Ydieresis -50\nKPX Odieresis A -55\nKPX Odieresis Aacute -55\nKPX Odieresis Abreve -55\nKPX Odieresis Acircumflex -55\nKPX Odieresis Adieresis -55\nKPX Odieresis Agrave -55\nKPX Odieresis Amacron -55\nKPX Odieresis Aogonek -55\nKPX Odieresis Aring -55\nKPX Odieresis Atilde -55\nKPX Odieresis T -40\nKPX Odieresis Tcaron -40\nKPX Odieresis Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX Odieresis V -50\nKPX Odieresis W -50\nKPX Odieresis X -40\nKPX Odieresis Y -50\nKPX Odieresis Yacute -50\nKPX Odieresis Ydieresis -50\nKPX Ograve A -55\nKPX Ograve Aacute -55\nKPX Ograve Abreve -55\nKPX Ograve Acircumflex -55\nKPX Ograve Adieresis -55\nKPX Ograve Agrave -55\nKPX Ograve Amacron -55\nKPX Ograve Aogonek -55\nKPX Ograve Aring -55\nKPX Ograve Atilde -55\nKPX Ograve T -40\nKPX Ograve Tcaron -40\nKPX Ograve Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX Ograve V -50\nKPX Ograve W -50\nKPX Ograve X -40\nKPX Ograve Y -50\nKPX Ograve Yacute -50\nKPX Ograve Ydieresis -50\nKPX Ohungarumlaut A -55\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Aacute -55\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Abreve -55\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Acircumflex -55\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Adieresis -55\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Agrave -55\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Amacron -55\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Aogonek -55\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Aring -55\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Atilde -55\nKPX Ohungarumlaut T -40\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Tcaron -40\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX Ohungarumlaut V -50\nKPX Ohungarumlaut W -50\nKPX Ohungarumlaut X -40\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Y -50\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Yacute -50\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Ydieresis -50\nKPX Omacron A -55\nKPX Omacron Aacute -55\nKPX Omacron Abreve -55\nKPX Omacron Acircumflex -55\nKPX Omacron Adieresis -55\nKPX Omacron Agrave -55\nKPX Omacron Amacron -55\nKPX Omacron Aogonek -55\nKPX Omacron Aring -55\nKPX Omacron Atilde -55\nKPX Omacron T -40\nKPX Omacron Tcaron -40\nKPX Omacron Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX Omacron V -50\nKPX Omacron W -50\nKPX Omacron X -40\nKPX Omacron Y -50\nKPX Omacron Yacute -50\nKPX Omacron Ydieresis -50\nKPX Oslash A -55\nKPX Oslash Aacute -55\nKPX Oslash Abreve -55\nKPX Oslash Acircumflex -55\nKPX Oslash Adieresis -55\nKPX Oslash Agrave -55\nKPX Oslash Amacron -55\nKPX Oslash Aogonek -55\nKPX Oslash Aring -55\nKPX Oslash Atilde -55\nKPX Oslash T -40\nKPX Oslash Tcaron -40\nKPX Oslash Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX Oslash V -50\nKPX Oslash W -50\nKPX Oslash X -40\nKPX Oslash Y -50\nKPX Oslash Yacute -50\nKPX Oslash Ydieresis -50\nKPX Otilde A -55\nKPX Otilde Aacute -55\nKPX Otilde Abreve -55\nKPX Otilde Acircumflex -55\nKPX Otilde Adieresis -55\nKPX Otilde Agrave -55\nKPX Otilde Amacron -55\nKPX Otilde Aogonek -55\nKPX Otilde Aring -55\nKPX Otilde Atilde -55\nKPX Otilde T -40\nKPX Otilde Tcaron -40\nKPX Otilde Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX Otilde V -50\nKPX Otilde W -50\nKPX Otilde X -40\nKPX Otilde Y -50\nKPX Otilde Yacute -50\nKPX Otilde Ydieresis -50\nKPX P A -90\nKPX P Aacute -90\nKPX P Abreve -90\nKPX P Acircumflex -90\nKPX P Adieresis -90\nKPX P Agrave -90\nKPX P Amacron -90\nKPX P Aogonek -90\nKPX P Aring -90\nKPX P Atilde -90\nKPX P a -80\nKPX P aacute -80\nKPX P abreve -80\nKPX P acircumflex -80\nKPX P adieresis -80\nKPX P agrave -80\nKPX P amacron -80\nKPX P aogonek -80\nKPX P aring -80\nKPX P atilde -80\nKPX P comma -135\nKPX P e -80\nKPX P eacute -80\nKPX P ecaron -80\nKPX P ecircumflex -80\nKPX P edieresis -80\nKPX P edotaccent -80\nKPX P egrave -80\nKPX P emacron -80\nKPX P eogonek -80\nKPX P o -80\nKPX P oacute -80\nKPX P ocircumflex -80\nKPX P odieresis -80\nKPX P ograve -80\nKPX P ohungarumlaut -80\nKPX P omacron -80\nKPX P oslash -80\nKPX P otilde -80\nKPX P period -135\nKPX Q U -10\nKPX Q Uacute -10\nKPX Q Ucircumflex -10\nKPX Q Udieresis -10\nKPX Q Ugrave -10\nKPX Q Uhungarumlaut -10\nKPX Q Umacron -10\nKPX Q Uogonek -10\nKPX Q Uring -10\nKPX R O -40\nKPX R Oacute -40\nKPX R Ocircumflex -40\nKPX R Odieresis -40\nKPX R Ograve -40\nKPX R Ohungarumlaut -40\nKPX R Omacron -40\nKPX R Oslash -40\nKPX R Otilde -40\nKPX R U -40\nKPX R Uacute -40\nKPX R Ucircumflex -40\nKPX R Udieresis -40\nKPX R Ugrave -40\nKPX R Uhungarumlaut -40\nKPX R Umacron -40\nKPX R Uogonek -40\nKPX R Uring -40\nKPX R V -18\nKPX R W -18\nKPX R Y -18\nKPX R Yacute -18\nKPX R Ydieresis -18\nKPX Racute O -40\nKPX Racute Oacute -40\nKPX Racute Ocircumflex -40\nKPX Racute Odieresis -40\nKPX Racute Ograve -40\nKPX Racute Ohungarumlaut -40\nKPX Racute Omacron -40\nKPX Racute Oslash -40\nKPX Racute Otilde -40\nKPX Racute U -40\nKPX Racute Uacute -40\nKPX Racute Ucircumflex -40\nKPX Racute Udieresis -40\nKPX Racute Ugrave -40\nKPX Racute Uhungarumlaut -40\nKPX Racute Umacron -40\nKPX Racute Uogonek -40\nKPX Racute Uring -40\nKPX Racute V -18\nKPX Racute W -18\nKPX Racute Y -18\nKPX Racute Yacute -18\nKPX Racute Ydieresis -18\nKPX Rcaron O -40\nKPX Rcaron Oacute -40\nKPX Rcaron Ocircumflex -40\nKPX Rcaron Odieresis -40\nKPX Rcaron Ograve -40\nKPX Rcaron Ohungarumlaut -40\nKPX Rcaron Omacron -40\nKPX Rcaron Oslash -40\nKPX Rcaron Otilde -40\nKPX Rcaron U -40\nKPX Rcaron Uacute -40\nKPX Rcaron Ucircumflex -40\nKPX Rcaron Udieresis -40\nKPX Rcaron Ugrave -40\nKPX Rcaron Uhungarumlaut -40\nKPX Rcaron Umacron -40\nKPX Rcaron Uogonek -40\nKPX Rcaron Uring -40\nKPX Rcaron V -18\nKPX Rcaron W -18\nKPX Rcaron Y -18\nKPX Rcaron Yacute -18\nKPX Rcaron Ydieresis -18\nKPX Rcommaaccent O -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent Oacute -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent Ocircumflex -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent Odieresis -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent Ograve -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent Ohungarumlaut -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent Omacron -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent Oslash -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent Otilde -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent U -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent Uacute -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent Ucircumflex -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent Udieresis -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent Ugrave -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent Uhungarumlaut -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent Umacron -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent Uogonek -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent Uring -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent V -18\nKPX Rcommaaccent W -18\nKPX Rcommaaccent Y -18\nKPX Rcommaaccent Yacute -18\nKPX Rcommaaccent Ydieresis -18\nKPX T A -50\nKPX T Aacute -50\nKPX T Abreve -50\nKPX T Acircumflex -50\nKPX T Adieresis -50\nKPX T Agrave -50\nKPX T Amacron -50\nKPX T Aogonek -50\nKPX T Aring -50\nKPX T Atilde -50\nKPX T O -18\nKPX T Oacute -18\nKPX T Ocircumflex -18\nKPX T Odieresis -18\nKPX T Ograve -18\nKPX T Ohungarumlaut -18\nKPX T Omacron -18\nKPX T Oslash -18\nKPX T Otilde -18\nKPX T a -92\nKPX T aacute -92\nKPX T abreve -92\nKPX T acircumflex -92\nKPX T adieresis -92\nKPX T agrave -92\nKPX T amacron -92\nKPX T aogonek -92\nKPX T aring -92\nKPX T atilde -92\nKPX T colon -55\nKPX T comma -74\nKPX T e -92\nKPX T eacute -92\nKPX T ecaron -92\nKPX T ecircumflex -52\nKPX T edieresis -52\nKPX T edotaccent -92\nKPX T egrave -52\nKPX T emacron -52\nKPX T eogonek -92\nKPX T hyphen -74\nKPX T i -55\nKPX T iacute -55\nKPX T iogonek -55\nKPX T o -92\nKPX T oacute -92\nKPX T ocircumflex -92\nKPX T odieresis -92\nKPX T ograve -92\nKPX T ohungarumlaut -92\nKPX T omacron -92\nKPX T oslash -92\nKPX T otilde -92\nKPX T period -74\nKPX T r -55\nKPX T racute -55\nKPX T rcaron -55\nKPX T rcommaaccent -55\nKPX T semicolon -65\nKPX T u -55\nKPX T uacute -55\nKPX T ucircumflex -55\nKPX T udieresis -55\nKPX T ugrave -55\nKPX T uhungarumlaut -55\nKPX T umacron -55\nKPX T uogonek -55\nKPX T uring -55\nKPX T w -74\nKPX T y -74\nKPX T yacute -74\nKPX T ydieresis -34\nKPX Tcaron A -50\nKPX Tcaron Aacute -50\nKPX Tcaron Abreve -50\nKPX Tcaron Acircumflex -50\nKPX Tcaron Adieresis -50\nKPX Tcaron Agrave -50\nKPX Tcaron Amacron -50\nKPX Tcaron Aogonek -50\nKPX Tcaron Aring -50\nKPX Tcaron Atilde -50\nKPX Tcaron O -18\nKPX Tcaron Oacute -18\nKPX Tcaron Ocircumflex -18\nKPX Tcaron Odieresis -18\nKPX Tcaron Ograve -18\nKPX Tcaron Ohungarumlaut -18\nKPX Tcaron Omacron -18\nKPX Tcaron Oslash -18\nKPX Tcaron Otilde -18\nKPX Tcaron a -92\nKPX Tcaron aacute -92\nKPX Tcaron abreve -92\nKPX Tcaron acircumflex -92\nKPX Tcaron adieresis -92\nKPX Tcaron agrave -92\nKPX Tcaron amacron -92\nKPX Tcaron aogonek -92\nKPX Tcaron aring -92\nKPX Tcaron atilde -92\nKPX Tcaron colon -55\nKPX Tcaron comma -74\nKPX Tcaron e -92\nKPX Tcaron eacute -92\nKPX Tcaron ecaron -92\nKPX Tcaron ecircumflex -52\nKPX Tcaron edieresis -52\nKPX Tcaron edotaccent -92\nKPX Tcaron egrave -52\nKPX Tcaron emacron -52\nKPX Tcaron eogonek -92\nKPX Tcaron hyphen -74\nKPX Tcaron i -55\nKPX Tcaron iacute -55\nKPX Tcaron iogonek -55\nKPX Tcaron o -92\nKPX Tcaron oacute -92\nKPX Tcaron ocircumflex -92\nKPX Tcaron odieresis -92\nKPX Tcaron ograve -92\nKPX Tcaron ohungarumlaut -92\nKPX Tcaron omacron -92\nKPX Tcaron oslash -92\nKPX Tcaron otilde -92\nKPX Tcaron period -74\nKPX Tcaron r -55\nKPX Tcaron racute -55\nKPX Tcaron rcaron -55\nKPX Tcaron rcommaaccent -55\nKPX Tcaron semicolon -65\nKPX Tcaron u -55\nKPX Tcaron uacute -55\nKPX Tcaron ucircumflex -55\nKPX Tcaron udieresis -55\nKPX Tcaron ugrave -55\nKPX Tcaron uhungarumlaut -55\nKPX Tcaron umacron -55\nKPX Tcaron uogonek -55\nKPX Tcaron uring -55\nKPX Tcaron w -74\nKPX Tcaron y -74\nKPX Tcaron yacute -74\nKPX Tcaron ydieresis -34\nKPX Tcommaaccent A -50\nKPX Tcommaaccent Aacute -50\nKPX Tcommaaccent Abreve -50\nKPX Tcommaaccent Acircumflex -50\nKPX Tcommaaccent Adieresis -50\nKPX Tcommaaccent Agrave -50\nKPX Tcommaaccent Amacron -50\nKPX Tcommaaccent Aogonek -50\nKPX Tcommaaccent Aring -50\nKPX Tcommaaccent Atilde -50\nKPX Tcommaaccent O -18\nKPX Tcommaaccent Oacute -18\nKPX Tcommaaccent Ocircumflex -18\nKPX Tcommaaccent Odieresis -18\nKPX Tcommaaccent Ograve -18\nKPX Tcommaaccent Ohungarumlaut -18\nKPX Tcommaaccent Omacron -18\nKPX Tcommaaccent Oslash -18\nKPX Tcommaaccent Otilde -18\nKPX Tcommaaccent a -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent aacute -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent abreve -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent acircumflex -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent adieresis -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent agrave -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent amacron -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent aogonek -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent aring -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent atilde -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent colon -55\nKPX Tcommaaccent comma -74\nKPX Tcommaaccent e -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent eacute -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent ecaron -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent ecircumflex -52\nKPX Tcommaaccent edieresis -52\nKPX Tcommaaccent edotaccent -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent egrave -52\nKPX Tcommaaccent emacron -52\nKPX Tcommaaccent eogonek -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent hyphen -74\nKPX Tcommaaccent i -55\nKPX Tcommaaccent iacute -55\nKPX Tcommaaccent iogonek -55\nKPX Tcommaaccent o -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent oacute -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent ocircumflex -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent odieresis -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent ograve -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent ohungarumlaut -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent omacron -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent oslash -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent otilde -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent period -74\nKPX Tcommaaccent r -55\nKPX Tcommaaccent racute -55\nKPX Tcommaaccent rcaron -55\nKPX Tcommaaccent rcommaaccent -55\nKPX Tcommaaccent semicolon -65\nKPX Tcommaaccent u -55\nKPX Tcommaaccent uacute -55\nKPX Tcommaaccent ucircumflex -55\nKPX Tcommaaccent udieresis -55\nKPX Tcommaaccent ugrave -55\nKPX Tcommaaccent uhungarumlaut -55\nKPX Tcommaaccent umacron -55\nKPX Tcommaaccent uogonek -55\nKPX Tcommaaccent uring -55\nKPX Tcommaaccent w -74\nKPX Tcommaaccent y -74\nKPX Tcommaaccent yacute -74\nKPX Tcommaaccent ydieresis -34\nKPX U A -40\nKPX U Aacute -40\nKPX U Abreve -40\nKPX U Acircumflex -40\nKPX U Adieresis -40\nKPX U Agrave -40\nKPX U Amacron -40\nKPX U Aogonek -40\nKPX U Aring -40\nKPX U Atilde -40\nKPX U comma -25\nKPX U period -25\nKPX Uacute A -40\nKPX Uacute Aacute -40\nKPX Uacute Abreve -40\nKPX Uacute Acircumflex -40\nKPX Uacute Adieresis -40\nKPX Uacute Agrave -40\nKPX Uacute Amacron -40\nKPX Uacute Aogonek -40\nKPX Uacute Aring -40\nKPX Uacute Atilde -40\nKPX Uacute comma -25\nKPX Uacute period -25\nKPX Ucircumflex A -40\nKPX Ucircumflex Aacute -40\nKPX Ucircumflex Abreve -40\nKPX Ucircumflex Acircumflex -40\nKPX Ucircumflex Adieresis -40\nKPX Ucircumflex Agrave -40\nKPX Ucircumflex Amacron -40\nKPX Ucircumflex Aogonek -40\nKPX Ucircumflex Aring -40\nKPX Ucircumflex Atilde -40\nKPX Ucircumflex comma -25\nKPX Ucircumflex period -25\nKPX Udieresis A -40\nKPX Udieresis Aacute -40\nKPX Udieresis Abreve -40\nKPX Udieresis Acircumflex -40\nKPX Udieresis Adieresis -40\nKPX Udieresis Agrave -40\nKPX Udieresis Amacron -40\nKPX Udieresis Aogonek -40\nKPX Udieresis Aring -40\nKPX Udieresis Atilde -40\nKPX Udieresis comma -25\nKPX Udieresis period -25\nKPX Ugrave A -40\nKPX Ugrave Aacute -40\nKPX Ugrave Abreve -40\nKPX Ugrave Acircumflex -40\nKPX Ugrave Adieresis -40\nKPX Ugrave Agrave -40\nKPX Ugrave Amacron -40\nKPX Ugrave Aogonek -40\nKPX Ugrave Aring -40\nKPX Ugrave Atilde -40\nKPX Ugrave comma -25\nKPX Ugrave period -25\nKPX Uhungarumlaut A -40\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Aacute -40\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Abreve -40\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Acircumflex -40\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Adieresis -40\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Agrave -40\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Amacron -40\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Aogonek -40\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Aring -40\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Atilde -40\nKPX Uhungarumlaut comma -25\nKPX Uhungarumlaut period -25\nKPX Umacron A -40\nKPX Umacron Aacute -40\nKPX Umacron Abreve -40\nKPX Umacron Acircumflex -40\nKPX Umacron Adieresis -40\nKPX Umacron Agrave -40\nKPX Umacron Amacron -40\nKPX Umacron Aogonek -40\nKPX Umacron Aring -40\nKPX Umacron Atilde -40\nKPX Umacron comma -25\nKPX Umacron period -25\nKPX Uogonek A -40\nKPX Uogonek Aacute -40\nKPX Uogonek Abreve -40\nKPX Uogonek Acircumflex -40\nKPX Uogonek Adieresis -40\nKPX Uogonek Agrave -40\nKPX Uogonek Amacron -40\nKPX Uogonek Aogonek -40\nKPX Uogonek Aring -40\nKPX Uogonek Atilde -40\nKPX Uogonek comma -25\nKPX Uogonek period -25\nKPX Uring A -40\nKPX Uring Aacute -40\nKPX Uring Abreve -40\nKPX Uring Acircumflex -40\nKPX Uring Adieresis -40\nKPX Uring Agrave -40\nKPX Uring Amacron -40\nKPX Uring Aogonek -40\nKPX Uring Aring -40\nKPX Uring Atilde -40\nKPX Uring comma -25\nKPX Uring period -25\nKPX V A -60\nKPX V Aacute -60\nKPX V Abreve -60\nKPX V Acircumflex -60\nKPX V Adieresis -60\nKPX V Agrave -60\nKPX V Amacron -60\nKPX V Aogonek -60\nKPX V Aring -60\nKPX V Atilde -60\nKPX V O -30\nKPX V Oacute -30\nKPX V Ocircumflex -30\nKPX V Odieresis -30\nKPX V Ograve -30\nKPX V Ohungarumlaut -30\nKPX V Omacron -30\nKPX V Oslash -30\nKPX V Otilde -30\nKPX V a -111\nKPX V aacute -111\nKPX V abreve -111\nKPX V acircumflex -111\nKPX V adieresis -111\nKPX V agrave -111\nKPX V amacron -111\nKPX V aogonek -111\nKPX V aring -111\nKPX V atilde -111\nKPX V colon -65\nKPX V comma -129\nKPX V e -111\nKPX V eacute -111\nKPX V ecaron -111\nKPX V ecircumflex -111\nKPX V edieresis -71\nKPX V edotaccent -111\nKPX V egrave -71\nKPX V emacron -71\nKPX V eogonek -111\nKPX V hyphen -55\nKPX V i -74\nKPX V iacute -74\nKPX V icircumflex -34\nKPX V idieresis -34\nKPX V igrave -34\nKPX V imacron -34\nKPX V iogonek -74\nKPX V o -111\nKPX V oacute -111\nKPX V ocircumflex -111\nKPX V odieresis -111\nKPX V ograve -111\nKPX V ohungarumlaut -111\nKPX V omacron -111\nKPX V oslash -111\nKPX V otilde -111\nKPX V period -129\nKPX V semicolon -74\nKPX V u -74\nKPX V uacute -74\nKPX V ucircumflex -74\nKPX V udieresis -74\nKPX V ugrave -74\nKPX V uhungarumlaut -74\nKPX V umacron -74\nKPX V uogonek -74\nKPX V uring -74\nKPX W A -60\nKPX W Aacute -60\nKPX W Abreve -60\nKPX W Acircumflex -60\nKPX W Adieresis -60\nKPX W Agrave -60\nKPX W Amacron -60\nKPX W Aogonek -60\nKPX W Aring -60\nKPX W Atilde -60\nKPX W O -25\nKPX W Oacute -25\nKPX W Ocircumflex -25\nKPX W Odieresis -25\nKPX W Ograve -25\nKPX W Ohungarumlaut -25\nKPX W Omacron -25\nKPX W Oslash -25\nKPX W Otilde -25\nKPX W a -92\nKPX W aacute -92\nKPX W abreve -92\nKPX W acircumflex -92\nKPX W adieresis -92\nKPX W agrave -92\nKPX W amacron -92\nKPX W aogonek -92\nKPX W aring -92\nKPX W atilde -92\nKPX W colon -65\nKPX W comma -92\nKPX W e -92\nKPX W eacute -92\nKPX W ecaron -92\nKPX W ecircumflex -92\nKPX W edieresis -52\nKPX W edotaccent -92\nKPX W egrave -52\nKPX W emacron -52\nKPX W eogonek -92\nKPX W hyphen -37\nKPX W i -55\nKPX W iacute -55\nKPX W iogonek -55\nKPX W o -92\nKPX W oacute -92\nKPX W ocircumflex -92\nKPX W odieresis -92\nKPX W ograve -92\nKPX W ohungarumlaut -92\nKPX W omacron -92\nKPX W oslash -92\nKPX W otilde -92\nKPX W period -92\nKPX W semicolon -65\nKPX W u -55\nKPX W uacute -55\nKPX W ucircumflex -55\nKPX W udieresis -55\nKPX W ugrave -55\nKPX W uhungarumlaut -55\nKPX W umacron -55\nKPX W uogonek -55\nKPX W uring -55\nKPX W y -70\nKPX W yacute -70\nKPX W ydieresis -70\nKPX Y A -50\nKPX Y Aacute -50\nKPX Y Abreve -50\nKPX Y Acircumflex -50\nKPX Y Adieresis -50\nKPX Y Agrave -50\nKPX Y Amacron -50\nKPX Y Aogonek -50\nKPX Y Aring -50\nKPX Y Atilde -50\nKPX Y O -15\nKPX Y Oacute -15\nKPX Y Ocircumflex -15\nKPX Y Odieresis -15\nKPX Y Ograve -15\nKPX Y Ohungarumlaut -15\nKPX Y Omacron -15\nKPX Y Oslash -15\nKPX Y Otilde -15\nKPX Y a -92\nKPX Y aacute -92\nKPX Y abreve -92\nKPX Y acircumflex -92\nKPX Y adieresis -92\nKPX Y agrave -92\nKPX Y amacron -92\nKPX Y aogonek -92\nKPX Y aring -92\nKPX Y atilde -92\nKPX Y colon -65\nKPX Y comma -92\nKPX Y e -92\nKPX Y eacute -92\nKPX Y ecaron -92\nKPX Y ecircumflex -92\nKPX Y edieresis -52\nKPX Y edotaccent -92\nKPX Y egrave -52\nKPX Y emacron -52\nKPX Y eogonek -92\nKPX Y hyphen -74\nKPX Y i -74\nKPX Y iacute -74\nKPX Y icircumflex -34\nKPX Y idieresis -34\nKPX Y igrave -34\nKPX Y imacron -34\nKPX Y iogonek -74\nKPX Y o -92\nKPX Y oacute -92\nKPX Y ocircumflex -92\nKPX Y odieresis -92\nKPX Y ograve -92\nKPX Y ohungarumlaut -92\nKPX Y omacron -92\nKPX Y oslash -92\nKPX Y otilde -92\nKPX Y period -92\nKPX Y semicolon -65\nKPX Y u -92\nKPX Y uacute -92\nKPX Y ucircumflex -92\nKPX Y udieresis -92\nKPX Y ugrave -92\nKPX Y uhungarumlaut -92\nKPX Y umacron -92\nKPX Y uogonek -92\nKPX Y uring -92\nKPX Yacute A -50\nKPX Yacute Aacute -50\nKPX Yacute Abreve -50\nKPX Yacute Acircumflex -50\nKPX Yacute Adieresis -50\nKPX Yacute Agrave -50\nKPX Yacute Amacron -50\nKPX Yacute Aogonek -50\nKPX Yacute Aring -50\nKPX Yacute Atilde -50\nKPX Yacute O -15\nKPX Yacute Oacute -15\nKPX Yacute Ocircumflex -15\nKPX Yacute Odieresis -15\nKPX Yacute Ograve -15\nKPX Yacute Ohungarumlaut -15\nKPX Yacute Omacron -15\nKPX Yacute Oslash -15\nKPX Yacute Otilde -15\nKPX Yacute a -92\nKPX Yacute aacute -92\nKPX Yacute abreve -92\nKPX Yacute acircumflex -92\nKPX Yacute adieresis -92\nKPX Yacute agrave -92\nKPX Yacute amacron -92\nKPX Yacute aogonek -92\nKPX Yacute aring -92\nKPX Yacute atilde -92\nKPX Yacute colon -65\nKPX Yacute comma -92\nKPX Yacute e -92\nKPX Yacute eacute -92\nKPX Yacute ecaron -92\nKPX Yacute ecircumflex -92\nKPX Yacute edieresis -52\nKPX Yacute edotaccent -92\nKPX Yacute egrave -52\nKPX Yacute emacron -52\nKPX Yacute eogonek -92\nKPX Yacute hyphen -74\nKPX Yacute i -74\nKPX Yacute iacute -74\nKPX Yacute icircumflex -34\nKPX Yacute idieresis -34\nKPX Yacute igrave -34\nKPX Yacute imacron -34\nKPX Yacute iogonek -74\nKPX Yacute o -92\nKPX Yacute oacute -92\nKPX Yacute ocircumflex -92\nKPX Yacute odieresis -92\nKPX Yacute ograve -92\nKPX Yacute ohungarumlaut -92\nKPX Yacute omacron -92\nKPX Yacute oslash -92\nKPX Yacute otilde -92\nKPX Yacute period -92\nKPX Yacute semicolon -65\nKPX Yacute u -92\nKPX Yacute uacute -92\nKPX Yacute ucircumflex -92\nKPX Yacute udieresis -92\nKPX Yacute ugrave -92\nKPX Yacute uhungarumlaut -92\nKPX Yacute umacron -92\nKPX Yacute uogonek -92\nKPX Yacute uring -92\nKPX Ydieresis A -50\nKPX Ydieresis Aacute -50\nKPX Ydieresis Abreve -50\nKPX Ydieresis Acircumflex -50\nKPX Ydieresis Adieresis -50\nKPX Ydieresis Agrave -50\nKPX Ydieresis Amacron -50\nKPX Ydieresis Aogonek -50\nKPX Ydieresis Aring -50\nKPX Ydieresis Atilde -50\nKPX Ydieresis O -15\nKPX Ydieresis Oacute -15\nKPX Ydieresis Ocircumflex -15\nKPX Ydieresis Odieresis -15\nKPX Ydieresis Ograve -15\nKPX Ydieresis Ohungarumlaut -15\nKPX Ydieresis Omacron -15\nKPX Ydieresis Oslash -15\nKPX Ydieresis Otilde -15\nKPX Ydieresis a -92\nKPX Ydieresis aacute -92\nKPX Ydieresis abreve -92\nKPX Ydieresis acircumflex -92\nKPX Ydieresis adieresis -92\nKPX Ydieresis agrave -92\nKPX Ydieresis amacron -92\nKPX Ydieresis aogonek -92\nKPX Ydieresis aring -92\nKPX Ydieresis atilde -92\nKPX Ydieresis colon -65\nKPX Ydieresis comma -92\nKPX Ydieresis e -92\nKPX Ydieresis eacute -92\nKPX Ydieresis ecaron -92\nKPX Ydieresis ecircumflex -92\nKPX Ydieresis edieresis -52\nKPX Ydieresis edotaccent -92\nKPX Ydieresis egrave -52\nKPX Ydieresis emacron -52\nKPX Ydieresis eogonek -92\nKPX Ydieresis hyphen -74\nKPX Ydieresis i -74\nKPX Ydieresis iacute -74\nKPX Ydieresis icircumflex -34\nKPX Ydieresis idieresis -34\nKPX Ydieresis igrave -34\nKPX Ydieresis imacron -34\nKPX Ydieresis iogonek -74\nKPX 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660 669 ;\nC 71 ; WX 722 ; N G ; B 21 -18 706 685 ;\nC 72 ; WX 778 ; N H ; B -24 0 799 669 ;\nC 73 ; WX 389 ; N I ; B -32 0 406 669 ;\nC 74 ; WX 500 ; N J ; B -46 -99 524 669 ;\nC 75 ; WX 667 ; N K ; B -21 0 702 669 ;\nC 76 ; WX 611 ; N L ; B -22 0 590 669 ;\nC 77 ; WX 889 ; N M ; B -29 -12 917 669 ;\nC 78 ; WX 722 ; N N ; B -27 -15 748 669 ;\nC 79 ; WX 722 ; N O ; B 27 -18 691 685 ;\nC 80 ; WX 611 ; N P ; B -27 0 613 669 ;\nC 81 ; WX 722 ; N Q ; B 27 -208 691 685 ;\nC 82 ; WX 667 ; N R ; B -29 0 623 669 ;\nC 83 ; WX 556 ; N S ; B 2 -18 526 685 ;\nC 84 ; WX 611 ; N T ; B 50 0 650 669 ;\nC 85 ; WX 722 ; N U ; B 67 -18 744 669 ;\nC 86 ; WX 667 ; N V ; B 65 -18 715 669 ;\nC 87 ; WX 889 ; N W ; B 65 -18 940 669 ;\nC 88 ; WX 667 ; N X ; B -24 0 694 669 ;\nC 89 ; WX 611 ; N Y ; B 73 0 659 669 ;\nC 90 ; WX 611 ; N Z ; B -11 0 590 669 ;\nC 91 ; WX 333 ; N bracketleft ; B -37 -159 362 674 ;\nC 92 ; WX 278 ; N backslash ; B -1 -18 279 685 ;\nC 93 ; WX 333 ; N bracketright ; B -56 -157 343 674 ;\nC 94 ; WX 570 ; N asciicircum ; B 67 304 503 669 ;\nC 95 ; WX 500 ; N underscore ; B 0 -125 500 -75 ;\nC 96 ; WX 333 ; N quoteleft ; B 128 369 332 685 ;\nC 97 ; WX 500 ; N a ; B -21 -14 455 462 ;\nC 98 ; WX 500 ; N b ; B -14 -13 444 699 ;\nC 99 ; WX 444 ; N c ; B -5 -13 392 462 ;\nC 100 ; WX 500 ; N d ; B -21 -13 517 699 ;\nC 101 ; WX 444 ; N e ; B 5 -13 398 462 ;\nC 102 ; WX 333 ; N f ; B -169 -205 446 698 ; L i fi ; L l fl ;\nC 103 ; WX 500 ; N g ; B -52 -203 478 462 ;\nC 104 ; WX 556 ; N h ; B -13 -9 498 699 ;\nC 105 ; WX 278 ; N i ; B 2 -9 263 684 ;\nC 106 ; WX 278 ; N j ; B -189 -207 279 684 ;\nC 107 ; WX 500 ; N k ; B -23 -8 483 699 ;\nC 108 ; WX 278 ; N l ; B 2 -9 290 699 ;\nC 109 ; WX 778 ; N m ; B -14 -9 722 462 ;\nC 110 ; WX 556 ; N n ; B -6 -9 493 462 ;\nC 111 ; WX 500 ; N o ; B -3 -13 441 462 ;\nC 112 ; WX 500 ; N p ; B -120 -205 446 462 ;\nC 113 ; WX 500 ; N q ; B 1 -205 471 462 ;\nC 114 ; WX 389 ; N r ; B -21 0 389 462 ;\nC 115 ; WX 389 ; N s ; B -19 -13 333 462 ;\nC 116 ; WX 278 ; N t ; B -11 -9 281 594 ;\nC 117 ; WX 556 ; N u ; B 15 -9 492 462 ;\nC 118 ; WX 444 ; N v ; B 16 -13 401 462 ;\nC 119 ; WX 667 ; N w ; B 16 -13 614 462 ;\nC 120 ; WX 500 ; N x ; B -46 -13 469 462 ;\nC 121 ; WX 444 ; N y ; B -94 -205 392 462 ;\nC 122 ; WX 389 ; N z ; B -43 -78 368 449 ;\nC 123 ; WX 348 ; N braceleft ; B 5 -187 436 686 ;\nC 124 ; WX 220 ; N bar ; B 66 -218 154 782 ;\nC 125 ; WX 348 ; N braceright ; B -129 -187 302 686 ;\nC 126 ; WX 570 ; N asciitilde ; B 54 173 516 333 ;\nC 161 ; WX 389 ; N exclamdown ; B 19 -205 322 492 ;\nC 162 ; WX 500 ; N cent ; B 42 -143 439 576 ;\nC 163 ; WX 500 ; N sterling ; B -32 -12 510 683 ;\nC 164 ; WX 167 ; N fraction ; B -169 -14 324 683 ;\nC 165 ; WX 500 ; N yen ; B 33 0 628 669 ;\nC 166 ; WX 500 ; N florin ; B -87 -156 537 707 ;\nC 167 ; WX 500 ; N section ; B 36 -143 459 685 ;\nC 168 ; WX 500 ; N currency ; B -26 34 526 586 ;\nC 169 ; WX 278 ; N quotesingle ; B 128 398 268 685 ;\nC 170 ; WX 500 ; N quotedblleft ; B 53 369 513 685 ;\nC 171 ; WX 500 ; N guillemotleft ; B 12 32 468 415 ;\nC 172 ; WX 333 ; N guilsinglleft ; B 32 32 303 415 ;\nC 173 ; WX 333 ; N guilsinglright ; B 10 32 281 415 ;\nC 174 ; WX 556 ; N fi ; B -188 -205 514 703 ;\nC 175 ; WX 556 ; N fl ; B -186 -205 553 704 ;\nC 177 ; WX 500 ; N endash ; B -40 178 477 269 ;\nC 178 ; WX 500 ; N dagger ; B 91 -145 494 685 ;\nC 179 ; WX 500 ; N daggerdbl ; B 10 -139 493 685 ;\nC 180 ; WX 250 ; N periodcentered ; B 51 257 199 405 ;\nC 182 ; WX 500 ; N paragraph ; B -57 -193 562 669 ;\nC 183 ; WX 350 ; N bullet ; B 0 175 350 525 ;\nC 184 ; WX 333 ; N quotesinglbase ; B -5 -182 199 134 ;\nC 185 ; WX 500 ; N quotedblbase ; B -57 -182 403 134 ;\nC 186 ; WX 500 ; N quotedblright ; B 53 369 513 685 ;\nC 187 ; WX 500 ; N guillemotright ; B 12 32 468 415 ;\nC 188 ; WX 1000 ; N ellipsis ; B 40 -13 852 135 ;\nC 189 ; WX 1000 ; N perthousand ; B 7 -29 996 706 ;\nC 191 ; WX 500 ; N questiondown ; B 30 -205 421 492 ;\nC 193 ; WX 333 ; N grave ; B 85 516 297 697 ;\nC 194 ; WX 333 ; N acute ; B 139 516 379 697 ;\nC 195 ; WX 333 ; N circumflex ; B 40 516 367 690 ;\nC 196 ; WX 333 ; N tilde ; B 48 536 407 655 ;\nC 197 ; WX 333 ; N macron ; B 51 553 393 623 ;\nC 198 ; WX 333 ; N breve ; B 71 516 387 678 ;\nC 199 ; WX 333 ; N dotaccent ; B 163 550 298 684 ;\nC 200 ; WX 333 ; N dieresis ; B 55 550 402 684 ;\nC 202 ; WX 333 ; N ring ; B 127 516 340 729 ;\nC 203 ; WX 333 ; N cedilla ; B -80 -218 156 5 ;\nC 205 ; WX 333 ; N hungarumlaut ; B 69 516 498 697 ;\nC 206 ; WX 333 ; N ogonek ; B 15 -183 244 34 ;\nC 207 ; WX 333 ; N caron ; B 79 516 411 690 ;\nC 208 ; WX 1000 ; N emdash ; B -40 178 977 269 ;\nC 225 ; WX 944 ; N AE ; B -64 0 918 669 ;\nC 227 ; WX 266 ; N ordfeminine ; B 16 399 330 685 ;\nC 232 ; WX 611 ; N Lslash ; B -22 0 590 669 ;\nC 233 ; WX 722 ; N Oslash ; B 27 -125 691 764 ;\nC 234 ; WX 944 ; N OE ; B 23 -8 946 677 ;\nC 235 ; WX 300 ; N ordmasculine ; B 56 400 347 685 ;\nC 241 ; WX 722 ; N ae ; B -5 -13 673 462 ;\nC 245 ; WX 278 ; N dotlessi ; B 2 -9 238 462 ;\nC 248 ; WX 278 ; N lslash ; B -7 -9 307 699 ;\nC 249 ; WX 500 ; N oslash ; B -3 -119 441 560 ;\nC 250 ; WX 722 ; N oe ; B 6 -13 674 462 ;\nC 251 ; WX 500 ; N germandbls ; B -200 -200 473 705 ;\nC -1 ; WX 389 ; N Idieresis ; B -32 0 450 862 ;\nC -1 ; WX 444 ; N eacute ; B 5 -13 435 697 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N abreve ; B -21 -14 471 678 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N uhungarumlaut ; B 15 -9 610 697 ;\nC -1 ; WX 444 ; N ecaron ; B 5 -13 467 690 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N Ydieresis ; B 73 0 659 862 ;\nC -1 ; WX 570 ; N divide ; B 33 -29 537 535 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N Yacute ; B 73 0 659 904 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Acircumflex ; B -67 0 593 897 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N aacute ; B -21 -14 463 697 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ucircumflex ; B 67 -18 744 897 ;\nC -1 ; WX 444 ; N yacute ; B -94 -205 435 697 ;\nC -1 ; WX 389 ; N scommaaccent ; B -19 -218 333 462 ;\nC -1 ; WX 444 ; N ecircumflex ; B 5 -13 423 690 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Uring ; B 67 -18 744 921 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Udieresis ; B 67 -18 744 862 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N aogonek ; B -21 -183 455 462 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Uacute ; B 67 -18 744 904 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N uogonek ; B 15 -183 492 462 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Edieresis ; B -27 0 653 862 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Dcroat ; B -31 0 700 669 ;\nC -1 ; WX 250 ; N commaaccent ; B -36 -218 131 -50 ;\nC -1 ; WX 747 ; N copyright ; B 30 -18 718 685 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Emacron ; B -27 0 653 830 ;\nC -1 ; WX 444 ; N ccaron ; B -5 -13 467 690 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N aring ; B -21 -14 455 729 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ncommaaccent ; B -27 -218 748 669 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N lacute ; B 2 -9 392 904 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N agrave ; B -21 -14 455 697 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N Tcommaaccent ; B 50 -218 650 669 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Cacute ; B 32 -18 677 904 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N atilde ; B -21 -14 491 655 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Edotaccent ; B -27 0 653 862 ;\nC -1 ; WX 389 ; N scaron ; B -19 -13 424 690 ;\nC -1 ; WX 389 ; N scedilla ; B -19 -218 333 462 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N iacute ; B 2 -9 352 697 ;\nC -1 ; WX 494 ; N lozenge ; B 10 0 484 745 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Rcaron ; B -29 0 623 897 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Gcommaaccent ; B 21 -218 706 685 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N ucircumflex ; B 15 -9 492 690 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N acircumflex ; B -21 -14 455 690 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Amacron ; B -67 0 593 830 ;\nC -1 ; WX 389 ; N rcaron ; B -21 0 424 690 ;\nC -1 ; WX 444 ; N ccedilla ; B -5 -218 392 462 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N Zdotaccent ; B -11 0 590 862 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N Thorn ; B -27 0 573 669 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Omacron ; B 27 -18 691 830 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Racute ; B -29 0 623 904 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N Sacute ; B 2 -18 531 904 ;\nC -1 ; WX 608 ; N dcaron ; B -21 -13 675 708 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Umacron ; B 67 -18 744 830 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N uring ; B 15 -9 492 729 ;\nC -1 ; WX 300 ; N threesuperior ; B 17 265 321 683 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ograve ; B 27 -18 691 904 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Agrave ; B -67 0 593 904 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Abreve ; B -67 0 593 885 ;\nC -1 ; WX 570 ; N multiply ; B 48 16 522 490 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N uacute ; B 15 -9 492 697 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N Tcaron ; B 50 0 650 897 ;\nC -1 ; WX 494 ; N partialdiff ; B 11 -21 494 750 ;\nC -1 ; WX 444 ; N ydieresis ; B -94 -205 443 655 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Nacute ; B -27 -15 748 904 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N icircumflex ; B -3 -9 324 690 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Ecircumflex ; B -27 0 653 897 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N adieresis ; B -21 -14 476 655 ;\nC -1 ; WX 444 ; N edieresis ; B 5 -13 448 655 ;\nC -1 ; WX 444 ; N cacute ; B -5 -13 435 697 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N nacute ; B -6 -9 493 697 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N umacron ; B 15 -9 492 623 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ncaron ; B -27 -15 748 897 ;\nC -1 ; WX 389 ; N Iacute ; B -32 0 432 904 ;\nC -1 ; WX 570 ; N plusminus ; B 33 0 537 506 ;\nC -1 ; WX 220 ; N brokenbar ; B 66 -143 154 707 ;\nC -1 ; WX 747 ; N registered ; B 30 -18 718 685 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Gbreve ; B 21 -18 706 885 ;\nC -1 ; WX 389 ; N Idotaccent ; B -32 0 406 862 ;\nC -1 ; WX 600 ; N summation ; B 14 -10 585 706 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Egrave ; B -27 0 653 904 ;\nC -1 ; WX 389 ; N racute ; B -21 0 407 697 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N omacron ; B -3 -13 462 623 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N Zacute ; B -11 0 590 904 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N Zcaron ; B -11 0 590 897 ;\nC -1 ; WX 549 ; N greaterequal ; B 26 0 523 704 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Eth ; B -31 0 700 669 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Ccedilla ; B 32 -218 677 685 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N lcommaaccent ; B -42 -218 290 699 ;\nC -1 ; WX 366 ; N tcaron ; B -11 -9 434 754 ;\nC -1 ; WX 444 ; N eogonek ; B 5 -183 398 462 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Uogonek ; B 67 -183 744 669 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Aacute ; B -67 0 593 904 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Adieresis ; B -67 0 593 862 ;\nC -1 ; WX 444 ; N egrave ; B 5 -13 398 697 ;\nC -1 ; WX 389 ; N zacute ; B -43 -78 407 697 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N iogonek ; B -20 -183 263 684 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Oacute ; B 27 -18 691 904 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N oacute ; B -3 -13 463 697 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N amacron ; B -21 -14 467 623 ;\nC -1 ; WX 389 ; N sacute ; B -19 -13 407 697 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N idieresis ; B 2 -9 364 655 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ocircumflex ; B 27 -18 691 897 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ugrave ; B 67 -18 744 904 ;\nC -1 ; WX 612 ; N Delta ; B 6 0 608 688 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N thorn ; B -120 -205 446 699 ;\nC -1 ; WX 300 ; N twosuperior ; B 2 274 313 683 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Odieresis ; B 27 -18 691 862 ;\nC -1 ; WX 576 ; N mu ; B -60 -207 516 449 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N igrave ; B 2 -9 259 697 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N ohungarumlaut ; B -3 -13 582 697 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Eogonek ; B -27 -183 653 669 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N dcroat ; B -21 -13 552 699 ;\nC -1 ; WX 750 ; N threequarters ; B 7 -14 726 683 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N Scedilla ; B 2 -218 526 685 ;\nC -1 ; WX 382 ; N lcaron ; B 2 -9 448 708 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Kcommaaccent ; B -21 -218 702 669 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N Lacute ; B -22 0 590 904 ;\nC -1 ; WX 1000 ; N trademark ; B 32 263 968 669 ;\nC -1 ; WX 444 ; N edotaccent ; B 5 -13 398 655 ;\nC -1 ; WX 389 ; N Igrave ; B -32 0 406 904 ;\nC -1 ; WX 389 ; N Imacron ; B -32 0 461 830 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N Lcaron ; B -22 0 671 718 ;\nC -1 ; WX 750 ; N onehalf ; B -9 -14 723 683 ;\nC -1 ; WX 549 ; N lessequal ; B 29 0 526 704 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N ocircumflex ; B -3 -13 451 690 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N ntilde ; B -6 -9 504 655 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Uhungarumlaut ; B 67 -18 744 904 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Eacute ; B -27 0 653 904 ;\nC -1 ; WX 444 ; N emacron ; B 5 -13 439 623 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N gbreve ; B -52 -203 478 678 ;\nC -1 ; WX 750 ; N onequarter ; B 7 -14 721 683 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N Scaron ; B 2 -18 553 897 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N Scommaaccent ; B 2 -218 526 685 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ohungarumlaut ; B 27 -18 723 904 ;\nC -1 ; WX 400 ; N degree ; B 83 397 369 683 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N ograve ; B -3 -13 441 697 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Ccaron ; B 32 -18 677 897 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N ugrave ; B 15 -9 492 697 ;\nC -1 ; WX 549 ; N radical ; B 10 -46 512 850 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Dcaron ; B -46 0 685 897 ;\nC -1 ; WX 389 ; N rcommaaccent ; B -67 -218 389 462 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Ntilde ; B -27 -15 748 862 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N otilde ; B -3 -13 491 655 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Rcommaaccent ; B -29 -218 623 669 ;\nC -1 ; WX 611 ; N Lcommaaccent ; B -22 -218 590 669 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Atilde ; B -67 0 593 862 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Aogonek ; B -67 -183 604 683 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Aring ; B -67 0 593 921 ;\nC -1 ; WX 722 ; N Otilde ; B 27 -18 691 862 ;\nC -1 ; WX 389 ; N zdotaccent ; B -43 -78 368 655 ;\nC -1 ; WX 667 ; N Ecaron ; B -27 0 653 897 ;\nC -1 ; WX 389 ; N Iogonek ; B -32 -183 406 669 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N kcommaaccent ; B -23 -218 483 699 ;\nC -1 ; WX 606 ; N minus ; B 51 209 555 297 ;\nC -1 ; WX 389 ; N Icircumflex ; B -32 0 450 897 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N ncaron ; B -6 -9 523 690 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N tcommaaccent ; B -62 -218 281 594 ;\nC -1 ; WX 606 ; N logicalnot ; B 51 108 555 399 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N odieresis ; B -3 -13 471 655 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N udieresis ; B 15 -9 499 655 ;\nC -1 ; WX 549 ; N notequal ; B 15 -49 540 570 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N gcommaaccent ; B -52 -203 478 767 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N eth ; B -3 -13 454 699 ;\nC -1 ; WX 389 ; N zcaron ; B -43 -78 424 690 ;\nC -1 ; WX 556 ; N ncommaaccent ; B -6 -218 493 462 ;\nC -1 ; WX 300 ; N onesuperior ; B 30 274 301 683 ;\nC -1 ; WX 278 ; N imacron ; B 2 -9 294 623 ;\nC -1 ; WX 500 ; N Euro ; B 0 0 0 0 ;\nEndCharMetrics\nStartKernData\nStartKernPairs 2038\nKPX A C -65\nKPX A Cacute -65\nKPX A Ccaron -65\nKPX A Ccedilla -65\nKPX A G -60\nKPX A Gbreve -60\nKPX A Gcommaaccent -60\nKPX A O -50\nKPX A Oacute -50\nKPX A Ocircumflex -50\nKPX A Odieresis -50\nKPX A Ograve -50\nKPX A Ohungarumlaut -50\nKPX A Omacron -50\nKPX A Oslash -50\nKPX A Otilde -50\nKPX A Q -55\nKPX A T -55\nKPX A Tcaron -55\nKPX A Tcommaaccent -55\nKPX A U -50\nKPX A Uacute -50\nKPX A Ucircumflex -50\nKPX A Udieresis -50\nKPX A Ugrave -50\nKPX A Uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX A Umacron -50\nKPX A Uogonek -50\nKPX A Uring -50\nKPX A V -95\nKPX A W -100\nKPX A Y -70\nKPX A Yacute -70\nKPX A Ydieresis -70\nKPX A quoteright -74\nKPX A u -30\nKPX A uacute -30\nKPX A ucircumflex -30\nKPX A udieresis -30\nKPX A ugrave -30\nKPX A uhungarumlaut -30\nKPX A umacron -30\nKPX A uogonek -30\nKPX A uring -30\nKPX A v -74\nKPX A w -74\nKPX A y -74\nKPX A yacute -74\nKPX A ydieresis -74\nKPX Aacute C -65\nKPX Aacute Cacute -65\nKPX Aacute Ccaron -65\nKPX Aacute Ccedilla -65\nKPX Aacute G -60\nKPX Aacute Gbreve -60\nKPX Aacute Gcommaaccent -60\nKPX Aacute O -50\nKPX Aacute Oacute -50\nKPX Aacute Ocircumflex -50\nKPX Aacute Odieresis -50\nKPX Aacute Ograve -50\nKPX Aacute Ohungarumlaut -50\nKPX Aacute Omacron -50\nKPX Aacute Oslash -50\nKPX Aacute Otilde -50\nKPX Aacute Q -55\nKPX Aacute T -55\nKPX Aacute Tcaron -55\nKPX Aacute Tcommaaccent -55\nKPX Aacute U -50\nKPX Aacute Uacute -50\nKPX Aacute Ucircumflex -50\nKPX Aacute Udieresis -50\nKPX Aacute Ugrave -50\nKPX Aacute Uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Aacute Umacron -50\nKPX Aacute Uogonek -50\nKPX Aacute Uring -50\nKPX Aacute V -95\nKPX Aacute W -100\nKPX Aacute Y -70\nKPX Aacute Yacute -70\nKPX Aacute Ydieresis -70\nKPX Aacute quoteright -74\nKPX Aacute u -30\nKPX Aacute uacute -30\nKPX Aacute ucircumflex -30\nKPX Aacute udieresis -30\nKPX Aacute ugrave -30\nKPX Aacute uhungarumlaut -30\nKPX Aacute umacron -30\nKPX Aacute uogonek -30\nKPX Aacute uring -30\nKPX Aacute v -74\nKPX Aacute w -74\nKPX Aacute y -74\nKPX Aacute yacute -74\nKPX Aacute ydieresis -74\nKPX Abreve C -65\nKPX Abreve Cacute -65\nKPX Abreve Ccaron -65\nKPX Abreve Ccedilla -65\nKPX Abreve G -60\nKPX Abreve Gbreve -60\nKPX Abreve Gcommaaccent -60\nKPX Abreve O -50\nKPX Abreve Oacute -50\nKPX Abreve Ocircumflex -50\nKPX Abreve Odieresis -50\nKPX Abreve Ograve -50\nKPX Abreve Ohungarumlaut -50\nKPX Abreve Omacron -50\nKPX Abreve Oslash -50\nKPX Abreve Otilde -50\nKPX Abreve Q -55\nKPX Abreve T -55\nKPX Abreve Tcaron -55\nKPX Abreve Tcommaaccent -55\nKPX Abreve U -50\nKPX Abreve Uacute -50\nKPX Abreve Ucircumflex -50\nKPX Abreve Udieresis -50\nKPX Abreve Ugrave -50\nKPX Abreve Uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Abreve Umacron -50\nKPX Abreve Uogonek -50\nKPX Abreve Uring -50\nKPX Abreve V -95\nKPX Abreve W -100\nKPX Abreve Y -70\nKPX Abreve Yacute -70\nKPX Abreve Ydieresis -70\nKPX Abreve quoteright -74\nKPX Abreve u -30\nKPX Abreve uacute -30\nKPX Abreve ucircumflex -30\nKPX Abreve udieresis -30\nKPX Abreve ugrave -30\nKPX Abreve uhungarumlaut -30\nKPX Abreve umacron -30\nKPX Abreve uogonek -30\nKPX Abreve uring -30\nKPX Abreve v -74\nKPX Abreve w -74\nKPX Abreve y -74\nKPX Abreve yacute -74\nKPX Abreve ydieresis -74\nKPX Acircumflex C -65\nKPX Acircumflex Cacute -65\nKPX Acircumflex Ccaron -65\nKPX Acircumflex Ccedilla -65\nKPX Acircumflex G -60\nKPX Acircumflex Gbreve -60\nKPX Acircumflex Gcommaaccent -60\nKPX Acircumflex O -50\nKPX Acircumflex Oacute -50\nKPX Acircumflex Ocircumflex -50\nKPX Acircumflex Odieresis -50\nKPX Acircumflex Ograve -50\nKPX Acircumflex Ohungarumlaut -50\nKPX Acircumflex Omacron -50\nKPX Acircumflex Oslash -50\nKPX Acircumflex Otilde -50\nKPX Acircumflex Q -55\nKPX Acircumflex T -55\nKPX Acircumflex Tcaron -55\nKPX Acircumflex Tcommaaccent -55\nKPX Acircumflex U -50\nKPX Acircumflex Uacute -50\nKPX Acircumflex Ucircumflex -50\nKPX Acircumflex Udieresis -50\nKPX Acircumflex Ugrave -50\nKPX Acircumflex Uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Acircumflex Umacron -50\nKPX Acircumflex Uogonek -50\nKPX Acircumflex Uring -50\nKPX Acircumflex V -95\nKPX Acircumflex W -100\nKPX Acircumflex Y -70\nKPX Acircumflex Yacute -70\nKPX Acircumflex Ydieresis -70\nKPX Acircumflex quoteright -74\nKPX Acircumflex u -30\nKPX Acircumflex uacute -30\nKPX Acircumflex ucircumflex -30\nKPX Acircumflex udieresis -30\nKPX Acircumflex ugrave -30\nKPX Acircumflex uhungarumlaut -30\nKPX Acircumflex umacron -30\nKPX Acircumflex uogonek -30\nKPX Acircumflex uring -30\nKPX Acircumflex v -74\nKPX Acircumflex w -74\nKPX Acircumflex y -74\nKPX Acircumflex yacute -74\nKPX Acircumflex ydieresis -74\nKPX Adieresis C -65\nKPX Adieresis Cacute -65\nKPX Adieresis Ccaron -65\nKPX Adieresis Ccedilla -65\nKPX Adieresis G -60\nKPX Adieresis Gbreve -60\nKPX Adieresis Gcommaaccent -60\nKPX Adieresis O -50\nKPX Adieresis Oacute -50\nKPX Adieresis Ocircumflex -50\nKPX Adieresis Odieresis -50\nKPX Adieresis Ograve -50\nKPX Adieresis Ohungarumlaut -50\nKPX Adieresis Omacron -50\nKPX Adieresis Oslash -50\nKPX Adieresis Otilde -50\nKPX Adieresis Q -55\nKPX Adieresis T -55\nKPX Adieresis Tcaron -55\nKPX Adieresis Tcommaaccent -55\nKPX Adieresis U -50\nKPX Adieresis Uacute -50\nKPX Adieresis Ucircumflex -50\nKPX Adieresis Udieresis -50\nKPX Adieresis Ugrave -50\nKPX Adieresis Uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Adieresis Umacron -50\nKPX Adieresis Uogonek -50\nKPX Adieresis Uring -50\nKPX Adieresis V -95\nKPX Adieresis W -100\nKPX Adieresis Y -70\nKPX Adieresis Yacute -70\nKPX Adieresis Ydieresis -70\nKPX Adieresis quoteright -74\nKPX Adieresis u -30\nKPX Adieresis uacute -30\nKPX Adieresis ucircumflex -30\nKPX Adieresis udieresis -30\nKPX Adieresis ugrave -30\nKPX Adieresis uhungarumlaut -30\nKPX Adieresis umacron -30\nKPX Adieresis uogonek -30\nKPX Adieresis uring -30\nKPX Adieresis v -74\nKPX Adieresis w -74\nKPX Adieresis y -74\nKPX Adieresis yacute -74\nKPX Adieresis ydieresis -74\nKPX Agrave C -65\nKPX Agrave Cacute -65\nKPX Agrave Ccaron -65\nKPX Agrave Ccedilla -65\nKPX Agrave G -60\nKPX Agrave Gbreve -60\nKPX Agrave Gcommaaccent -60\nKPX Agrave O -50\nKPX Agrave Oacute -50\nKPX Agrave Ocircumflex -50\nKPX Agrave Odieresis -50\nKPX Agrave Ograve -50\nKPX Agrave Ohungarumlaut -50\nKPX Agrave Omacron -50\nKPX Agrave Oslash -50\nKPX Agrave Otilde -50\nKPX Agrave Q -55\nKPX Agrave T -55\nKPX Agrave Tcaron -55\nKPX Agrave Tcommaaccent -55\nKPX Agrave U -50\nKPX Agrave Uacute -50\nKPX Agrave Ucircumflex -50\nKPX Agrave Udieresis -50\nKPX Agrave Ugrave -50\nKPX Agrave Uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Agrave Umacron -50\nKPX Agrave Uogonek -50\nKPX Agrave Uring -50\nKPX Agrave V -95\nKPX Agrave W -100\nKPX Agrave Y -70\nKPX Agrave Yacute -70\nKPX Agrave Ydieresis -70\nKPX Agrave quoteright -74\nKPX Agrave u -30\nKPX Agrave uacute -30\nKPX Agrave ucircumflex -30\nKPX Agrave udieresis -30\nKPX Agrave ugrave -30\nKPX Agrave uhungarumlaut -30\nKPX Agrave umacron -30\nKPX Agrave uogonek -30\nKPX Agrave uring -30\nKPX Agrave v -74\nKPX Agrave w -74\nKPX Agrave y -74\nKPX Agrave yacute -74\nKPX Agrave ydieresis -74\nKPX Amacron C -65\nKPX Amacron Cacute -65\nKPX Amacron Ccaron -65\nKPX Amacron Ccedilla -65\nKPX Amacron G -60\nKPX Amacron Gbreve -60\nKPX Amacron Gcommaaccent -60\nKPX Amacron O -50\nKPX Amacron Oacute -50\nKPX Amacron Ocircumflex -50\nKPX Amacron Odieresis -50\nKPX Amacron Ograve -50\nKPX Amacron Ohungarumlaut -50\nKPX Amacron Omacron -50\nKPX Amacron Oslash -50\nKPX Amacron Otilde -50\nKPX Amacron Q -55\nKPX Amacron T -55\nKPX Amacron Tcaron -55\nKPX Amacron Tcommaaccent -55\nKPX Amacron U -50\nKPX Amacron Uacute -50\nKPX Amacron Ucircumflex -50\nKPX Amacron Udieresis -50\nKPX Amacron Ugrave -50\nKPX Amacron Uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Amacron Umacron -50\nKPX Amacron Uogonek -50\nKPX Amacron Uring -50\nKPX Amacron V -95\nKPX Amacron W -100\nKPX Amacron Y -70\nKPX Amacron Yacute -70\nKPX Amacron Ydieresis -70\nKPX Amacron quoteright -74\nKPX Amacron u -30\nKPX Amacron uacute -30\nKPX Amacron ucircumflex -30\nKPX Amacron udieresis -30\nKPX Amacron ugrave -30\nKPX Amacron uhungarumlaut -30\nKPX Amacron umacron -30\nKPX Amacron uogonek -30\nKPX Amacron uring -30\nKPX Amacron v -74\nKPX Amacron w -74\nKPX Amacron y -74\nKPX Amacron yacute -74\nKPX Amacron ydieresis -74\nKPX Aogonek C -65\nKPX Aogonek Cacute -65\nKPX Aogonek Ccaron -65\nKPX Aogonek Ccedilla -65\nKPX Aogonek G -60\nKPX Aogonek Gbreve -60\nKPX Aogonek Gcommaaccent -60\nKPX Aogonek O -50\nKPX Aogonek Oacute -50\nKPX Aogonek Ocircumflex -50\nKPX Aogonek Odieresis -50\nKPX Aogonek Ograve -50\nKPX Aogonek Ohungarumlaut -50\nKPX Aogonek Omacron -50\nKPX Aogonek Oslash -50\nKPX Aogonek Otilde -50\nKPX Aogonek Q -55\nKPX Aogonek T -55\nKPX Aogonek Tcaron -55\nKPX Aogonek Tcommaaccent -55\nKPX Aogonek U -50\nKPX Aogonek Uacute -50\nKPX Aogonek Ucircumflex -50\nKPX Aogonek Udieresis -50\nKPX Aogonek Ugrave -50\nKPX Aogonek Uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Aogonek Umacron -50\nKPX Aogonek Uogonek -50\nKPX Aogonek Uring -50\nKPX Aogonek V -95\nKPX Aogonek W -100\nKPX Aogonek Y -70\nKPX Aogonek Yacute -70\nKPX Aogonek Ydieresis -70\nKPX Aogonek quoteright -74\nKPX Aogonek u -30\nKPX Aogonek uacute -30\nKPX Aogonek ucircumflex -30\nKPX Aogonek udieresis -30\nKPX Aogonek ugrave -30\nKPX Aogonek uhungarumlaut -30\nKPX Aogonek umacron -30\nKPX Aogonek uogonek -30\nKPX Aogonek uring -30\nKPX Aogonek v -74\nKPX Aogonek w -74\nKPX Aogonek y -34\nKPX Aogonek yacute -34\nKPX Aogonek ydieresis -34\nKPX Aring C -65\nKPX Aring Cacute -65\nKPX Aring Ccaron -65\nKPX Aring Ccedilla -65\nKPX Aring G -60\nKPX Aring Gbreve -60\nKPX Aring Gcommaaccent -60\nKPX Aring O -50\nKPX Aring Oacute -50\nKPX Aring Ocircumflex -50\nKPX Aring Odieresis -50\nKPX Aring Ograve -50\nKPX Aring Ohungarumlaut -50\nKPX Aring Omacron -50\nKPX Aring Oslash -50\nKPX Aring Otilde -50\nKPX Aring Q -55\nKPX Aring T -55\nKPX Aring Tcaron -55\nKPX Aring Tcommaaccent -55\nKPX Aring U -50\nKPX Aring Uacute -50\nKPX Aring Ucircumflex -50\nKPX Aring Udieresis -50\nKPX Aring Ugrave -50\nKPX Aring Uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Aring Umacron -50\nKPX Aring Uogonek -50\nKPX Aring Uring -50\nKPX Aring V -95\nKPX Aring W -100\nKPX Aring Y -70\nKPX Aring Yacute -70\nKPX Aring Ydieresis -70\nKPX Aring quoteright -74\nKPX Aring u -30\nKPX Aring uacute -30\nKPX Aring ucircumflex -30\nKPX Aring udieresis -30\nKPX Aring ugrave -30\nKPX Aring uhungarumlaut -30\nKPX Aring umacron -30\nKPX Aring uogonek -30\nKPX Aring uring -30\nKPX Aring v -74\nKPX Aring w -74\nKPX Aring y -74\nKPX Aring yacute -74\nKPX Aring ydieresis -74\nKPX Atilde C -65\nKPX Atilde Cacute -65\nKPX Atilde Ccaron -65\nKPX Atilde Ccedilla -65\nKPX Atilde G -60\nKPX Atilde Gbreve -60\nKPX Atilde Gcommaaccent -60\nKPX Atilde O -50\nKPX Atilde Oacute -50\nKPX Atilde Ocircumflex -50\nKPX Atilde Odieresis -50\nKPX Atilde Ograve -50\nKPX Atilde Ohungarumlaut -50\nKPX Atilde Omacron -50\nKPX Atilde Oslash -50\nKPX Atilde Otilde -50\nKPX Atilde Q -55\nKPX Atilde T -55\nKPX Atilde Tcaron -55\nKPX Atilde Tcommaaccent -55\nKPX Atilde U -50\nKPX Atilde Uacute -50\nKPX Atilde Ucircumflex -50\nKPX Atilde Udieresis -50\nKPX Atilde Ugrave -50\nKPX Atilde Uhungarumlaut -50\nKPX Atilde Umacron -50\nKPX Atilde Uogonek -50\nKPX Atilde Uring -50\nKPX Atilde V -95\nKPX Atilde W -100\nKPX Atilde Y -70\nKPX Atilde Yacute -70\nKPX Atilde Ydieresis -70\nKPX Atilde quoteright -74\nKPX Atilde u -30\nKPX Atilde uacute -30\nKPX Atilde ucircumflex -30\nKPX Atilde udieresis -30\nKPX Atilde ugrave -30\nKPX Atilde uhungarumlaut -30\nKPX Atilde umacron -30\nKPX Atilde uogonek -30\nKPX Atilde uring -30\nKPX Atilde v -74\nKPX Atilde w -74\nKPX Atilde y -74\nKPX Atilde yacute -74\nKPX Atilde ydieresis -74\nKPX B A -25\nKPX B Aacute -25\nKPX B Abreve -25\nKPX B Acircumflex -25\nKPX B Adieresis -25\nKPX B Agrave -25\nKPX B Amacron -25\nKPX B Aogonek -25\nKPX B Aring -25\nKPX B Atilde -25\nKPX B U -10\nKPX B Uacute -10\nKPX B Ucircumflex -10\nKPX B Udieresis -10\nKPX B Ugrave -10\nKPX B Uhungarumlaut -10\nKPX B Umacron -10\nKPX B Uogonek -10\nKPX B Uring -10\nKPX D A -25\nKPX D Aacute -25\nKPX D Abreve -25\nKPX D Acircumflex -25\nKPX D Adieresis -25\nKPX D Agrave -25\nKPX D Amacron -25\nKPX D Aogonek -25\nKPX D Aring -25\nKPX D Atilde -25\nKPX D V -50\nKPX D W -40\nKPX D Y -50\nKPX D Yacute -50\nKPX D Ydieresis -50\nKPX Dcaron A -25\nKPX Dcaron Aacute -25\nKPX Dcaron Abreve -25\nKPX Dcaron Acircumflex -25\nKPX Dcaron Adieresis -25\nKPX Dcaron Agrave -25\nKPX Dcaron Amacron -25\nKPX Dcaron Aogonek -25\nKPX Dcaron Aring -25\nKPX Dcaron Atilde -25\nKPX Dcaron V -50\nKPX Dcaron W -40\nKPX Dcaron Y -50\nKPX Dcaron Yacute -50\nKPX Dcaron Ydieresis -50\nKPX Dcroat A -25\nKPX Dcroat Aacute -25\nKPX Dcroat Abreve -25\nKPX Dcroat Acircumflex -25\nKPX Dcroat Adieresis -25\nKPX Dcroat Agrave -25\nKPX Dcroat Amacron -25\nKPX Dcroat Aogonek -25\nKPX Dcroat Aring -25\nKPX Dcroat Atilde -25\nKPX Dcroat V -50\nKPX Dcroat W -40\nKPX Dcroat Y -50\nKPX Dcroat Yacute -50\nKPX Dcroat Ydieresis -50\nKPX F A -100\nKPX F Aacute -100\nKPX F Abreve -100\nKPX F Acircumflex -100\nKPX F Adieresis -100\nKPX F Agrave -100\nKPX F Amacron -100\nKPX F Aogonek -100\nKPX F Aring -100\nKPX F Atilde -100\nKPX F a -95\nKPX F aacute -95\nKPX F abreve -95\nKPX F acircumflex -95\nKPX F adieresis -95\nKPX F agrave -95\nKPX F amacron -95\nKPX F aogonek -95\nKPX F aring -95\nKPX F atilde -95\nKPX F comma -129\nKPX F e -100\nKPX F eacute -100\nKPX F ecaron -100\nKPX F ecircumflex -100\nKPX F edieresis -100\nKPX F edotaccent -100\nKPX F egrave -100\nKPX F emacron -100\nKPX F eogonek -100\nKPX F i -40\nKPX F iacute -40\nKPX F icircumflex -40\nKPX F idieresis -40\nKPX F igrave -40\nKPX F imacron -40\nKPX F iogonek -40\nKPX F o -70\nKPX F oacute -70\nKPX F ocircumflex -70\nKPX F odieresis -70\nKPX F ograve -70\nKPX F ohungarumlaut -70\nKPX F omacron -70\nKPX F oslash -70\nKPX F otilde -70\nKPX F period -129\nKPX F r -50\nKPX F racute -50\nKPX F rcaron -50\nKPX F rcommaaccent -50\nKPX J A -25\nKPX J Aacute -25\nKPX J Abreve -25\nKPX J Acircumflex -25\nKPX J Adieresis -25\nKPX J Agrave -25\nKPX J Amacron -25\nKPX J Aogonek -25\nKPX J Aring -25\nKPX J Atilde -25\nKPX J a -40\nKPX J aacute -40\nKPX J abreve -40\nKPX J acircumflex -40\nKPX J adieresis -40\nKPX J agrave -40\nKPX J amacron -40\nKPX J aogonek -40\nKPX J aring -40\nKPX J atilde -40\nKPX J comma -10\nKPX J e -40\nKPX J eacute -40\nKPX J ecaron -40\nKPX J ecircumflex -40\nKPX J edieresis -40\nKPX J edotaccent -40\nKPX J egrave -40\nKPX J emacron -40\nKPX J eogonek -40\nKPX J o -40\nKPX J oacute -40\nKPX J ocircumflex -40\nKPX J odieresis -40\nKPX J ograve -40\nKPX J ohungarumlaut -40\nKPX J omacron -40\nKPX J oslash -40\nKPX J otilde -40\nKPX J period -10\nKPX J u -40\nKPX J uacute -40\nKPX J ucircumflex -40\nKPX J udieresis -40\nKPX J ugrave -40\nKPX J uhungarumlaut -40\nKPX J umacron -40\nKPX J uogonek -40\nKPX J uring -40\nKPX K O -30\nKPX K Oacute -30\nKPX K Ocircumflex -30\nKPX K Odieresis -30\nKPX K Ograve -30\nKPX K Ohungarumlaut -30\nKPX K Omacron -30\nKPX K Oslash -30\nKPX K Otilde -30\nKPX K e -25\nKPX K eacute -25\nKPX K ecaron -25\nKPX K ecircumflex -25\nKPX K edieresis -25\nKPX K edotaccent -25\nKPX K egrave -25\nKPX K emacron -25\nKPX K eogonek -25\nKPX K o -25\nKPX K oacute -25\nKPX K ocircumflex -25\nKPX K odieresis -25\nKPX K ograve -25\nKPX K ohungarumlaut -25\nKPX K omacron -25\nKPX K oslash -25\nKPX K otilde -25\nKPX K u -20\nKPX K uacute -20\nKPX K ucircumflex -20\nKPX K udieresis -20\nKPX K ugrave -20\nKPX K uhungarumlaut -20\nKPX K umacron -20\nKPX K uogonek -20\nKPX K uring -20\nKPX K y -20\nKPX K yacute -20\nKPX K ydieresis -20\nKPX Kcommaaccent O -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent Oacute -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent Ocircumflex -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent Odieresis -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent Ograve -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent Ohungarumlaut -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent Omacron -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent Oslash -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent Otilde -30\nKPX Kcommaaccent e -25\nKPX Kcommaaccent eacute -25\nKPX Kcommaaccent ecaron -25\nKPX Kcommaaccent ecircumflex -25\nKPX Kcommaaccent edieresis -25\nKPX Kcommaaccent edotaccent -25\nKPX Kcommaaccent egrave -25\nKPX Kcommaaccent emacron -25\nKPX Kcommaaccent eogonek -25\nKPX Kcommaaccent o -25\nKPX Kcommaaccent oacute -25\nKPX Kcommaaccent ocircumflex -25\nKPX Kcommaaccent odieresis -25\nKPX Kcommaaccent ograve -25\nKPX Kcommaaccent ohungarumlaut -25\nKPX Kcommaaccent omacron -25\nKPX Kcommaaccent oslash -25\nKPX Kcommaaccent otilde -25\nKPX Kcommaaccent u -20\nKPX Kcommaaccent uacute -20\nKPX Kcommaaccent ucircumflex -20\nKPX Kcommaaccent udieresis -20\nKPX Kcommaaccent ugrave -20\nKPX Kcommaaccent uhungarumlaut -20\nKPX Kcommaaccent umacron -20\nKPX Kcommaaccent uogonek -20\nKPX Kcommaaccent uring -20\nKPX Kcommaaccent y -20\nKPX Kcommaaccent yacute -20\nKPX Kcommaaccent ydieresis -20\nKPX L T -18\nKPX L Tcaron -18\nKPX L Tcommaaccent -18\nKPX L V -37\nKPX L W -37\nKPX L Y -37\nKPX L Yacute -37\nKPX L Ydieresis -37\nKPX L quoteright -55\nKPX L y -37\nKPX L yacute -37\nKPX L ydieresis -37\nKPX Lacute T -18\nKPX Lacute Tcaron -18\nKPX Lacute Tcommaaccent -18\nKPX Lacute V -37\nKPX Lacute W -37\nKPX Lacute Y -37\nKPX Lacute Yacute -37\nKPX Lacute Ydieresis -37\nKPX Lacute quoteright -55\nKPX Lacute y -37\nKPX Lacute yacute -37\nKPX Lacute ydieresis -37\nKPX Lcommaaccent T -18\nKPX Lcommaaccent Tcaron -18\nKPX Lcommaaccent Tcommaaccent -18\nKPX Lcommaaccent V -37\nKPX Lcommaaccent W -37\nKPX Lcommaaccent Y -37\nKPX Lcommaaccent Yacute -37\nKPX Lcommaaccent Ydieresis -37\nKPX Lcommaaccent quoteright -55\nKPX Lcommaaccent y -37\nKPX Lcommaaccent yacute -37\nKPX Lcommaaccent ydieresis -37\nKPX Lslash T -18\nKPX Lslash Tcaron -18\nKPX Lslash Tcommaaccent -18\nKPX Lslash V -37\nKPX Lslash W -37\nKPX Lslash Y -37\nKPX Lslash Yacute -37\nKPX Lslash Ydieresis -37\nKPX Lslash quoteright -55\nKPX Lslash y -37\nKPX Lslash yacute -37\nKPX Lslash ydieresis -37\nKPX N A -30\nKPX N Aacute -30\nKPX N Abreve -30\nKPX N Acircumflex -30\nKPX N Adieresis -30\nKPX N Agrave -30\nKPX N Amacron -30\nKPX N Aogonek -30\nKPX N Aring -30\nKPX N Atilde -30\nKPX Nacute A -30\nKPX Nacute Aacute -30\nKPX Nacute Abreve -30\nKPX Nacute Acircumflex -30\nKPX Nacute Adieresis -30\nKPX Nacute Agrave -30\nKPX Nacute Amacron -30\nKPX Nacute Aogonek -30\nKPX Nacute Aring -30\nKPX Nacute Atilde -30\nKPX Ncaron A -30\nKPX Ncaron Aacute -30\nKPX Ncaron Abreve -30\nKPX Ncaron Acircumflex -30\nKPX Ncaron Adieresis -30\nKPX Ncaron Agrave -30\nKPX Ncaron Amacron -30\nKPX Ncaron Aogonek -30\nKPX Ncaron Aring -30\nKPX Ncaron Atilde -30\nKPX Ncommaaccent A -30\nKPX Ncommaaccent Aacute -30\nKPX Ncommaaccent Abreve -30\nKPX Ncommaaccent Acircumflex -30\nKPX Ncommaaccent Adieresis -30\nKPX Ncommaaccent Agrave -30\nKPX Ncommaaccent Amacron -30\nKPX Ncommaaccent Aogonek -30\nKPX Ncommaaccent Aring -30\nKPX Ncommaaccent Atilde -30\nKPX Ntilde A -30\nKPX Ntilde Aacute -30\nKPX Ntilde Abreve -30\nKPX Ntilde Acircumflex -30\nKPX Ntilde Adieresis -30\nKPX Ntilde Agrave -30\nKPX Ntilde Amacron -30\nKPX Ntilde Aogonek -30\nKPX Ntilde Aring -30\nKPX Ntilde Atilde -30\nKPX O A -40\nKPX O Aacute -40\nKPX O Abreve -40\nKPX O Acircumflex -40\nKPX O Adieresis -40\nKPX O Agrave -40\nKPX O Amacron -40\nKPX O Aogonek -40\nKPX O Aring -40\nKPX O Atilde -40\nKPX O T -40\nKPX O Tcaron -40\nKPX O Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX O V -50\nKPX O W -50\nKPX O X -40\nKPX O Y -50\nKPX O Yacute -50\nKPX O Ydieresis -50\nKPX Oacute A -40\nKPX Oacute Aacute -40\nKPX Oacute Abreve -40\nKPX Oacute Acircumflex -40\nKPX Oacute Adieresis -40\nKPX Oacute Agrave -40\nKPX Oacute Amacron -40\nKPX Oacute Aogonek -40\nKPX Oacute Aring -40\nKPX Oacute Atilde -40\nKPX Oacute T -40\nKPX Oacute Tcaron -40\nKPX Oacute Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX Oacute V -50\nKPX Oacute W -50\nKPX Oacute X -40\nKPX Oacute Y -50\nKPX Oacute Yacute -50\nKPX Oacute Ydieresis -50\nKPX Ocircumflex A -40\nKPX Ocircumflex Aacute -40\nKPX Ocircumflex Abreve -40\nKPX Ocircumflex Acircumflex -40\nKPX Ocircumflex Adieresis -40\nKPX Ocircumflex Agrave -40\nKPX Ocircumflex Amacron -40\nKPX Ocircumflex Aogonek -40\nKPX Ocircumflex Aring -40\nKPX Ocircumflex Atilde -40\nKPX Ocircumflex T -40\nKPX Ocircumflex Tcaron -40\nKPX Ocircumflex Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX Ocircumflex V -50\nKPX Ocircumflex W -50\nKPX Ocircumflex X -40\nKPX Ocircumflex Y -50\nKPX Ocircumflex Yacute -50\nKPX Ocircumflex Ydieresis -50\nKPX Odieresis A -40\nKPX Odieresis Aacute -40\nKPX Odieresis Abreve -40\nKPX Odieresis Acircumflex -40\nKPX Odieresis Adieresis -40\nKPX Odieresis Agrave -40\nKPX Odieresis Amacron -40\nKPX Odieresis Aogonek -40\nKPX Odieresis Aring -40\nKPX Odieresis Atilde -40\nKPX Odieresis T -40\nKPX Odieresis Tcaron -40\nKPX Odieresis Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX Odieresis V -50\nKPX Odieresis W -50\nKPX Odieresis X -40\nKPX Odieresis Y -50\nKPX Odieresis Yacute -50\nKPX Odieresis Ydieresis -50\nKPX Ograve A -40\nKPX Ograve Aacute -40\nKPX Ograve Abreve -40\nKPX Ograve Acircumflex -40\nKPX Ograve Adieresis -40\nKPX Ograve Agrave -40\nKPX Ograve Amacron -40\nKPX Ograve Aogonek -40\nKPX Ograve Aring -40\nKPX Ograve Atilde -40\nKPX Ograve T -40\nKPX Ograve Tcaron -40\nKPX Ograve Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX Ograve V -50\nKPX Ograve W -50\nKPX Ograve X -40\nKPX Ograve Y -50\nKPX Ograve Yacute -50\nKPX Ograve Ydieresis -50\nKPX Ohungarumlaut A -40\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Aacute -40\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Abreve -40\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Acircumflex -40\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Adieresis -40\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Agrave -40\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Amacron -40\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Aogonek -40\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Aring -40\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Atilde -40\nKPX Ohungarumlaut T -40\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Tcaron -40\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX Ohungarumlaut V -50\nKPX Ohungarumlaut W -50\nKPX Ohungarumlaut X -40\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Y -50\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Yacute -50\nKPX Ohungarumlaut Ydieresis -50\nKPX Omacron A -40\nKPX Omacron Aacute -40\nKPX Omacron Abreve -40\nKPX Omacron Acircumflex -40\nKPX Omacron Adieresis -40\nKPX Omacron Agrave -40\nKPX Omacron Amacron -40\nKPX Omacron Aogonek -40\nKPX Omacron Aring -40\nKPX Omacron Atilde -40\nKPX Omacron T -40\nKPX Omacron Tcaron -40\nKPX Omacron Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX Omacron V -50\nKPX Omacron W -50\nKPX Omacron X -40\nKPX Omacron Y -50\nKPX Omacron Yacute -50\nKPX Omacron Ydieresis -50\nKPX Oslash A -40\nKPX Oslash Aacute -40\nKPX Oslash Abreve -40\nKPX Oslash Acircumflex -40\nKPX Oslash Adieresis -40\nKPX Oslash Agrave -40\nKPX Oslash Amacron -40\nKPX Oslash Aogonek -40\nKPX Oslash Aring -40\nKPX Oslash Atilde -40\nKPX Oslash T -40\nKPX Oslash Tcaron -40\nKPX Oslash Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX Oslash V -50\nKPX Oslash W -50\nKPX Oslash X -40\nKPX Oslash Y -50\nKPX Oslash Yacute -50\nKPX Oslash Ydieresis -50\nKPX Otilde A -40\nKPX Otilde Aacute -40\nKPX Otilde Abreve -40\nKPX Otilde Acircumflex -40\nKPX Otilde Adieresis -40\nKPX Otilde Agrave -40\nKPX Otilde Amacron -40\nKPX Otilde Aogonek -40\nKPX Otilde Aring -40\nKPX Otilde Atilde -40\nKPX Otilde T -40\nKPX Otilde Tcaron -40\nKPX Otilde Tcommaaccent -40\nKPX Otilde V -50\nKPX Otilde W -50\nKPX Otilde X -40\nKPX Otilde Y -50\nKPX Otilde Yacute -50\nKPX Otilde Ydieresis -50\nKPX P A -85\nKPX P Aacute -85\nKPX P Abreve -85\nKPX P Acircumflex -85\nKPX P Adieresis -85\nKPX P Agrave -85\nKPX P Amacron -85\nKPX P Aogonek -85\nKPX P Aring -85\nKPX P Atilde -85\nKPX P a -40\nKPX P aacute -40\nKPX P abreve -40\nKPX P acircumflex -40\nKPX P adieresis -40\nKPX P agrave -40\nKPX P amacron -40\nKPX P aogonek -40\nKPX P aring -40\nKPX P atilde -40\nKPX P comma -129\nKPX P e -50\nKPX P eacute -50\nKPX P ecaron -50\nKPX P ecircumflex -50\nKPX P edieresis -50\nKPX P edotaccent -50\nKPX P egrave -50\nKPX P emacron -50\nKPX P eogonek -50\nKPX P o -55\nKPX P oacute -55\nKPX P ocircumflex -55\nKPX P odieresis -55\nKPX P ograve -55\nKPX P ohungarumlaut -55\nKPX P omacron -55\nKPX P oslash -55\nKPX P otilde -55\nKPX P period -129\nKPX Q U -10\nKPX Q Uacute -10\nKPX Q Ucircumflex -10\nKPX Q Udieresis -10\nKPX Q Ugrave -10\nKPX Q Uhungarumlaut -10\nKPX Q Umacron -10\nKPX Q Uogonek -10\nKPX Q Uring -10\nKPX R O -40\nKPX R Oacute -40\nKPX R Ocircumflex -40\nKPX R Odieresis -40\nKPX R Ograve -40\nKPX R Ohungarumlaut -40\nKPX R Omacron -40\nKPX R Oslash -40\nKPX R Otilde -40\nKPX R T -30\nKPX R Tcaron -30\nKPX R Tcommaaccent -30\nKPX R U -40\nKPX R Uacute -40\nKPX R Ucircumflex -40\nKPX R Udieresis -40\nKPX R Ugrave -40\nKPX R Uhungarumlaut -40\nKPX R Umacron -40\nKPX R Uogonek -40\nKPX R Uring -40\nKPX R V -18\nKPX R W -18\nKPX R Y -18\nKPX R Yacute -18\nKPX R Ydieresis -18\nKPX Racute O -40\nKPX Racute Oacute -40\nKPX Racute Ocircumflex -40\nKPX Racute Odieresis -40\nKPX Racute Ograve -40\nKPX Racute Ohungarumlaut -40\nKPX Racute Omacron -40\nKPX Racute Oslash -40\nKPX Racute Otilde -40\nKPX Racute T -30\nKPX Racute Tcaron -30\nKPX Racute Tcommaaccent -30\nKPX Racute U -40\nKPX Racute Uacute -40\nKPX Racute Ucircumflex -40\nKPX Racute Udieresis -40\nKPX Racute Ugrave -40\nKPX Racute Uhungarumlaut -40\nKPX Racute Umacron -40\nKPX Racute Uogonek -40\nKPX Racute Uring -40\nKPX Racute V -18\nKPX Racute W -18\nKPX Racute Y -18\nKPX Racute Yacute -18\nKPX Racute Ydieresis -18\nKPX Rcaron O -40\nKPX Rcaron Oacute -40\nKPX Rcaron Ocircumflex -40\nKPX Rcaron Odieresis -40\nKPX Rcaron Ograve -40\nKPX Rcaron Ohungarumlaut -40\nKPX Rcaron Omacron -40\nKPX Rcaron Oslash -40\nKPX Rcaron Otilde -40\nKPX Rcaron T -30\nKPX Rcaron Tcaron -30\nKPX Rcaron Tcommaaccent -30\nKPX Rcaron U -40\nKPX Rcaron Uacute -40\nKPX Rcaron Ucircumflex -40\nKPX Rcaron Udieresis -40\nKPX Rcaron Ugrave -40\nKPX Rcaron Uhungarumlaut -40\nKPX Rcaron Umacron -40\nKPX Rcaron Uogonek -40\nKPX Rcaron Uring -40\nKPX Rcaron V -18\nKPX Rcaron W -18\nKPX Rcaron Y -18\nKPX Rcaron Yacute -18\nKPX Rcaron Ydieresis -18\nKPX Rcommaaccent O -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent Oacute -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent Ocircumflex -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent Odieresis -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent Ograve -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent Ohungarumlaut -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent Omacron -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent Oslash -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent Otilde -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent T -30\nKPX Rcommaaccent Tcaron -30\nKPX Rcommaaccent Tcommaaccent -30\nKPX Rcommaaccent U -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent Uacute -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent Ucircumflex -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent Udieresis -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent Ugrave -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent Uhungarumlaut -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent Umacron -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent Uogonek -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent Uring -40\nKPX Rcommaaccent V -18\nKPX Rcommaaccent W -18\nKPX Rcommaaccent Y -18\nKPX Rcommaaccent Yacute -18\nKPX Rcommaaccent Ydieresis -18\nKPX T A -55\nKPX T Aacute -55\nKPX T Abreve -55\nKPX T Acircumflex -55\nKPX T Adieresis -55\nKPX T Agrave -55\nKPX T Amacron -55\nKPX T Aogonek -55\nKPX T Aring -55\nKPX T Atilde -55\nKPX T O -18\nKPX T Oacute -18\nKPX T Ocircumflex -18\nKPX T Odieresis -18\nKPX T Ograve -18\nKPX T Ohungarumlaut -18\nKPX T Omacron -18\nKPX T Oslash -18\nKPX T Otilde -18\nKPX T a -92\nKPX T aacute -92\nKPX T abreve -92\nKPX T acircumflex -92\nKPX T adieresis -92\nKPX T agrave -92\nKPX T amacron -92\nKPX T aogonek -92\nKPX T aring -92\nKPX T atilde -92\nKPX T colon -74\nKPX T comma -92\nKPX T e -92\nKPX T eacute -92\nKPX T ecaron -92\nKPX T ecircumflex -92\nKPX T edieresis -52\nKPX T edotaccent -92\nKPX T egrave -52\nKPX T emacron -52\nKPX T eogonek -92\nKPX T hyphen -92\nKPX T i -37\nKPX T iacute -37\nKPX T iogonek -37\nKPX T o -95\nKPX T oacute -95\nKPX T ocircumflex -95\nKPX T odieresis -95\nKPX T ograve -95\nKPX T ohungarumlaut -95\nKPX T omacron -95\nKPX T oslash -95\nKPX T otilde -95\nKPX T period -92\nKPX T r -37\nKPX T racute -37\nKPX T rcaron -37\nKPX T rcommaaccent -37\nKPX T semicolon -74\nKPX T u -37\nKPX T uacute -37\nKPX T ucircumflex -37\nKPX T udieresis -37\nKPX T ugrave -37\nKPX T uhungarumlaut -37\nKPX T umacron -37\nKPX T uogonek -37\nKPX T uring -37\nKPX T w -37\nKPX T y -37\nKPX T yacute -37\nKPX T ydieresis -37\nKPX Tcaron A -55\nKPX Tcaron Aacute -55\nKPX Tcaron Abreve -55\nKPX Tcaron Acircumflex -55\nKPX Tcaron Adieresis -55\nKPX Tcaron Agrave -55\nKPX Tcaron Amacron -55\nKPX Tcaron Aogonek -55\nKPX Tcaron Aring -55\nKPX Tcaron Atilde -55\nKPX Tcaron O -18\nKPX Tcaron Oacute -18\nKPX Tcaron Ocircumflex -18\nKPX Tcaron Odieresis -18\nKPX Tcaron Ograve -18\nKPX Tcaron Ohungarumlaut -18\nKPX Tcaron Omacron -18\nKPX Tcaron Oslash -18\nKPX Tcaron Otilde -18\nKPX Tcaron a -92\nKPX Tcaron aacute -92\nKPX Tcaron abreve -92\nKPX Tcaron acircumflex -92\nKPX Tcaron adieresis -92\nKPX Tcaron agrave -92\nKPX Tcaron amacron -92\nKPX Tcaron aogonek -92\nKPX Tcaron aring -92\nKPX Tcaron atilde -92\nKPX Tcaron colon -74\nKPX Tcaron comma -92\nKPX Tcaron e -92\nKPX Tcaron eacute -92\nKPX Tcaron ecaron -92\nKPX Tcaron ecircumflex -92\nKPX Tcaron edieresis -52\nKPX Tcaron edotaccent -92\nKPX Tcaron egrave -52\nKPX Tcaron emacron -52\nKPX Tcaron eogonek -92\nKPX Tcaron hyphen -92\nKPX Tcaron i -37\nKPX Tcaron iacute -37\nKPX Tcaron iogonek -37\nKPX Tcaron o -95\nKPX Tcaron oacute -95\nKPX Tcaron ocircumflex -95\nKPX Tcaron odieresis -95\nKPX Tcaron ograve -95\nKPX Tcaron ohungarumlaut -95\nKPX Tcaron omacron -95\nKPX Tcaron oslash -95\nKPX Tcaron otilde -95\nKPX Tcaron period -92\nKPX Tcaron r -37\nKPX Tcaron racute -37\nKPX Tcaron rcaron -37\nKPX Tcaron rcommaaccent -37\nKPX Tcaron semicolon -74\nKPX Tcaron u -37\nKPX Tcaron uacute -37\nKPX Tcaron ucircumflex -37\nKPX Tcaron udieresis -37\nKPX Tcaron ugrave -37\nKPX Tcaron uhungarumlaut -37\nKPX Tcaron umacron -37\nKPX Tcaron uogonek -37\nKPX Tcaron uring -37\nKPX Tcaron w -37\nKPX Tcaron y -37\nKPX Tcaron yacute -37\nKPX Tcaron ydieresis -37\nKPX Tcommaaccent A -55\nKPX Tcommaaccent Aacute -55\nKPX Tcommaaccent Abreve -55\nKPX Tcommaaccent Acircumflex -55\nKPX Tcommaaccent Adieresis -55\nKPX Tcommaaccent Agrave -55\nKPX Tcommaaccent Amacron -55\nKPX Tcommaaccent Aogonek -55\nKPX Tcommaaccent Aring -55\nKPX Tcommaaccent Atilde -55\nKPX Tcommaaccent O -18\nKPX Tcommaaccent Oacute -18\nKPX Tcommaaccent Ocircumflex -18\nKPX Tcommaaccent Odieresis -18\nKPX Tcommaaccent Ograve -18\nKPX Tcommaaccent Ohungarumlaut -18\nKPX Tcommaaccent Omacron -18\nKPX Tcommaaccent Oslash -18\nKPX Tcommaaccent Otilde -18\nKPX Tcommaaccent a -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent aacute -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent abreve -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent acircumflex -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent adieresis -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent agrave -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent amacron -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent aogonek -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent aring -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent atilde -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent colon -74\nKPX Tcommaaccent comma -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent e -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent eacute -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent ecaron -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent ecircumflex -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent edieresis -52\nKPX Tcommaaccent edotaccent -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent egrave -52\nKPX Tcommaaccent emacron -52\nKPX Tcommaaccent eogonek -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent hyphen -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent i -37\nKPX Tcommaaccent iacute -37\nKPX Tcommaaccent iogonek -37\nKPX Tcommaaccent o -95\nKPX Tcommaaccent oacute -95\nKPX Tcommaaccent ocircumflex -95\nKPX Tcommaaccent odieresis -95\nKPX Tcommaaccent ograve -95\nKPX Tcommaaccent ohungarumlaut -95\nKPX Tcommaaccent omacron -95\nKPX Tcommaaccent oslash -95\nKPX Tcommaaccent otilde -95\nKPX Tcommaaccent period -92\nKPX Tcommaaccent r -37\nKPX Tcommaaccent racute -37\nKPX Tcommaaccent rcaron -37\nKPX Tcommaaccent rcommaaccent -37\nKPX Tcommaaccent semicolon -74\nKPX Tcommaaccent u -37\nKPX Tcommaaccent uacute -37\nKPX Tcommaaccent ucircumflex -37\nKPX Tcommaaccent udieresis -37\nKPX Tcommaaccent ugrave -37\nKPX Tcommaaccent uhungarumlaut -37\nKPX Tcommaaccent umacron -37\nKPX Tcommaaccent uogonek -37\nKPX Tcommaaccent uring -37\nKPX Tcommaaccent w -37\nKPX Tcommaaccent y -37\nKPX Tcommaaccent yacute -37\nKPX Tcommaaccent ydieresis -37\nKPX U A -45\nKPX U Aacute -45\nKPX U Abreve -45\nKPX U Acircumflex -45\nKPX U Adieresis -45\nKPX U Agrave -45\nKPX U Amacron -45\nKPX U Aogonek -45\nKPX U Aring -45\nKPX U Atilde -45\nKPX Uacute A -45\nKPX Uacute Aacute -45\nKPX Uacute Abreve -45\nKPX Uacute Acircumflex -45\nKPX Uacute Adieresis -45\nKPX Uacute Agrave -45\nKPX Uacute Amacron -45\nKPX Uacute Aogonek -45\nKPX Uacute Aring -45\nKPX Uacute Atilde -45\nKPX Ucircumflex A -45\nKPX Ucircumflex Aacute -45\nKPX Ucircumflex Abreve -45\nKPX Ucircumflex Acircumflex -45\nKPX Ucircumflex Adieresis -45\nKPX Ucircumflex Agrave -45\nKPX Ucircumflex Amacron -45\nKPX Ucircumflex Aogonek -45\nKPX Ucircumflex Aring -45\nKPX Ucircumflex Atilde -45\nKPX Udieresis A -45\nKPX Udieresis Aacute -45\nKPX Udieresis Abreve -45\nKPX Udieresis Acircumflex -45\nKPX Udieresis Adieresis -45\nKPX Udieresis Agrave -45\nKPX Udieresis Amacron -45\nKPX Udieresis Aogonek -45\nKPX Udieresis Aring -45\nKPX Udieresis Atilde -45\nKPX Ugrave A -45\nKPX Ugrave Aacute -45\nKPX Ugrave Abreve -45\nKPX Ugrave Acircumflex -45\nKPX Ugrave Adieresis -45\nKPX Ugrave Agrave -45\nKPX Ugrave Amacron -45\nKPX Ugrave Aogonek -45\nKPX Ugrave Aring -45\nKPX Ugrave Atilde -45\nKPX Uhungarumlaut A -45\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Aacute -45\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Abreve -45\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Acircumflex -45\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Adieresis -45\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Agrave -45\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Amacron -45\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Aogonek -45\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Aring -45\nKPX Uhungarumlaut Atilde -45\nKPX Umacron A -45\nKPX Umacron Aacute -45\nKPX Umacron Abreve -45\nKPX Umacron Acircumflex -45\nKPX Umacron Adieresis -45\nKPX Umacron Agrave -45\nKPX Umacron Amacron -45\nKPX Umacron Aogonek -45\nKPX Umacron Aring -45\nKPX Umacron Atilde -45\nKPX Uogonek A -45\nKPX Uogonek Aacute -45\nKPX Uogonek Abreve -45\nKPX Uogonek Acircumflex -45\nKPX Uogonek Adieresis -45\nKPX Uogonek Agrave -45\nKPX Uogonek Amacron -45\nKPX Uogonek Aogonek -45\nKPX Uogonek Aring -45\nKPX Uogonek Atilde -45\nKPX Uring A -45\nKPX Uring Aacute -45\nKPX Uring Abreve -45\nKPX Uring Acircumflex -45\nKPX Uring Adieresis -45\nKPX Uring Agrave -45\nKPX Uring Amacron -45\nKPX Uring Aogonek -45\nKPX Uring Aring -45\nKPX Uring Atilde -45\nKPX V A -85\nKPX V Aacute -85\nKPX V Abreve -85\nKPX V Acircumflex -85\nKPX V Adieresis -85\nKPX V Agrave -85\nKPX V Amacron -85\nKPX V Aogonek -85\nKPX V Aring -85\nKPX V Atilde -85\nKPX V G -10\nKPX V Gbreve -10\nKPX V Gcommaaccent -10\nKPX V O -30\nKPX V Oacute -30\nKPX V Ocircumflex -30\nKPX V Odieresis -30\nKPX V Ograve -30\nKPX V Ohungarumlaut -30\nKPX V Omacron -30\nKPX V Oslash -30\nKPX V Otilde -30\nKPX V a -111\nKPX V aacute -111\nKPX V abreve -111\nKPX V acircumflex -111\nKPX V adieresis -111\nKPX V agrave -111\nKPX V amacron -111\nKPX V aogonek -111\nKPX V aring -111\nKPX V atilde -111\nKPX V colon -74\nKPX V comma -129\nKPX V e -111\nKPX V eacute -111\nKPX V ecaron -111\nKPX V ecircumflex -111\nKPX V edieresis -71\nKPX V edotaccent -111\nKPX V egrave -71\nKPX V emacron -71\nKPX V eogonek -111\nKPX V hyphen 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colon -55\nKPX W comma -74\nKPX W e -90\nKPX W eacute -90\nKPX W ecaron -90\nKPX W ecircumflex -90\nKPX W edieresis -50\nKPX W edotaccent -90\nKPX W egrave -50\nKPX W emacron -50\nKPX W eogonek -90\nKPX W hyphen -50\nKPX W i -37\nKPX W iacute -37\nKPX W iogonek -37\nKPX W o -80\nKPX W oacute -80\nKPX W ocircumflex -80\nKPX W odieresis -80\nKPX W ograve -80\nKPX W ohungarumlaut -80\nKPX W omacron -80\nKPX W oslash -80\nKPX W otilde -80\nKPX W period -74\nKPX W semicolon -55\nKPX W u -55\nKPX W uacute -55\nKPX W ucircumflex -55\nKPX W udieresis -55\nKPX W ugrave -55\nKPX W uhungarumlaut -55\nKPX W umacron -55\nKPX W uogonek -55\nKPX W uring -55\nKPX W y -55\nKPX W yacute -55\nKPX W ydieresis -55\nKPX Y A -74\nKPX Y Aacute -74\nKPX Y Abreve -74\nKPX Y Acircumflex -74\nKPX Y Adieresis -74\nKPX Y Agrave -74\nKPX Y Amacron -74\nKPX Y Aogonek -74\nKPX Y Aring -74\nKPX Y Atilde -74\nKPX Y O -25\nKPX Y Oacute -25\nKPX Y Ocircumflex -25\nKPX Y Odieresis -25\nKPX Y Ograve -25\nKPX Y Ohungarumlaut 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WX 788 ; N a133 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;\nC 186 ; WX 788 ; N a134 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;\nC 187 ; WX 788 ; N a135 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;\nC 188 ; WX 788 ; N a136 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;\nC 189 ; WX 788 ; N a137 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;\nC 190 ; WX 788 ; N a138 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;\nC 191 ; WX 788 ; N a139 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;\nC 192 ; WX 788 ; N a140 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;\nC 193 ; WX 788 ; N a141 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;\nC 194 ; WX 788 ; N a142 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;\nC 195 ; WX 788 ; N a143 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;\nC 196 ; WX 788 ; N a144 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;\nC 197 ; WX 788 ; N a145 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;\nC 198 ; WX 788 ; N a146 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;\nC 199 ; WX 788 ; N a147 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;\nC 200 ; WX 788 ; N a148 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;\nC 201 ; WX 788 ; N a149 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;\nC 202 ; WX 788 ; N a150 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;\nC 203 ; WX 788 ; N a151 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;\nC 204 ; WX 788 ; N a152 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;\nC 205 ; WX 788 ; N a153 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;\nC 206 ; WX 788 ; N a154 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;\nC 207 ; WX 788 ; N a155 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;\nC 208 ; WX 788 ; N a156 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;\nC 209 ; WX 788 ; N a157 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;\nC 210 ; WX 788 ; N a158 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;\nC 211 ; WX 788 ; N a159 ; B 35 -14 754 705 ;\nC 212 ; WX 894 ; N a160 ; B 35 58 860 634 ;\nC 213 ; WX 838 ; N a161 ; B 35 152 803 540 ;\nC 214 ; WX 1016 ; N a163 ; B 34 152 981 540 ;\nC 215 ; WX 458 ; N a164 ; B 35 -127 422 820 ;\nC 216 ; WX 748 ; N a196 ; B 35 94 698 597 ;\nC 217 ; WX 924 ; N a165 ; B 35 140 890 552 ;\nC 218 ; WX 748 ; N a192 ; B 35 94 698 597 ;\nC 219 ; WX 918 ; N a166 ; B 35 166 884 526 ;\nC 220 ; WX 927 ; N a167 ; B 35 32 892 660 ;\nC 221 ; WX 928 ; N a168 ; B 35 129 891 562 ;\nC 222 ; WX 928 ; N a169 ; B 35 128 893 563 ;\nC 223 ; WX 834 ; N a170 ; B 35 155 799 537 ;\nC 224 ; WX 873 ; N a171 ; B 35 93 838 599 ;\nC 225 ; WX 828 ; N a172 ; B 35 104 791 588 ;\nC 226 ; WX 924 ; N a173 ; B 35 98 889 594 ;\nC 227 ; WX 924 ; N a162 ; B 35 98 889 594 ;\nC 228 ; WX 917 ; N a174 ; B 35 0 882 692 ;\nC 229 ; WX 930 ; N a175 ; B 35 84 896 608 ;\nC 230 ; WX 931 ; N a176 ; B 35 84 896 608 ;\nC 231 ; WX 463 ; N a177 ; B 35 -99 429 791 ;\nC 232 ; WX 883 ; N a178 ; B 35 71 848 623 ;\nC 233 ; WX 836 ; N a179 ; B 35 44 802 648 ;\nC 234 ; WX 836 ; N a193 ; B 35 44 802 648 ;\nC 235 ; WX 867 ; N a180 ; B 35 101 832 591 ;\nC 236 ; WX 867 ; N a199 ; B 35 101 832 591 ;\nC 237 ; WX 696 ; N a181 ; B 35 44 661 648 ;\nC 238 ; WX 696 ; N a200 ; B 35 44 661 648 ;\nC 239 ; WX 874 ; N a182 ; B 35 77 840 619 ;\nC 241 ; WX 874 ; N a201 ; B 35 73 840 615 ;\nC 242 ; WX 760 ; N a183 ; B 35 0 725 692 ;\nC 243 ; WX 946 ; N a184 ; B 35 160 911 533 ;\nC 244 ; WX 771 ; N a197 ; B 34 37 736 655 ;\nC 245 ; WX 865 ; N a185 ; B 35 207 830 481 ;\nC 246 ; WX 771 ; N a194 ; B 34 37 736 655 ;\nC 247 ; WX 888 ; N a198 ; B 34 -19 853 712 ;\nC 248 ; WX 967 ; N a186 ; B 35 124 932 568 ;\nC 249 ; WX 888 ; N a195 ; B 34 -19 853 712 ;\nC 250 ; WX 831 ; N a187 ; B 35 113 796 579 ;\nC 251 ; WX 873 ; N a188 ; B 36 118 838 578 ;\nC 252 ; WX 927 ; N a189 ; B 35 150 891 542 ;\nC 253 ; WX 970 ; N a190 ; B 35 76 931 616 ;\nC 254 ; WX 918 ; N a191 ; B 34 99 884 593 ;\nEndCharMetrics\nEndFontMetrics\n";
class StandardFont extends PDFFont {
constructor(document, name, id) {
this.document = document; = name; = id;
this.font = new AFMFont(STANDARD_FONTS[]());
ascender: this.ascender,
descender: this.descender,
bbox: this.bbox,
lineGap: this.lineGap,
xHeight: this.xHeight,
capHeight: this.capHeight
} = this.font);
embed() { = {
Type: 'Font',
Subtype: 'Type1',
Encoding: 'WinAnsiEncoding'
return this.dictionary.end();
encode(text) {
const encoded = this.font.encodeText(text);
const glyphs = this.font.glyphsForString(`${text}`);
const advances = this.font.advancesForGlyphs(glyphs);
const positions = [];
for (let i = 0; i < glyphs.length; i++) {
const glyph = glyphs[i];
xAdvance: advances[i],
yAdvance: 0,
xOffset: 0,
yOffset: 0,
advanceWidth: this.font.widthOfGlyph(glyph)
return [encoded, positions];
widthOfString(string, size) {
const glyphs = this.font.glyphsForString(`${string}`);
const advances = this.font.advancesForGlyphs(glyphs);
let width = 0;
for (let advance of advances) {
width += advance;
const scale = size / 1000;
return width * scale;
static isStandardFont(name) {
return name in STANDARD_FONTS;
const toHex = function (num) {
return `0000${num.toString(16)}`.slice(-4);
class EmbeddedFont extends PDFFont {
constructor(document, font, id) {
this.document = document;
this.font = font; = id;
this.subset = this.font.createSubset();
this.unicode = [[0]];
this.widths = [this.font.getGlyph(0).advanceWidth]; = this.font.postscriptName;
this.scale = 1000 / this.font.unitsPerEm;
this.ascender = this.font.ascent * this.scale;
this.descender = this.font.descent * this.scale;
this.xHeight = this.font.xHeight * this.scale;
this.capHeight = this.font.capHeight * this.scale;
this.lineGap = this.font.lineGap * this.scale;
this.bbox = this.font.bbox;
if (document.options.fontLayoutCache !== false) {
this.layoutCache = Object.create(null);
layoutRun(text, features) {
const run = this.font.layout(text, features); // Normalize position values
for (let i = 0; i < run.positions.length; i++) {
const position = run.positions[i];
for (let key in position) {
position[key] *= this.scale;
position.advanceWidth = run.glyphs[i].advanceWidth * this.scale;
return run;
layoutCached(text) {
if (!this.layoutCache) {
return this.layoutRun(text);
let cached;
if (cached = this.layoutCache[text]) {
return cached;
const run = this.layoutRun(text);
this.layoutCache[text] = run;
return run;
layout(text, features, onlyWidth) {
// Skip the cache if any user defined features are applied
if (features) {
return this.layoutRun(text, features);
let glyphs = onlyWidth ? null : [];
let positions = onlyWidth ? null : [];
let advanceWidth = 0; // Split the string by words to increase cache efficiency.
// For this purpose, spaces and tabs are a good enough delimeter.
let last = 0;
let index = 0;
while (index <= text.length) {
var needle;
if (index === text.length && last < index || (needle = text.charAt(index), [' ', '\t'].includes(needle))) {
const run = this.layoutCached(text.slice(last, ++index));
if (!onlyWidth) {
glyphs = glyphs.concat(run.glyphs);
positions = positions.concat(run.positions);
advanceWidth += run.advanceWidth;
last = index;
} else {
return {
encode(text, features) {
const {
} = this.layout(text, features);
const res = [];
for (let i = 0; i < glyphs.length; i++) {
const glyph = glyphs[i];
const gid = this.subset.includeGlyph(;
if (this.widths[gid] == null) {
this.widths[gid] = glyph.advanceWidth * this.scale;
if (this.unicode[gid] == null) {
this.unicode[gid] = glyph.codePoints;
return [res, positions];
widthOfString(string, size, features) {
const width = this.layout(string, features, true).advanceWidth;
const scale = size / 1000;
return width * scale;
embed() {
const isCFF = this.subset.cff != null;
const fontFile = this.document.ref();
if (isCFF) { = 'CIDFontType0C';
this.subset.encodeStream().on('data', data => fontFile.write(data)).on('end', () => fontFile.end());
const familyClass = ((this.font['OS/2'] != null ? this.font['OS/2'].sFamilyClass : undefined) || 0) >> 8;
let flags = 0;
if ( {
flags |= 1 << 0;
if (1 <= familyClass && familyClass <= 7) {
flags |= 1 << 1;
flags |= 1 << 2; // assume the font uses non-latin characters
if (familyClass === 10) {
flags |= 1 << 3;
if (this.font.head.macStyle.italic) {
flags |= 1 << 6;
} // generate a tag (6 uppercase letters. 16 is the char code offset from '1' to 'A'. 74 will map to 'Z')
const tag = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].map(i => String.fromCharCode(( || 74) + 16)).join('');
const name = tag + '+' + this.font.postscriptName;
const {
} = this.font;
const descriptor = this.document.ref({
Type: 'FontDescriptor',
FontName: name,
Flags: flags,
FontBBox: [bbox.minX * this.scale, bbox.minY * this.scale, bbox.maxX * this.scale, bbox.maxY * this.scale],
ItalicAngle: this.font.italicAngle,
Ascent: this.ascender,
Descent: this.descender,
CapHeight: (this.font.capHeight || this.font.ascent) * this.scale,
XHeight: (this.font.xHeight || 0) * this.scale,
StemV: 0
}); // not sure how to calculate this
if (isCFF) { = fontFile;
} else { = fontFile;
const descendantFontData = {
Type: 'Font',
Subtype: 'CIDFontType0',
BaseFont: name,
CIDSystemInfo: {
Registry: new String('Adobe'),
Ordering: new String('Identity'),
Supplement: 0
FontDescriptor: descriptor,
W: [0, this.widths]
if (!isCFF) {
descendantFontData.Subtype = 'CIDFontType2';
descendantFontData.CIDToGIDMap = 'Identity';
const descendantFont = this.document.ref(descendantFontData);
descendantFont.end(); = {
Type: 'Font',
Subtype: 'Type0',
BaseFont: name,
Encoding: 'Identity-H',
DescendantFonts: [descendantFont],
ToUnicode: this.toUnicodeCmap()
return this.dictionary.end();
} // Maps the glyph ids encoded in the PDF back to unicode strings
// Because of ligature substitutions and the like, there may be one or more
// unicode characters represented by each glyph.
toUnicodeCmap() {
const cmap = this.document.ref();
const entries = [];
for (let codePoints of this.unicode) {
const encoded = []; // encode codePoints to utf16
for (let value of codePoints) {
if (value > 0xffff) {
value -= 0x10000;
encoded.push(toHex(value >>> 10 & 0x3ff | 0xd800));
value = 0xdc00 | value & 0x3ff;
entries.push(`<${encoded.join(' ')}>`);
/CIDInit /ProcSet findresource begin
12 dict begin
/CIDSystemInfo <<
/Registry (Adobe)
/Ordering (UCS)
/Supplement 0
>> def
/CMapName /Adobe-Identity-UCS def
/CMapType 2 def
1 begincodespacerange
1 beginbfrange
<0000> <${toHex(entries.length - 1)}> [${entries.join(' ')}]
CMapName currentdict /CMap defineresource pop
return cmap;
class PDFFontFactory {
static open(document, src, family, id) {
let font;
if (typeof src === 'string') {
if (StandardFont.isStandardFont(src)) {
return new StandardFont(document, src, id);
src = fs.readFileSync(src);
if (Buffer.isBuffer(src)) {
font = fontkit.create(src, family);
} else if (src instanceof Uint8Array) {
font = fontkit.create(new Buffer(src), family);
} else if (src instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
font = fontkit.create(new Buffer(new Uint8Array(src)), family);
if (font == null) {
throw new Error('Not a supported font format or standard PDF font.');
return new EmbeddedFont(document, font, id);
var FontsMixin = {
initFonts(defaultFont = 'Helvetica') {
// Lookup table for embedded fonts
this._fontFamilies = {};
this._fontCount = 0; // Font state
this._fontSize = 12;
this._font = null;
this._registeredFonts = {}; // Set the default font
if (defaultFont) {
font(src, family, size) {
let cacheKey, font;
if (typeof family === 'number') {
size = family;
family = null;
} // check registered fonts if src is a string
if (typeof src === 'string' && this._registeredFonts[src]) {
cacheKey = src;
} = this._registeredFonts[src]);
} else {
cacheKey = family || src;
if (typeof cacheKey !== 'string') {
cacheKey = null;
if (size != null) {
} // fast path: check if the font is already in the PDF
if (font = this._fontFamilies[cacheKey]) {
this._font = font;
return this;
} // load the font
const id = `F${++this._fontCount}`;
this._font =, src, family, id); // check for existing font familes with the same name already in the PDF
// useful if the font was passed as a buffer
if (font = this._fontFamilies[]) {
this._font = font;
return this;
} // save the font for reuse later
if (cacheKey) {
this._fontFamilies[cacheKey] = this._font;
if ( {
this._fontFamilies[] = this._font;
return this;
fontSize(_fontSize) {
this._fontSize = _fontSize;
return this;
currentLineHeight(includeGap) {
if (includeGap == null) {
includeGap = false;
return this._font.lineHeight(this._fontSize, includeGap);
registerFont(name, src, family) {
this._registeredFonts[name] = {
return this;
class LineWrapper extends events.EventEmitter {
constructor(document, options) {
this.document = document;
this.indent = options.indent || 0;
this.characterSpacing = options.characterSpacing || 0;
this.wordSpacing = options.wordSpacing === 0;
this.columns = options.columns || 1;
this.columnGap = options.columnGap != null ? options.columnGap : 18; // 1/4 inch
this.lineWidth = (options.width - this.columnGap * (this.columns - 1)) / this.columns;
this.spaceLeft = this.lineWidth;
this.startX = this.document.x;
this.startY = this.document.y;
this.column = 1;
this.ellipsis = options.ellipsis;
this.continuedX = 0;
this.features = options.features; // calculate the maximum Y position the text can appear at
if (options.height != null) {
this.height = options.height;
this.maxY = this.startY + options.height;
} else {
this.maxY =;
} // handle paragraph indents
this.on('firstLine', options => {
// if this is the first line of the text segment, and
// we're continuing where we left off, indent that much
// otherwise use the user specified indent option
const indent = this.continuedX || this.indent;
this.document.x += indent;
this.lineWidth -= indent;
return this.once('line', () => {
this.document.x -= indent;
this.lineWidth += indent;
if (options.continued && !this.continuedX) {
this.continuedX = this.indent;
if (!options.continued) {
return this.continuedX = 0;
}); // handle left aligning last lines of paragraphs
this.on('lastLine', options => {
const {
} = options;
if (align === 'justify') {
options.align = 'left';
this.lastLine = true;
return this.once('line', () => {
this.document.y += options.paragraphGap || 0;
options.align = align;
return this.lastLine = false;
wordWidth(word) {
return this.document.widthOfString(word, this) + this.characterSpacing + this.wordSpacing;
eachWord(text, fn) {
// setup a unicode line breaker
let bk;
const breaker = new LineBreaker(text);
let last = null;
const wordWidths = Object.create(null);
while (bk = breaker.nextBreak()) {
var shouldContinue;
let word = text.slice((last != null ? last.position : undefined) || 0, bk.position);
let w = wordWidths[word] != null ? wordWidths[word] : wordWidths[word] = this.wordWidth(word); // if the word is longer than the whole line, chop it up
// TODO: break by grapheme clusters, not JS string characters
if (w > this.lineWidth + this.continuedX) {
// make some fake break objects
let lbk = last;
const fbk = {};
while (word.length) {
// fit as much of the word as possible into the space we have
var l, mightGrow;
if (w > this.spaceLeft) {
// start our check at the end of our available space - this method is faster than a loop of each character and it resolves
// an issue with long loops when processing massive words, such as a huge number of spaces
l = Math.ceil(this.spaceLeft / (w / word.length));
w = this.wordWidth(word.slice(0, l));
mightGrow = w <= this.spaceLeft && l < word.length;
} else {
l = word.length;
let mustShrink = w > this.spaceLeft && l > 0; // shrink or grow word as necessary after our near-guess above
while (mustShrink || mightGrow) {
if (mustShrink) {
w = this.wordWidth(word.slice(0, --l));
mustShrink = w > this.spaceLeft && l > 0;
} else {
w = this.wordWidth(word.slice(0, ++l));
mustShrink = w > this.spaceLeft && l > 0;
mightGrow = w <= this.spaceLeft && l < word.length;
} // check for the edge case where a single character cannot fit into a line.
if (l === 0 && this.spaceLeft === this.lineWidth) {
l = 1;
} // send a required break unless this is the last piece and a linebreak is not specified
fbk.required = bk.required || l < word.length;
shouldContinue = fn(word.slice(0, l), w, fbk, lbk);
lbk = {
required: false
}; // get the remaining piece of the word
word = word.slice(l);
w = this.wordWidth(word);
if (shouldContinue === false) {
} else {
// otherwise just emit the break as it was given to us
shouldContinue = fn(word, w, bk, last);
if (shouldContinue === false) {
last = bk;
wrap(text, options) {
// override options from previous continued fragments
if (options.indent != null) {
this.indent = options.indent;
if (options.characterSpacing != null) {
this.characterSpacing = options.characterSpacing;
if (options.wordSpacing != null) {
this.wordSpacing = options.wordSpacing;
if (options.ellipsis != null) {
this.ellipsis = options.ellipsis;
} // make sure we're actually on the page
// and that the first line of is never by
// itself at the bottom of a page (orphans)
const nextY = this.document.y + this.document.currentLineHeight(true);
if (this.document.y > this.maxY || nextY > this.maxY) {
let buffer = '';
let textWidth = 0;
let wc = 0;
let lc = 0;
let {
} = this.document; // used to reset Y pos if options.continued (below)
const emitLine = () => {
options.textWidth = textWidth + this.wordSpacing * (wc - 1);
options.wordCount = wc;
options.lineWidth = this.lineWidth;
} = this.document);
this.emit('line', buffer, options, this);
return lc++;
this.emit('sectionStart', options, this);
this.eachWord(text, (word, w, bk, last) => {
if (last == null || last.required) {
this.emit('firstLine', options, this);
this.spaceLeft = this.lineWidth;
if (w <= this.spaceLeft) {
buffer += word;
textWidth += w;
if (bk.required || w > this.spaceLeft) {
// if the user specified a max height and an ellipsis, and is about to pass the
// max height and max columns after the next line, append the ellipsis
const lh = this.document.currentLineHeight(true);
if (this.height != null && this.ellipsis && this.document.y + lh * 2 > this.maxY && this.column >= this.columns) {
if (this.ellipsis === true) {
this.ellipsis = '…';
} // map default ellipsis character
buffer = buffer.replace(/\s+$/, '');
textWidth = this.wordWidth(buffer + this.ellipsis); // remove characters from the buffer until the ellipsis fits
// to avoid inifinite loop need to stop while-loop if buffer is empty string
while (buffer && textWidth > this.lineWidth) {
buffer = buffer.slice(0, -1).replace(/\s+$/, '');
textWidth = this.wordWidth(buffer + this.ellipsis);
} // need to add ellipsis only if there is enough space for it
if (textWidth <= this.lineWidth) {
buffer = buffer + this.ellipsis;
textWidth = this.wordWidth(buffer);
if (bk.required) {
if (w > this.spaceLeft) {
buffer = word;
textWidth = w;
wc = 1;
this.emit('lastLine', options, this);
emitLine(); // if we've reached the edge of the page,
// continue on a new page or column
if (this.document.y + lh > this.maxY) {
const shouldContinue = this.nextSection(); // stop if we reached the maximum height
if (!shouldContinue) {
wc = 0;
buffer = '';
return false;
} // reset the space left and buffer
if (bk.required) {
this.spaceLeft = this.lineWidth;
buffer = '';
textWidth = 0;
return wc = 0;
} else {
// reset the space left and buffer
this.spaceLeft = this.lineWidth - w;
buffer = word;
textWidth = w;
return wc = 1;
} else {
return this.spaceLeft -= w;
if (wc > 0) {
this.emit('lastLine', options, this);
this.emit('sectionEnd', options, this); // if the wrap is set to be continued, save the X position
// to start the first line of the next segment at, and reset
// the y position
if (options.continued === true) {
if (lc > 1) {
this.continuedX = 0;
this.continuedX += options.textWidth || 0;
return this.document.y = y;
} else {
return this.document.x = this.startX;
nextSection(options) {
this.emit('sectionEnd', options, this);
if (++this.column > this.columns) {
// if a max height was specified by the user, we're done.
// otherwise, the default is to make a new page at the bottom.
if (this.height != null) {
return false;
this.column = 1;
this.startY =;
this.maxY =;
this.document.x = this.startX;
if (this.document._fillColor) {
this.emit('pageBreak', options, this);
} else {
this.document.x += this.lineWidth + this.columnGap;
this.document.y = this.startY;
this.emit('columnBreak', options, this);
this.emit('sectionStart', options, this);
return true;
const {
number: number$2
} = PDFObject;
var TextMixin = {
initText() {
this._line = this._line.bind(this); // Current coordinates
this.x = 0;
this.y = 0;
return this._lineGap = 0;
lineGap(_lineGap) {
this._lineGap = _lineGap;
return this;
moveDown(lines) {
if (lines == null) {
lines = 1;
this.y += this.currentLineHeight(true) * lines + this._lineGap;
return this;
moveUp(lines) {
if (lines == null) {
lines = 1;
this.y -= this.currentLineHeight(true) * lines + this._lineGap;
return this;
_text(text, x, y, options, lineCallback) {
options = this._initOptions(x, y, options); // Convert text to a string
text = text == null ? '' : `${text}`; // if the wordSpacing option is specified, remove multiple consecutive spaces
if (options.wordSpacing) {
text = text.replace(/\s{2,}/g, ' ');
} // word wrapping
if (options.width) {
let wrapper = this._wrapper;
if (!wrapper) {
wrapper = new LineWrapper(this, options);
wrapper.on('line', lineCallback);
this._wrapper = options.continued ? wrapper : null;
this._textOptions = options.continued ? options : null;
wrapper.wrap(text, options); // render paragraphs as single lines
} else {
for (let line of text.split('\n')) {
lineCallback(line, options);
return this;
text(text, x, y, options) {
return this._text(text, x, y, options, this._line);
widthOfString(string, options = {}) {
return this._font.widthOfString(string, this._fontSize, options.features) + (options.characterSpacing || 0) * (string.length - 1);
heightOfString(text, options) {
const {
} = this;
options = this._initOptions(options);
options.height = Infinity; // don't break pages
const lineGap = options.lineGap || this._lineGap || 0;
this._text(text, this.x, this.y, options, () => {
return this.y += this.currentLineHeight(true) + lineGap;
const height = this.y - y;
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
return height;
list(list, x, y, options, wrapper) {
options = this._initOptions(x, y, options);
const listType = options.listType || 'bullet';
const unit = Math.round(this._font.ascender / 1000 * this._fontSize);
const midLine = unit / 2;
const r = options.bulletRadius || unit / 3;
const indent = options.textIndent || (listType === 'bullet' ? r * 5 : unit * 2);
const itemIndent = options.bulletIndent || (listType === 'bullet' ? r * 8 : unit * 2);
let level = 1;
const items = [];
const levels = [];
const numbers = [];
var flatten = function (list) {
let n = 1;
for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
const item = list[i];
if (Array.isArray(item)) {
} else {
if (listType !== 'bullet') {
const label = function (n) {
switch (listType) {
case 'numbered':
return `${n}.`;
case 'lettered':
var letter = String.fromCharCode((n - 1) % 26 + 65);
var times = Math.floor((n - 1) / 26 + 1);
var text = Array(times + 1).join(letter);
return `${text}.`;
wrapper = new LineWrapper(this, options);
wrapper.on('line', this._line);
level = 1;
let i = 0;
wrapper.on('firstLine', () => {
let l;
if ((l = levels[i++]) !== level) {
const diff = itemIndent * (l - level);
this.x += diff;
wrapper.lineWidth -= diff;
level = l;
switch (listType) {
case 'bullet': - indent + r, this.y + midLine, r);
return this.fill();
case 'numbered':
case 'lettered':
var text = label(numbers[i - 1]);
return this._fragment(text, this.x - indent, this.y, options);
wrapper.on('sectionStart', () => {
const pos = indent + itemIndent * (level - 1);
this.x += pos;
return wrapper.lineWidth -= pos;
wrapper.on('sectionEnd', () => {
const pos = indent + itemIndent * (level - 1);
this.x -= pos;
return wrapper.lineWidth += pos;
wrapper.wrap(items.join('\n'), options);
return this;
_initOptions(x = {}, y, options = {}) {
if (typeof x === 'object') {
options = x;
x = null;
} // clone options object
const result = Object.assign({}, options); // extend options with previous values for continued text
if (this._textOptions) {
for (let key in this._textOptions) {
const val = this._textOptions[key];
if (key !== 'continued') {
if (result[key] === undefined) {
result[key] = val;
} // Update the current position
if (x != null) {
this.x = x;
if (y != null) {
this.y = y;
} // wrap to margins if no x or y position passed
if (result.lineBreak !== false) {
if (result.width == null) {
result.width = - this.x -;
result.width = Math.max(result.width, 0);
if (!result.columns) {
result.columns = 0;
if (result.columnGap == null) {
result.columnGap = 18;
} // 1/4 inch
return result;
_line(text, options = {}, wrapper) {
this._fragment(text, this.x, this.y, options);
const lineGap = options.lineGap || this._lineGap || 0;
if (!wrapper) {
return this.x += this.widthOfString(text);
} else {
return this.y += this.currentLineHeight(true) + lineGap;
_fragment(text, x, y, options) {
let dy, encoded, i, positions, textWidth, words;
text = `${text}`.replace(/\n/g, '');
if (text.length === 0) {
} // handle options
const align = options.align || 'left';
let wordSpacing = options.wordSpacing || 0;
const characterSpacing = options.characterSpacing || 0; // text alignments
if (options.width) {
switch (align) {
case 'right':
textWidth = this.widthOfString(text.replace(/\s+$/, ''), options);
x += options.lineWidth - textWidth;
case 'center':
x += options.lineWidth / 2 - options.textWidth / 2;
case 'justify':
// calculate the word spacing value
words = text.trim().split(/\s+/);
textWidth = this.widthOfString(text.replace(/\s+/g, ''), options);
var spaceWidth = this.widthOfString(' ') + characterSpacing;
wordSpacing = Math.max(0, (options.lineWidth - textWidth) / Math.max(1, words.length - 1) - spaceWidth);
} // text baseline alignments based on
if (typeof options.baseline === 'number') {
dy = -options.baseline;
} else {
switch (options.baseline) {
case 'svg-middle':
dy = 0.5 * this._font.xHeight;
case 'middle':
case 'svg-central':
dy = 0.5 * (this._font.descender + this._font.ascender);
case 'bottom':
case 'ideographic':
dy = this._font.descender;
case 'alphabetic':
dy = 0;
case 'mathematical':
dy = 0.5 * this._font.ascender;
case 'hanging':
dy = 0.8 * this._font.ascender;
case 'top':
dy = this._font.ascender;
dy = this._font.ascender;
dy = dy / 1000 * this._fontSize;
} // calculate the actual rendered width of the string after word and character spacing
const renderedWidth = options.textWidth + wordSpacing * (options.wordCount - 1) + characterSpacing * (text.length - 1); // create link annotations if the link option is given
if ( != null) {, y, renderedWidth, this.currentLineHeight(),;
if (options.goTo != null) {
this.goTo(x, y, renderedWidth, this.currentLineHeight(), options.goTo);
if (options.destination != null) {
this.addNamedDestination(options.destination, 'XYZ', x, y, null);
} // create underline or strikethrough line
if (options.underline || options.strike) {;
if (!options.stroke) {
this.strokeColor(...(this._fillColor || []));
const lineWidth = this._fontSize < 10 ? 0.5 : Math.floor(this._fontSize / 10);
const d = options.underline ? 1 : 2;
let lineY = y + this.currentLineHeight() / d;
if (options.underline) {
lineY -= lineWidth;
this.moveTo(x, lineY);
this.lineTo(x + renderedWidth, lineY);
}; // oblique (angle in degrees or boolean)
if (options.oblique) {
let skew;
if (typeof options.oblique === 'number') {
skew = -Math.tan(options.oblique * Math.PI / 180);
} else {
skew = -0.25;
this.transform(1, 0, 0, 1, x, y);
this.transform(1, 0, skew, 1, -skew * dy, 0);
this.transform(1, 0, 0, 1, -x, -y);
} // flip coordinate system
this.transform(1, 0, 0, -1, 0,;
y = - y - dy; // add current font to page if necessary
if ([] == null) {[] = this._font.ref();
} // begin the text object
this.addContent('BT'); // text position
this.addContent(`1 0 0 1 ${number$2(x)} ${number$2(y)} Tm`); // font and font size
this.addContent(`/${} ${number$2(this._fontSize)} Tf`); // rendering mode
const mode = options.fill && options.stroke ? 2 : options.stroke ? 1 : 0;
if (mode) {
this.addContent(`${mode} Tr`);
} // Character spacing
if (characterSpacing) {
this.addContent(`${number$2(characterSpacing)} Tc`);
} // Add the actual text
// If we have a word spacing value, we need to encode each word separately
// since the normal Tw operator only works on character code 32, which isn't
// used for embedded fonts.
if (wordSpacing) {
words = text.trim().split(/\s+/);
wordSpacing += this.widthOfString(' ') + characterSpacing;
wordSpacing *= 1000 / this._fontSize;
encoded = [];
positions = [];
for (let word of words) {
const [encodedWord, positionsWord] = this._font.encode(word, options.features);
encoded = encoded.concat(encodedWord);
positions = positions.concat(positionsWord); // add the word spacing to the end of the word
// clone object because of cache
const space = {};
const object = positions[positions.length - 1];
for (let key in object) {
const val = object[key];
space[key] = val;
space.xAdvance += wordSpacing;
positions[positions.length - 1] = space;
} else {
[encoded, positions] = this._font.encode(text, options.features);
const scale = this._fontSize / 1000;
const commands = [];
let last = 0;
let hadOffset = false; // Adds a segment of text to the TJ command buffer
const addSegment = cur => {
if (last < cur) {
const hex = encoded.slice(last, cur).join('');
const advance = positions[cur - 1].xAdvance - positions[cur - 1].advanceWidth;
commands.push(`<${hex}> ${number$2(-advance)}`);
return last = cur;
}; // Flushes the current TJ commands to the output stream
const flush = i => {
if (commands.length > 0) {
this.addContent(`[${commands.join(' ')}] TJ`);
return commands.length = 0;
for (i = 0; i < positions.length; i++) {
// If we have an x or y offset, we have to break out of the current TJ command
// so we can move the text position.
const pos = positions[i];
if (pos.xOffset || pos.yOffset) {
// Flush the current buffer
flush(i); // Move the text position and flush just the current character
this.addContent(`1 0 0 1 ${number$2(x + pos.xOffset * scale)} ${number$2(y + pos.yOffset * scale)} Tm`);
flush(i + 1);
hadOffset = true;
} else {
// If the last character had an offset, reset the text position
if (hadOffset) {
this.addContent(`1 0 0 1 ${number$2(x)} ${number$2(y)} Tm`);
hadOffset = false;
} // Group segments that don't have any advance adjustments
if (pos.xAdvance - pos.advanceWidth !== 0) {
addSegment(i + 1);
x += pos.xAdvance * scale;
} // Flush any remaining commands
flush(i); // end the text object
this.addContent('ET'); // restore flipped coordinate system
return this.restore();
const MARKERS = [0xffc0, 0xffc1, 0xffc2, 0xffc3, 0xffc5, 0xffc6, 0xffc7, 0xffc8, 0xffc9, 0xffca, 0xffcb, 0xffcc, 0xffcd, 0xffce, 0xffcf];
1: 'DeviceGray',
3: 'DeviceRGB',
4: 'DeviceCMYK'
class JPEG {
constructor(data, label) {
let marker; = data;
this.label = label;
if ( !== 0xffd8) {
throw 'SOI not found in JPEG';
let pos = 2;
while (pos < {
marker =;
pos += 2;
if (MARKERS.includes(marker)) {
pos +=;
if (!MARKERS.includes(marker)) {
throw 'Invalid JPEG.';
pos += 2;
this.bits =[pos++];
this.height =;
pos += 2;
this.width =;
pos += 2;
const channels =[pos++];
this.colorSpace = COLOR_SPACE_MAP[channels];
this.obj = null;
embed(document) {
if (this.obj) {
this.obj = document.ref({
Type: 'XObject',
Subtype: 'Image',
BitsPerComponent: this.bits,
Width: this.width,
Height: this.height,
ColorSpace: this.colorSpace,
Filter: 'DCTDecode'
}); // add extra decode params for CMYK images. By swapping the
// min and max values from the default, we invert the colors. See
// section 4.8.4 of the spec.
if (this.colorSpace === 'DeviceCMYK') {['Decode'] = [1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0];
this.obj.end(; // free memory
return = null;
class PNGImage {
constructor(data, label) {
this.label = label;
this.image = new PNG(data);
this.width = this.image.width;
this.height = this.image.height;
this.imgData = this.image.imgData;
this.obj = null;
embed(document) {
let dataDecoded = false;
this.document = document;
if (this.obj) {
const hasAlphaChannel = this.image.hasAlphaChannel;
const isInterlaced = this.image.interlaceMethod === 1;
this.obj = this.document.ref({
Type: 'XObject',
Subtype: 'Image',
BitsPerComponent: hasAlphaChannel ? 8 : this.image.bits,
Width: this.width,
Height: this.height,
Filter: 'FlateDecode'
if (!hasAlphaChannel) {
const params = this.document.ref({
Predictor: isInterlaced ? 1 : 15,
Colors: this.image.colors,
BitsPerComponent: this.image.bits,
Columns: this.width
});['DecodeParms'] = params;
if (this.image.palette.length === 0) {['ColorSpace'] = this.image.colorSpace;
} else {
// embed the color palette in the PDF as an object stream
const palette = this.document.ref();
palette.end(new Buffer(this.image.palette)); // build the color space array for the image['ColorSpace'] = ['Indexed', 'DeviceRGB', this.image.palette.length / 3 - 1, palette];
} // For PNG color types 0, 2 and 3, the transparency data is stored in
// a dedicated PNG chunk.
if (this.image.transparency.grayscale != null) {
// Use Color Key Masking (spec section 4.8.5)
// An array with N elements, where N is two times the number of color components.
const val = this.image.transparency.grayscale;['Mask'] = [val, val];
} else if (this.image.transparency.rgb) {
// Use Color Key Masking (spec section 4.8.5)
// An array with N elements, where N is two times the number of color components.
const {
} = this.image.transparency;
const mask = [];
for (let x of rgb) {
mask.push(x, x);
}['Mask'] = mask;
} else if (this.image.transparency.indexed) {
// Create a transparency SMask for the image based on the data
// in the PLTE and tRNS sections. See below for details on SMasks.
dataDecoded = true;
return this.loadIndexedAlphaChannel();
} else if (hasAlphaChannel) {
// For PNG color types 4 and 6, the transparency data is stored as a alpha
// channel mixed in with the main image data. Separate this data out into an
// SMask object and store it separately in the PDF.
dataDecoded = true;
return this.splitAlphaChannel();
if (isInterlaced && !dataDecoded) {
return this.decodeData();
finalize() {
if (this.alphaChannel) {
const sMask = this.document.ref({
Type: 'XObject',
Subtype: 'Image',
Height: this.height,
Width: this.width,
BitsPerComponent: 8,
Filter: 'FlateDecode',
ColorSpace: 'DeviceGray',
Decode: [0, 1]
sMask.end(this.alphaChannel);['SMask'] = sMask;
} // add the actual image data
this.obj.end(this.imgData); // free memory
this.image = null;
return this.imgData = null;
splitAlphaChannel() {
return this.image.decodePixels(pixels => {
let a, p;
const colorCount = this.image.colors;
const pixelCount = this.width * this.height;
const imgData = new Buffer(pixelCount * colorCount);
const alphaChannel = new Buffer(pixelCount);
let i = p = a = 0;
const len = pixels.length; // For 16bit images copy only most significant byte (MSB) - PNG data is always stored in network byte order (MSB first)
const skipByteCount = this.image.bits === 16 ? 1 : 0;
while (i < len) {
for (let colorIndex = 0; colorIndex < colorCount; colorIndex++) {
imgData[p++] = pixels[i++];
i += skipByteCount;
alphaChannel[a++] = pixels[i++];
i += skipByteCount;
this.imgData = zlib.deflateSync(imgData);
this.alphaChannel = zlib.deflateSync(alphaChannel);
return this.finalize();
loadIndexedAlphaChannel() {
const transparency = this.image.transparency.indexed;
return this.image.decodePixels(pixels => {
const alphaChannel = new Buffer(this.width * this.height);
let i = 0;
for (let j = 0, end = pixels.length; j < end; j++) {
alphaChannel[i++] = transparency[pixels[j]];
this.alphaChannel = zlib.deflateSync(alphaChannel);
return this.finalize();
decodeData() {
this.image.decodePixels(pixels => {
this.imgData = zlib.deflateSync(pixels);
PDFImage - embeds images in PDF documents
By Devon Govett
class PDFImage {
static open(src, label) {
let data;
if (Buffer.isBuffer(src)) {
data = src;
} else if (src instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
data = new Buffer(new Uint8Array(src));
} else {
let match;
if (match = /^data:.+;base64,(.*)$/.exec(src)) {
data = new Buffer(match[1], 'base64');
} else {
data = fs.readFileSync(src);
if (!data) {
if (data[0] === 0xff && data[1] === 0xd8) {
return new JPEG(data, label);
} else if (data[0] === 0x89 && data.toString('ascii', 1, 4) === 'PNG') {
return new PNGImage(data, label);
} else {
throw new Error('Unknown image format.');
var ImagesMixin = {
initImages() {
this._imageRegistry = {};
return this._imageCount = 0;
image(src, x, y, options = {}) {
let bh, bp, bw, image, ip, left, left1;
if (typeof x === 'object') {
options = x;
x = null;
x = (left = x != null ? x : options.x) != null ? left : this.x;
y = (left1 = y != null ? y : options.y) != null ? left1 : this.y;
if (typeof src === 'string') {
image = this._imageRegistry[src];
if (!image) {
if (src.width && src.height) {
image = src;
} else {
image = this.openImage(src);
if (!image.obj) {
if ([image.label] == null) {[image.label] = image.obj;
let w = options.width || image.width;
let h = options.height || image.height;
if (options.width && !options.height) {
const wp = w / image.width;
w = image.width * wp;
h = image.height * wp;
} else if (options.height && !options.width) {
const hp = h / image.height;
w = image.width * hp;
h = image.height * hp;
} else if (options.scale) {
w = image.width * options.scale;
h = image.height * options.scale;
} else if ( {
[bw, bh] =;
bp = bw / bh;
ip = image.width / image.height;
if (ip > bp) {
w = bw;
h = bw / ip;
} else {
h = bh;
w = bh * ip;
} else if (options.cover) {
[bw, bh] = options.cover;
bp = bw / bh;
ip = image.width / image.height;
if (ip > bp) {
h = bh;
w = bh * ip;
} else {
w = bw;
h = bw / ip;
if ( || options.cover) {
if (options.align === 'center') {
x = x + bw / 2 - w / 2;
} else if (options.align === 'right') {
x = x + bw - w;
if (options.valign === 'center') {
y = y + bh / 2 - h / 2;
} else if (options.valign === 'bottom') {
y = y + bh - h;
} // create link annotations if the link option is given
if ( != null) {, y, w, h,;
if (options.goTo != null) {
this.goTo(x, y, w, h, options.goTo);
if (options.destination != null) {
this.addNamedDestination(options.destination, 'XYZ', x, y, null);
} // Set the current y position to below the image if it is in the document flow
if (this.y === y) {
this.y += h;
this.transform(w, 0, 0, -h, x, y + h);
this.addContent(`/${image.label} Do`);
return this;
openImage(src) {
let image;
if (typeof src === 'string') {
image = this._imageRegistry[src];
if (!image) {
image =, `I${++this._imageCount}`);
if (typeof src === 'string') {
this._imageRegistry[src] = image;
return image;
var AnnotationsMixin = {
annotate(x, y, w, h, options) {
options.Type = 'Annot';
options.Rect = this._convertRect(x, y, w, h);
options.Border = [0, 0, 0];
if (options.Subtype === 'Link' && typeof options.F === 'undefined') {
options.F = 1 << 2; // Print Annotation Flag
if (options.Subtype !== 'Link') {
if (options.C == null) {
options.C = this._normalizeColor(options.color || [0, 0, 0]);
} // convert colors
delete options.color;
if (typeof options.Dest === 'string') {
options.Dest = new String(options.Dest);
} // Capitalize keys
for (let key in options) {
const val = options[key];
options[key[0].toUpperCase() + key.slice(1)] = val;
const ref = this.ref(options);;
return this;
note(x, y, w, h, contents, options = {}) {
options.Subtype = 'Text';
options.Contents = new String(contents);
options.Name = 'Comment';
if (options.color == null) {
options.color = [243, 223, 92];
return this.annotate(x, y, w, h, options);
goTo(x, y, w, h, name, options = {}) {
options.Subtype = 'Link';
options.A = this.ref({
S: 'GoTo',
D: new String(name)
return this.annotate(x, y, w, h, options);
link(x, y, w, h, url, options = {}) {
options.Subtype = 'Link';
if (typeof url === 'number') {
// Link to a page in the document (the page must already exist)
const pages =;
if (url >= 0 && url < pages.Kids.length) {
options.A = this.ref({
S: 'GoTo',
D: [pages.Kids[url], 'XYZ', null, null, null]
} else {
throw new Error(`The document has no page ${url}`);
} else {
// Link to an external url
options.A = this.ref({
S: 'URI',
URI: new String(url)
return this.annotate(x, y, w, h, options);
_markup(x, y, w, h, options = {}) {
const [x1, y1, x2, y2] = this._convertRect(x, y, w, h);
options.QuadPoints = [x1, y2, x2, y2, x1, y1, x2, y1];
options.Contents = new String();
return this.annotate(x, y, w, h, options);
highlight(x, y, w, h, options = {}) {
options.Subtype = 'Highlight';
if (options.color == null) {
options.color = [241, 238, 148];
return this._markup(x, y, w, h, options);
underline(x, y, w, h, options = {}) {
options.Subtype = 'Underline';
return this._markup(x, y, w, h, options);
strike(x, y, w, h, options = {}) {
options.Subtype = 'StrikeOut';
return this._markup(x, y, w, h, options);
lineAnnotation(x1, y1, x2, y2, options = {}) {
options.Subtype = 'Line';
options.Contents = new String();
options.L = [x1, - y1, x2, - y2];
return this.annotate(x1, y1, x2, y2, options);
rectAnnotation(x, y, w, h, options = {}) {
options.Subtype = 'Square';
options.Contents = new String();
return this.annotate(x, y, w, h, options);
ellipseAnnotation(x, y, w, h, options = {}) {
options.Subtype = 'Circle';
options.Contents = new String();
return this.annotate(x, y, w, h, options);
textAnnotation(x, y, w, h, text, options = {}) {
options.Subtype = 'FreeText';
options.Contents = new String(text);
options.DA = new String();
return this.annotate(x, y, w, h, options);
_convertRect(x1, y1, w, h) {
// flip y1 and y2
let y2 = y1;
y1 += h; // make x2
let x2 = x1 + w; // apply current transformation matrix to points
const [m0, m1, m2, m3, m4, m5] = this._ctm;
x1 = m0 * x1 + m2 * y1 + m4;
y1 = m1 * x1 + m3 * y1 + m5;
x2 = m0 * x2 + m2 * y2 + m4;
y2 = m1 * x2 + m3 * y2 + m5;
return [x1, y1, x2, y2];
class PDFOutline {
constructor(document, parent, title, dest, options = {
expanded: false
}) {
this.document = document;
this.options = options;
this.outlineData = {};
if (dest !== null) {
this.outlineData['Dest'] = [dest.dictionary, 'Fit'];
if (parent !== null) {
this.outlineData['Parent'] = parent;
if (title !== null) {
this.outlineData['Title'] = new String(title);
this.dictionary = this.document.ref(this.outlineData);
this.children = [];
addItem(title, options = {
expanded: false
}) {
const result = new PDFOutline(this.document, this.dictionary, title,, options);
return result;
endOutline() {
if (this.children.length > 0) {
if (this.options.expanded) {
this.outlineData.Count = this.children.length;
const first = this.children[0],
last = this.children[this.children.length - 1];
this.outlineData.First = first.dictionary;
this.outlineData.Last = last.dictionary;
for (let i = 0, len = this.children.length; i < len; i++) {
const child = this.children[i];
if (i > 0) {
child.outlineData.Prev = this.children[i - 1].dictionary;
if (i < this.children.length - 1) {
child.outlineData.Next = this.children[i + 1].dictionary;
return this.dictionary.end();
var OutlineMixin = {
initOutline() {
return this.outline = new PDFOutline(this, null, null, null);
endOutline() {
if (this.outline.children.length > 0) { = this.outline.dictionary;
return = 'UseOutlines';
const FIELD_FLAGS = {
readOnly: 1,
required: 2,
noExport: 4,
multiline: 0x1000,
password: 0x2000,
toggleToOffButton: 0x4000,
radioButton: 0x8000,
pushButton: 0x10000,
combo: 0x20000,
edit: 0x40000,
sort: 0x80000,
multiSelect: 0x200000,
noSpell: 0x400000
left: 0,
center: 1,
right: 2
const VALUE_MAP = {
value: 'V',
defaultValue: 'DV'
zip: '0',
zipPlus4: '1',
zip4: '1',
phone: '2',
ssn: '3'
number: {
nDec: 0,
sepComma: false,
negStyle: 'MinusBlack',
currency: '',
currencyPrepend: true
percent: {
nDec: 0,
sepComma: false
var AcroFormMixin = {
* Must call if adding AcroForms to a document. Must also call font() before
* this method to set the default font.
initForm() {
if (!this._font) {
throw new Error('Must set a font before calling initForm method');
this._acroform = {
fonts: {},
this._acroform.fonts[] = this._font.ref();
let data = {
Fields: [],
NeedAppearances: true,
DA: new String(`/${} 0 Tf 0 g`),
DR: {
Font: {}
data.DR.Font[] = this._font.ref();
const AcroForm = this.ref(data); = AcroForm;
return this;
* Called automatically by document.js
endAcroForm() {
if ( {
if (!Object.keys(this._acroform.fonts).length && !this._acroform.defaultFont) {
throw new Error('No fonts specified for PDF form');
let fontDict =;
Object.keys(this._acroform.fonts).forEach(name => {
fontDict[name] = this._acroform.fonts[name];
}); => {
return this;
_endChild(ref) {
if (Array.isArray( { => {
return this;
* Creates and adds a form field to the document. Form fields are intermediate
* nodes in a PDF form that are used to specify form name heirarchy and form
* value defaults.
* @param {string} name - field name (T attribute in field dictionary)
* @param {object} options - other attributes to include in field dictionary
formField(name, options = {}) {
let fieldDict = this._fieldDict(name, null, options);
let fieldRef = this.ref(fieldDict);
return fieldRef;
* Creates and adds a Form Annotation to the document. Form annotations are
* called Widget annotations internally within a PDF file.
* @param {string} name - form field name (T attribute of widget annotation
* dictionary)
* @param {number} x
* @param {number} y
* @param {number} w
* @param {number} h
* @param {object} options
formAnnotation(name, type, x, y, w, h, options = {}) {
let fieldDict = this._fieldDict(name, type, options);
fieldDict.Subtype = 'Widget';
if (fieldDict.F === undefined) {
fieldDict.F = 4; // print the annotation
} // Add Field annot to page, and get it's ref
this.annotate(x, y, w, h, fieldDict);
let annotRef =[ - 1];
return this._addToParent(annotRef);
formText(name, x, y, w, h, options = {}) {
return this.formAnnotation(name, 'text', x, y, w, h, options);
formPushButton(name, x, y, w, h, options = {}) {
return this.formAnnotation(name, 'pushButton', x, y, w, h, options);
formCombo(name, x, y, w, h, options = {}) {
return this.formAnnotation(name, 'combo', x, y, w, h, options);
formList(name, x, y, w, h, options = {}) {
return this.formAnnotation(name, 'list', x, y, w, h, options);
formRadioButton(name, x, y, w, h, options = {}) {
return this.formAnnotation(name, 'radioButton', x, y, w, h, options);
formCheckbox(name, x, y, w, h, options = {}) {
return this.formAnnotation(name, 'checkbox', x, y, w, h, options);
_addToParent(fieldRef) {
let parent =;
if (parent) {
if (! { = [];
} else {;
return this;
_fieldDict(name, type, options = {}) {
if (!this._acroform) {
throw new Error('Call document.initForms() method before adding form elements to document');
let opts = Object.assign({}, options);
if (type !== null) {
opts = this._resolveType(type, options);
opts = this._resolveFlags(opts);
opts = this._resolveJustify(opts);
opts = this._resolveFont(opts);
opts = this._resolveStrings(opts);
opts = this._resolveColors(opts);
opts = this._resolveFormat(opts);
opts.T = new String(name);
if (opts.parent) {
opts.Parent = opts.parent;
delete opts.parent;
return opts;
_resolveType(type, opts) {
if (type === 'text') {
opts.FT = 'Tx';
} else if (type === 'pushButton') {
opts.FT = 'Btn';
opts.pushButton = true;
} else if (type === 'radioButton') {
opts.FT = 'Btn';
opts.radioButton = true;
} else if (type === 'checkbox') {
opts.FT = 'Btn';
} else if (type === 'combo') {
opts.FT = 'Ch';
opts.combo = true;
} else if (type === 'list') {
opts.FT = 'Ch';
} else {
throw new Error(`Invalid form annotation type '${type}'`);
return opts;
_resolveFormat(opts) {
const f = opts.format;
if (f && f.type) {
let fnKeystroke;
let fnFormat;
let params = '';
if (FORMAT_SPECIAL[f.type] !== undefined) {
fnKeystroke = `AFSpecial_Keystroke`;
fnFormat = `AFSpecial_Format`;
params = FORMAT_SPECIAL[f.type];
} else {
let format = f.type.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + f.type.slice(1);
fnKeystroke = `AF${format}_Keystroke`;
fnFormat = `AF${format}_Format`;
if (f.type === 'date') {
fnKeystroke += 'Ex';
params = String(f.param);
} else if (f.type === 'time') {
params = String(f.param);
} else if (f.type === 'number') {
let p = Object.assign({}, FORMAT_DEFAULT.number, f);
params = String([String(p.nDec), p.sepComma ? '0' : '1', '"' + p.negStyle + '"', 'null', '"' + p.currency + '"', String(p.currencyPrepend)].join(','));
} else if (f.type === 'percent') {
let p = Object.assign({}, FORMAT_DEFAULT.percent, f);
params = String([String(p.nDec), p.sepComma ? '0' : '1'].join(','));
opts.AA = opts.AA ? opts.AA : {};
opts.AA.K = {
S: 'JavaScript',
JS: new String(`${fnKeystroke}(${params});`)
opts.AA.F = {
S: 'JavaScript',
JS: new String(`${fnFormat}(${params});`)
delete opts.format;
return opts;
_resolveColors(opts) {
let color = this._normalizeColor(opts.backgroundColor);
if (color) {
if (!opts.MK) {
opts.MK = {};
opts.MK.BG = color;
color = this._normalizeColor(opts.borderColor);
if (color) {
if (!opts.MK) {
opts.MK = {};
opts.MK.BC = color;
delete opts.backgroundColor;
delete opts.borderColor;
return opts;
_resolveFlags(options) {
let result = 0;
Object.keys(options).forEach(key => {
if (FIELD_FLAGS[key]) {
result |= FIELD_FLAGS[key];
delete options[key];
if (result !== 0) {
options.Ff = options.Ff ? options.Ff : 0;
options.Ff |= result;
return options;
_resolveJustify(options) {
let result = 0;
if (options.align !== undefined) {
if (typeof FIELD_JUSTIFY[options.align] === 'number') {
result = FIELD_JUSTIFY[options.align];
delete options.align;
if (result !== 0) {
options.Q = result; // default
return options;
_resolveFont(options) {
// add current font to document-level AcroForm dict if necessary
if (this._acroform.fonts[] === null) {
this._acroform.fonts[] = this._font.ref();
} // add current font to field's resource dict (RD) if not the default acroform font
if (this._acroform.defaultFont !== {
options.DR = {
Font: {}
options.DR.Font[] = this._font.ref();
options.DA = new String(`/${} 0 Tf 0 g`);
return options;
_resolveStrings(options) {
let select = [];
function appendChoices(a) {
if (Array.isArray(a)) {
for (let idx = 0;
View raw

(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)

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