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Last active September 18, 2024 18:53
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  • Save DoubleLabyrinth/ffae94cb9444bbdae1d11deeaa247310 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save DoubleLabyrinth/ffae94cb9444bbdae1d11deeaa247310 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Remove mutant entry in Start: ms-resource:AppName/Text
  1. Run, a Python3 script, with SYSTEM privilege. (NOT Administrator privilege)

    More detail:

    1. If you don't have Python3, just download Python3 installer with the following links:

      Then open Python3 installer and you get the Python3 setup window. Make sure to check the checkbox "Add Python 3.7 to PATH" before you click on the Install button. So we don’t have to configure the PATH variable manually.

      After the installation is done, you can open Command Prompt and type python to check if succeeded. If nothing wrong, you will get a python shell looking like:

      Python 3.7.3 (v3.7.3:ef4ec6ed12, Mar 25 2019, 22:22:05) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
      Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
    2. Now you have Python3. It's time to launch Command Prompt with SYSTEM privilege.

      • Go to here and download a tool called psexec.

      • Open Command Prompt with Administrator privilege and change current directory to directory where psexec.exe exists.

        Then type

        psexec.exe -i -s -d cmd.exe

        and you will get a new Command Prompt with SYSTEM privilege.

    3. In Command Prompt with SYSTEM privilege, change current directory to directory where exists and type

      to run script. If nothing wrong, the output should be

      Trigger "TRG_AFTER_UPDATE_Package_SRJournal" has been cleared.
      IsInbox of "Microsoft.Windows.HolographicFirstRun_cw5n1h2txyewy_xxxxx" has been set to 0.
      Trigger "TRG_AFTER_UPDATE_Package_SRJournal" has been restored.
  2. Run PowerShell with Administrator privilege. Execute the following command:

    Get-AppxPackage -all *HolographicFirstRun* | Remove-AppPackage -AllUsers

    to uninstall Microsoft.Windows.HolographicFirstRun.

  3. Reboot

  4. After reboot, kill explorer.exe and ShellExperienceHost.exe in Task Manager.

  5. Task Manager -> File -> Run new task

    Click Browse button.

    In newly-opened window, go to %localappdata%\Packages\Microsoft.Windows.StartMenuExperienceHost_cw5n1h2txyewy and delete TempState directory.

  6. Start explorer.exe in Task Manager and you will see ms-resource:AppName/Text is gone.

import os, sqlite3
conn = sqlite3.connect(os.path.expandvars(r'%ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\AppRepository\StateRepository-Machine.srd'))
cursor = conn.execute(
SELECT _PackageID, PackageFullName FROM main.Package
WHERE PackageFullName LIKE "Microsoft.Windows.HolographicFirstRun%";
records_to_update = {}
for row in cursor:
records_to_update[row[0]] = row[1]
cursor = conn.execute(
SELECT name, sql FROM main.sqlite_master
WHERE type = "trigger" AND tbl_name = "Package" AND name LIKE "TRG_AFTER_UPDATE%";
triggers_backup = {}
for row in cursor:
triggers_backup[row[0]] = row[1]
# Delete update triggers for table "Package"
for TriggerName, TriggerSQL in triggers_backup.items():
''' % TriggerName
print('Trigger "%s" has been cleared.' % TriggerName)
# Set IsInbox to 0
for PackageID, PackageFullName in records_to_update.items():
UPDATE main.Package SET IsInbox = 0 WHERE _PackageID = %d;
''' % PackageID
print('IsInbox of "%s" has been set to 0.' % PackageFullName)
# Restore triggers
for TriggerName, TriggerSQL in triggers_backup.items():
''' % TriggerSQL
print('Trigger "%s" has been restored.' % TriggerName)
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I have a corrupted app that I cannot uninstall and it's inbox is already 0. Can the python script be modified to delete a row instead? If so, how?

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Jean20B commented Nov 24, 2020

I have a corrupted app that I cannot uninstall and it's inbox is already 0. Can the python script be modified to delete a row instead? If so, how?

I have the same issue with like 20 apps, same error code but IsInbox is already 0 everywhere

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shocker6 commented Dec 5, 2020

hey, I have no idea what any of this stuff means but I do have the same problem. I've already installed python (don't know what it's for) I just want this ms resource: AppName off my computer can someone break this down for me, please?

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geepnozeex commented Oct 17, 2021

C:>PsExec64.exe -accepteula -s cmd.exe /c C:\Python\Python37\python.exe C:\

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\", line 40, in
''' % PackageID
sqlite3.OperationalError: no such function: is_srjournal_enabled
cmd.exe exited on WIN-1VCFKOM31F9 with error code 1.

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I get this error when running

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users<user>\Downloads\fix\", line 9, in
sqlite3.DatabaseError: file is encrypted or is not a database

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Mythiew commented Nov 13, 2021

I get this error when running

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users<user>\Documents\", line 37, in
sqlite3.OperationalError: no such function: is_srjournal_enabled

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Mythiew commented Nov 13, 2021

I get this error when running

Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\Documents\", line 37, in conn.execute( sqlite3.OperationalError: no such function: is_srjournal_enabled

Does anyone know how to fix this?

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On line 18, the trigger name should be changed from "TRG_AFTER_UPDATE%" to "TRG_AFTERUPDATE%"

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powerbroker commented Nov 11, 2022

The same bug....


Traceback (most recent call last):
File "y:\DL\OS\IdIoT Enterprise LTSC x64!Tools\", line 37, in
sqlite3.OperationalError: no such function: is_srjournal_enabled

previous post about "TRG_AFTERUPDATE%" in line 18 works for me

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I have uninstalled Microsoft Edge succesfully by above fix, (with a small edit), thanks.

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When I ran

in Command Prompt with SYSTEM privilege I got:

Can't find a default Python.

I have Python path in user variables for admin, do I have to add it in system variables too?

i try to execute but i have an error on ligne :

SELECT _PackageID, PackageFullName FROM main.Package WHERE PackageFullName LIKE "Microsoft.Windows.HolographicFirstRun%";

on SELECT command : SyntaxError : invalid syntax

i don't know what to do.
canyou help please ?

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When I ran

in Command Prompt with SYSTEM privilege I got:

Can't find a default Python.

I have Python path in user variables for admin, do I have to add it in system variables too?

When I ran

in Command Prompt with SYSTEM privilege I got:

Can't find a default Python.

I have Python path in user variables for admin, do I have to add it in system variables too?

i try to execute but i have an error on ligne :

SELECT _PackageID, PackageFullName FROM main.Package WHERE PackageFullName LIKE "Microsoft.Windows.HolographicFirstRun%";

on SELECT command : SyntaxError : invalid syntax

i don't know what to do.
canyou help please ?

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