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Last active August 25, 2022 00:16
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  • Save Dr-Emann/a774bad40fc6f7035b82256b75dcd8aa to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Dr-Emann/a774bad40fc6f7035b82256b75dcd8aa to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A script to export attachments from ArcGIS Pro 3, pulling fields from either the attach table or the base table. Will create files based on the passed format string (expecting a string like "C:\Path\{CleanID}-{ATT_NAME}")
from __future__ import print_function
import os.path
import string
import sys
from functools import lru_cache
import arcpy
from arcpy import da
_orig_stdout = sys.stdout
_orig_stderr = sys.stderr
log_file = open(r"C:\Users\JordanFox\OneDrive - Center for Watershed Protection\Desktop\fancylog.txt", "w", buffering=1)
print("Python Version: {}".format(sys.version), file=log_file)
sys.stdout = log_file
sys.stderr = log_file
base_table: str = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)
# Pass a filename format like `C:\dir\FILE_NAME-{CleanID}-{ATT_NAME}
format_str: str = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1)
print("base_table: {}".format(base_table))
print("format_str: {}".format(format_str))
if not (base_table and format_str):
arcpy.AddError("Expected two arguments: the base table, and a filename pattern")
if base_table.endswith("__ATTACH"):
arcpy.AddWarning("Expected a base table as first parameter, does it really end in __ATTACH?")
attach_table = base_table + "__ATTACH"
def which_table(column: str) -> str:
print("Trying to find column {}".format(column))
for t in (attach_table, base_table):
with da.SearchCursor(t, [column]) as cursor:
item = next(iter(cursor))
if item[0] is None or item[0] == "":
raise Exception("Got None")
# Success
table_name = "base" if t == base_table else "attach"
print("Found column '{}' in {}".format(column, table_name))
return table_name
except Exception:
print("No column '{}' in {}".format(column, t))
raise Exception("Found no column '{}' on either table".format(column))
base_table_columns = []
attach_table_columns = []
format_args = set(
[column for _, column, _, _ in string.Formatter().parse(format_str) if column is not None]
print("Format args: {}".format(format_args))
if not format_args:
raise Exception("expected some format arguments (like `{SimpleID}`)")
for format_arg in format_args:
if format_arg == "":
raise "Expected all named format args! {FieldName}, not {}"
if which_table(format_arg) == "base":
def dict_from_columns(columns, row) -> dict:
result = {}
for i, column in enumerate(columns):
result[column] = row[i]
return result
def from_base_table(global_id) -> dict:
if not base_table_columns:
return {}
print("Finding {} in base table".format(global_id))
global_id = str(global_id)
field = arcpy.AddFieldDelimiters(base_table, "GlobalID")
where_clause = "{} = '{}'".format(field, global_id)
with da.SearchCursor(base_table, base_table_columns, where_clause) as cursor:
items = list(cursor)
if len(items) != 1:
raise Exception("Expected a single item in the base table with global id")
item = items[0]
return dict_from_columns(base_table_columns, item)
for column in EXTRA_COLUMNS:
if column in attach_table_columns:
with da.SearchCursor(attach_table, EXTRA_COLUMNS + attach_table_columns) as cursor:
for item in cursor:
att_name, data, rel_globalid = item[:3]
if "." in att_name:
period_pos = att_name.find(".")
extension = att_name[period_pos:]
# Take a guess
extension = ".jpg"
arg_values = dict_from_columns(attach_table_columns, item[3:])
arg_values["ATT_NAME"] = att_name
arg_values["DATA"] = data
arg_values["REL_GLOBALID"] = rel_globalid
filename = format_str.format(**arg_values)
if "." not in filename:
filename += extension
directory = os.path.dirname(filename)
if not os.path.exists(directory):
print("{} does not exist yet, trying to create".format(directory))
os.makedirs(directory, exist_ok=True)
with open(filename, "wb") as f:
print("Wrote {}", filename)
del data
del item
sys.stdout = _orig_stdout
sys.stderr = _orig_stderr
del log_file
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