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Created June 16, 2020 20:50
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using Godot;
using System;
public class PositionReplicator : Node2D
private float SendPeriod = 0.06f;
private float ForceSyncTime = 2f;
private float TimeUntilSend = 0f;
private float LastSyncTime = 0f;
private Vector2 LastPosition = new Vector2();
private float LastRotation;
private Vector2 TargetPosition = new Vector2();
private float TargetRotation;
public Vector2 LinearVelocity = new Vector2();
public float AngularVelocity = 0f;
private float LastPacketTime = 0f;
private float LerpTime = 0f;
private bool IsEnabled = true;
private Node2D Target;
private bool IsMaster = false;
public delegate void MasterChangedEventHandler(bool IsMaster);
public event MasterChangedEventHandler OnMasterChangedEvent = delegate {};
public delegate void SyncPositionEventHandler(Vector2 OldPos, Vector2 NewPos);
public event SyncPositionEventHandler OnSyncPositionEvent = delegate {};
public delegate void SyncRotationEventHandler(float OldRot, float NewRot);
public event SyncRotationEventHandler OnSyncRotationEvent = delegate {};
public event Func<Vector2> GetLinearVelocity = null;
public event Func<float> GetAngularVelocity = null;
private const string LOG_CAT = "LogPositionReplicator";
public override void _Ready()
if (Target == null)
Target = this;
LastPacketTime = OS.GetTicksMsec();
IsMaster = this.IsMaster();
MDLog.AddLogCategoryProperties(LOG_CAT, new MDLogProperties(MDLogLevel.Info));
public void SetTarget(Node2D InTarget)
Target = InTarget;
TargetPosition = Target.Position;
TargetRotation = Target.Rotation;
public override void _Process(float Delta)
if (IsEnabled == false)
bool CurIsMaster = this.IsMaster();
if (CurIsMaster != IsMaster)
IsMaster = CurIsMaster;
if (MDStatics.IsNetworkActive())
if (IsMaster)
TimeUntilSend -= Delta;
if (TimeUntilSend <= 0f)
if (GetLinearVelocity != null)
LinearVelocity = GetLinearVelocity();
LinearVelocity = (Target.Position - LastPosition) / Delta;
if (GetAngularVelocity != null)
AngularVelocity = GetAngularVelocity();
AngularVelocity = (Target.Rotation - LastRotation) / Delta;
TimeUntilSend = SendPeriod;
RpcUnreliable(nameof(SyncPosition), Target.Position, Target.Rotation, LinearVelocity, AngularVelocity);
LastPosition = Target.Position;
LastRotation = Target.Rotation;
public override void _PhysicsProcess(float Delta)
if (IsEnabled == false)
if (MDStatics.IsNetworkActive() && IsMaster == false)
Vector2 OldPos = Target.Position;
float OldRot = Target.Rotation;
if (LerpTime > 0)
Target.Position += (TargetPosition - Target.Position) / LerpTime * Delta;
Target.Rotation += (TargetRotation - Target.Rotation) / LerpTime * Delta;
LerpTime -= Delta;
Target.Position = TargetPosition;
Target.Rotation = TargetRotation;
OnSyncPositionEvent(OldPos, Target.Position);
OnSyncRotationEvent(OldRot, Target.Rotation);
public void SetIsEnabled(bool InIsEnabled)
if (InIsEnabled != IsEnabled)
IsEnabled = InIsEnabled;
void SyncPosition(Vector2 InPosition, float InRotation, Vector2 LinVelocity, float AngVelocity)
float CurrentTime = OS.GetTicksMsec() / 1000f;
float TimeDelta = CurrentTime - LastPacketTime;
float Jitter = TimeDelta - SendPeriod;
LerpTime = SendPeriod - Jitter;
LastPacketTime = CurrentTime;
TargetPosition = InPosition + (LinVelocity * TimeDelta);
TargetRotation = InRotation + (AngVelocity * TimeDelta);
LinearVelocity = LinVelocity;
AngVelocity = AngularVelocity;
if ((LastSyncTime + ForceSyncTime) < CurrentTime)
Vector2 OldPos = Target.Position;
float OldRot = Target.Rotation;
LastSyncTime = CurrentTime;
Target.Position = InPosition;
Target.Rotation = InRotation;
OnSyncPositionEvent(OldPos, Target.Position);
OnSyncRotationEvent(OldRot, Target.Rotation);
private void OnMasterChanged(bool IsMaster)
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