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Chiro Demo Content - Main Pages
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Your %CLIENT_CITY% Chiropractor
For more information or to schedule an appointment with our %CLIENT_CITY% chiropractor, call <strong>%CLIENT_PHONE%</strong> today!
%CLIENT_TITLE% %CLIENT_FIRSTNAME% %CLIENT_LASTNAME% is a chiropractor serving %CLIENT_CITY% and the surrounding communities. Our chiropractor and the rest of the friendly team at %CLIENT_BUSINESSNAME% are dedicated to chiropractic solutions to target your unique needs, whether you are suffering from back pain, neck pain, headaches, or even just plain old muscular tightness and tension. You may need pain relief after suffering an accident, experiencing an injury, or if you have a specific condition such as chronic back pain or a spinal condition; even if you just want to improve your overall health, our chiropractor can help you achieve your wellness goals! Please visit the testimonials page to see what our patients are saying about our %CLIENT_CITY% chiropractor and getting regular chiropractic treatments.
At your first visit to %CLIENT_BUSINESSNAME%, %CLIENT_TITLE% %CLIENT_FIRSTNAME% %CLIENT_LASTNAME% will explain the science behind how chiropractic care works, and give you a full evaluation to see if chiropractic care is right for you. If there is a good fit, we can develop a plan of chiropractic care that is specific to your condition and health goals.
If you are new to seeing a chiropractor and want to find out more, please <a class="email-doctor" title="Email the Doctor" onclick="popitup(&#39;?send_doctor=1&#39;, &#39;370&#39;, &#39;540&#39;)" href="#">email us</a> or call <strong>%CLIENT_PHONE%</strong> to receive personalized answers to your questions from our friendly team. We also welcome referrals, so feel free to use the &quot;Send to a Friend&quot; link located at the bottom of every page to share our health information with your friends and loved ones.
If you would like to stay informed about modern chiropractic care or if you want to start receiving free articles about health and wellness news, please subscribe to our bi-weekly newsletter, even if you are not a patient. Once you are subscribed, you will be able to explore our member wellness section and take advantage of our animated exercise videos, wellness articles, and other resources.
<em>&quot;Observational study found that low back pain patients receiving chiropractic care, which typically includes spinal manipulation, are more satisfied than those receiving medical care.&quot;</em>
-New England Journal of Medicine
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Welcome to the %CLIENT_BUSINESSNAME% new patient center!
We understand that arriving at a doctors office for the first time can be nerve racking. Filling out paperwork, learning new faces and names, and getting to know your way around the office can be an overwhelming experience.
That&#39;s why at %CLIENT_BUSINESSNAME% our aim is to remove any stressor causing unnessesary tension and to make you feel comfortable. In this area of the website you will be able to take care of items necessary for your visit prior to arriving, in the comfort of your own home.
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Unlike conventional medicine, which focuses on attempting to treat disease once it occurs, %CLIENT_BUSINESSNAME% emphasizes improving your health in an effort to reduce the risk of pain and illness in the first place. Most people would rather be healthy and avoid illness, if they could. This is one of the main reasons for the big surge in the popularity of our wellness center.
For some, %CLIENT_BUSINESSNAME% will take them back to a place that is cozy and familiar, offering a rediscovery of health and wellness that had been previously known but long lost. For others, the journey may offer a new center, one never before experienced.
People are recognizing the benefit of seeking an alternative to traditional medicine; one that will help them achieve and maintain optimal health. Please take the time to meet the doctor, team, and our wellness network dedicated to helping you achieve your wellness objectives. To fully understand the nature of your health we recommend you join our free website membership program. As a patient at %CLIENT_BUSINESSNAME% we will personally tailor a wellness program specifically targeted to your wellness needs using the least invasive yet highly-effective techniques and services.
We value our patients&#39; experience at %CLIENT_BUSINESSNAME%. If you are currently a patient, please feel free to complete the following Client Experience Questionnaire. The Questionnaire is in Adobe Acrobat format, and requires the free <a title="Download the free AdobeReader®" onclick="; return false;" href="">Acrobat Reader</a> to view.
<a target="_blank" class="download-pdf" title="Client_Experience_Questionnaire" onclick="; return false;" href="/clients/26/documents/Client_Experience_Questionnaire.pdf">Download &amp; Print Questionnaire</a>
<img width="100" height="100" align="left" src="/clients/26/images/studentboy1.jpg" alt="studentboy1.jpg" style="margin: 5px; padding: 10px;">
<strong>ADHD, Jordan:</strong>
I experienced ADHD ever since I was a young boy. I remember all the things my parents and I went changes, allergy testing, even behavior modification techniques. Eventually we even tried Ritalin. The medication worked for a while but I suffered many side effects. I remember having trouble sleeping, no appetite, and &quot;zoning out&quot;. Finally at age 7 my parents made the decision to stop taking Ritalin after my mom had heard about Dr. Anderson. I went for chiropractic care twice a week for about 2 months. When my mom went to a parent-teacher conference, the first thing the teacher asked her was had was when I had been put back on Ritalin. My mother was shocked when the teacher had shown her samples of my work and the sudden improvement for the first time I was writing in the lines and staying focused more in class. Years have passed and I am still able to concentrate answer questions correctly and reading and writing better than most other kids in my class! Thanks Dr. Anderson, for making it possible for me to to write this success story!
<img width="100" height="100" align="left" src="/clients/26/images/allergies.jpg" alt="allergies.jpg" style="margin: 5px; padding: 10px;">
<strong>Allergies &amp; Sinus Problems, Naomi:</strong>
Prior to visiting Dr. Nathan Anderson, I had horrible allergies and sinus problems practically my entire life. After a few adjustments, I was breathing a lot better and feeling wonderful! Before receiving pills for everything. I see now that they only treat the symptoms whereas chiropractic is specific and fixes the problem! Before I would constantly walk around with a tissue feeling groggy all the time. Now I can enjoy outdoor sports and things I&#39;ve avoided like strolls in the park and going for picnics, and gardening. Not only have I been healed of my allergies and sinus trouble, but my overall health has improved incredibly also. I rarely get sick, and when I do, I get better faster. It feels great to be drug-free. Thanks Dr. Anderson!
<img width="100" height="100" align="left" src="/clients/26/images/back.pain.jpg" alt="back.pain.jpg" style="margin: 5px; padding: 10px;">
<strong>Back Pain, Mike:</strong>
I don&#39;t have a dramatic tale to tell, however, I know that drama is not necessary for me to praise the benefits of chiropractic. I came to Dr. Anderson after throwing out my back. I responded to chiropractic care very well. I had received it in the past. Nevertheless, not to this level. The injury healed itself quickly due to Dr. Anderson&#39;s concern and adjustments. I have been coming regularly ever since.With the aide of chiropractic, I can continue to work. Without this care, it would have been very difficult for me to perform my everyday functions and responsibilities. Thank you Dr. Anderson for your help and sharing your knowledge.
<img width="100" height="100" align="left" src="/clients/26/images/back.pain.john.jpg" alt="back.pain.john.jpg" style="margin: 5px; padding: 10px;">
<strong>Back Pain, John:</strong>
I do believe I have benefitted tremendously from chiropractic. Not only does it alleviate stiffness and aches, but it also helps me to feel more balanced and rejuvenated. I have discovered wellness with renewed use of some worn-down muscles and great relief from the pain that has afflicted me for a very long time.This spring I intend to go back to something I doubted I would ever be able to resume again…my favorite sport of golf. For that I consider myself doubly rewarded for undergoing chiropractic treatment. Thanks again Dr. Anderson . . . I truly appreciate all that you have done for me.
<img width="100" height="100" align="left" src="/clients/26/images/carpel.tunnel..jpg" alt="carpel.tunnel..jpg" style="margin: 5px; padding: 10px;">
<strong>Carpel Tunnel, Moriah:</strong>
I never thought I&#39;d get anything like carpel tunnel, after all, I didn&#39;t play tennis, golf, or work too much on the computer. After my daughter Marina was born, I started experiencing pain in my elbow, arm, and wrist from nursing. There was no way I was going to stop nursing but I had to do something because it was starting to effect everything. As time passed, every movement in my arm became excruitatingly and painful. I started seeing Dr. Anderson and he put together a program for me that helped right away. First he explained what was going on with my body. He stressed the importance of posture while nursing and that my current posture was putting a strain on my neck, back, shoulders, and going through to my arms, etc. Every appointment he would massage and adjust my neck, back, shoulders, and arms. After about 3 weeks I had completely forgotten I even had carpel tunnel...and I&#39;m still nursing!
<img width="100" height="100" align="left" src="/clients/26/images/sinusandearinfections.jpg" alt="sinusandearinfections.jpg" style="margin: 5px; padding: 10px;">
<strong>Chronic Sinus &amp; Ear Infections, Noah:</strong>
Ever since my son, Noah, was 3 months old, he suffered from sinus and ear infections. Everytime I would take him to the pediatrician the doctor would prescribe him acetaminophen or ear drops. After endless months of infection after infection the doctor said we may need to do surgery. I wanted my son to get well and be free from pain but I freaked out when they mentioned surgery. There was no way I was going to let me little 9 month old go under the knife exploring all the options first. When I told my sister, who is also an MD about the possibility of Noah needing surgery she immediately recommended that I consider alternative medicine by taking him to a chiropractor. With time and research, we decided to try out Discover Wellness Center. Noah was adjusted just twice by Dr. Anderson, and has not had an ear infection since! It has been 6 months now and Noah has been adjusted just three more times and still no infections!
<img width="100" height="100" align="left" src="/clients/26/images/headaches.jpg" alt="headaches.jpg" style="margin: 5px; padding: 10px;">
<strong>Headaches, Laticia:</strong>
I&#39;ve always played sports, but started experiencing headaches right around the time I started high school. My junior year my headaches started to get really bad. When basketball season started I knew something had to be done. My coach recommended I try seeing a chiropractor. So we called Dr. Anderson and told him about my problem. He suggested we come in and talk to him about how chiropractic could help. It&#39;s amazing how just a few chiropractic adjustments made feel. All of a sudden I was feeling more energized and not getting headaches... and my game has improved! Who would have thought?!
<img width="100" height="100" align="left" src="/clients/26/images/neck_shoulder_back.pain.jpg" alt="neck_shoulder_back.pain.jpg" style="margin: 5px; padding: 10px;">
<strong>Neck, Shoulder, &amp; Back Pain, Carlos:</strong>
I first met Dr. Anderson after participating in a health survey at the gym. At the time, I was experiencing neck, shoulder, back pain, and just about every kind of body pain you could think of. A nerve scan was conducted and it showed interference to all those areas I described. I immediately scheduled an appointment to see Dr. Anderson and came in for a complete evaluation and x-rays. Dr. Anderson then explained to me what a &quot;subluxation&quot; was and that it was putting pressure on my nerves therefore affecting their function and communication to different parts of the body. I realized at that moment my wellbeing was more important than money. I have now been under chiropractic care for nine months and I&#39;m feeling better than I have in a long time. I believe Chiropractic care goes hand in hand with exercising at the gym and my flexibility and posture have also improved as a result. Dr. Anderson explained to me that this is not a cure but that this is a lifestyle change and a process designed to correct a vital part of our precious bodies. This philosophy works and I am very thankful that I took the first step into a life changing process.
<img width="100" height="100" align="left" src="/clients/26/images/sciatica.jpg" alt="sciatica.jpg" style="margin: 5px; padding: 10px;">
<strong>Sciatica, Brianna:</strong>
Thanks Dr. Anderson...You were right! I remember when I came to you the last month of my pregnancy with the sciatica. I couldn&#39;t walk or move at all! It was the worst thing ever! But, you helped me through it with the adjustments and massage therapy. It didn&#39;t go away completely but I always felt so much better after visiting with you, my condition definetly improved. You reassured me that I would get better and that I would be completely back to normal after I delivered the baby. I remember seeing other pregnant women and thinking how lucky they were to be able to walk normal and have an easy pregnacy. After my baby was born, it was like a miracle...just like you said, I was back to normal! Thanks again!
<img width="100" height="100" align="left" src="/clients/26/images/shoulder.pain_1.jpg" alt="shoulder.pain_1.jpg" style="margin: 5px; padding: 10px;">
<strong>Shoulder Pain, Aaron:</strong>
I would like to express my gratitude to Dr. Anderson and the staff at Discover Wellness Center for helping me to recover from an extremely painful ailment involving my right shoulder.It has been a recovery that is almost miraculous and if I had not undergone it, I would not have believed that such a turn of events would be possible at all. Due to a major tumor surgery several years ago which removed a large amount of muscle, the area around my right shoulder had become restricted from full range of motion with some muscle groups compensating for those that had been removed by surgery. Before long, the shoulder condition had degenerated, movement was restricted and the pain had become so unbearable that I was taking powerful prescription pain killers. The condition got worse until I could barely comb my hair, put my clothes on or even shift the gears in my car. I now had severe frozen shoulder. Out of desperation, I started to do research on the internet and asked other friends and family about chiropractic. The feedback from others was quite positive. There seemed to be a slight ray of hope other than having another surgery. What is important is that I can truly say that my shoulder is now 98% cured! The pain is almost completely gone and I continue to do the exercises prescribed by Dr. Anderson. I have my life back and all this has been achieved without any drugs or surgery, just chiropractic adjustments, effective use of ice packs, therapeutic soft tissue massage and muscle strengthening.
<img width="100" height="100" align="left" src="/clients/26/images/sports.injury.jpg" alt="sports.injury.jpg" style="margin: 5px; padding: 10px;">
<strong>Sports Injury, Katie:</strong>
It happened this past winter. I went up to the mountains with a bunch of friends. I was approaching the lifts when an out-of-control snowboarder slammed right into me. I don&#39;t remember much, but I remember going face down into the snow--hard. Everything blacked out. I think I was out for about a good 30 seconds. I could hear my friends hovering above me, calling my name, waiting for a response. I couldn&#39;t speak or move. A few minutes later I was taken to the local emergency hospital. It turned out I was ok. I had passed out and was experiencing some major whiplash. The X-Rays came out fine, but I was in major pain. I couldn&#39;t move my neck and my back was stiff and sore. When my mother heard what had happened she was very concerned--of course. She had been seeing you for years and took the initiativew to schedule me in to see you. I must admit, I was a skeptic. After a few weeks of adjustments and rehab I had already forgotten the whole thing had happened. Thanks again!
<img width="100" height="100" align="left" src="/clients/26/images/sports.injury.neil.jpg" alt="sports.injury.neil.jpg" style="margin: 5px; padding: 10px;">
<strong>Sports Injury, Neil:</strong>
It&#39;s been 7 months since I got totalled by a monster wave. Since then my life has never been the same. I remember coming out of the water and not being able to walk or move. My girlfriend insisted on taking me to the hospital right away. I immediately had X-Rays taken and the doctors said everything seemed normal, but I knew that was the case. When I went back to see them after a week of being hunched over, limping, and exhausted from lack or sleep they still said there was nothing they could do. A friend suggested I see a chiropractor and that is when I came to see you. One adjustment was all it took to make a world of difference. I was back to my normal self again. Before I never knew what a chiropractor was or even believed in alternative medicine, but now you&#39;ve made me a believer.
<img width="100" height="100" align="left" src="/clients/26/images/stress.daniel.jpg" alt="stress.daniel.jpg" style="margin: 5px; padding: 10px;">
<strong>Stress, Daniel:</strong>
Several years ago, I began experiencing a lot of stress and lack of sleep. At the suggestion of a friend, I called Discover Wellness Center in hopes of resolving the condition. Dr. Anderson determined the problem was actually being caused by stress and lifestyle choices. Dr. Anderson and the team at Discover Wellness Center put together a wellness program incorporating massage, nutrition, and exercise. I must say, I have never felt better. Now I more relaxed, sleep well and am living a more balanced and full-filling life . . . and I have since been promoted! Thanks to all of you!
<img width="100" height="100" align="left" src="/clients/26/images/elderly1.jpg" alt="elderly1.jpg" style="margin: 5px; padding: 10px;">
<strong>Wellness, Max &amp; Marilyn:</strong>
Dr. Anderson&#39; whole wellness approach has really changed us. Despite our age, our new wellness lifestyle right away made us feel young and free. We now realize and understand the power of the mind/body connection. Even our children and grandchildren are benefiting from your lifestyle advice--our whole family is living a richer life! Dr. Anderson you have been a wonderful and supportive guide in our family&#39;s personal quest for health...Thank You!
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