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Created May 16, 2012 16:36
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Arena Dupe
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Chunk;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftChunk;
import org.bukkit.util.Vector;
import com.skitscape.survivalgames.Game;
import com.skitscape.survivalgames.GameManager;
import com.skitscape.survivalgames.SettingsManager;
public class ArenaDuplicator {
background background;
public void startDupe(Vector v1, Vector v2){
int factor = ManagementFactory.getOperatingSystemMXBean().getAvailableProcessors();
int xspan = v2.getBlockX() - v1.getBlockX();
int maxx = GameManager.getInstance().getGame(1).getArena().getMax().getBlockX();
for(Game g: GameManager.getInstance().getGames()){
Vector a1 = g.getArena().getMin();
Vector a2 = g.getArena().getMax();
maxx = a1.getBlockX();
maxx = a2.getBlockX();
int divf = xspan / factor;
background = new background(Math.abs(v2.getBlockX()-v1.getBlockX()) * Math.abs(v2.getBlockY()-v1.getBlockY()) * Math.abs(v1.getBlockZ()-v2.getBlockZ()));
for(int a = 1; a<=factor; a++){
int sp1 = divf * a + v1.getBlockX();
int sp2 = divf * (a+1) + v1.getBlockX();
int y1 = v1.getBlockY();
int y2 = v2.getBlockY();
int z1 = v1.getBlockZ();
int z2 = v2.getBlockZ();
Vector s1 = new Vector((sp1<sp2)?sp1:sp2 , (y1<y2)?y1:y2 , (z1<z2)?z1:z2);
Vector s2 = new Vector((sp1>sp2)?sp1:sp2 , (y1>y2)?y1:y2 , (z1>z2)?z1:z2);
new DupeThread(s1,s2, maxx - v1.getBlockX(), 0, a).start();
class DupeThread extends Thread{
World w = SettingsManager.getGameWorld(1);
Vector min;
Vector max;
int xoff;
int zoff;
int id;
public DupeThread(Vector min, Vector max, int xoff, int yoff, int id){
this.min = min;
this.max = max;
this.xoff = xoff;
this.zoff = yoff; = id;
public void run(){
Location l1;
Location l2;
Bukkit.getServer().broadcastMessage("Starting "+id);
for(int x = min.getBlockX(); x<max.getBlockX();x++){
for(int y = min.getBlockY(); y<max.getBlockY();y++){
for(int z = min.getBlockZ(); z<max.getBlockZ();z++){
l1 = new Location(w,x,y,z);
l2 = new Location(w,x+xoff, y, z+zoff);
// System.out.println(l1);
// System.out.println(l2);
//if(w.getBlockTypeIdAt(l1) != w.getBlockTypeIdAt(l2)){
if(l1.getBlock().getTypeId() != l2.getBlock().getTypeId()){
Chunk c = l2.getChunk();
net.minecraft.server.Chunk chunk = ((CraftChunk) c).getHandle();
chunk.a(l2.getBlockX() & 15, l2.getBlockY() , l2.getBlockZ() & 15, l1.getBlock().getTypeId(), l1.getBlock().getData());
// w.getBlockAt(l2).setTypeId(w.getBlockTypeIdAt(l1));
// w.getBlockAt(l2).setData(w.getBlockAt(l1).getData());;
}catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace();}
// w.getBlockAt(l2).getState().update();
// System.out.println(l2);
// }
Bukkit.getServer().broadcastMessage("Ending "+id);
class background extends Thread{
int x = 0;
int fin = 0;
int prev = 0;
public background(int x){
this.x = x;
public synchronized void inc(){
public void run(){
System.out.println(fin+"/"+x+" "+((fin - prev) / 2 )+" "+((fin + 0.0)/(x + 0.0))*100);
prev = fin;
try{sleep(2000);}catch(Exception e){}
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