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Created February 10, 2024 01:20
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import sys
import struct
import subprocess
import os
import os.path
# usage: python3 TARGET_BINARY_PATH [args...]
# spawns the specified target in a "blocked but not suspended" state that allows frida to attach.
# for more details see:
# dependencies: clang, lldb
# for Intel Macs only, tested with lldb-1500.0.22.8 on Sonoma 14.3
# warning: hacky code ahead
C_HELPER = """
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#define TMP_HELPER_IPC_FP "/tmp/frida_patcher_helper_ipc"
#define ERR() fprintf(stderr, "err\\n"); exit(1)
// usage: ./helper PROG [ARGS...]
// opens an fd to TMP_HELPER_IPC_FP, then executes PROG in a suspended state.
// the fd is still open in the new process.
// outputs the fd to stdout.
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
if (argc < 2) { ERR(); }
int fd = open(TMP_HELPER_IPC_FP, O_RDONLY);
if (fd < 0) { ERR(); }
printf("%d\\n", fd); fflush(stdout);
if (kill(getpid(), SIGTSTP) != 0) { ERR(); } // suspend
argv++; // increment to the "PROG" argument
if (execv(argv[0], argv) == -1 ) { ERR(); }
HELPER_BIN_FP = os.getcwd() + "/frida_patcher_helper"
# mustn't contain quotes or spaces
TMP_IPC_FP = "/tmp/frida_patcher_ipc"
TMP_HELPER_IPC_FP = "/tmp/frida_patcher_helper_ipc"
TMP_PY_FP = "/tmp/"
TMP_C_FP = "/tmp/frida_patcher_helper.c"
TMP_PAYLOAD_FP = "/tmp/frida_patcher_payload.bin"
STAGE_2_MODULE = TMP_PY_FP.split("/")[-1][:-3]
# payload pseudocode:
# // NOTE: this probably isn't required because we try to inject before any user code
# backupRegisters();
# char b;
# while (1) {
# syscall(SYS_read, i32, &b, 1);
# if (b == '1') {
# break;
# }
# }
# restoreRegisters();
# returnToUserCode();
# "i32" is the file descriptor passed to read() and is inserted dynamically into the payload
BASE_PAYLOAD_P1 = bytes.fromhex("9c505756525141534883ec08c6042400b803000002")
# in between: "bfxxxxxxxx" (mov edi, i32)
BASE_PAYLOAD_P2 = bytes.fromhex("4889e6ba010000000f058a04243c3175e54883c408415b595a5e5f589d")
# after: "e9xxxxxxxx" (jmp rel32)
# cmd can't contain untrusted input (not prod ready)
def shell(cmd):
out =, shell=True, capture_output=True)
return out.stdout.decode("utf-8")
def sh_esc_quote(s):
return s.replace("'", "'''")
if not IN_LLDB:
# stage 1
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print("usage: python3 TARGET_BINARY_PATH [args...]"); sys.exit(1)
shell(f"{{ echo 'IN_LLDB = True'; tail +2 '{sh_esc_quote(__file__)}'; }} > {TMP_PY_FP}")
target_bin = sys.argv[1:]
bin_fp = target_bin[0]
bin_name = bin_fp.split("/")[-1]
if "'" in bin_name:
print("err: illegal char in bin name"); sys.exit(1)
print("spawning helper...")
shell(f"rm -f {TMP_HELPER_IPC_FP}; touch {TMP_HELPER_IPC_FP}")
# compile the helper binary if it doesn't already exist
if not os.path.exists(HELPER_BIN_FP):
with open(TMP_C_FP, "w") as f:
print(f"compiling helper binary to {HELPER_BIN_FP}...")
print(shell(f"cc {TMP_C_FP} -o '{sh_esc_quote(HELPER_BIN_FP)}'"))
popen_args = [HELPER_BIN_FP, *target_bin]
helper_p = subprocess.Popen(popen_args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
print(f"spawned helper with pid {}")
# read fd from helper's stdout
line = ""
while 1:
c = helper_p.stdout.read1(1)
c = c.decode("utf-8")
if c:
line += c
if c == "\n":
fd = int(line[:-1])
# pass data to stage 2
with open(TMP_IPC_FP, "w") as f:
print("spawning lldb...")
lldb_p = subprocess.Popen(["/usr/bin/lldb", "--no-use-colors", "-b", "-o", f"command script import {TMP_PY_FP}", "-p", f"{}"])
print(f"add the following line to your ~/.zprofile:")
print(f"alias frida2=\"frida -e new\\ File\\(\\'{TMP_HELPER_IPC_FP}\\',\\'w\\'\\).write\\(\\'1\\'\\)\"", end="\n\n")
print("then run your frida script like so:")
print(f"frida2 -p {} -l <path to script> [args...]", end="\n\n")
print("the target process will automatically resume after the script runs\n")
print("waiting for target to exit...")
print("utf-8"), end="")
# stage 2 (runs inside lldb)
import lldb
# captures and returns the output
def run_lldb_cmd(ci, cmd, ec=None, print_c=True):
if print_c:
res = lldb.SBCommandReturnObject()
if ec:
ci.HandleCommand(cmd, ec, res)
ci.HandleCommand(cmd, res)
if res.Succeeded():
return res.GetOutput()
return res.GetError() # TODO: signal error
# absolute func addr -> rel32 (bytes)
def to_rel_32(curr_addr, f_addr):
diff = f_addr - curr_addr
return struct.pack("<i", diff)
g_stop_hook_enabled = True
class StopHook():
def __init__(self, target, extra_args, internal_dict):
def handle_stop(self, exe_ctx, stream):
global g_stop_hook_enabled
if g_stop_hook_enabled:
g_stop_hook_enabled = False
return True
def main_1(debugger, internal_dict):
print("hello from stage 2")
# get bin_name from stage 1
with open(TMP_IPC_FP, "r") as f:
bin_name = f.readline()[:-1]
ci = debugger.GetCommandInterpreter()
# continue until "stop reason = exec", which indicates the helper executed the target binary
print(run_lldb_cmd(ci, "c"))
# we'll now be in a dyld function, so we continue to the target binary's code
print(run_lldb_cmd(ci, f"break set -s '{bin_name}' -r '.*'"), end="")
print(run_lldb_cmd(ci, f"target stop-hook add -P {STAGE_2_MODULE}.StopHook"), end="")
# after a breakpoint is hit, StopHook() is called, which calls main_2()
print(run_lldb_cmd(ci, "c"), end="")
def main_2(exe_ctx):
# get bin_name and fd from stage 1
with open(TMP_IPC_FP, "r") as f:
bin_name = f.readline()[:-1]
fd = int(f.readline()[:-1])
ec = exe_ctx
ci =
out = run_lldb_cmd(ci, f"register read pc", ec=ec); print(out, end="")
pc_s = out.strip().split()[2]
if not pc_s.startswith("0x"):
print("err: unexpected output from command (1)"); return 1
curr_pc = int(pc_s, 16)
# there's usually quite a bit of unused space in between the __TEXT segmentand __TEXT.__text
# (where the code begins), so we'll place our payload here
sections = run_lldb_cmd(ci, f"target modules dump sections '{bin_name}'", ec=ec); print("\n" + sections, end="\n")
sections_l = sections.split("\n")[3:-1]
text_text_addr = None
for line in sections_l:
line_l = line.strip().split()
if line_l[-1].endswith(".__TEXT.__text"):
addr_s = line_l[2][1:line_l[2].index("-")]
text_text_addr = int(addr_s, 16)
if not text_text_addr:
print("err: unexpected output from command (2)"); return 1
print("program code starts at: " + hex(text_text_addr))
# construct the payload
payload = BASE_PAYLOAD_P1
# add the fd to the payload
fd_i32_bs = struct.pack("<i", fd)
payload += b"\xbf" + fd_i32_bs
payload += BASE_PAYLOAD_P2
payload_len = len(payload) + 5
# add a jmp back to original PC to payload
# address at which to write payload (squeezes right up against the program code without
# overwriting it)
payload_w_addr = text_text_addr - payload_len
payload_end_addr = text_text_addr
print(f"will write at {hex(payload_w_addr)}")
payload += b"\xe9" + to_rel_32(payload_end_addr, curr_pc)
print(payload.hex(" "))
# start writing payload
print(run_lldb_cmd(ci, f"memory read {hex(payload_w_addr)}", ec=ec, print_c=False), end="")
print(run_lldb_cmd(ci, f"memory read {hex(payload_w_addr + 32)}", ec=ec, print_c=False), end="")
print(run_lldb_cmd(ci, f"memory read {hex(payload_w_addr + 64)}", ec=ec, print_c=False), end="")
with open(TMP_PAYLOAD_FP, "wb") as f:
print(run_lldb_cmd(ci, f"memory write {hex(payload_w_addr)} -i {TMP_PAYLOAD_FP}", ec=ec), end="")
print(run_lldb_cmd(ci, f"memory read {hex(payload_w_addr)}", ec=ec, print_c=False), end="")
print(run_lldb_cmd(ci, f"memory read {hex(payload_w_addr + 32)}", ec=ec, print_c=False), end="")
print(run_lldb_cmd(ci, f"memory read {hex(payload_w_addr + 64)}", ec=ec, print_c=False), end="")
# payload is written, now we just need to jump to it
print(run_lldb_cmd(ci, f"thread jump --force -a {hex(payload_w_addr)}", ec=ec), end="")
print(run_lldb_cmd(ci, f"break del -f", ec=ec), end="")
# done!
# at this point, the target is blocked and will resume when the character "1" is written to
# TMP_HELPER_IPC_FP, e.g. like so:
# echo 1 > /tmp/frida_patcher_helper_ipc
def __lldb_init_module(debugger, internal_dict):
main_1(debugger, internal_dict)
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